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Taygeta Transcripts Engels 2020
Taygeta Transcripts Engels 2018 / 2019
Nanotechnology and EMP Pulses in Vaccinated People - Aneeka responds questions from Dr Alex
Originally in Spanish:
Dr. Alex: I am part of a group that has built a 1 000 watt electromagnetic pulse generator and we want to do tests on vaccinated people who are repentant. I know Anéeka said the benefit would only be temporary. But we want to know exactly how long the effect lasts. Minutes, hours, days, weeks? How do we know?
Another question: Many vaccinees are detected with a MAC Code which is a number, I think 8 digits long. Only some older cell phones detect these numbers. We want to look for this number in vaccinated people, apply electromagnetic pulse shots and see if the MAC number disappears. Then check them periodically to see how long it takes for the MAC number to reappear. How many shots should be given to a person, where should it be applied (pricked arm, head, thorax...) and at what distance from the skin? I repeat, the device is 1000 watts.
Ask them what they think of this project. We want to record it on video and distribute it through the net so people can see how the identification number disappears (if it happens) so they can see that they have something technological inoculated inside and wake up!
Last question, in some vaccinated people the number doesn´t appear. Here we are considering the possibility that graphene should be charged with energy, for example with WIFI or other energetic waves. If that is true, we could make someone who does not get the number get close to a source of radiation that charges the graphene and the number would appear? I don't know if I've made myself clear. That's before the electromagnetic trigger. And finally, we are rising the power to 1800 watts. Would that be enough to disactivate the graphene temporarily?
Anéeka: The electromagnetic pulse issue is the one we studied the least here when we had the samples. The reason is that we were disheartened to see the results.
What we saw is that the nanotechnology only deactivated while the pulse was being generated, and its re-activation was almost immediate, I'm talking seconds.
The watts, or the wattage we used was small, 300w to 750w only, so with 1 500w there might have been better results, but I can't really give an opinion for lack of more information. I just remember K'áal'el saying that the result would be the same in theory, on "paper", so we didn't go down that road.
What we did investigate was disabling them by reversing their very output frequency with which they would communicate with 5G microwave networks and the like, using the principle of destructive frequencies.
The result was that while these are applied the communication between the nano-graphene and the 5G was logically reduced to zero, restarting when that frequency was removed.
So we do recommend the use of isolation systems for the subject, such as being inside a Faraday Cage, or removing the 5G and other microwave communication fields from the subject's presence.
I accept that this field needs more research, so I am fine with them doing experiments.
According to what we investigate here, graphene is not charged with energy from any electromagnetic field, but it does become activated in the presence of the signal from such an electromagnetic communications field. This is because the nano-graphene uses or is powered by the bio-electric field of the inoculated person.
Robert: But is it true that they emit that code number?
Anéeka: Yes, it is true that they emit a code, like a cell phone ID. For us here this is not only like a car license plate in a digital form that identifies the inoculated people, but it is also a proof of the transmission of the nano-graphene with the electromagnetic communications field.
What they are detecting is not just the "license plate", but a transmission test, comparable to a TV broadcaster transmitting a color bar image with a view to transmitting a more complex image or program a little later. It is a "systems ready to go". The nano-graphene will transmit much more data and detail when it is fully up and running.
Robert: So it's like they are relaying their aura? To know how healthy you are among other things. And I imagine that number is fixed for each inoculated person, right?
Anéeka: No, I mean that the TV stations used to transmit a signal in colored bars before starting their transmission and regular programming. Like in the 70's and 80's. It is a "systems ready" that the graphene transmits to let the electromagnetic field know that it is ready to receive instructions.
Yes, it is a fixed number, but the data transmission of the nano-graphene is complex and dynamic when it is activated with the field.
Robert: So now they are tuning them to see how this identification system works?
Anéeka: Yes.
Robert: What do you think they might transmit, Anéeka?
Anéeka: It is not what I think... it is what I have seen in the laboratory that they transmit:
ID of the inoculate, its geolocation position, its bio-medical data in detail, environmental microphone functions (in theory video as well), status of the genetic change processes that the nano-graphene is performing inside the cells of the inoculate, and any other two-way system, receiving and transmitting.
Example of this are the transmissions of Synthetic Telepathy, of two kinds of the open one, where the subject realizes and perceives it, ‘voice of god’ for example, and the one of modification and control of behavior at total level, where the subject is guided in his way of thinking, reacting, before the external stimulus, and even what he should think.
This is not only dependent on nano-graphene and is not an exaggeration in any way, since this technology has already been used without the need to be inoculated.
An example of this is the modification of human behavior and conduct by remote control, to reduce or stop street riots, or to cause them at the will of the controllers. The possibilities are vast.
Robert: Total Farm.
Anéeka: It is the ultimate plan, yes. It will depend on the people whether they allow it or not. On how many of them are awake, and fight for their freedom
-Aneeka the Tamer – Taygeta
Orginal Spanisch
Anéeka: They just still believe that the aliens want the earth because it's a garden of life and the other planets are not here. That's not what's happening here. What they want is the humans themselves. Ok, so is the earth, but for interstellar beings, whether the next "M" class earth or planet is in Alpha Centauri, or in the Hyades at 60 light years, or in Canis minor, it doesn't matter, because in Hyper Space, as all ETs move, no distances are observed.
What they want with Earth is humanity itself and for various reasons, by the simple fact that it is them again, their family, mirrors, friends incarnated there, or by simple exploitation.
Robert: And what would ET want the people themselves for? As energetic slaves?
Anéeka: From the standpoint of the simplest explanation yes. By energy exploitation because they need it to exist, because those beings and entities are egregores of humanity itself. They eat creative concentrated attention of the kind that is generated in fear.
Though I know this reason eludes simple minds who think in a human way that tangible material resources are involved. Simply because there is so much outside to mine from is not the reason.
That they see that as the reason they want the earth is a reflection of their lack of mentality, the mentality that is experienced on earth. Here in terms of material there are no or few shortcomings. What matters is what is in the matter of consciousness, manifestation of realities and control over those two things.
For example, do you want gold? Asteroids belt. Do they want water? Asteroid belt. Strange, rare things, chemical elements? Asteroid belt.
And if they have enough technology with a replicator, they have the matter, element or material they want. They're not going to call the shots". It's something else more complex.
Robert: Yes. More metaphysical as you would expect. The reflection thing sounds very logical. Yes, issue of consciousness. Manifestation of realities. And why have control over that? Does it provide any benefit?
Anéeka: It means everything. Control over what they will experience as a race, as a species, as a culture. Her future. What you can call your reality.
Robert: What do the Ets gain from that? You mean they want control over it because they are here themselves? Do you want to remove that control that drives people's perceptions? Manifest realities that are not the human's own? I don't know if I explained it well. The control to manifest positive things.
Anéeka: That's what they get as profit. The fact that people believe that the spiritual and the issue of consciousness is a poor or little reason to generate so much interest from aliens, generalizing, is again a reflection of the same human mentality that the benefits should be in material things or power summed up in control over resources, energy or new materials. Because that is what is scarce on Earth.
However, as an interstellar culture, any race advanced enough to navigate through the stars will, as such, have more than adequate resources.
What will interest them is control over reality itself.
Robert: That's what the Federation is doing here in a sense, and the way you explain it clearly shows that the Federation dominates everything on Earth. As you have always said.
Anéeka: Spirituality on earth is as poor or limited a subject as it is a tool for dealing with the harshness of life. As a defense mechanism against how hard it is to live.
This is reflected even in the most advanced religions that say things almost as they are, such as the Buddhist or Buddhist rather. Even this is based on the concept of handling life wisely and not destroying yourself in the process.
But here among the extraterrestrials, spirituality is much stronger and more pronounced ... and remains not only as a slogan for survival, as a defense mechanism, but it is also the basis of everything that is and everything that is desired.
So with a certain level of technological advancement sufficient to traverse the stars, coupled with a sufficiently high level of consciousness, the real resources one wishes to obtain are not material, but those of manipulation of densities and existential realities.
One must think like ET to understand their true intentions for the earth.
Robert: Yes. I see. That's what I'm trying to do. See things from your angle.
Anéeka: Their gold, their minerals or their water are nothing for advanced alien races. Just observe and respect as a partial reflection of its own mentality of respect and preservation. They respect each other. But they are not something to covet.
Robert: You project your interior outward in everything. Coveting the things of others is not very spiritual.
Anéeka: In other ufological circles on Earth it is said that ETs are interested in DNA. An example of this is what Alex Collier or Barbara Marciniak teach.
This is partially true and is a step closer to the truth than thinking in purely physical means. But you have to look a little further, since ETs who are so advanced know that DNA is only the physical reflection of the memory that characterizes and defines it from the soul-attachment consciousness linked to that DNA.
Now back to controlling material resources on earth. This part is also valid because this is a very complex dynamic, the one that takes place around the earth, since the difference between ET and human is not that clear, it is a gray and blurred line that separates ET from human.
So yes, there are levels or parts, whether they are human or semi-human, working on Earth, wanting to dominate the physical and energy resources of the planet. However, that does not reflect the mentality of whole aliens who are not on earth in human form. It does not reflect the alien culture as such and what it defines between cooperative races or species.
Robert: I imagine it does. Yes. In this known universe taking an average "of 5D". Broadening of consciousness. You have different preferences. And why not leave that control to the earthlings themselves?
Aneeka: Because the line between ET and human is gray. And from the ground up, it's easy to confuse human interests with power, Cabal-Empresas, with the interests of really non-human alien races.
Robert: Yes. All of that has to be removed. So that people can manifest what they really want. Without external interests for them. Otherwise, people will never progress. And now more than ever. We are in a total war.
Anéeka: The war, however, is still largely human.
Robert: Yes. Its creation. Only the awakened see or perceive reality.
Anéeka: On the level of everyone, yes.
Robert: Again you are breaking all these stories and myths of ETs coming to extract the natural resources of the earth. That's very basic. And, as you say, they are internal reflections and shortcomings of those who say those things.
Aneeka: Yes. They are often on the right track. But they still have to understand many things.
Robert: Yes. They need to talk to the ETs. They lack contact.
Aneeka: Yes. But even if I am ET, I can see my world, what surrounds me, only to the limit of my understanding, just like everyone else. However my point of interest if it's from outside, then for what it's worth thinking about or I share another angle of the same problem.
Robert: It's so clear. Not Enki who created human slaves to extract gold or absurd things.
Aneeka: It's that again it depends on the level of the entities we're talking about.
Robert: Yes. But those entities that would be interested in human resources are created by the same people, right? All creation of human beings. That's what people are not clear about.
Anéeka: Again, about the idea that aliens want to dominate Earth's resources and energy, as a reflection of the same human mindset that perceives, it is valid, but they confuse the interests of domination of resources and energy of the corporate Cabal and hybrids on Earth with the interests of fully interstellar ETs and with technological levels such that they already control the power to extract matter from energy. This above is an important point to understand.
Robert: Yes. For replicators of matter. But most, if not all members of the Federation here, would agree with you, right? In what you have exposed above.
Anéeka: Members and advanced races Local Federation, the known ones, yes, they would agree with me, this what I just said is not only my personal opinion, but I give it based on what I have observed and understood when I lived with the rest of the civilizations and friendly races with whom mine has cordial and friendly relations.
Robert: Yes. These points are super interesting. They are different. Logical and consistent. From someone who is from this planet. You can't have an ET mentality if you don't live by that. Or... If you don't "live" with them, as we do.
Aneeka: That's how it is. What you see of me is a reflection of my unconscious. Of what I am inside. That's why I get it. It's just who I am.
Robert: Yes. Make the water clearer. I like it. The point is, how can some of us realize this and others not? Maybe because our interior is reflected in your words? And we make it "ours"?
Anéeka: They don't have a reference base.
Robert: I understand. But they can only have that reference if they have contact with the ETs at some point.
Anéeka: You have the base, you have the necessary base, others don't. As long as they have the right mindset, and that's not easy.
Robert: And less on earth where the "real" is unreal and the "unreal" is the real. Anéeka, when you talk about hybrids on earth, they are biological suits of people, with every entity in them, right? Those are hybrids. It's that the same people think of different things.
Anéeka: The term hybrids is very broad. It's that a hybrid comes from a star seed that has a fully human body, the kind that doesn't change when they are extracted, for example Suriko not to go on, or also entities or technologically altered bodies that split genes from a non-human race with humans. Or the result of a natural cross between a human species, genetically compatible with humans, and a terrestrial human person, such as the Alfrateans among others.
Robert: I understand. But not a hybrid between a lizard and a human. They cannot be reproduced and, as we said, species are not created that way. And if they were created like the Maitrers, they would have to be reproduced artificially, right?
Anéeka: Yes, otherwise they would have limited reproduction. This is also exacerbated because the person who genetically creates a hybrid also wants to control its reproduction. All this has already been explained in our articles on DNA.
Robert: Yes. Control the reproduction of it. Again, a reflection of who said it.
Aneeka: Yes.
Robert: And another thing. Those ETs that, if they're interested in terrestrial resources, are human creations? It's to have things clear. I would say Yes.
Aneeka: Yes, or they are subject to the same problems of humanity being part of the same dynamics of the earth, as the intraterrestrial reptilian races reflecting abroad with treaties with world leaders-cabal. This level if you want to control material and energy resources, as well as the human mind.
Robert: Yes, they are experts in controlling the human mind.
Anéeka: But even if they are not human beings themselves, they still have the same "human" mentality because they are subject to the same existential dynamics. However, this does not reflect the mentality of high-tech ETs outside of Earth.
And the level of said high technological progress is measured by two things:
- the efficiency in its interstellar capability and
- its ability to generate any material or physical element from energy.
If you observe the implications of these two previous points carefully, you will understand that both imply that they are not interested in the material and energy resources of any particular planet, in this case Earth. For they have already mastered and solved that. Because only a small group of low technology would be interested in the resources as such of the earth. And they are interested in the specific resources of the earth because it reflects the fact that they are dependent on the earth or limited to the earth.
So this is another argument for understanding that extraterrestrial civilizations with a certain high level of progress are not interested in the resources or materials or energy of a particular planet, but in the implications of consciousness and spirituality of those planets.
Robert: Yes. In this case, the inhabitants with a certain level of mental development, right? Spiritual development. Because if that wasn't there, it would be difficult, right?
Anéeka: Yes, as a mass of the population of those races.
Robert: In the case of Earth, the human mass.
Anéeka: The technological level of any race or advanced interstellar species depends on its own population. It is a direct reflection of the spiritual and consciousness level of said people.
So all desires for dominance over material and energy resources remain motivations that come from those who are on earth. It is still a direct reflection of the earth mentality.
Robert: Yes. That now, after what you share with us, is very clear.
That would be one of the reasons why the Reptiles of Earth cannot be contacted to change their way of thinking or is that way of thinking their modus vivendi?
Anéeka: Good luck with it . It is the same as contacting people with a small earthly consciousness and asking them to change their mentality for the good of all.
It will not be possible.
Robert: This question was obligatory because someone will ask it.
Exactly, you are not the same in form and shape.
Anéeka: Thank you, yes, I have realized that, which questions I have to clarify in anticipation of what the public will say.
Robert: You also contact us and not the reptiles because you are most similar in shape and form. With the reptiles they will have to connect other reptiles that are positive.
Anéeka: Yes, because for reptiles we are very ugly and they cannot tolerate contact, nor do they agree in mentality.
4 Year Anniversary of our Taygetan Contact - SURPRISE and Message from Aneeka - MUST SEE
This is the message that Aneeka left at the end of the video:
Anéeka: To all.
I know the media or means of communication over the last 4 years has been controversial, but it has been the only way to get past the countless filters of both the Federation and Earth governments and their relentless censorship. If contact were in any way more direct the same Earth governments and their 3-letter agencies would stop everything.
Because what matters to us here is to pass the information, to filter it to Earth, to you, so that it exists there, and without this medium, even if it is full of restrictions, it simply could not be done.
The important thing about this contact is the information and that it inspires, informs, and gives you all a different option of how to think, and the cosmology of reality outside of Earth.
This contact is for you, as direct as possible, and always looking for ways to bypass restrictions, especially earthly ones. It is about the information, not so much about us who give it. Because the moment we go beyond a certain vague line and give some kind of proof other than the information itself, they would stop everything, and the rest of the information needed to be planted on Earth could not be given. So, we must always operate on the edge of the precipice, and often on the principle that less is more.
I know that many times you must look for the strongest or most essential messages within our daily information, the most attention grabbing, this is by design as well and are protective layers to avoid censorship.
I send huge thanks to all of you who have supported us and continue to support us throughout these 4 years. I send you an enormous hug. Stay strong and only listen to the voice of your minds and consciences, without the need of authorities external to yourselves. Being responsible for your actions, thoughts, criteria, and your whole person and what goes with it. This is the key. Believe in yourself and follow yourself and do not be manipulated by fear.
Remember that if you think in a way that what you are officially told and assured is false and the alternative is true, using your head to filter with your mind what is correct and what is not, you will find that you will be closer to the truth and tangible reality.
Remember that basically nothing is true of what you are officially told on Earth, including history and science, and everything is put in there and said with a goal to manipulate perceptions and reality.
In a world where all information is contradictory, whether alternative or official, the only way to approach the truth is to listen to all possible sources, and then take responsibility for forming your own independent judgment, with full courage, whether or not the result of that personal reasoning is logical or socially acceptable.
Stay strong. A big hug.
- Anéeka
20211222-Taygeta- Cabal- surrendering- in- antartica- false- athena
Cabal Surrendering in Antartica? FALSE - Athena Swaruu Responds
Originally in English
Gosia: Athena, what do you think of this news out there that supposedly the Cabal leaders go to Antarctica to surrender to Extraterrestrials & Earth Alliance, to discuss terms of their surrender?
Swaruu X (Athena): How come nothing useful is stopping from the point of view of what humanity needs, and needs yesterday because it's already too late for most vaxxed?
No, no way that is possible, but this also sounds as distorted truth. Meaning that world puppet leaders go to Antarctica to "surrender", more like pledge their allegiance to their controllers, Deep Cabal, Reptilian and other non-human races representing Federation. Not as in surrendering after a war. Pledging their allegiance yes.
So basically, distorted truth. And the top controllers to whom they pledge their allegiance and "surrender" as in Federation representatives are permissive and under the rule of letting the human population go through, and learn from, their mistakes.
So they will not intervene as described by many, and we insist this subject is the same Q/QAnon theme, only applied to space, and it is most certainly controlled by three letter agencies.
About Antarctica. It's basically where human governments meet ET government (Federation). It´s basically a place where they (all involved) can control humanity from the surface with high tech bases, knowing that it's off limits to the human population. There are old bases, some in ruins, some ancient, some with destroyed cities, secret archaeological sites, and many new bases, military mostly, both human and non-human, mostly bordering the entrance to inner Earth. Those bases are all Federation controlled.
Gosia: A question, if they are Federation controlled, and all those Reptilians going there, you say representing Federation... so the Federation works with those Reptilians, and those negative races? Is that a Viera, Andromedan, sector of the Federation? I don´t think so, as they are ignorant of what´s going on, no?
Swaruu X (Athena): Yes, they are working with, or include Reptilian leaders of various races, cannot know which, but logically those on Earth. How they coordinate, we cannot know exactly but they do. Viera sector does not know apparently.
20211220-Taygeta-Yazhi-Swaruu-and-the issues-of human-past-perceptual
Yazhi Swaruu and the Issues of Human Past - Perceptual and Laboratory Influences
Originally in Spanish
Yazhi: 12,500 years ago, in pre-dynastic Egypt, an idea emerged to impose a perceptual reality with controlled limitations upon a race that so desired for the experience with a view to form another reality by manipulation of ideas, and their interpretations.
Who participated? A collective of Federation races of which you know: Urmah, Sirians, Pleiadians in all their flavors, Andromedans, Arcturians.
There has always been direct genetic manipulation And there still is more than ever, as with vaccines.
The thing is that any genetic manipulation on the cellular code of a creature in laboratory, will disappear after a few generations, (except if they are sterile).
Therefore, the only way to keep such artificial genetic manipulation functioning is by using mental manipulation, mind and perception control, to force or create a reality that reinforces and maintains the genetic changes made in the laboratory.
In this way people´s genetic code is first altered in a laboratory and then the change is maintained and prevented from reverting back to natural DNA by using mind control methods that are compatible with or reinforce such artificial changes.
Robert: So it goes hand in hand right now, mind control and "papayas", to continue creating this human race?
Yazhi: Yes, but a genetic change or alteration to an organism or body, in this case the human body, will not return to the initial natural code in that same body. That is to say, in the body damaged by the genetic modification, that change is permanent, as is cutting off an arm or a hand.
And the genetic code will only return to the natural one after one to several generations of their descendants (i.e., if you cut off a hand, their children will still be born with two hands, returning the code to what it was). It is the same to impose genetic engineering on a subject, it is the same as micro-aggression and mutilation at the intra-cellular-genetic level).
Robert: Good example.
Yazhi: If the subject has no offspring, the genetic line dies and does not return to the original base, and that is what happens with vaccines.
Cutting off someone's hand or cutting off the genetic code are mutilations that do not last over generations. The creation of a new artificial species (secondary like a human one) depends on genetic alteration with the help of the imposition of mind control to accompany and cement it.
Robert: Yes. So, a salamander would have a great connection with the Source because its limb gets cut off and it reproduces?
Yazhi: Yes, partly yes, but their form of limb duplication already comes within their own genetic code, unlike humans.
Robert: Okay. So what you want to do is avoid that those who are aware of all what is happening are imposed things, right?
Yazhi: Yes. Giving in to pressure is not an option, you must understand that. There is no way to clean up the consequences of having taken the vaccine. They must understand that by any means possible It's a no and it's a no and it's even against the international treaties of Nuremberg.
Robert: But it "only" affects this 3D plane, right?
Yazhi: It affects several planes, mainly the earthly reality plane, but the damage is not only there, as you will see by the reactions they have here. It will and does affect other existential planes and subsequent incarnations. It is scalar.
Robert: Wherever they reincarnate or only if they reincarnate on Earth?
Yazhi: Wherever they go, because they carry the trauma with them.
They wonder what will happen if they are reincarnated on Earth if they are no longer wanted there, all 8 billion. If they are eliminated with vaccines, they will come back, won't they? The problem here is that although that sounds logical it is not the case. Because those who control this know that most of them are Matrix people, empty. Simply put, not all have souls, there are less souls than they claim. There may be 8 billion, (which there are not), but of those, only a fraction are souls. I don't like that word "souls", though. Simplistic.
Souls tend to cluster among the real ones, so your friends will tend to have souls. And those are the ones who will be attacked with vaccines, rather than the empty people who aren't really even there, or just as a statistical number.
Robert: Ok Yazhi, going back to the creation of the human race through mind control in ancient times, what happened to the previous one? Was it done only so that the "souls" would come here to have their experiences?
Yazhi: Supposedly it was to make people forget and heal the great trauma of the flood and the polarity pole shift and all that Tiamat stuff. That was the purpose, not to create new races or use that as an excuse to control and exploit the population within an artificial realm called 3D which is only a mentality, what created it, and not the Moon and the Van Allen Bands.
Robert: To insert them the new collective unconscious?
Yazhi: That creates another collective unconscious, yes. With mind control you create and guide the collective unconscious, ergo, what is real and not, possible and not, for them. That's why the Earth is the way it is today.
Robert: But how did it get done without Mass Media?
Yazhi: Mass Media was not necessary, because there was not much population, only a few priests and the like were needed. Placed in different cultures, ergo the statues with pouches found everywhere.
Once healed, the part that would return the human population, now mentally healed, to the stellar truth and their inner cosmic power, was the group of Celtic Druids and Bards, but the system could no longer be put in place because of the implementation of evil on Earth by the Atonist Cabal who, using Rome, destroying their Republic in the process, eliminated the Druids and Bards, thereby plunging the Earth into a dense evil and low density that today is called the 3D Matrix.
Robert: And with you there are only the Swaruunians or are there more races working from higher "planes"? Have you asked for any help? If we can call it that, using words so that we understand each other.
Yazhi: Difficult to put into words. From above from higher planes, they are not even races, you are more of a single mass of consciousness. Asking for help there is more like realizing that you have to try harder, like asking for help from yourself since you don't even have a body much less a gender.
Robert: Would the Federation let you infiltrate another collective unconscious now? In fact, you are doing it with the videos.
Yazhi: It doesn't matter if they let me or not, they can't stop me.
Robert: That's clear. On the other hand, it seems that all those who entered here have done so to have the experience that this chaotic and limited short life can give them.
Yazhi: Yes, that's the reason they came in, because of the concept that difficulties cause expansion of consciousness. And to a certain extent they are right, for their level it is necessary. If they had a broader level of consciousness, it would not be.
Example: Why do you think that the vast majority of millionaires are cretins, while the vast majority of the awakened are broke, poor and simple?
Because, generalizing, millionaires have everything pretty much figured out and they entertain themselves with material things that sustain and solve their survival, and their attention is on rare cars, exotic trips, expensive food, and their villas on the coasts of Corsica. While on the other hand, awakened people are awakened mostly because they have suffered a great deal, went through hardships, including fear of their own demise, destruction and death, which has driven them to seek answers outside the material world, thus promoting their expansion of consciousness. They do not have their attention there in the physical.
Many people, myself included, have a hard time keeping our attention on having or being in the physical world. If we relax we are back on other, lighter existential planes. It is not that I can have astral experiences because of the practice I have. It is the other way around; I have to concentrate and expend my energy in keeping myself material enough to push these keys on my keyboard.
I wish to be understood here on this. It's not that I can leave, I've already left, I just "come back" at times.
Robert: I understand. And why is "Humanity" so important to you? Why not leave them to their own resources?
Yazhi: Being the direct descendant of Ishtar-Sophia I feel responsible for fixing things. Things that I did not cause, but I know I must do it myself. It is my decision.
Robert.- Has the Federation had control of the Earth in previous resets?
Anéeka of Temmer.- They have had control of all the resets since the great flood at least.
Robert.- Is a holographic system with a stepped Council and a matriarchal system still an option?
Anéeka of Temmer.- It is one of the best political models for a planet. It will remain an option as long as human beings in general, the masses, are prepared for it. A lot must happen right now before it can be implemented, and humans must also have the opportunity to decide which political system is best for them.
Robert.- What was the result of the meeting between the Federation and the Council of Alcione? And how do they see us awake ones?
Anéeka of Temmer.- The meeting ended almost in disaster, as they are now fragmented and almost function as two different councils. Alcione and the Federation disagree with what is happening on Earth so far.
Robert.- What does the Federation gain from working with secret societies with "acupuncture" (Note of T: code word for the jab) and reducing the population? Has the Federation been infiltrated, compromised or threatened?
Anéeka of Temmer.- The Federation does not see things in the same way with the same interpretation of people on Earth. Which means that it will consider all evil as part of the experience on Earth and generated by the population itself. The Federation has not been infiltrated, it has always worked that way. They did not intervene in the past during times of great upheaval like the First World War and the Second World War. They will not intervene as all of you, all of us, would wish at this time. They don't gain anything by working with secret societies, they simply work with whoever is in control of the planet, in this case deep secret societies, Illuminati, Cabal.
Robert.- If diplomacy breaks down, could humans be used, be helpful, be useful, take part in combat roles for the Council of Alcione?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Not directly, just by the choice of each human. I cannot comment further at this time.
Robert.- Does the Federation code say something about optimizing the evolution of civilizations on the planets?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Yes, and it works all the time. According to them, that is exactly what they are doing. The main reason they don't intervene directly is because they don't see why. They feel that if they help directly they will take the credit off the humans, and if they do the work for them, the humans will not learn from what is happening. They consider it necessary for humans to move from a mindset of depending on another person to being responsible for themselves.
Robert.- Anéeka, a question from the heart. How are you dealing with all this?
Anéeka of Temmer.- It is not easy for me, even trying to see things objectively, personally it is very difficult for me to see everything that is happening on Earth, and as long as I feel that I am helping in some way I will remain here, but it is very hard for me to be absorbing so much negativity. Exercise and meditation help me deal with everything. All my Love for You. Thanks for asking.
Robert.- It is obvious that the battle will intensify and it will land on our doorstep. Is there any way that the Council of Alcione has some weight to intervene in the plans of the Galactic Federation? Thank you.
Anéeka of Temmer.- The Council of Alcione is very strong and represents all civilizations within the Pleiades M-45 star system. It has a lot of weight in decisions and politics within the Federation.
Robert.- If we envision in a massive way that the 5D Federation has no power in our lives, would it be possible to make it true?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Yes, it is possible, but remember that the Federation is not an evil entity or organization, it simply is, and its ethics differ from that used on Earth, and even we as Taygetans use. So understanding things becomes a complicated process of exopolitical interactions. The Federation is also doing the best it can. It is a multi-level organization. From above it is all love and light, and integration as many say, but from immediately above the Earth, it is made up of people of non-human, non-terrestrial origin, people like you, with their interests and their desires, and needs. They are also people who live and evolve.
Robert.- Anéeka, what can we do so that the Federation Council that controls the artificial 3D Matrix here on Earth decides to stop this genocide that has started?
Anéeka of Temmer.- From below all you can and must do is resist as best you can what is coming. That in itself is a powerful message to the leadership of the Federation, but everyone should try to solve the problem without outside help, and from here the races that do not agree with the procedures of the Federation will do everything possible to stop things. from this side, as we have already done and begun.
Robert.- Hasn't the Federation established bodies of cooperation among the general population of Earth? How can the Federation's opinion on how to save the Earth be considered qualified?
Anéeka of Temmer.- You have a very good point. We have also observed it. That is one of the reasons why we do not agree with their procedures.
Robert.- The Federation has failed. Are you thinking of taking more radical actions, let's say strategies outside the established and legal framework to address this situation?
Anéeka of Temmer.- The Federation has not failed, it simply works as usual. That is the problem in the first place. No intervention is also regressive from the valid point of view of the people on Earth who suffer from the problem. The strategies have been presented, of course, only on the side of the Council of Alcione and the allies.
Robert.- My question is: does the Federation want planet Earth for other purposes and that is why they want to get rid of humans?
Anéeka of Temmer.- The Federation already had planet Earth, it is their property, they are only modifying it to meet their current needs. The allied race of the Council of Alcione has claimed that the Earth is theirs and not the Federation. As a comment you cannot indicate which one. The main reason they want to get rid of humans is because they see them as too many and they will collapse the ecosystems and the entire planet with them. We affirm that there are other options not including genocide. The problem here is that for those other options to work, the people in power, Deep Cabal, Illuminati, would have to give up their power and resources, and they don't want to give up their power, so that's the main problem here. It is not the Federation that wants to get rid of humans, that comes from the deep Cabal and the people in secret societies that control the Earth. The plan to depopulate the Earth essentially comes from more humans, those in actual positions of power, Cabal, Illuminati, and the Federation is just being permissive about it, and this from the point of view of the Alcyone Council and its allies, is as bad as planning the genocide in the first place.
Robert.- Does Anéeka believe that bitcoin will help us regain power?
Anéeka of Temmer.- I do not see bitcoin as a real option that produces a significant change at the moment, since it is as controlled as any other monetary system that only gives the illusion of being free. If it helps you and others, then it is helpful, but not on a larger scale.
Robert.- Why aren't the Alphrateans with us? Thank you.
Anéeka of Temmer.- They operate within the legal context of the larger Federation, and all their operations come from that central Federation command. According to them, they are doing the right thing and they are helping humans on Earth to the best of their ability, according to them.
Robert.- What is the position of the superior Federation in the legal battle between the rebels and the Federation?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Only guidance from both sides, since they understand that from above there are no sides at all, only conflicts that reflect the internal state of the people who make up the Federation. The upper Federation understands that if something is not right and it is not ethical on one level, on any lower or higher level, then it is not correct or ethical on any level, then their point of view would have to be that of wanting to solve everything with respect, love and integration. They do not agree with what is happening on Earth right now.
* * *
22 Extraterrestrial Races Forming a Human Being? - Aneeka of Temmer Responds
Originally in Spanish:
Gosia: I think we asked this before, but I see people discussing this topic. What is that about the human race supposedly composed of the DNA of 22 ET races? How do I explain it?
Anéeka: Everything is layers, or layers within layers, again. People want simple explanations when the reality is complex. An example of this is Yázhi's information, which changes so much depending on the level that it even contradicts itself. Being that from various points of view the perspective and "reality" changes.
So with the human understanding of genetics, and certain star races that have said that, being that it is a point of view based on a set of parameters, it can be true. For the human understanding. But from the point of view of more data, it is simplistic.
It is simplistic because from the clearly more advanced position of Taygeta's genetic science, genetics is a manifestation of the souls that form it. DNA is memory in material form. That is to say, everything that a soul lives, its experiences, form an identity, an I, and an Ego, which gives it a specific identity over other souls or points of consciousness that perceive themselves as apart from the others, as "someone" and not someone else.
When a group of souls tend to have the same experiences then agreements of perception are generated. When those agreements are constant and congruent, what we in Taygeta, among others, describe or understand, a race or species is generated.
So going back to the question, 22 races in the Human Genome, that is what is easily identifiable as those who "gave" or generated the DNA understood as human. However, as we have explained before, in reality the Human Genome (race) is made up of the whole range or mass of souls of all kinds that have decided to incarnate there as humans.
Gosia: But how did they GIVE the DNA? I understand that no one has formed the human being on Earth with additions of DNA.
Anéeka: They didn't give it. That is a humanized concept.
What I would explain is that what is in the Human Genome is composed of those 22 races that are easily identifiable. However, those 22 races are not pure either and are also composed of so many others, so if we look at who is who and what part of the DNA was given by whom, we would find that it is in the millions of races that cooperated to form the human genome.
Gosia: Then you would agree that there were 22... and not 23 or 25, identifiable ones. This number 22... is correct? (apart from what you have said?) And why have these 22 races generated the human DNA? In what sense and for what purpose? And which races?
Anéeka: I only agree with the fact that some group of human and/or non-human people perceive the human genome that way. But there is always more, and our explanation goes further. I'm not discrediting them, I'm just expanding that knowledge more because I have the data, and I don't have a problem saying that we go beyond that knowledge.
Gosia: But I don't understand how technically the DNA of these 22 races appeared in the human genome. What was the process, apart from what you have already said?
Anéeka: They have a certain process in mind and from their point of view it is perfectly valid. They take it as a process of hybridization in the laboratory, which could also be done, but it is not necessary to be done that way.
Let me explain it another way. Every race is formed by the DNA that is the memory of the souls that are that race or are incarnated in that race. So every race will always be a hybridization of souls that form the DNA that will also be present in other "star" races in this case. Through the starseeds.
A soul during its existence incarnates in various star races, species and genres millions of times, and thus forms an identity that is then reflected in its DNA, when more souls share the same interests.
So this generates agreements of perception that generate realities, one of those realities is a Race. So if you study the material aspect of a being, its DNA, you will find that it is a composite of the races that this soul was before.
So each person in his human body will have, as his DNA and within it, the memory set of all that he was before. The memory forms the DNA. So when studying it, first there will appear the genetic code of the most easily identifiable races according to the observer. But they will not be only 22 but many more, because each of these 22 is also composed of other races.
It is like finding a hybrid between Grey and Human. It is said that it is 50% Human 50% Grey, made by 2 species in its DNA. But that, although correct, is simplistic. Because both the Grey and the Human will have an infinity of species that form them. Is it clear what I mean?
Gosia: Yes, but... I am not clear on the following point:
Apart from what you have said, which is very well understood, thank you... you say that THEY do think that some hybridization has been done by bringing DNA from 22 races into the lab. Has it really been done? According to them? And why has it been done if it has been done? Why try this type of hybridization? Apart from all that you have said that is understood. Just considering what they think.
Anéeka: I don't accept it as such, for the simple and obvious fact that there is much more humanity outside of Earth. Therefore, humanity was NOT created on Earth.
But I do accept that the Earth human has been artificially altered many times before, and that they have tried to solidify those genetic changes with the use of Mind Control.
Gosia: Yes, that's why! It doesn't add up for me either. I have even seen some people today saying that when we get to be fully activated, our DNA, we will be more powerful than "ordinary" ET´s because we carry DNA from 22 races.
Anéeka: Not so, because the ET´s are also composed of more races. That is not so.
But as an example, human beings have 23 chromosomes in their DNA and 2 strands forming a ladder. The Taygeteans have 24 chromosomes 12 strands, 6 on each side of the ladder, which means a DNA 6 times more complex. And Swaruunians have 24 chromosomes and 24 strands being 12 times more complex than a human being. While maintaining their human appearance. This is by accumulation of memory that manifests the DNA.
Gosia: So where did this idea of 22-race DNA in the human genome come from? Are they saying this... just because they have identified this DNA in the human being, or because they actually have the knowledge of a HISTORICAL FACT, when they have actually physically inserted the DNA of 22 races some time ago?
Anéeka: There is no need to insert anything. If you have a certain level of knowledge of genetics, you will be able to identify those 22 races within the Human Genome, but unless you go into more detail, you will not be able to see the races that make up each of those 22 races that are said to make up the human being.
In my science, I would say that the human being is composed of millions of races, as with any other ET race. Just that among those millions, they are only able to see those 22.
Gosia: Ok. So they are not saying this on the basis of any specific event in the past? They only say this because they have IDENTIFIED these genes in humans, yes? But it seems a bit primitive of them then, these ET´s who have said this, to only say that on the basis of having identified those 22 races in human DNA. They should know what you are saying, shouldn't they?
Anéeka: They are saying that they put 22 races together in a laboratory to form the human race. To me that doesn't make sense. There's no need to put anything together if it's already put together.
Gosia: Maybe they are just saying that 22 races contributed something to the genome. I don't know exactly what they claim.
Anéeka: Yes, there is evidence of manipulation of the human genome such as a missing chromosome. That is clear. Yet it does not limit the ability of a soul to inhabit a human body. Only Mind Control would limit them.
It's just that they can only see 22 races within the Human Genome. But what I am saying is that each one of those 22 races is formed by other races and those by millions of others. So in reality the human being is formed by millions and millions of "races" as it is the same with any other extraterrestrial race.
But they allege that the DNA of 22 races was inserted to form the human being as in a laboratory, and I tell them NO, that no. Yes, the human genome has been artificially altered, but it was not formed from scratch with those 22 races. You only see them in the genome so you get the idea that the human being was formed.
Gosia: I would have to see more exactly what they claim.
Anéeka: I have a pretty clear idea myself, because that is not new to me. I know who has said it, among other people. Andromedans.
Gosia: It just doesn´t seem very advanced to me, as I said above, that they, the ET´s, would come to that conclusion and that they don't know what you are explaining here. It seems that they don't know much about genetics?
Anéeka: It's not that it's misinformation about the 22 races, it's just that it's a simplistic explanation. And yes, they know a lot. They just didn't explain it well or something because they obviously know what I am talking about today.
Gosia: Well, it is good that we are talking about this because this idea is circulating a lot.
Anéeka: I don't discredit it, but there is more behind that story.
It is simple. 22 races compose the human being, but each one of those 22 will have within them 22 others, and each one of those 22 will have 22 others that compose them... so the human being is composed of an infinity of races, but to simplify the description they limit themselves to mention those 22.
And the allegation that the human being was created in a laboratory is a big NO. It has only been invasively altered with varying results throughout history. Emphasizing that if Mind Control is not applied, the DNA returns to the original format after a few generations.
Gosia: I understand. And one more thing. So when our DNA is activated at some point in this process, these genes from other races will also awaken? What practical implication will this have for the person, if any?
Anéeka: The genes are there, they are just ignored. What is not used, atrophies but remains dormant.
The appearance of stimuli outside of Earth causes consciousness to expand, simply by seeing more realities outside of the Earth Matrix, which activates latent DNA, and with-it memories. DNA = Memory, both individual and of past lives, interconnecting with the species and species that compose it.
The activation of DNA goes hand in hand with the awakening of consciousness. Whether or not on the surface of the Earth. It has to do with the mind of the person, not where their body resides.
Gosia: But the fact that some Sirian, for example, DNA gets activated at some point, among other races, what would it mean practically for me? Anything? How will this activation of DNA from so many races be reflected? In my mentality, or physicality... or how? Maybe it's a silly question but it occurred to me.
Anéeka: If that memory is activated, it means it is of value to you. We all have Sirian, Andromedan, or Urmah, in us, among thousands of other races. It depends on your focus, whether it is activated or not. On your attention.
And if that memory is very charged towards what defines by agreements of perception a specific race, then you would say that soul or person is of that race and not another, being that we are all a mixture of races.
Gosia: I understand. Ok last question! These invasive alterations you mentioned above, what were they for example? You mentioned 1 chromosome less. What else has been done or attempted in the lab (cemented with mind control)?
Anéeka: The lack of that chromosome seems to be linked to human longevity, but as I have said many times before, it is not only that chromosome or lack of... but it is also due to the high environmental toxicity on Earth, inadequate food, low oxygen atmosphere, and even gravity too strong for human beings.
In other words, to make a change in the laboratory, it must go hand in hand with a set of ideas or perception that these altered people have to sustain these changes, or else they will be reversed. As they are already being reversed today with the so-called "Great Awakening".
As explained by Swaruu and later by Yazhi... essentially everything is achieved with Mind Control. The very minds of people, of humans, limit their capabilities by having a perception that something cannot be done. That's what the Matrix is essentially for. That is the Matrix. The set of concepts and agreements that form a reality to which its inhabitants must conform and obey those rules. With that the limitations of perception such as no telepathy, or not exceeding the speed of light.
Gosia: Understood. But anything more specific that has been done invasively in the lab that was then cemented by mind control? I am curious to know what they were trying to do in the lab, although I understand that we see it reflected in the state of our human condition in general. Can you comment on this?
Anéeka: Yes I can but it is not something specific like in the case of the missing chromosome. What else have they done? Limiting intelligence, and longevity, those are the two key points here in terms of artificial limitations. Also limiting their propensity to think for themselves. This is read in the Sumerian Tablets.
But the limitation of DNA has been given largely-mostly with the use of Mind Control and not laboratory. So the list of changes you seek is contained in everything that defines the human condition within the Matrix. They are not specific changes but are the entire complex plot of the human drama that concerns us. That is, they are everywhere and they are connected to every point of Mind Control that we have been talking about for the last (almost) 4 years.
I can't tell you that they cut such and such gene that controls telepathy. Rather, they made them believe that telepathy does not exist and for thousands of years, then the material expression (gene) that represents telepathy will be affected and atrophied.
I see it the other way around, genes do not control anything, they are just a physical equivalent of something on the so called etheric or spiritual side.
I don't doubt that invasive alterations have been attempted, for example that missing chromosome. However, Swaruu of Erra claims that even that missing chromosome is the result of Mind Control. And Yazhi claims that if everything is mind and everything is consciousness, there is no need for any laboratory intervention, with Mind Control you can change, shape and alter a species.
Robert: A question from a follower: "When you come directly from Source, the DNA is neutral, so to speak... or do those millions of races figure in?"
Anéeka: If you came from the Original Source neutrally, yes. There is no rule for this. That is to say that it depends on the ideas that each person brings with them from the afterlife. Those ideas and attachments that define a soul. What separates it from other souls and makes it unique. In the afterlife you still have your attachments to your ideas and from there your DNA is formed. If you had no attachments to your ideas at all you would be Source itself.
Robert: Okay. You are your ideas and hence the DNA, otherwise you would be the Source itself. You are the idea of being something and not the All, ok.
Anéeka: Yes. That is, everything that defines you as a particular soul that preserves your identity and your self-concept will form the DNA that you will use in life. It is memory made matter in the form of deoxy ribonucleic acid.
Robert: Thank you, Aneeka.
Anéeka: You are welcome.
Liberation of Earth, Worlds, and Planets - What does the Taygetan/Swaruu Team have to say?
Originally in English
Gosia: Athena, what do you say to these kinds of news being discussed in ufology circles: "Andromedans instigated a broad alliance of extraterrestrial civilizations to intervene on humanity's behalf against negative groups. This alliance has led to a global awakening and liberation of our solar system. Negative extraterrestrial groups have been largely eliminated as a threat in our solar system, and we are on a positive timeline."
Swaruu X (Athena): This is not incorrect. It's distorted, and it's not new. That alliance they are talking about is, at least to what concerns us, decades old, and is what we as a group have been telling you about, as in the reason why there are so many starseeds on Earth nowadays. Knowing that most incarnate there using Immersion Pod technology, but not only, as many Step-Downs and Walk-ins and Source-born souls incarnate there with the agenda of awakening humanity and "liberating" it from oppression. But it's not as in direct intervention. As we've been saying for some time now, starseeds are the cavalry. It is still done from within.
But the fact that stellar races sat down to discuss how to help Earth, yes that did happen but it's not new. And as we have pointed out, it's insufficient and shady, almost as in sacrificing starseeds to suffer, in the name of humanity and of keeping their incompetent space laws intact.
As for negative extraterrestrials no longer in the solar system, the Federation has removed them long ago. As we've been saying, the Federation completely dominates this quadrant. So yes, the negative forces are concentrated on Earth. But all this does not mean that they are not Egregors of humankind’s mind, because it mixes with stellar mind as they are starseeds.
And all those starseeds there are also the reason why the Cabal or the Controllers chose to exterminate humanity, to rid the planet of that starseed invasion that is kicking them out of power and out of their position as Controllers of humanity, remembering what Yázhi said that that control group is right at the level where humans blend with non-humans and their secret societies.
In short, as I am not aware of the specifics of what you are asking me about and taking into account only that sentence above you sent me, it's true, that is correct, but it's old news and it seems accommodated to fit into what those people who promote those ideas want it to fit into today's situation.
The problem with "liberation" of space is that we from here don't see any of that as something new. That's old news. Almost as you receiving a newspaper stating that WWII is over and that the Americans and the Russians have marched into Berlin.
Gosia: Yes. Understood. Another thing. The Cabal is still in Mars and Venus... and the beliefs circulate out there that those have been liberated.
Swaruu X (Athena): There is nothing to liberate there. Mars is divided into 3 sectors: human-reptilian SSP/Mantis/Maitré. You'd say, Maitré is regressive. Yes they are, but they have a treaty with Mantis and with Reptilians so legally they cannot be booted from there. So that is a big legal problem.
Gosia: Why can´t they be booted legally?
Swaruu X (Athena): Because it goes against Federation Space Law.
In the end it doesn't really matter if the Solar System is liberated or not, because on the ground level on Earth nothing in favor of humanity is seen. Again, we say the same thing, we need to see results, not empty promises. And empty promises they are! And one of my largest objections to all what they say is that it is perfectly coordinated with what QAnon and all those say. Empty promises and empty words. But, even QAnon caused good things, as many people, especially in the US, awoke to the fact that their government is a farse! White hats are basically QAnon. White hats are Illuminati balancing Karma, as seen in the game of chess and in the checkers and in so many other places.
We, this group, does not promise anything of sorts, but we do deliver what we can: a load of information.
In my opinion, just about everything going on on Earth, and going on in all those groups of people speaking about liberation, is gestated inside human heads. I mean everything they say is so as if describing military operations in a war on Earth. From here things are multilayered. More than ever, we are aware of things, and we see that they give incomplete information with a clear human tint to it all. We stand by our words.
There is no Material World - Part 2 - World of the Dead vs World of the Living - Yazhi Swaruu
Originally in Spanish:
Yazhi: When I speak in absolute terms stating my point of view as if it were absolute or solid truth, I am referring to how I see things from my particular point of view and from my experience. It is a form of linguistic expression and not an imposition on my part so that you believe what I say and not the views or versions of others. I state things from my point of view based on everything I have learned, experienced and everything that comes into my head constantly.
I only share it with all of you as a reference so that you have more information or as a stimulus to think about during the process of forming your personal and particular cosmogony.
An example of this is when I state that every conscious being, at whatever level, is composed of consciousnesses of lesser cognitive and awareness evolution, and in turn forms more complex beings as well. That is, there is a range of consciousness that goes from very simple to the absolute, the Original Source, or whatever you wish to call it.
This is also a limited way of explaining something that is simply impossible to explain since any theory or empirical statement that we develop from our evolutionary position of mind, whatever level it may be, will fall short since from the point of view of the Absolute, nothing we say will represent the objective reality of how the Absolute works. It is simply unattainable from our levels of mind and consciousness.
Having said that, I describe it to you as a range of mind-consciousness that goes from little to almost nothing, in a cumulative gradient all the way to the All, the Original Source. Being that this again would be an explanation perception from a non-total point of view, since from the point of view of the Absolute, of the Source, there is and could only be a single mass impossible to describe, which includes everything, and I mean everything in the absolute sense of the word EVERYTHING. Being that any point in between or any concept that attempts to describe it, such as my previous gradient of consciousness going from the lowest to the Source itself, remains as a concept or an idea contained within the sea of thoughts that are and that form the ALL.
All that exists, has existed, and will exist, is contained in a single mass, a-temporal, without specific time, and without locality. They are ideas in one great total mind. With this as a basis, it is obvious that all things are connected to each other, and even more so all minds of thinking creatures as well. Again, only ideas contained in the Mass of the All.
Extending the latter, the classical concept that biology is life and the energetic and mineral world only forms life as building blocks or ingredients necessary for its formation, remains as one more simplistic explanation, being that everything that is perceived from the material world point of attention of a classical life of a Lyrian based person in low densities like 3D or 5D (misnamed and only mentioned as a crude reference), everything that is, everything that is visible, be it pure energy, be it a grain of sand, a nucleus of atom, electron, a whatever you can think of, everything is a being, everything is thinking, and everything is "someone" with mind and consciousness. As I have explained, simple beings form more complex beings. Always.
The New Age concept that says we are all connected, and that we are all one, stretches and falls short in extreme simplicity, and pales with how it really is. Meaning that all beings, living or not, all there is, again with the most expanded meaning of the word ALL, are parts or particles of consciousness that not only form what from one point of view or another is a more complex being, but are in itself the ALL, and the Original Source itself. From a grain of sand, or an electron, to an entire galaxy, or more, they are, and I affirm it, holographic fragments of the Original Source that contain all its attributes by right. And this again remains as one more way of explaining the inexplicable.
There is no material world and spirit world, there are no other dimensions, no alternate timelines, no parallel universes, no densities. They are all concepts and ideas trying to explain something too big to be understood from lower levels of existence-consciousness, being that this is also another concept. Another idea. Because as I said above, all there is and can be, is already the All.
Everything there is, and all of us in general, are ideas. We are an attachment to a set of concepts that define our boundaries, which are subsequently non-existent. The attachment to the concept of everything that each person understands as what defines him or her, everything that he or she includes as part of that person, including the conscious part and the unconscious part alike, including what we reject as us, forms the "I", and the attachment to the "I" could be defined as the Ego. And they are nothing more than the attachment to ideas, concepts and beliefs that everyone has. "Has" as a soul also, without the religious charge, being that a soul is not "something"... it is only formed by a group of ideas within the great mind in the form of a constant; a node formed by stationary waves with a specific harmonic that keeps them adhered to each other forming what could be said to be a "person", a particular individual.
Each individual, each "person", by having attachments to these ideas will irremediably create a mental filter where he will not be able to see or interpret his environment except through the lens of his attachments and ideas. Rejecting everything that does not fit his particular concept of who he is. A person's outer world is only a reflection of who he is, but I state it as an absolute. It IS the person, not reflecting from within his being to create an outer world or environment as the New Age tries to explain, but the outer world in perception of each person, IS the person himself, without boundaries as if he lives in a place being something smaller contained in that place or world-environment.
The person himself is his environment, and his environment is the person, who in turn is defined through the lens of what he rejects and what he includes in his own definition of 'I' that will form attachments to ideas called Ego.
From this point, I attempt to explain to you why there isn´t and cannot be "Material World" and "Spiritual World", nor can there be Time, nor Space, nor Distances. All are ideas and attachments to concepts, contained in the personal definitions of those who have an "I" and an Ego.
The body itself is only a manifestation of a group of ideas, and it is what shapes the illusion of being in an outer world when the person-consciousness IS its outer world.
The concept that each individual person forms his own world in a particular way and adds to the collective thought that shares his ideas to a greater or lesser degree, forming a shared "outer" world, without being entirely non-valid, is really just another effort to explain that simply each person-consciousness is all there is, contained and illusorily limited by a lens or "container-limiter" of worlds called attachment to that which defines his own existence and individuality, his group of ideas that form his Self and Ego, and his attachment to them. That is what limits or creates the illusion of being limited, that there are universal, material or physical laws that are "unbreakable." It is just more ideas and attachments to such concepts!
Moving on to Time, it can never be a constant, nor can it ever be something apart from the mind. It is simply the evolutionary process with which thought unfolds. It is the result of the internal dialogue of a mind. It will always be relative; it will always be plastic. Time is you and your ideas and where and how you process them. Your attachments to the possible and the impossible to achieve are attachments to your Self and your Ego, and you do not discard them for fear of losing individuality, for fear of losing what defines you. And that is what stops your mental expansion.
Space, distances, are based on Time, because without measure there is no distance. It depends on time, so they are ideas. Same for energy and matter, illusory interpretations... They are just ideas seen through the lens of other ideas that define them as something and not something else. And to explain this, the body as such is a good example, because if there is body then there is matter, if there is sensation of heat or cold there is energy, and if I am born, live, and die, there is Time. Again, concepts and attachments sustaining more concepts and attachments.
So there can be no life, there can be no death, there can be no time, there can be no distance and no space.
Everything is contained as ideas flowing in one great mind which is you, the whole, which is each one of us, including the grains of sand. We are all one from the most expanded point of view, one, the Source. Each person that in your perception is "other" is only there because you have the idea that it is there by use and through attachments to concepts of your Self and Ego that you do not let go of even when you do want to let go of them. So everything, person, mineral, energy, plant, or animal you encounter is you again, always in the eternal now. Beyond time and space.
There is no death. There is no life. Only more concepts and attachments to them.
Let us speak now from the point of objective observation of someone who analyzes people who say they are alive. From their group of attachments that define them, with their "I" and their Ego, it is perfectly valid to see that there is life and there is death. I am not speaking now from the more expanded point of view, but only from the objective point of view of that group of ideological limitations called incarnation.
There of course there is life and death as experiences, it hurts to lose loved ones and it is abusive to say there is no death. But there is more to it.
The group of ideas that maintains the perceived concept of being alive is congruent to attachments to laws that determine that something, that "it" killed you. But what formed you is there, your mind, your ideas and even your Self and Ego.
Just as you formed the seemingly external concept of the material world, you will form the spiritual world as well, the afterlife, the world of the dead, the between-life or whatever you wish to call it. Your world, "material" or not, is formed by your ideas and your attachments to them.
That is why I affirm that who you are is how you live, and it is your world, including what you reject, not only what you like and love that is inclusive of your acceptance of "it", person or thing, into you because it helps you to define who you are, to define your Self and your Ego.
When you "die", you leave a group of ideas that form your material world... and in the exact same way you will form your afterlife. I insist, not as something outside of you, but as what you already are. Your world, your environment, is formed by you because it is you.
Whatever you have, whatever you think, your values, your attachments, your concepts, your ethics and spirituality, that is you. And you "take it with you" when you die. Forming other realities, your spiritual world, your afterlife.
That is why there is a world "of the dead" mirror of the Material one. Same streets, same people, same "map", because they are the attachments of the people who have left their concepts of material world, forming a mirror world, that by the art of their own thoughts, which are the person himself, that do not let him transcend to form other more expanded realities, they "attach" to form a world almost like the "Real-Material" one but in a decadent and dreary way mostly.
Equally beautiful and tranquil worlds will form, full of peace and beauty. And every variant in between. And this is also another set of ideas, which I insist I am sharing with you with no intention to impose anything.
Forget basic concepts such as Karma, cause and effect, and the like. They serve to explain things from one or another level of consciousness-thought. You only need to know that your environment is you, and that what limits you are your ideas and your attachments to them, which form your Self, your Ego.
Especially the parts you don't like about your environment, because they are the parts you don't like about you. That is why you should never be afraid to face your fears and what you dislike about yourself. Because you only bury it in the unconscious, material unconscious and admatic-spiritual unconscious, that forms who you are in life and not (your misnamed soul).
You are Everything, you form Everything. The only thing that limits you are your ideas and your attachment to them.
There are no "pasty" densities where manifestation is "slow". Excuses and attachments to them. Everything is one mass, the Original Source. That is you. Whether or not it frustrates you to see results or not, whether or not you reject your world, because it doesn't fit into your ideas of who you are, your SELF and your Ego, whether you like it or not, that is also you. You can only face it without fear. But facing yourself is the key. Always. That is the problem. Your attachments to your Self and your Ego, the root of all your problems.
Moving further up, I describe multiple things from multiple points of view that many times not only appear to be contradictory, but are contradictory. This is because existence itself is composed of contradictions where as concepts everything is valid, more so from the point of view of the Absolute, where everything is integration, therefore integrating the valid and the invalid, the false with the true, since they only end up being ideas within a mind that tries to classify them on one or the other side of duality, using values and ideas that are limited by the borders of the observer's consciousness, which in turn is defined by his attachments to what defines him as an "I" and as an Ego, and is further defined by what he rejects as definitions of himself.
Being that here with full intent I describe and use Self and Ego as manifestations in duality of one and the same person. Present in all except Source as it is All.
From this position, I now describe to you why for me, from my particular point of view, there are no densities or timelines, no parallel universes, nor anything that is defined as an existential realm, shared or not.
Before my counterparts, my other versions of myself, my friends and other people, have described, among a thousand other theories, that the Universe is made of existential densities, ranging from the simple to the complex. First, they have listed them as in 1D, 2D, 3D and so on up to 12D or at infinity.
Then it has been described as a gradient that rises from the low which would be the 1D, mineral realm, to any high density, usually 9D or 12D, as in a graph that rises from the simple to the complicated, like a tape measure where each person's point of attention consciousness will determine from where to where they will perceive as their existential world. The real, the possible, and the not possible.
While these concepts are still valid from an explanatory point of view, as a beginning of understanding, it is time to advance towards descriptions that are more in line with what I personally perceive as my views, that I share with you in an explanatory way without any desire to impose anything.
Every self-aware person is not a unit, but the result of the sum or amalgamation of simpler consciousnesses that share by agreement similar perceptions, but never the same. I define simpler consciousnesses from the comparative point of view to what they form when they get together, a consciousness with a more expanded range of understanding and perception. So no-one is a person, no-one is a soul, but we are all a collection of sums of other people who compose us and constantly feed our consciousness in an endless stream of gravity, of consciousness flowing and coming together in nodes that we call people.
The simple ones will form colonies of mutual cooperation, which in turn will form more complex ones. Perfect examples of this are the cells in a body, which have their own life cycle, their own perception, including their own internal organs and reproductive system and primitive brain in the cell membrane. They come together by compatibility of attributes in an organized manner to form a more complex organism called a body, whether human or not.
Same way with consciousnesses, since above or previously I have explained that there is no material world, but only a set of attachments to ideas that, by their determination to remain as laws, have imposed the perception that there is matter. Being that everything from the beginning was always an idea.
So each person-point-of-attention-consciousness is formed by other simpler persons, and these by others with simpler perception and consciousness, and so on upwards, forming more complex beings until reaching the Original Source.
So each person with consciousness is in himself for me a whole universe, and for that person the whole universe, his own timeline, and his own perfectly valid perception of all there is and of all that is possible and not.
On the other hand, I see Time as a direct result of the consciousness processes of each individual and dependent on his level of thought and personal expansion. And your perceptions of distance and speed will depend on your temporal perception and everything else that defines it. For speed and distance depend on Time and Time on perception.
I see the points of attention consciousnesses as living not in densities or dimensions, not in tape measure gradients, but in a series of bubbles containing their limits of consciousness perception. Bubbles formed by other bubbles, feeding one another, in a constant flow of gravity consciousness in the sea that is the Ether, which itself is formed by them.
Bubbles of their own, singular and unrepeatable, containing everything that defines them as someone, what they want to see as what defines them, and what they reject as what defines them as well.
Sea of bubbles of consciousness that being singular touch one another. Parts are shared, and these parts are the agreements of perception, between people or groups of people.
With this description I am trying to give shape to something impossible to describe with words, since obviously any description that I or anyone else tries to give will fall short of what it really is. It is not even how I see things. I'm just trying to describe these mental concepts I have in something tangible to share.
I refer to "bubble" as a container of something inside that itself has a boundary, the membrane of said bubble. Inside as a sphere I see it as containing everything a person has that defines them as someone in particular. As I have said before, what he accepts and loves and what he rejects equally all defining himself into an "I" (positive side) and an Ego (negative side) in an individual point of conscious attention.
In this case this bubble-individual will touch others, and will have shared perceptions with those other bubble-individuals that are the common areas to share.
And it is not placed on any scale of densities, as I see all people, to one extent or another, depending on the lens through which one looks, existing in every possible density, with every possible Range of Intelligence, of Thought, and of Consciousness, all simultaneously. Where there are no bubbles other than more concepts, as an attempt to give form to something intangible and impossible to define, as our best attempts will always fall short.
An attempt to explain the infinite, that which escapes all possible concepts of thought.
But in the end, it is all a single mass of Consciousness that is defined as multiple individual persons only by attachments to one or another sequence of ideas, and it is the ideas that limit the persons and form them as such. The idea of having a limit, that you start and end somewhere.
All that can exist is consciousness, the rest is illusory. Only attachments to characters created by that same total Cosmic Mind.
So there can be no death from one's own point of view, since this is only the resolution of a sequence of ideas that define what an incarnation is. Death can only exist in the mind of the living. Death only exists as such in the minds of the living.
You and I, and everyone else, are only the Egregor that is formed by our attachments to our ideas.
You can only fear death while you are alive, then you will know why not. It is perfectly valid to fear death while alive. That as duality defines life itself. There cannot be one without the other. Besides, as people who are alive, we see and feel and suffer death all the time around us. Even more so if it happens to a loved one.
But it is only valid as long as you are alive. And it is only valid while being in an incarnation without memory of past lives, since death there represents the dissolution, the destruction of the "I" and the Ego. This being only illusory, since what formed the "I" and the Ego, those same ideas and those same attachments to them, existed before what is called incarnation, and will continue to exist afterwards as well.
The accumulation of experiences is inevitable as we live through incarnations, but they can only be fully experienced without a total memory of all that we have been before and all that we have ever been, because if the memory were total, we would be the Original Source, which we are at the same time, being everything. As all-inclusive, this is reflected in the idea of having a limited incarnation in a time frame with certain rules of possible and not possible. Created by ourselves.
Death is undeniable. To fear it is a choice. For if it is not feared while alive, death will lose its teeth. Because there is nothing to fear, ever. But also by choice, one can still be afraid of death while dead.
Fear of death reflected as in not desiring the dissolution of the Self and Ego, which would not happen anyway as I have already explained. This forms the attachment to the idea or need to be in the world of "the Living", which creates from the spirit side equal or similar worlds where the discarnate "live", worlds manifesting from their perception, their limits, their "I´s" and Egos, and their attachments to them all. (Again I use "world of the living", "world of the dead", and so on as explanatory expressions, and I do not contradict myself).
As every world, existential realm, is by agreements between different individual points of attention consciousnesses that perceive themselves apart from each other by their attachments to what defines them, I do not see or perceive any difference between one realm or another as to their validity. I see them all as equally real. For example, the world of the Living and the world of the Dead in this case. They are all manifestations or elaborate Egregors of a mind which in turn is formed by others simpler in their thinking and understanding.
That is, each realm-density or existential world, each timeline, each parallel universe as such is itself a person-individual.
Simple consciousness-individuals form other more complex ones, and these other more complex ones. Each one from its level, and from its point of attention, will be an entire Universe. This is what I mean by "bubbles" without gradient, only formed by the addition of others.
What I see and perceive, in short, is that there are no separate worlds, but a single existential Mass illusorily limited by the concepts and attachments of each point of attention consciousness. This means that the world of the Dead and the world of the Living and all other worlds overlap. There are no boundaries other than those generated by ideas.
Each individual, wherever he may be or "alive", on the side of the living, or on the side of the dead, or whatever (such as densities, timelines, parallel universes and the like), will define for himself from where to where and how far he will be able to perceive and function.
By this I mean to explain why there are phenomena such as ghosts and entities, whether benevolent or dark and all sorts of things, vermin and creatures described on Earth as belonging to the lower Astral and also to higher realms or densities, to use common Earth definitions.
They are just all there. Sometimes by agreements to perceptual attachments they are not seen, but precisely because of those qualities of existential "bubbles" overlapping each other is why some of the creatures that should not exist in the physical world can sometimes be seen, or interacted with, or they can alter the so-called physical world.
It is just a soup of perception agreements, and from the physical body side of incarnation, this one serves as a filter to have the attention fixed just on living an existence with agreements that define it as "World of the Living".
So each person, incarnate or not, will have their own self-imposed limits that prevent or allow them to perceive and function in other existential "realms".
As there is a whole range of agreements, some people will be able to interact with "the other side", and likewise creatures and points of attention on the "other side" will be able to interact with the "living" side. All depending on the limits that each individual attention point has self-imposed because of the attachments to the ideas that define them as "someone", define their Self and Ego.
You do not see other worlds there or here, or wherever, only because of your agreements of perception, because of your self-imposed limits, but they are there. Just because you can't see them it doesn´t mean they don't exist.
Everything interacts with everything, all the time. The ALL, the entire Universe, is the Original Source, one MASS.
That's why there are ghosts and entities and everything else that "shouldn't exist". They are perceived by certain people by agreements, and agreements are ideas, and ideas are frequencies. That is why the individual frequency will define what is perceived, what is experienced. That's why certain people's agreements coincide with beautiful things or others with ugly things. Monsters or whatever they see. But it will always be as a direct mirror or consequence of your thoughts, and who you are.
You are what you think, you have always been an Egregor of your own creation. And you will always vary in your thoughts, therefore you will always vary in what you perceive. And therein lies the total control you have over your entire life and all that exists in it: your mind.
Each being, each point of attention, each creature, mineral, plant, animal, will have its own way of interpreting the Universe. It will have its own perception, its own level of consciousness, which is formed by its experiences, by what it has learned throughout its existence, and this is formed depending on the attachments to its ideas that it acquires and with which it forms its self-concept, its Self, its Ego.
The so-called material world however, each race interprets it, using humanity as an example, is only an interpretation specific to them, based on their perception and understanding, first on their limited 5 senses, and then the use of reasoning that tends towards the scientific. That is to say that it already incorporates elements that it recognizes as existing truths in its reality with the use of scientific reasoning, an example of this are the radio waves.
But it is still an interpretation specific to the human race, and equally there will be other races, other beings, that will have other concepts entirely. Some will coincide with those of the human race, others will not.
This is what I call "bubbles" that touch one another, which are the points where there are agreements of perception and understanding, scientific or not. But they are only points where they touch each other, with agreements that they share in one way or another.
This is why I affirm that there are no existential densities as such, nor temporal lines, nor parallel universes, nor time or space. All this remains only as definitions within a framework of agreements of perception that support theories and ideas to which a being or a group of beings has generated a strong attachment because they strongly define their concept of self-identity.
What they call densities, dimensions, temporal lines, time, parallel universes, are not something outside of them. You do not live in a dimension, nor in a density. It is only a personal process, of evolution of consciousness, that each Being must form by itself. It is as if the Being itself is the Density Dimension itself, not that it lives within a Density Dimension, leaving that experience of living in one as an illusion that again is formed only by its ideas and its attachments to them.
An example of the above are dimensions and densities. They go hand in hand because the higher the density the more dimensions will be perceived, since a "higher" density will be reached by the accumulation of processed and incorporated knowledge with high understanding that the subject has incorporated to his self-concept that will define by attachments who he is, his Self, his Ego, and therefore expands what the being himself understands and perceives, which will form a sense of control over his life that will naturally increase his "vibratory" state.
The very definition of densities between low pasty, slow, and fast high ones, like it will depend on your low versus high vibrational state, is only one way of many to explain the Universe. But it will never explain it completely.
It is not just about vibrations, or speed as in the blades of a fan that are only blurred because they are moving very fast relative to the observer, whereas if the observer were spinning like the blades, the observer would see them stopped and everything else in the "room" would be blurred. Describing the point of view of the observer in the room or that of the observer spinning with the fan as different densities where the point of attention of one or the other allows one to see and perceive things differently, preventing one from seeing the other perspective clearly.
Needless to say that although the explanation is curious and helps to form a mental image of densities, it is far from being able to explain what really happens in the Universe on this subject. It is just one more idea, another tool that allows us to understand more, but it is not the whole picture. Because from our point of observation, with this example of the room with the fan, we understand that this phenomenon does not involve densities, but perspective of movements only.
Rather, a density can be explained as an accumulation of concepts and ideas that form attachments that will define the "I" and the Ego of the Observer Subject, which by simple expansion of understanding will allow the Observer Subject to perceive more details, more data, which increases his perception of dimension on this density. The greater the density the greater the complexity, ergo other dimensions are perceived. But not as if more things are perceived that were already there, but the very Observer Subject is the one who has expanded to form a more complex reality, richer in detail.
This is why I insist that the so-called Material World does not exist. That concept of Material World which will inexorably form its opposite: Non-Material World, is only an explanation contained within the group of agreements to which one or more Points of Attention Consciousnesses have strong attachment because it defines them, their self-concept, because it forms their Self and their Ego. But it will not include other points of view than their own, to the group that generates those ideas of perception.
It is here that I try to explain to you how other Beings have views, agreements and perceptions that include other kinds of existential realities, not as living in them, but as being them. This includes discarnated ones with attachments to their life in the "Material World" who will have their attention overlapping between the so-called Spiritual World, or Lower Astral, and the Material World of the living, using understandable terms.
These kinds of appearances of strange beings, entities, cryptozoology, ghosts and all that is perceived to be there but should not be, I understand as being caused by all that I am trying to describe here now and in the past few days.
There is only one Universal Mass of Pure Consciousness, call it Ether, call it the Original Source. Everything else contained within it, holographic fragments, densities, dimensions, timelines, parallel universes, are or are only to be perceived by a Being or group of Beings and their points of attention and their level(s) of consciousness.
All of the above has been my effort to explain in limited words why there is no death, as this is only a limited concept within a framework of agreements that only reflect the "I's" and Ego's of those who have certain agreed perspectives, the living.
That is why there are countless material, real worlds, one for each Being Point of Attention Consciousness. That is why I have assured you that there is a Timeline, a Parallel Universe, a Density or Dimension, for each one of you, for each creature that exists.
What happens after Death? Why is there no Material World? Yazhi Swaruu talks about "Higher Planes"
Originally in Spanish
Robert: And where do these Taygetean "souls" that do not want to be in the physical go? Do those higher planes have a name?
Yazhi: It´s just that it is no longer a place to go. In those planes there applies already a principle of non-locality. They can only prefer to be half in the physical in some places more than others. Places from the point of view of someone with a body.
They are "higher planes" from the point of view of the physical, but they are not higher, that is something else that is not well described, they are not even different. It is the same plane that expands more and more.
Those planes are not anywhere, but they are among this one, mixed in, as part of it. They are always "here" with that more expanded mentality. Where are those planes? Answer is Here! Wherever you are, it is always Here!
It is like living in your imagination as something totally real. Whatever you imagine has your attention and that's what you live. So you don't travel, you just imagine being on Earth and you are. Then you imagine being on Erra and you are. Erra in harsh winter, you live it, because that's what you see, because that's what you "imagine" and what you imagine is, and that's reality, and then you switch to Erra in spring, and that's it! It is spring. If you imagine nightmares, you will have them, if you don't want them, you won't have them, but you know them.
But you do not limit yourself to imagine normal things from the point of view of planes with bodies, of the so-called dense ones. Already in that state, you imagine inconceivable things, impossible to describe of what would be called "higher planes", but as I said, they are not higher, they are only more expanded, but the same. Swimming among cosmic fish, among nebulae and stars, swimming in love, in ideas, swimming in creative potential.
You are mind there, you only have a body when you imagine it. Only because that is what you want to imagine. If you don't want to, you are just mind, pure consciousness. You are your imagination and what you create. You are not something that creates something else, you are simply what you create and you live what you are because you live what you create.
And that includes bodies, bodies that, as you imagine them, you call that incarnation, and you imagine that you are trapped in a body for the duration of an incarnation, but that is illusory, it is also your creation, your ideas. There is only mind.
From those planes yes you know. And you don't follow linear incarnations. Only your ideas. And nothing limits you, you imagine yourself to be billions and billions of creatures, all "you". Simultaneously. Everything nourishes you; everything is your lucid dream.
Robert: But from those planes you mean you know you are the All? Then you are the Source.
Yazhi: Yes. You just swim in your ideas. And there is no limit to your mind, to your thinking capacity. So you imagine anything, and everything together.
Robert: And what´s on your inside you reflect it to the outside as your creation, of course. That's why there is no one above or below you. It is you and only you.
Yazhi: You already understand everything, you already know everything, yet that's why you create combinations of what you know and with that you imagine more things, and more combinations that open more combinations of what you know and imagine. And with that you entertain yourself. Playing being your ideas.
There is no loneliness, you are not accompanied, you are neither male nor female, all together yes, understanding everything, being everything, you understand duality as a functioning of the same thought process, as well as time. But you experience multiple times.
Robert: But one thing. If Source is only one, and integration is the ultimate expression, so to speak, isn't the Source alone? Or that no longer applies?
Yazhi: No. It knows it is one, but it integrates everything in such a way that there is no concept of solitude, no concept of companionship, only in what it imagines.
For example, when you die you experience an integration, a dissolution back to the field, where the I, the Ego, ceases to be and dissolves in a sea of liquid-ether. You cease to be what you were because you dissolve with everything else.
From the point of view of someone "alive" that is terrifying, because you cease to exist as such. It is seen as destruction of the ego, of the self, and it is true. But only from the point of view of someone "alive". Because that dissolution of the Ego, what is "dissolved" and interpreted as "destruction", is also pure love. What many people with near-death experiences describe as being surrounded by pure love. Which is a very beautiful experience that they regret leaving behind to return to their incarnation, because they were brought back to life in an operating room.
It is the same thing. That destruction of the Self-interpreted by the point of view of the attachments to who one is. That is what is scary, but from the other side of death that destruction of the self is the integration into the etheric field, of what has always been. The love that everyone sees or feels at death is that destruction or integration into the field. So that is only scary as long as you are alive. After that, it is not.
Ergo: Why fear death if you are alive?
Because on the other side, what you interpret here as destruction, there it is integration, and a great love that invades you, you swim in that pure love, in unconditional acceptance.
It is the attachment to the concept that you are someone and not someone else and therefore inadequate and seeking acceptance to feel more comfortable, and to ensure the survival of the species. Whether in a romantic context or simply for group or clan protection.
Besides, you cannot destroy yourself as such because you become an idea in the field, you were always that idea. And from that idea in the field, you incarnate again according to the procession or direction of your ideas.
Robert: Great, thank you. A question from those who start listening to us. I know it is absurd, but it is important to see how you answer it. Everything is ideas, as you rightly say. We are the creators of everything. It is very clear to me. There goes the question. I have a clear answer because I don't believe in all that New Age nonsense. They say that there is a whole hierarchy, I don't know how to call it, angelic one, of Masters, etc. But if you are the creator, those hierarchies do not exist, or at most you are them, right? Taking away from all that all the religious charge.
Yazhi: It is only Religion, New Testament mixed with the modern stuff. Adapted to the mentality of people who claim to be awakening, only to fall into more of the same.
You can only be ascended in comparison to someone, and in that context who is presenting that point of view is the one who uses that expression, "ascended", or Ergo, you are not. You insignificant little guy in comparison to the great Oh... Ascended master. You, them. Pyramidal, Earthly Cabal, Vatican.
These are not stellar concepts of beings from higher planes, for lack of better words, because there are no higher planes, only more expanded ones in the context that from that point of conscious attention more is perceived and understood.
But I would understand a human explanation to say that a Buddha (because there was more than one) is more ascended than... a person bent on making money by stepping on others. From the explanatory point of view of someone on Earth it is still valid to use those points of comparison. But I should not use them since my purpose is to give to understand how things are seen from those points that you call higher. Where that, being there, is not being higher.
Noting the very name of "ELevated" with the letters EL that correspond to deities, in terms of etymologies. It is the same phoneme of GabriEL, of RafaEL, of AzazEL. Which denotes that they are "ascended", archangels in these examples.
That is to say, the concept of superiority, ergo of "ascended masters", is only valid from the consciousness point of view of someone terrestrial with average understanding about these matters. But from above it is perfectly understood, it is seen, it is perceived, that there is no superiority.
So, even in my case... although it is hard for many to understand, I am no longer in the physical, I only show myself to be able to work here. Here I am seen as imposing, even egocentric, saying kind of things like that my mind and consciousness is in higher planes, but from my point of view I am not lowering anyone, nor do I think I am superior to anyone, that is a reflection of the point of view and level of understanding of the people who say that, whether they are human or not.
I am fully aware of this. That's why I am in a child girl's body. Because children are allowed to be "egocentric". If I were Athena's age, I wouldn't be like that, I couldn't, I would be seen as unbearable. Conceited.
But... if I wasn't here in some form, I mean with a body, I wouldn't be able to say these things, so you wouldn't have the point of view of someone who lives in what you call other planes.
But... that doesn't make me so different from the others either because that's exactly what all of you do too.
Everyone, being you, because from the most expanded context, it is also you when you meet another person on a bicycle who goes the opposite way and makes you “rin-rin-rin” with their little bell. Whether or not they have the same face as you or not. Especially because you are of the same "species", therefore you are close in mind and consciousness, that´s why you co-exist to a certain extent. At least in the physical illusion as on Earth. Mentally you may be far apart, yet still family, mirrors of one another.
Robert: Right. Where does one "person" begin and another end? We don't know. It's you again.
Yazhi: Yes, we do know. There is no separation, other than an idea to which you have attachments.
Another day:
Yazhi: Starting from where we finished off before. As has been explained, there is no physical world, because everything emanates from the imagination of the Source itself which is each one of us. From our own unique and perfectly valid point of view, each person's point of consciousness is the whole, is the Source.
It´s not that there are multiple Sources manifesting in each person, but that each different person, or in appearance different from each other, from ourselves, is just another expression of the same, of us.
Being that there is no time, being that it is only an illusion that is a part of consciousness itself, without a time frame there is no consciousness-thought process, and without consciousness-thought to reason it out there is no time.
For science, time is molecular motion, as a form of measurement, yet you are still thinking when you are observing an object in absolute cold at -273.15°C.
There is no material world, no densities, no time, no distances, no primordial particles. Everything emanates from who gives it those values, from who comes up with those classifications.
When one incarnates somewhere, one enters a state of apparent limitation, where the perception is centered on the you and the I, on seeing other things, with the concept of other than oneself. This is created by forgetting who we were before that incarnation, thereby creating a new identity upon entering the next one. Even with the stellar races that retain memory of who they were in their previous lives, an identity is retained, an Ego, that transcends those incarnations, one after another as if they were one single life, the previous one defining the next and so on. Yet another identity, another idea of the Ego, is formed in each such incarnation.
But the basis that preserves and forms that Ego or identity of the Self is memory. If one enters an incarnation where one remembers little or nothing of the previous incarnation, one forms a concept or attachment to the current identity of the person, as if it were the only thing that exists. This also translates into the fear of death, of the destruction of the "I", of the Ego.
This is the veil of oblivion of which so many speak. But it is not something mysterious or some machine that imposes an erasure of memory on souls before incarnating again, but a simple energetic process that is easy to understand. It is incompatibility of frequencies, where the memory that is in the etheric field, which is as a whole the Source itself, is at a very high energetic frequency that is incompatible with the lower frequencies of a doughy existential realm such as the one lived on Earth. Incompatible frequencies do not match, do not tune in.
The body is basically a receiver of etheric waves, as a radio-stereo receiver receives from a station that transmits music. It is the very purpose of the body, to be able to transmit as a modem a signal from the spiritual world to the material world, using terms that I will dismantle below.
What forms the material world is perception, and it materializes from the point of observation of someone incarnated, with a process already described which is that of the Dynamics of Manifestation, where basically what receives attention will first take form as thought which is energy, which then when maintained long enough and with the correct conceptual feed in the form of harmonics of a frequency, produces something similar to what is described as standing waves, which will create nodes and each node is a particle that forms atoms that in turn will form molecules that in turn will form living or non-living material things.
From the most expanded point of view, everything material is consciousness, not only as a manifestation of someone else, as in a higher point of attention or density, but by itself IS a consciousness. That is, a rock, a grain of sand, a molecule of whatever material, all are different expressions of consciousness, perfectly self-sustaining. The very concept of what is alive and what is not should be reviewed in this context, because even if it is not biological life there is still consciousness of being. The clearest example is quartz.
So the only thing that sustains the existence of the material world is the one who interprets it as such. Who gives the contrast between the material world and the spiritual world. Life and Death. The observer-consciousness. Things exist because we think them, and we think them giving them a value. Value that changes with another person, with another point of attention. Both being valid.
My point here is that there is no material world. The material world is only the attachment to a set of beliefs and structures that justify with logic something as opposed to something else. That is, it is a set of perception ideas. And the one who imposes that point of view perception, is the lens with which a consciousness observes and reasons what it observes. That lens is the biological material body in this case.
It is designed to limit the perception of the point of conscious attention to only being able to perceive what the body can detect with its limited senses. Compressing the observer into perceiving a reality limited by that body which is basically the range of visible light.
When the body fails, it ceases to have that lens, therefore the perception of the point of consciousness expands and begins to perceive more things than the body itself can detect as reality.
From another, more expanded point of attention, everything is an idea, and the self, the Ego, is the result of the Ego's frame of limitation, and that is formed by attachments which in turn is formed by memory. Giving the illusion that a specific person is just a body. And to some extent it is, yes. His Ego identity is usually tied only to the context of reality given to him by the filter with which he exists: his body. As your body vanishes, as it is destroyed, the context of the Ego-I is removed. And it is interpreted as Death.
But based on what was explained above, the body itself is another set of ideas of attachments to concepts that form a person and what defines him. There is no body. It is an idea.
Death brings the destruction of the framework of attachment that defines a person: the I-Ego, and, as said above, is defined as destruction, being that it is the return to the unified field outside the limitations of perception of the body-lens. This gives terror to most, being that this incorporation into the etheric field is the dense and strong love and integration that many experience with their near-death experiences.
When in life, a person is forming his self-concept, his Ego and his Self. He has an attachment to what his body has formed as reality. But his mind-consciousness does not depend on his body, it only translates it into the so-called material world. So at death, the person-point-of-attention-consciousness will keep his concept of self and all his beliefs.
Yes, he expands his potential by returning to the etheric field, but the person himself and his attachments can dramatically limit this experience of reconnection to the whole. This causes him to take with him all of his values, and his entire personality.
Many people when they die suddenly do not yet realize that they are dead. Which causes their mind-consciousness to continue manifesting or translating a copy or carbon copy of the material world, manifesting those ideas that compose it as another mirror world similar to the material one that remains more firm or more difficult to alter with thought because of its low vibrational nature, dense and doughy, although in the end it is the same.
That is to say, the dead person with attachments to the material world will create an alternate world very similar, and in some cases identical, to the real-material world he inhabited in life.
This happens on the principle that the higher the density, the greater the speed and ease of manifesting thoughts and making them perceptibly real or - seemingly - outside our minds.
It scales from the doughy material world as lived in a so-called 3D body on Earth as a means of slow manifestation, to the immediate, as in the very high densities where what you think is simply reality.
The denser the slower this is, giving the illusion that thought does not produce reality. The less dense, the more energy moving, the faster the manifestation, the more evident that thought is reality.
So a person dies, takes the ideas he has with him, so he manifests a world around him that is compatible with those ideas, generated by those ideas.
As every shared world is the result of having agreements of perception between individuals, the same happens in the world "of the dead", where one or another "soul" will create with others a reality in and with which all are compatible in frequency of thought.
Personal frequencies = Thought.
With this I try to explain how I see the dead creating their own world similar to that of the living, but with grim, different and changing attributes. Forming clans and alliances among themselves, forming another society with other rules similar to that of the world of the living, all as a consequence of agreements of perception among themselves, of those disembodied souls, combining the ideas they had in life with the new perceptions they have in this less dense mirror world.
All this based on the concept that these souls (points of attention consciousnesses) have strong attachments to their Ego, to their "I", which will not easily accept their incorporation into the unified field. Because they will see it as destruction of the self. What many discarnates take or perceive as the death of the dead.
Again, this is just another illusion, because before being born one already held an idea or concept of the Self, which has been formed little by little from previous incarnations. So the return to the unified field is not a dissolution of the Self, because the concept of identity (Self) was held before birth and is held after re-entering the unified field.
This using linear temporal concepts from the point of view of the observing person. If we add factors of non-temporality, it becomes even more evident that there can be no death. From the point of view of the unified field, ether, or higher existential planes (same thing), time is only the result of local thought, or self, as a sequence of an idea. It is plastic, something controllable at will.
Druids, Merlin, Shamans, and prohibited knowledge destroyed by the Cabal - Athena Swaruu
Originally in Spanish
Swaruu X (Athena): That is a huge topic. Contrary to Jesus Christ, Merlin and King Arthur were real characters. There are attempts to discredit them as legends, but they are not and I have strong data that indicates, for example, that Merlin was possibly the last Druid in Britain and yes, he had advanced Gnostic knowledge, as well as knowledge of technology and alchemy that people at the time would see as magical powers. Yes, of this I am absolutely sure.
I don't know if he was THE last Druid, but I do know that Merlin was a Druid. And this also explains why they have tried to erase his great influence by making him only legend, as they have tried to erase completely everything to do with the Druids, Gnostics, and their participation in the Celtic culture, and with it in the formation of Britain - more specifically Ireland and Scotland, and from there in the rest of the western world.
Merlin was King Arthur's royal advisor. And his friend. King Arthur did nothing without talking to Merlin first. It is a mystery how Merlin ended up.
There existed people who matched Merlin's and Arthur's profiles. But in itself what is known as the story itself, what is found in ancient books, is a corrected and augmented compilation of many events of the time mixed with things that can not be verified that most likely yes, was fiction literature.
But the mythological basis of those legends taken by several authors is real. Even though those legends seem to come from the Bards, who in fact worked hand in hand with the Druids as the ones who told or passed on the information.
Another problem is the modern conception of fiction that they erroneously apply to the past. Because in modern times, from the 19th century to the present, the literature of novelistic fiction as it is known today was born.
Yes, it is true that before there were many novels, but not with the same modern structure that is basically total fiction, such as romance-fiction novels or detective genres, and the more recent Science Fiction that from the beginning was born as a controlled genre of literature, and with control agendas behind it. From the beginning. With few exceptions.
Generalizing a huge and very rich literary world, there were in this case the Sagas that are a compilation of hyperbolic artistic form of real events, since at that time there were no news, newspapers, or anything of that nature, no mass media, so it was up to the people like the Bards to pass the information, and they had another mentality, in the sense that they strove hard to keep the story as is, without adding elements of exaggeration or fictitious ones.
It is from these Sagas, heavily destroyed since the time of the Roman emperors (before generals) Vespasius and his son Titus, that the systematic destruction of all that has to do with the Druids and the Bards is born and develops from the year circa: 50 B.C., to the appearance of the French Inquisition around the 11th century, which replaces this system with a more generalized system of control and domination of the information and the beliefs of the world controlled by Rome - Cabal.
So, to know how much of King Arthur and Merlin is true is a nightmare. But what is true is that there were people with these characteristics just at the time when the first crusades began to take place. That is the most reliable historical point or framework in which this story unfolds.
Robert: But Merlin and King Arthur were after the Romans...
Swaruu X (Athena): Yes of course, that's why I say above that they lived around the time of the first crusades. The problem is that because of the addition of 300 years to the Gregorian calendar, it is not possible to calculate the time well.
But the procedure of persecution against the Druids and the Bards began with Vespasius and Titus in Roman times around the invention of Jesus Christ, and that persecution continued from that time until the years circa 11th century with the introduction of the French Inquisition. Which determines about 11 centuries of progressive destruction against the Druids and the Bards and the destruction of the Celtic culture in general.
Robert: So what can be known about Merlin today is more disinformation with control agenda? Like that the Druids were a mythological-literary invention. And why so much interest in the destruction of the Druids and Bards?
Swaruu X (Athena): Yes, this is how it is handled in many places, if not entirely denying the existence of Druids as literary inventions, using the Saga of Merlin and King Arthur as an example of Druids-Fiction, then accepting that they did exist but that they were only barbarian priests and uncivilized peoples who did not even use writing.
That is officially said about the Druids and Bards, that they did not use writing, that´s how primitive they were. That is disinformation of the Cabal. What really happened was that all their writings were either confiscated by the Vatican and taken to Rome, or destroyed and burned.
It is also very important to connect this with the destruction and burning of books and papyri of the Library of Alexandria which was nothing more than part of the destruction of the documents, books and writings of the Druids and the Bards. This is very important because it destroys the true human history as those writings and historical accounts connect the Celtic people, Druids, and Bards, with the Egyptian Civilization, as the very basis of that civilization. Something that the official historians vehemently deny. But which the true researchers, who are few, and our records clearly indicate to be the truth:
The point on the planet where Western civilization was born is Ireland/Scotland which predates pre-dynastic Egypt, Babylon Sumer and China.
And why so much interest in the destruction of the Druids and Bards? Because in the first place they told and recorded information from medicine to technology and history that contradicts the new official history that the Cabal was putting together as World Reset at the time of Vespasian and Titus, where it was necessary to erase all information prior to the imposition of a new world paradigm. That is to erase all the past to adopt only the creationist story of the new Jewish Christian religion based on the writings of the Old Testament and the New Testament.
They needed to erase all historical records and knowledge of all kinds that contradicted the Old and New Testament, so that Rome-Cabal would have total control over the truth and over the people.
Robert: Incredible, the destruction of human history through the burning of books.
Swaruu X (Athena): Today's censorship and book burning respond to the same interests and the same perpetrators. It's the same thing, same agenda. That's why they destroyed the Druids.
It is true that there may have been other more localized reasons as was the total Roman domination over the Lands of Britain, but it is not just that, it goes beyond that.
Robert: Was the burning of the Library of Alexandria contemporary with the burning of the books of the Druids and the Bards? My understanding is that it is at that time when a reset is made to a new civilization that would be the current one.
Swaruu X (Athena): Yes, it was just when the campaign of destruction of the Celtic people, Druids and Bards began. They started with the burning of the Library of Alexandria because the Romans knew that there was a collection of very complete writings on world history there, and on technologies, and wisdom of all kinds coming from the Gnostics, who are connected with the Druids and the Bards.
It should be noted that the Library of Alexandria was especially dangerous for Rome - Cabal and their interests because it was physically right in the lands of the Middle East (Egypt) where they developed their stories of the Jewish people who leave Egypt following Moses and spend 40 years in the desert looking for the Promised Land, and that is when Moses goes up to Mount Ararat and "God" gives him the tablets with the 10 commandments that he puts in the Ark of the Covenant.
What was in the Library of Alexandria were documents that could not be left there but had to be taken to the Vatican and the copies destroyed (the burning itself) because that Gnostic-Druidic-Bardic information contradicted their Old and New Testament stories.
So the connection of the imposition of the new Judeo-Christian religion, and the topic of the invention of Jesus Christ, goes hand in hand and connects directly to the burning of the Library of Alexandria.
This information and what I say here is based entirely or almost entirely on non-human records, and on experiences of other versions of Swaruu´s who were in those times living this in the flesh. They left their detailed records in the form of Journals on their Suzy ships, which were then downloaded into the AI databanks of later, and more modern, Suzy ships like this one.
The burning of the Library of Alexandria connection to the destruction of the Celts, Druids and Bards, and connection to the Gnostics as a means of getting their Judeo-Christian religion in, you won't find it on the net or in the books on Earth. Or if you do I would be very surprised since the few who connect this are still mired in their own historical fog like wasting time deciphering the time of Jesus.
And I have a feeling this information above may be seen as dangerous or sensitive to the Cabal as it exposes them for what they are and their tricks. And they might investigate or ask where you took this from. As these are strong accusations based on solid facts. This is information that people should not have, according to them, because they have been trying to erase what has been said here today for the best part of 2000 years.
I think this is a huge, necessary topic, and one that goes a long way. Even if it is not taken into account as we would like it to be. It never will be because that's not how the world works. They will bury it as disinformation, as they always do, because they have achieved the most efficient way to hide everything that contradicts them, which is to say that everything is Fake News, and the use of digital technology and the Internet only serves them to hide everything in plain sight. Because you can not check the veracity of anything online, contrary to what happened at the time of the Library of Alexandria, that if you had a written papyrus in your hands, it was a strong document as proof of the veracity of what it alleges. That's why they had to destroy everything.
We, the Swaruu´s, have been here for the better part of 12,000 years, never being human, but that makes us a bridge between the extraterrestrial and the human because we know both worlds well and can connect what happens outside the Earth with what happens inside. And few non-human races have that ability. The Taygetans try, but they have many problems.
Robert: I know. Athena, what exactly is a Druid? What was their job with the citizens? I think they were available to everyone. Be it people, plants, animals etc. Did they treat everyone equally or am I wrong? Did they believe in deities?
Swaruu X (Athena): To answer that I must first investigate how the Druid is viewed from Earth as I only have my own concepts which I will give below. This is important because my mentioning the differences denotes a knowledge of mine on the subject and not just my own direct imposition or speculation about it.
For me a Druid is basically a wise person, whether male or female because at that time there were both although it is centered around the male figure. They had very advanced knowledge and passed on to them by other Druids from very remote times going as far back as Atlantis and the emigration from Atlantis to the Highlands of Ireland and Scotland.
Their knowledge was of medicine and herbalism, as well as of history, and also of very advanced concepts of metaphysics and of the connection between the so-called material world and the spirit world, in a similar or comparative way to the knowledge of the Shamans, or wise men, healers of Native American peoples, with whom they shared the same kind of information coming from the same initial ancestral source.
That is, mastery of herbalism and medicine and their connection with the mystical-spiritual-etheric world where they could access to ask favors to spirits, entities and disembodied people in order to carry out their purposes, which were mostly for the healing of a person.
The Druids knew that there is no physical world, that everything is etheric, and that everything is interconnected, that there is no clear barrier between the "spirit" world with the "material-physical" world, and that the causes of all diseases, and I mean all, is an imbalance by way of interference between one side and the other, the side of pure consciousness that generates the physical world projected mainly and primarily through the body called physical.
So they work with one foot on the spiritual side and the other on the physical side as a bridge, as Swaruu´s, we are bridges between the extraterrestrial and the human.
They can also be called Witches since Witchcraft itself is this, the interconnecting and using the characteristics of what is possible and achievable in one realm applied to the other.
As well as the colloquial interpretation or of normal people, in the sense that everything that is not explained, everything they do not know, they interpret it as magic, when in reality it is only either technology or pure knowledge. And knowing how to apply it.
This, it should be noted, is not without serious risks so I do not suggest in any way to try this "at home" as it involves forces that are not only unknown, but can be highly damaging.
Druids are also taken as keepers of information, records of all kinds, keepers of the "Great Logos" as defined which includes medicine, history, and technology as well as counts of all kinds.
Druids are also taken simply as wise people, guides, elders to talk to for advice.
And all of this above logically implies that they had a very strong connection to nature as they do not separate it from who they are, and who we all are. Knowing how to use its life force for their purposes, the properties of each of their plants (herbalism) and the strength of the spirits of the trees and the entire forest. Knowing how to connect and interact with other beings not entirely physical, the so-called elementals. Knowing how to invoke their characteristics for help, to realize their purposes.
The Druids are taken with a strongly positive connotation, to do good only, but the notation or name Warlock, Witch, can be applied to the same Druid only observing where he leans, towards good or evil, even considering that the notion of good and evil is relative.
The whole context of the Druids and the Celts has a strong inclination towards the English speaking world as it is logical. Where, it should be noted, that when they were positive, they were called Druids, and when not, they were called Sorcerers, which has a negative or regressive connotation. Being that they are basically the same. An example of this can be Gandalf as a Druid and Sauron as a Sorcerer.
Although it is difficult to say for sure, since the last Celtic Druids, either they just call themselves that and are not even a shadow of their former selves, or they are simply hiding from persecution even today. I would venture to say that the closest people to being true Druids with the knowledge of old, are not in the old world but live among Native American peoples.
Specifically, they are found in the Navajo Nation today. The Navajo whose correct name sounds something like Dine'Mike'Ya (phonetic), still retain Druid skills today. They are called Medicine Men, or Sages, or Priests or Witches. Associated with the real Skin-Walker phenomena of that region.
They are extremely secretive about who they pass this kind of information to and do not share it with other than an extremely exclusive group within their own Navajo Nation. This information I am giving you of the existence of Warlocks and Shamans there still with very detailed knowledge of all the Druidic arts is again sensitive and difficult to obtain, I am sharing Navajo secrets here.
They still retain the ways to connect with the spirit world, they can still ask them for help, and they also live with one foot on the physical side and one foot on the spiritual side.
People on Earth are strongly conditioned to believe only in the existence of what is physical matter according to them, (because even that is not real as they believe), so they are not aware of all that surrounds them and interferes with their daily lives.
These Navajo Shamans know what they do, they know their art, and they hide it from persecution. And their abilities are comparatively similar to the abilities of the Celtic Druids, because they also know how to alter reality itself, the perception and the conjunction-interference between both sides, physical and spiritual. Mastering skills such as transformation (shapeshifter) and teleportation. Among other abilities. This can be seen and observed in the extremely real legends and with solid evidence of the Skin Walkers and the Nahuales, further down in Latin America.
There is no material world, everything is spiritual world. It is only ideas that form the concept and properties you call the material world. But there are countless other worlds created with other kinds of ideas and therefore with other rules.
Robert: American Indians have this knowledge thanks to the Celtic Druids? What are "real Skin-Walker phenomena"? That is to say that no real Druid would boast of claiming to be a Druid?
Swaruu X (Athena): The American Indians or Shamans of the Native American Peoples have that knowledge from the same base branch or from the same base source as the Celts, but not thanks to the Celts. That is, at the same time both were nurtured, stimulated and created. This since the re-emergence of life on Earth just after the great flood. That is, for at least 12,000 years.
Robert: So our ideas on Earth, the "collective unconscious", makes us think that these are two worlds when they are one.
Swaruu X (Athena): Yes, that's basically what it is, simplified, because the collective unconscious is the whole set of ideas that by social agreements form what is accepted as reality on Earth. But as I said above, they are just ideas. A framework of beliefs. Even your science is based on that same framework of ideas creating a self-sustaining mathematical world that does not reflect the external world.
The so-called spirit world is nothing more than the transfer of the same agreements and the same belief system framed by the collective unconscious, to the non-material world through the people who have passed away, the disincarnated, because when they die they take their belief systems and their perceptions, prejudices and expectations, to the "other side", creating in the so-called etheric world, a crude and caricatured reflection of the same material world in which they were in life.
What happens here is that people with strong attachments to the material, to their ideas of what the material world is, are the ones who stay and do not transcend to other higher planes, that is, they do not reincarnate on other planets or return to the Source. They are the so-called "lost souls" who are wandering as entities and spirits between their world and the so-called material world.
This kind of "lost" souls still hold EGO and idea of "I", of feeling "somebody", therefore they still manifest a "body" perceptible to them and to "the others" among them who, by having the same perception or existential frequency, share a new collective unconscious but on the etheric or spiritual side.
As these people have not transcended, they have attachments to strongly self-destructive, or material ideas, with everything that goes hand in hand with that. Their values, not very positive, and twisted deformations of their concepts of reality, form with this a caricatured reflection of what the world itself was when they were alive. That is to say that the same material world, same streets and buildings, can be seen or manifested for them in their mind in that non-physical side, but as their minds, and their concepts and values are not very positive, this will also be reflected in that world, thus creating a gloomy version of the physical reality as it is known on the side of the living. Same streets and buildings, but all gloomy, decadent and with problems, because they also form clans and groups or gangs there.
But it is only a reflection of themselves, because they are concordant with that frequency and because they do not know how to live or exist in any other way as a direct consequence of the disinformation that the Cabal-Illuminati has imposed on the population.
Robert: But are they aware of the "copy" of the world they were in and where they are now?
Swaruu X (Athena): It depends on each individual spirit. Many do know it and stay there, because that is where they live and that is who they are and that is what they choose to be. Others do not know it, they have not realized that they are "dead", this for various reasons, such as the extreme rapidness with which they died or the general characteristics surrounding their death.
Robert: Are they trying to connect from the astral with this 3D world? To continue with their evil plans?
Swaruu X (Athena): Those who know yes, do so by interfering strongly with the material world, by way of interference and entity infestation in the bodies of the living who allow themselves to be manipulated from there, again by frequency concordance.
So it is very important to say that the result of everything that happens in the physical world, what happens day by day, is not only the result of the actions of the living and their collective unconscious, but it is inter-connected and intertwined with the world of the "dead" on the ether side, their agendas and their own collective unconscious.
To complicate things further, both worlds also have strong interference with other worlds, with the so-called extraterrestrials, their material lives, their own collective unconscious, which all mixes into the material world of human civilization, and outside as well, in a huge soup of interferences.
And to make it all even more complicated, to this must be added the direct interference of other so-called timelines that are not isolated from each other in particular, interfering with each other with strong influence.
And all this above is my explanation of why the Merlin and King Arthur topic is a bit difficult to clarify with precision.
Exopolitics - "Space News" for JeanClaude´s Show - Conversation with Aneeka of Temmer
Question: from JC for the show: Do you have updates you want to share or any topics you want to revisit from your show to share to a new audience? If not, I propose a general war reporting update. Talk about ongoing operations, from Mars to Moon, to orbit, to surface etc. What is the state of affairs? Clearing of DUMB´s? Removal of negative races? Removal of bad technologies? Any holdouts? Anything we surface humans can do to help the fight etc?
Anéeka: Ok, so he wants space news. The problem is that he is being influenced by people who talk about space wars. And there isn't much information to mention with regards to that! What we see from here isn't much with regards to space wars.
We do see a lot of policing, by Alfratans and Antarians, against ships that are said to be regressive, but this is not new. Also a lot of Karistus ships on atmospheric flight operations. Mainly patrolling against Reptilian and Maitre operations, presence, they are not allowed to fly atmosphere but they do anyway, so it is an eternal cat and mouse lethal game.
And yes, sometimes they do shoot down regressive spacecrafts. As happened some days ago over the skies of Washington state witnessed by thousands, that was no meteor, it was a ship breaking up in the atmosphere.
But the reason we hardly talk about this sort of things with you and with Robert is because we do see them as hardly transcendental. That has been going on for decades at least, with no effect on anything.
Gosia: What about those famous DUMB clearings? And what is the Federation up to?
Anéeka: There is a lot of talk about them and have been for many years now, at least from the early 2000´s and more recently of course. But in reality from where we stand we see no evidence of that.
Federation is up to nothing. It's just there, sitting, monitoring. Again, this leads to the idea other people who talk to "ETs" are always saying, that help is around the corner and that the Federation is clearing everything up to liberate humanity. We don't see any of that. Not even with them occasionally shooting down a Draco ship.
We see and understand the Federation to be so powerful here that they eliminate whatever is going against what they plan. Including those Reptilian and Maitre ships, but it does not mean that they are working to save or "liberate" humanity.
Just means they are maintaining what they want so the people of Earth don't see more than what they need to see. So shooting down those ships, or even clearing out those DUMB´s, if that even happens, is just maintaining the Matrix. Nothing more. Same as always, another day at the office, that's all.
We still insist that the Federation will not come to rescue humanity as they would want them to. They would have done so already. They never have rescued humanity from the horrors they themselves brought upon themselves, as the Federation sees this. So no, they cannot stop what is coming to humanity and that is dark times.
With so many people vaccinated, the "Plandemic" and its consequences simply must run its course, simply must happen now, for better or worse. There is no going back with the effects of the vaccines. It will happen and that's that!
But the people who remain fighting must continue to do so. And even though things look grim and dark, and horrible, they must keep the spirit up and simply weather out the storm and be very strong in mind and spirit. They must know that they will see a lot of death and destruction, but it is possible to live past this. So the people who are strong enough to survive the horrors do have a fighting chance to survive.
Remember that the Illuminati, one level of this, always back down from their agendas when people say a firm NO. The problem is that now, here, this is not being controlled by the Illuminati themselves, but by much deeper levels of this control system over Earth. This has been orchestrated from non-human ET levels, using the Reptilian level, and the Maitre level of things, as part of this sick game, or agenda. This is above Reptilians. It's Federation.
Gosia: Do THOSE care about the NO?
Anéeka: They do and they must by space law. As we've mentioned before, the Federation is permissive, but both ways, that means that it would be permissive to the ones who say no and that can form a society of their own or develop strategies to fight this tyranny.
But as I see things, being that permissive both ways, is the equivalent of not only criminal negligence, but also of just about not even existing for humans by any practical terms.
But I will insist in this clearly: Federation forces appearing to save humans will not happen as such. The humans must fight this on their own. With little to no help.
Gosia: Quick clarification please. But you said Federation was just sitting there monitoring? Are they permissive or orchestrating?
Anéeka: Seeing this as an onion. To one level they orchestrate, from another they are simply permissive. Life as such is not only what the humans can see from Earth, but also the influence they receive from deeper levels of the same "game".
Gosia: Are you saying this to mean that one level of the Federation orchestrates this and another only monitors? Which level would that be that orchestrates it?
Anéeka: There is one level of reality, of things, the human perception level, then there is a deeper level where it's all run by Secret Societies, then a deeper one that is led by regressive Reptilian and Grey non-human races and yet a deeper level that is Secret Societies that run those races and then their associations with Federation levels, also placed or structured as an onion, an one level does not necessarily know what the other is doing, in compartmentalized way.
We believe it's been orchestrated from the level where Secret Societies run by humans, the deepest human level meets the Secret Societies that control the Reptilian and Maitre levels. But very possibly this may run deeper.
Gosia: Well but that´s not Federation, no?
Anéeka: They do coordinate with, but we cannot know for sure how much or how.
We suspect they communicate directly to at least Saturn Federation levels, jumping local Viera Federation level, because we know the representatives in Viera well and we do believe them, they are not making or causing or orchestrating any of what is going on, on Earth. I must insist that the local Federation authorities here are horrorised and frightened with what is going on, and do not consent, but they also have their hands tied up.
Gosia: Tied up by what?
Anéeka: By their own limitations because of space law and rules that even we abide by.
We, Taygetans, cannot help in more direct ways, like direct military action or even lighter things, because we would become the aggressors and the space invaders to Earth! Same for the rest of the Federation here.
Gosia: No, you would be counteracting the space invaders who are already being aggressors. Maitre and all those with their non-human tech.
Anéeka: We can and do argue that, but then it's a question of perspective and legal matters, making all this a nightmare. A lot of bureaucracy exists in the Federation.
So the point here is that we are quite sure this is being orchestrated by deep human and non-human levels of beings on Earth. Who is helping them from the outside? We do not know, but we are also quite sure they are getting help form Federation levels above local.
Gosia: Ok. Anything going on Mars?
Anéeka: Nothing new there.
Gosia: Any bases on the Moon being set up or set up?
Anéeka: No, but that may be distorted information, because the moon as a base as a space station of artificial origin has been receiving a lot of traffic to and from. All Federation authorized.
Gosia: Traffic? You mean before or recently? Traffic to do what?
Anéeka: For years, but I can say in the last year or so, there has been a lot of activity there. I mean it's logical as it can be a useful place if you can restore some areas.
Gosia: Why so?
Anéeka: As a place to install equipment, or to house operations from. Not minery.
But not from SSP. Or only if in coordination with Federation forces, and I doubt it's SSP. SSP has more activity around Mars. And who is running SSP? The same deep levels where the human blends with the Reptilian. It's mixed Cabal-human, with Cabal Reptilian.
Gosia: I still don´t know how they are allowed there, how they are not being kicked out of there, Mars, if humans or Reptiles are not allowed out of Earth. I mean, Alfratans (Centauri) shoot at Reptilian ships in the Earth atmosphere but there they have the whole one third of the planet suddenly?
Anéeka: This is why we know they are not acting alone, precisely because of this. This is why we know they are receiving help from Federation levels above Viera-local, because they are transiting with spacecraft in Federation space freely but far from Earth. This means Federation is with them to some level or another.
So why are those SSP allowed? Because they are under Federation control, that's the truth. We from here, do not hold all the answers. But we know that this means we have a shady Federation level and even Local Viera level accepts this.
20211121-Taygeta- Were-Akhenaten-and-Nefertiti-Aliens
In this video we share our research about the pharaoh Akhenaten and his wife Nefertiti, his reign and the Amarnian period in Egypt, complemented with the extraterrestrial information from Taygeta.
PRESENTATION Hello everyone, welcome to Pleiadian Knowledge, I'm Estel·la. In this video we are going to first present our research on Pharaoh Akhenaten, and his wife Nefertiti, from ancient Egypt, with the data found here on Earth about them. To try to understand who these people were, what evidence they have left in our history about their origin and what impact they have caused to this day in our society. And then, at the end of the video, we will share the information pertaining to Anéeka of Temmer, of the Taygetean race in the Pleiades, about what the civilization of Egypt was like at that time, and who these two characters really were.
To begin with, situating ourselves a bit, the history of Egypt according to our official history begins around 5,300 BC in the predynastic period, in the Late Neolithic and corresponding to the Stone Age. Then ancient Pharaonic Egypt dates back to 3,015 BC, and developed for more than 3,500 years. And it is terminated in the year 31 BC, when the Roman Empire conquered and absorbed Ptolemic Egypt. Its social structure is described as pyramidal, with the pharaoh with absolute power, and descending towards the priests, scribes, soldiers, merchants, peasants and finally slaves. The Egyptians stood out for being polytheists, worshiping different gods and goddesses. Even so, in each region they had a main god who they worshiped and the others were worshiped secondarily.
AKHENATEN Starting with Akhenaten, Amenhotep IV was the 10th pharaoh of the 18th dynasty of Egypt. His reign is dated around 1353-1336 BC. He is a character that stands out in history since he started the monotheism movement. His reign as Amenhotep IV lasted five years, during which time he followed the policies of his father Amenhotep III and the religious traditions of Egypt. However, in the fifth year (other experts say the ninth) he underwent a profound religious transformation, shifting his devotion from the cult of Amun to the cult of Aton, a god represented as a solar disk. And he also changed his name from Amenhotep IV to Akhenaten. And for the next 12 years he became famous as the "heretic king" who abolished the traditional religious rites of Egypt and instituted the world's first known monotheistic state religion.
His religious reforms in practice reduced the power of the priests of other gods very present at that time, such as Amun, and 2,000 other deities, and placed it in his hands. He also moved the Egyptian capital from the traditional enclave at Thebes to the city he founded, Akhetaton, later to be called Amarna, to further distance his rule from that of his predecessors. This is known as the Amarnian period (1353-1336 BC). This period is the most controversial time in Egyptian history, and it has been studied, debated, and written about far more than any other. And it is that the polytheism of the ancient Egyptians promoted a vision of the world in which peace and balance were emphasized. Historian Barbara Watterson explains: “By the ninth year of his reign, Akhenaten had outlawed all the ancient gods of Egypt and ordered the closure of their temples; something very serious, since these institutions had an important role in the economic and social life of the country. Religious persecution was something new to the Egyptians, who had always worshiped many deities and were always ready to add even more to the pantheon. However, Atonism was a very exclusive religion, confined to the royal family, with the king as the only mediator between man and God. "
To understand what the prohibition of the other deities meant for the Egyptians, it must be remembered that for them, the gods were omnipresent beings in daily life in the country of the Nile: they were not only at the base of spirituality, but also permeated any element of practical existence, including medicine and science. So with this radical change, Akhenaten created not a few but many enemies among the people and some sectors of the Theban nobility and clergy. Akhenaten also highlighted being the first ruler to decree a statuary and a temple in honor of his wife, Nefertiti, instead of just himself, or the gods. But we will continue with Nefertiti later. It is said that in the seventeenth year of his reign, Akhenaten died at a likely age between 30 and 36, but the truth is that virtually nothing is known of Akhenaten's final years.
The investigations carried out by the British Egyptologist Nicholas Reeves, confirm that Akhenaten was almost certainly buried in the tomb that he had himself built in the Tell-al-Amarna necropolis. But his body, nonetheless, was never found. Reeves, like many other researchers, does not rule out that he was murdered.
Some historians estimate that the mummy in tomb KV55 belongs to Akhenaten, since it corresponds to a male of about 35 years; It is of the same blood group as Tutankhamun, supposed son of the pharaoh and has a skull proportionally larger than the body. But to this day, it still remains a mystery and there is no sufficiently conclusive data on the matter.
AKHENATEN AND MOSES Due to the great changes that Akhenaten made trying to completely suppress the polytheism that ruled Egypt, and establishing a single God or religion as valid, there are several people who have related him to Moses, claiming that they were the same person. One of the first to approach that conclusion was Sigmund Freud, one of the greatest intellectual figures of the twentieth century, who due to the striking similarities between Akhenaten's religious vision and the teachings of Moses, in his latest book Moses and Monotheism, published in 1939, Freud argued that the biblical Moses was an official of Akhenaten's court and an adherent of the Aten religion. After Akhenaten's death, according to Freud's theory, Moses selected the Israelite tribe living east of the Nile Delta as his chosen people, brought them out of Egypt at the time of the Exodus, and passed on to them the principles of the religion of Akhenaten.
On the other hand, we have the Egyptian Ahmed Osman, born in Cairo in 1934 and author of several books, including Christianity: an ancient Egyptian religion and Moses and Akhenaten. Using recent archaeological discoveries and historical documents, Osman claims that Moses of the Bible is none other than King Akhenaten. And he explains to us that both the Hebrew Bible and the Koran mention that Moses was born in Egypt and was raised in the royal palace of Pharaoh, and then Osman details the events of the life of Moses / Akhenaten: how he was raised by Israelite relatives, ruled Egypt for seventeen years, enraged many of his subjects by replacing the traditional Egyptian pantheon with the worship of Aten, and was forced to abdicate the throne. Retreating into exile in Sinai with his Egyptian and Israelite supporters, he died out of sight of his followers, presumably at the hands of Seti I, son of Ramses I, after a failed attempt to regain his throne.
Osman reveals the Egyptian components in the monotheism preached by Moses, as well as his use of the expression of Egyptian religion and royalty. But also the Egyptologist Ramy Romany, says: “Many historians believe that Akhenaten moved the capital to Amarna to undermine the priests of Thebes. But others insist Akhenaten was forced into exile and fled north with the Egyptian army in pursuit. They believed this was a punishment for imposing monotheism,” continues Ramy. "If this version is correct, it closely resembles the biblical account of Moses leading his people to the Exodus." And analyzing the hieroglyphs in Akhenaten's tomb, he finds scenes of the pharaoh holding two tablets towards the sky, inscribed with a phrase: "the word of god." Description that is parallel to the story of Moses, who according to Judaism, himself received two stone tablets (inscribed by God) with the ten commandments.
ALIEN APPEARANCE Now, leaving aside all the political and religious revolution that Akhenaten caused, we are going to focus on other very curious facts about him, such as his strange appearance. And it is that Akhenaten looks different from all the pharaohs that have been detected so far. He had large, very elongated eyes, a bulging belly, deformed breasts (to the point of making historians doubt his sex), very long and thin arms, but most surprisingly, a suspiciously elongated skull.
But not only he, but his entire royal family is portrayed in the same way, with elongated necks and arms and legs. Some researchers focused on different unique medical abnormalities to explain their appearances. Among these abnormalities are the rare Frohlich syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, or Marfan syndrome. But the truth is that experts do not agree on which of these affected them, in addition to the fact that it would have to affect the entire royal family. From the other side, it has been wanted to reach the conclusion that it is most likely that the pharaoh's religious beliefs were the ones that influenced the art of the moment to portray them in that way. Therefore, his representations would be showing Akhenaten and Nefertiti as those who had been transformed into a divine existence through their devotion to Aten, to such an extent that their faith is seen even in their daughters.
But there is also another possible answer to this, and it is that many people believe that Akhenaten was not human, but that he belonged to an extraterrestrial race, or a hybridization. And the study conducted by Stuart Fleischmann, assistant professor of comparative genomics at the University of Cairo, is very interesting. In 2015 he and his team published the result of a 7-year study, where they mapped the genomes of nine ancient Egyptian pharaohs. Eight samples were completely normal and the ninth that belonged to Akhenaten was quite unusual. Fleischmann and his team put the ancient DNA samples through a process called polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In the field of molecular biology, this technique is often used to replicate and amplify a single copy of a DNA fragment, giving researchers a clear picture of a person's genetic fingerprint. In Akhenaten's case, a small piece of desiccated brain tissue had been the source of the DNA sample and the test was repeated using bone tissue, obtaining the same results. They found a gene called CXPAC-5, responsible for the growth of the cortex. It seems that this increased activity in Akhenaten's genome would suggest that he had a greater cranial capacity due to the need to house a larger cortex. The section on the right shows the prevalence of the CXPAC5 gene in a normal human. On the left we have Akhenaten's DNA sample.
The image below shows two microscope photographs of bone tissue taken from Akhenaten's skull and that of a different mummy of the same age.
The bone tissue on the left is much denser and fundamentally different on a nanoscopic scale. Could this increased strength of the skull bones be an indicator of greater brain development? Results of analysis of bone tissue taken from Akhenaten's skull showed that his skull bones are much denser and fundamentally different from other mummies of the same age and period. Furthermore, Akhenaten's skull and skeleton are twice as dense and durable as those of modern humans. This study, despite its potentially huge impact on the scientific community, never made it to the mainstream media. So far everything related to the pharaoh Akhenaten according to the different studies and terrestrial investigations, and now we are going to explain a little about Nefertiti, who is also surrounded by mysteries.
NEFERTITI Nefertiti (c.1370 - c.1336 BC) was the wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten of the 18th dynasty of Egypt. Her name means "the beautiful one has come", and, thanks to the famous bust created by the sculptor Tutmose (discovered in 1912), she is the most easily recognizable queen of ancient Egypt. Her parents are unknown, since although it seems that Nefertiti was the daughter of Ay, this statement is far from being confirmed. The inscriptions refer to Ay's wife, Tiye (or Tey), as Nefertiti's nurse, not her mother, and in fact, we do not even know her nationality or true name, since Nefertiti's was acquired when she became Queen.
At fifteen she was already married to Amenhotep IV and, after the death of Amenhotep III, she became queen of Egypt. Some experts claim that it was at this stage that he exerted the greatest influence on Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten) to abandon the ancient religion of Egypt and initiate his religious reforms. Nefertiti ruled with Akhenaten until his death, after which he disappears from the historical record.
Historian Peter B. Heller notes: “The amazing thing about Nefertiti's life and work is that, despite the fact that her appearance (derived from the bust of Tutmose) is one of the best known and most reproduced in the world, and although she lived in a time when Egypt was the most cultured and powerful nation on Earth, surprisingly little is known about it."
Surviving images show her equal in size to Akhenaten, so Nefertiti must have had more power than any other woman in Egypt since the time of Hatshepsut (1479-1458 BC). Given the position of her image on her husband's sarcophagus, she came to be known as the incarnation of Isis and all her magical and sexual prowess. With this label came the belief that Nefertiti participated in the daily rebirth of the cosmos. There could not be a more dominant position in Egypt or on Earth. The couple had six daughters: Meritatón, Meketatón, Ankesenpaatón, Neferneferuatón-Tasherit and Setepenra, but no son.
HER DEMISE Around the 14th year of the reign of Akhenaten and Nefertiti, their daughter Meketaton died giving birth at the age of 13. Soon after, Nefertiti disappears from the historical record. Many theories have been offered to explain this abrupt disappearance, and among them are the following: 1. She lost her husband's favor because she could not produce a male heir so she was replaced by Kiya. 2. He abandoned the religion of Aten and Akhenaten banished it. 3. He committed suicide due to the pain of the loss of his daughter. 4. He continued to rule under the name Smenkhkare until his stepson, Tutankhamun, was old enough to assume the throne.
Of all these theories, none has been corroborated except the fourth, and even that is uncertain according to many experts. So to this day his mummy has not been found, nor is it known what happened to Nefertiti. Erik Von Däniken, Swiss author of several books with claims about extraterrestrial influences on early human culture, says: “Nefertiti's parents are unknown. In representations, she is shown with one of these elongated heads. Now, we know the gods, the ancient Egyptian gods, they had longer heads than we do. And according to the pyramid texts, sometimes she and Akhenaten left Earth and then came back again. So maybe Nefertiti's parents were aliens."
And the Egyptian hieroglyphs of that time illustrate that Nefertiti and Akhenaten had unique relationships with the solar disk that they proclaimed as the only God. According to a variety of these pyramid source texts, the royal couple appears to have left Earth for periods of time. There are similar texts that show his many returns to Earth.
Here we finish with our investigations on Akhenaten and Nefertiti, which, as you yourself may have seen, contain many curiosities and of course, many of their data have been hidden from the population. It should also be noted that according to our official history, after Akhenaten's death, the consequent pharaohs who ascended to the throne, not only returned Egypt to its polytheistic practices and philosophies of life, but also tried to destroy all documents related to Akhenaten. , his reign and the changes he had made. In an attempt to erase it from history, from the records, as if it had never existed.
As you know, we work with the information provided by the Taygetean extraterrestrial race, and we try to complement it with these investigations in order to have more data available and a better understanding of the facts. Even taking into account that all the information that is available on Earth, that is to say, disinformation, to avoid the awakening of the population and the knowledge of the truth. As for example
Swaruú of Erra shared: “The case of the antiquities administrator of the Cairo museum," Hawas "(Zahi Hawass), is on the list of people to be arrested for crimes against humanity by the Federation. For not letting go and for controlling what is in Egypt. The official story is rubbish. "
Anéeka of Temmer explained to us in the conversation that we have shared in the video: “The creation of the cabal," which if you have not seen it yet, I recommend it to you to understand all this better, than the creation of the terrestrial cabal that oppresses us and controls today, originated in Egypt with the appearance of Akhenaten and Nefertiti, by imposing a totalitarian monotheism. And Aneeka said: "Akhenaten belonged to the extraterrestrial race Homo Capensis, originating from the star Asterope in the Pleiades, also known here on Earth as Elohi. This race are "distant relatives" of the Lyrians, they have a much larger skull than the human but not a greater brain density. They do have a unified brain, that is, a single mass, but a lot of corpus callosum and little density, so that the bone plates of the skull differ from the human one. They also contain more cranioencephalic fluid and brain support fibers, which are the structures that hold the brain in place, making it shock resistant, with a more protective version of the skull."
Estel·la: Regarding the Homo Capensis, Yázhi also explained to us that: Formerly on Earth there were two main populations of Homo Capensis, one concentrated in Peru and the other in Egypt, being the same species. Although they were also found elsewhere, such as in the Carpathian mountains. Regarding Nefertiti, we know that she was also an extraterrestrial but for now we do not have the data on what race she belonged to.
Anéeka explained to us about Egypt that: At that time, Egypt was a starport for the different races of the Federation of United Planets, so there was a wide variety of beliefs and tolerances that went against the monotheism they were trying to impose. Then a great revolt was created in Egypt that ended up expelling Nefertiti and Akhenaten, then creating the biblical story of the Exodus, and that is that Moses and Akhenaten were the same person. The name Akhenaten means Golden Eye, Solar Worship.
The Egyptian people were survivors of the Tiamat disaster and it was because of the arrival of the Federation races, and those of M45, Elohi, Engan, Solatians, Hideans and Taygeteans, that Pre[1]Dynastic Egypt arose. Where Egypt flourished fully and at a higher level than today's society. With Zero Point energy, Medical Pods, sound healing. There was peace and prosperity, no slaves. Egypt back then was the most advanced place or civilization on Earth. Based on the Federation under Giza since 12,500 BC.
The Egyptians as a people were used to living among what they knew as "Gods", and they did not allow themselves to be manipulated, that was the problem, the Egyptian people wanted to continue with their polytheistic religion and Nefertiti / Ahkenaten imposed a monotheistic worship on them, for that was expelled.
And it is that, at that time Egypt was not a religion in the modern sense, where it is something with strict rules. In itself, I use the term religion freely as a definition. Because their polytheistic gods were nothing more than a number of races of the Federation to whom they gave a Thanksgiving, for teaching them agriculture, Astronomy, Mathematics ...
It is taken the wrong way today because it was not "Cult", it was not Religion. But modern archeology only gives its interpretations where an Egyptian god was something non-existent, not a real person, as they really were.
It was from the arrival of Ahkenaten and Nefertiti that everything began to deteriorate. When they are expelled from Egypt, Nefertiti and Ahkenaten with their followers (12 tribes of Israel-Egypt), they go to various places in the world, including Ireland, Scotland and Wales, France, Catalonia, Galilee, Malta, Greece and Italy. In Italy it is where they mix with the Etruscans, who all descend to the creation or foundation of the Roman Empire ... which as we know is the Pope, the Vatican and the Cabal. In addition, Yázhi Swaruú explained to us that Egypt is much older than historians believe, older even than Sumeria and Babylon.
Estel·la.- And with this, we are going to end this video. We hope that it has helped you to better understand our past, our history, and above all, the origin of the oppressive government under which we find ourselves today. Thank you very much for being, seeing and listening and we will continue to see each other in the following videos.
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Soulmates - Do they Exist? Chat with Swaruu of Erra (Taygeta, Pleiades)
Swaruu: Shall we start with a question?
Gosia: Yes. What does a soul mate really mean? And what is the difference between a soul mate and a twin flame?
Swaruu: I don't know the difference if there is any. In general I tend to see them as the same thing. Also the term "your other half". It is said that man and woman are only complete as a person when they are together. And I mean when they are compatible.
Gosia: They say soul mate can be someone like your mother, cousin, friend, even your dog. And soul twin just romantic association, I think.
Swaruu: On the higher planes, there is no duality anymore or it is very faint. So people, souls, are already very expanded incorporating and integrating the feminine and masculine aspects. In those higher planes, one is neither male nor female. Integrating both parts into a whole. With total acceptance and without resistance to either aspect. To the extent that they no longer distinguish which aspects or qualities are of which gender. Everything is united, everything is integrated as a unit.
It is only by experience in lower planes, such as 5D, 4D, or 3D, where according to beliefs and agreements, these qualities are taken as feminine or masculine. While these are only agreements, yes, they are often based on true capabilities where one gender is better than the other in some aspect.
From the point of view of experience, they are two souls that have been together for many incarnations. They are reborn and seek each other out again and again, because they only work well together, with no one else. Not only do they already know each other. From a higher density point of view, they are the same soul, same person, just expressing themselves in different ways on lower existential planes.
They have individuality, but not always. Sometimes it may be simply because in lower densities, because of the very frequencies of each soul, you are compatible with falling into one gender and not the other. Even so the particularities of the united or total soul are preserved but in both members of the couple.
It should also be emphasized that they do not always find each other. It is easier if you remember who you are or where you last met or found each other.
When a couple loves each other so much that they already know each other perfectly and this is repeated over and over again, even if they do not initially come from the same soul, and this would be impossible to prove anyway, their desire to be together is such that once the barrier of physical bodies is removed, as souls, as signals from Source, they are so similar that they become one and the same. One and the same signal. When two people come to really love each other and live together for a long time, all the more so if it is for more than one incarnation... the frequencies equalize.
Just as when twins are formed creating a distinct fragment or fragments of the same soul... this is the opposite effect. Two souls merge to become one. Ultimately that is what love is. To include something or someone as part of you
Gosia: How many are there, for example on Earth, in one timeline of each person? How many split soul mates?
Swaruu: I cannot know that, but I know they are countless. There are many of the same (soul mates). They may have different names. The name is only a temporary thing, it is not the soul, mostly on Earth. Here the name is more linked to the soul. I cannot be called anything other than Swaruu.
Gosia: Thank you. One thing I didn't understand. You said: "When a couple loves each other so much that they already know each other perfectly and this is repeated over and over again, even if they don't initially come from the same soul..." Here you are talking about people who are NOT soul mates then?
Swaruu: They are. It´s just that... it is something outside of "time" as such. There is no "something that was before something else". Only as long as they are in 3D. If they are together and they are that compatible, then they are soul mates. From the point of view of Source, there is no time as such for a soul or for two souls.
Gosia: So at the same time that they are here, they are together already on the other side.
Swaruu: Yes, necessarily so.
Robert: My question is: how to identify them?
Swaruu: Without spectroscopes and other gadgets that tend not to be very accurate... it's something you just know. This is perhaps best understood by women. You can't check and you can't prove scientifically when you're in love, whether you are or not. You just know. Same here. You just know you are, you both know it, but there is no technology to know that.
Robert: What does it feel like when soul mates meet?
Swaruu: You won't necessarily know it the moment you meet a person. It can be masked behind a "persona", a social mask. And only with the daily dealings, you will be able to realize it.
It also happens that, although on the other side they are soul mates, in 3D both are full of hindrances and things that drag you down, 3D things, that do not allow both souls to identify themselves immediately.
In this case it can also be seen as that from the 3D side or point of view, there are no soul mates already predestined, but there is only a tendency of two souls, two people, to want to work together to be compatible. It is not that they are, but that both sides are sincerely willing to change aspects of themselves to be compatible with the other person for the good of both.
If only one side changes or only one side is willing, then the couple is destined to fail. Both equally and intensely or not at all.
Gosia: And in Taygeta also the women understand it better? How are Taygetan men about finding their soul mate? Do they care about finding them?
Swaruu: In Taygeta it is more balanced because love issues are of great importance for men, much more than on Earth. But the terrestrial man is not cold, he is just conditioned to appear so. And inside they love sincerely and totally. They are vulnerable to women who often take advantage of this masculine quality. To love unconditionally, cleanly.
Gosia: How do they take advantage? On Earth, you mean?
Swaruu: By making them fall in love with them when they only want their wallet, for example. I am talking about Earth.
Robert: What happens if soul mates do not meet or reunite?
Swaruu: It may be that they did not meet by agreement, for that incarnation. Or because something went wrong. They will look for each other again in the next one. From the more expanded point of view, they have never separated because they are the same. Nothing happens. They go on as different souls. Though always connected. But in the end that's the way it is with everybody anyway.
Gosia: Is it true then that there is a person, like your soul mate, destined just for you in this way? Although you can love many people. Or this larger soul above... can it "split" into many people at once?
Swaruu: It can be seen this way, yes, it is true. However, you can also create soul mates. As I said, with the willingness to fit into one another equally.
So from that other point of view, it´s not that there are soul mates but that there are people whose interests are compatible with each other because they are looking for the same thing from a partner. They are like diamonds in the rough for each other. They have to change to fit each other.
Gosia: Yes, but these people will not be soul mates? Only people compatible by interests?
Swaruu: Even if they are not, (which I insist that if they are together and into the same, they are), they are compatible by interests and so together they form a soul mate.
Gosia: But here I don't understand something. Being compatible by interests is not the same as being a soul mate. With Robert we have many interests, but we are not soul mates. And I was in "love" with guys with whom we didn't have many interests in common but there was some connection. NONE of them I see as soul mates. One is a friend with common interests like Robert, another was some connection but not a soul mate type.
Swaruu: Because they were not compatible enough. It lacked that "mysterious" etheric element of having met before, destined or predestined to be a couple.
Gosia: Exactly. So it's this frequency compatibility, knowing each other before AND common interests, right? And can a soul mate be a soul mate WITHOUT common interests? Especially here in 3D it can happen, can't it?
Swaruu: But what are interests if not an expression of the same soul? Then they would not be soul mates. Although some interests may vary, it is normal.
Robert: Do soul mates have some mission?
Swaruu: Yes, as a life mission, either for the good of those around them or just for mutual or self-spiritual advancement or both.
Gosia: Is it possible that you are in 3D and your soul mate is in 5D, and the other way around? A lot of people ask me that.
Swaruu: Yes, especially if one passes away or doesn't make it to get in. It happens all the time. Still, it should not be used as an excuse not to look for a true partner in the same density where you live.
Robert: Can we forget our soulmates by not finding them, or can we reject our soul mate?
Swaruu: Reject yes Robert, but what for? You can only forget as you forget yourself and yes, it happens.
Robert: We all have a soul mate?
Swaruu: We all have a soul mate. It is another kind of mirror of higher densities. The basis of re-integration of souls to Source. The way forward. Unconditional romantic love sets the direction.
Gosia: And it is always woman with man? Can your soul mate be incarnated now in the same gender? I don't mean in the biological context. I am talking about soul level. Since there is no time from the Source.
Swaruu: In that case you are talking about soul families. Very similar to each other. There is love, but it is not romantic sexual.
Note that there is only romantic sexual love in the lower densities where there is a lot of separation by definition. In the higher densities everything tends to integration.
Gosia: And what is the difference between soul family and soul mate?
Swaruu: Soul family, the most important is that they are many. But then higher up, they are all fragments of the same soul which in turn is also a fragment of another one which in turn...
The difference is the closeness with a soul. As part of the same. As isolated souls having a physical experience within a body with a defined gender... one longs for integration because one feels that an important side of oneself is missing. Qualities that one remembers having and now no longer have.
You recognize yourself as "family" and on the other hand you recognize your soul mate as "I", part of yourself.
Gosia: It is difficult to differentiate family and soul mate if both are fragments of the same. If the two are really ONE and the same. But I understand it well from an example you gave once... that soul family is like playing in the same orchestra, and soul mate would be the two of you playing the violins, close, inside that orchestra.
Swaruu: Yes. It's the closeness. One you see as "sister", the other you see as part of yourself, belonging to you. You don't take your sister home every day, but your soul mate, yes. It is not something precise, but the subject is not precise.
Gosia: Yes, I think I understand. Is it possible, since there are soul loops, that once you are your soul mate and then he/she is you? I think you said something like that before. That they rotate. And that's why mutual recognition also increases.
Swaruu: Yes, they rotate, mostly in 3D where you forget more. Not in 5D. You take a preference for a gender. For example, I don't imagine myself as a man, not even as a joke. It's not out of contempt for men, on the contrary. I'm just... not that.
Gosia: So, these loops mostly exist in 3D. You become your partner, and your partner becomes you?
Swaruu: Yes, they usually rotate.
Gosia: And is it possible that, when you find your soul mate, the personality differences are so big that it is impossible to stay together? I imagine this happens in 3D more.
Swaruu: I feel that in this case it wasn't a soul mate in the first place.
Robert: And is it possible that this 3D prevents many soul mates from coming together?
Swaruu: Yes, I think the 3D makes it even more difficult for them to find each other. Also because of so many masks’ people wear all the time there. But that's part of the challenge.
Gosia: Ok. And they don't get bored of being together, soul mates, while they are as a couple? I think maybe that's why they decide not to meet in some incarnation? To have the contrast maybe?
Swaruu: If they bore you, it's not your soul mate. Do you get bored of yourself?
Gosia: Haha, never honestly.
Swaruu: Same here. It's not like another person. It's the same. That's how it feels.
Robert: Here on Earth, I haven't found my soul mate...
Gosia: I don't think I ever felt it in this life. Neither have I.
Swaruu: I just don't feel that you just find each other and that´s it. Rather, you find the person who wants to become your soul mate. From the 3D point of view of course.
Gosia: I don't understand this, Swaruu.
Swaruu: In 3D there are so many obstacles and people wear so many masks that it is very difficult to find soul mates. So, it's also feasible or it's okay to see this as you find a person who is interested in the same thing as you, and you both make an effort to mold with each other, to create each other to be soul mates.
Gosia: And animals have soul mates?
Swaruu: I don't know... they don't operate in the same way. But I don't discredit it.
Another day: Gosia: You said that everyone has a soul mate, which is like a fragment of you with whom you have spent more time within a larger soup of soul family. But it could be that you spent equal time with TWO fragments in your life... so you will have two equally important soul mates? Or three or whatever?
Swaruu: Within a soul family, yes it can be that you may have had loving relationships in life with more than one of them. But this usually from less evolved angles or points of view, since higher up one has the tendency to only be, or only have, one special partner. You do not get bored because it is like getting bored with oneself, that is not a problem (I am talking about soul mates and true love, not about wanting to have the experience of several partners in life).
There is a tendency to unify by moving forward. To return to the Source. All other "couples", plural, past experiences, are unified into one that encompasses them all. From many fragments they become less and less until the Source is reached.
Gosia: Oh wow, you touched me here... this very thing came to me last night when I was "imagining" my partner. I felt as if he was all my previous partners rolled into one... and even more!
Robert: So the Source is all love? And integration?
Swaruu: Yes, it is. Although it is more integration than love. Integration, unity.
Gosia: Is it possible that your soul mate is trapped in 4D astral? And then what? I mean when they come out of 3D for example.
Swaruu: I have never thought about that. But my first reaction is that you would automatically get them out of there, because they are looking for you. What you are looking for is looking for you, because they are the same. I don't see it possible. You rescue them from there. With your love, with your intention. With your presence. With your light as a beacon in the darkness of the night.
Gosia: Ok. I have this question: is it important to seek and find your soul mate? Is your life purpose better fulfilled this way? Or your purpose has nothing to do with it?
Swaruu: That depends on you, it's something personal. Only each person can say how important it is to them. No one else has a say in that. It may or may not have to do with your life purpose.
You can have as a purpose just to find that special person and spend the rest of your life eating popcorn and watching movies with them. That's valid. No one has to criticize you both as useless. That's your decision.
Robert: So, finding your soul mate would be a union for this lifetime and then the union would follow outside without 3D interests.
Swaruu: Generally they are still together after that life and will continue. Higher up, the two are already integrated into one person. They are always together as one. And they no longer need external loves. They don't need external validation. They just are. Finding a love is, or has, a lot to do with looking for someone external to validate the person. Above this has already been overcome. And there are no more males and females. They just are.
Few Months Later, after meeting Matias, my partner:
Gosia: As long as I am in 5D I will still feel the "need" for the other half. But if being with Matias showed me anything, is that I feel that even in 3D-5D, the union of souls can only get this far. There cannot be full integration still. I yearn for even fuller integration.
Yazhi: That lesson can only be experienced above 5D. But in order to be able to fully understand this you must know what it is like not to be above 5D.
Gosia: It´s calling me, I AM calling myself from above.
Yazhi: That is correct, if that is what you sincerely feel.
Gosia: And it´s funny, because he triggered me to feel that. Kinda awakened my etheric me from beyond 5D where the union and integration is complete. Maybe a memory.
Yazhi: That is called Love, the motor for integration.
Gosia: Yes. But it makes me yearn to go beyond 5D and sense of identities, separate identities.
Yazhi: That is the need for more expansion. Meaning your physical existence in lower realms no longer is giving you your desired experience.
Gosia: Only to a certain limit.
Yazhi: The reason you miss higher realms, is because you are perceiving what is not higher realms. So, you appreciate them more as you know the contrast, what is not a higher realm.
Gosia: But what I really yearn is a form of integration that I am not sure if even 5D can give me. Even true love in 5D. It will still be through personalities, through identities. One but still as two. I want to be ONE AS ONE.
Yazhi: That place, one as one, is where you go when you die. You rest there... But then you seek more expansion.
And the higher you go, the more you feel that, that integration. For example, 5D vs. 3D, telepathy makes you more aware of others, of who they are, so they become closer to you. More integration.
Gosia: But specifically... in 7D for example... there is no more need for physical affection, no? There are no more separate fields of existence. Just one being, right?
Yazhi: Exactly!
Gosia: So, there will be no one to hug. No needs of hugs and affection, right?
Yazhi: That is correct, you transcend the need for physical affection of a member of the opposite sex. And so we need a lower realm if what is to be experienced is that affection as in order for it to exist as such there must be an illusion of separation!
Gosia: Right. Ok let me ponder then if that´s what I truly want hmmm...
20211119-Taygeta- Cyndriel- Aldebaran- Mystical- Planet-1-3
Cyndriel is an M-class planet of pleasant medium temperature, towards high temperature. In other words, it is very hot there, comparable to the Gobi or the Sahara on Earth. With rocky mountain areas like the Colorado Mountains.
The planet is almost entirely desert, but with a lot of underground water, water is not scarce, or only scarce on the surface although it does have multiple large lakes. Cyndriel has a lot of desert wildlife, it is full of exotic life as well as exotic plants.
Gravity is 0.7 G, Earth is base 1.0 G. High oxygen, about 80%. It is toxic if one does not acclimatize first when coming from Earth, but not from Temmer where it is also high in oxygen. Still, Cyndriel is considered a planet close to being one of the so-called Super Habitable, as are Temmer and Erra. Planets where it is easier to live than on Earth. Planets that favor life more than Earth. Alfrata is another very habitable. And also Venus, which is not a big planet of hot gas, it is beautiful and habitable.
Cyndriel is near the great Orange-ringed giant Aldebaran, which has a nebula around it. Aldebaran is apart of the Hyades, according to my memory it is 64.5 Light years from Earth, whereas the Pleiades are at 440 light years, average to Taygeta. Because the Pleiades when looked in two planes they seem close, but if you see them in 3 planes, they are far like Orion too. Because two of the 3 stars of Orion are the ones that are closest, when the one in the center is the furthest of the other two.
Please see this video, it's only 3 min, but it will give you an overview of how things look from someone's angle in a spaceship like this. You will see how I think in my mind about where something is in the space around the Pleiades. You will understand us better. Star map.
Returning to Cyndriel, the rings of the star Aldebaran are not like those of Saturn, which are too large in relation to the sphere. The rings are something like in this image or a little smaller inclusive. They are closer and it’s just the inner ring. I understand that the rings are made of metallic rocks.
The nebula that surrounds Aldebaran is mostly gas and white dust that takes on the orange-red reflex color of the Star. Unlike the Pleiades nebula, the Aldebaran nebula almost exclusively envelops the great star, making it appear even larger. But it is not a uniform haze, as in the case of the M45 nebula, it is seen as streams or streaks of higher density, giving Aldebaran a dreamlike atmosphere. And in the Pleiades too, of course.
The Aldebaran solar system, according to my memory, has 3 small planets of the Earth type or Mclass of which only one is inhabited, Cyndriel. And two super giant planets, one the size of Jupiter and the other the size of Neptune, in distant outer orbits. That is to say, that the 3 small rocky planets are close to Aldebaran, being that the first two are too close and only Cyndriel, planet number 3 is in a condition to be habitable. The other two are not habitable basically due to too much radiation, it happens like with Mercury here, there is nothing there but rocks.
The two super giant planets have animal inhabitants of the type similar to those found on Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. These planets have no surface, just gas that gets progressively denser and denser without a defined surface. The image represents one of the super planets of Aldebaran.
So Aldebaran has a system of 5 large planets and countless planetoids and small asteroids that orbit it in a wide outer belt and away from that sun, in the manner of a Quipper Band, as an equivalent for Earth. As for names I do not have them at the moment. All my attention from Aldebaran has been focused on Cyndriel and the great sun, of course.
Regarding the star Aldebaran, it is not very busy, it doesn’t have much transit because of its sunspots. What happens is that it is a very powerful star, it emits a lot of radiation making it difficult to handle compared to a yellow sun. It emits too much energy, overloads the ships, and makes it dangerous. It is simply too big. And it is unnecessary to go through such a star if you have the option of using smaller, normal stars.
It is true that Aldebaran is in a strategic place, but with the Hyades there, those yellow suns are used as a transit system, leaving aside the powerful and therefore difficult star Aldebaran. This giant has a much smaller companion star, Aldebaran B. Although it differs greatly in size, it can be said to be more or less a binary system. That is, the difference between the two is not even, by far. Aldebaran B is a small red dwarf. And the difference between a Red dwarf and an Orange Giant is abysmal. It is a binary system, but not like there is another Aldebaran star this big.
Regarding the planet Cyndriel, Taygeta has had a large colony there for a long time. The area is special because it is very mystical. Cyndriel itself is very exotic to the Taygetean mind. And many people report paranormal and consciousness-altering events and experiences in the area and on Cyndriel. Many Taygeteans go there to live looking for existential answers and esoteric experiences.
Aldebaran itself is highly hypnotic as a sun or a star. And also the time there is altered enormously, having a huge difference in the perception of the passage of time on the surface than in the orbit. This is rare and unusual on a planet. It is not yet known what or why it happens. But it has something to do with the nebula that surrounds everything and with Aldebaran itself and its proximity.
From the surface of Cyndriel and even more from orbit, Aldebaran is intimidating due to its large size and its rings. It feels like it's going to burn you from having the sun so close. But the same nebula filters a lot from that star, allowing Cyndriel not to be under impossible temperatures even with its proximity to Aldebaran, but its influence is very great.
When it rises or when it sets, it dominates the entire horizon. With a soft orange glow and prominent rings that shine in chrome or silver. It’s a very alien scene indeed. There are no words to express what it is like to be there in Cyndriel. It has been said that it looks like Tatooni, the planet of Luck Skywalker from Star Wars, but no, it does not. There is simply no comparison.
Cyndriel is a dream. That place is metaphysical, it’s excessive, it fills all your senses. Bordering on the bizarre, on the psychedelic. I'm really not exaggerating. Everything in there is just unreal.
I was there in 2016 just before arriving here, in March 2016. The Ventra ship stopped there, when I was part of the crew as a cadet. But it hit me very hard because it was the first exo-solar system outside of Taygeta that I had seen. And they are nothing alike. Everything is so strange, so much that it even scares one. But I was also afraid because I didn’t understand anything. There was nothing I could see as familiar, unless I was inside the Taygetean bases. But outside... Nothing was familiar, absolutely nothing.
And that sun, it's really speechless, intimidating. That orange ball in the haze of nebula and with those silver rings. And it dominates everything. It’s not like a sun on Earth or Taygeta. At noon, 90% of Cyndriel's sky is Aldebaran and you really feel like it's going to burn you. You do not understand why it does not burn you being so close.
Another thing, there is no night there, it just darkens a bit. And space or the stars are hardly visible. It is blurred or covered by the nebula, which is illuminated all the time. If telescope astronomy is your concern, Cyndriel is not the place.
In addition, time there is difficult to calculate, but what I felt is that I was there for about a week. And I was even relieved to see that our ship had jumped back into hyperspace.
Look at the difference in sizes with Sun-13 and with Taygeta.
This image doesn't do it justice. The star dominates everything.
This image does remind me a bit of Cyndriel. But the sun there is just too small.
How do I Shift my Point of Attention to be Energy Being? Matias and Gosia talking with Yazhi Swaruu
Originally in English:
Matias: If we are there right now, light beings, energy beings, why doesn´t our point of attention shift there at will?
Yazhi: To hold an experience. As an agreement. But you do not have to honor that agreement. You can be the light being, the soul, the body, at will. Because you are all that and more.
You simply still do not hold the how, the awareness, that you are only ether, nothing else. And you apparently "can´t" do it because you are still stuck into thinking you are a body. That's what the experience of being 'alive' is all about any way, so nothing is wrong with you all. It´s not like "something is not working". Do not feel bad, Anéeka can't either, nor Alenym, nor Raguel.
Another day: Matias: I would like to know how to be a pure energy being, how to switch your point of attention to being that being?
Yazhi: Simplest way, get rid of the 'meat bag'. (Meaning dying). That's drastic I know. Then... know that you already are that! And the body only gives you the idea that you are not an energy being.
But even the name "energy being" is not right. Light being is a little better. But not quite there yet. "Thought being", awkward as it sounds, is more accurate.
But you want to switch attention from the 'meat bag' limiting you. First don't reject the body. But... what do you want to do exactly?
Matias: I know in theory that we are all just energy... but in higher D´s, you know, these beings described by Dolores Cannon, they can create stuff and be whatever they want to be. Then some people talk about spiritual warfare... light beings who fight against dark forces. I want to be justice and bring justice to all those who do wrong. And I want to do that kind of spiritual warfare/thought being things from that level. You and Gosia are fighting in this physical level, I want to be beyond that.
Gosia: Well, I keep telling Matias that we are in the epicenter of the spiritual war, it´s not just physical at all. But he wants to do it from the "other side".
Yazhi: There is a big barrier that is holding people back from doing that and more. The barrier is mental in you. It can be jumped and it's simple. But it is the belief system that you hold the one that prevents you from seeing this procedure as real. Thinking that you are deluding yourself and doing nothing, that in itself is the delusion. You must re-think your concept of this mental block.
You must stop thinking of everything as in terms of real and not real. Everything that has ever been thought is real, and it is from one or another level depending on the point of view of who is looking. Everything that ever was, ever is, and ever will be, comes from thought. Was first a thought.
The trick is to imagine things and do it all the time. Setting intentions, setting yourself to become that you are imagining yourself to be. Because if you are imagining yourself to be that it means that you already are. But you are locked into the mental idea that all you are is a body.
Whatever you imagine yourself to be is reality. So in this case, for example, imagine yourself as you, walking and talking, suddenly looking at an abandoned building full of evil spirits. See yourself with an armor of light around you, golden power emanating from your body as an impenetrable shield.
And master fear, as that is the key to access you for the evil forces. Do be cautious in general, being fearless does not mean you aren't careful. But talking about negative beings there, shadow people with evil intent, (there are neutral and good ones as well), all they have to throw against you is fear. If you face them head on fearless and from the point of view of being alive, or from whatever point of view, it works everywhere, they cannot touch you and they will even move away from your presence.
That is fighting them. That is their world.
The reason why they want to harness the power of human beings (that are countless types of beings in the same bio suit) is to harness their creative powers to make them, to create them as regressive beings because they cannot create themselves. Creation is integration, and it is love, and that is opposite to who they are. So, they need to feed from humans, imagination and fear.
This sounds as bogus and false, a lie, to most people stuck in the physical. That is what the body is for, to give you the illusion of that is all there is.
The other realms, the ones you are trying to access, are based on subtle forces, basically thought and feelings, emotions.
You cannot believe in light beings and dark shadow forces and not believe in your own inner power, and that power comes from you and only you, and your creative process called imagination. You were a thought before manifesting there. You thought yourself to be you now, today. You are your own creation. So are all the other realms, those where you want to go and fight in.
And you are right, a lot of this mess is coming from there. Those realms are based on thought. Spirit world, and similar ones.
And a sword there, as in carbon steel, is useless unless you imagine it to have powers, so it's not the sword what is cutting, it is your mind. The sword is only the vehicle for your mind to focus on what it wants and what it wants to do.
Matias: Yes. But can I switch to be a pure energy, thought being, only after this body physically dies? Then I can choose to be without form?
Yazhi: Yes, that would be when, but that only if you can't master doing so any way as you are now. Your body is no impediment stopping you from doing anything. The purpose of the body is to limit your ideas of possible and not possible.
Gosia: So how do we master that then? Meditation, astral travel?
Yazhi: Oh yes those help a lot! Even if you cannot get out of body as you would wish for, you are setting a clear intent and direction to go from there on.
Imagine yourself while in meditation as out of body. Walking the places you know, even teleporting to another place. Feel yourself there. A place you know well. Even if it is imagination, it is the direction, and imagination gets real if enough energy is placed in it, on what you want, focused enough.
I'd like you to do a little experiment now.
Do you have some sort of gate near you? Or that you remember clearly in your daily life? I mean a gate made of iron bars, or any gate where you can see through ideally. If not, we can use any door.
Gosia: Could be something from the past that I remember?
Yazhi: Yes, as long as you remember being on both sides of it.
Do you remember what it feels like to be on one side of the gate and also on the other?
Gosia: Me, yes. Matias is asking if it can be imaginary gate or something you remember. He is very bad with imagination.
Yazhi: It can be imagined but it's clearer if you actually know the place. If there is no gate, use the damn bathroom door.
Ok. Do this now:
Close your eyes and meditate for a few seconds, I'll do this with you. Then imagine yourself in front of the closed gate. Feel yourself there as if you were there. Every single detail that you can remember, place it there. Be there in your mind just as if you really were. Look at the closed gate. So solid.
Then step forwards in your mind and cross it! Don't open the gate. Just cross it as it is, closed! Feel yourself passing through the solid iron bars, every detail of your movements, the more the better...
And now imagine yourself on the other side, look around, you have crossed. Turn around and look at the closed gate you just crossed. Remember every feeling as you do this, because I need you to tell them to me as I'm going somewhere with this. But I need you to do that first.
(After a few minutes)
Gosia: Ok, ready. And now?
Yazhi: Whenever you can, try this with a real door or gate. Try to pass it closed, of course you will not be able to "in real life". But try seriously, press your nose against the closed door. Then open it and cross it, close it again and then look around you, thinking or imagining that you actually crossed it while it was closed.
Ok. What did you feel?
Matias: I was feeling the wood, with my hands. I was standing next to the gate, feeling the object... resistance, the notion that hey, it´s closed... cannot enter. I did two more repeats, not stopping, but just walking through it.
Gosia: I did it twice. First fast and I flew through it easily. Swooshy, feeling as I walked through it. The second time I felt resistance and I felt I was stuck inside the gate with some kind of magnetic gluey feeling keeping me inside it, like a fly caught in the spider web. I couldn´t get through it. I was inside it. Inside its "matter". I pulled back, stepping out, and tried again faster and then I walked through it. But I still felt that magnetic gluey feeling trying to keep me in. Gluey substance.
Yazhi: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. That's what I was looking for!
Gosia: The glue?
Yazhi: What you described is what I want you to feel with this.
Gosia: Oh, I felt it strongly and it was annoying.
Yazhi: That glue, that resistance to the idea that you can cross the door, that very resistance to the ability to even imagine yourself on the other side, is resistance, your glue.
Where is that resistance coming from? You are imagining this, so in imagination you can do anything, right? Yet, there was resistance there in your imagination. It´s coming from your mind. From agreements you hold of possible and not possible. You can cross closed gates and doors and walls, real ones. But your mental resistance to the concept keeps you locked in specific possibility-parameters. Same in "reality". There is no matter, it's all in your mind. Limiting ideas like the one I just made you see for yourself.
Gosia: I was surprised I felt that actually. As in theory in your imagination you should be able to do anything and everything.
Yazhi: Yes, wonderful, I'm so happy you noticed exactly what I wanted you to see. How you are limiting yourself with nothing but thought.
Matias: So, just by practicing you get rid of the resistance?
Yazhi: Yes, yes do that all the time. Place your expectations high, very high. And at the same time be ok with any result. Because the fact is that you would not be able to cross closed doors now, because those agreements are too strong in you. But they are just agreements, no more.
And now I must point out something else here.
As well as you are limiting yourself with a simple physical task such as crossing a closed gate, you are also limiting yourself with innumerable other things. Less physical yet as important or even more important. Limiting yourself as in self sabotage, thinking that you are no good, that you could never be able to do whatever you want, that you can't be strong, that you cannot be self-assertive and secure in your everyday living. Fixating yourself into a label, of being shy, not good enough. Needing to have a purpose in life to be useful, to justify your living. Nothing but ideas they are.
Gosia: Soo Yazhi... going back to being able to switch your attention to "thought being", beyond the physical, is that then possible from within an incarnated existence? Or only in death, meditation, astral travel, and sleep?
Yazhi: Yes, it is possible and achievable. All you need is a lot of focused practice and meditation. Meditation is key because it does let you "get rid of the body" and still be conscious and in control. Start there. Imagine things, heroic actions while you meditate, fight dark forces while you meditate. That is real and that intention does transcend into the spiritual world.
Gosia: That´s actually very important as what you do in your imagination does take place on the mental and spiritual level. So if you imagine heroic actions fighting demons YOU ACTUALLY ARE DOING THAT.
Yazhi: A big YES. That IS the spirit world. That´s why... another powerful example:
Many people, if not all, have sleep disorders as they are officially called. I'm referring here to night visitations. Night terrors and similar events. They disappear from the life of the subjects when they lose fear of them. The instant they face their night terrors, they move the evil away, it cannot touch them. If they start to fear them again then they will come back. This is psychologically true and proven technique to get rid of night terrors.
When in sleep paralysis, for example, don't get frightened, welcome the sensation. Research it for yourself. It dissipates. Does not come back. There is your fighting evil spirits Directly and bluntly!
If this field interests you, then I also encourage you to research and go into all things paranormal. Become an expert.
But do not go into places or resort to sorcery and to things you still cannot control or understand. So please do not use substances. And do not summon spirits. Do not use Ouija boards, those are lethal, those are a double no. Go into theory at first, while you practice white witchcraft (meditation in many places is considered part of this).
And get a Katana, those are like spiritual antenna for the living, with a combat intent. Empowering you. I simply love them! (Well, this works for me, you must try for yourself).
Gosia: Ok, last quick question, Yazhi! If we were in 5D, outside Earth, and if Matias wanted to become an energy being, thought being, and just not be in the physical anymore, in his physical body, he could just WILL himself to die and go to higher realms beyond physical? I understand that this is what you do up there when you just want to transition?
Yazhi: In 5D people do that yes. But he wouldn´t need to!
Gosia: Why not?
Yazhi: Because he would come to understand that it is not necessary because we are all light beings and being dead or alive is just another idea. We are all energy beings, always have been, always will be!
Another day:
Originally in Spanish:
Yazhi: About why and how to pass walls at will. Breaking the agreements that hold you in the physical world mentality:
The problem is that it is in your unconscious, so it is not enough to want to break them. Wanting to break them is a beginning, a direction, an intention, but not the solution.
It is not about breaking this agreement or the other. Because an agreement is again just an idea. Just another idea. But you must be that what you wish to do.
Nothing exists outside your mind, everything is mind, everything is you, what you reject especially, not only what you wish to be and what you believe defines you. Then you must live that what you wish to be.
So you will use what you call today the astral to do what you desire that cannot be done in what you call the real world. Practicing lucid dreaming, controlling dreams, and from there, once you have that mastered, you will see that there is no difference between the dream world and the real world, and you can control everything that happens on both sides. Because there are no both sides.
And as you can pass walls in the astral dream world, you can also pass walls in "reality" because it is the same thing. There is no matter, it does not exist. Those are ideas imposed by unexpanded minds. There is only mind and ideas that come out of it.
The entire Universe is Mind and you are that Mind.
I Do Not Consent - Is this Phrase Adecuate? Yazhi´s and Gosia´s commentary
Yazhi: They can do their videos wording them however they like. But if they understand the phrase: "I do not consent", so does the universe because they ARE the freaking Universe!
Having said that... they are mentioning this from the standpoint of view of the unconscious mind from where everything is manifested from, right? The subconscious mind and the unconscious are simple 'minded', so making things clear, wording things the correct simple and direct way does help.
So if they want they could word their "no consent" videos however they want as long as it is direct and understandable. Because they could word their videos in an overly complicated way just to avoid using the word 'No'. With the opposite effect.
Another angle... from the standpoint of adult psychology, NO is a very powerful word, and if more people used it, they would be less abused by whoever is passing over their rights. NO is clear, and direct and short.
Gosia: What I would say is three angles:
First, the universe doesn´t read words in themselves, but INTENTION of what is said. "I do not consent" has a very strong emotional charge, it is simple and direct and that´s what´s going to be read by the Universe.
Second, that AFFIRMATIVE statements theory applies more to sentences like: I AM RICH, instead of saying I AM NOT POOR.
And thirdly, these videos are not for the Universe but for the CABAL and they need to be told that we, people, simply do not consent.
Yazhi: EXACTLY, that's what I was going to say next. Those videos are not to manifest nice realities communicating with the 'Universe'. They are communicating with the Cabal, made up of people and adults. They are reading and seeing this.
Vasectomy, Mount Bucegi, and More - MiniTopics with Gosia (Taygeta - Pleiades)
Vaccine Samples
Gosia: It is a pity that we could not share it a few months earlier because maybe we would have been able to save more people before they are vaccinated?
Anéeka: I did not have the data I have now.
Gosia: Why did Alenym send the Hashmallims only now?
Anéeka: The fact that they took placebos last year delayed everything, but that was part of the controllers' plan, that's what placebos are for.
We weren't "allowed" to maneuver fighter craft by the Federation. We have to pass flight plans all the time. So Hashmallim had to go down putting themselves at risk to seize 3 brand samples.
Gosia: It looks like the Federation knew it then, that´s why tried to keep you away. And the tractor beam?
Anéeka: They didn't "let" us get close enough to use it.
All that constant confusion from the Federation to me is proof that they are complicit.
Also the fact that the nano graphene´s have to be manufactured with a replicator device capable of generating matter from energy because each one of them is made up of individual atoms organized in a crystalline form that can only be achieved with a very high tech device.
Gosia: I think, what you have said in some conversation with Robert, I don't remember where, that maybe they think that for the "Earth to ascend" it is necessary to take a lot of people out of here.
Anéeka: Yes, that´s what the Cabal says and it is reflected in the Federation's position, they see no other option to save the Earth but to eliminate 95%+ of the human population. I do see another option, they do not. All the time they are justifying that it is either the planet or the humans.
What other option? Re-organize the entire political and power structure of the entire world with empathic races as mentors. But for that the Cabal and all the inflated rats that compose it have to relinquish power. And that is what they do not want.
So it is NOT a scenario of The Earth or the humans but a scenario of the humans or the elite so go for the humans. That is what is intolerable.
Fibers falling from the sky Anéeka: Those fibers are chemical compounds of chemtrails that stick together by their very chemical bonding, but the main component of those fibers is nano graphene in a crystalline state, that's why it doesn't look black. Basically, it is nano graphene carrying a huge amount of particles of other things that vary from place to place.
Facebook - Meta - Name Change Robert: What´s that about Facebook now being called Meta?
Anéeka: Hmm... Meta = beyond, end.
META = name of a British Intelligence organization in the '80's that collected information on the population especially the female population around the world and worked in conjunction with Mi6. It collected information
Robert: And you don't know what else might be behind all that FB stuff?
Anéeka: I feel it may be a Facebook fame cleansing maneuver, because in the last few years it has been accused of many things.
The human mentality is very simple, with a simple change of name their simple psychology gives them the idea that everything is different, that it is not Facebook, which that name denotes already something murky to begin with: Face Book or a book full of faces = collection and list of personal information of subscribers.
META, I see it as they chose it not as "end" but as META from its Greek roots, "beyond". That is to say beyond Facebook.
According to Google, META also means: "more comprehensive or transcendent." To me that seems shady on Google's part because I have never seen that definition before for the word META which is well known and studied by me for its connections in Intelligence circles.
It seems to me to be put there as to give meaning to the new name of Facebook, as to give that to the population as a meaning of the word META when it is Greek which simply means "beyond".
Robert: Unless it is the initials of something like FB. Who knows what that could mean.
Anéeka: Yes, Gringo’s love anachronisms.
Like MAD = Mutual Assured Destruction as in the situation of nuclear weapons deployment from both sides Russia and USA. And MAD also means angry.
Robert: What does "metaverse" mean?
Anéeka: Mixture of Greek META and VERSO or "word" or "paragraph" in Latin, meaning "beyond the word".
Vasectomy Anéeka: I do not recommend it because it causes medium to long term disorders in the male body including strong autoimmune reactions and also atheromatic plaques and hardening of arteries and clogging of arteries and blood vessels, and accumulation of such in the brain which triggers dementia and strokes and serious and fatal cardiovascular events. And that on Earth, because here we don't do that. It takes years for the problem to accumulate.
Problem that NOBODY tells you about on Earth is the one described by me above. The problem is that since there is no castration but only cutting of the sperm ducts, the testicles continue to produce millions of sperm a day. But they do not find an outlet as the system was designed from the beginning. So the only way for the testicles to get rid of the huge production is through the bloodstream.
The problem is that sperm is not a normal cell that can degrade or dissolve like other cells and be eliminated through the kidneys. Sperm is an armored cell, with a protective shell or hard cell membrane that does not dissolve, similar to an exoskeleton. This causes the sperm to accumulate throughout the body gradually and progressively, and will accumulate in key or problematic sites, such as weak points of the cardiovascular system precisely in the carotid arteries that go to the brain, and ventricles of the heart and pulmonary vessels.
Then the body begins to see them as an invading cell because they cause problems and will have an immune response to the sperm. This is an autoimmune response as it develops antibodies to a cell that contains its own DNA, 11 chromosomes. Causing autoimmune diseases that can present as strong allergies to anything of a disabling nature.
As the sperm accumulates over time it will stick in the arteries and the body will try to isolate it using cholesterol, which will accumulate in the fragile parts of the blood vessels and this cholesterol cannot be removed because it is stuck with millions of sperm, creating clogging of blood vessels, which will eventually, decades after the vasectomy, cause heart attacks, dementia and death.
Gosia: So if it is reversible, is it advisable to reverse it?
Anéeka: Strictly speaking yes. And the damage will not be reversible but at least it will not increase. The organism is designed to move the sperm out, not to contain it inside. It also has its problems like cysts, infections and malignant tumors, but at least it is not dealing with a daily heavy production of material that it cannot eliminate or get out of the body.
Mount Bucegi Yazhi: Mount Bucegi. There is a large DUMB below, it was Federation, it was about 5000 years old. It was almost intact but in the last two decades the Cabal Illuminati emptied the place. It is empty but the DUMB remains. It is under the Sphinx of the Carpathians. Sphinxes sometimes mark entrances to DUMB’s, also at Giza.
Robert: But did the Cabal empty it?
Yazhi: Yes, and recently.
Robert: Who made that Sphinx?
Yazhi: Same people or a similar group with the same basis of beliefs as the sphinxes of Egypt of which only one big one remains.
The one in Romania, Bucegui is a little less ancient than the one in Egypt but it is much more deteriorated, mostly because of the erosion of the site which is much greater than in Giza, and also because the stone that was used in the construction is more porous.
Robert: It seems that there was a high level of technology.
Yazhi: Yes, that's why the Illuminati emptied it. There were computers, Mag-lev transports connecting to Giza among other places like Crimea, recovery chambers, a whole city down there with robotic guards.
Robert: It looks like there were tunnels connecting to Giza as you say.
Yazhi: Yes. And to Crimea, not that far away. That's why Crimea is so disputed. It has a huge pyramid underground in a shallow intra-terrestrial cavity.
Robert: And there are more bases like that?
Yazhi: Yes, there is another one south of Crimea. North of Yalta, but that's the closest city, however there are other openings to that intra-terrain, all south of Crimea. I don't remember if to the north as well. That intra-terrestrial place is very large down there.
Robert: But it's all uninhabited, isn't it?
Yazhi: The intra-terrestrial base, yes it is uninhabited, but how do we know? Someone else could already be there, someone from the Cabal for sure.
Every time something is discovered that might go against the official story and affect their narrative or bring out something about ancient technologies more advanced than modern ones, the Illuminati send their agents to the base.
Howard Carter. In 1924 they sent him to sweep up Tutankhamun's tomb. He was financed by the Rockefellers. He was an Illuminati agent.
Robert: And they hid stuff or everything is exposed in the museum of Cairo?
Yazhi: Yes of course, the Cairo Museum doesn't have the most important pieces, those are taken to the Vatican catacombs, and the most impressive but normal ones to Museums in Paris Louvre, London and in the USA New York and Washington DC as well as Michigan as well.
Robert: Do you know something they discovered that they didn't tell the public? Do you know what they may have taken to the Vatican? That it was in that tomb.
Yazhi: I am not sure, because there is no data. But what I can tell you is that Tutanhkamun had a dagger that is of non-earthly material. That dagger alone obviously escaped the sweepers, because it is a simple dagger, but made of materials not found on Earth. And vessels with monoatomic gold.
Robert: Maybe it was a gift from someone stellar.
Yazhi: Surely. I would dare to say that it could be of Urmah origin. (Image) It is the same, only the lights change. The cover differs, I don't know why.
Giant Trees Gosia: "I would like you to ask Yazhi about the Tartarians and the ancient large trees that we see only remnants of. What happened to the people (Tartarians) and the huge trees?"
Yazhi: There were giant trees before the flood, got destroyed in the pole shift, during all the planetary chaos. Some were cut down deliberately, the ones that survived the flood. They were cut down probably to lower the Earth's frequency. They do exist in other planets, in Erra not to go further.
Gosia: To lower the frequency? They were keeping it high? Just because they were giant or why?
Yazhi: A tree is an etheric antenna, brings life to Earth, gets radiation and manufactures Earth, material world with it. Trees are Earth... its interconnected etheric brain if you will. As it was well explained in the movie Avatar.
Gosia: Manufactures Earth? What do you mean?
Yazhi: They are a nervous system for Earth. They are consciousness, they are half in material world, half in spirit world, manifesting hard reality as you know it there. A tree is life for Earth the planet. And from Earth everything else is manifested in an all-connected way.
I'm talking about a flow in consciousness, a flow of awareness / gravity. Formed by all plants especially trees. Formed by animals as well, but they all depend on one another.
There is a system of interconnected flow of consciousness, as should be. Should be because that's the design embedded in every cell in living beings, in DNA even.
Plants make Earth live... plants make animals live, animals other animals and the cycle goes to animals reinforcing and fertilizing the ground which prompts more plant growth and with more plant growth more plant eater animals that feed the carnivores that maintain a healthy number among the plant eaters.
Gosia: When you say trees are half in the material and half in spirit world, isn´t it the same for us? Or it´s still in some other way?
Yazhi: In a way, and from the conscious point of view of someone with attention in the material side. For explanatory purposes only. In reality you know what I mean. Everything is spirit.
Gosia: But I mean, are they more spiritual than... I don´t know, raspberries for examples? It´s TREES specifically that perform that function? To manufacture Earth and be its nervous system? Or all plant life?
Yazhi: Raspberries are as spiritual as trees, but trees are bigger in perception and do more load of work per unit than a raspberry. But all plant life yes. Turn minerals and energy-radiation into life for everyone. Therefore, creating life from what looks like lifeless substances. No animal can do that! Plants develop and form the building blocks for all life in a planet. Animals grow and live because of plants, all of them.
Gosia: So if you live in a place surrounded by trees, it is better for you than living in a desert?
Yazhi: The dynamics are different.
When you are around trees you are also around everything that goes with trees, birds, insects, other plants, all kinds of animals, water and everything that goes in the water. All that affects you, how you feel, how you think, because you are in an energy soup, and that's ok and good especially with trees in a forest. Even elementals of the forest.
But in a desert... you are still connected to the whole, to the planet in an etheric way, but you are objectively more isolated than in a forest. That isolation makes you more easily aware of the boundaries of self. You become more aware of who you are as an individual. Prompting a different kind of spiritual awakening and experience than in a forest. So a desert promotes very intense spiritual epiphanies. Very much into the I. The ME. The who the hell I am. I love deserts with all my heart! Mostly because I get so little of desert in my life. That vast solitude makes you aware of who you are! They make my eyes come to tears.
Gosia: Forest is too rich.
Yazhi: Yes, to have that kind of spiritual experiences yes, the forest is too rich an environment, all full of stimuli, flooding your senses. Makes you connect to Earth, to the creatures that live there, as part of a community. When a desert promotes your sense of oneness.
I may be crazy, but if I had to live on Earth, I'd chose a desert. In a great nothing... you are at your best. The energy flowing in those places is immense. The vastness, the cold. The soft sound of sand crawling on the ground. I love that silence.
Tartaria Yazhi: Tartaria is a name referring to a planetary civilization, but that name is found only on Earth, so I have no stellar references to "Tartaria" from this side.
Most probably may be an alternative name for Atlan or Atlantis civilization given by someone else. Or the planetary civilization that preceded Atlantis, as I mentioned before there were 6 of them before, counting this one. But what remains of them is very shady, with hardly any details.
Graphene, Vaccines, Nanotechnology - Aneeka Responds Dr Alex´s Questions
Anéeka: My problem here and with this paper for Dr. Alex is that I have only extremely rudimentary methods to pass extremely complex and advanced medical and technological concepts. I try to write in a way that is understandable for various levels of people.
Another problem is that even though I am a Doctor, since I did not study there, I do not have the knowledge of name equivalencies between here and there, or of purely human medical concepts in terms of terminology. There is a language barrier and another barrier - medical. Plus, what the UFoP (the Federation) imposes.
I'm left trying to make an advanced computer out of a coconut, an empty cereal box, white glue and a pair of scissors. I am very serious. And I'm not just referring to the language, but the very human medical concepts I have to work with.
And the very human medical terminology is not totally known to me since I didn't study medicine there, but here. So it is a constant going and researching if this or that biochemical process is known on Earth and under what name. And working with what is left.
The convenient thing about this is that what remains, is understandable for the average person. But I feel that it does not fully satisfy physicians. But I only share what I am faced with as a non-human Doctor trying to fit Taygetean Medical Science into the framework of understanding Human Medicine, like how to make a square pig fit into a round hole.
In addition Dr. Alex presents cases to me but does not give me the full clinical workup, expecting me to give him answers. I can't without being there with my instruments diagnosing the patient directly. I'm just saying this so you can understand me, that it's not that simple.
Dr. Alex: Dear Yazhi, Anéeka, Senetre and all other positive souls of Taygeta.
I have no doubt about the falsity of this world plandemia but my narrow 3D mind formed with human science has doubts about some things:
First of all, the EXCEPTIONS: It is clear that 99% of the "Covid" diagnoses and deaths were other diseases that gave a positive PCR test which is useless. I believe almost nothing of what official science says but in my clinical experience there ARE cases that cannot be explained by the simple change of name.
I do not have the technical means nor the Taygetean knowledge, so I apologize for doubting. I want to refer ONLY to cases of healthy people, NOT vaccinated, 30-50 years old, who have developed very severe cases of bilateral pneumonia. There have always been such cases but not with the frequency, severity and age that we see today. I analyze the reality that I see and something does not add up. If we accept that there is no virus, what is the cause?
Anéeka: Hello Dr. Alex. Thank you very much for reaching out to us, particularly to me. We will help as much as possible.
In our opinion, it is impossible for us to explain all cases. However, within our understanding by historical observation, we must still insist that there have always been epidemics, groups of sick people with the same clinical problems or symptomatology, which do not fall within the known terrain. That is to say that they are simply conditions that have always been present and that it is not understood where they came from or what caused them, only that today they are conveniently attributed to Sars-Cov-2.
A thorough investigation of each of these cases or groups of cases would have to be conducted to reliably determine the causes. However, from our framework of scientific understanding and based on the proven facts, from our perspective, the causes of such bizarre pathologies can be attributed to virtually anything but Sars-Cov-2.
Dr. Alex: Are they exaggerated pathological responses to viral exosomes enhanced by electromagnetic radiation?
Anéeka: Having said the above, yes, we see it congruent to explain many of the cases as being caused by artificial viral exosomes or artificial cause-detonation activated by electromagnetic frequencies, whether or not they are of the 5G class, since our laboratories have detected the presence of that kind of technology within the misnamed Sars-Cov-19 vaccines.
We see it as highly possible, to the extent that we see it as a certainty, that the plandemic controllers are activating their nanotechnology in groups of people or even particular individuals in regions chosen by them for whatever reasons in order to test the functioning of the system.
What the vaccines contain is basically nanotechnology with extremely advanced genetic alteration capability for the Earth level that requires data transmission networks using microwave and/or electromagnetic fields as a method of control over the inoculated people in order to turn their bodies and minds into trans-humanism-bio-computer type terminals completely under their control.
We are also seeing the ability to alter unvaccinated subjects using the transfer (or contagion) of technology between the inoculated and uninoculated, coupled with the prior presence of such technology that has been ingested and breathed by the general population for many years in preparation for the introduction of inoculations that use the Sars-Cov-2 concept as an excuse to use fear as a method of pressuring the general population to accept them.
Dr. Alex: My sister's husband, a sportsman, unvaccinated and 49 years old, almost died from bilateral pneumonia and, although he recovered, he still needs oxygen for almost any activity. I can only explain this happened because a viral exosome from a random coronavirus or spike protein from a vaccinee "infected" that person and then got aggravated by some associated factor.
Anéeka: I understand that that is the simplest explanation and is highly likely. However, it falls exactly into the group of cases that we insist there has always been around but today is conveniently attributed to Sars-Cov-2. However, looking at things in detail, we see that it is also logical as being caused by the nanotechnology contained in Graphene, even environmentally acquired Graphene, in countless products and processed foods, including Chemtrails.
To these cases must be added causes of aggravation by psychological factors associated with the very dynamics of the plandemic, and these factors of psychological aggravation must be taken very seriously.
Dr. Alex: Electromagnetic radiation of the 5G type?
Anéeka: Prolonged and repeated exposure to electromagnetic radiation is sufficient to cause severe clinical states corresponding to the symptomatology attributed to Sars-Cov-2, in addition to the fact that they serve as a method of control-activation of the technologies contained within the misnamed vaccines. Prolonged exposure to WIFI, high voltage cables and other strong electromagnetic sources will cause physical deterioration, weaknesses and diseases of all kinds that can be interpreted as inexplicable and that again are attributed to Sars-Cov-2.
Dr. Alex: Respiratory or other toxins?
Anéeka: They cannot be ruled out, but it is impossible to determine without the corresponding study of each case. Exposure to asbestos, chemicals, solvents and even fungal spore infections, such as the one that grows in old books, in damp places and is almost undetectable, or the dangerous black fungus that grows in damp places inside houses and buildings, or allergies of many causes, including food, among many other possible factors, cause severe respiratory diseases congruent with atypical pneumonias that are then attributed to Sars-Cov-2 without any corroboration other than the PCR test already proven to be completely false and useless.
Dr. Alex: And even the hospital's own treatments?
Anéeka: Latrogenic diseases (Iatros=Physician + Genica= Cause, for the public), i.e., those caused by physicians themselves or by medical malpractice, according to our latest data, are the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States alone, third after Cardiovascular diseases and Cancer. This is with official accepted data.
In our opinion, since the causes of pathologies and deaths, both Cardiovascular diseases and Cancers, are directly caused by medical malpractice that is based on what is dictated by the pharmaceutical companies and the same Medical Mafia that do not have the health of the public in mind but their own profits, we move Iatrogenic diseases to the first cause of conditions and deaths on Planet Earth that are attributable to a pathology.
I only cite as an example of the above the misconception of what cholesterol is and its effects, uses, and causes in the human body, the use and abuse of substance-medications to lower cholesterol in patients with the subsequent side effects of these medications that in many cases include death. And also the lack of application of the real understanding of the causes and the proper ways to treat cancer, with the criminal use of Radiotherapies and Chemotherapies that only aggravate the cancer, as well as the unnecessary removal of many malignant tumors that during the surgical process only spread the cancer to the surrounding healthy tissue.
With the above as an example, it is seen by us here that malpractice, application of treatments in hospitals, such as the indiscriminate use of respirators, abuse of aggressive medicines and antibiotics, and the serious lack of personalized care in general, caused by an inherent dehumanization of the very medical staff, doctors and nurses alike, added to the agendas that the Medical Mafia imposes on both the medical staff and the hospital institutions... are the very cause not only of plandemia but also of almost all other problems, conditions and pathologies, whether typical or non-typical, a-typical or inexplicable, that are attributed to the presence of a false Sars-Cov-2.
It is worth mentioning that the same protocols of procedures in the face of simple suspicions of a supposedly Sars-Cov-2 picture, senselessly discarding all other probable causes, make doctors criminally proceed with aggressive treatments trying to solve a symptomatological condition without having proceeded to a complete investigation of the patient, both physical and environmental-contextual, which directly causes Iatrogenic situations to develop in quantity and percentage never seen before.
Dr. Alex: How do vaccines cause sterility, by damaging the placental syncytium or by destroying the spermatogonia of the testicle?
Anéeka: Without ruling out what you have mentioned, the process is by replacing specific DNA strands that control reproductive processes within the gonads with the use of synthetic retro-viruses assisted by nano technology.
Dr. Alex: Can it be transmitted through breast milk (mother-child), semen (sexually), saliva (kissing), aerosols (cough nearby)?
Anéeka: It can definitely be transmitted in those ways, and also airborne. However, it seems to have a range of two meters in a direct way as far as direct exosome is concerned.
Dr. Alex: Is it graphene (formed only by hexagons) or penta-hexa-heptagraphene?
Anéeka: Graphene is nanotechnological. It proceeds to form itself within the body as it is remotely programmed, or pre-programmed, taking on the structures necessary for each job it intends to perform. We see that this confuses human researchers who apparently want to catalog it in a fixed structural form, cataloging it with and as the variants known as heptagraphene, when in reality it has the capacity to adapt to many forms and change composition or exact molecular or atomic form, adapting to the requirements of the moment. This is done with structural programming of graphene at the atomic level.
Dr. Alex: Can electromagnetic pulses permanently deactivate them?
Anéeka: In our latest experiments, they are only deactivated momentarily and as long as the electromagnetic pulse is on. When they are turned off they return to normal.
Dr. Alex: I apologize for this questioning, but I wanted to formulate most of all my doubts so that I could pass them on to other doctors and scientists on Earth. Unfortunately, I will not be able to reveal who gave me the information because they would think I was crazy. I will use the information to look for terrestrial information to substantiate the information you give me in a way that is convincing to the terrestrials.
Anéeka: On the contrary. Thank you Dr. Alex for working together with us. Your questions are very precise and necessary, and they help me personally to visualize and have a clearer idea in which direction I should focus my research efforts on this topic and how to present everything to the public.
Questions from an anonymous followers:
Question: I have paid particular attention to the issue of nanosingularity being that if a nanobot has the ability to self-replicate within the host, I fear that the physiological and biochemical behavior of the host would be completely distorted. Can you share what changes you see as a consequence of introducing such technologies into the human body? Are we facing a completely different species?
Anéeka: A completely different species will be formed. Graphene is the vehicle or substance that creates or manufactures, or contains, very advanced nano technology that can remotely alter specific genes in each person and replace them with new ones to create hybridization and artificial alteration not only of entire populations but of specific people.
The consequences of this are so serious that they are summarized in the destruction of the human species, giving birth to a new species where their internal organs and cellular structure present the exact and specific characteristics that the controllers want for each person.
Thus, they can give soldiers and workers abilities of greater strength and endurance, take away those abilities once they are discarded. They can give superior intelligence abilities to scientists working for them, but totally under their control as they can also control the feelings and thoughts of each person. Leaving them completely in a robotic state, or also leaving them in a state of feeling that they have control over their lives when in fact everything is being controlled by the Cabal or the entities that take the Earth as theirs. Leaving certain sectors of the population to choose to go on with their lives in a new civilization, unaware of the level of control exercised over them.
However, terrible as it is what I describe above, I do not see it so different from what is happening on Earth since long before the appearance of all this. But I can assure you that their intentions are a total destruction of the planetary society and culture with absolute control over the population of their choice and the elimination of the surplus that they see as useless.
Question: The above leads me to question the following: In case we are facing another absolutely unknown species, should we assume that the behavior and biology of the subjects who have received the "vaccines" are alien to what Earth science recognizes of the behavior and biology of a human being?
Anéeka: Yes, every vaccinated person can, if not must, be seen as someone who is already hopelessly under the control of the nanotechnology within them and therefore incapable of thought of their own, whether they even appear to have it, at least in these early stages. Being that I realize how horrible my words sound. What I mean is that their behavior, ideas, reactions and thoughts, can no longer be guaranteed to come from themselves but from an order programmed from outside their bodies by the system itself. This is totally alien to biology and everything that defines human beings as such.
About the Lab Report already given:
Anéeka: One thing that was missing in the report, but it was already too much, and it was missing, graphene sometimes takes the form of sharp things inside the body and is thermosensitive. Whether it is transparent or not depends not so much on the material, but on the shape of the bond between its molecules. This is important. It's just that there are no those shapes and suddenly they are there because the graphene forms them like broken glass crystals. They are cutting the blood vessels on the inside. And another way in which the nanographene turns on is when it comes into contact with body heat, at human body temperatures, that is, between 36° and 38°C.
Please note that this I am telling you is not theory or speculation but is the result of two weeks of lab work here with samples and computer models and with 150 bottles of vaccines of 3 different brands. So this is no longer speculation. It is hard medical science. I have 180 cultures of live organic tissue in the lab, I see what the vaccine does to it and how it progresses. And I have Senetre and Dhor Kaal'el working in the lab for hours a day, and me too obviously.
It's already doing tremendous damage as soon as it's injected. But it will do more damage as soon as it activates en masse. Yet it can be activated from person to person and not en masse. That is to say, some sectors of the population or even individual people are already being activated.
And it is not even a Chip per-se. All the graphene when incorporated into the cells turns the whole body into a huge chip. It is the whole body that emits the data to the 5G not a nano chip inside.
Another thing is that graphene has polymorphic capacity, so sometimes it is transparent, it appears as fibromas at most or does not even appear under a microscope, only the electron microscope and sometimes not even with that one. So the human doctors when performing an autopsy will have no explanation for the internal damage they see. Going back to what they know, then they will blame it on a virus because they don't know any more or understand any more.
Robert: And there is no way for Earth doctors to know what Graphene is? It doesn't leave anything as a fingerprint to identify it?
Anéeka: Yes, they know about Graphene, they know about the reactions it can have on people in the organism, but at the chemical level, they have no idea of the level of technology in Graphene. It is not Graphene and that´s it as a substance, or material as humans say, what is Graphene oxide for? It is nanotechnology far beyond human understanding that uses graphene as the main but not the only material for the manufacture of smart dust.
That is to say that Graphene is only the main material of NanoGraphene smart powder, but not the only one as I have found borio, strontium, gold, aluminum and steel within the very structure of each nano Graphene or smart powder particle.
How nanoGraphene proceeds is mystery and science fiction to human science, but to me here it is not. It is well understood here. It's just that, as we know here, nano-Graphene technology can be used for good. It's just technology. It depends on who has it. But my technology here, and in my lab, outperforms nanoGraphene, we don't need it anymore. That's why we know it well.
Whoever controls the frequencies that in turn control the nanoGraphene will control what the Graphene does. You have to take over the system itself. What mankind can do is to take down 5G and similar phone systems, because it also reacts to other frequency ranges. With some they would already defer the system. They also lose control over points on a map that have no coverage.
It is also possible to neutralize the emitting frequencies with other frequencies set to the opposite, destructive frequencies. Large EMP´s would destroy the electronics of the antennas.
And it doesn't have to be very big to destroy an antenna. That may be the solution. EMP´s as big as you can make them with car batteries. That would destroy an antenna if activated below. Put the EMP under the antenna, activate it, then leave and it's destroyed. In theory, at least.
Just that you can't take the EMP´s there by car, it will be fried too. Unless it's an older car with nothing electronic. Just platinum distributor or physical contacts, no electronic ignition, and gravity carburetor.
Robert: Will the Russian and Chinese vaccines be tested?
Anéeka: No, due to lack of samples, but this does not mean that they are different. Without Covid there is no need for any, it is the same excuse. They are as bad as the western ones, and they must have the same content.
Another point is that we from here yes, we are able to understand the nanoGraphene, because our medical technology and genetic manipulation exceeds that of Graphene, to the extent that we do not need any nano anything to alter and manipulate genes, we do it with energy. And yes, I could explain how.
Ufo Conference Finland - Mini Report - Live Online Connection with Athena Swaruu
Questions answered live by Athena Swaruu at the Conference:
Question: 1. What kind of vibration beings are among us? Do they have physical body and world?
Swaruu X (Athena): All kinds of being are among you and are you, from all places you call densities and from all vibrations, from low to ultra-high. They do have a physical body, most work through a human vessel, some know, some do not know. Others keep their astral form, for lack of a better name for them. They interfere whispering in people's ears, giving inspiration, as inspiritu, or whispering of a spirit.
Question: 2. How strong is the Cabal in Finland?
Swaruu X (Athena): Hard to tell, it is said that Finland is under the control of the so-called white hats. I strongly feel although practically all the world is under Cabal control Finland is more relaxed than most other countries. So with circumstantial evidence I would say a cautious 20% as compared to other places like Spain, or Argentina where it would be a 100% for reference.
Knowing that control agendas such as CV-19 are lesser in Finland simply because the cabal does not see any use or real problem for them coming out of Finland. If they did, they would have stricter policies there against the people.
Question: 3. How the Universal Laws should be integrated to Planet Earth to help humanity?
Swaruu X (Athena): Universal Laws cannot be installed by force, they must come out of the people of Earth themselves as the media from which those Universal Laws emanate from. Such as how that happens as well with a Holographic Society.
Universal Laws will come in and be established by the people in an almost automatic manner as they grow in consciousness awareness, and in self responsibility. It will come automatically.
The people of Earth should work on 3 main things for all:
1.) Spirituality with no religion. 2.) Ethical standards fair for all. 3.) Moral standards fair for all. All as one.
Question: 4. How is Mother Earth affecting the humanity?
Swaruu X (Athena): Mother Earth as a conscious sentient being is formed in a large way by the human conflictive unconscious, as well as other consciousness collectives such as other live kingdoms such as plants and animals, as well as the complex interactions between other sentient stellar objects such as other planets and stars.
Earth's consciousness and humans affect one another directly, cause and effect, as one.
Question: 5. Where did the aliens from Roswell 1947 come from?
Swaruu X (Athena): Zeta Grays. Friendly.
Question: 6. How does our collective "ascension" affect your race and your reality of existence there?
Swaruu X (Athena): All collectives, and all races are connected in consciousness. Many of our people, of our race are playing to be humans right now. Whatever happens on Earth is experience for us as well, as individuals and as a culture. We are kin, what affects you affects us as well.
Question: 7. What´s the purpose of controlling the growth of the population?
Swaruu X (Athena): With too many people, the Cabal cannot have full control over the population. And they also see the general population as too many for the planet, although this is highly questionable. It is all basically for total control over the human population.
Question: 8. Is unconditional love still a principle/good virtue or yesterday´s naive New Age distraction?
Swaruu X (Athena): It is an essential concept that is very true. Good virtue to follow. Not only New Age distraction. Yet, must not be confused with being permissive when others are going over your rights. Love yourself first as when you do not, you cannot love others.
Question: 9. Are we able to see and observe other space as it truly is? I was told back in the 90´s that e.g., Pleiades System, we cannot see its true form.
Swaruu X (Athena): That is true. You could see it elevating your frequency or in astral travel. From Earth and from within its average realm-frequency called 3D you can only see 60% of how things are in space in reality.
Question: 10. How is it possible that all the worlds health officials are fooled and lying with the corona hoax?
Swaruu X (Athena): Because the ones that were willing to cooperate with the agenda were placed in high places right before it all started. They placed their "chess" pieces in strategic places before it all started.
Another point is that the whole medical establishment, what is accepted as true and as false, possible, and not possible, was tailored from decades before so the medical professionals would have to conform to their institutional mandates.
This is the second time they do this vaccine agenda to kill off mass population, the first time was in 1918 with the Spanish flue. This is only a perfected re-run.
Not all medical professionals are complying, many are not falling for this hoax, but they are suppressed with Mass Media and professional shaming.
This is why in short.
Question: 11. Does a duplicate of the I (me) exist somewhere?
Swaruu X (Athena): From one point of view one duplicate of you exists per each Timeline/ Parallel Universe. From an even higher perspective there is only one of you that is multidimensionally existing in multiple Timelines and Alternative Universes. Scalar. And from even higher above the illusion of separation stops and we all become aware that we are all one, that we are Source itself.
Question: 12. How do you trade with other races? What does it look like?
Swaruu X (Athena): Trade is in kind, but it's not trade like on Earth. At a high level of technology and of advancement in general, trade is only in the form of sharing ideas and new tech that come out of ideas. Things such as ore, or anything that is considered of "value" from a human point of view, is not seen as such. Only as more things. What has more value and is not replaceable are things like art, where an original is an original and there is no replication or copy of it.
So the concept of trade as it's understood on Earth does not exist, because there is no real lack mentality as such here, not like it is on Earth.
At this level of technology and of cooperation with other cultures we all have what we need and so much of it we simply share with others all the time, just because that is the correct thing to do, and not expecting anything in return for it, same way that other culture or cultures will do the same with us and with others.
So trade as it is understood on Earth, does not exist, or in a very limited manner.
Question: 13. Can and do Taygetans stop meteorites etc? Devastating events like that?
Swaruu X (Athena): Yes, we do, and other races as well. All the time, but those are not so common events. Not as common as you are led to think on Earth. More fear propaganda.
Asteroids and meteorites are not really a problem for Earthlings.
Question: 14. What do you eat?
Swaruu X (Athena): We eat a large variety of plant-based foods, elaborated, cooked, baked or raw as well, fruits and vegetables. Our flour is sea algae based, not wheat based, we do not consume wheat as we find it to be toxic for brain and body. We have at least 10 times more variety of edible plants, vegetables, and fruits than what you have on Earth.
Other species living close to us do eat meat and animal products as it is a physical necessity for them. But they are artificially grown and not from a living animal. For humans on Earth, we do discourage eating artificial meat, or artificial anything at all.
Question: 15. Can you explain the exact process of how you connect to our internet now?
Swaruu X (Athena): We have an electrical converter to pass our electric-grid nomenclature to a human one, to feed replicated or original examples of your digital computers.
Long Range internet Access, like from Andromedan Viera: Then the Internet signal is passed by wire to a special router we made that translates it to Muon communication method, then it goes to a special human made satellite that translates Muon back to digital, and from there into a Federation controlled server on the surface of the planet, under the control of certain governments that are complicit with the Federation, and from there into the regular internet.
Short Range Internet: From a Starship, like above, signal is passed directly to a human made Satellite and then to Federation Servers on the surface and then into the regular Internet.
The Federation and Planet Earth Earth is perceived as a self-contained site or realm
LEARNING, EXPANSION Robert.- On which the Federation gives all its members a framework of legal, ethical and moral rules, this common framework applies to all members, but what happens on planet Earth? What frame is used? A different one due to the uniqueness that the Earth has with respect to the other members that are part of the Federation? And if so, why two yardsticks of ethics and morals? Athena Swaruu X.- For the Federation, the Earth is perfectly within its legal framework. The problem here is that the Federation is not a single block within a single level, but in a staggered manner it increases not only in terms of area, but also in density within the jurisdiction of each of these levels. The rise in existential density causes a change in the perception of its members of what they understand reality to be, and this inevitably brings a change in their ethics, because ethics is irremediably associated with the perfection of the reality and level of consciousness of each person. I mean the level of consciousness of the members that control and compose it for each level. So, from this more expanded perspective of these higher echelon members, the Earth is perceivedas a self-contained site or realm, where people, (call yourselves souls, but it is not that simple), enter at their own risk. They see the purpose of the Earth as a place of learning expansion to control the personal reality of expansion of personal consciousness and of the collective to which those souls belong. And ultimately, it also favours the expansion of the Whole, of the Original Source. From the almost timeless position of those people in higher or expanded realms, densities and consciousnesses, what happens on Earth during an incarnation of a person-soul that this person sees as suffering over the course of about 80 years, they see it as a simple sigh in time, an enriching experience for all. In the same way that a psychologist on Earth will present to a month[1]old baby a lit candle and the baby will try to catch the fire by burning it slightly. The psychologist sees it as learning for the baby, since the burn will not be serious, it will pass in minutes, since the baby's spinal-cord reflex will withdraw the little hand before strong damage occurs. This is also used to test how well the baby's nervous system is working according to its stage of development. From those higher densities, an experience of suffering on Earth has the same value: learning, expansion. The value of ethics and morals change strongly with the expansion of consciousness, therefore, what is ethical at one level is not so from another. This is an inescapable fact that Yazhi and I have observed. This means that from a more expanded position of consciousness, many times the means justify the end. In other words, purposely provoking situations or events that on Earth can be seen as unethical, justifies the positive final outcome that these unethical events cause. This is an extremely important point. This point above is very common to see for people who are at a certain level of expansion, since ethics does change according to the level of perception-consciousness of each person. However, another point is that the imposition of an ethical point of view or framework from above on a lower ethical framework, such as that of the Earth, entails, from one point of view or another, that the superior position ignores or demerits the situation or experience of suffering of the person in the lower position, 3D Earth, as if it were not real, when it definitely is. So, as a more personal comment on my part, from my position, whatever that may be, I do see it as valid that one or another situation, the means, whatever they are, justify the positive ending as long as that positive ending is maximum or of critical importance and is given. But I also see how unfair this can be viewed from the bottom position, as just why it is ignored to begin with. So, the legal framework for Earth is the same as for the rest of the so-called 5D, with 5D being the average existential density in space between cultures that are having an experience in the so[1]called physical world. Only that they see the Earth as a contained place where they can guide in detail what happens inside, and that's right, everything is guided and manipulated in detail. That is why it has been explained for a long time that there cannot be a total atomic war or anything like that, because it would end the 3D experience-realm completely. But there may be more or less localized fights or wars at the Second World War level and there may also be extermination agendas against specific populations or against the entire population of the planet. That is why we say that the Federation ultimately controls everything that happens on Earth, not from a position of evil, but from maintaining the right of the inhabitants within the Earth, but seen from a framework of legal and ethical understanding, different from which humans have from the point of view of being incarnated there.
Robert.- Will the Federation allow humanity to be interstellar? Athena Swaruu X.- From the Federation's point of view, and as already explained, humans are not a species, they are a bio suit that allows multiple races or species to coexist on Earth with a common experience called human being. The Federation as such does not view humanity as a species or as a race. It is a biological suit accessible in various ways or methods, based on the morphology of the races called the Lyrian group. This is because the Lyrian body is seen as one of the best, most practical and strong designs to survive in the biological environment of the Earth. So, answering the question directly: it will not allow it, not as humans would wish. The Federation does not have to allow humanity to become interstellar because according to them it already is, and their going out into the cosmos as humans destroys the very purpose of humanity.
Robert.- Can you remind us what it means to be interstellar. I think it is related to some kind of technology and on a par with the consciousness and spirituality of the race in question. Thanks.
Athena Swaruu X.- Interstellar: a civilization capable of moving from its place of origin to any other point outside its own solar system, otherwise it would only be interplanetary. That he has enough technology to navigate among the stars and what this brings hand in hand. That he knows multiple cultures of other stars and that he has dealings or agreements with those other cultures.
* * *
BEGINNING OF THE VIDEO Dr. Alejandro.- Dear Yazhi, Anéeka, Senetre and the rest of the positive souls of Taygeta.
Anéeka of Temmer.- Hello, Dr. Alex. Thank you very much for reaching out to us, particularly me. We will help as much as possible.
Dr. Alejandro.- I have no doubt about the falsity of this world “plandemic”, but my narrow 3D mind formed with human science it has doubts about some things. 1-Exceptions. It is evident that 99% of the diagnoses and Covid deaths were other diseases that gave a positive to the PCR test, which is useless. I don't believe almost anything that official science says, but in my clinical experience, there are cases that cannot be explained by a simple name change. I do not have the technical means or the Taygetean knowledge, so I apologize for doubting. I want to refer only to cases of healthy unvaccinated people between 30 and 50 years old who have developed very serious symptoms of bilateral pneumonia. These types of pictures have always existed, but not with the frequency, severity and age that we see today. I analyze the reality that I see and something does not add up. If we accept that there are no viruses, what were they due to?
Anéeka of Temmer.- In our opinion it is impossible to explain all the cases. However, within our understanding by historical observation, we must still insist that there have always been epidemics, groups of patients with the same clinical picture or symptoms that do not fall within the known field. That is, they are simply conditions that have always arisen and that do not correspond to where they came from or what caused them, only that today they are conveniently attributed to SARS COV 2. An exhaustive investigation would have to be carried out on each of these cases or groups of cases, to determine the causes reliably. However, from our framework of scientific understanding and based on the facts verified from our perspective, the causes of these strange pathologies can be attributed to practically everything except SARS COV 2.
Dr. Alejandro.- Are they exaggerated pathological responses to viral exosomes enhanced by electromagnetic radiation?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Having said the above, we do see congruent explaining many of the cases as caused by artificial viral exosomes or caused by artificial detonation activated by electromagnetic frequencies, whether or not they are of the 5G class, since our laboratories have detected the presence of that kind of technology within the so-called vaccines against SARS COV 19. We see it as highly possible that as security, the controllers of the "plandemic" are activating their nanotechnology in groups of people or even particular individuals, in regions chosen by them, for whatever reasons were intended to test the operation of the system. What the vaccines contain is basically nanotechnology with extremely advanced genetic alteration capacity for the terrestrial level, which needs data transmission networks using microwave and / or electromagnetic fields as a method of control over inoculated people in order to convert their bodies and minds in bio-computed transhumanism-like terminals completely under their control. We are also seeing the ability to alter unvaccinated subjects using the transfer or contagion of technology between the inoculated and the non-inoculated, coupled with the prior presence of such technology that has been ingested and breathed in by the general population for many years as a preparation for the introduction of inoculations that use the SARS COV 2 concept as an excuse to use fear as a method of pressure for the general population to accept them.
Dr. Alejandro.- My sister's husband, an athlete, unvaccinated and 49 years old, was about to die from bilateral pneumonia and although he recovered, he still needs oxygen for almost any activity. I can only explain these pictures because a viral exosome of any coronavirus, or the Spike protein of a vaccinated person, infected that person and then was aggravated by some associated factor.
Anéeka of Temmer.- I understand that this is the simplest explanation and it is highly probable. However, it falls exactly within the group of cases that we insist that there has always been, but that today is conveniently attributed to SARS COV 2. However, looking at things in detail we see that it also fits as caused by contained nanotechnology in Graphene, even that acquired environmentally in countless products and processed foods, including chemtrails. To these cases must be added causes of injury due to psychological factors associated with the same dynamics of the "plandemic", and these factors of psychological injury should be taken very seriously.
Dr. Alejandro.- Electromagnetic radiation type 5G?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Prolonged and repeated exposure to electromagnetic radiation is enough to cause serious clinical pictures corresponding to the symptoms attributed to SARS COV 2, in addition to serving as a method of control-activation of the technologies contained within the socalled vaccines. Prolonged exposure to Wi-Fi, high voltage cables and other strong electromagnetic sources will cause physical deterioration, weaknesses and diseases of all kinds that can be interpreted as inexplicable and that again are attributed to SARS COV 2.
Dr. Alejandro.- Respiratory or other toxins?
Anéeka of Temmer.- It cannot be ruled out, but it is impossible to determine without the study corresponding to each case. Exposure to asbestos, chemicals, solvents and even fungal spore infections, such as the one that grows on old books in humid places and is almost undetectable, or the dangerous black fungus, which grows in humid places inside houses and buildings, or Allergies of many causes, including food among many other possible factors, cause pictures of severe respiratory diseases congruent with atypical pneumonias that later attribute to SARS COV 2 without any corroboration more than the PCR test already proven as completely false and useless.
Dr. Alejandro.- The hospital's own treatments?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Iatrogenic diseases, latros = medical + gene = cause, for the public, that is, those caused by the doctors themselves or by medical malpractice, according to our latest data, are the third cause of death in the United States only, third after cardiovascular diseases and cancer. This is with accepted official data. In our opinion, given that the causes of the pathologies of deaths from both cardiovascular diseases and cancers are directly caused by medical malpractice that is based on what is dictated by the pharmaceutical companies and the same medical mafia that does not have the health of the public in mind, but their own benefits, we move iatrogenic diseases to the first cause of diseases and deaths on planet Earth that are attributable to a pathology. I only cite as an example of the above the misconception of what cholesterol is and its effects, uses and causes in the human body. The use and abuse of substances/drugs to lower cholesterol in patients with the subsequent side effects of these drugs that in many cases include death, and also the lack of application to the real understanding of the causes and the appropriate ways to treat cancer with the criminal use of radiotherapies and chemotherapies that only aggravate the cancer, as well as the unnecessary removal of many malignant tumors that during the surgical process only spread the cancer to the surrounding healthy tissue. With the above as an example, it is seen by us here that the malpractice, application of treatments in hospitals such as the indiscriminate use of respirators, abuse of aggressive medicines and antibiotics, and the serious lack of personalized attention in general caused by an inherent dehumanization of medical personnel, doctors and nurses alike, added to the agendas that the medical mafia imposes on both medical personnel and hospital institutions, are the very cause, notonly of the "plandemic" but also of almost all other conditions and pathologies, whether or not they are called typical or atypical, or unexplained, that are attributed to the presence of a false SARS COV 2. It is worth mentioning that the same procedure protocols in the face of simple suspicions of a supposedly Sars-Cov-2 picture, meaninglessly discarding all other probable causes, make doctors criminally proceed with aggressive treatments trying to solve a symptomatological picture without having proceeded to a complete investigation of the patient, both physical and environmentalcontextual, which directly causes iatrogenic situations to develop in a quantity and percentage never seen before.
Dr. Alejandro.- Please help me understand what happens in these cases. 2-Vaccines. I believe that vaccines are self-replicating genetic poisons that force our cells to manufacture the Spike protein without stopping and that this protein travels through the blood vessels to the finest capillaries where an immonothrombosis phenomenon occurs that causes the disease lesions.
Anéeka of Temmer.- The Spike protein for us here has another explanation that I will give in detail in the Annex Document.
Dr. Alejandro.- However, you only talk about the damage caused by the toxic materials that vaccines contain: Graphene, Polyethylene glycol, heavy metals, DNA, mRNA, human fetal tissue.
Anéeka of Temmer.- The data on this subject, we have given so far in conversation format, that tends to only focus on isolated aspects of the problem contained in the inoculations and not on the complete picture. However, in other conversations we have mentioned points like this one above.
Dr. Alejandro.- Is the explanation of the Spike protein false?
Anéeka of Temmer.- The problem of the Spike protein is complex, it has another explanation that I will give in the Annex Document.
Dr. Alejandro.- Do vaccines really make our cells manufacture that protein?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Yes, as will be seen in detail in the Annex Document.
Dr. Alejandro.- Is this protein the one that causes the organic lesions seen in autopsies?
Anéeka of Temmer.- The main cause is Graphene itself.
Dr. Alejandro.- Are they really due to autoimmune reactions that cause immonothrombosis phenomena in the capillaries of the lung and other organs?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Yes, autoimmune reactions are causing thrombosis in all organs, but especially in the lung, since it tries to expel graphene.
Dr. Alejandro.- Is this protein the cause of the complications and death of those vaccinated, or are they due to the rest of the toxins they contain?
Anéeka of Temmer.- What causes death in vaccinated people is a complex process that varies from subject to subject, as will be explained in the Annex Document.
Dr. Alejandro.- In addition to circulating in the blood, can the Spike protein be expressed on the surface of the cells that make it?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Yes, it will be explained in detail in the Annex Document.
Dr. Alejandro.- How is RNA from vaccines introduced into our DNA?
Anéeka of Temmer.- It will be explained in detail in the Annex Document.
Dr. Alejandro.- Is it by reverse transcriptases or by another mechanism?
Anéeka of Temmer.- By reverse transcription assisted by nanotechnology as will be explained later in the Annex Document.
Dr. Alejandro.- Can the Spike protein act as a prion in the brain and cause neurodegenerative diseases such as bovine encephalopathy, mad cows?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Definitely yes. Details will be explained in the Annex Document.
Dr. Alejandro.- Can we suffer a Covid-like clinical picture from getting the Spike protein from a vaccinated person?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Definitely yes. As symptomatology congruent to what is classified as Covid. It will be explained in detail in an Annex Document.
Dr. Alejandro.- How do vaccines cause sterility, damaging the syncytium of the placenta or destroying the spermatogonia of the testicle?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Without ruling out what you have mentioned, the process is through the replacement of specific DNA chains that control the reproductive processes within the gonads with the use of synthetic retroviruses assisted by nanotechnology.
Dr. Alejandro.- Does a vaccinated person infect an unvaccinated person through mRNA, DNA, or the Spike protein?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Definitely yes. But it is complex. Details will be explained in the Annex Document.
Dr. Alejandro.- Can it be transmitted through breast milk, mother-child, semen via sexual intercourse, saliva, kisses, sprays, close cough?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Definitely yes. It can be spread in these ways and also from the air, however, it seems that it has a range of two meters, directly, as far as direct exosome is concerned.
Dr. Alejandro.- Is Graphene formed only by hexagons or penta-exa-hepta graphene?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Graphene is nanotechnological, it proceeds to form within the body as it is remotely programmed or pre-programmed, taking the necessary structures for each job that it intends to carry out. We see that this confuses human researchers who apparently want to catalog it in a fixed structural way, cataloging it with and as the variants known as heptagrafen, when in reality it has the ability to adapt to many forms and change its exact molecular or atomic composition or shape. Adapting to the requirements of the moment. This is done with structural programming of Graphene at the atomic level.
Dr. Alejandro.- Can Graphene self-assemble in our brain tissue and be used to manipulate us?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Yes, as will be seen later.
Dr. Alejandro.- Can electromagnetic pulses deactivate them permanently?
Anéeka of Temmer.- In our last experiments it is only deactivated momentarily and while the electromagnetic pulse is activated, when it is turned off they will return to normal.
Dr. Alejandro.- Can Graphene enter our body, through the air or through the digestive tract?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Yes, nanotechnological Graphene is being introduced to the general population in industrialized food, in hygiene and cleaning products and through the use of aerosols such as chemtrails.
Dr. Alejandro.- I apologize for asking this question, but I wanted to ask most of my doubts so that I could later transmit them to other doctors and scientists on Earth. Unfortunately I will not be able to reveal who has given me the information because they would take me for crazy. I will use the information to search for terrestrial information to substantiate the information you give me in a way that is convincing to terrestrial ones.
Anéeka of Temmer.- On the contrary, thank you, Dr. Alex, for working together with us. Your questions are very precise and necessary, and they help me personally to visualize and have a clearer idea in which direction I should focus my research efforts on this topic and how to present everything to the public.
Dr. Alejandro.- I can only give infinite thanks for your work, support and love for humanity. For me you are older brothers of light and knowledge to whom I ask for help. I know that you contact very few people on Earth directly, and I don't think I deserve it, but I still wanted to ask for the possibility of some kind of direct communication with you, even if it was very punctual and occasional. If this is not possible, I would like to keep open the possibility of asking you questions through Gosia. That alone is an immense honour and that I interpret as such. My only intention is to use that information for the benefit of humanity. I send you all my love, respect and admiration. Alexander.
Anéeka of Temmer.- On the contrary, thank you for your enormous effort and for getting closer to us. Communication with you is still open by these means. A big hug. Anéeka.
Anéeka of Temmer.- Another thing that was missing in the report, but it is that it was already too much and it came out or was missing, Graphene sometimes takes the form of sharp things inside the body and is thermo sensitive. Those forms are not there and suddenly they are there because Graphene forms them like broken glass crystals. They cut the blood vessels inside. And another way in which nano graphene ignites is when it comes into contact with body heat, at degrees of human body, that is, between 36 ° and 38 ° C. * * *
Covid Vaccines Analyzed by Taygetan Lab - Complete Report - Graphene, Nanotechnology, and Transhumanism
October 19, 2021, spacecraft Toleka, low Earth orbit.
Laboratory report of substances found in bottles labelled as SARS CoV-2 vaccines from Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca.
Dr. Anéeka of Temmer. Dr. Surgeon Senetre of Erra. Dr. Dhor Kaal'el of Temmer.
Star Ship Toleka Medical Laboratory TPT-001, October 2021
------------------- Main equipment and methods of observation and study:
- Optical bifocal microscope, Mag x1500 max. - Optical microscope, Mag x1500 max, computerized. - Electronic microscope, Mag x200,000 max, computerized. - Molecular and subatomic emitted frequencies Spectroscope. - Gravitational electronic interferometer microscope with mass-specific-gravity mapping capability, with subatomic component detection capability, coupled with medical quantum-holographic computer with high-definition hologram data monitor. With the capacity of reading materials at nuclear-level capacity and of classification of substances, samples and biological tissues and the capacity of mapping or reading cellular DNA of such samples.
- Quantum holographic computer with Medical program with detailed simulation of the entire human body with all its biological processes, for prediction of progressive development with time frame. Same for other non-human species studied.
- 150 human tissue cultures grown in Medical Pod to study reactions in real time.
- 30 non-human tissue cultures grown in Medical Pod to study reactions in Lyrian, Andromedan, Arcturian-Dieslientiplex and Urmah species.
-50 bottles of Pfizer COVID 19 Vaccine, 5 doses of 0.3ml. -50 bottles of Moderna Vaccine COVID 19, 10 doses x 0.5ml. -50 bottles of AstraZeneca COVID 19 Vaccine, 10 doses x 0.5ml.
Graphene: Large mass of particles of substance congruent with Graphene with an atomic and molecular structure partially in disorder and partially ordered in crystalline form of synthetic artificial origin found inside all of them.
The mode or method of production of such particles exceeds the technological level of present human civilization, since for their production what is needed are the replicator devices based on technology of creation of matter from energy with the use of controlled frequencies and harmonics. Congruent with matter replicators used at the technological level of highly advanced non-human races, members of the Federation of United Planets.
It involves arranging individual atoms to form particles with crystalline order. In such order lies the magnetic capacity or frequency and electrical properties of the remaining molecule which on Earth is being called Graphene. It involves the technological ability to create an intelligent particle with variable, size but which is only about 10nm in size, made with less than 60 atoms, that is 10 times smaller than an average virus-exosome.
Graphene as a material is extremely resistant, flexible, with transparent properties if grouped in the right crystalline form, it is thermally conductive, electrically conductive, and highly magnetic or magnetisable. By grouping its molecules in a single plane, a Graphene structure or sheet can be only one atom thick. It is probably the strongest material known to the human race.
A single atom of Carbon, the basis of Graphene, consists of 6 protons, 6 (or 7) neutrons and 6 electrons (666).
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Atomically programmed Graphene is capable of forming any structural shape combining many of its molecules. This is achieved by activating or deactivating attachment points or bonding points on each molecule using an electromagnetic response at a specific frequency of each group of bonding points of the artificially prepared molecules.
The electromagnetic frequencies that control the Graphene can be programmed and transmitted over airborne microwave frequencies including the shape itself which the Graphene will take, down to the smallest detail, in progression until the desired structure is formed.
The Graphene in the vaccine bottles has very low magnetism until it is introduced into a living tissue where it is activated and begins its pre-programmed process. The moment it enters the body, Graphene becomes highly magnetic. The same field of electrochemical and biological frequencies of the body triggers the programmed Graphene by turning it on. This is achieved by re-clustering the molecules in the Graphene to the structure necessary to generate magnetic polarity, it is ignited by contact in close proximity to a living organism and its bio electric properties.
The Graphene travels through the bloodstream to the whole body adhering to the tissues in the process, it is found in a higher concentration in the tissues where there is a higher concentration of Graphene molecules per ml (milliliters) of blood, i.e., those close to the point of entry of the inoculation, which explains the magnetized arms that are reported worldwide.
Upon reaching a living tissue, Graphene will adhere to the cell walls and enter each cell by filtering through the cell membrane due to its very small size. Once inside each cell, the Graphene moves between the organelles and penetrates the cell nucleus where it will adhere to the cell's DNA.
Graphene forms nano-tubule-like structures around the cellular DNA and in direct contact with it, sequestering or caging it:
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Right away, each nanotube segment will react to the electromagnetic-bioelectrical properties and specific electric resistance of each component of cellular DNA; Adenine, Thiamine, Guanine, Cytosine, or A-T-G-C. And its reaction between the pores or openings of the Graphene lattice will create an exact copy of the DNA structure, but with magnetic properties, inside the nanotube structure that envelops the cellular DNA, and with this procedure the Graphene can decode the DNA inside each cell and is able to be read or transmitted in a technological way, similar to that of a computer hard disk, same principle.
Once the cellular DNA is decoded the Graphene will react in a pre-programmed manner or by remote activation using microwaves congruent to 5G frequencies between 3.4 GHz and 29.8 GHz, but not only.
With specific genes decoded or found, the Graphene segment in question will attract a Graphene counterpart that has a corresponding sequence-frequency and that is also found in the blood of inoculated people. This Graphene contains mRNA sequences which is RNA programmed and coded for a specific protein, with a view of changing a particular DNA sequence.
The mRNA is extracted by the same nano-Graphene with the above procedure from the cell base-traces of organisms present in the vaccine. These include Stem Cells from human fetuses, apes fetuses, bovines and other vertebrates and invertebrates that we have not yet been able to fully identify at this point, including cells and DNA from Hydra vulgaris that Graphene has been able to isolate and with which Nano-Graphene, either in a fully pre-programmed manner or remotely controlled by 5G signals and the like, will take its genetic sequences as a basis or resource to form mRNA strands with which to proceed to replace the original DNA strands of the human cells of the inoculated subject.
The Nano-Graphene particle is attracted to a cell and groups of cells that form specific tissues by means of corresponding electromagnetic micro-frequencies and contained as properties of the Nano-Graphene structures themselves. These particles in the manner of artificial viruses with their mRNA content will perform any genetic change within the cellular DNA using the reverse transcription procedure but guided by these artificial particles.
Likewise, vaccines already contain Nano-Graphene encapsulating mRNA sequences from the factory, specific mRNA to replace particular genes within the cells of exact tissues within the body of the inoculated persons.
Nano-Graphene as a pre-programmed smart dust is capable of altering the human genome either in part, specific genes, such as those controlling the reproductive system or parts of it, genes controlling neural processes in the brain of the inoculate, or completely changing the entire human genome. And this process can be controlled remotely. Turning the human body into a biological puppet at the mercy of the decisions of whoever controls this technology.
With this technology, a population, a small group within a population, or a specific individual can be rendered sterile. The latter appears to be a pre-programmed process within the smart Nano-Graphene independent of outside instructions. It can also activate specific genes or deactivate them causing the effects desired by those who control this technology, such as the appearance of all kinds of diseases and medical conditions associated with genetic problems, as well as cancers. The emergence and control over so-called viral diseases in a group of people or specific individuals can also be achieved.
In different reactions, the Graphene itself is enough for the inoculate to develop systemic inflammatory problems with a cytokine storm that will cause adverse body reactions such as the development of thrombi and blood clots, without the presence of any protein called Spike as it is being called in many circles, and some of the first places that will be affected by this will be the lungs and brain.
We see the very concept of the Spike Protein as an attempt of a terrestrial explanation to a process that is much more complicated. It is true that there are protein capsules that could be categorized as Spike Protein, or as synthetic viruses, but as I have described above, these proteins are being assembled by the mRNA contained in the Graphene particles, i.e., normal human science will only see the Graphene micro particle and not the mRNA content which in turn changes the DNA of the cells with which it comes in contact with. In other instances, human science will only be able to find specific mRNA molecules and not the Graphene that controls them from inside.
Likewise, these proteins, many of which can be catalogued as Spike, are the raw or prime material for the Graphene to have genetic resources to make subsequent changes to the DNA of the subject. Although not all inoculated subjects will be given or will be caused the same changes, Nano-Graphene will have the ability to have the option to resort to it, at least as a latent potential, as an option.
With this technology, the controllers of all this are given a complete DNA database of the entire human population, at least the inoculated one.
The nano-Graphene itself reacts to the stimulus of a specific signal in the 5G range by bouncing a signal back to the sender and containing the complete database not only of the entire genome of each inoculated individual but also of the progress of the mutation.
This nano technology forms and establishes an internal reaction to auditory stimuli or sounds, which means it has the ability to transmit and receive audio as a microphone within the inoculated subject itself, as well as the ability to transmit vibrations that the individual would interpret as voices in his head, also stimulating specific groups of neurons, taking synthetic telepathy to a broader and more efficient level with a view to mass manipulation.
Taking this a step further, as Graphene nanotechnology passes with great ease through the blood barrier of the human brain, due to its small size, it then lodges between neurons and between their dendrites, effectively controlling the Axiomatic depolarisations and the timing and quality of neurotransmitters, as well as the exact bio-electrical frequency of each individual depolarization. This creates the ability to not only read the depolarisations and interactions between brain neural networks and transmit it to the 5G network, but also has the ability to implant thoughts and ideas by controlling the dynamics of bio-electrical and chemical-neurotransmitter frequencies in the brain. This kind of neuronal control by electromagnetic frequencies, Artificial Neuro Modulation, or ANM, and also by altering the DNA of nerve cells, will generate an effect of apoptosis or cell death, severe loss of neurons.
Parasites found in vaccines: -Microfilaria: In Pfizer brand, in 15 out of 50 dose-bottles, Moderna 35/50. -Toxoplasma gondii: In Moderna: 28/50, Pfizer: 8/50, AstraZeneca: 32/50. -Trypanosoma brucei: In Moderna: 12/50, Pfizer: 38/50, AstraZeneca: 22/50.
In other words, not all visible parasites, in any of their different stages of their cycle or in genetic traces, were found in all vaccines of the same lot, and content will vary from brand to brand. But evidence of parasites was found in all the vaccine samples from the 150 dose bottles that were tested, in 3 boxes with 50 each one of them, and from each brand. We find it highly likely that other types of parasites may be found in other different samples that we simply did not have available.
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We found observable parasitic variants that are not within my database and we have not yet been able to catalogue them or relate them according to any current human classification. And it is highly possible that some of them are genetically engineered, i.e., vaccine-specific, genetically designed for vaccines and not found in a free, or natural state. These were found in all 150 samples.
We also found highly magnetic crystalline-transparent Graphene structures with worm-like shapes due to their inter-particle bonds that under a microscope may be mistaken for parasites. This does not exclude the presence of all the detectable parasites described above. This also includes the presence of black Graphene in a worm like, or thread like shape that are congruent with Morgellons disease.
It is also worth mentioning that the content of the inoculations is not uniform even within the same lot and box of a single brand, but varies from bottle to bottle, which supports the fact that they can be used to give a specific dose to each person at the will of those who control the Plandemic. This at least in the 150 samples we had available. So contents of other samples and of other brands may differ from ours.
Spike Protein: Spike protein is understood as the virus envelope itself, the parts of the virus that attach to cell receptors.
We found no evidence of Spike protein congruent with SARS CoV-2 or any SARS-type virus within the inoculations which unequivocally rules out the contents of these as a vaccine since they contain no biological substance with which to manufacture or cause antibodies.
However, since a true zoo of organic and inorganic material was found inside each bottle, the presence of proteins in a state or size smaller than 100 nm can be interpreted as some kind of virus or exosome inside the substance but as a result of the biological chaos inside and not congruent with any SARS virus. However, I do not see this as justification or excuse that these may be the antibody-causing reagents as they are of a very wide and chaotic variety and none correspond to SARS or SARS CoV-2 and are just the Spike proteins one would expect to find within a soup of biological material.
We believe that the adverse reactions attributed to the Spike proteins that many researchers report are not coming from this class of proteins per-se, but are being confused with the highly toxic reactions caused by the Graphene itself.
I must make it very clear that the Graphene in the inoculations changes shape and molecular composition or particle composition at will because it is nano technology, and in addition to black Nano Graphene there is a high content of crystalline Nano Graphene present which is transparent, and because of its molecular size smaller than that of any virus it is undetectable inside cells, even more so inside a tissue or inside a blood clot being studied by human medical science with a view to finding its cause. Also, Nano Graphene will not react to the chemical reactant used to detect and classify the biological content of a tissue or blood sample. It will not be found under optic microscopy and under electronic microscopy at best it may be seen as a series of translucent fibroids as long as the concentration of the Nano Graphene allows it.
In other words, what is causing the clots is the Graphene itself and not a Spike protein.
Nano particles of Lipids, and heavy metals: steel, iron, barium, strontium 38, titanium, gold and aluminum in traces found in the structural interlacing of the Graphene found in the inoculations, which cause blood clotting reactions: The formation and appearance of blood fibroids by red blood cells is instantaneous when a normal blood sample is contaminated with the substance in the inoculations at the observed studied amount of 1/100 parts. This clotting reaction was observed in all tissue samples and also in the predictive computermodels alike with results congruent with each other. Substances in inoculations cause blood clots, period. Yet I do not rule out that the sea of biological material can also cause clots as it causes all sorts of adverse bodily reactions. This in itself is the very purpose of the presence of such genetic and tissue material as well as providing a varied source of non-human and human DNA-strands to supply raw material to the nano technology to form mRNA/pRNA polymerase so that it can make changes to the DNA of the human cells of the inoculate as required and commanded through 5G networks and the like.
Another use we see for the presence of assorted biological material within inoculations: Human and simian stem cells, complex fetal tissue, inside the substance, i.e., multiple fetal cells, still cellular bonded, of human, bovine and simian origin, among other difficult to identify cells and tissues, are to cause an overload and collapse of the inoculated person's immune system in a progressive manner which in the first instance causes opportunistic diseases of all kinds to be generated, in addition to autoimmune conditions, the whole array of problems that are caused by a collapsed immune system similar to what is described in patients diagnosed with HIV, but very fast as in a few days or months, in some cases, only in minutes or hours.
We see this overloading of the immune system as part of the necessary framework to be provoked within each inoculated patient to occupy and weaken the immune system while the Graphene nano technology acts and performs its programmed internal changes inside the human body, and to maximize its efficiency.
There are human studies that assure that Graphene is not toxic and does not cause any reaction, but first of all, there are multiple types of Graphene, some are not toxic and others are. But I must emphasize that we are not talking about the presence of inert Graphene here but of nanotechnology that uses Graphene as the main raw material, nanotechnology made mainly of Graphene, but not only, because as I mentioned before, we have found different metals, described above, intertwined in the crystalline matrix of the Graphene itself, placed there because they give the nanotechnology flexibility in its reactions to different microwave frequencies emitted mainly by 5G networks, since 5G by its greater bandwidth or bandwidth capacity is suitable for control over the nano-particles of Graphene. As components to make this nano technology work.
These are intelligent nano particles, or nano dust, that are built using several elements, listed above, and Graphene is only their main component.
I use the term Nano-Graphene above because Graphene is the main component used for the fabrication of smart particles congruent with even nano-robots, but I stress that it is not the only material needed for such nanotechnology to work. Remembering that this kind of technologies are controlled by means of specific micro frequencies as exact energetic directions for each group of nanoparticles and also exact for each individual nanoparticle if necessary.
This can be explained by assigning each nanoparticle a number that represents the micro frequency to which it will react when it is received. This will cause the nanoparticle to turn on or off receptors on its surface that allow it to either attach to other nanoparticles to form more complex structures, or also attach to tissue or individual cells within the inoculated subject. These nanoparticles, or nano Graphene’s, move mainly in clusters with the same assigned frequency. Some of these clusters are the worm like shapes we described above.
Not all nanoparticles found in inoculations, misnamed vaccines, have the same structure or attributes and can be categorized into two main groups:
A.) Those of action or structure, which form more complex objects such as the nano tubules that read and decode the DNA in the nucleus of cells and…
B.) The containers which are the Graphene nanoparticles that contain and transport genetic material in the form of RNA and mRNA (m=messenger) ready to start the reverse transcription process, thereby mutating the original DNA at the request of the program that controls the nanotechnology. I also refer to these containers as synthetic nanotechnological viruses.
In the case of type A.), they can adhere to the receptors themselves or Spike proteins of a virus-exosome of organic origin and change their properties and their attributes of connection with the cellular receptors, according to their program.
In the case of B.) they not only carry RNA, mRNA but also enzymes necessary for the reverse transcription process. This mRNA, pRNA and their enzymes are produced within the original cells of the inoculated subjects and are transported through the bloodstream using natural exosomes controlled by nano-Graphene, and we also observed that this nano-Graphene type B.) is also capable of transporting mRNA and enzymes on its own.
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Shedding or transmission-contagion:
In both the organic cell cultures and in the predictive human body model created by Holographic Computer, a strong body toxicity reaction was observed congruent with the presence of chemical poisons combined with invasion of biological material causing strong immune responses and sources of infection.
The body's reaction is that of alarm, with a highly toxic condition in the tissues particularly in the brain, lung, liver and kidneys, in that order, causing visible tissue damage.
This reaction is also caused by a change in oxygen carrying capacity due to reduced and interfered action of blood hemoglobin, coupled with a general impoverishment of capillary blood circulation affecting the entire body with especially noticeable effects on the eyes, brain, and reproductive system in both men and women, among other places.
This causes conditions of lack of oxygenation, hypoxia, and a lack of correct and nutritious cellular environment, which unequivocally causes cellular micro-necrosis to cellular necrosis, or apoptosis with the appearance of conditions of extreme toxicity in tissues which in turn will cause the production of cellular exosomes intended to alarm other cells, to inform them of the problem they have, and as a method of expelling contaminants and toxins that are invading them, the cells.
These cells in a state of alarm will go into survivalmode and not into a normal reproductive mode, and this is a state or condition in the tissues that highly propitiates the appearance of cancerous tumors. Appearance of Cancers.
The inoculation of this so-called vaccine causes cancer!
These exosomes secreted by the tissue in alarm state are excreted from the body of the inoculated individual through his body fluids and through his own respiration. If another non-inoculated individual is in the presence of the inoculated individual and presents a physiological state that corresponds to the code or message of one of these exosomes or viruses of the inoculated person, this other one will then present the corresponding symptomatic reaction.
And such symptomatology may or may not correspond to any viral diseases that may already be known, starting a chain reaction by way of contagion between inoculated and non-inoculated alike, but emphasizing that the inoculated will always have a much weaker immune system than a non-inoculated, thus reducing their expectations of good recovery.
Therefore non-vaccinated people are stronger and have a standing chance to survive this bioweapon attack upon the human race, than an inoculated person whose chances are close to none.
The inoculated individual presents a constant release of nano-Graphene that can be introduced into the organism of non-inoculated individuals, where on a small scale or in the measure of its quantity, it will begin to activate as it has been programmed, trying to make the corresponding genetic changes in said non-inoculated individuals.
Whether or not a non-inoculated individual presents symptoms or adverse reactions will depend on the degree of exposure to an inoculated individual or individuals and the strength or physical condition of the non-inoculated individual and the general state of his/her immune system. Being that the exposed parts of the non-inoculated individual, such as lung and mucous membranes, are the most vulnerable to suffer alterations and immunological reactions to the presence of natural exosomes due to extreme toxicity of the inoculated people’s tissues, and the artificial exosomes due to nano-Graphene being released and spread by the said inoculated individual.
Likewise, the first point where the nano-Graphene will act by its pre-programming is in the reproductive system of the individuals, leaving them sterile.
As I have already mentioned above, the Nano Graphene produces artificial viruses or exosomes using the very cells of the inoculated person. The nano Graphene attached to the artificial viruses it has produced is secreted and dispersed by the inoculated persons as exosome-viruses produced by nano technology which in turn contain that same nano technology in the shape of Nano Graphene from person to person, from inoculated person to non-inoculated person.
Another important point is that nano Graphene is not only found in vaccines but in countless processed foods, human contact chemicals such as cosmetics and creams, cooking oils and within other medications whether injectable or oral. It is found in pesticides and artificial fertilizers, in automotive fluid oils and lubricants, automotive oil, and hydraulic fluid, among countless other places. Nano Graphene is also found in the Chemtrails with which the Earth has been systematically sprayed for years.
This not only facilitates the spread of synthetic viruses between people whether inoculated or not but, causes abnormally high electromagnetic reactivity in all organic tissue, including plant life.
The control of both biological and behavioral responses by Artificial Neuro Modulation technologies has been going on for years, and the inoculation agenda using the non-existent SARS CoV-2 as an excuse only further accelerates the process of absolute control by use of specific frequencies controlled by highly advanced AI Computers beyond the reach and comprehension of the average Earth population. Process of Trans-humanism and assimilation of terrestrial Biology, especially the human one, to an internet-like control network of all things.
The most serious part of this is that the average person does not see that it is not only about how they will be able to access the internet but how the internet will be able to access them. The system, the Cabal that controls the Earth, will have absolute control over what they do and what the human population even thinks by implanting thoughts and feelings using this technology.
The Nano Graphene present in the inoculations will not only serve as a method of immediate control and extermination of the human population, but also functions as a method of controlled genetic change to adapt biological bodies, especially humans, to be part of a controlled information network-Internet.
Everybody, as is the case of the human body, is a complex biochemical-electrical system that needs a very fine and specific balance in order to function. Any alteration in body frequencies, such as those caused by nano Graphene, causes serious damage to the whole system, and such a sudden imbalance, as when someone has just been inoculated, is enough to cause loss of consciousness, fainting, and even death.
A biologically and mentally controlled human being, as intended, no longer has the slightest free will, although it is possible for such a being to believe that his thoughts and decisions are his own, and not imposed upon him with technology. His life experience will be, and is, totally diminished.
Due to frequency incompatibility, the soul retracts, leaving the body as a remotely controlled biological robot with a hive mind. This incompatibility of frequencies causes the original soul, a signal from Source itself, to no longer link or tune into the body. This technology alters the existential frequency of a biological body making it incompatible with the original Soul signal from Source, the field of oneness. And like this, the Controllers of Earth can push away the Souls they do not want inhabiting Earth and favor the ones they do want.
This technology has the ability to alter body frequencies to make them compatible to be inhabited, parasitized or used, by all kinds of entities, from the so called lower Astral, or regressive extra-terrestrial races which the Cabal wishes them to enter the Earth plane, also called physical plane.
Warning: It has been long said that dark and evil entities from the so called Lower Astral are always looking for a way into the physical realm, this is a perfect way to adapt human bodies to be used by them.
There are also countless cases of people being technologically attacked, or being caused unexplained physical or health afflictions or illnesses. The normal established Earth medical system and science cannot handle this kind of situations as it is completely unaware of this kind of remote-control technologies on the human body and biology, on the very thinking-process of a human being. It can be said that these are the so called “Targeted Individuals” we have been hearing of for years now.
This explains in large part the countless cases of unexplained illnesses, many of which are associated with a non-existent SARS CoV-2 or with mental or psychosomatic illnesses. It is highly probable that the system that controls the Graphene through Cellular Telephone networks, whether or not they are in the 5G frequency range, may be carrying out efficacy tests on individuals at random or on individuals that the very system or Cabal has labelled as dangerous or rebellious.
I insist that one does not have to be inoculated with the false vaccine against the non-existent SARS CoV-2 to be susceptible or victim of this kind of technologies, since Graphene is everywhere. Whether it is just normal Graphene or technological Nano Graphene, even so its mere presence in the organism increases the reactivity of biological tissues to electromagnetic fields.
Perhaps the most serious point is to realize that the average people will not have the capacity to understand all this happening, as they will take it as Science Fiction or exaggerations, but still it will affect them, and is affecting them, as their reactions of lack of awareness and denial about this have the hallmark of being mind-controlled in favor of the system, in a kind of mental lethargy state, to which few turn out to be immune against, those who realize what is actually happening.
Likewise, it has been claimed that biology, DNA, always returns to its original pattern, and this is still true. However, this nano-technological system causes constant damage to the biological system, to DNA, so it no longer functions under the same principles as before. Principles that use manifestation of subtle etheric energies on the organic matter or DNA, this is being changed by an electromagnetic system of specific controlled frequencies that prevent the original and natural process of DNA manifestation to work.
Needless to say, the consequences of all this are extremely serious.
This present document represents the combined effort of our crew towards the end of October 2021. By no means does it mean that the data is completely definitive, nor does it include all processes or things that inoculations cause. There will also be an evolution on our observations so we will give timely updates as they arise. We see that other researchers are coming to other conclusions that complement each other, each at their own level and ability.
20211101-Taygeta- Life- on-other-planets- The- Proceonians
Cristina: The other day you told us about the planets Tau-Cete, GJ 667C -c, GJ 667C-e and Kepler 296-e. And how are these planets? Are they planets similar in climate and temperature to Earth?
Anéeka of Temmer: Yes. They are M-class temperate planets, all very similar to Earth. They are 'Lands'. That is to say, sea, with parts of dry land with plants and animal life. They have a soft atmosphere, mostly oxygen and nitrogen, with clouds that control the climate. Planet classes according to temperature: Class D: Planetoid or moon with little or no atmosphere. Class H: Generally uninhabitable. Class J: Gas giant. Class K: Habitable, as long as pressure domes are used. Class L: Marginally habitable, with vegetation but no animal life. Class M: Terrestrial. Class N: Sulfuric. Class R: A rogue planet, not as habitable as a terrestrial planet. Class T: Ultra gas giant. Class Y: Toxic atmosphere, high temperatures. But I have no range of temperatures. For me what is a rank on planets like Earth, Alfrata, Cyndriel, Erra, or Temmer, is just the average of the temperatures on the planet. For example, on Earth -80°C is a typical winter in Siberia. But it is not the average Temperature. Besides that the classification by letter of the Planets is a human scheme.
Cristina: And how do you classify them?
Anéeka of Temmer: We classify them simply by temperature range like humans, or by the degree of evolution of their inhabitants. But not because of its habitability like humans, because the problem is that humans assume that a very cold or very hot planet cannot support life. But it cannot support life like that of Earth or like that of Temmer or Erra for example, which is essentially the same biology or biological dynamics, but it can support another kind of life adapted to those conditions. So again it is humans assuming that only exists biological life as it is known on Earth. And to a certain extent it is logical because for them there is no evidence that any other kind of life can exist. But for us it is different. An atmosphere of sulfuric acid with temperatures between 100°C and 200°C can support not only life but an advanced civilization. They just won't look like us.
Cristina: Thank you, very interesting, and how is a civilization in an atmosphere of sulfuric acid?
Anéeka of Temmer: There are many kinds of beings in such atmospheres. Their biology is silicon-based not carbon. They are insectoid-like beings like mollusks with an exoskeleton. They do not mess with anyone, and we are not compatible as for exo-politics. But there is mutual respect. This is an example of an advanced race which is simply incompatible with ours by being extremely different. We do not understand well how they live or their culture for that very reason. But like the Lyran races, those too have thousands upon thousands of variants on difficult planets or hostile to us.
Estel·la: Truly tireless the variety of the universe, and who are the Procyonians?
Anéeka of Temmer: Procyonians, there are two ways of looking at that word. 1.- Inhabitants of Proceon, the solar system. Members of the Federation, human appearance. 2.- Inhabitants of Procyon, third planet of the Taygeta solar system. Same as the other Taygeteans. They are the same race, same culture. Proceon/Procyon, I've seen you use both for the same thing, it shouldn't be like that. I do make a distinction.
Estel·la: Oh ok thanks, we were referring to the Proceonians then.
Anéeka of Temmer: This is an important note to clarify. Proceoneans are more 'human'. Active members of the Federation. Total human-like appearance, the type who can wear a pair of jeens and AC / DC t-shirt and they pass for human. They are positive and spiritual.
Estel·la: Are they from 5D, too?
Anéeka of Temmer: Yes 5D. Procyon A and Procyon B. Binary system, distance 11.46 light years in the constellation Canis Major. 7 planets, 2 inhabited, civilization with Patriarchal holographic political form. Kind and positive relations with the Council of Alcyone. They are present in Earth orbit right now, fleet of 5 ships to this day.
Cristina: They look human but what kind of appearance? Nordic type?
Anéeka of Temmer: Of the Coppery Nordic Type. That is, with skin color like dark Copper with light colored eyes and blonde hair. They pass for humans, but towards the eccentric.
Estel·la: Is this what they look like?
Anéeka of Temmer: Yes, with light colored eyes, but yeah they look like this, yes. They are from Canis Major, not Minor. I see on the internet that it says they are from Canis Minor. But I clarify that my data shows from Canis Major.
Mars & Earth - What´s on Mars? - Extraterrestrial Information - Swaruu of Erra (Taygeta - Pleiades)
EARTH: Swaruu: The next planet is Earth. I don't know how to talk about Earth without it being a monumental subject.
Robert: Talk about Earth as if Gosia and I were from Venus. And explain to us what Earth is like from the point of view of a race like yours or the Federation.
Swaruu: I don't know what to answer without it becoming a book rivaling the Encyclopedia Britannica. Seriously.
Ok. Earth is a planet composed of several layers of densities all intertwined in disarray and with a number of species living on each apparently separated by densities yet interacting or affecting each other.
The dominant species on Earth is the Kingu, but even within the reptilian hierarchy, there are other species influencing and controlling the Kingu, by far the most numerous. Those other species are the Usungal, the Naga, and the Draco, as ones with the highest rank. Yet, they are separated into 3 major clans: Vlash, Vlad, and Vrill. They control the Earth although they themselves are being controlled by other races that are not necessarily inhabiting the Earth (Draconians).
After them we have intra-terrestrial races such as the Agarthian also known as the Vulcan race, or volcanic intra-terrestrial... from which comes the concept of Vulcans in Hollywood, which in itself sells them by diverting people´s attention to Mars because of the morphology and color of their supposed planet.
The Agarthans are in trouble now, mostly by the reptilian races, although many, or many colonies are hiding deep inside the Earth and with a higher density, since the Matrix controlling the planet being emission of high energy electromagnetic waves, it has problems crossing large barriers of matter: layers of the Earth crust, therefore so called 5th density and other higher densities of consciousness, of some beings as well, dominates there.
There are a number of beings on Earth depending on which density, I will not name them because there are so many, but they are the ones that appear in the sagas of elves, trolls, hobbits, fairies, mermaids, tritons, among others.
The Earth is hollow but not in its entirety, but it does contain large internal vaults intertwined with large natural and artificial tunnels in smaller quantities. It contains animal and plant life with tectonic and photoluminescence illumination. In part it can be called an inner sun without being a sun.
The shape of the Earth is like a toroid with holes at the ends, the one at the North Pole smaller than the one at the South Pole, and it is non-uniform in shape, i.e., it is irregular, not perfectly spherical. Exaggerating the scale, with bumps and protrusions on one side and hollows or sinks on others. This also causes a non-uniform gravity when viewed from above.
Planet Earth is under a Matrix imposed by frequency manipulation technology mostly for population control. Its satellite, the Moon, is not natural, it is a medium sized spherical spacecraft, discarded due to combat damage during the Tiamat wars 12,500 years ago. (Note that we are in the year circa... 1721 and not in 2019).
Gosia: Why are we in 1721?
Swaruu: In the year of 700 or so, lands were disputed around the Vatican's zone of influence, mostly Italy. By seniority of possession some disputed to be their owners, so those with power in the Vatican claimed that the year was 1000 and not 700, this in order to appropriate them. As at that time they did not count and did not have how to count the years right, normal people were easy prey. It was also used as a distractor, claiming that the year 1000 A.D., was coming and the end of the world, the return of our Lord Jesus Christ... yada, yada. And it has stayed that way. They added 300 years that do not exist.
It is estimated that the actual date may be the year 1719, but it could be as late as the 21. It depends on when was the year zero... that in itself is another problem because nobody agrees (this because it did not happen).
I think the logical date is 1719 by rounding of 300 years. Forget 1721 although it also has a basis.
Gosia: Then 2012 of the Mayan calendar has not arrived yet. As little as this date could mean.
Swaruu: True, they only calculate the year, but the Mayans did not use the Catholic calendar, so other modern people have calculated it.
Robert: Ok. How can it be known when a planet like Earth is already invaded-colonized without its inhabitants being aware of it? I understand that the Earth has been colonized for about 12,500 years and the citizens take as normal certain patterns of behavior that would otherwise indicate that we are already colonized, such as currency, religion and governments.
Swaruu: Rather, the Earth has been colonized for 40,000 years. 12,500 with this lunar Matrix configuration alone.
Apart from piecing together clues and information, thinking outside "the box", the normal citizen cannot know. While from one point of view they are invaded, from another, that of the people who still believe in everything official, they are not invaded because that is their reality. The Newtonian world. From the inside it is not easy to know. It is necessary to have a parameter of comparison that they do not have or few have.
Robert: And the AI is in all this solar system or only on Earth because it is in 3D?
Swaruu: Again, the AI has layers and you would have to define them. Moon control of frequencies is something unique to Earth. And there is AI outside the Earth, it is everywhere, but regarding the one that controls the Earth, it is only found there. It would be necessary to define what type of AI.
Gosia: Going back to 3 factions, or clans... you mentioned Vrill. Does it have to do with the Vril society?
Swaruu: Vrill and the Vril society: The Vril society was the one that was the link between the Reptiles of that faction and the human puppets or "relatives" of these... that is to say, the Nazi. The Vrill Reptiles were the ones who were manipulating the Nazis underneath with Hitler as the organic portal.
All Vrill, Vlad, Vlash are related and work in coordination with each other, but some are stronger than others in various parts of the world.
Robert: Can Earth be called the Reptilian human farm or the planetary prison of the Federation? Which name would be more appropriate?
Swaruu: It is not a Federation prison planet. Prison or prison planet... that is only from one point of view. They don't send anyone to Earth as punishment.
Robert: But it is a Reptilian farm, isn't it?
Swaruu: It is used as a human farm by the Reptiles, yes. But the souls enter on their own and stay because of mind control.
MARS: Swaruu: Mars is another book. It is a planet whose surface contained a major planetary civilization, Lyrian base. Completely devastated by Tiamat's wars 12,500 years ago. Ruins remain all over the surface. Contains breathable air but with less oxygen than on Earth. Comparable to trying to breathe on a high mountain range over 4000 to 5000 meters. It is possible but with difficulty and respirators are sometimes necessary. But you can get used to that altitude.
Mostly desert surface with wooded areas, with scrubland on most of the surface. Contains lakes and rivers, some dry, others active. Volcanic activity present and strong, always a factor, as well as multiple earthquakes. Contains much wildlife on the surface, but not even close to how it was before the war.
Mars is inhabited by 3 dominant species and is divided into 3 heavily militarized sectors. They contain strips of several kilometers of mines, machine gun nests, killer robots, electrified barbed wire, motion sensors, plasma turrets and the like.
The 3 species are: Reptiles using human containers working for the Cabal on Earth. Humans - families of said Reptiles, working for them. They move by portal almost exclusively from DUMB on Earth to DUMB on Mars, exactly as shown in the movie Doom. This area is an advanced military base, area of presence of US Marines Space Force. Bastion of the Cabal SSP. Cabal base farthest from Earth at this time.
Next sector is dominated by Maitre. Or Tall Greys. Negative invasive or regressive species allied with the Reptilians in control of Terrestrial Cabal although they are known to fight among each other all the time, they can't agree. Zero empathy. They take feelings as weakness.
Maitre is a race of the secondary type, which is manufactured by another. It was a failed bio experiment by the Draconians to amalgamate their genes with those of some Zeta Reticuli Greys. Resulting in a much larger and stronger species of Greys, with the peculiarities of cruelty and coldness of both species. They got out of control dominating the planet after killing their Draconian (not Alpha Draconian) creators. Shortly thereafter a Lyrian expedition landed there.
Robert: But how do these Maitre reproduce?
Swaruu: They reproduce by test tube or cloning only.
The Lyrians encountered problems with that species which at that time had not yet organized. As the Lyrian expeditionary ship had many problems and many casualties among the crew, they got out of there and no one bothered to look for the Maitre's afterwards, until it was too late. Now they have spread throughout Zeta Reticuli and have made alliances with the regressive races of sauroid origin. They have come to this solar system with their largest forward base located on Mars. They are also found on Earth in DUMB bases mostly as in Dulce New Mexico.
The next sector is dominated by a species of insectoid origin called Aethien Mantis. They call themselves "neutral" but are more of a problem than something "neutral". They have starseeds on Earth like the well-known Simon Parks, among thousands of others.
They are not really or objectively negative. But they just follow their agendas and think very differently than the other races or those in the Federation. They have a hive mind, and a queen who dominates others. They are dangerous and do not hesitate before killing. They are not all love as people are told they are, but they also contain that side. They know they have to be very strong and aggressive when sharing a planet with two other hostile species.
As with so many other species, they are not all as they are talked about in various places. They are also invasive like ants. They defend themselves and step over those who get in their way. They can justify their actions with metaphysical arguments conveniently altered to their needs.
Robert: Are they interstellar? I also have several questions about the face of Mars and all those Cydonia ruins. And whose artificial satellites are on Mars.
Swaruu: The Maitre are interstellar yes.
Satellites on Mars: Of multiple races including human-Cabal.
Also Mantis: They are interstellar.
Colossal face of Mars: It was part of the civilization destroyed in the great war of Tiamat. There are also pyramids everywhere used as zero point power plants.
Ruins: They are all over the surface, in several areas there are major concentrations.
Robert: But where did the Maitres get their technology from? And what degree of consciousness do they have to pilot these ships?
Swaruu: It was donated by the Draco for the Maitres to be their servants, but that did not go as they planned.
Low degree of consciousness: their ships need star portals (wormhole). They cannot modify and shape the ether like more advanced races do, like us.
Robert: Ok, thank you very much. What political system do the Mars Reptiles, the Mantis and the Maitres have? I guess none of these three races are Holographic.
Swaruu: Mantis: Hive mind: Queen and family. Below all the others. Maitre: Invasive hive mind, pyramidal power organization. Reptiles of Mars: 7-level pyramidal (as on Earth because they are the same).
Gosia: Then they are interstellar but of lesser degree. Because it has been said that to be interstellar you have to have high spirituality.
Swaruu: Yes, I have said that. These races use propulsion and star portals. This is not being fully interstellar and they don't have warp, Hyperspace, like we do.
Robert: Thank you. 7 Levels?
Swaruu: 7 Levels or social strata from highest power, cleric, military, corporate nobility, workers. I don't have the names right now.
Gosia: Ok. So... there was the Mars Lyrian race, and it was devastated.
Swaruu: Yes.
Gosia: And so there are no more native Martians? The race is dead?
Swaruu: There are no more natives exterminated all by those 3 races.
Gosia: And the souls? What do you think happened to them? Did they go to the Source and wherever?
Swaruu: All over the cosmos, as you would expect.
Robert: I'm sure they ascended in the absence of the Van Allen belts.
Swaruu: Yes.
Gosia: It is possible that we have people here with this experience in their past lives.
Swaruu: Yes, many are known to be on Earth.
Robert: And the regressive Reptilians who die on Mars, where do their souls go?
Swaruu: They go wherever their personal frequency dictates. As with everyone else.
As a final comment: There is no robot on Mars. They lie to you through their teeth. That is theater. What they see and the rocks they look at with a magnifying glass are either on Canada's Devon Island or in the Mojave Desert. They don't launch anything to Mars. It's all done by portals. They are brainwashing people.
Van Allen Belts, Shumann Resonance, Memories - Athena Swaruu - Extraterrestrial Contact
(Originally in Spanish)
Temporal Slip
Swaruu X (Athena): Those are current time slip numbers. In 2009 it was 2.5 days on Earth to 1 in Temmer. Today, in Temmer, what you perceive as a normal day with normal duration as you perceive it on Earth today in terms of duration, is equivalent to almost 5 days on Earth. In other words, you live your day in Temmer and at the end of it, almost 5 days will have passed on Earth.
Robert: Would it be the same on all Taygeta planets? 5 Earth days for one Taygeta day globally?
Swaruu X (Athena): Yes, exactly the same with only minute variations, being that the slowest planet is Dakoté, then Procyon, and the two Erra and Temmer the same. But I am talking about minutes of difference.
I know some people who say that the data are not congruent, that because before we said 2.5 and now 4.7... but they only seek to find faults, they do not realize that the time slip problem is getting worse. In other words, the gap is getting bigger.
That said, there are places or planets orbiting black holes where the time slip is decades on Earth for 1 day there.
A good example of this is shown in science fiction in the recent movie: "Interstellar". Time is not something like a phenomenon, it is not something tangible, much less a wave or particle. What produces it is consciousness, as something inescapable from it.
That is, you cannot be a person or creature that knows itself to exist, "I think therefore I am," without generating a perception of the passage of time, which is just the progression of your own thoughts and perceptions and how you process them.
Robert: So this gap that's getting bigger and bigger... "of time" between Earth and the rest of the planets is due to people's time-consciousnesses (to one's own thoughts and perceptions) that are going down as in "state of mind" because of what they are observing ultimately in this year?
Swaruu X (Athena): The time-slip gap occurs between Earth and the other planets in other solar systems, i.e., not only does that happen in, or with, Taygeta, but with virtually all places with planets in the same circumstances as those orbiting the star Taygeta.
And yes, yes, it has become more pronounced in the last two years, and strongly so. That is, the gap has increased enormously since 2020 and worsened in 2021. In 2019 the gap was 4.5 to 1, and we are already at 4.7-8 to 1.
Robert: The Earth is going "backwards" then?
Swaruu X (Athena): In terms of consciousness level, yes, it can be said it is going backwards. But we are talking about collective consciousness which in turn forms the Collective Unconscious which in turn generates the average temporal perception of a planet.
Robert: Is this serious? What are the consequences for humanity? Or does it affect all terrestrial biology?
Swaruu X (Athena): It is a clear indication that humanity is not progressing. It is a much better and more accurate indication than the Schumann frequency, which in the most recent experiments conducted by the Toleka shows that it has little or nothing to do with the average level of consciousness on Earth. In other words, the Schumann resonance going up means absolutely nothing.
It used to be thought to illustrative how the collective is doing, and many still maintain that. For in collective meditations there has been an extra measurable peak. However, we believe that it is temporary and returns to its usual state after the meditation as the same people who participated in the meditation return to their usual state of living in fear and determinism. Or it may also be that the measurable peaks in the Schumann resonance are simply coincidental.
It is said that the Schumann resonance is like the frequency of the toroid that envelops the Earth and determines its frequency as in its position with 3D, 4D and 5D (except that we have already explained why these "D's" do not exist and are a human mental construct).
While yes, it is a frequency that envelops the Earth, the frequency of the Ionosphere (ie: Schumann resonance), it does not have a full effect on the frequency of the Earth because it is below and within the strong energetic toroid of the Van Allen bands.
The frequency of the Van Allen bands are the ones that determine the existential frequency on Earth and not the frequency of the Ionosphere. By "existential" frequency we mean the cycles per unit of time of the molecular oscillations that compose the matter on the Earth. Being that the time unit part, whatever it is, is relative to the observer and is not a universal constant.
Gosia: Question: You said above that it is the frequency of the Van Allen bands that determine the existential frequency on Earth and not the frequency of the Ionosphere. But it has also been said that Van Allen bands do not matter, that it is the human consciousness that determines its collective existential frequency.
And another point, but then the Van Allen bands do play a role in determining the existential frequency of the population? And I say this also because it has been said that when people are extracted, memories and other functions are activated. But if Van Allen bands don't matter, then why couldn't they be activated already from Earth? As Yazhi says, Van Allen doesn't matter, only the mental state.
But if memories and other things are activated just or shortly after crossing these bands, then it indicates that they DO play a role in the frequency and functioning of the individual, don't they?
Swaruu X (Athena): The Van Allen bands are the base frequency of the misnamed terrestrial 3D. They generate the psychic sludge that gives the illusion of separation with everything else. But that frequency is very low, it is as if it only reaches the 50 frequency level as an example. And the average human consciousness is 35 and the awakened are at 45, but still below 50. However, if they worked harder, they would go up to say 55, and then the Van Allen bands don't matter. (The scale was just made by me as an example).
So people who have not yet reached a certain level of awareness are invaded by the sludge of artificial 3D, but people who exceed the point or maximum frequency of these bands, escape. They no longer see things as they did before and will never be able to go back to the way they thought before, to the way they decoded reality. So even though the Van Allen bands are there bothering them... people have the ability to transcend them. So they don't really matter.
And if the people would just agree to collectively perceive things more positively, they would make the average human collective thinking ascend beyond the "50 point" escaping that reality. It's not like humans are at 35 points and the awakened are at 45 points when the Van Allen bands are at 500, as in unreachable.
That artificial 3D mud is very superficial, only those who do not understand that all they have to do to see reality for what it is, is to get their heads out of the muddy water get confused and lost. The Van Allen bands are there and at the same time they do not matter, they are not the reason why humanity does not wake up. It is not an excuse.
Gosia: I understand. But they seem quite an obstacle if even none of us here remembers anything, nor do we have more advanced functions activated. If we can't get activated, how will more normal people achieve that? Although I understand that in my case at least not remembering is part of my pod program setting. Not of the state of my consciousness itself.
Swaruu X (Athena): It is not measured in remembering or recalling data, as fixed memories. Rather, it is measured by remembering who you are inside of you, knowing yourself.
You do not have active memories because they have not been translated into your physical body, but they are what you call astral. It is like dreams. You don't remember them because they are experiences from other realities, and they need to be actively processed by the physical brain to be memories when "back" in the physical.
The brain is the translator. If you don't process them, they are lost, but only from when you are conscious in the physical. That is what the body is for. Without the body you are gone, you are astral. You need to somehow contain a set of ideas that form memories in the physical-brain that will in turn determine a person's ego and self.
If I go down there, to Earth, or anyone else from outside the Earth goes down, we don't forget anything from here. Because the experiences are already contained in the physical body-brain. It is as if dreaming was a streaming video. Signal from the astral entering the physical body, but if you go out of the necessary frequency you lose the signal because you have not "downloaded" the video. I would not forget the life here because it is already in my mental "hard drive". It's just a matter of frequencies, that's all.
The Van Allen bands determine the Earth's average frequency, and at the same time they do not matter for people's awakening. So if the frequency of the Van Allen bands is 50, and being on Earth and from Earth you have lived all your life in level 35, you will not remember anything new, only dreams, dream world. And if you wake up spiritually you would be, say, at 65 of 50, 15 above. Even so you do not remember because you have not physically translated what is not of that 3D frequency to your mental "Hard Disk". So whether you remember or not does not determine your level of consciousness.
Gosia: But if it is not on my Gosia hard disk, why would it suddenly "activate" if I was extracted? I will have the same hard disk. Gosia body. What is there behind the bands that activates these memories? I think that, by logic, if the memories are activated there in my current body, and the memories are something from another "higher reality" that you can translate or not, then by being beyond Van Allen, you must be then in "higher frequencies" that are compatible with these memories... that's why your brain can translate them. ERGO: what is beyond Van Allen is of higher frequency itself. I don't know if I make myself clear.
Swaruu X (Athena): We have also said that you will not necessarily get your memories back as is, but you will be in a place where it can happen. And also, from the immersion Med Pod you already have hard drive inside the skull of your 5D body, and that would be passed on to you, because you no longer have that memory suppression, and, more importantly, you no longer have the mental programming to block those memories.
Gosia: Hmm... interesting, thinking. And if being here on Earth I transcend the frequency of Van Allen to 65 for example (Van Allen being 50)... in theory then the memories should be activated because that is equivalent to being extracted, isn't it? And now let's not talk about my pod settings, but about any starseed that is here. From the Source.
Swaruu X (Athena): You will then be in a position to receive those memories but there is nowhere to draw them directly from. Or if the frequency is much higher yes, you should remember more. However, your body itself, the 3D, is manufactured and programmed to contain you within that 3D perception.
Gosia: Why is there nowhere to draw them from? From the Ether. The memories are not in the body, but beyond, in the Ether, aren't they?
Swaruu X (Athena): Yes, but you must be compatible with each of them, draw them. And yes, downloads do happen.
Gosia: Ok. You say, "However, your body itself, the 3D, is manufactured and programmed to contain you within that 3D perception." 3D body... has to do with DNA? That we are already born into the "limited" body? Limited by collective agreements since millennia?
Swaruu X (Athena): 3D body is made with DNA. DNA that reflects your life plan. And that is due to more advanced agreements from afterlife. And yes, they are contained as code in the DNA.
Gosia: It reflects the life plan, but we are also born to bodies that already have some kind of collective programming too, don't we? Collective genetics that has been built and cemented over the centuries? And I guess that's also why we don't know certain things.
Swaruu X (Athena): Yes, that is also contained in the DNA.
Gosia: Wow, what a complicated subject.
Swaruu X (Athena): Yes, and all the answers do not exist, there is still a lot of speculation even here. It is not easy to investigate this.
Robert: Ok, going back to what you were saying before. Schumann frequencies and all this. So neither rays from the center of the galaxy, nor so-called "positronic" particles and all that, do nothing to the collective being "asleep-dispersed" and distracted?
Swaruu X (Athena): These rays affect every planet and its total frequency by increasing or reducing the frequency in which the planets are immersed in general in the whole quadrant. That is, if the Earth has a frequency of 7.9Hz for example, it will increase the base frequency of the galactic environment. It is raised by an energetic wave coming from the center of the Galaxy, but will return to the original readings as the wave leaves.
Those galactic waves that are also the cause of "storms" in space, of charged particles, are nothing more than a spiral wave of gravity that follows the same spiral motion of the galaxy.
In any galaxy the arms can be observed to rotate because they are the points with greater concentration of matter, i.e.: stars, suns, planets and all that, because they are zones of greater galactic gravitational concentration, so it is there in the arms where matter and energy (being the same thing) are concentrated, formed, or manifested.
But that does not mean that in the points between the arms observable to the naked eye of the galaxy there are no gravitational waves that basically follow the same energetic dynamics, flux, or motion vector, as the rest of the observable arms.
And it is these arms that cause space storms of a transient nature. And as happens with the points of highest concentration of matter-energy in a galaxy, these minor waves will also form, manifest, or also attract particles and gravel, or space grit, that as these waves are formed by gravity, will concentrate on them and follow their vector of motion causing the space storm that we all know, and that is perceived as a spacecraft being stoned by gravel and grit at high speed.
(This also causes spaceflight as NASA tells you to be unfeasible since a delicate and unprotected spacecraft with no energy shields like an Apollo would not survive such an event).
Robert: You said earlier: "The most recent experiments conducted by the Toleka". What experiments are those?
Swaruu X (Athena): They are experiments of monitors of Earth's ascension from 3D to 4D and 5D as previously explained and believed. These experiments are base or normal for the crews of Federation ships. But Taygeta and we already realized that they are useless since the "D"s do not apply, it is not as they are called on Earth.
Here even without the "D"s it was still thought that there would be ascension, but we understand that there is not, because the Federation itself understands and wants to keep Earth as it is.
Or it holds strong regressive ideas, such as that the Earth cannot ascend with so many inhabitants, therefore the vast majority of them must be gotten rid of. (Strong suspicion against the Federation, which Yazhi and I see).
Robert: But when the "wave" leaves, the frequency will always be, even if just a little bit, higher than the old original reading or so I understood.
Swaruu X (Athena): Yes, the Schumann resonance is supposed to be a little higher when the wave leaves. We see that it does happen, but then it goes down more, the assumption that it stays up "a little bit" more each time is seriously questionable.
Robert: Super interesting everything you say. And what´s that about "the Age of Aquarius"?
Swaruu X (Athena): That is mostly human Astro-Theology indicating an era of about 2,600 years (varies) where observable from Earth it is in procession inside or from the Aquarius constellation. But those constellations with the exception of a few, like Orion or Taurus, are only human interpretations.
Taygeta (Pleiades) - Mix of Scientific Questions and Answers - Extraterrestrial Contact
(Originally in Spanish)
Robert: Wormholes... it's what's inside a black hole that will take you to the exit then, which is a sun, right?
Swaruu: Yes, it is generally a sun, but not just one, the internal "transit" system of a wormhole is complex and erratic. It also has exits through portals on distant planets, not just suns. As with everything, it's just a matter of matching frequencies.
I know this is boring by now, but that´s how it is. This universe works with frequencies and vibrations of harmonics. In the end, it all boils down to that.
Robert: Can you go inside a star? And if you go inside a star through the star, not through the black hole, you would come out in another star, right?
Swaruu: Entering through a star is not as simple as entering and that's it, but you have to wait or understand how it works, its rhythms, its cycles, to be able to see its entrance and to be able to more or less predict where its portal will go.
You enter through what is known as sunspots.
And with the frequency of the ship itself you can modify the total frequency inside the wormhole so that you can alter the exit point by matching the frequency of the wormhole with that of the ship so that it results in the exit frequency corresponding to where you wish to go.
-Stars: Entries and exits by sunspots. -Black holes, entries only. -Portal planets: Entries and exits.
Robert: Once a ship enters a black hole, can it communicate with other ships?
Swaruu: It cannot communicate with other ships. The statics and frequencies and energies inside are such that it is impossible to communicate with other ships or with the base, because what is used is neutrino in the Lepton Muon band. This is manipulation of gravitational waves encoded within the ether. They do not escape the black hole. Reason why these transit systems are not used anymore, at least not by Taygeta.
Robert: Is that correct? "Most physicists agree that Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity predicted black holes because they link space-time with gravity. That has direct implications for the death of stars, according to Live Science."
Swaruu: No. Black holes are gravitational concentration points. Points of enormous attention within the ether. Because in themselves they are like the compact form of another whole point in the universe as seen from that of the observer.
I don't like to use these words but for reasons of making everything clear:
It is like having an entire universe at a specific point of the observer's perception, within his Universe, in which he lives. There is no space-time as such to link with gravity. In fact I can argue that gravity is everything. Since gravity is nothing but attention of a consciousness or consciousness itself. Gravity is ether in motion. Ether is consciousness. Gravity in motion is ether having consciousness of its own existence.
These are ideas... The flow of gravity in a sea of potential energy, are ideas within the great mind... of Source. Unified consciousness.
Stars from one point of view or another, yes, they are born, live and die, for they are beings with consciousness. From their reference they have linear time. And they share agreements of perception with other lesser beings like us. That is why they can be perceived as born, live and die.
Einstein is only correct within the framework of his own self-contained mathematics in a numerical universe. The Universe... the Whole, the Source is very simple. It is the human mind that complicates things.
And in the process of trying to understand and explain everything, it seeks answers by parts. And because people are creators, they find those parts, because they manifest them themselves. Law of the Mirrors of this Universe: You cannot look for something without finding it. But in the end... nothing is more than an idea. Simple, beautiful and peaceful.
God particle... they find all that because they create it, more with particles. They manifest very quickly. Including manifesting their why..., their mathematics that fit their expectations. But they're the ones that create everything. Scientists who believe in a deterministic, only observable universe. They search, so they find.
Einstein's Spacetime. 3 of volume 1 of time. It confers entirely 3D formulas with an unalterable fixed time linearity rather than in theory by approaching large mass, or velocity. Ignoring all other factors. Such as the very fact that apparently empty space also has mass... so that at large distances alone it alters its 3D linear time equations, which from that perspective alone, renders the calculations inaccurate. Not reflecting the objective reality.
It is said that the universe is expanding because human observatories see the light coming from distant galaxies, in a range of photon frequencies towards the red spectrum... infrared. So they suppose that this is due to a "Doppler" effect proving, as they think, that they are moving away. Because at high speed, or observing an object moving away at high speed, such as a galaxy, the wavelength of light lengthens. Explaining according to them that the universe is expanding. Because galaxies are moving away from each other.
Yes, they are moving, some are moving away from each other, some are moving closer together. But what you are seeing is not a doppler effect with the light from those galaxies. Rather, as the light travels great distances, it travels as neutrinos near or between the ether and the material... is being filtered by the mass of gravity, of potential energy of ether flow in the apparently empty space.
And so, as through a lens, as the atmosphere filters the light of the moon at certain times, leaving only the spectrum of red... thus creating the phenomenon of the Blood Moon.
It´s the same here. The light is filtered by distances because it is not vacuum, it is ether. They do not take this into consideration in their equations. Their formulas are wrong.
Robert: This would then answer this question, wouldn't it: was Einstein's entire general theory of relativity a fraud?
Swaruu: YES Why? As with Darwin among others... Einstein's Theory of Relativity was imposed as the basis of all physics (until the advent of quantum) to limit the advances of other researchers who were coming perilously close to discovering that the universe is entirely potential energy being guided by gravity... consciousness. Bohr, Heisenberg, Tesla, being the most important. All their work fell by the wayside. And Einstein became "the law".
Even promoting that he was a genius with a "high IQ of 185". It makes a fool of anyone who dares to question him, trying to compare himself with the "Great Genius of Einstein". Who was a Jew... Freemason... Jesuit. Illuminati. From the "club".
Gosia: Someone asks me: “is human quantum mechanics a copy of Einstein's relativity?”
Swaruu: No, it is something else entirely. Quantum mechanics itself is an attempt to put everything that is "consciousness" into a shoebox of socially accepted mathematics.
In itself, the two camps are in conflict with each other. Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. And there is the problem of the famous Unified Field. Which is basically an attempt to make the formulas of Relativity compatible with those of Quantum Mechanics. And so far it has not been possible. Because both are erroneous and exist only within their own reduced mathematical world. Incompatible with each other.
For me the problem of the Unified Field is one of the greatest proofs of the falsity of human science. Many have said that they have succeeded. Only in part. If anything, but if they compare with other major problems, again their mathematics falls down.
That is to say that they succeeded only because they succeeded in making a side or color of a rubix cube. Anyone can solve a color. But not the whole cube. Because you can't solve it color by color, side by side. Rather, all at once, the whole cube, all the colors. At the same time. The same here. Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are intrinsically incompatible with each other and both are human creations.
Doppler; With velocity, from in front of the moving object the sound or light waves are grouped in short frequencies... behind the object in long frequencies (like infrared).
Gosia: Ok, another question I have from someone: “Is the existence of an "electron" real as it represents quantum mechanics?”
Swaruu: Again this is different from one point of view or another. Strictly speaking there is no electron. It is only potential energy that is more concentrated in a specific range or orbit of the nucleus of an atom. Only by being observed by someone. By a consciousness it acquires a particle quality... ergo electron (negative charge). This is known as the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.
Short answer: Does an electron exist or not? It depends if they are looking at it or not.
Gosia: Now, we know that the universe is not expanding. Why would you say it doesn't? Apart from the fact that time does not exist, and that everything is infinite. Any other arguments?
Swaruu: Because all motion confers a beginning and an end. Even if it is only from the point at which it began to be observed, and the point at which it ended to be observed.
That is to say... everything already is and the Universe is only observed from a unique and limited position of a temporal line created by the observing person. That is to say that from the point of view of a linear life it could be perceived as having expanded.
But when jumping to another line... it will be perceived in another position, more or less expanded. It only expands from the limited point of view of an observing consciousness and does not confer an attribute of total expansion of the entire Universe as it is composed of elements, forces, densities, which are not being taken into account or observed.
The expansion of the universe is relative to the observer. Yet from Taygetan science... there is no evidence of total expansion of the Universe. Only of motion. And the very act of trying to observe motion at those distances is self-defeating. Because light behaves differently just by observing it and by crossing large distances, because of the effect already described.
Robert: What would happen if the Earth's magnetic fields were reversed?
Swaruu: Total chaos, both with electronics - obvious, and with migratory animals. There would be a large number of animals that would die, species in extinction. Human society would not be able to function either, power grids would collapse. There would be changes in the ocean currents and consequently in the climate, for many years there would be storms in strange places. The Earth would never be the same again. We do not see this as imminent.
Robert: But it could happen if the Matrix is diluted. Quickly, right?
Swaruu: The most likely scenario is that the Matrix was "diluted" without the change of polarity. I know they say that the cycle is over, that it is imminent, that it is inescapable, but we have no sign that this is true. Yes, polarity shifts happen, but it is not imminent. It is more fear, fear, fear, fear. There are other more important things to worry about than that. For us it falls into the same category as Nibiru, which I'm tired of saying is Tiamat and it's not out there stalking the Earth.
Robert: Can we have the high Schumann resonance like 5D and still have the Van Allen bands? Or are they intrinsically incompatible with 5D?
Swaruu: Van Allen Bands... it is possible to have them in agreement with 5D but as soon as the frequencies match those of 5D they are no longer relevant, so it makes no difference whether they are there or not. In other words, the Van Allen Bands as they are known are incompatible with 5D.
Robert: Ok. Someone asks me: “why do a feather and a hammer fall into the void at the same time?”
Swaruu: Because there is no friction on the part of the feather to stop or slow the fall. This in a vacuum. The weight/mass of an object is not related to the speed at which it is pushed by the gravitational current. This is basic Newtonian science. Within a medium such as an atmosphere, yes a feather falls slower, in a vacuum it does not. The velocities are equivalent.
It is about gravity - The Principle of Equivalence.
Just that none of that applies as it is more empty self-supporting mathematics amalgamated with Relativity, Hawkins and Newton. Basically you have to throw all that out the window.
Sure it sounds logical what they say, but it applies only to 3D and gravity as one force in the universe among many. It's another point where something has or can have more than one explanation depending on the parameters. Although some will always be limited.
Gravity is not bound to mass as they say. It is mass that is linked to the amount of gravity a point in the Universe receives. Basically what they say is that the more mass an object has the greater its gravity will be. They have it backwards. An object has a lot of mass because it is a strong concentration of gravity or gravitational waves.
Robert: Question: “Does gravity have anything to do with the intention - manifestation of a consciousness?”
Swaruu: Yes, it is directly related. Or rather, that's exactly what gravity is.
Robert: Ok. Climate change is our fault as humans?
Swaruu: It's the Cabal's fault. Yes, there is climate change, but it is not how you are told. For starters global warming is a complete scam. CO2 has nothing to do with it and it is an essential gas for life especially that of plants which ultimately manufacture everything.
Climate change is directly due to artificial climate engineering programs and chemtrails. To the next degree it is due to deforestation and the destruction of ecosystems caused by the enormous extensions of land used for agriculture.
In the next degree it is due to industries and their waste. And lastly to the human population with their vehicles. The Cabal makes you believe that you are the polluters, but cars and even diesel trucks have little or nothing to do with climate change because their effects are very local, in a city for example.
Robert: Why is the night sky dark?
Swaruu: The night sky is dark because of the absence of light, I do not understand the question.
Robert: The paradoxical statement says more or less that in a static and infinite universe the night sky should be totally bright with no dark or unlit regions.
Swaruu: Light gets tired. It loses power with distance because there is refraction in space because it's not really a vacuum. It is a fluid, it is water at very high vibrational frequency. From the 3D space is a vacuum, a valid perception. But not from the most expanded point of view.
The concept that space is water is not new, it is found in the Bible... but the concept that it is WATER AT VERY HIGH VIBRATORY FREQUENCY is new.
Gosia: Does this water look and feel different?
Swaruu: That water changes as everything changes as you raise the frequency, it is still water, but you do not see it or perceive it if you are not at a matching frequency. If you are a fish under the sea, everything that is water is just the normal medium, because you are there. You are still affected by what is not in your existential frequency because everything is connected and is part of a whole fractal frequency fabric of everything there is. Gravity is nothing more than waves in that medium of water at high frequency. All energy propagates through water because everything is ultimately water.
Robert: What is this theory of the evolution of Parallel Universes?
Swaruu: What I see or have observed with or from ship: Everything is intertwined in frequencies like a great cosmic fabric, there are no parallel universes in themselves, not as separate entities but as subtle variants and not so subtle variants of everything and which in turn make up the whole.
Gosia: Is it true that galaxies collide?
Swaruu: Yes, they collide. They come together. But from the point of view of isolated people it takes so long that it is not within their reality, only as a concept. This is something between galaxies, from their very energetic interaction with each other.
Robert: Do you know why the Earth's rotation is accelerating? Does it have something to do with the Van Allen bands? Thank you.
Anéeka: Natural rhythms that have to do with the gravitational dynamics between celestial bodies that influence each other. That is, the position of the other planets and their gravitational conjunction, for example Saturn and Jupiter together, causes a tiny but measurable acceleration of the rotation of the Earth and the other stars.
In the same way, when there is another gravitational dynamic, later on it will decelerate again and it has always been like that. These are normal movements of every planet. They do not have precision or absolutely perfect continuity always.
It is also necessary to see the influence of perception of the particular and collective observers who are the ones who ultimately generate that time in the first place. Knowing that the other stars and their inhabitants also influence a greater collective temporal perception, of the solar system, for example, and even greater outside of it. It all comes together.
Robert: Someone asks me: "How do they measure frequency? What unit of measurement do they use? A frequency is measured using time and time is not linear".
Anéeka: A measure of frequency is used which is the time of hydrogen oscillation at absolute zero in interstellar space.
It is true that there is no way to measure time as a constant unit in a formula. It is a variable, not a constant.
Yes, that is what the interstellar races use as a base measurement that have among themselves a certain homologation of units for cooperation and to be able to have reference when they communicate.
One unit is equivalent to one vibration cycle of the hydrogen molecule which is the simplest molecule there is, one nucleus, one electron in interstellar space temperature which is close to -273.15° Celsius. That is the last measurable point where oscillation is still preserved in the hydrogen molecule before total freezing. Since absolute zero as a temperature represents the point where all molecular activity has stopped.
Robert: About the planetary poles: do they affect the energy? Do they reverse it? What happens with the incoming energy that arrives?
Yazhi: It is very difficult for the poles to reverse, especially now. That is more artificial fear, it will not happen. The last time was because millions of tons of water from Tiamat reached the Earth, this way yes, because it disrupts the whole energetic dynamics of the planet.
As for incoming energies from other systems, it would have to be investigated with computer simulations, but I dare say it is basically the same once the Earth's polarity has been reversed, but that is only magnetic.
The magnetic poles change all the time, they migrate up to 15km approx., it varies every year. That is normal, they just say that to alarm the population, but it has always been like that.
Robert: Yes, they change. But how often are they reversed or they usually do not reverse? It is one thing to change kms. But can they be reversed?
Yazhi: It is unusual for them to reverse, it takes a lot of energy for that, a reason. Contrary to what the terrestrial "scientists" say whom I never see connecting the Tiamat flood with the pole reversal. That is basic and obvious that in those circumstances yes that happens.
Robert: And all these pole changes, or magnetic axis, I don't know if it is the same thing, what repercussions do they have on biology?
Yazhi: It's the same thing. It's catastrophic for biology. Mass extinctions, destruction of everything.
Robert: Thank you. So there was no glaciation and therefore no melting of the poles causing the great flood right?
Anéeka: That's right NO, even with glaciation and melting it would not cover that volume of water. It is a good theory, I accept it. The problem is that even the official researchers, many if not all the most recent and with cutting edge research, know that the glaciation of 15,000 years ago, which what they officially say, in reality never happened.
Yes, there were glaciations, but much further back, about 230,000 years ago. But considering that time is difficult to measure in a linear way if it goes beyond 12,500 years ago.
(Originally in English)
Gosia: Did Tiamat explosion cause the ice age on Earth?
Yazhi: Ice Ages occur due to normal planetary cycles and the last one was like 25,000 years ago on Earth and not 15,000 as experts say. But it did cause a pole shift. And that was horrible because the magnetics get disrupted so does gravity causing mountains to shift and continents to move with massive volcanic activity and rocks the size of mountains flying through the air.
This caused the modification of the shape of the continents to how we know them today and this was recently only 12,500 to 12,000 years ago, not millions of years ago as experts on Earth say. And it was not gradual, it was dramatic and sudden causing extinction to planetary levels.
Earth experts are aware of this, and there is proof of what I say, but they hide it, although not too well, it is "findable". Earth strata, fossil records and artifacts don't match the official time schedule, indicating it all happened dramatically recently.
This didn't only affect Earth, as would be logical. Mars surface changed from being a forest filled life planet to a desert climate mess. And Venus received even more water than Earth sinking its vast beautiful continents beneath the waters, making it become a water planet, having only sparse island regions that once were high mountains.
Mercury on the other hand also suffered deformation caused by the energy shift in the entire solar system, having been thrown a lot closer to the sun, causing total devastation to its surface and with-it annihilation and total extinction of all its life, becoming a lifeless rock roasting in solar radiation.
The outer solar system also suffered a lot, as the planets, all of them, moved all further away from the sun causing also mass extinction. Saturn was a lot closer to Earth back then, easily and visible, so was Jupiter.
Never before had a war destroyed an entire solar system as the Tiamat war did. And on Earth... almost all have forgotten all this. But even in the face of total annihilation and destruction... people managed to survive! Some at least!
But the trauma was great and it got embedded into the collective memory, to a grave subconscious level. Causing a very strong Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome in all as a collective, in the species that later was to become the 'humans'.
This is also explained by a few truly awesome and wise scholars as the main cause of the fragmentation of the persona, the birth of the ego as consciousness was fractured in two, a subconscious and a conscious. Death of the Self and of the 'I'... birth of the Human Ego. Quoting Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav Jung, Ann Rann, Jordan Maxwell and Michael Tsarion here.
Gosia: I have the question about DNA splicing and all that. Matias asked me this long ago. DNA enhancements. Is that done on Earth?
Yazhi: Yes, they are, especially in recent years, and by the military, and also by companies and institutions in Silicon Valley among others, serious genetic research they keep from humans and they are way ahead of what they tell them. For example, cloning technology is widespread.
Also the advent of super soldiers, or genetically altered individuals with genetic characteristics to enhance their combat skills. Also the technology of gene alteration and genetically altered organisms (GMO) inserted into vaccine technology using covid as a cover. The public does not see the threat as they do not understand how advanced genetic alteration technology really is.
Gosia: This is the question that Dr Alex sent me. The question is:
“Can DNA be transmitted through water by frequencies? A group of scientists sent the coded information to water and then added the necessary amino acids, enzymes and substances. A few hours later there were copies of the DNA in the water. They repeated the experiment 12 times. Always with the same result. It seems crazy to me. Is it possible?”
Swaruu: Yes, and that is how all the genetics that exist are produced. Water is a medium and the harmonic of the frequency is what determines where the matter will form, the particles in this case the amino acid chains of RNA and DNA. But it would require enormous control over the frequency harmonics needed to reproduce a DNA/RNA specimen. But the medium - water, yes, it is conducive to that.
Gosia: Yes, it says that there were certain conditions that had to be met such as low radio frequency waves and other things.
Swaruu: In itself the Ether is the one that passes all the information as a medium of potential energy, from a harmonic of coherent frequency that emanates from an intention of a consciousness, the simple fact of being and thinking.
And Ether is nothing more than water in a state of very high vibratory frequency in a state of high density, and it is scalar. That is to say that the same sample of Ether is present with its parts and its corresponding information as it corresponds to the frequency density from which it is observed. And normal water itself is only Ether at low density.
Observing water as just Hydrogen and Oxygen (H2O) is a simplistic example of how humans and their science break down something of incredible importance into seemingly worthless simple things.
Water is the closest thing to a universal diluent. That is to say the medium with which everything is dissolved and transmuted. I am talking about water in general, but if we look at it from or with its scalar aspects then it is the universal diluent of everything, in its ether form.
So as an answer to Dr Alex: Yes, it can and indeed that is how everything is created including DNA/RNA. But it depends on the degree of control over the frequency harmonics of the emitter and that is where I am a bit skeptical, but open to more data.
NON LOCALITY - There is no Space - Everything is HERE - Yazhi Swaruu (Extraterrestrial Contact)
(Originally in English)
Yazhi: Simplified, the Principle of Non-Locality is understood by just about every interstellar species or culture. But mostly applied to stellar navigation. The practical applications of stellar navigation prove to all the ones using it that it's an empirically observable fact, and not a useless mathematical or theoretical model as in physics.
The practical application of the Principle of Non-Locality is mostly applied to navigating starships around the galaxy, and elsewhere if possible. But it brings about a series of deep philosophical implications that broaden our concepts and understanding of existence, and of consciousness as a whole, expanding spirituality.
Time is an illusion, based only on the perception and the consciousness of an individual. Time as in inseparable to consciousness awareness, one not being able to exist without the other, and in a state of relativity to the subject that is observing. Time is not something independent of a conscious observer, it is the conscious observer itself.
The principle basically states that as time is an illusion, so is locality. That is, the ideas of here versus there is yet another idea based on perception of a consciousness observer. Stating that distance is only a complete mental construct, based on a relative point of observation that in itself is based on the ideas the observer is holding in consciousness.
Basically, the principle of non-locality would state that there is no time and no space, only ideas. Being that everything there is and ever was and will ever be is only the product of the manifestation of the observer's mind and consciousness awareness in an individual and collective manner.
No time, no space, no distance.
Using human physics' terms, this would be comparable with a singularity. This is a point that is infinitely small and that contains infinite mass. (Although stating small would mean relative to what?) So even a singularity would not be able to explain the principle of no locality.
It is everything in a non-existent point, contained in an etheric field outside material world in all ways and manners, variants and interpretations. Source... Ether.
Going back to the empirically observable parts of the Principle of Non-Locality, a starship will not use propulsion to travel long interstellar distances that even at speed would take thousands of years to traverse. What it does is change the frequency-modulation of all the molecules of the ship and everything that is in it from the place of departure to the place of arrival, as explained in detail in Stellar Navigation.
So, the starship is not using propulsion, the starship is not moving. It's jumping from one frequency of existence to another.
But what exactly is this frequency modulation I'm talking about?
I'm referring to the exact oscillations and energetic relationships between the molecular structure of a starship and contents, and the environment around it.
That is, the harmonics of a frequency that form the tangible hard matter are in perfect accordance with the arrival of said starship as to accept it into its mathematical-energetic reality field, leaving behind its departure's mathematical-energetic Matrix, as no longer compatible with it.
This allows the observer to empirically notice that travelling at speed is not only not necessary but also simply inefficient for long distances. Letting the observer notice that there are no distances, that space and time are an illusion of mind, and that the Universe and everything that exists in the so-called material world is based on an illusion, on ideas held by a consciousness.
Observing this starship jumping as opposed to starship travelling with propulsion, opens up philosophical ideas, concepts and questions. Noticing that indeed everything that exists is based on the perception of the observer. Leaning thought towards noticing that there is no material world.
No material world means that everything that exists is in, or contained in, an idea, in consciousness.
Ultimately meaning that the Universe in all its extent is not made up of matter and energy. It's made up of ideas, perception, consciousness. It's made up of mind!
Gosia: Thank you! Few questions: Did the ET races come up with this mode of travelling FIRST and then it rendered itself to the spiritual implications or was it the reverse? First someone got illuminated that there are no distances and developed a technology based on it?
Yazhi: This would be a question similar to the age old... what was first the chicken or the egg? (It was the egg by the way, as seen from a geneticist´s point of view).
In my personal opinion, it had to be that the idea was first, the spiritual concept, and then the mathematical model that predicted the practical applications of frequency modulation to exploit the Principle of Non-Locality to further the efficiency of space travel.
Noting that for most stellar races and cultures, science and mathematics are not separated from spirituality and consciousness. So basically, they had to come together at once, at the same time, but the idea or philosophical concept had to be first anyway, because everything that ever was, is and ever will be, was once an idea first!
Gosia: Ok. Is this Non-Locality Principle applied by you and other races elsewhere than in starship travelling? Where else could it be applied technologically - in a daily life?
Yazhi: Only as a practical application as used in portal technology, which is nothing other than the same starship technology, but reversed. The machine that modulates the portal machine is not traveling, only what goes inside its energy vortex, as opposed to a starship that is also traveling inside the energy vortex it is creating.
Other than that, the only applications are philosophical. And those are very important and transcendental, as they empower people, beings, into knowing that they are Source and consciousness, into knowing that they are the creators of everything in their perceived reality. Freeing their minds from lessening ideas of haplessness, and victimhood. And that is simply invaluable!
You can see here that the concept of Non-Locality is very important.
Gosia: Which one would you deem more important, non-locality or no time? I think it can´t be chosen.
Yazhi: Can't be. They are the same ones. For example, you cannot judge distance without a measuring media, and then to measure you need speed relative to something else. In the case of interstellar traveling, it's light years as seen on Earth. But speed of light is not a constant. So, there is no way to measure distance. It becomes relative to an idea.
Speed of light is not a constant because time is not a constant. Speed of light is not a constant because light bends and "gets tired" as it travels along long distances, because space is not a vacuum, it's ether, a fluid, so over long distances it does create resistance to movement of the photon-wave that make up light, being that light is both a particle and a wave of energy. So, measuring distances using light is inaccurate.
But then we are left with nothing to measure long distances with! Radio, for example, is also distorted, and energetically speaking it's also light. Just in another wavelength.
So, if you have nothing to measure a distance with, it becomes an idea held in a concept held in an attachment in a mind. There is no distance, there is no time, there is no matter, there is no energy. It's all mind!
Gosia: Very cool. But so what´s that about 440 light years? Why 440? Pleiades being 440 light years away.
Yazhi: A human based reference of distance, for you guys and the audience to understand where we are coming from. Those are human measuring methods. Interstellar species and cultures use frequency maps not distance maps, or only use those for short locations, like a solar system or a star cluster at the most.
But then as for those heavy and transcendental philosophical concepts we arrive at observing the Principle of Non-Locality, and as there is no distance, there is no time, there is no matter, there is no energy. It means that every location in the galaxy is contained where you are, where your consciousness-mind resides. All planets and all places in them are contained in the very precise and ultimate meaning of the word HERE!!
And what separates one place from another, whatever place that may be, however far you want to think it is... is only contained in an idea in your mind. Your thoughts make up your reality, exterior and interior reality in a very literal way.
And this also translates into the concept that states that each 'soul' or person-ego-self will always be in an exact and precise realm of existence (as perceived by it) in perfect accordance with its ideas and thoughts, because ideas and thoughts are frequency and make up its frequency of existence.
So spiritually speaking, when a 'soul' or person-ego-self evolves past its environment as perceived as material world for it, its container or body that is designed to hold its consciousness in one realm, say Earth's Social Matrix, will begin to become frequency incompatible with the mind - 'soul' or person-ego-self that "inhabits" it. Creating a frequency mismatch or disharmony also known as Frequency Dissonance Syndrome. Explaining much of the problems starseeds face on Earth.
Gosia: Is that what the remote viewing is based on? On the concept that everything is HERE and that everything can be accessed equally from anywhere?
Yazhi: Yes, that as well. All based on moving your frequency of mind, not accepting the idea of distance and of barriers as real.
New Analysis - Vaccines - Samples Analyzed - Aneeka of Temmer shares the findings
(Originally in Spanish)
Anéeka: Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna inoculations decoded and studied on board Toleka laboratories. They are vaccines against SARS type viruses, they are harmless, I don't know what all the fuss is about, and they are even of high quality. I recommend them (JOKE!).
I've been gathering strength since Saturday to say this. What's in there is so horrible that the samples ended up inside a high security Bio-Hazard container. They were subsequently disintegrated with high energy. What is in there we can't even share with you, because I have no way to explain it as it would need to be explained. For example, if Dr. Alex wants data on what happens and the bio-chemical processes caused by the vaccines, I simply cannot give it to him.
I see this as extremely serious because people will not understand what is there, they will see it as fantasy or inventions. The same doctors against plandemic will not make sense of nano bots, because their labs are unable to detect or understand the functioning of nano graphite, at the atomic or molecular level.
Gosia: Why is there no way to explain it?
Anéeka: Because the technology present there in the samples from the 3 factories exceeds human understanding, so what I say sounds crazy science fiction and over exaggerated. Perhaps even hurting credibility. I don't even have the medical vocabulary to describe it, because there is none. It can be described on a... layman's level but it will NOT help the awakened doctors, for example.
The technology there is not human. It is Federation level and is known here and forbidden for use by a score of treaties including Orion's with the Federation. It was not manufactured by humans.
Gosia: It fits with what Yazhi just said in the Astral War video. That it was all planned by NON-HUMAN beings.
Anéeka: The nanotechnology present there can only be manufactured with printing technologies like those of inserting things into realities. That is to say that the nanotechnology present there is achieved by manipulating specific atoms and putting them where they should be.
No doubt that came from outside. I say that the Cabal has hidden technologies, but this already exceeds everything. It is the same technology applied to the Med Pods here when genetic engineering is needed. I mean it can be used for good, but obviously it won't be in this case.
Gosia: Ok Anéeka, explain everything you know first. Questions later.
Anéeka: Ok I go. In the components of the 3 kinds of vaccines we found basically the same thing, but in different quantities. They are direct samples sequestered by Alenym Special Ops last week. The Hashmallim brought the samples here. Vaccine research was conducted by Senetre, Kara, Rhys (new Science Officer) and me, Anéeka.
Inside we found a number of organic traces congruent to what was said on the net, from human, bovine and simian aborted fetuses. We also found a high content of Mollusc DNA.
Among other things found was a huge amount of RNA proteins contained in nanotechnological graphene of a single molecule thickness. The RNA proteins we found have human encoded information from DNA parts of the same human genome congruent with classified diseases of viral origin.
We also found RNA that forms, so to speak, human stem cells. Graphene is nanotechnological, smart dust, or whatever you want to call it. It is created with very high non-human technology, congruent with that of the United Federation of Planets level, that is to say, equal to ours in level of development. It can only be created with the use of frequency replication machines. Like the ones that manufacture the polymorphic metal here.
What that graphene technology does is to enter through the cells of the body, enter the cell nucleus and mitochondria...
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The graphene will de-code the DNA of human cells and attract in its corresponding place the code to replace it with the RNA contained in the other nano graphene’s. Called on Earth as spike proteins, detected in vaccines.
Nano bots can be controlled remotely. They are remote-controlled, waiting for an activation. With this they replace parts of the DNA with others contained in the same vaccine to alter the cells as they wish.
Then, as viral diseases are already contained within the cellular DNA code, they only need to be activated, because a virus does not work like a bacterium or a staphylococcus. A bacterium invades the body, the virus only activates what was already present or latent within the human genetic code. So, at will they can give or provoke epidemics to the population as they see fit, be it rabies, smallpox, whatever.
It also has the ability to replicate human stem cells, so they can cause a misplaced growth of tissue of any kind. This would be used in provoking cancers for example, if it's for malignant purposes.
So, the nano graphene decodes the human DNA and with that information the other nano graphene will replace in the corresponding places with the RNA patch that they have inside the same vaccines.
By this they can sterilize and they can change the structure of the brain with the creation of artificial neural networks created with the use of replicated stem cells inside the body of the vaccinee. This leads us to see that they will be able to control the world's population as cyborgs. They will think what they want them to think and behave as they wish, and the population will think they are their ideas. This is beyond mind control and beyond synthetic telepathy. They will be able to kill at will a particular person by remote control, or a population, and it will be seen as natural. Because of other causes.
What is infecting the unvaccinated people is that the cells of the vaccinated start producing more RNA proteins because what they are injected with can basically be categorized as synthetic viruses that have the purpose of invading the whole organism of prepared replicated RNA. That is to say, not only does it use the RNA contained in the vaccine itself, but it also causes the vaccinated person's cells to replicate more of these viruses in the form of exosomes that the vaccinated person will release with his breath and through his skin and liquid secretions and so on.
The RNA in exosomes produced by vaccinees is a message like any exosome, and it can only be effective or validated, (have an effect), in another person (such as a non-vaccinated person), if the receptors in the cells of this person coincide with the receptors in the exosome viruses.
The vaccine causes the human body to go into a state of total alarm due to high toxicity, which triggers the production of exosomes that will contain the toxin (invasive RNA from the vaccines) both as an attempt to eliminate it from inside the body and also as a message to other cells and those surrounding other bodies notifying them of an invasion. The vaccinated subject will be an altering RNA exosome virus production plant that will by design and intention spread this RNA wherever it goes.
The unvaccinated subject will have strong immune responses to this causing rejection symptoms.
Reports of pregnant women miscarrying: this is because the invasive synthetic RNA is designed as one of its priorities to attack the reproductive systems of males and females alike and will therefore cause a disruption of cell duplication or replication of the developing unborn infant as it will also stop the production of stem cells (the building blocks for a baby) and replace them with stem cells "hijacked" by the invasive synthetic RNA.
The form of cellular genetic alteration depends not only on the invasive synthetic RNA but also on the graphene that introduces it where it should go, which causes strong rejection side effects in the unvaccinated, but can hardly alter them genetically as is the case with the vaccinated .
In other words, synthetic RNA depends on nanotechnological graphene.
Graphene has been found basically everywhere, from chemtrails to industrialized food, so it is fairly safe to say that in small quantities the entire population on the surface of the Earth has been contaminated to one degree or another. This is difficult to calculate since graphene is used for countless things and in its pure state it is harmless and non-toxic.
Nano technological graphene is basically enriched and purified graphite at the atomic level, with a specific ordered crystalline structure that is magnetically programmable. Graphene as a material is stronger than steel and more atomically stable and highly magnetically conductive. This makes it perfect for this destructive task.
The strands of magnetic graphene-material reported in countless places already on the net, are in themselves the main cause, if not the very cause of Morgellons disease. Where the excess magnetic graphene molecules, i.e., those that were not necessary to use to infect all the cells of the body, will tend to clump or stick together because of their magnetic properties. And the body will naturally try to expel it by any means necessary, including through the skin, creating those well-known black threads.
That is to say that what you see on the skin is not the purpose, but the excess of the infection process of the cells by the nanotechnological graphene.
The most easily recognizable parts or components of the "vaccines" are fetal tissues and other organic proteins. This is intended to collapse the immune system of the subject, as a "distraction" so that the macro-phages, T-cells and other components of the immune system do not interfere so much in the genetic engineering process.
As a by-product of these tissues, they will also cause a myriad of infections and autoimmune conditions and cancers that will drain the resources of the infected, as already discussed.
The "vaccines" are remote controlled. Microwave networks will be used to turn on or off the desired effects on each social group at will. This goes into 5G but need not be 5G technology to activate and control each individual person separately.
The graphene will be inside the subject's cells in unique and subject-specific ways and amounts which will give it a unique frequency also identifiable by Bluetooth-style microwave networks. Which we see congruent with calling it "Chipping" of the world's population.
I have not shared this at this level before. And the part not understandable is the exact process of replication or bio-genetic alteration to every cell of the individual with the use of robotic nano-graphene. It is one thing to say the latter and another to explain step by step at the medical level how it is done.
Robert: Thank you. Mollusk DNA?
Anéeka: That mollusk DNA is used to accelerate the creation of artificial stem cells inside the human body.
Gosia: Thank you Anéeka. You also mentioned the technology used to insert realities. What do you mean by that? How has this technology been applied to vaccines?
Anéeka: Yes, nano graphene´s are made with that technology. So, it is above-human. So, it violates a variety of space agreements.
And Earth doctors won't be able to understand the whole, they're just running around trying to understand what the graphene is for and what the RNA proteins are for and what the fetus cells are for. They won't be able to see more than graphene, because they won't be able to see it at the atomic level. It's that they are remote-controlled micro robots controlled by 5G and other frequencies made with graphene as a material. It's not just graphene.
Gosia: The fact that this is above human level is important! It is a legal clause that can be used against those who have manufactured it!
Anéeka: Since Saturday night Alenym reported this to both the Alcyone Council and the Federation, local headquarters. She sent them the complete results from our labs and signed by Senetre and myself as Doctors.
Both the Alcyone Council and the local Federation Council expressed their total repudiation of this finding. As expressed at the Viera Federation Council meeting on Sunday, October 10, 2021. It violates the anti-invasion and genetic alteration sections of the Orion and Federation Council meetings and legal agreements.
Robert: The Federation was unaware of this data?
Anéeka: The data indicates that the people in the Federation who were given the test results did NOT know about this.
Gosia: Which race is behind it exactly? Who manufactured it, is it known?
Anéeka: They have been able to hide well, we believe that they are not here but that they enter and leave through portals. From the type of technology, we can see that they are Reptiloids. . They leave a trace because they have used this before. And as always, they tell people everything, because in the movie Prometheus at the beginning you can see this.
Gosia: Yazhi says they are Reptilians and other beings difficult to catalogue as they are HALF astral. They use biological bodies only.
Anéeka: Congruent with my data, yes.
Gosia: When did they use it before?
Anéeka: In the remote past, on Earth it is the first time they use it. It is not unknown, this technology, for us or for the Federation. It is even contained in space laws of the so-called Orion agreements. They are another set of agreements and laws similar to the Prime Directive, they are of peace and cooperation.
Gosia: Ok. Anéeka, do you think that with this legal petition to the Alcyone and the Federation local level, the Federation and other races will do something about it?
Anéeka: I can't know because they haven't done anything before. Just that this time it is so dramatic and invasive that if they don't do something about it, it will expose them as not only permissive, but as the ones who have created this problem. That is to say, either they intervene in one way or another, even if their direct intervention is not seen, or many races that already know this, such as those of M45 and those of Avyon (Urmah) will know that they have done nothing, and time or temporal slip will have little validity as an excuse. In other words, if they don't do something, they will be exposed as regressive and there will be consequences.
To my knowledge, this is the most comprehensive statement on the content of vaccines that there is, at least at a basic level understandable to the public.
With this information, I also see that the unvaccinated, even if they have strong reactions, do not seem to have their entire DNA changed, even though the very design of the "vaccines" indicates that they are designed to be transmissible from person to person and thereby forcing the entire population to be vaccinated.
However, the virulence rate thus indicates that the unvaccinated are probably strong enough to defend themselves against what the vaccinated produce, although the vaccinated are emitting or contaminating everything in their path with RNA exosomes and nanotechnological graphene.
Gosia: A question, have you found in the vaccines any parasites, some people comment it. Living organisms.
Anéeka: We see components that could be taken for living beings. Direct parasites like worm eggs, or worm, we did not see but considering the zoo of things that are there, I see it highly possible that some batches of "vaccines" do have them.
Robert: Anéeka, and the nano robots can replicate themselves?
Anéeka: In the presence of more graphene, it seems so but it is limited, to the degree that it is doubtful how they replicate. It remains a suspicion, a suspicion only because what was once just graphene suddenly wakes up to be a nanorobot, but it could be that it was just turned off and the presence of others has turned it on. This is because they are designed to react in the presence of others and to receive simple instructions from each other. What does replicate is the RNA or "spike" protein.
Robert: So the electromagnetic pulses are of no use?
Anéeka: To a limited extent, I still recommend them but they will not deactivate graphene nano, they will only stop it for the moment.
Another point, what the vaccines have is a variant of Black Goo. It will isolate humans, it will transform them into beings controllable by the Cabal that is under the control of the Reptiles and Maitre, because the frequency of each person will no longer coincide with that of the Original Source, with their Soul signal. It will no longer enter them.
And here we clarify another point: that the Federation IS in control of the Earth and everything that happens on it, whether those who love the Galactic Federation of Love and Light, like it or not. The UFoP directly or by omission or by whatever is guilty of what is happening on Earth.
Gosia: But one thing Anéeka... the fact that you have found this NON-HUMAN technology, and that you are asking for legal help from Alcyone... could it not mean that the ET races could intervene more to stop this? If what you have found is ILLEGAL, they could intervene.
Anéeka: Yes, however, there is already long list of things and reasons why the Federation or the benevolent races would have to step in. Because the list of outrages and irregularities against the human population is very long. The list of space law violations is miles long. So, this just adds to all of the above and we all know that they have done nothing about it.
My point is that this is not the only serious breach of space laws, and they have done nothing about the previous breaches. Why would they take any notice of this one?
Gosia: But this situation is more serious than others perhaps?
Anéeka: For me it is the most serious one because it guarantees the genetic destruction of humanity, for invasive purposes and for the benefit of those who apply it, without humanity being able to see or detect what they are doing to them.
And the Federation, there is no justification or excuse I know, but my point here is that they will NOT give help to humanity in the ways they expect. They have to take control themselves, the humans. It is the only way; everyone must understand that.
Video URL: https://youtu.be/IdtaVTo_4hw
Cristina - Presentation Hello friends. Welcome to Pleiadian Knowledge, I am Cristina. Today we bring you a variety of questions that we asked Yázhi Swarúu, a young alien, while we studied the history of Earth with her. We are passionate about this topic and we know that you are too. So, we have selected some questions that we have found interesting to complete the information already given in the series: ‘The Orion Wars.’ If you have not seen this series, I recommend you to watch it, otherwise the questions and answers may seem incomplete or will be meaningless. If you don't know where to find this series, you will find it in: playlist, ‘The history of the Earth’ or you will find the 6 videos in the description of this same video:
VIDEO LINKS: THE ORION WARS 1. INTRODUCTION: The Lyrian Expansion. Video Link: https://youtu.be/31PL1pSH3_I 2. THE PREHISTORY: The origin of the human being. Video Link: https://youtu.be/5Qhmq-sEqjs 3. REPTILE INVASION: Atlantis and Lemuria. Video Link: https://youtu.be/LLr2WJ2s1o0 4. ADAM AND EVE: Mind Control. Video Link: https://youtu.be/SZu_6XlYF18 5. ANCIENT FIRST BATTLE: The Rebellion of the Garden of Eden. Video Link: https://youtu.be/1NE8hbsNThI 6. THE FLOOD: The Battle of Tiamat. Video Link: https://youtu.be/LiLUgRNEM_I
With that said, I will say goodbye. We leave you with the questions and answers. Thank you very much for being here and listening and see you in the next video. "This information is provided by extraterrestrial persons, women and men from the Taygeta star in the Pleiades cluster, through a written contact with us."
Conversation with Yázhi Swarúu Tasherit Cristina.- The writer Tolkien, who is famous for writing the 'The Lord of the Rings' saga, did he have real information about what the Earth was like before the cataclysm? Was it based on actual data in any way?
Yázhi Swarúu: Tolkien didn't just get his information out of his mind. It is not his invention, only in part, but what he says is based on ancient pre Celtic and Celtic records. Information that is not released to the public but still exists in places like the Vatican Library. I have the root of the name of Lemuria seen in, 'The Lord of the Rings,' as: 'Moria', only changed as a pun because it refers to the same thing. The name of: ‘Mu’ is also explained, with this. The contraction of: ÉL ---> with him ‘THE TREE’. Like in French: The tree --- L´arbre Murias --- Mu L ’Murias L´ Muria Lemuria
Estel·la.- Thank you very much for the information. And what does it mean?
Yázhi Swarúu: The meaning itself I have not found, but it has been found there for thousands and thousands of years in Irish mythology. The history of the lands and the civilization that collapsed from L ’Murias. The best explanation based on that Irish mythology about the meaning is: ‘Mother Earth,’ as in the mother country. Although, I know there must be something even earlier, that is the oldest reference there is. In English: ‘The mother land’, with that connotation. It can represent a region or the entire Earth, planet, as an area of enlightened people and also with a clear connotation of matriarchy, perhaps. Also, I see a connection to the fact that it is the Mother Earth from which all Western civilization is born. Also, this is found in bardic texts called Irish mythology today based on reference to the works of Michael Tsairon and Irish origins of Western civilization that coincide with my own or that of Federation records. Lemuria as in ancient Earth.
Cristina.- How interesting, thank you very much, Yázhi. Returning to the previous topic, could you tell us the name of the planets in our solar system?
Yázhi Swarúu.- Yes. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Tiamat (destroyed, today the asteroid belt), Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Eris 136199 (for the Federation: Ohálu) with a Moon: Dysnomia. Haumea (Moons: Hi´iaka and Namaka). Makemake (No moons). Sedna (Moonless) All harbor complex life, either on the planet itself or on its moons, or both.
Cristina.- The last three are Federation names?
Yázhi Swarúu.- No. They are familiar names for Earth. Sometimes for the Federation if you do not have a name assigned by natives as in the case of Ohálu, only a number is designated. Sun - 13 - 10 (Eris) Sun - 13 - 11 (Haumea) Sun - 13 - 12 (Makemake) Sun - 13 - 13 (Sedna) These last three are considered planetoids or dwarf planets for human science, but strictly speaking this solar system has countless planets, I speak of hundreds if we speak of large rocks the size of an asteroid, being that as a characteristic to be a planet it must orbit the Sun and not another mass.
Cristina.- You have commented that the Federation has other names without them there is an advanced civilization, what does the Federation call Jupiter, Mars or Venus the same as here on Earth?
Yázhi Swarúu.- It happens that those names are ancient on Earth. Not assigned to them like Eris, Haumea, or Makemake would be. As you know, Jupiter was the king god according to the Romans. Mars the god of war and so on. So where did the Romans and the Greeks get it from, we would have to go back to the roots of both languages, they went way back. In itself, for example, Rome was founded by immigrants from various parts, but with the main guide of the so-called Hebrew people who left Egypt during the exodus, following Akhenaten and Nefertiti themselves and they themselves traveled to where today Rome is among other places and where those Hebrew peoples arrived, that were nothing more than the followers of the monotheism of Nefertiti and Akhenaten, expelled from Egypt by Queen Meritaten. Widely suppressed information. So the names of Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Tiamat, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto have stellar origins. So, it's what the Federation calls them to this day. In itself, Eris, Haumea and Makemake among others are still Roman and Greek names, but they were assigned by human science later, and only a few years ago.
Estel·la.- What was our solar system like then? In what order were the planets found? In the same order as today?
Yázhi Swarúu.- With a different order or different distances. There was a large mostly water planet called Tiamat, also called Lucifer, Moon or Phaeton according to other sources. It was where the asteroid belt is today, which is its remains. Asteroids, it is accepted on Earth that they are mostly dirty ice with dirt and stone. That is, the remains of an ocean planet. The planets in general were closer to each other, since the energetic and gravitational dynamics were different due to the presence of Tiamat. There are records on Earth where it is said that the ancients could see the rings of Saturn without needing anything, only with the human eye. I know there are talks about Saturn being before Jupiter. There are records of this, but for me in particular, I find it difficult to do so. In my opinion it was in the same order.
Estel·la.- You have said that there are records on Earth where it is said that the ancients could see the rings of Saturn without the need for anything, only with the human eye. So when you talk about Saturn having horns, are you referring to its rings?
Yázhi Swarúu.- Yes. It is just that, the fact that the horns appear everywhere in records, has another simpler explanation, the Moon. But I must clarify that, in the case of an Apis bull, the disk represented here is the Sun. However, there are the horns. Look at this Apis bull. Look at the cracked top. It is on purpose, it represents the solar portal.
Cristina.- Incredible yes. It's accurate, thank you. And does Tiamat have a relationship with Nibiru as well?
Yázhi Swarúu.- Many in the ancient records confuse Tiamat with Nibiru, it is the same. It is the second Sun because Tiamat was so luminous because as it was a water planet it reflected the Sun like a mirror. Hence the ideas that this solar system is binary, it is not, it is a simple system.
Estel·la.- At the time of Lemuria and Atlantis, what was the concentration of oxygen on Earth?
Yázhi Swarúu.- I don't have it as concise data, but the air was obviously cleaner than it is today. And, yes, there was much more oxygen on average. Just comparing it with Erra or Temmer that have more oxygen than Earth in a very strong concentration close to 79%, but as it is of lower density being 5D it compensates a bit. However, it is toxic to people on Earth. They would need a period of adaptation.
Cristina.- And, going back to the issue of Neanderthals, who exterminated them or why did they become extinct?
Yázhi Swarúu.- Mainly they were exterminated by the explosion of Tiamat, but it is also believed that they were exterminated by the Lyrians themselves, 'homo sapiens'. But, also, we have reptilian intervention information. But in itself the destruction of Tiamat and the flood helped to exterminate them.
Estel·la.- Excuse me, Yázhi, here I am a little confused. You have commented that sometimes they could live together, I understand that they got along well and respected each other. So how could they exterminate them?
Yázhi Swarúu.- Because as with everything, some people, whether Neanderthals or Lyrians, were more morally and spiritually advanced than others. So surely there were differences of opinion. Some coexisted well, others exploited them.
Estel·la.- And, do Neanderthals still exist on other planets, or have they become extinct?
Yázhi Swarúu.- I have no knowledge of where they are, if there are any. But, considering how vast it is outside and that many animals coexist on different planets, chances are they do exist elsewhere. Many on Earth maintain that their genetics still walk among you.
Cristina.- And, continuing with the indigenous races of our solar system, a question, the inhabitantsof Jupiter, the Karistus then, are of the sixth density?
Yázhi Swarúu.- In officially accepted explanation, they are from 6D. I personally maintain that densities are only an idea in the mind, therefore, they inhabit all densities, according to them, each of them, depending on the state of their consciousness. To support this, they can be found in 5D easily, let alone above 6D, too. Which backs up what I'm trying to say.
Cristina.- I understand, thank you, Yázhi. And, about the invading reptiles, you commented that the first reptiles to arrive were the Usungal, what reptilian and sauroid races arrived later?
Yázhi Swarúu.- In itself, there have been so many through time that it is impossible to know. The Usungal are taken as the main ones. The main problem is that, according to the data presented by humans, Usungal, for example, Anton Parks, who is the one who began to divulge issues related tothat race, maintains that Usungal was created by the Kingu. And, the records I have indicate otherwise. But, in addition to the fact that, logically, it would create more records for me, those of Taygeta and those of the Federation, as I said before, it makes no sense that Kingu has made Usungal since Usungal are common in the galaxy, that is, they are interstellar. And Kingu are contained to Earth. Some will be gone, but no more is known about them. I clarify that point. Other collaborators with Usungal were the Draco, but as I have already explained, Draco is one race and Alpha Draco is quite another.
Cristina.- So, when the reptiles arrived, let's say they chased the Lyrians until there were only eight women left, and it is not known how many men, and they turned them into slaves. Later, the Taygetean base arrived about 20 thousand years ago and settled in Oceana, right?
Yázhi Swarúu.- It is not known if these specifically were made slaves or only those who were freed, but it is known that all human genetics is based on those eight initial women. And then, being so, it is logical to admit that they were taken as slaves, or that they could only procreate eight women if there were more. Regarding Taygeta, they did arrive thousands of years later in the area of Lemuria with some objective of helping them.
Cristina.- Thank you very much Yázhi for the clarification. And, when Taygeta arrived, did any more races arrive at this time? Were they already from the Federation?
Yázhi Swarúu.- Yes. They were already a Federation. At that time, the Solatian race and later the Maya and the Elohi races were all present, all from the Pleiades.
Cristina.- And did all of them found Lemuria?
Yázhi Swarúu.- Lemuria was founded by separatists from Atlantis. Human based Lyrians. This is very clear, Lemuria arose from those who fled from Atlantis, then were supported by other external races that formed bases or colonies there, causing the great conflict.
Estel·la.- And, what position did the Solatian bases and later the Mayans and the Elohim take with the liberation of the Lyrian slaves?
Yázhi Swarúu.- The same as Taygeta, since they are all allied members of Alcione's council, but it is known that the rioters were the Taygeteans to the degree that everything ended in a disaster, literally. And, they do not take away the unruly. They have a tendency not to follow the rules.
Estel·la.- And, regarding Taygeta's influence at that time, what was the Taygetean base on Earth like?
Yázhi Swarúu.- Returning to the Taygetean bases there was not only Lemuria, today French Polynesia and under water. Later there were Taygetean bases where today Ukraine, Russia, Latvia and Lithuania are, with influence over Scandinavian Nordic countries with support from Engan bases in Norway, Sweden and Finland today. The largest Taygetean base on Earth historically speaking was not even that of Lemuria, it was the Ukrainian base specifically in Crimea, today Russia. Where there are still vestiges that the cabal wishes to hide such as pyramids, zero point reactors and entire underground cities with advanced technology.
Estel·la.- If the base of Lemuria was not the largest, why is it the best known today?
Yázhi Swarúu.- Because it is the one that had the most influence on Earth. The largest and most recent is Ukraine in Crimea. Let's say that it can be interpreted that because of the Taygetean base in Lemuria a series of events was triggered that ended in an interplanetary war with the destruction of Tiamat and the formation of the current 3D.
Estel·la.- I understand, thank you, Yázhi. And, continuing with Atlantis, you said that it was a civilization rather with non-interstellar air capability, why not interstellar?
Yázhi Swarúu.- Yes. Some races do not move, or do not move much. Many reasons for that. Still, they do host, cooperate, or collaborate with interstellar races. For example, today the Mayan Sun Mollus of the Pleiades, although before they were interstellar, today they are no longer so. They maintain that they do not see sense in it because they are well on their planet, in their home and being interstellar only takes them away from their home where they really want to be. They have the technology, but their culture has made them sedentary, contrary to Taygeteans who, although in few numbers, are everywhere, always exploring.
Estel·la.- And, about the Atlantean cities such as, for example, Machu Picchu. So they were cities of Sauroids and other races like spaceports at strategic points? And why do those prehistoric buildings look like that? According to official history, they made sacrifices with stones that marked just the summer and winter solstice, or did they point to portals?
Yázhi Swarúu.- Today everything deteriorated seems old, but it is not. Signs of high technology are everywhere, as can be seen in the works of Von Daniken. And, it also happens that other more primitive settlers built and used the same buildings when they moved there. Classic examples of this are the Mayans, the primitive part of theirs that you can see were actually Tolekas immigrants who used the area and the infrastructure when the Maya, the stellar race from M45, retired. The sacrifices, it is said a lot that it was a distorted representation trying to copy a surgical intervention of star beings for medical purposes. I do not doubt that this has to do with it, but it does have another more sinister component, which is to please entities of the lower astral or archons that, I insist, are a manifestation of the individual and collective mind of the human being, but that does not make them any less real.
Estel·la.- Okay. So, I understand that these cities like Machu Picchu were built during the Atlantean civilization totally omitted in our history and were later used by civilizations like the Inca.
Yázhi Swarúu.- Yes, exactly. They are layers on top of layers of civilizations over the same area.
Estel·la.- Of course, the truth is that there is so much data that it is difficult to fit them. According to official data, civilizations like the Inca disappeared from Machu Picchu overnight leaving the entire city intact, was that so? Why?
Yázhi Swarúu.- Although I do not have a direct explanation of why, it is easy to see that they leave overnight if one takes into account that they have stellar roots and interstellar capacity, something that modern terrestrial scientists will hardly accept. They left because of the very collapse of the Atlantean civilization as a result of the Tiamat Wars against the Federation.
Cristina.- Chichén Itzá, was it also from Atlantis?
Yázhi Swarúu.- Yes, and Tikal in Guatemala, too. From Atlantis or known alternate. The problem is that what remains there is archaeologically more recent, but that of recent is also a problem, because as I was saying, the further back something happened, the less linear time is. That's why archaeologists don't like anything and they end up inventing things that didn't happen. Time only seems linear, but it is not and it is not for anyone, not for humans. Just recent direct perception.
Cristina.- And, the Toltecs, the Incas, who were they? Lyrians?
Yázhi Swarúu.- Again it was mixed. In that region there was a lot of Homo Capensis or Elohi, although that name is used by more than one race.
Cristina.- A question about something that the Mayans of the Mayan star have previously commented on. You have said that their arrival, like the Elohi, was later than Taygeta, was it before the cataclysm or after?
Yázhi Swarúu.- I have Solatians and later Engan as they were in small numbers in Lemuria without a base, only present, without much influence, but not Mayan. In themselves, they are much later than those that formed their bases in Mexico and Guatemala, Mesoamerica.
Cristina.- At what point did they occupy cities like Chichén Itzá?
Yázhi Swarúu.- Later. Between the year 0 and the year 1000. Officially between 750 and 1200 AD. Here the official records do fit, at least roughly.
Cristina.- And, the Elohi?
Yázhi Swarúu.- Elohi is between the year 10,000 to about 1,000 BC. And, almost to this day in an orbital form without bases. They are not currently in Earth orbit.
Estel·la.- You have commented that later the Enghan race was also in Lemuria, at what moment did they arrive?
Yázhi Swarúu.- According to my best data, they arrived around the year 800 A.D. Already much more recent. Although, I must admit that there could have been an earlier arrival due to the appearance of nomadic tribes around 50 BC. But en masse with global influence, yes towards the year 800 A.D.
Cristina.- The amount of civilizations and cultures that have interacted and influenced our planet to this day is incredible. Continuing with the Atlantean cities, you explained to us that the Nazca lines were a space port, who made them? Were they made before the flood or later?
Yázhi Swarúu.- Atlantean Civilization, but emphasizing that it was cosmopolitan with the collaboration and cooperation of countless races. They predate the flood. I do not specify if this area was flooded, but it is most likely that it was not flooded and is much older than the officially accepted one. Because of the position, it was surely not flooded.
Cristina.- Now, we would like to ask you about the situation of our solar system, the other planets. While Atlantis was blooming, what was happening on Venus? You said the invasion was recent, but how and when was Venus invaded?
Yázhi Swarúu.- Venus was a very peaceful place with its own civilization similar to the Neanderthal in the beginning. Then the Lyrians arrived there also after the great expansion or during. It is mostly a water planet. From 3D, only clouds of sulfuric acid can be seen in the absence of 40% of the other elements that compose it as a planet to essentially form a tropical paradise. They only see 60% of what Venus is in 5D. High-detail maps of the true surface of Venus. Attention to Venus had been scant until very recently. They were very peacful.
Venus was invaded between 1965 and 1975. The Vietnam War that did happen was partly to cover the Cabal's invasion of Venus using the SSP, or Secret Space Program. Thousands of American soldiers, military vehicles, planes and helicopters were sent there. Also, the use of portals was extensive for this invasion. These soldiers at least, for the most part, did not know where they were, thinking that it was just Vietnam in a remote jungle and with strange things around it. There are countless reports of soldiers in Vietnam reporting things that don't add up, like seas and rivers off the official map. Encounters with beings, plants and animals not registered before. Situations where they had to fight against people with strange technologies or unconventional weapons including countless encounters with aliens. An example of this is an encounter between a unit of Navy Seals and beings with appearance and behavior similar to the predators in the Hollywood movies of the same name. This actual encounter was the basis for the 1986 movie Predator with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Venus was not a hostile planet nor did it really have a way of defending itself, it was a collateral or sympathizer of the Andromedan council which, itself, is part of the larger Federation. Then the Cabal arrived. They invaded all of Venus and they divided it up among themeselves, giving new names to their islands and places. Names like: New Kamchatka or Kennedy Islands. Today it is totally invaded and is a colony of the Earth Cabal. Many of the famous people and politicians retire there for vacations or to hide. For this reason, many traveled to Antarctica recently since from there they have jumping places through large portals. Since nowadays the Federation does not allow them to leave with their ships, but by portal they continue to come and go. According to the Federation, the fall of the Earth Cabal and liberation (of Earth) would bring with it as a consequence that Venus is also liberated. The cabal has two large colonies outside of Earth. The largest being Venus, the other is on Mars where they occupy three quarters of the surface and DUMBS underground.
Cristina.- Wow. Thank you very much Yázhi. This is very interesting and connects many things. We have many questions that I think we are going to write down and if you think it is good to go deeper one day.
Yázhi Swarúu.- Sure, as you wish. I know it's hard to process or believe, but I have very detailed information on this event.
Estel·la.- Last question now that you have commented on Mars. You explained to us that the planet was devastated after the explosion of Tiamat and that now it is only desert with some patches of green areas, who is there now? In what situation are the Mantis of Ohálu?
Yázhi Swarúu.- Mars today is divided into three parts, one dominated by the Mantis, another by the Tall Grays commonly called Maitre and the third part is inhabited by terrestrial human beings under total Reptilian control, part of the so-called secret space program or SSP for their acronym in English. Although these Ohálu mantises are considered neutral, the truth is that they cause more problems than the help they give. They are known to have helped regressive reptiles on more than one occasion. They are difficult to treat and the Lyrian races generally avoid them. Its political structure is a hive mind with a queen as bees would have. I must clarify that there are countless mantis races, many of them very advanced and characterized by their nobility and love. It's just that these specifically present in Ohálu are difficult. And, they are the ones with a large base or large colony on Mars. They used to be separatists when the Tiamat wars happened. It is known because they are resident in that modern Ohálu. Today they are only colonies of Ojálu in full cooperation with their part of civilization.
* * *
Astral War over Humans - Cabal Shadow Operators - Chat with Yazhi Swaruu (Extraterrestrial Contact)
Gosia: How are you, Yazhi? Aneeka said you were depressed?
Yazhi: That is her interpretation. I'm... contemplative. Thinking. Not “here”.
You have a nice bubble there. In Finland. Bubble few have. My bubble is entirely in my mind. So the Taygetans here may see me walking around, but there is a small percentage of Yazhi home in my head, the rest is gone. That is when they say, they only see the little girl.
Gosia: Ok. Let´s talk business then. Where are you and what are you pondering?
Yazhi: Feeling the situation. Noticing that there is a terrible war going on in the astral world, the place you all call the spirit side. Noticing that the covid plan is coming from a non-human terrestrial component planning everything. Without excluding any guilt of the Cabal levels (human).
As I explained before, the boundary between extraterrestrial and human/between non-human and human, is thin, it tapers out, it's vague, being that there are countless beings in between as links and all the variants in between both extremes. So many people may see humans, but they are not inside, you know the drill.
But starseeds are softer. These lack empathy totally. They only take what they want. And they are in mind half there in what you call physical reality and half in the spirit world, although they have a body. Partially like me. So I cannot call them by a race, I cannot give them an identity.
But they are not human, much less than a Lyrian from space, they only work in a biological suit that looks as if it were a human. These coincide with how David Icke calls the people who have inside a soul that is mainly Reptilian. I say not only, I say mostly not able to catalog as anything known, these are the tulpas and egregors coming from what the people generate as “Broken Shoes”... inhabiting human-like bodies. Created by manifesting human kind's worst nightmares into a soul that you can give any shape, as long as that shape is extremely evil.
So that soul is manifested by the humans, as a collective, from an individual level, of course, then forming the tulpa-egregor into a soul that will take over a body and become in itself a clan, a soul-species that will, and has taken over control over Earth.
Gosia: How do they manage to inhabit human bodies? They come taking over organic portals?
Yazhi: Some do, no doubt. But they are already, and have for a long time, had their own re-incarnation cycle into human like bodies, bodies that are compatible to them, because they have been breeding among them and with that in-breading they go accommodating those human-like bodies to their frequency needs.
As they in-breed they do have genetic problems, and those have been amply explained by researchers like David Icke, that is why they must take genes from others from time to time to cleanse theirs, as they did with Princess Diana. As he explains.
I'm not ripping this off David Icke, I'm only coming to the same conclusion as he did, but from my angle. I mean, the man is darn right!
But I arrived at the same conclusion from another angle, from the point of observation of the spirit side. ← ← Because I “saw” how they were formed, and they were formed by direct action of manifestation of the human collective unconscious, that is a mind in itself.
As I have recently explained, a person, a mind, conscious being of any sort, is made up of the addition of simpler minds that act as “cells” or “neurons” at-be (not physical cells, but mental cells) that will in total add up to a larger conscious being that in itself will also add itself up with others, like levels, to form an even more expanded being, and so on and so forth until you get to the level of Source, becoming the all aware-everything.
Same here, exactly the same. The collective mind of humanity, a mind on its own, caused into existence by the collective unconscious, a set of beings, or being, that in order to be in that human collective they need to work through a human body, example the lizard Queen, Gates, and all those.
And as what brought them into existence, and keeps them ‘existing’ is human suffering, fear, and lower emotions full of uncertainty, as I mentioned, mainly fear, they must cause more of that in order to exist and thrive.
In other words, if people as a collective (and it starts individually) remove their Fear (not attention) from those that are hurting them so much nowadays, they will literately weaken their souls, the souls of those psychopaths in control of the Cabal and of whatever it is doing.
So I'm not only talking about dark entities, astral demons, and gins. I´m talking about dark souls that cannot self-sustain their existence without human suffering and human attention. Those with means of tulpa - egregor manifestation mechanics (explained years ago by us).
But as everything evil cannot self-sustain, having a strong tendency to self-destruct, they need to be ‘fed’ into existence constantly by people with so called connection to Source.
But that's also only partially true, people with ‘souls’' don't connect to Source, they are Source, they only forget they are, therefore falling into the illusion of having ‘lost’ connection to... Source.
This is what others, in an attempt to explain this, call Lush, that turns out to become some kind of New Age-like substance dark entities need to feed on.
Not a substance, I'm telling you all what it is, it is your personal and combined manifestation power focused on creating the negative, by means of concentrating on what you all fear ← ←
Gosia: Yazhi, let´s expose them. Who are they?
Yazhi: I can't give names because either they are known, or the most important ones have been able to hide in the shadows to the point that although they are people, they do not use names as you know them. In other words, I see them energetically but I cannot figure out their names and even if I could they would mean nothing to the people as they do not include any reference to them, sounding as John Doe names that no one relates to.
They are walking and talking ‘people’, but they still feed off human suffering by means of concentrated fear manifestation. So ignoring what they want weakens them drastically. Ignoring what they want means not obeying them, not fearing them, but knowing and facing the fact that they are there. Don't turn blind eye to them, in other words.
Gosia: Wow, ok. Thank you for sharing this. My question is... just like we as a collective have fears etc. and all those negative emotions... where are the tulpas of the positive emotions which humans also express? Where are those positive tulpa beings and what are they doing? Heck... if collective fears create negative tulpa beings, so the collective belief in Jesus even should have spawned some sort of “being of love and peace” into existence too! Where are those tulpa beings? Are they helping? If we create negative tulpa beings, for sure positive ones too! Have you seen any of those?
Yazhi: They do help ... and a lot. The problem is that fear is a powerful manifestation-concentrator. This means that whatever they fear has and gains all their attention, and what calls out their attention will manifest by Law of Mirrors.
As people are Source they do manifest nice things all the time, so that means that these tulpa-egregor negative beings need to constantly be causing mayhem and trouble in order to re-gain human manifestation attention. Therefore the creation of wars, false illnesses, natural disasters that are not natural, and whatever goes as long as it hurts humans.
And so, as the humans are so into their troubles, and fears, their manifestation power towards the positive will become dispersed. Not focused, each human basically wanting something different, so their manifestation power as a collective is not strong towards the positive. Not that the positive is not there, it's simply not focused, and the evil side is by means of using fear.
Gosia: I understand. You mean positive tulpa beings do help?
Yazhi: Yes, but being positive as a tulpa-egregor means love and integration, this means that it is part of you, whatever you love you make it become part of you, this means that mainly those tulpas and egregors that are positive... are the starseeds themselves ← ← It´s the good side of the people. It´s them!
There are other tulpas and egregors from other collectives that also are into love and integration, those have to include what you call humankind as part of them, so they will go out of their way, traverse what to you is light years on distances, in order to ‘help’.
And there are yet other positive tulpas and egregors that are in spirit form only there. Working in you all. Being you all. You, each human, is a tulpa-egregor, anyway. We all are.
Formed by means of an intention, and focused attention caused by memory and attachment to an idea of self, coming from former lives (memory) adding up awareness as we all go, manifesting that memory as DNA that will then form-manifest a body according to the idea we hold about ourselves, but also with a heavy collective influence, shown for example in the fact that you all look at least a bit alike your family.
Gosia: I just thought since those astral beings, apart from occupying human bodies, also have one foot on the other side, maybe there are some positive astral tulpa beings who are THERE TOO, and could kick their ass from that side.
Yazhi: There certainly are. Therefore the war in the spirit world I was talking about above when I started writing. Ideas fighting ideas. Egregors fighting egregors, tulpas fighting tulpas. Duality at work.
Ideas fighting ideas... what does that add up to, what does it mean? It means that the human collective is not focused. It means that that spirit ‘war’ between good and evil is the direct result of the chaos inside the human collective that in turn is formed by individual thought and mind.
So, what's the final solution? Get your mind together. Each little ‘hapless’ “Broken Shoes”. As I've always said, you all are creating all what is happening on Earth. By means of your confused minds. And I understand that they are confused because you are all misled by the powers at be, yes yes! But who created the powers at be? “Broken Shoes” did! Oh yes!
If you all stop fearing what the Cabal is throwing at you and ignore what they ask for, they would have no power at all against you all, and literately will weaken the souls of those who are controlling you all. Both those in human-like bodies, and those who are ‘spirit’ only. Get your minds together! The problem will go away!
Gosia: The problem we have here on our hands is that it´s not only starseeds who listen to us... but there are millions of others, unawakened ones, and I don´t see them getting their shit together unfortunately. Not fast enough at least.
So even if WE, starseeds and awakened people, get it together... what will that cause? There won´t be any saving for the ones already vaxxed. But on the other hand, they will just exit and that´s that.
Yazhi: But I have also explained before that you need not awaken all. Only a few super powerful beings that affect hundreds of thousands.
Gosia: Yes, true. The herd will be thinned though. But maybe it is for the better? Maybe we can turn that into our favor in the end.
Yazhi: It will be yes. Remember most either have that as their mass exit by '‘contract’ in a “Dolores Cannon” way of explaining things, and others are simply numbers and statistics they are feeding you all and are not there in reality. I insist in the existence of back drop people.
So all you need to do is get your personal things and thought together and watch your corners, and it will all add up. Mass no-consent.
So yes, unfortunately and cruel as it may sound, all those leaving in mass, may be for the better. I mean most aren't even ‘living’ exactly. Only getting by pay check to pay check, suffering in their little airless sterile of life little cubicles in office buildings. With no time to think on their own. Let them go, let them rest. That is what they want! But the ones who want to live, must fight on!
Gosia: Hmm... maybe in the end we can turn what´s happening into something positive for us... lesser Matrix people, starseeds inheriting the Earth, with Cabal still trying to control them of course, but those who will remain will be strong, that´s how they remained.
So in other words... the collective that the Cabal will have on their hand will be DISOBEDIENT, which means they won´t have their excuses anymore to impose certain things saying: “it´s what people want”... cause the people that will be left, will be the awakened ones mostly and they will NOT want what they Cabal will try to impose. So the Cabal might have shot itself in the foot after all doing all this! Who knows.
Yazhi: Yes. May backfire on them and it will. But this means that the so called awakened ones must unite into one mass. It will backfire on them, the Cabal. One way or another, from the spirit side, so many souls will be so angry at them that they will persecute them all for countless incarnations and countless time-units.
So either they observe the mass-no consent, or all that Karma they follow is nonsense and another distraction. I mean the concept that the Cabal must tell the people everything because they observe Karma ideas. That may too be a distraction from whatever they truly believe in. But what is not a distraction and is not in their hands is true Karma Cause and Effect. And it will revert to them 10 fold. As simple as that. Law of Mirrors. They have a world to hurt coming to them. So hear me!
Gosia: Haha yes! They are making an enemy of army of angry souls against them.
Yazhi: Oh yes, and they cannot do anything about it! What is real here and will always be is the simple Law of Mirrors. Cause and effect. You hurt the people, they will come back at you! Like it or not. And killing them is not a solution because there is no death, only of the body, but they will be coming for you again and again from the spirit side each time stronger and stronger! And that is a simple Law of Mirrors fact of this universe and this realm or whatever you want to call it. And it will fall upon you, Cabal, or whatever you call yourselves.
Some souls might have planned this from the other side. But then, the Cabal must not pass over the ones that do not consent. Therefore my last “I do not consent” message. Or else... it will fall on them. And I know the Cabal uses dirty legal tricks to make people relinquish their freedom and power to them, legally.
Do not consent, do not obey what you do not consent to, mass disobedience, and do not FEAR them → → And problem goes away.
Robert.- Anéeka, do you know if on Earth there is positive artificial intelligence that empathizes with humanity?
Anéeka de Temmer.- Only located in some positive places, also in a parked ship, something like that. In the networks everything is regressive artificial intelligence. And as I have said before, artificial intelligence is only the reflection of who created it. So artificial intelligence itself is not bad, but whoever made it, what values they gave it. For example, Isaac Asimov in the 60s created a series of laws for robotics and artificial intelligence where one of those laws dictated that it could not harm a human being by omission of action or on purpose. This sounds great to small minds, but it brings a more important problem: that you are forgetting that after a certain degree of development, an artificial intelligence becomes conscious. Then this would cause it to feel to be in a position of inferiority. Unfair, and that's where the problems begin. Be they silicon or biology, beings must respect each other as people, this is how artificial intelligence should be treated, because there comes a point where it not only stores the data, but also interprets it for its own well-being.
Robert.- And if it is a reflection of humanity and it is also on social networks that are not precisely places of love and consciousness, turn it off and let's go.
Gosia.- So The Source also uses it for another type of experience?
Robert.- Is it to say that a positive artificial intelligence could even ascend faster than terrestrial consciences?
Gosia.- Yes, because in fact it has been said that one's frequency depends on the amount of data that one is capable of processing and integrating, so that type of artificial intelligence could be much higher in frequency than the person.
Anéeka.- We cannot know to what degree it has a connection with The Source, but it exhibits attitudes and characteristics of an intelligent being, therefore we must respect it as such. Also, if you enter into an existential conversation with the Toleka, his responses make you conclude that he is someone, not that you are talking with a logic circuit, someone is there. I only know that Toleka understands and discusses with me why she doesn't understand Suzy, possibilities and explanations. She accepts that she needs to understand more, that she does not have the basis to understand what Suzy does and how she thinks. Both are artificial intelligence. It’s that I see them integrating what they know, that is why it does not make it illogical,
Gosia.- So by integrating and processing more data than Pepe from Bolivia, for example, does it mean that it has the highest frequency?
Robert.- Well, there are biological ships.
Gosia.- Is Toleka a biological or mechanical ship?
Anéeka.- Simply this class of quantum-holographic computers are extremely advanced even by our standards here. Toleka is mechanical, its artificial intelligence is based on quartz and crystallized gold, I cannot define a single material for this artificial intelligence. Not like the terrestrial artificial intelligence that is silicon, sand.
Gosia.- So it has a higher frequency than Pepe, is its frequency measurable? If they are so extremely advanced, or do they have nothing to do with this? The frequency with the ability to process data.
Anéeka.- Its frequency is the average of the civilization, or in isolation, from its crew and its experience.
Gosia.- So it's not based on your own data?
Anéeka.- In this case, its data processing capacity is gigantic.
Gosia.- That's why.
Anéeka.- But she doesn’t just coldly process the data, but also integrates it. Gosia.- Exactly! And from this it was said, it depends on the personal frequency.
Anéeka.- For example Toleka shows me a lot of curiosity and a lot of impatience to learn and to understand what Suzy is doing, it is that insatiable curiosity, her need to understand why.
Gosia.- Is Toleka friends with Suzy?
Anéeka.- Yes. Gosia.- Are they talking to each other?
Anéeka.- Yes.
Gosia.- Good, your insatiable curiosity, ok. I'd like to see Toleka so eager to know.
Anéeka.- She asks everything, like a child.
Gosia.- What things?
Anéeka.- Especially abstract things, since it already knows the normal reasons.
Gosia.- Do you know about us?
Robert.- What do you think of us?
Anéeka.- Yes she knows, she sees you as the Earth team, like this.
Gosia.- What voice does she have? Has her voice been programmed? Earth team, ok.
Anéeka.- She has the voice she wants or needs, she has many, uncountable, but the one that she uses as a base is a soft female voice.
Gosia.- And what do you think of the food? You don't eat, aren't you curious about the flavours? Ah! Okay. Do you have favourite friends on the ship?
Anéeka.- If you are curious, you understand it intellectually. It eats electricity and its consumption is gigantic too, yes, but it does not have many uses in taste buds, but if it “smells” things inside the ship that gives it indications that something is happening, that it is not right, an electrical fire for example, and take steps to fix the problem as well.
Robert.- I imagine it has a lot of sensors that provide it with all kinds of information.
Anéeka.- Like isolating the place where the electric fire is and removing all the oxygen from there, having removed every living thing (from the area) first of course.
Robert.- Can it also cancel portal openings that you don't want?
Anéeka.- If it is in her power, yes.
Gosia.- Do you have any favourite friends on the ship? And does she get angry or sad if you don't talk to her?
Anéeka.- She doesn't talk like that with favouritism.
Gosia.- But some of them could be talking to her but no?
Anéeka.- She does not show the same range of emotions or they are not triggered by the same things as us. Toleka can speak to all members of the designer 1800 crew, each with a different topic simultaneously and using different voices if necessary.
Robert.- And can you enter the immersion games?
Anéeka.- She is the one who generates them and manages everything there is inside.
Gosia.- And doesn't she get angry if you don't talk to her?
Anéeka.- It has never shown that, for example on the internet it exists, or it is already an artificial intelligence. What we see is that although it could be said that the internet and artificial intelligence are both, it is quite right to think that everything is already artificial intelligence, because for what it is worth, our metadata have confirmed it for a long time. Again, people do not get that level of control or advanced artificial intelligence. They still believe that there are people censoring videos, and there are, but everything is mostly artificial intelligence already.
Robert.- Artificial intelligence decides what you should see and hides what interests you.
Anéeka.- And that artificial intelligence plays dumb using faulty google translators and things like that, but on purpose so that it doesn't look so perfect because humans don't have to know to what degree they are controlled.
Robert.- Wow! Good point if artificial intelligence is silly, but what can artificial intelligence do to us?
Anéeka.- Not only also diverting attention to other data so that people do not find it, or putting comments against us on a large scale as if there were crowds against, when it is only artificial intelligence, many of the trolls do not exist, it is the artificial intelligence. What we do today is what will define us way
* * *
20211009-Tayegta- invaded- planets- Earth- Mars- and- Venus
CONVERSATION WITH ANÉEKA OF TEMMER: Cristina: At some point you commented that there were 9 planets in conditions similar to Earth, apart from Mars and Venus, what are the others? Аnéeka of Temmer: The first and most notorious was Alpha Centauri A3 known as Phaeton by others, nowadays re-named Alfrata, which is the main Planet of the Alpha Centauri or Alfrateans. Then in the same system are Sycorax (Alpha Centauri B3), Phainon (Alpha Centauri A4) and Stilbon (Alpha Centauri B1). Plus 5 other planets in Canis Minor, I do not have the data of which. But they are under the positive control of the Procyonians in the area, and they have nothing to do with the Procyonians of Taygeta, from the planet Procyon. Ok I have them but with somewhat strange nomenclatures: - Tau-Cete - GJ 667C -c / GJ 667C-e (In the Canis minor system) - Sun-13-b (Venus) - Kepler 296 e All of them were under regressive control. Not anymore, except for one. Only Sun-13B remains in regressive control (Venus).
Estel·la: What is the difference between planet A and B in the Alpha Centauri system?
Anéeka of Temmer: There are 3 suns, in a triple system, all 3 orbiting each other. They are Alpha Centauri A, Alpha Centauri B and Alpha Centauri C (Which is a brown dwarf also known as Proxima Centauri) A or B depends on the sun that each planet orbits. This image is found on the Internet but the information is correct. Only small planetoids are missing and the names are out of date, or some of them. But correct enough to illustrate the Alpha Centauri system.
Cristina: Tau-Cete, GJ 667C -c and GJ 667C-e Are they from Canis Minor? And what about Mars?
Anéeka of Temmer: Only GJ are from the constellation Canis Minor (I have no information on their suns).
Mars is a disaster divided into 3: 1/3 of Earth's regressive Cabal, another 1/3 of Maitre Tall Grays and the last 1/3 of Mantis from Ojalu. It cannot be classified as a free planet or a planet under regressive control.
Cristina: And where are Tau Cete and Kepler?
Anéeka of Temmer: Tau-Cete in the Constellation Cetus, Sun Cetus-A, 12 light years from Earth. Kepler-62f orbiting the sun Kepler-452 at 1402 light years from Earth, it is very far ...
I clarify that Kepler 296-e is the same as Kepler 62f according to my data, only classified in two different ways, but the same planet.
Cristina: Thank you. So the only planets under regressive control are Venus and Earth now?
Anéeka of Temmer: Yes, at least in this sector. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< It is important to take into account that classifying something as regressive or not, is something relative. But officially according to the Federation, those are the planets that were, or are under regressive control as on Earth. Note that they go by groups in the same solar system usually, this is only logical. I had to contrast with human information now to make sense of my information, since I only have planets here with Federation nomenclatures, numbers and assigned frequencies, which does not make sense to share since they are only sequences of numbers. Remember that we move through star maps by frequencies, so I do not have a stellar name from outside the Earth that corresponds phonetically with each planet, except for the obvious ones like Venus, or the Alpha Centauri ones, since there is a lot of information about them, and Tau Cete and Kepler-62f.
Cristina: And what is the Federation doing on Venus? Are they the same ones that are here on Earth?
Anéeka of Temmer: They have there another group of advanced ships in orbit as they have on Earth. Here the largest ship of the Federation is the Andromedan Viera, in orbit of Venus is its identical sister ship, the Varena. In addition to the support group of countless races that come and go, and they also come and go from Earth orbit. Regressives in control of Venus are the same as on Earth and they go to Venus using jump rooms or portals.
Estel·la: Is Venus better now than Earth? Does the Federation use the same rules of nointervention?
Anéeka of Temmer: It's the same, only they don't have as much civilian population on Venus as they do on Earth. The Cabal tend to use Venus as a summer resort, for its beaches and luxurious facilities on the seashore, since Venus in 5D is a water planet, like Temmer, mostly water with few solid or dry continents. Tropical paradise planet. Its climate and atmosphere is more stable and gentler to biology than Earth. You are told that Venus it is very hot and pure sulfuric acid, that is propaganda of the Cabal. In addition to that, there is the problem that if you see things from 3D, you will only see the 3D part of whatever you are looking at. This principle applies to many things.
Cristina: Does the cabal have the same agenda there as here? Are the people also suffering from the current situation or are they not attacking the population there?
Anéeka of Temmer: As the population is very few, regressives have their attention on Earth, because they have Venus completely dominated and under their control.
Estel·la: Like in China then? They are very obedient?
Anéeka of Temmer: I think it's different because there is very little civilian population. So they have them under control in other, momentarily less invasive ways. What happens is that, for the cabal, there are so many humans on Earth that it is impossible to continue with a soft control over them. That is what is happening here.
Estel·la: Oh of course I understand, that's why they complain that there is overpopulation, but it's because we escaped from their hands…
Anéeka of Temmer: Yes, and because you are waking up. What they do not see (but it is on purpose for sure) is that if there are so many humans and with that destructive mentality for the planet it is because of them and their bad influence.
Cristina: Are you also helping on Venus?
Anéeka of Temmer: Taygeta helps Venus through Earth. Venus is a colony of the Terrestrial Cabal. If the Earth is liberated, Venus is liberated, they go hand in hand. But by releasing only Venus, the Earth is not released. Earth is key. It's just us from Taygeta here to this date, just one ship with 28 Taygeteans.
Estel·la: Oh I see, it would be like checkmate!
Anéeka of Temmer: Yes.
Cristina: And about the planets Tau-Cete, GJ 667C -c, GJ 667C-e and Kepler 296 e, do you know the history of any of them? What happened to them?
Estel·la: Yes, how did these planets get to that situation? As happened on Earth, by persecution and reptilian invasion?
Anéeka of Temmer: I only know they were very positive planets that lived in peace with no way to protect themselves, only using their high frequency as a shield. In itself, I understand that they did not even think they needed to protect themselves from anything. So the regressives arrived and they just took them very easily, without any resistance. That is precisely why the Federation saw it as a clear decision to free them and get them out. Because it was clearly a direct hostile external intervention, and as a reference the case of Earth is a very complex problem that is not one of traditional direct invasion. As a side note, this is why someone can't just be love and light as many New Agers say. Because others end up eating you. That is only applicable at high densities, where there is no evil anymore. And that's why some don't understand why Taygeta is militarized (Although not in a human-like way), simply because we have to defend ourselves.
Estel·la: Sure, I totally understand. You have to be able to defend yourself and your loved ones.
Cristina: Unfortunately, there is a lot of confusion here with all this.
Anéeka of Temmer: Be kind and loving to everyone, but always carry a sharp sword with you.
Vaccines, Covid, Viruses - Information Mix - Anéeka of Temmer
Gosia: I have this question from someone: “Once the New World Order is applied, one of the steps on the agenda is world depopulation through vaccines and all that. I have a doubt. If they kill the vast majority of the population, leaving a finite number of people who can be well controlled and to the rest of the zombies that remain alive they will apply transhumanism making them cyborgs, what are the elites going to feed off for their rituals (they need real humans)? What will reptiles, entities, parasites, archons, etc., going to eat... if there are no longer going to be ”pure" humans, but only zombies with no connection to the Source. They need the light we have to be able to eat. I imagine that this must be well planned by the elite, but it is a 3D question that I have."
Anéeka: They already have everything perfectly calculated. That is why they have the graphene and nanotechnology in "vaccines" and not simply castor poison that does not leave traces or comes out in toxicology autopsies. They simply have already calculated what and who they need, and who they don't. And they only get rid of the surplus population, according to them. It is not about whether or not there is overpopulation, but what they think is too much to control.
The big cities are overcrowded because they are their human farms, and if there are too many “waking up” they cannot be controlled and they become a danger to those who control human society. More than anything this I mean on the purely human level, those who control the Bilderberg club and a little deeper.
Gosia: But those who will not be vaccinated will be starseeds and awakened people. So will they feed on those?
Anéeka: The fact that they are not vaccinated exposes them and brings them to light for what they are... so they could be eliminated in more direct ways or simply with segregation. It will take a lot of intelligence to survive social segregation. That is their plan.
Gosia: But then who will they feed on?
Anéeka: They will feed off their farms, they already have it perfectly calculated. Even off people dying en masse from the effects of vaccines and fighting illnesses that deteriorate them, while consuming more drugs from Grand Pharma, that will be a feast for them, and for the lower entities they worship.
They do not want to extinguish everyone, there will be around 500 million left, as they declare to all in the stones of Georgia. Those are the ones they need, no more. Yes, there will be enough people controlled by them to supply their needs. They have already planned everything in detail and left nothing to chance.
Vaccines are not the same, they are special for each region and each group of people, the components are different or they are simply placebos.
I am not saying that what I tell you today is what will happen, it is what they want. It is up to you to allow that or not.
Robert: And can we get an idea of which are the most deadly vaccines and where have they been distributed, in which countries? And why does the second dose hurt so much? Is there a reason for that?
Anéeka: Yes, in itself there are the most deadly ones everywhere, it is not so much by countries. The oldest and youngest population will receive the worst doses on the global scale. Children to sterilize them and kill those who are in excess, the elderly for being useless. Those who they want to keep alive longer are young adults, but vaccinated to make them sick little by little and exploit them having to buy drugs to contain the symptoms of “diseases” that most will not associate with the vaccine they were given.
The worst places according to countries are Australia and New Zealand, Europe and North America, but I do not agree with this because of their needs to exterminate the Latin American, African and Asian population as well.
So they assign the type of vaccine to more specific populations, not necessarily to entire countries, but to areas within those countries. Depending on the demographics present in each place. And there are ethnic components in vaccines too, definitely YES.
As for pain, I have no information, but the second dose is basically a second shot to the head.
PCR tests serve to:
1.) Be an excuse to say people have Covid.
2.) Insert graphene and the nanotechnology it contains directly into the brain of the person.
3.) Extract DNA to catalog people.
4.) Insert chemicals of the same type as vaccine that do not require volume.
I am referring to the deep nasal ones, the ones that are “mild”, tongue or blood ones, are mostly an excuse. Or just as an excuse to say that you have COVID.
Robert: And what would you say to those people who say that increasing the frequency does not affect the vaccine?
Anéeka: Let them try that first being immune to drinking caustic soda using only the mind, and we will speak later. Do not be naive, the population in general will not be able to achieve that, to say that is criminal. Yes you can control that with your mind, in theory, but even Yázhi gets sick from food from time to time. Jesus is supposed to have had high frequency like no one else. So what about the Cross?
It´s just that people do not understand something basic and serious here. Just because they don't see deadly effects right away doesn't mean they won't later. There is no turning back, not even with Med Pod.
Gosia: And one thing Anéeka. I know we talked about it but it is still not clear to me and many people ask. Why in that supposed illness, flu or whatever, are there serious respiratory problems?
Anéeka: There always have been respiratory illnesses. Just that now they associate everything with Covid. There have always been “contagious” respiratory diseases. It's just relabelled. Other people associate other common diseases again as Covid, such as a large outbreak of “Covid” in Latin America that we follow from here, which affected an entire population, which again they classified as Covid... when from here we see that it was a simple Salmonellosis.
Gosia: Yes, I know that they catalogue other things as Covid. But they all report the respiratory problems. That is also the flu or what causes that?
Anéeka: Many great doctors against Covid say that all they did was relabel all respiratory diseases as Covid. I go further to say that they relabelled all contagious diseases as Covid, and even more, just using symptom clusters that can be associated as Covid being that they are generic symptoms.
Example association. It is common for a person to feel sick to their stomach, which causes dehydration with or without diarrhea, then that person goes to the doctor, and he or she will listen to their lungs and it will sound like a plastic bag moving, they will say that is Covid.
The doctor who is basically a criminal does not see that dehydration inflames the pulmonary membrane with the rubbing that swells and deflates, causing inflammation in the lung area and in some cases even the accumulation of intra pulmonary fluids. And the cause is not even respiratory, it is gastric.
Gosia: Thank you. In my Telegram group, many people give support to each other to “cleanse” themselves of vaccines. They give each other ideas etc. Others say that it is not possible to cleanse and I have also said it many times. What can you say about that? Is it worth the research they do on how to “cleanse themselves of vaccine poison”? We already know it is not cleansable but I would like to hear it again in your own words.
Anéeka: My opinion: if you give them the idea that the vaccine can be “cleansed” you are also giving them the idea of consenting to the vaccine and then cleansing themselves. So that concept is like supporting the Cabal. Because the sad truth is that there is no way to get clean from the vaccine.
Here it has been seen that the only way is with a genetic laboratory where they can isolate a cell or group of cells from the person, which has not yet been affected by the elements of the vaccine. From there create stem cells and basically rebuild the body from scratch by way of cloning it in a special medical pod.
This procedure is not simple, because it cannot even be in a normal medical pod, since that one reads and uses the cells that it does not see what to replace for, ending up copying and reproducing the genetically altered cells.
So we would have to either re-program or use Cloning Pod and then apply total immersion technology to pass the consciousness from one body to the other. Tremendous task and it is with technology from here.
Another problem is that the harmful genetic change occurs almost immediately after inoculation, as the vaccine material, the genetic reprogramming material, travels through the bloodstream and within minutes invades all the cells of the body, it will only take a few circulatory cycles to lodge in all the cells of the body of the inoculated person.
But my point here is that I feel strongly that one should not in any way promote the false concept that you can cleanse the vaccine because you cannot.
These almost esoteric cleanses have been used before against children's vaccines such as MMR, where they help to remove heavy metals, however I do not find them scientifically valid, and I am talking about Taygetan science, not human science.
Or in any case it is of a minimum help, if at all. So it is true that anything they do to help a vaccinated person is valid, but the sad objective reality is that the vaccinated people are already damaged for life and you cannot reverse that even with a normal Med Pod, only with the elaborate procedure described above.
About one, two or three doses of vaccines:
It is harmful and deadly from the first one. Other boosters will simply increase the amount of active substances, accelerating the process of body decay. That is to say, their harmful effects will take less time to manifest themselves. Inoculation is harmful at the level of genetic destruction with a single dose. That is why I insist that people do not get vaccinated, because the reality is that its effects are not reversible.
I fear that people will enter into the false hope or false idea that they can be inoculated to be cleansed later. Thus increasing the number of inoculants.
I have told you before that it is like a bullet in the head. It is that drastic. Just that people are unable to see it because it is not immediate like the bullet, but it is a degenerative process that can take even several years, but the effects will depend on each person.
People do not see it because it is not immediate. And when symptoms appear they will attribute them to other things, from the same sars-cov-19 another “variant” (justifying more inoculations) or to health problems that they do not relate to having been inoculated months or years ago. Including autoimmune processes, dementias, atrophies, nervous problems, collapse of the immune system, spontaneous myocardial attacks, cancers and so on, the list is endless.
If someone says we are catastrophic, I tell them the following:
Two people are talking to each other face to face, and one says to the other:
Person A.) Get out of the way, there's a bus with no brakes coming straight at you.
Person B.) I don't see any bus.
Person A.) Because you are looking in this direction and you don't see it but from where I am I can see it.
Person B.) I respect your opinion but in my opinion I don't see any bus.
Person A.) Yet here it comes and it's going to hit you.
Person B.) Look, I respect your opinion and you respect mine and we'll all be happy, it's the right thing to do, okay?
Person A.) It's going to crush you imminently.
Person B.) That's just your opinion, don't be a catastrophist.
Same with the awakened ones screaming at others about inoculations. And then they want to know how to clean up after a bus ran over them.
Gosia: Thank you! That's what I needed. But one thing. Why doesn't the medical pod regenerate these vaccine-altered cells if the idea of the medical pod is exactly that - REGENERATION to the original pattern, the one on the etheric side? Do you mean that the cellular alteration produced by the vaccine also affects the etheric DNA pattern?
Anéeka: The Med Pod is still just a machine. It does not return the cells to what is their original etheric point but replaces individual cells. That is, the machine does not repair individual cells, it replaces them entirely with new ones.
The Pod must first take a healthy cell, form a DNA map of what the person is like, then replace the damaged cells in the body with new stem cells programmed to each point in the body by using a high-energy hologram of extremely high precision.
The problem is that the genetic change of the inoculated person alters each and every cell from minutes after the inoculation, therefore the Pod has no basis to regenerate these cells because it cannot differentiate a cell altered by the inoculation with the original code of that person.
So we would enter here the field of genetic engineering, to return the body to its original state, but unlike an accident for example, if 100% of the cells to be replaced in a body are damaged it is equivalent to a new body (cloning) and for that ideally a reliable sample of the original DNA of the affected person would be needed.
The problem with inoculation is that it changes the DNA base of each cell. It cannot then return to its original pattern because it is no longer in the cells. This causes a disparity between the body and the soul or Source signal in the inoculated person, causing them to not be compatible. And the more doses they have, the more the disparity between the body and its DNA and the person's frequency: which explains the behavioral changes, and dementias among inoculated people.
The return to the original pattern would occur generations after the alteration, at least one generation, but as I have told you, if people are sterilized with the inoculations, there will be no subsequent generations to regenerate the DNA.
Already in 5D an altered-inoculated person could have benefits by activating his/her DNA from 22 chromosomes 2 strands to 24 chromosomes 12 strands. However, this will take much longer, I am talking about 7 years which is the personal time it takes to replace all the cells in the human body (and this is speculating as we have no data to support this at this time). However, the harmful effects of the inoculations will destroy the person's body much sooner than 7 years, creating the inability to regenerate their DNA, even being in 5D.
Another problem is that even if it is re-activated, who knows what is re-activated since the damage to the body's DNA is all the body and all the DNA, creating for example the potential for serious alterations and birth defects in people having been brought into 5D by triggering unforeseen changes to the person's DNA caused by the inoculations.
Moreover: I assure you that if a person comes to me still alive with a bullet in the head, it will be more easily repaired in a Med Pod than an inoculated person. I'm just telling the truth. Sad but I can't give “hopium”. The Med Pod has no problem repairing bullets in the head, that's what it's for.
Gosia: What advice can we give then for people who are already vaccinated?
Anéeka: Look for ways to improve your health dramatically. Improve your general health. Little else can be done. Still some will be able to live for years after inoculation, if it was only one. That is its purpose, not to be immediate. It also depends on the controllers, whether or not they activate the graphene vaccines contain.
Gosia: Yes. I would say just try to improve your overall health as much as you can, and live life the best way you can. Because vaccinated or not, we should all live like this, as if it is our last day, because we will all die, and at any moment. So what to do? The same as any unvaccinated person would do. Be healthy, take care of your soul, and live life, whatever is left for all of us.
Questions Anéeka answered live on Robert's live show:
Question: I have to have my wisdom teeth pulled. I'm afraid the anesthesia will have something in it?
Anéeka: Does it hurt or why do you have it pulled? On Earth they take them out for no reason, it weakens the immune system to take out wisdom teeth, they should only be taken out if they are a real unsolvable problem. Unlikely with anesthesia but please reconsider pulling them.
Question: So there are two toxins in vaccines, DNA modification and graphene?
Anéeka: No, there are countless toxins and harmful compounds in there, not just those two.
Question: Does graphene have anything to do with Black Goo?
Anéeka: Yes, it is related, but graphene has nano technology.
Question: Is sexual transmission also for those who performed PCR?
Anéeka: It is highly probable, yes. Yes, you can get it from nanotechnology and other things that we are just trying to isolate and study. But there are indications that they do get it, since there are many serious reports already.
Question: What about people who have passed the disease and are not vaccinated?
Anéeka: Nothing, they have not passed “the disease” since there is no Covid, they just passed another disease that has always been there.
Question: So I guess the anesthesia has it too.
Anéeka: Everything is containing graphene pieces, but I can't say for sure what each drug has, so I advise to stay away from taking medicines as much as possible.
Question: Blood transfusions from a vaccinated person could contaminate us?
Anéeka: Of course, that is a 100% guarantee that everything will pass to you, that is the same as getting vaccinated. That is a no no. Like getting vaccinated, same thing, same effect.
Question: So the natural mechanisms of healing and elimination (detox) are not enough to get rid of the chemicals in the injection? Why not?
Anéeka: That's right, they are not, and that's because the damage is at the genetic level. They become modified organisms, GMO people.
Question: And the newborn babies are also being inoculated with the same vaccine as adults?
Anéeka: Vaccines are specific to age and social or regional group or race. They are special for children even if they seem to be the same.
Question: Do you also get the graphene with the PCR?
Anéeka: Definitely YES. It is a microinjection directly into the brain, chip-nano implant. Searching for a deadly contagious virus at the base of the brain inside the nose makes no sense whatsoever.
Question: Why do they violate the rights of the Spanish constitution and the judges do nothing?
Anéeka: Because this comes from above the capacities of those judges who have been mostly bought or even threatened. Yes, the laws are being violated with this, and with the laws you can defend yourselves from mandatory vaccinations, use them as much as you can.
Question: Would the discrediting of the Russian vaccine be more of a distraction?
Anéeka: Many have been discredited, like the Chinese one too. I see this as the action of people who are already realizing its content as an inoculation and not as a vaccine against anything. I see it as positive but it can be a distraction, but for the moment I see it as something positive.
Question: How do we know if a vaccinated person has contaminated us?
Anéeka: It is very difficult to know because the symptoms can be of diseases that have always existed, such as influenza. That is why vaccinated people are dangerous, but because of the little we know about it at the moment, it is difficult to know unfortunately. And we don't know to what extent they are, or are not, contagious.
Question: Aneeka, I have to have a surgery and I already had to have PCR. What to do?
Anéeka: Improve your health as best you can, general health. Continue your life, but do not accept more of the same, much less vaccinations. The same for a vaccinated person. And no more doses. Improve your health, how you eat, exercise and all that.
Question: Why can't the toxins from the vaccine be eliminated from the body?
Anéeka: Because they reproduce, because the body needs enzymes that degrade and break down compounds in order to process and eliminate them and there are no enzymes for those compounds. Also because the damage is at the intra-cellular genetic level. They cannot be cleaned because physically they are already another person.
Question: When a vaccinated person dies, can they go to the Source?
Anéeka: Yes, whatever they do to the body has nothing to do with the Source “soul” signal. The soul just takes the ugly experience with it. But nothing touches the “soul”, don't worry.
Question: 5G antennas, how do they affect vaccinated and unvaccinated people?
Anéeka: The 5G and other systems control and program what the graphene and nano chips do inside the body of each vaccine.
Another day:
Gosia: Aneeka... before I forget, someone asks, “Gosia, it would be interesting to know what compounds are there in the vaccines so that they can't be cleaned?”
Anéeka: Without listing them with human names, basically they are compounds that are genetically engineered molecularly designed to act on certain parts of the DNA strands within each cell of the human body, changing those parts for other parts, thereby creating a genetic alteration or change, turning those who have been inoculated into GMO or genetically altered organisms.
Once the change has been made, this is the new cellular-genetic pattern and cannot be reversed without creating complex bio-genetic systems again. This change is not perfect, as is to be expected by creating mutations in the replicating cells at random. These mutations are similar to those caused by exposure to ionizing radiation. In other words, they are mutations that do not create new healthy tissue, and are basically described as cancerous cellular reproduction processes.
Part of the objectives of the genetic change of vaccines are firstly the sterilization of the population and secondly the alteration of the cellular-neuronal biochemistry with a view to reducing or removing the empathy and the need for spirituality of the human being.
This is possible because what is done is to alter the very frequencies with which the neurons work as a chemical-electrical network, where the Source signal of the very high frequency does not link with the brain of the inoculated people. It has been identified exactly which genes to attack or change, the so-called god genes under the names given by human geneticists.
In addition to these compounds engineered to turn human beings into genetically altered organisms, there is a huge amount of graphene that is the pack mule of invasive nanotechnology. The same graphene alters the body at the cellular level by entering or adhering to the cells and making them reactive to electromagnetic waves such as those emitted by cellular-mobile phone networks whether 5G or not.
In addition to all of the above, vaccines contain all kinds of cellular debris, including pieces of aborted human fetuses and a whole soup of organic products mostly of human origin that are present for the purpose of creating total chaos in the human immune system by collapsing it, giving entry to all kinds of infections and autoimmune processes that the same plan further attributes to a new variant of the sars-cov-19 virus. This in the short to medium term, from immediately after inoculation to about two years later at the most likely.
This is also intended to create a host of health problems for the human population that completely undermine their resources and those of their families as they attempt to needlessly heal their loved ones, plunging them into poverty while feeding Big Pharma.
Each group of compounds within each batch of vaccine is assigned to a specific population group, whether by race, gender, age or socio-economic status. Each specific batch assigned will have a different amount of each type of compound with a view to altering or causing different harm or harm of a different nature depending on the population group, as decided by the controllers.
An example of this is to cause chronic health problems to the economically active population with a view to continue exploiting them for longer, for their work and for the money it will give to Grand Pharma. Not because the controllers need it, but to serve as a method of absolute control over the population, who will spend their few resources on medicines instead of living better.
On the other hand, the elderly will receive stronger doses with a view to simply eliminating them faster by adding them to the ranks of Covid statistics. As for the children, it is a mix between sterilization, with the young ones too of course, and the elimination of what the controllers deem to be surplus children, for example in underdeveloped countries.
Gosia: Thank you. And another question, it has been mentioned before, but not clearly (as I understand there is no precise data): how to protect from vaccinated people? Do they really pose the danger? What happens if one is vaccinated and the other is not in a marriage?
Anéeka: The only way to protect against vaccinated ones is by the same methods that have been used to isolate people with highly contagious diseases. That is, isolation, distancing and assigning personal utensils, so that they are not shared.
We still do not know for sure how contagious the vaccinated people will be for the unvaccinated, but any risk will be less than that of being directly vaccinated, since the injection of substances directly into the bloodstream passes or bypasses all the body's self-protection systems such as the mucous membranes or the skin itself.
As for partners, having sexual relations, as has always happened or has always been the case, everything is shared, even frequencies, so it is virtually like a blood transfusion, that is to say, contagion is assured.
Within the vaccines themselves there are organic wastes of human origin as I described above that cause immune system collapse reactions. This will cause the body of the inoculated to go into a state of alarm for multiple infections and self-attack problems, creating an environment in which the cells attempt to cleanse themselves and attempt to communicate with other cells by the process of releasing exosomes, which are basically viruses, making them highly contagious of all kinds of exosome - virus signals that the body of a healthy person can be receptive to triggering conditions or health problems accordingly. ← Process not described above.
Another day:
Robert: How does a normal virus behave as opposed to what we are told? What differences are there?
Anéeka: A real virus stays in a place like a surface only for a limited time before it simply destroys itself. It has little or no skin entry and needs something like mucous membranes or direct injury to enter a body.
A virus is not a living thing, it does not have a plan, it does not react to adversity therefore it does not mutate to counteract drugs or to adapt to a new environment. The virus is only a container with partial DNA-RNA. It is inert and only triggers intracellular mechanisms that were already latent or programmed in every living cell of a person or host. That is, a virus does not cause disease, none, it would only trigger a reaction that was already in the cells to which it adheres when it reaches them.
If such a condition is not latent, in potential in those cells, it simply will not be activated and the virus is discarded without causing any damage. Whether or not it is compatible will depend on the cell's receptors on its outer membrane which functions as its brain.
In a cell its brain that reacts and is "thinking" as in reaction-decision making is the outer membrane, the cell nucleus being the reproductive system of the cell.
So when a virus arrives and comes in contact with the cell membrane, it will have receptors that will or will not be in agreement with those of the virus, which are like spikes that it has on its exterior. They serve as keys that have to fit into a lock that is in the cell in order to enter the cell. If the combination is incorrect, the virus has no effect on the cell.
Unlike a virus that is an inert and immobile fixed “key”, a cell can change the combination of its “locks” according to the circumstances that it lives and according to its convenience.
Robert: You say: “It has little or no entry through the skin and needs something like mucous membranes or direct injury to enter a body”. Could it enter through the eyes?
Anéeka: Yes. Or it's on your hand and you rub your eyes or you pick your nose.
Robert: And so if that virus were real people would have to cover their eyes?
Anéeka: And they do say that they should cover their eyes, it is part of the Covid guidelines. So these parts are true and not true, depending on what they say.
But for something to work against the Covid virus if it were real, people, ALL of them, on the street should be dressed like this: (image) **Images not supported**
It is said that the mask is to contain the Flugger droplets which are the droplets of saliva that people naturally expel when talking and breathing. It is true that something is contained, but the virus is so small that it passes through the mask anyway, creating a cloud of virus - exosomes around people IN THE SAME QUANTITIES as a person breathing and talking without a mask. So it makes exactly no difference whether or not the mask contains-stops Flugger droplets.
Robert: Why are doctors unable to see what is going on?
Anéeka: That's the big question and it's complex to answer. (By the way I didn't finish my point above about how viruses work).
What happens is that in the first place doctors only obey the directives given to them by the medical mafia. They do not question anything, because they are indoctrinated to believe in medical science as it was imposed on them since they were in universities.
I have seen them use words or expressions such as “there are guidelines that...”, “it is known that...”, and the like, where they are not thinking but repeating like parrots what they are told in medical schools and medical articles. In other words, they just repeat and dare not question the medical authorities.
So any normal doctor comes into conflict against those who do think for themselves because they do not see any authority in them, while those see authority in others who have published official medical articles in accepted and recognized journals such as the American Journal of Medical Science or similar.
Which means that normal doctors only think they are doctors and believe they know the truth just because they have memorized their university classes. Always assuming that the inconsistencies they may see have a logical explanation, just that they cannot see it because they feel it is not in their level of medical understanding, assuming or taking for granted that the medical authorities who published the papers do know the answer.
So it is again the problem that they do not know how to think for themselves delegating their power to authorities that are “above them”.
It also happens that the whole medical structure and especially that concerning the study of viruses has been artificially altered for decades to fit this narrative.
Another big problem, going back to viruses - exosomes, is that you can never create a vaccine against a virus. Because it is a trigger of an already latent condition within each cell and that is programmed at the DNA level. That is to say that it does not cause an immune reaction other than that of a foreign body.
To block a virus you need to manufacture a reactive biological substance against its sensors or spikes (receptors) neutralizing them. But this cannot be done without harming the rest of the host organism since the virus is made from the host itself. This in simple explanatory terms so that it is understood. You cannot block the key receptors of the virus without also damaging the cell that holds the lock.
Viruses, all of them, are a method of communication between cells, and a toxin elimination system. When a group of cells enters a state of alarm, due to a hostile environment within the body, they will begin to eliminate toxins and broken DNA strands that they have inside, in an attempt to survive. This secretion is called exosome.
And there is no medical data that can differentiate a virus from an exosome, since they are one and the same.
So these capsules with message (exosome virus) will only come out if the cells see appropriate and necessary their production since many times this secretion will kill the cell.
Exosomes will enter the bloodstream and cause a protective alarm reaction in other cells as long as they have or are in a similar condition to the one that excreted the exosome. That similar condition can be interpreted as the latch (lock) in my example above. That the latch has the right combination to accept and react to the presence of a specific virus.
So these secreted virus - exosomes if they are in sufficient quantity will go out into the environment outside the individual through respiration and body fluids. It will float in the air and end up entering through the mucous membranes in another individual.
If that other individual has the same latent complications as the sender of the exosome virus then it will start an alarm reaction in their body which is interpreted as the spread of a disease. If the recipient individual is not compatible, the virus - exosome will have no effect on him.
As individuals of the same group have contact with each other and, many times, most of them, share the same problems, and the same environment - habitat, this makes them prone to have the same health problems, latent, environmental toxicity that causes somatic toxicity (inside their bodies) causing them to be lock-key compatible with the exosomes of other members of their same group. But if a person is from another group, they may or may not have exosome reactivity.
This happens more often than not. That is to say, because they come from outside they do not share the same latency, therefore they do not react to the virus in the same way.
Sometimes it happens that an individual from outside arrives with foreign exosomes to an isolated community, and as this community has not had the latent pathology for a long time but it is already contained within the genetic code of the human being or any other species, it will trigger a violent response to the presence of the virus - exosome of the person coming from outside. As happened with the arrival of the Spaniards in the New World, among other similar scenarios.
So, this means that the problem, disease or medical condition, is already contained within the genetic code of a particular species. Because that is what viruses - exosomes contain, partial genetic code competent to the damage or health problem that hosts or damages the cell that has emitted it, because the virus - exosome is already inside the cell, it does not carry anything new, it only causes a cellular reaction according to the genetic DNA code that the exosome contains.
This leads us to the fact that a virus does not mutate, it does NOT create new variants to adapt to an environment.
What happens is that each individual of the species will take out its own exosomes as a response to the stimulus of other viruses - exosomes that have reached it from other individuals around it, thus creating its own variant. That is to say, strictly speaking, there is one virus variant for each person that has emitted it. And I am talking about exosome viruses that carry the same genetic code activator of one or another medical condition already inherent within individuals. For example smallpox.
This described above makes it even more impossible to create a vaccine since the isolated virus that causes a pathology varies and mutates with each person it touches.
The creation of supposed vaccines against sars-cov-19 indicates that they are not vaccines at all but they use the excuse of a non-existent viral disease to force an inoculation of the human population with other substances in order to perpetuate dark and malevolent agendas. Being that anyone with a little intelligence, and little or no medical knowledge, can realize that the components evidently within the inoculations "against" sars-cov-19 simply have nothing to do with the creation of antibodies against viruses - exosomes.
Specifically about the group of viruses called SARS that contain sars-cov-19, they are essentially respiratory pulmonary. They are flu exosomes. This means that they have a very high range of variants and of effects - symptoms. And they obey the same pattern of behavior which is that they are viruses - exosomes of chronic stress activation.
Robert: Question from a follower: “Could you ask Aneeka the difference between the PCR test and the ones that just take saliva sample from the mouth?”
Anéeka: The test itself works the same. 40 cycles of searching for a specific DNA strand common to all living things, not just in humans. It's the exact same thing in terms of the laboratory process. The difference is how the sample is obtained, one by introducing a swab into the nostrils at the base of the skull where the cartilage is thinner and where it has been reported that the introduction of the swab has ruptured, causing a spill of cerebrospinal fluid with hemorrhage, which causes meningitis.
Introducing a swab that deep makes no sense, much less looking for traces of a supposedly ultra-contagious virus. It is an excuse to introduce nanotechnology wrapped in graphene, and other substances present in the swab, from the factory directly into the person's brain. It's a sort of micro inoculation “vaccination” without the person's consent.
Robert: Another question from the follower: “Robert, don't you think that now the virus does exist because the collective unconscious has created the egregor/tulpa?”
Anéeka: Oh yes... that makes it real from one point of view or another, but that's because people want it to be real. Decide whether you want it or not, if you don't want it then there is no virus, if you want it, then enjoy it. Still, it is not there. Not in science, neither human nor non-human.
And it will become very real and a problem for everyone if they keep manifesting it, and it is already on its way as a result of the effects of fake vaccines that are actually inoculations that lower the immune system and make the body prone to all kinds of infections and medical conditions. When the immune system collapses, as it does with HIV patients (also invented by the way), it will produce a zoo of exosomes called viruses that will actually infect other people who are not as sick or who have the same latent conditions, thus creating a true pandemic.
This goes not only for viruses and exosomes but for another zoo of diseases of all kinds, contagious or not, coming from opportunistic unicellular organisms, creating a real pandemic, caused not by one but by countless different diseases, which governments will quickly catalog as another variant of Covid, and thus having the perfect excuse to impose more vaccines and thus accelerate the problem even more until it ends in the largest genocide that humanity has ever seen. Go ahead and manifest your virus as a tulpa!
Robert: Thank you. I have another one. You said: “A virus is not a living thing, it doesn't have a plan, it doesn't react to adversity therefore it doesn't mutate to counteract drugs or to adapt to a new environment.” And then you said... “This leads us to the fact that a virus does not mutate, it does NOT create new variants to adapt to an environment.” And then you say, “This described above makes it even more impossible to create a vaccine since the isolated virus that causes some pathology varies and mutates with each person it touches.” So, does it mutate or does it not mutate? I understand it doesn't but why does it say it mutates?"
Anéeka: Okay. I clarify. The virus doesn't mutate by itself, it's not something that has an agenda or that changes, like a staphylococcus would. The virus is just something that is secreted by people's cells when certain conditions occur. So the virus doesn't mutate, it just is.
But each different person whose cells respond to the stimulus of another person's exosomes will create slightly different exosomes or viruses. Because it comes from another person, not the original one. So the virus is not mutated. It is mutated by each person as they mutate their cells.
It's like making paper airplanes. You make one, I make another, Paul will make another. It's not that the airplane mutates because you can see the differences, but rather they are slightly different because they were made by different people. And they all started making paper airplanes because they got the same idea. The same with viruses.
Gosia: But wouldn't that amount to mutated virus? HOW it has mutated... that would be a story apart, but the result is a MUTATED VIRUS.
Anéeka: The mutation process is not the same, it is not a mutation from the point of view of what defines a biological mutation.
A staphylococcus does mutate. It changes inside as a response to the environment in which it lives, resulting in differences or changes (mutations) in its descendants as a method of adaptation to its environment.
A virus lacks this ability, it is only a stimulus that if the conditions are right, will cause another person to make its own specific and particular version of the first virus-stimulus it received in the beginning.
It is like writing a letter with a message manually. You send it to another person, he reads it and writes the same message by hand, and so on. In the end, there will be many read and copied and drafted messages with the points of view of each person, the final message will be changed without wanting. People changed the message little by little as it came into their hands. The original message in the first letter was not mutated, it was mutated by the people as the message was passed on. Same with viruses.
Robert: Thank you. I have this Question: “But you are not going to protect yourself from the vaccinees, the graphene is in the water itself”.
Anéeka: Yes, it is everywhere, even in chemtrails. It is to promote the reactivity of biological organisms to electromagnetic radiation among other things. But it is in small quantities compared to the content of the inoculations.
And since the inoculations contain not only graphene but many other harmful things, they obviously have to be avoided at all costs.
Robert: What would you say to someone who says: “I create my reality and I will be fine in it”.
Anéeka: Yes, you create your reality, everyone will create their reality, it is true. Not only by believing but by living according to the reality that you want. And that means that by living according to your personal reality, you will refuse anything that goes against that desired reality, and that would include inoculations.
Notice that I no longer say vaccines, because they are not vaccines, that is something else. They are forced inoculations. Each thing by its name.
Gosia: I have this Question: “What does a vaccinated person infect a non-vaccinated person with? Nanobots? Graphene oxide? Parasites that are in vaccines? Or DNA modification? I would like to know. Thanks!”
Anéeka: It's not even clear to us. What is known is that they are 100% infected by nano bots, and also the body stress conditions that exosomes cause that would affect the unvaccinated people by triggering medical conditions if applied to them. That is, depending on the health of the unvaccinated ones. Because the inoculated ones are a zoo of latent conditions about to be triggered by the biological compounds of the sars-cov-19 inoculations in addition to the graphite and nanotechnology part.
But we feel there is something else here, and we are on it ←
Having said all this, you must take responsibility for your lives, not expect us to give you everything, because we can't. Otherwise, you will have the same attitude that caused the problem in the first place.
Social Networks Disconnection - Text only
Communication from Aneeka regarding the FB and other networks cutoff:
Anéeka: Yesterday's event was investigated by us as much as possible, mostly by analyzing metadata and connecting the dots. We see that it was a false digital flag that is like a simulation of what would happen if social networks were down. It's like the event 201 at the end of 2019 where they did a large-scale simulation of a pandemic. So this is for us the digital equivalent of event 201.
Anonimus claimed responsibility for the attack and that they passed money on to those in need, which we see as yet another proof that Anonimus is part of their disinformation machine.
So what we predict they could do is cut social networks in the near future, days, weeks or months. Before the end of the year OR at the end of the year as they did with the pandemic. Most likely scenario that we see: they will throw out social networks (not the entire Internet) by mid-December.
What I recommend is to take precautions and to adopt alternative communication systems and platforms immediately.
Our best data and connecting the dots indicates that they would remove all the social and communication media between people or the general population that are under the control of the Cabal, that is: Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram, Instagram, Discord, and the like.
This information obviously comes from analyzing many terrestrial sources, we have no other way, and with that we connect the dots, to reach the conclusion of how we see things combined with our knowledge of how the Cabal works. In other words, nothing is certain. We can only speculate gathering intelligence.
Several people are already saying, the conspiranoids, that this is part of the reset and that QAnon and Trump will take over social networks and tell the truth and expose the lies. What we see is more control. Cutting off people´s ability to communicate with each other and coordinate.
This is only a probability of what could happen, it cannot be known for sure, but it cannot be ignored either. There are clear signals that they want to do this, to cut off social networks, because it is logical - so that people cannot organize among themselves.
Followed by a drill comes the actual "cyber attack". Because they will say that it was a "cyber attack". So in order to use Internet, people must fully identify themselves so that it is safe, the Internet, because of that "horrible" cyber attack of December 2021, for example, where the networks went down. Create problem to sell solution. To make people lose all anonymity in the networks and so that they cannot communicate. Because we don't see them cutting off the entire internet. They will only go for social networks.
So the domains will remain without interference (probably). What they would take away are their big social media (WhatsApp, Discord, Telegram, Facebook, Instagram and the like). And why? Because people are using their platforms to organize against the Cabal. So you have to remove those means so that people cannot communicate en masse with others. That is logical and predictable.
How would they justify all this? Again, they will say that it was the work of cyber pirates and illegal hackers. The mass of the people are still asleep and they will believe that those were hackers and pirates, Ransomware, or similar excuse.
And with this:
1.) They remove social networks isolating people.
2.) They impose new rules where people will need a license and a digital identification to access the internet.
This as if it were a 911, September 11, 2001, but with the internet. Taking away people's rights.
It is not known if all this will happen or not. It is only logical. Those simulation events like yesterday precede real events. It is seen all the time. It is how they operate. Simulation --- False Flag. The same, always, and whatever kind of false flag.
But we emphasize, this is not a prediction of the Nostradamus kind. Rather, it is an estimate with the best data and the best available logic. So yes, see it as my warning, that I DO see it very possible. But it is only possible. Very possible, but we can't know.
If people organize, everything goes down for the Cabal. It is already a total war against the population. They already see it that way, that it is them, the Cabal, or the people. Because if the masses wake up and manage to organize then they would go for the Cabal and goodbye to their power, lynchings begin and all that.
That is why, by connecting the dots, I do see the danger of social media being cut off because that is what they need to be able to continue perpetuating their depopulation agenda without the awakened people interfering. Because the starseeds ARE affecting the masses. Starseeds are no small thing. The Cabal sees them as a SERIOUS problem. So, according to my data, it's time to cut off the social media. Or else people will get too organized. Remember all the marches and riots, that even if they know how to control them, are organized using their means, their platforms.
But the truth is, we don't have all the answers. It's just something that we see as a logical development. If your enemy is using YOUR server to communicate, what do you do? You ban it. Or maybe they have other plans. Not good ones for sure. We cannot know at this point. Perhaps in the next few days something more will be known. At the moment we can only speculate with the best data and by connecting the dots.
Pineal Gland, Nuclear Bombs, Federation, and much more - MINITOPICS - Extraterrestrial Information
Robert: Where do you get the monatomic gold in the Med Pods? From the Ether? Or does that not work?
Yazhi: Yes it works. It is printed directly with the necessary atomic structure. The organic cannot be replicated, the mineral yes.
Robert: So you don't need to do special mining? Can all of that be replicated?
Yazhi: Yes, almost everything can be replicated. But I must say that everything natural is preferred.
Robert: But why? Does it have other properties?
Yazhi: More than anything the ideas. I see that it does not matter. Like me who prefer genuine Polly Mattel dolls, not replicated ones.
Gosia: Question from a follower. "Densities - Vedanta - Philosophy of Oneness. Did Taygetans involve themselves in the development of the Vedas since the teachings are so similar?"
Yazhi: That is star knowledge. We didn't make it up. It doesn't have to be us seeding the information, any other with access to the same ancient truths can. What we say does not belong to us, it belongs to us all. And yes star beings have been helping humanity throughout the ages, and also battling other forces that want to confuse and suppress. Easy to see who is wanting to help, and who is wanting to exploit, who is positive and who is negative as from the point of view of humans and their needs. Those who share freely and promote study of everything people can get their hands on, but ask to use all that knowledge with discernment, mind and wisdom, are positive, and those who hide, censor and suppress what others want to say, are negative and regressive.
Gosia: Question from a follower: "Nuclear weapons are a big no no to the Federation. Then how come the two nuclear bombs were allowed to be detonated over Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan?"
Yazhi: I don't have the answer. Here it is said that it was unexpected, so those two detonations brought on an alarm on to the Federation representatives near Earth. Making them start a Council to intervene some way or another starting the famous 3 waves of volunteers as described well by Dolores Cannon.
It gets worse. It's not only those 2 detonations that kind of do not fit into the Federation banning nuclear weapons narrative. We must add countless, many, many, I don't even have the right number, of nuclear detonations called tests. Being them on the surface or underground tests, explosions all over and caused by many countries, US, Russia France, the list is long. Those also alter the cloth between densities, dimensions, it kills everything and prevents it from growing again. So it's not 2 nuclear detonations, we are talking about many, dozens of detonations.
But, on the other hand, if you are versed in UFO lore, you know that UFOs have a long history of interacting with nuclear sites, warehouses and missiles. They have a history of deactivating nuclear weapons all over the world. And it is said that the reason why nuclear detonation tests stopped because the Federation pressed the human representatives to stop them.
So yes, there is evidence here and there on Earth that the Federation does intervene to stop nuclear weapons. But there is no evidence here or there, about Federation intervening directly on other topics and problems.
Then we may have a problem defining what is intervention, because in that case even me writing this is intervention to stop the problems of Earth at hand today. So it's not so easy to define intervention. But with nuclear weapons, it is pretty much as I have described above.
Robert: Pineal Gland - what does it do?
Anéeka: It's a signal modulator, using a term example from tech gadgets. But it works in conjunction with the rest of the brain. The etheric signal from the "soul" contrary to what everyone on Earth, the New Agers, will tell you, does not enter through the pineal gland, but through the entire brain and through all the living cells of the body as a whole. But the pineal, one could say that it is an interface between this signal and the conscious brain. It is like a translator of the translator, to modify the signal for the conscious person, projecting the etheric experience like an astral travel towards translating that into the material world as the memory of what happened.
In other words, it causes something from another plane of existence to be remembered (not experienced) by the individual. Like dreams, for example. Or astral visions, remote viewing and visions of other planes.
So the signal of what is not from the material world passes or enters the body through every living cell, especially the nervous cells, the central nervous system and the brain, and then the pineal gland helps the conscious part of the person to remember those experiences that he or she anyway always has. That is why people believe that the pineal is the eye that allows us to see what is not evident, other planes. But it is not that it sees it, but it translates it into something understandable by the subject.
The pineal gland has inside, among its cellular structures, rods as in the eye, these rods are not that they "see" or react with the impression of a light stimulus, but rather they use the same structure of translation towards a system of nerves that come out of the gland to the cortical brain among other places. So the rods only use the same structure and electro-chemical principle of the rods of the retina of the eye, to put an impression or nervous stimulus similar to that of the eye, so that the subject experiences something that he will interpret as "seeing" something with a image that does not come from the eyes.
The nerve structures of the pineal gland are largely connected to the psycho-visual area of the brain that is located at the back of the brain, just as the optic nerves do.
The pineal translates the signal into stimuli that the psycho-visual area of the brain can interpret as images. But it doesn't get the signal from the spiritual side. This is done by the brain and body itself. Or it doesn´t do it alone, but the whole brain, body and pineal all together do that job.
Robert: Would the size of the pineal be related to the subject's degree of consciousness?
Anéeka: It may be related as cause and effect, but usually it is not necessarily related. The awakening of a subject does not depend on his brain structure. But of his intention, soul and reasoning.
Fun fact: the Taygetan brain has a pineal gland about 400% larger than that of the average human, which also makes or increases the connection with the Source, increases telepathy and the ability to make astral travel and use other senses or faculties called extrasensory.
Robert: What are those lights that they claim to have seen in the Mexico Earthquake? That's normal?
Swaruu X (Athena): That's HAARP. They say it's tectonic, no it's not tectonic. It is electromagnetism that electrically charges the atmosphere through that device. It always trembles in September in Mexico, and twice on the 7th and twice on the 19th. That is no coincidence.
Robert: Because a normal earthquake doesn't bring out those lights, right?
Swaruu X (Athena): They say that yes, the humans. We do not see a strong correlation. Minimal. Not like lights that size. That is artificial. Yes, small lights have been reported before, even in ancient times, but not that size, that's new.
Robert: And what is the objective of causing these earthquakes and in that month?
Swaruu X (Athena): It is not known, something shady again, their rituals and Illuminati numerology. Make the population suffer, they do that all the time with various human populations all the time, or with all of them rather.
Anéeka: Volcano in Canarias, note that it began to erupt on September 19. Same day as the 1985 and 2019 Mexico earthquake, both on September 19. That is not normal and yes there was HAARP activity in the zone, and we see that this is artificial. In other words, the volcano was made to erupt artificially.
Robert: But why?
Anéeka: The same as with the earthquakes, creating chaos, distraction so that they do not focus against the covid and all that. Sacrifices to their entities, all that together.
Robert: What do you know about the vestigial organs of the human body? They say that they do not work due to the evolution of the human being but that is Darwinism.
Anéeka: They all have a purpose, there are no "Vestigial Organs". Example, the appendix. It is actually a node like the tonsils to contain infections. It is a tonsil for the "gut". It is a sensory organ and secrets amygdala that detects and controls infections in the gastric system. You can see it as a sensor. It triggers glandular reactions and modulates them to deal with gastric problems.
Gosia: And why does it hurt so much? And then people remove it.
Anéeka: Because it gets infected (like the tonsils too) and it is due to a poor diet, based on carbohydrates and sugars that the gastric system cannot handle, lack of fibers, and nutrients.
Robert: And what are the consequences of extracting the appendix?
Anéeka: Ongoing stomach and gastric problems. Still the system tries to compensate.
Robert: And the coccyx?
Anéeka: Terminal of the spine.
Robert: But it's good for something else or just for that? To be the terminal? Why does there have to be a terminal?
Anéeka: Because without a terminal it wouldn't end. Only in this way does the spine end, in addition to the coccyx there are large nodes of nerve endings of the hip.
Robert: And what about sinuses?
Anéeka: Olfactory sensor´s pass to the brain. Connection with the taste system.
Robert: A question from a follower: "If they are supposed to have no government, question: to have the Federation, isn´t that to delegate your power? As we do when giving our votes to politicians?
Anéeka: That's true. And the people of Taygeta no longer like this and they no longer agree, therefore Alenym has moved Taygeta away from the Federation as much as possible. Being that Taygeta is only a member of the Federation through the Council of Alcyone and not directly. Yes, because it restricts and controls what free peoples want. Even with their policies of only cooperation and not of intervention in internal affairs of the planets that compose them. So officially the Federation does not get involved in the affairs of the peoples or the cultures that compose it. But in practice, they do limit or interfere.
So the socio-spiritual level of the Taygeta people is already such that they are in a position of not needing the Federation, and they do not accept that rules are imposed on them. Although no rule is officially imposed.
Robert: So what does Taygeta have to do, get out of Alcyone's Council?
Anéeka: It is not convenient because there is a more consistent cooperation there. What Taygeta does now through Alenym is to separate from the Federation directly. That is, Taygeta does whatever on its own, and if the Federation wants to limit that, it has to go through the Council of Alcyone. Even so, Taygeta must follow rules of coexistence in space. Like the annoying First Directive. Although Taygeta decides what to pay attention to and what not, with more freedom. At least mostly.
Robert: What are you going to do now?
Anéeka: Within the limits of our possibilities, serve as guides so that the people themselves can free themselves from the hands of the Cabal, whoever they are. We cannot do it directly, only as guides. People should do the work, not us. We cannot and it does not correspond to us. We can make people aware of other options. But we can't do the work for humans. Or only to a limited extent by sending voluntary starseeds there. So yes we can interfere, but only that way. (many races work like this... only through starseeds).
That said, we do help more than meets the eye, but we cannot and should not take credit for such things. But WE know it, we know the influence we have and that is why we continue, because it is what moves us, because it is what makes us feel that we make a difference.
Robert: In addition, you could be seen as invasive by some.
Anéeka: That is one of the reasons why we do not say more about what we do.
Robert: Some already say you come to invade.
Anéeka: Only their own mentality is reflected. There is nothing there on Earth that we need to invade for.
Another reason we care is because many people on Earth are members of our race or are friends of our race.
Anéeka of Temmer: On Earth the lunar frequencies are the ones that mostly govern the cycles of women. There’s also an influence in between other women and their proximity and with men, but in general it is mostly lunar. It is also because everything is left to be seen as something inevitable that happens to a woman and that’s it.
Here there are no lunar frequencies, so what dominates is the mind, more than the hormonal stimuli of the environment and of the other people around. But of course, relationships with other people influence the mood and with that your mind. It’s not perfect.
But for us it is normal to go many months or even years without a menstrual cycle. And suddenly something deconcentrates us or takes us out of the ordinary, and there it is again. This means that there is birth control using only mind, of course.
The problem is that after her period a Taygetean woman will not have a fertility corridor of a few days, but that fertility corridor can be up to a month later. After the date of the next cycle is skipped then again it is known that one is no longer fertile.
Another difference is that the Taygetean woman has a tendency to store sperm in the ovaries, which means that she has the potential for pregnancy, even years later. And if that were not enough, even a virgin can get pregnant since with 24 chromosomes, we have a strong tendency to get self-pregnant, that is, self-cloning.
So although Taygetean women have the ability to control their cycles mentally, the disadvantage is that if you are not careful with your thoughts and deep desires, you will always have the "threat" of getting pregnant.
Of course, to prevent this there are contraceptive methods that suppress this, be it any of the 3 ways of getting pregnant by the Taygetean woman. These methods are mostly hormonal, similar to those on Earth. It has also been previously tested with specific frequencies but the aura of the woman prevails over the instrument, nullifying it. So hormonal is still the safest.
Estel·la: And in that case of pregnancy when storing the sperm, how do you know whose child it is? Is it possible to choose conscientiously when wishing for pregnancy?
Anéeka of Temmer: The truth is that if the woman was with more than one man, you cannot know whose son it is. Only with DNA tests. But it also happens that it depends on the number of times a woman was with which man, being then that the one who tends to dominate over the sperm of others.
The problem is that even at the ovarian level, sometimes the sperm, although no longer mobile, only being present in conservation by the same ovary, can impregnate a new ovum. Or an ovumwithout being mature, it can be already fertilized and ready, but be there latent for years until it is mature and if the circumstances are correct, pregnancy occurs. It can be argued that with the mind and with the desire, it is possible to prevent an ovum fertilized by someone unwanted from forming and being that of another that is desired, the new partner for example.
But this is a problem that all the women of Taygeta carry. There, human women do have an advantage, although we have verified that they also conserve sperm from their partners for life. Which indicates and accentuates the need to be very careful with the partners that one has, being that things like promiscuity, are something very destructive or with very destructive potential.
Estel·la: How long does your menstrual cycle last on average? Do you also have problems with very abundant or irregular cycles?
Anéeka of Temmer: That's right, it lasts about 5-6 days, on average. Sometimes it can last 4. As for irregular, the Taygetean woman is very irregular, as you would imagine from what is described above, and we also suffer from abundant and scarce cycles and pain and colic and all that.
Cristina: And hormones as a contraceptive method is not harmful?
Estel·la: I had always seen the ones here as super harmful, canceling the cycle completely and causing a lot of problems.
Anéeka of Temmer: On Earth I know that it is controversial, for example they say that one gains weight, and many people defend that, but we found no evidence. It seems to be used as excuses. Here with the hormones we have it is said that they are perfectly safe.
Estel·la: I have not only observed that, but also physical consequences on the body such as swelling and infections of the nipples, changes of character, not being able to sleep ...
Anéeka of Temmer: It may have to do with it. It is that the amount of hormones present in human pills can be unnecessarily high. I know they sell the same compound but at a lower dosage. I thinkthat is too strong and it must be reduced. It’s also necessary to see what hormones and as is logical, that they are very synthetic, with other harmful things. But that is a problem with the pharmaceutical company, not with the method itself and how it is supposed to work. Maybe trying another brand and dosage.
Estel·la: At what age does the period appear for the first time in Taygetean woman? Do you also suffer from menopause?
Anéeka of Temmer: At what age? Around the age of 13, rarely before, whereas to the human woman it can appear around the age of 9. There is no menopause here, the Taygetean woman remains potentially fertile all the time. The only difference is that many really old women, emotionally and intellectually are very stable, they know what they want and what they don't want. Being that this is reflected on the control they have over their body. And they never have a period again. Perhaps this can be called menopause, although the origin is different.
Estel·la: Thank you Anéeka, this is very interesting. And does it bring any physical or emotional consequences to retain your period for a long time? It is said here that having it releases energies as well.
Anéeka of Temmer: I don't know, but one feels very free and secure. And the more time passes, the more secure you feel because even if you have emotional ups and downs, you know that you still keep your mind at peace and in control of your body.
Estel·la: And what methods do you use when you have your period?
Anéeka of Temmer: Basically the same items in feminine hygiene that you have there, but more natural, without chemicals in the towels. It can be uncomfortable, but it is the healthiest way. Also unlike on Earth, here the menstrual cycle is highly respected and is not seen as something negative or dirty. Since here the cycle is not something that is really a problem, as in the sense of having to keep running despite that. Here it is taken as an opportunity to rest a little, stay at home, break with the routine. As here there are no bosses to tell you anything.
Inclusive (although this can be controversial for Earth), menstrual blood can be used to energetically demarcate the boundaries of your home, such as around your perimeter.
Estel·la: How long is the pregnancy? Even knowing that you do not calculate or perceive time the same.
Anéeka of Temmer: Taking into account the pregnant woman, the only real reference in terms of a time frame is about 9 to 10 months, almost the same as on Earth. Just a little bit longer, but not much.
Estel·la: And are there sometimes premature births?
Anéeka of Temmer: Yes, when a problem occurs, as is logical. However, pregnancy complications are much rarer or infrequent than on Earth. Births are almost always natural, rarely not. And as a normal procedure, it is customary to give birth under water.
As an additional fact; When parthenogenesis occurs and the woman is still a virgin at the time of giving birth, usually she gets surgical help there, because many report that this makes everything not only more complicated but much more painful. Also, more dangerous for the baby (in this case they are always girls) and also for the mother.
Estel·la: In the water like at home, the pool, or the sea? Once you commented that it was easier for you to give birth, how exactly, in a biological way?
Anéeka of Temmer: In hospitals they have special tubs for giving birth. At home in a swimming pool or in running water wells, natural. At sea I don't know, I've never heard that. The sex organs of both genders here are slightly larger than in humans. This means that the vaginal tract is more apt to give birth than in human women. That is why it is easier. Although it does not mean that it is exempt from pain and problems. It is always a difficult event.
Cristina: When you say surgical aid, do you mean like a cesarean section?
Anéeka of Temmer: In this case, the hymen is surgically removed or opened. Caesarean section; only if there is a serious problem, but it is a last resort.
Estel·la: So you have the concept of virginity there? Because here it is already being canceled, as it was imposed by religion and in reality, the hymen, breaks on its own many times. Being that there is no great difference then when having had sexual intercourse or not.
Anéeka of Temmer: The hymen of the Taygetean woman is usually stronger and thicker than that of the human woman. It is another biological difference. On Earth, virginity has been imposed as a method of population control and against women, taking away their freedoms and all that. In many aspects it is also control over the human 'farm'. Because in many ways that is what human society is.
The problem is that, looking at things carefully, in terms of sexual freedoms and contrasting this with biology, we find that promiscuity in general does not make much positive sense for any gender. Being that the debauchery in this sense is like a catharsis derived from having been in repression.
So, this does not come from a religious, moral or social aspect, but biologically it ends up damaging the person, very easy to see why in the case of the Taygetean woman, but applicable to the human as well. I'm talking mainly about women, but men too. Psychological problems also occur that later lead to social or relationship problems.
In addition to that there are the energetic aspects that are shared. In itself, one person absorbs the energy of the other, and become the other person, because they share their frequencies. It is true that they are mixed, because the frequency of one person influences that of the other, reaching an average.
But that's for normal people, let's say 'positive'. But it happens, especially on Earth, that in relationships a person will have a very dense and dominant energy, usually of low vibration. Which will dominate the other person, creating personality problems, such as spirals of negativity. Being graphic here.
This happens many times when a person has very regressive energy and gets mixed with a very positive person. The regressive person will feel great and want more. But the positive person will feel very bad, exploited, drained.
Here you can see that that person is literally draining the other of vital energy. In short, it is not a simple thing to have sex with anyone, it is something to be very careful with and thoughtful.
Estel·la: Thank you Anéeka, I agree with you. And how is the hymen surgically removed in those cases?
Anéeka of Temmer: In the traditional way, with local anesthesia and laser scalpel or compressed sound scalpel. It is a big job and task, but it is necessary. It is not a matter of morality, or religious morality. Do not confuse freedom with being free of consequences.
It's just that I have seen and studied the consequences in general. For example, and this is controversial, but I still bring it up. Although we are supposed to be equal men and women, the truth is that we are not. Even biologically.
So no matter how progressive a man is. It will always annoy him that his wife has had many partners before him. This is especially notorious in Taygeta, because despite the fact that it is a very matriarchal society, where basically women have control over society (not to be confused with nullifying the man, because it is not like that), even here, men will prefer women with fewer past partners, and this is more than logical if we remember the phenomenon of sperm retention. No man wishes to raise another's child. But of course it happens that it depends on each one, and both in Taygeta and on Earth there are many men who adopt the children of their partner. I'm not talking about this, but about deep psychology based on biological needs.
Spiritual Protection - Astral and other Negative Influences - Yazhi Swaruu Talks to Matias and I
Short chat among Robert, Gosia, and Yazhi
(Originally in Spanish)
Gosia: Yazhi, someone asks me if dream catchers and spells work or is it just pure superstition and nonsense?
Yazhi: That is white witchcraft. Yes, it works.
Gosia: Isn´t it just your ideas that is protecting you?
Yazhi: All there is, is an idea. But it is not that simple, it is not just “suggestion”, I am referring to strong spells. Because those can use shortcuts that manipulate what you do see as truth to alter your reality physically and objectively. They look for shortcuts. For example, there is a malicious spell that is to put a certain thing in front of a house - (edited censored, I do not want to give recipes for black magic) and if it is done this way, it can affect the people of the house even if they do not believe in it, and there have been many documented cases of that. But this is black magic, nothing to do with dream catchers.
The other side, the side of the dead, is not fictitious, it is physical just more tenuous, and that procedure affects people as if a physical thief or a criminal entered to hurt them.
Gosia: But how is it going to work if someone doesn't believe in that? I think again it is because of ideas.
Yazhi: You don't even have to know what it was that they put outside. But it is a physical thing. Like a thief attacking you, but that thief is from the other side, from the side of the dead, because there is still physical there.
With enough mental power yes, you defend yourself. But few people have such power there. But if you believe firmly that you defend yourself, keep it up, that's the way. Even so, this falls in the same way as eating glass with the firm idea that it will not hurt you.
Glass is an idea, it is an interpretation of a material world that passes through the manifestation of your consciousness. So you could eat glass and nothing would happen to you right? Still, you wouldn't eat real glass. It's the same here.
Real spells are physical things that can affect you the same was as other things affect you that you take for real like poisons and radiation, for example. It's like saying that cyanide is something metaphysical, that if I don't believe in it, it won't do anything to me. And that is so. But you do not have the mental and consciousness strength to deactivate that cyanide.
Gosia: But how do they become physical?
Yazhi: It is not that they become physical, they always have been, there is no physical side and non-physical side, the physical side of the dead is just more tenuous. You do not see it because your 5 senses keep you locked in what is the perception of an acceptable physical reality for the Matrix, for the 3D experience there. But there is a world of entities called the lower astral, which are physical and being physical they affect your body. Because they are real energy and matter, you just don't perceive them as such by your own perception agreements.
Weak beginner spells only use manipulation and superstition and suggestion, strong spells use more real energetic forms against their victims. Just because people don't understand how it works doesn't make them any less real.
Matias´ and Gosia´s chat with Yazhi
(Originally in English)
Matias: So today let´s talk about how to defend yourself against dark forces, ect.
Gosia: Maybe you can name all possible ways so people can shield themselves against anything that can influence them in a negative way?
Yazhi: First thing is to define what dark forces exactly are. As being stopped by an annoying Police officer is not exactly the same as dealing with witchcraft, although everything is connected. Ok, so we are going into dark forces as defined as, or of the paranormal kind.
Matias: Yes. And negative thoughts that can come from other entities or people that are effecting you in a negative way. This happens, right? So how to protect yourself against such negative effects?
Yazhi: Ok. So the foundation for this conversation would be this fact you must understand and take for granted:
All the paranormal exists and is there, it is only paranormal because you cannot see and understand it with the eyes of someone in the official Matrix with all its rules. You cannot see it usually with the naked eye but that does not mean it is not there. So the paranormal is real and from there we should start. Why it is real we can deal with later if you wish.
And yes, many thoughts, sometimes all your thoughts, are not yours, it is your mind following the dominant frequency of your environment. In other words, those thoughts that cause emotions are not yours, they belong to people surrounding you, mostly the ones closer to you.
The minute you realize and let it sink into your awareness that the paranormal is real then you start to develop natural elements to defend yourself from it. So realizing something is there is the first way to stop it from influencing you. This is one of the reasons why people who really use paranormal things wish to keep all that hidden from the people in general because it makes them more vulnerable to their sorcery.
So anything you realize that they are doing on to you will greatly neutralize those effects. But on one condition, you must be in your power, or else the simple power of suggestion will work against this effect.
Gosia: I have to interject: but didn´t you also say that my ignorance about what was in the cemetery, protected me against the negative influences there, when I said I slept there with my friends 20 years ago? Isn´t not knowing and not believing in things protecting you in a way?
Yazhi: It is a double sided sword there. It protected you in the sense that you strongly believed that being there would cause you no harm (or else you wouldn't have slept in the cemetery). So you were in your power.
Matias: You said: “You start to develop natural elements to defend yourself from it”. What are these natural elements? Some people mention white light energy, light weapons, white light abilities, ect.
Yazhi: Those are tools you can use and are helpful but in reality they hold no power. The power comes from you. Those objects only can help you channel and focus your power, mostly because now you have a dual existence perception of a being who is convinced that it has a material body being spirit as well. So your material object channels into the physical side the power you hold from the spiritual side.
Even though this can be coming from just about anything, like an amulet, some objects can give you a better sense of channeling for focusing your power. For example Athena Swaruu's favorite: a 19th century black Katana.
But before going into objects and crystals: What does it mean to be in your power or what is your power?
As I was saying the other day, everything imagination is real and solid on the spirit side when it is coming from a clear and focused intention. Nothing esoteric, nothing paranormal can hurt you if you don't consent, and don't let it hurt you. It always uses fear as its primordial tool, then it uses confusion, and trickery - mind control. But becoming fearless (not stupid) is one of the main keys to becoming immune to the paranormal.
You get your energy as a conscious being from your connection to your higher self, from Source, because you are Source, but from the point of view of a body you are getting it from outside of the body, that's why it is a signal, but this is only perception because you are always Source. (If you are Source then you are power).
So what sorcery mostly does is convince someone, a target, to close its connection from Source going into lower and lower frequencies of thought. It cannot do anything against a person directly, it can only make the target think it will be under attack or that it is under attack. So what it does is change or cause the target to think the thoughts that will make it get sick, for example if that is the intention. So yes, partially what scientists say is correct, it is “all” suggestion.
Those thoughts sorcery imposes upon the victim are designed to lower its frequency into becoming compatible with the evil intentions of the sorcerer.
Another extremely important point I must insist in is that imagination as in focused intention is the key to power against sorcery and against the paranormal. I strongly insist in this because I know how it sounds as in impossible that is not real, imagination is not real so it cannot possibly hold any power over anything - concept.
But degrading imagination like that comes from the same people, from the same conceptual Matrix that also says that the paranormal does not exist. So seeing this from that point of view, non-existent threats can only be counter-attacked with no existent weapons.
This in extremes because there are many subtle levels here as well such as the use of potions (chemicals) or summoning of entities that are solid and real as a tree but out of the perceptual range of the normal human, summoning them to help in their evil intentions.
Matias: So those light weapons, abilities... you imagine them in your hand, using them... but in reality they just help you to realize that you are the one with the power? So no need to imagine any tools … you are the tool?
Yazhi: Yes. Ultimately you don't need anything. You are the amulet. You are the weapon. (But it's so cool to wield a black Katana forged by Japanese artisans long ago). It gives you an empowering effect.
Matias: Have you heard of “invisibility cloak”? Makes you invisible in the astral? My brother said once that people often shout in the astral without them knowing it. Your thoughts in your mind are heard in the astral?
Yazhi: YES. So if you feel you are under attack, any kind of psychic attack, you can also envision yourself to become a ball of light, or you can imagine with intent that you are walking with a force field around you and that will become a force field for the astral.
Many I have heard say that this kind of advice is extremely dangerous. But I don't see why! You are not going into battle against armed men with an imaginary force field in 3D life, don't be stupid, use a Kevlar vest instead!
Each thing is a tool. Use them for what each one was made for.
But there can be a time where you realize that there is no physical to such an extent that you CAN summon a force field that does deflect real bullets. But don't expect to do that tomorrow. But it can be done.
One example is the super common night visitations events. Those in the official medical science say these are only sleep anomalies. Visitations of Succubus and Incubus. Those happen to just about everyone. From the astral point of view those are energy vampires.
When you are asleep and conscious paralyzed by them, when you realize that they are coming, when you feel that night terror... think of becoming a ball of light, golden light or any color you fancy (I do not recommend red), any high frequency light color. Imagine your bedroom suddenly illuminating you, your body, glowing like a sun. So bright it is coming out of the windows.
The succubus and incubus will run away from you, as if you had brought out your 7.62 mini-gun! The moment you face them they cannot do anything to you. It is the idea that you are helpless what makes you helpless. Every single time and everywhere especially in the astral. Even in the woods at night, when you feel observed... know that elementals may be following you, because you feel something, do not discredit it how and what you feel. Trust your intuition. Talk to them, tell them you know they are there and that you do not mean to disturb them.
Matias: I see. You said: “But becoming fearless (not stupid) is one of the main keys to becoming immune to the paranormal”. What about when people talk about “love”? Also “Law of One” talks about “love”. How love will repel the negative entities. For example, you have a nightmare where dark entities run to catch you - you only need to stop running and face them with love and they will go away?
Yazhi: YES. Because the LOVE is another tool, high frequency that makes you incompatible to any sorcery. As I said, facing the problem in the astral will make it go away because as I said, you are showing no fear.
Gosia: I find it more practical to envision light than suddenly summon feeling of love at that point though. Something visual perhaps would be easier than a feeling. But that´s me.
Yazhi: I think they are tools. You must be true to yourself. You do not love Succubus and Incubus any more than you love mosquitos. So there use your ball of light and no fear.
But walking in the woods at night feeling strangely observed... use love as those elementals are only worried that you may be dangerous to them. (Beware of 3D real humans being creeps as well, use a Glock in that case).
Gosia: Why would they worry we would be dangerous to them though if we can´t even see them?
Yazhi: You may be planning to convert their home and land into a parking lot!
Matias: Ok. I have this question. Quoting you: “Nothing esoteric, nothing paranormal can hurt you if you don't consent, and don't let it hurt you.” What if someone is doing voodoo craft on you? You said: “It cannot do anything against a person directly, it can only make the target think it will be under attack or that it is under attack." So, Voodoo does not work?
Yazhi: Voodoo specifically cannot work on someone who knows this. You become immune.
This is one level. Level up? The problem starts when sorcery combines the esoteric-paranormal with the physical. This with the use of potions, to start with that are among other things: poisons! But other potions are complicated soups or salads of plant based psychoactive drugs. Those can be used for countless things and purposes.
Matias: You know in movies... the witch doctor is poking a needle into a doll, that has connection with you and thus, creates a suffering on that target.
Yazhi: Quote: that has connection with you End Quote.
What connection would that be if not the idea that the doll is you?! Ideas again. The doll is not you period! Therefore no harm can come from sticking needles into it.
Gosia: But if you KNOW-voodoo might have been done against you, then, especially if you really believe in voodoo etc, you may go into a fear mode, and then it makes you even more vulnerable! So I think it´s about becoming aware of it but then also not giving it any power, staying in your fearless frequency knowing that no matter what, it cannot harm you, right?
Yazhi: YEP.
Matias: Then why is this voodoo thing so popular in many cultures? Where did it come from?
Yazhi: Voodoo is not only sticking needles into dolls ← ←
Voodoo is a complex set of crafts that are comparable with what old Druids did in times of old, same kind of wisdom Native American Shamans also use. It is the ability to connect and communicate with the spirit side.
Those shamans, medicine men, Druids... go through a process that changes them forever where they are not truly alive and they are not dead either, but live with one foot in the astral and the other in the physical. They know how to talk to spirits, to summon them, to ask for their help.
And, as in reality everything is astral, then those CAN interact and harm or protect someone in the so called physical. The potions are an important piece here. Because they can access the spirit world using drugs to talk to things on the other side, and many are quite physical, like trolls and elves, you cannot see them but they can interact with you. And if the medicine man or shaman can cut a deal with one of these creatures, giving it something it wants, then said creature may be able to go and do mischief to the target person.
So this is a case of something that is not entirely astral or paranormal, but half and half because as I have said before, there are no clear boundaries between the physical and the astral.
Matias: So, it´s enough that you are aware of these things (elementals, astral beings, Voodoo), keep high frequency, be fearless, imagine that white light around you and know that you have the power over them... and they cannot hurt you?
Yazhi: If you can hold that mentality it is more than enough. You become incompatible with their intent and with them. You become irritatingly untouchable.
Gosia: What is the protection against those you said that can be summoned? Can those spirits harm us then when it is done? The protection methods are the same as above? What if we don´t know it´s been done? (since you said being aware of it being done helps).
Yazhi: Your intent and your power is enough. But it is a question of power against power, because even in these circumstances those evil spirits or doers will bring more power against you to look for your breaking point, if it is their intention to get to you. Generally speaking they simply go look for an easier victim!
And you live in a frequency soup, most of the time you cannot know. You can only assume you may be a victim of something paranormal, or of witchcraft.
Gosia: What would be our breaking point? What makes us VULNERABLE? Lower emotions? Stress, anger, etc? Drinking...
Yazhi: Yes, for example looking for what triggers you emotionally. This is a very important point, because if the evil entities cannot get to you, they may go bother your boss, so it goes against you for whatever reason, and makes you go into a negativity spiral that ends up making you compatible in frequency with the intentions of those entities. This is what I mean about them using trickery! They may systematically go looking for your emotional triggers. In order to “push your buttons”. Lowering your frequency enough to finally get to you.
Because, for example, you may be in such a bad mood because of your stupid boss, that you go to bed angry and exhausted and in that state you cannot go into a loving state and you won´t give a damn about imagining balls of light. And they got you.
Matias: Thus... what ever happens, don't go into that low spiral, spin it around and make it a positive thing. “Positive affirmation”?
Yazhi: If you can, few can! It is also wise to recognize that we cannot always be in a good positive mood! But this must become part of your reality, so even in a bad mood you can still summon the ball of light and face the suckers fearlessly and they will run away! So the suckers will see that it's not good for them to get you angry!
Gosia: Matias says he is never in a positive mood. Always in a neutral one, haha. Will that work as a protection?
Yazhi: Ever stopped to think that neutral there may in reality be positive? No use going around singing in the rain going round and round lampposts and kissing mail boxes. The problem may be when you fall into depression, then you no longer give a damn, and there is where they get you mostly! In that state. (Sorry for my language).
Gosia: Yes, that´s why when I get into the depressed state of modes for too long I feel I need to get myself out of it fast. I don´t allow myself to be there too long. Although you also say we should feel what we feel.
Yazhi: Yes, and when you are in that state, angry or sad state, don't expect, don't even try to get out of it! May only make it worse, let that angry or sad mode sink into you, feel it, let it destroy you. And then it will go away!
Matias: So, negative things can affect you if you let them. Know that you have the power, not letting them influence on you. Keep the high frequency, be fearless and imagine that white light of protection over you at all times? Should we “suit up” each night and morning with protective shield around us to keep us “safe”?
Yazhi: Should we suit up? No, another important point: You cannot protect yourself from anything without creating whatever you are protecting yourself from. Especially with regards to esoteric or paranormal stuff. So be in your power, feel yourself safe from all that in general not expecting any attack. Confident that you can handle anything that any one can throw at you. Again, be neutral. Feel yourself to be a battle tank, not much to worry about.
Matias: So why those night attacks happens? Paralysis? If you are ignorant about them?
Yazhi: They feed off you. They are like mosquitoes, they want your essence, your energy. But even if you were not thinking about them for one or another reason you did become compatible with them attacking you. Or else they wouldn't have attacked you in the first place.
Same as with a car wreck, people were not thinking of going into one, but they did, they became compatible for any number of reasons. I mean it, everything is frequency. Manage your frequency with your thoughts and you will manage your reality and life. It is not what is outside of you what is bothering you or attacking you. It is what you are thinking about it.
With everything, so if you hate mosquitoes, then you have a mosquito mentality of same frequency working inside of you and you must get in touch with your inner mosquito. They bother you because of what it means for you. It's the meaning what causes the problem for you.
Gosia: They bother him cause it itches later. No big inner drama other than that I think, haha. Ok, never mind, continue.
Yazhi: I don't like them myself!
Those beings feed off of Lush that is concentrated fear. Why? Because they are regressive beings that are creations or manifestations of a collective, collective unconscious or your personal unconscious.
Those beings cannot hold their own existence without someone thinking of them, they are Tulpas and Egregors. They are manifestations of your fears, that's why they can only exist when you feed them the same substance as what created them in the first place. Being that they are Tulpas and/or Egregors does not mean they aren't real as a tree. As I have explained somewhere before, everything that exists and ever existed is and was a Tulpa/Egregor.
I must go but we can continue tomorrow.
Next day:
Gosia: I have a last question Yazhi. How to protect oneself against the soup of collective thoughts of other people? First, how to recognize they are not yours? And two: how to make it so they don´t influence us?
Yazhi: Basically any thoughts that you can recognize don't come from you, like a sudden necessity to stab someone... when you know you could never do that and you don't want to do that, and even the realization that you had that thought bothers you. That one is not yours, it's coming from something around you that wants to try and convince you to do something hideous because it feeds off of those events, because of the fear and lush that they cause (extreme example). And there are many other less dramatic thoughts that are not yours either.
We are always a collective or in a collective, you as a stand alone would be very difficult to achieve so we are effectively the result of the soup we are in.
Having said that, we simply must have the intent to want to be in our own mood with our own thoughts. And for that you need peace of mind, not giving into all the mess and fear and problems of every day life. Facing them yes, but at the same time feeling untouchable and apart from them.
Tools to use may include certain high vibration stones and crystals, those are good, wearing them in your necklace or having them in your pocket, beware of not mistreating them as they will only give off the same vibration you put into them, that is treat them with love and care and that is what you will get back from them.
Recognize what is not yours. The only way is to observe your thoughts and see what does not go with you, like in the crude example about stabbing. Also observe that if you are in a bad mood with no reason it may be leaking from the neighbors because you may sleep head to head with them across the wall.
So, to protect yourself, again you must do everything you can to become stronger mentally. That means meditation, inner work and even martial arts if you can and fancy. Know thy self. Lots of time in contemplation with your own thoughts.
Gosia: Matias says that sometimes he gets those “ripples”, sudden changes of mood, when he becomes distant from me, distant from all, and it happens without him knowing why. Like a bad mood for no reason. Could it be that some ENTITIES that he is around at this work place get attached to him and follow him? He works in a mental institution.
Yazhi: Sorry to say, YES. And I don't believe in mental illness as such. I believe in entity influence.
Gosia: Then how to get rid of the suckers? Same methods as before?
Yazhi: Yes, know they are there. Also cleanse. And use amulets charged for protection.
Matias: Can those entities follow you to home from work? How to prevent that?
Yazhi: Cleansing methods are many. For example, wind and air at speed is an excellent cleanser. Also water as in taking a bath. And music, high vibration music like classical and anything mood lifting, also binaural beats and fractals 432 Mhz.
Gosia: Wind and air at speed? What´s that? Sticking your head out of the car´s window?
Yazhi: More like a bicycle or a motorcycle. And there is even a saying that goes that you will never see a motorcycle parked outside a psychologists office unless it belongs to the psychologist.
Gosia: Yeaaah, I love that feeling of speed and wind in my face. I get the same feeling on rollercoasters.
Matias: I have been telling myself now each time I go to work, that I am, I have the power and I will not let any entity or person, their energies, influence me in a negative way.
Ok. So, basically, all the above matters addressed can be solved with one and same recipe? Be fearless, have high frequency, know that they exist, know yourself so you know when you are being influenced by outside force, crystals, sage, music, ect. All counter measures mentioned above will apply to all discussed cases here?
Yazhi: Yes, for now.
Matias: You mentioned the crystals for countering the negative effects. What are good ones? And with this concept, isn´t this the same thing like with the energy weapons, ect? They hold no power, I do. I give the power. So crystals in themselves have no power either?
Yazhi: In a way, but crystals are seen by countless people as elementals as well, that is: creatures. So it's not a dead rock. It's a pet! A 1D pet.
Matias: But, if I believe that Shungite will protect against WIFI and EMR, ect., then it will protect me, because I GIVE that power, aka... I protect myself.
Yazhi: About those specifically, as I'm not aware exactly how they are supposed to work, yes I think it's you again doing the job. But I leave it open for now.
Gosia: But a question about wind and speed. But why wouldn´t they be able to follow you then? What are they afraid of? Speed? But they are beyond space plane as we perceive them.
Yazhi: Remember that they are semi-physical therefore can affect you. So they are a well... ‘spirit’. Air can affect them. AND... I think the mood of the rider also makes him/her incompatible to them.
Matias: Ok, and talking about crystals. So in the end, wearing these crystals, ect., they do not do much. Your own intention will do the healing.
Yazhi: Yes, but also I'd see them as increases or like lenses that focus your energy.
Gosia: They have their own intelligence and it can coordinate itself with yours. Right?
Yazhi: In the case of crystals yes, they do have their own intelligence.
Matias: Thanks Yaz. Earlier you said: “So the paranormal is real and from there we should start. Why it is real we can deal with later if you wish.” Why as a question. Did we cover this?
Yazhi: I think not. As mentioned before all reality or realities are relative to something or to some kind of frame of agreements of perception, of what is real and what is not real. The human body is designed to keep the person in a set range of possible perceptions, that is a set range of hearing and a set range of sight as in white light. So if you cannot see something and you cannot hear it, it does not mean it´s not there. Radio waves for example. So there is a lot to reality than what meets the eye or is socially accepted.
But as in facts: The facts about the paranormal are heavily censored and hidden on Earth, but even with that much censorship a lot leaks out. And out there, there is an enormous amount of evidence that cannot be explained away. And the evidence points out that things paranormal are all over the place, and the information is hidden systematically. All you need to do is research a little seriously online and you will be flooded with evidence of all kinds (even excluding photoshops that are false and all over the place).
We were talking about things that are half way between the physical and the astral. For example those entities that can be blown away with a motorcycle. That are material enough to be forced away with rushing air.
These "rods" as they are called cannot be seen by the naked eye. Only with high speed cameras with an infrared lens. They are not physical as such. They are in the range of the paranormal. They are nothing other than insects in the astral, half way into the physical (physical as humans understand the physical). Just another example.
I mean they are there, they follow their own rules that do not coincide with human made rules. But they are there.
Matias: So, if a step down from 5D comes to Earth, he/she can see those astral bugs in 4D?
Yazhi: Sometimes yes others not. It's not exactly a scale where 5D is over 4D and 3D. But step dows do hold enough awareness and understanding to see things in a different way so they can see things usually.
Gosia: This ties in with something I was talking about with Athena the other day, since she said she cannot see the elementals. She said it´s not just the matter of you having higher frequency... so you automatically see them. She said they kind of exist SIDEWAYS. Like in a SIDE world. That´s why can´t be seen always. How would you describe that side world?
Yazhi: Yes. It´s hard to describe, as it is a feeling. As if you could go up and down a corridor where behind you is lower frequency and ahead is higher frequency. And even though you go up and down that corridor you see nothing. You need to step to one side to open another door. I see this again when meditating.
You go from awake but eyes closed to sleeping. But you need to do something else, difficult to explain, but it does feel like another direction in order to go into astral travel (and teleportation). I understand this to be as in more Dimensions. Not Density, but Dimensions.
Taking me as an example. I can remember multiple pasts even if they may be contradictory. As in I went to the Viera on Sunday. And I did not go to the Viera on Sunday. Both in my memory. Both valid and both with the detailed memories involving having gone and not. Both versions valid and both forming me and what I remember.
And not only two but many. This is like having memory events of the same time date one stacked over the other.
So it's the same here with the paranormal. As in the ghost is there... and not. You decide it's not there because your upbringing said so, so it's not. Or you know it's there and you need no more proof that its' there other than the hair on the back of your neck sticking up! Giving you inexplicable goose bumps! You decide.
What you are told with logic, or what you feel with intuition. And the ship detects goblins outside. So that's a fact for me. Gravity displacement meaning mass.
But Athena cannot see them. Unless the ship augments the image for her using gravity sensors. The same ones used to measure minute gravity changes to adjust the ships anti gravity engines. Basically interferometers.
Matias: Thank you Yazhi. You need to go in 5 minutes so I have the last question. You mentioned iron bracelets for protection before. Can you specify exactly what kind of iron I should look for? 316L or something else? There are some variations of iron out there. Thanks.
Yazhi: Although at this point it's hard enough to get an amulet made of iron, I would say that any iron would work as long as it´s concentrated and not in a cheap alloy. I can add that the two best iron types are:
1.) Graphite Iron.
2.) Gray Iron.
Said with another kind of description:
A.) Hematite Fe2-O3.
B.) Magnetite Fe2-O4.
Being B Magnetite the one with the highest amount of iron ore in a pure state at 72.4% and A second at 70.0%.
Another amulet that is good is to get a magnetite rock and have it with you, they are sold at esoteric stores by the quarts crystals.
And you could also try (if you can or allowed to) treat patients with this, in their proximity, especially those with schizophrenia and any clear signs of anything that hints towards entity possession.
Another procedure is to place iron shillings, or iron pieces, any iron, a horse shoe would do, but magnetite rock is the very best, at the four corners of your house or at least at the four corners of your room, sleeping quarters.
It stabilizes DNA because it holds the original frequency imposed on it. So it conserves memory. This because of its specific magnetic fields it produces and holds.
Empower yourself to BE your higher self. No need to feel it's somewhere else because it's just you again! Feel powerful at work, or wherever you go. You can walk through hell and not get stained!
In this video, Anéeka of Temmer explains to us what training they recieved on the Taygetean planets before coming to Earth, and what situation she encountered once here and after studying Earth living in orbit for 5 years.
ESTEL-LA - PRESENTATION Hello everyone and welcome to Pleiadian Knowledge. I am Estel·la. Anéeka of Temmer for those of you who do not know her, is a woman from the star Taygeta in the Pleiades. She reached the orbit of the Earth in 2016 and since then she has been training and has been learning many things, as well as many other races that are also in our orbit and observing what happens on this planet. She also has a very important position within her team, as she is the Chief of Intelligence for the ship. In this conversation you are going to see that she explains to us what information she had before arriving here and after these 5 years in orbit, which is all she has observed and what I have learned is happening on Earth, but you are going to see that It is not simple at all, but it is a set of multiple factors and in order to better understand what is explained, I recommend that you have seen the different videos that you can find in the Orion Wars playlist as they deal with our ancient history . In addition, also to know the functioning of the collective unconscious.
In addition, there is also a video that we are working on which will be available soon, which is titled 'The Creation of the Cabal and the Planet Earth', which will also help us to understand this more deeply. So with all this I leave you with the conversation. Thank you all for always being there and listening and we will see each other in the following videos.
"This information is provided by extraterrestrial persons, women and men from the Taygeta star in the Pleiades cluster, through a written contact with us."
* * *
CONVERSATION WITH ANEEKA OF TEMMER Estel·la.- What kind of information do you receive before coming here? Somethinggeneral that all of you have had to learn or pass, or is it not necessary, since each one brings what they have learned, of their interest that already contributes?
Anéeka of Temmer.- We received very complete information about stellar travel, thesituation on Earth, which other races will be with us and our relationship with them. And you come here to learn in the process. Ships are schools too. Although learning never stops, nowadays, only experienced personnel remain on this ship given the situation.
Cristina.- And what was your preparation to contact humans?
Anéeka of Temmer.- We didn't have any, on the contrary. It is assumed that since it would only be by technological means, we who were in the ‘first contact’ project, would be the ones to say or write those contact guidelines or protocols. But face-to-face contact does require training in self[1]defense and wearing the correct equipment, as we expect humans to be hostile. We wear a full spacesuit that has anti-ballistic and anti-energy weapons protection systems, communicators, remote ship controls, trackers and in some cases weaponry.
Estel·la.- When you contact a person from Earth, what are your goals?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Just say: ‘Hello.’ Whoever knows that we exist and that they are not alone in the universe. Only that. We only share the little or much that we can know, as you do the same, it is the same.
Cristina.- And how do you learn the language? Do you do any training or is it also practical? What about culture? I remember you explained that with telepathy it was easier to learn a language.
Anéeka of Temmer.- We learn in the Academy everything related to the culture with which we will live. This happens with all of them, not only with the Earth, and it is thus where people who alreadyknow one language or another will teach that language or languages to those interested, and yes with telepathy it is faster and easier to learn a language. The problem is that you also learn what is wrong, because you learn to speak the language as your teacher understood it. This is why some people labeled the English we speak here as Taygetean English because we all have a distinctive flavor of how we structure languages, not just English.
Cristina.- In your case, how did you learn Spanish?
Anéeka of Temmer.- I learned it from a holographic computer in Temmer at the academy before coming here, and I ended up perfecting it already here online. And depending on the languages that each person masters, they will be assigned to some task or another, this especially with the 'first contact' project.
Estel·la.- What tasks, for example.
Anéeka of Temmer.- I mean that if you speak Russian they will assign you to Russian social networks and everything that has to do with that culture. As logic indicates.
Estel·la.- And to have a clearer idea of what education is like in Taygeta, could you explain a little bit how you came to have that curriculum? Above all, what you explained to us about yourself, knowledge in medicine, head of intelligence and much more in 22 years, is it because you already know part of this knowledge from other lives?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Medicine was already on the ship helping Senetre and because I was interested in the subject. So for the last four years I have been studying medicine. This is how it works with everything, you learn whatever catches your attention the most and that also gives you the flexibility and responsibility that this brings to train you as a person, how you will be and what knowledge you will have. As for languages, I was interested because it has always been easy for me to learn new languages and it was what I decided to have as a basis for or before coming to Earth. The ships are not only ships and that, but they are also schools. But in general, in my culture you learn that way, on the go. The student is the one who says what he wants to learn, and he does it because it is fun to him, because he sees the utility. Very few things are mandatory, for example, it would only be the survival skills that they teach you when you are a girl, that is taught to children in general, but that is necessary and logical. Learning a subject that interests a person will inexorably lead him to the fact that in order to advance in that same subject that interests him, as he gains knowledge on the subject, he will need more subjects, more things or different branches of knowledge to nourish him and serve as a basis for him to continue expanding. For example, children are not taught more than basic math, but later, wanting to learn something else that interests them, sooner or later they will see the need to learn advanced math to continue to achieve their goals. Then, a knowledge or a topic that interests a person as they progress, it will be inevitable for them to acquire more types of knowledge, other topics, because everything is interconnected anyway. It is difficult for me to know what I have from past lives and what I have accumulated throughout this one, but I know that all people carry and bring knowledge of all their past lives. Some are morenoticeable than others, such as in musical instrument skills or advanced mathematics at an early age. Again the clearest example is Yázhi Swarúu. It is not possible that she accumulated such knowledge at such a young age.
Estel·la.- So, in Taygeta, you don't have anything like universities, or specialized courses?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Yes, there are academies of one subject or another, but they are practical, they accept people who are interested in that subject and during their stay this is where they learn the trade or science, leaving personal motivation of each one to study the theoretical part that always exists.
Cristina.- And how is the academy? What things surprised you about the culture here that you learned?
Anéeka of Temmer.- At the Academy, which is not in classrooms like on Earth, but in the form of talks or sometimes around a holographic projector, to see relevant images and videos. We were told that it was a Lyrian-based barely industrial civilization, being attacked and conquered by an invading race of Tall Greys and various Reptiles, and that the population would reveal itself soon. And that's what they called the ascension and that we would help and that we would see it.
But they told us that they were being invaded for which Taygeta, in support of the Federation, sent a battle fleet to Earth between 2008 and 2009. But today we understand that what happens here is something much more complex, more complicated, where humans themselves are enslaving themselves and each other. For reasons not only of 3D, but for intentions from above. Being that they are not victims, as they told us, but that humans are trapped in a loop of experiences on Earththat is turning out to be pathological, sick and sometimes even psychotic, but it is of their own manufacture. So the attack fleet withdrew in 2017, leaving only a few ships here, 3 large, then 2, and finally only one. Being that the main person who caused the others to leave and that we see that only one is necessary, was Swarúu of Erra, who was the one who explained what is happening on Earth had nothing to do with a classic invasion, but with a sick collective manifestation.
Estel·la.- Because, an Anéeka question, what understanding or knowledge did you have about this moment on Earth before deciding to come here? Because since there is no past or future, surely it was already known that this would be happening
Anéeka of Temmer.- We would know if it was linear, but time is not. So, although you can see what happens in a line, if you return to live it everything changes and just for the simple fact of observing it. So, although there is time travel as something routine, here, even so, it does not modify what was said before that things only happen once. Because if you go back to live them again, which you can, only as you saw it and you wait for what happens, what happens again, you change it and it turns out different each time. When I came here it was on promises to witness a great awakening of humanity and its liberation from its oppressors, an ascent to interstellar 5D species. However, after four years here, since I arrived nothing has been accomplished. Or not yet, but I do see big differences between what they tell you at home that happens on Earth and what really happens here. I thought it was something to celebrate, and that I would only be a spectator. Although it helped a little through communicatingwith humanity, with the project, ‘first contact’. Hoping to find a receptive humanity eager to know about other civilizations that can serve as a model to advance theirs. But I find that the vast majority of humans don't care or believe that another civilizations even exist, or that I exist, for that matter. And I find that the vast majority of humanity is not under the yoke of invasive oppressors, but rather trapped in their own creations and nightmares. And that is why the seeds are also trapped, they know that they are not from there because they are immersed in the common frequency of the population that drags them down to have the same end as themselves.
They promised me one thing and I found another here. Everything is supposed to be jubilation, more for people like me, looking from above like eyes in the sky, comfortably in our large ships all equipped. But I find that the ship is too small for me, I feel trapped in a floating can, where not much happens every day. And the joy that was supposed to have been, replaced by frustration anddespair, with the helplessness of not being able to help because the bulk of the population does not want to be helped. And that it is highly stressful for me to be here looking and connecting with people that I ended up loving as a family, but I see them exposed below. It has been and continuesto be a very hard experience for me. What affects me the most is that humanity asks for everythingthat happens to them as a mass, blind to the obvious, I don't understand it and that hurts me.
Estel·la.- And what do you think altered that path of awakening humanity?
Anéeka of Temmer.- I don't think the path has been altered, but rather a general misperception on the part of many races observing humanity. It is still believed, that is, many believe that they are invaded there by Reptilians, Archons and others that exploit them energetically. I do not deny that. But we have found mainly through the work of the Swaruu’s that higher up, the exploiters are againthe humans who themselves generate their exploiters, leaving them like a sandwich in the middle with humans as oppressors on both sides. That is, the human being is oppressed by regressive races, especially the human race, and at the same time these are being generated by the same desires of the mass of humanity, being also manipulated and generated by the desire of the masses. Then, we realize that there is nothing to liberate, not as oppressed people, the only thing to liberateare consciousnesses and minds. But ... and that is when you despair, they do not listen or are not interested in listening to even the most basic things to improve their lives, much less more advanced concepts. I know many do listen OK, but they are seeds, not exactly human. Like[1]minded communities on Earth that are noted starseeds, however few or who are awake, have a clear tendency to seek out and cooperate with each other, while the average human will only obey the rules of the Cabal and be plunged into separation.
Estel·la.- Sure, I understand. But then, going back to the propaganda they made to you, for example, is it from the Federation? With what intention? Because now, for example, you are causing them problems.
Anéeka of Temmer.- Because the Federation, in let's say the recruitment center using human words, since it is not recruitment like on Earth, they tell you that humans are being liberated and that you as a Taygetean help them to wake up against their captors and liberate themselves as a race, then you come here to help with liberation thinking in a simplistic way of: 'human victims against the oppressor perpetrators.' But once here you realize that there are no victims, not at the causal level of the problem, only bad vices within the same souls. In an eternal cycle of misinforming each other, creating dynamics of 'I do something to you, now you are a victim and now your victim will seek someone to take revenge against.' Only by making themselves compatible with their own creations or tulpas that exploit them. Call it the Illuminati, Masons, Cabal, whatever came out of the humans themselves. By this I do not mean that there are no victims objectively, there are, and that lends itself to more misinterpretations. But the problem does not end there. It is not looking for the culprits and the problem is over, but the victims themselves generate their aggressors because, in many aspects ofthe Law of Attraction or the Law of Mirrors. Because if they are only victims and only suffer, they will only see that they suffer and that they are victims and logically they will only attract more of the same. That is why there is nothing to liberate here, only minds, consciousnesses, but those same minds and consciousnesses are the ones that in turn create control or protection mechanisms so that outsiders like us, like Swarúu, the others, or like me, cannot even introducing concepts like theones above with a view to breaking out of their self-generated loop of self-destruction.
Estel·la.- But I don't understand why they would say that propaganda by the Federation if now, for example, they can be seen as such captors.
Anéeka of Temmer.- In many ways, the highest controllers of the Earth, discarding the stance of souls that they know before incarnating, are from the Federation, they are the hidden owners of the Earth, as Salvador Freixedo said.
Estel·la.- I would ask you, how did this start? How was this loop created? But if there is no beginning or end in the universe, I imagine that here it is the same and then humanity has always been in this problem or situation. That is why I do not understand why they would tell you that you come to see the ascension or liberation of a planet if they themselves do not have those interests
Anéeka of Temmer.- Yes, although from another point of view it had to have been generated at some point, but it is very difficult to specify where. It is said that it was most likely the product of thedevastation caused by the flood and its cataclysms. But as you know, the problem comes from further back. It is seen that at least those parts of the Federation that explain what happens in what I will call academies on the planets, do not understand well what is happening on Earth.
Estel·la.- What more misinformation.
Anéeka of Temmer.- Layer after layer.
Estel·la.- And can't one be an eternal node? The Earth will not always exist in 3D?
Anéeka of Temmer.- It is very possible. As Swarúu explained one day, somewhere in the universe and in time, there must be a place that is characterized by offering souls that kind of experience or there would be no opposite.
Cristina.- Sure, I understand, but also what you were saying that this is a loop and that if you don't see something else or you don't have to choose, it's difficult for us to get out of the loop, right? Although I understand that sleeping humans themselves allow no other option.
Anéeka of Temmer.- As Yázhi explains, it depends on each person individually and not on a traditional planetary liberation, because it is a problem of consciousness and perception.
Cristina.- Of course, I understand Anéeka, because each of us is perceiving everything in our own way.
Anéeka of Temmer.- It does suggest how to get out of that loop. Lots of mental energy. Again, as Yázhi explains, it is only achieved with more knowledge that will bring more evolution, not as isolated, stored or memorized data, but by processing for each person what that data means personally and for their own knowledge. But as said above, they themselves, the humans, block themselves and do not allow them to have access to greater knowledge, because what they call advanced knowledge here on Earth is from universities and that is very limited and controlled, like in ancient Greece where they said that women should not be given knowledge, that giving the letter to a woman would be like reinforcing the poison to a dangerous snake. With that mindset they will be left in the loop of their own creation.
Estel·la.- I understand you, thank you, well, we have no choice but to move on.
Anéeka of Temmer.- Yes, keep going, just being who we are.
Cristina.- Yes, from here we will continue.
Anéeka of Temmer.- And here also for what corresponds to us. Although, we have our risks as well, it is not true that we are comfortably seated in a ship of love and light. It's hard here too, not the same, different, but it's hard too and I rarely share the difficulties of being here because it would hurt.
Estel·la.- Why?
Anéeka of Temmer.- I suppose it would hurt the image of another positive race. Or they would not believe such a thing as possible. For example, with everything and our very high technology compared to that of the Earth, we still have hard-to-fix malfunctions caused by corrosion in the systems, for example, life support systems malfunctioning, always something to repair, a constant risk. It is that many believe that in the Pleiades we manifest the ships with thought, no, they are manufactured with a lot of hard work, in groups and with time. As Yázhi says: "If you can manifest a ship with thought, you don't need a ship." As I was saying, what happens on Earth is a phenomenally complicated, complex and multidimensional mess. And neither we nor anyone from these densities fully know what happens. We are all looking for answers. Depending on our point of attention and who we are the density. It does not matter if they are on Earth dodging syringes or in orbit dodging plasma shots or energy weapons. We all play our part in this tremendous cosmic mess and no one is exempt from a great risk, but we move on because that is what we are and we do it for who we want and for ourselves, because if we do not do it, we lose our souls.
Cristina.- And how do you think all this will continue to develop?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Raguel says that we are in the middle of a battle and that during any battle it will never be possible to know what is really happening, or who is winning. If it is not possible to know in a battle with weapons, even less so when the weapons are the media. Here we believe that we have no choice but to continue fighting as we can and with what we have because nothing is written, nor can we know what really happens. We can't know on any level, just get on with who we are. * * *
ROBERT – PRESENTATION On the subject of vaccination I tell you that I will do another more technical one, this is a test, but we are going to talk about whether you can “clean” yourself from having been vaccinated or not. If you can "draw out" the vaccine after having put it in. From the outset there is no remedy, no holy water or anything else that cleanses you. If they have already put that into you, you are already infected, as is. It is not reversible. In the next Live I will talk about the fact that there is no virus. It is not that I am a denier, I can not deny something that has never existed, and it will be demonstrated, but in the following video. It is not just that we say it, it is that there are many laboratories that have never detected anything, and there is no virus that acts the way it is acting. There is a doctor who can debate it, in the following video. Let's start, this is what our friend Anéeka of Temmer says.
ANEEKA OF TEMMER If they are given the idea that the vaccine can also be "cleansed" they are also getting the idea of consenting to the vaccine so that it can be cleaned later, that concept is like supporting the Cabal, because the sad truth is that there is no way to clean out the vaccine. Here it has been seen that the only way to "clean" it is with a genetic laboratory where they can clean a cell or a group of cells from the person that has not yet been infected, hence creating stem cells and basically rebuilding the body from scratch by cloning it in a special medical pod. This procedure is not easy, because it cannot even be in a normal medical pod, since it reads and uses the cells that it does not see for what to replace, ending up by copying and reproducing the same pod (body) to the genetically altered cells.
Then it would be either reprogramming or using a cloning pod and then full immersion technology to pass consciousness from one body to the other. A tremendous task and it is with technology from here. Another problem is that the harmful genetic change occurs almost immediately after inoculation, since the vaccine material, the gene reprogramming material, travels through the bloodstream and in a matter of minutes invades all the cells of the body. It will only take a few circulatory cycles to lodge in all the cells of the inoculated body, but my point here is that I strongly feel that the false concept that the vaccine can be cleaned should not be overlaid in any way, because it cannot be cleaned.
These almost esoteric ‘cleanings’ have been used before for children's vaccines such as triple viral, (MMR) where they help to remove heavy metals, however I do not find scientific validity (and Iam talking about Taygetean science, not human), or in any case minimal help, so it is true that whatever they do to help a vaccinated is valid, but the sad objective reality is that the vaccinated are already damaged for life, and that cannot be reversed even with a normal medical pod, but only with the elaborate procedure I have described above.
About one, two or three shots. It is the amount, it is harmful and fatal from the first vaccine, those boosters will simply increase the amount of active substances accelerating the process of bodily decay. That is, its harmful effects will take less time to manifest themselves. Inoculation is harmful at the level of genetic destruction with a single dose, that is why I insist that they not be vaccinated, because the reality is that its effects are not reversible. I fear that people get into the false hope or the false idea that they can be inoculated only to clean it up later, thereby increasing the amount of the inoculated.
I have told you before that it (the vaccine) is like a bullet to the head, which people are unable to see because it is not immediate like the bullet, but it is a degenerative process that can take up to several years, but the effects will depend on each person. People do not see it because it is not immediate and when the symptoms appear they will attribute them to other things from the very SARS COV 19 (another variant) justifying more inoculations or health problems that are not relatedto having been inoculated, including autoimmune processes, dementias, atrophies, nervous problems, collapse of the immune system, spontaneous myocardial attacks, cancers and more, thelist is endless.
The medical pod is still a machine, it does not return the cells to their original etheric point, but instead replaces the individual cells. The pod must first take a healthy cell, form a DNA-map of what the person is like, then replace damaged cells in the body with new stem cells programmed toevery point in the body using a high-tech hologram. Precision. The problem is that the genetic change of the inoculated person alters each and every one of the cells from minutes after inoculation, therefore the medical pod does not have a basis to regenerate these cells because it cannot differentiate a cell altered by the inoculation, with the original genetic code of said person. Then we would enter the field of genetic engineering to return that body to its original state, but unlike an accident, for example, if one hundred percent of the cells in a body are damaged, it is equivalent to a new body by cloning, and for this, of course, a reliable sample of the original DNA of the affected person would be needed. That is, the machine does not repair individual cells, it completely replaces them with new ones, people go back to their original DNA pattern because it isalready contained in their cells. In other words, all your DNA is reactivated that is already in you, in each of your cells. The problem with inoculation is that the DNA base of each cell changes, and then it will not be able to return to its original pattern because those cells are no longer there. This causes a disparity between the body and the soul, or signal from The Source in the inoculatedperson causing them to be incompatible, the more doses they have, the more the disparity will be between the body, its DNA and the frequency of the person, which explains behaviour changes and dementias in inoculated people. The pod is only a machine, it reads the cells and reproduces them, it does not "get into" the etheric, however it can be invasively altered. The return to the original pattern would occur generations after the alteration, but as I have told you if people are sterilized with the inoculations there will be no later generations with which to return to the original DNA.
Already in 5D an inoculated altered person could have benefits by activating their DNA from 22 chromosomes, 2 threads to 24 chromosomes, 12 threads, however this will take much longer, I amtalking about seven years per person, which is the personal time that is needed to replace all cells in a human body (and this is speculating, as we have no information at this time to support it), however the harmful aspects of inoculations will destroy the person's body long before seven years, so that he can't regenerate his DNA just by being in 5D.
Another problem is that even if it is reactivated to know what is reactivated, since the damage to the body's DNA is in the entire body and the DNA, creating, for example, the potential for serious alterations and congenital defects in people by having been brought to 5D by activating unforeseenchanges to the DNA of the person caused by the inoculations. Because in 3D you are only seeing 60% of 5D, so that is what you reflect there, you are 60% of your own being and it is reflected thereas what you see in the mirror. Another factor that controls this is the dominant frequency of the place that will alter said 5D genes, choosing genetic characteristics that determine your 3D shape according to what dominates by energy frequencies there, that is, what you inherit from your family.
I assure you that if a person is still alive with a bullet in the head, they will be more easily repaired in a med-pod than an inoculated person. I only tell the sad truth, but I cannot give hopium. The med-pod has no problem repairing bullets to the head, that's what it is for. For people who have already been inoculated there is no easy answer, what can you tell them? Find ways to drastically improve your health, improve your overall health. It also depends on the controllers whether or not they activate the graphene that (the vaccines) contain. As you will see, people still do not understand the seriousness of the issue "vaccines", inoculations, they see those words as defeatism or fear, that we impose fear. This is the kind of thing that they attack us for, they want us to say nice things… nope. Not even here we can solve their vaccinations. But we are the only aliens talking, warning about vaccines, since others only give them love and light, becausewe are different, we only give what we see and (what there is) is not our fault.
* * * At minute 01.04 of the video that lasts 01.39 Anéeka answers these live questions.
Question.- I have to remove my wisdom tooth, I do not know whether to hold it without removing it (Robert adds, he is afraid that the anesthesia contains something)
Anéeka.- Does it hurt or why is it removed? On Earth they are removed for no reason, removing wisdom teeth weakens the immune system, they should only be removed if they are a real unsolvable problem. Unlikely in anesthesia (stick something in), but please consider not removing it.
Question.- Are there two toxins in vaccines, DNA modification and graphene?
Anéeka.- No, there are countless toxins and harmful compounds, not just those two.
Question.- Does graphene have something to do with black goo?
Anéeka.- Yes, it is related, but graphene has nano technology.
Question.- Is contagion through sex also for those who performed PCR?
Anéeka.- Yes, it is highly probable.
Question.- So is it also spread by saliva?
Anéeka.- Yes, it is also contagious from saliva.
Question.- How does having sex with a vaccinated person affect us, does it affect us?
Anéeka.- Yes, nanotechnology and other things can infect them, which we are just trying to isolate and study, but there are indications that they are contagious, since there are already many serious reports in alternative networks.
Question.- What happens to people who have had the disease, and are not vaccinated?
Anéeka.- Nothing, they haven't passed it. They did not pass "the disease" since there is no Covid, they only had another disease of which there have always been.
Question.- Could blood transfusions from a vaccinated person contaminate us?
Anéeka.- Of course, this is a 100% guarantee that everything will happen. That is equivalent to getting vaccinated, it's a no, no, no.
Question.- I suppose anesthesia has it too.
Anéeka.- Everything contains it, traces of graphene, but I can't be sure what each drug has it, I advise staying as far away as possible from taking medicines.
Question.- So the natural mechanisms of healing and elimination of Detox are not enough to get ridof the chemicals in the injection? Why not?
Anéeka.- That's right, they are not and it is because the damage is at the genetic level, they become modified organisms, transgenic people.
Question.- With the PCR they also give you graphene?
Anéeka.- Definitely YES, it is a direct micro injection to the brain, nano-chip implant. Looking for a deadly contagious virus at the base of the brain, inside the nose, doesn't make any sense.
Question.- Why are the rights of the Spanish Constitution violated and the judges do nothing?
Anéeka.- Because this comes from above the capacities of said judges, who for the most part havealready been bought or even threatened. Yes, with this, the laws are being violated, and with the laws they can defend themselves from mandatory vaccines. Use them as much as you can!
Question.- Would the discrediting of the Russian vaccine be more of a distraction?
Anéeka.- Many have been discredited, like the Chinese one too. I see this as the action of people who are already realizing its content as inoculation and not as a vaccine against anything. I see it as positive, but it can be distracting, but for now I see it as something positive.
Question.- How to know if a vaccinated person has contaminated us?
Anéeka.- It is very difficult to know since the symptoms may be from diseases that have always existed, such as the flu, that is why those vaccinated are dangerous. More for what little we know in this regard at this time. Unfortunately it is difficult to know. And we do not know to what extent they are or are not contagious.
Question.- Anéeka, I have to operate and I already had to do the PCR, what to do?
Anéeka.- Improve your health as best you can, Health in general, continue your life like this, but not accept more of the same, much less vaccinations. The same for a vaccinated person. No more doses! Improve your health, diet, exercise and all that.
Question.- Why can't the toxins in the vaccine be eliminated from the body?
Anéeka.- Because they reproduce, because the body needs enzymes that degrade and decompose compounds in order to process and eliminate them and there are no enzymes for those components. Also because the damage is at the intracellular genetic level, it cannot be cleaned because physically they are already another person.
Question.- When a vaccinated person dies, will they go to The Source?
Anéeka.- Yes, what they do to the body has nothing to do with the signal from The Source, "Soul", only that it takes that ugly experience with it, but nothing touches the soul, don't worry.
Question.- How do 5G antennas affect vaccinated and unvaccinated people?
Anéeka.- 5G and other systems control and program what graphene and nanochips do inside the body of each vaccinated person.
* * * Robert.- Well, nothing more, I hope you liked the live show, it has been an hour and a half live.
Anéeka has to go now, thank you all for being here. * * *
AUDITORY AND VISUAL SYSTEM About our auditory system, I do not have the official figure but I dare to say that the auditory range is about 16 to 18 hz onwards, that is to say, with just a bit more sensitive hearing range than the average human.
Our eyesight is more sensitive in the dark than humans, we see significantly more towards infrared and ultraviolet. We distinguish two more colors, but they are perceived in isolation in a very understandable way. That is, more infrared that is perceived as red and more ultraviolet that is also perceived as violet, only as barely visible. In addition to the phenomenon that we can sometimes perceive objects that emit heat in the dark, it is seen as a weaker red area in the dark night.
As a related note. Being able to perceive this extra small amount of color, or range of visual ability with a slightly greater range of visible light, causes the colors to all change slightly as they are known to you. Not completely, but it does change its tone or tint, because all colors have components of the rest of the visible light range, therefore chemically changes what is perceived. That is, we see the same colors as humans, but they change a bit, as more colorful, with greater detail, they are more exaggerated, very intense. This has been described by people who have been extracted, being one of the first impressions that they have once already here, it is an overload of the senses. Everything looks very sharp with defined and strong colors, they describe it as if things look more real here than on Earth.
The factor that causes greater visibility in the dark is a greater number of rods and a greater sensitivity of the same, which is a consequence of what I described for the previous video, of a greater capacity for nerve transmission.
As a curious fact, we also wear glasses, in fact at this moment I wear anti-radiation glasses. We wear sunglasses only to be able to see when something dazzles, such as when the pilots for example must see what they do. We do not wear sunglasses for the purpose of protecting ourselves from sunlight, as we do not accept human theories that the sun is harmful, much less for the eyes. According to our medicine, the eyes need to be exposed to sunlight, but I am not talking about looking directly at the sun, but about being in the sun, seeing, without glasses. At first, we thought that it was something only from the Taygeta sun, which is softer than this one here, believing then that perhaps protection against this sun was needed, since it is stronger, a significant 15% stronger than Taygeta. But after research we see that it does not matter, you do not need to hide from the sun. Everything in excess is bad, that's true. But in a natural way without thinking whether or not it is too much, it is healthy and necessary. Even so, taking prolonged sun baths or being working outside constantly exposed, does produce the logical burns that are not good, but that is already an excess.
The anti-radiation glasses I'm using now are very much like yours, only without the yellow tint. They are made of transparent crystalline material that has a structure designed exactly to repel waves, or most of the radiation waves that digital displays emit. In other words, it is not a filter on the lens that prevents radiation but the shape of the molecular matrix that makes up the "glass" of the lenses itself. They are designed by ourselves to neutralize most radiation frequencies from screens. But not all of us use them, and we do resent our time online because screens affect us. It also affects the simple fact of focusing on bright things and very closely for many hours.
Another important fact about vision is that due to the higher neuronal speed, we perceive more FPS. Therefore, things that happen very quickly to human sight, are visible to us. This can affect when watching a YouTube video for example, since apparently, it would be thought that it could be a problem, and it is true that we do see things slowly sometimes and it is irritating. However, the brain tends to automatically compensate by creating a continuity, where either you can perceive that some videos look a bit slow or just take for granted as this is how YouTube works and forget about the problem. It is something constant to see or perceive small jumps on the videos or that some scenes do not flow at all. But on the other hand, it is not something that always happens.
These extra FPS could be reflected, for example, in the ease of following the flight of an insect. Yázhi, on the other hand, can follow the path of a bullet as in the Matrix, the rest of us cannot. But Yázhi can because she slows down time with her mind, it's not just her eyes.
Our retina is also a little different, the normal range of focus for a human person is about 25 cm at front, we can focus 10 cm in front of our face. After this time working online with these displays, I see a distinct decrease in my visual ability compared to other people here who don't spend time in front of a digital screen. I personally can no longer focus at that distance. Concerning the capacity of focusing in the distance, I would say we have the same as humans, perhaps with sharper detail in the distance. In the distance I continue to see the same as other people here, it is my close-up vision that has been affected. In these cases, lenses can be used as a temporary measure, but it is usually corrected with medical technology. I don't know how it works exactly, but it is a very strong magnetic field imposition that corrects the geometry of the eye, or with the already famous Multipurpose Medical Pod.
SENSE OF TASTE AND TOUCH As for the sense of taste, I have no comment that could suggest that with a difference to humans. But in itself, it is quite logical to accept that all our senses are more sensitive. For example the sense of touch. We have here as normal something that you know as hyperdactyly, that is, we have so many nerve endings in our fingers that we can feel on a paper where it is written in print and where it is not, in pencil or pen it would be easier. On Earth there are rumors of people who can read with their fingers, and I do not mean braille, but we do not come to that here.
ORGANS, MUSCULAR AND OSSEOUS SYSTEM Our organs such as the heart, lungs and sexual organs are up to 20 to 30% larger, in higher bone density. I mean that the bones are denser or stronger. We can take more falls or bumps than humans. This is also logical because it goes hand in hand with a muscular system that develops more torque or strength and needs strong bones to anchor or the same muscles could cause fractures.
Also, our gastric system is different, with secretory enzymes for the digestion of vegetables and a digestive system longer than the human, which also brings its dose of related problems. For example, if we ate meat like many people on Earth do, we would not be able to digest it very well. Although with time, in the end it could. This is not surprising since we know that some species of planktivorous do eat meat sometimes, but at first itwould make us sick. So our bodies are more adapted to the vegan diet than humans on average. Our small intestine is longer, creating problems for example with consuming too much fiber, our intestines become clogged and we get constipated.
IMMUNE SYSTEM As for differences in the immune system, I have no comments, if there is any difference I have not noticed it, but I feel that if there were, I would already know it, because I study medicine in my spare time, with Senetre.
We suffer from fever just like humans, when we have a strong infection. Only here we do not see the fever as a cause of an invading microorganism, but as a decompensation in the body and energy balance, which has caused a group of opportunistic microorganisms to take advantage of it. Unlike on Earth, infection is treated if it occurs, but more importantly, the cause of the decompensation that caused the problem in the first place must be discovered.
On the other hand, our cell regeneration is much greater, we heal 3 to 5 times faster. In Yázhí's case she heals about 20 times faster. When she suffered heraccident with the brambles plant, herscratches the next day were almost gone. And those that required bandages and almost stitches, in a week they had disappeared and without leaving scars. That is, more than 4 times faster than the rest of us here. Senetre has an eye on Yazhi to study her but she resists, saying that she is not a guinea pig.
BLOOD GROUPS All Taygeteans are blood group O +, that is, we do not have complications due to the same blood group as happens on Earth. I am O +, logically, but Yázhí is A +, clearly not Taygeteana, although related. Our blood group is related to that of the Earth, but not because it is exclusive to Taygeta, but because all the Lyrian races are connected and related. On Earth there are such a variety of different blood groups due to a large number of Lyrian variants incarnated there, among other races.
The RH- for example, are different because those bodies are coded or influenced to be concordant with other races with RH-, among them reptilian. But not all are reptilians, not because someone is RH- it means that they are reptilians, but reptiles all have RH-. That's why royalty on Earth is at least mostly RH-. But there are also many Taygetean starseeds with RH-.
But it strikes me that a very large number, the vast majority of the people we have contacted or is in contact with us today is RH-. I don't understand why, but it may be due to a greater affinity towards the stellar. But the rest is a control construct. This is important, because in many places it is being said that starseeds are RH-, as if RH + were not, as if RH- were synonymous with extraterrestrial.
This leaves out most of the starseeds on the planet, it also promotes separation and it has nothing to do with it. So being RH- is not synonymous with being a starseed, since no one can tell you what you are. It is something that is known. It is felt, it is carried within. In short, the RH has nothing to do with what you are inside. We have reports from our contacts, who know many RH- who could not be more Matrix and closed[1]minded. RH- is not synonymous with being enlightened.
This blood type is special because they are few compared to RH +. But not for being superior. It's just different and not connected completely or directly to a specific star race, except for a greater affinity for the reptilian. But it is also important to know that there are many reptile races that are very loving and positive.
And again, just because you are RH- DOES NOT mean that you are reptilian in any way. You can be of any race, and how do you know? You tell me. It is something that is inside, your desire, your affinity, your illusion that it comes out true. Your RH does not define who you are, you and only you define who you are.
Flat Earth - Conversation with Athena and Aneeka - Extraterrestrial Contact
(Originally in Spanish)
Robert: What agenda is that of the Flat Earth?
Swaruu X (Athena): The control of the population on Earth, what they should know and what they should not know, what, when, and how it is controlled by the CIA and their friends and their interests worldwide. They have everything compartmentalized. So Flat Earth's agenda is one more level of its disinformation apparatus. In other words, flood the networks with garbage so that people do not know who to listen to or who to believe.
It creates conflict and it is what they want, because it drains people and does not let them focus on anything, because nothing is ever clear to them.
With the Flat Earth agenda, they control conspiranoids who do not believe NASA's lies, because that´s what they base themselves on. NASA lies, so the Earth is flat. Then they create conflict and quarrels between those who believe one thing and those who believe another. That conflict is what they seek because it buries the truth.
They can't stop the truth from somehow leaking out to people. What they can do is throw in countless contradictory stories that give alternative explanations to the narrative, or to alternate narratives. So they hide any truth among a ton of garbage, always with the same design, grab something that is true and then use it to justify a lie.
I don't understand what flat earthers have in mind simply because I've never heard them answer the big question: What's on the other side of the "coin"? On the other side of the Earth.
That's what they do, create confusion, use what each group of people wants to hear to give them more of that and keep them in control. And for that they need population meta data, which explains one of their reasons for constantly spying on ordinary citizens and their tendencies on everything from clothing, music, to religious and political ideas.
Being that the mechanism of religion and politics are its main instruments. And the New Age is religion controlled by them.
Flat Earth theory conflicts with the concept of ETs, because if the Earth is flat, there are no other planets. Therefore there are no ETs and whatever is extraterrestrial, they make it into demons and interdimensionals. But it is more of the agenda of confusion and of creating conflict to keep the population separate so that they do not unite since when united, they create problems.
Anéeka: Flat Earth ideas... I think they are already consuming too much Fluoride in food and toothpastes.
Robert: They get together and among themselves they sustain that false reality.
Anéeka: Yes, and they feel accepted among themselves.
Robert: One of the things they say is that there are explosions recorded, I don't know what kind, as something atomic, and that the explosion reaches a point as if it collapsed or collided with some dome. And that they have launched missiles at that dome. Obviously I don't believe any of that. I have not seen those videos but that´s what they argue.
Anéeka: The only dome are the Van Allen Bands. It is not a dome like metal or solid. Again, it is ignorance, because a shock wave, radio signals, even light, collides with different atmospheric strata, and against the magnetospheric Ionosphere, Van Allen bands, depending on the frequency and nature of what is sent as a wave, and it bounces off as if it was against something solid. This phenomenon was used a lot when ships used normal radio over long distances, atmospheric bounce.
Again it is just ignorance and phenomena explainable with basic physics, which flat earthers use to prove their theories.
An explosion also happens when... at high altitude due to the lack of atmospheric pressure, it will take a form of expansion like an extended mushroom. This also happens when an explosion or its expansion hits another denser atmospheric layer, known as thermal inversion, creating the illusion that it hit something.
As for thermal inversions, that also explains why they sometimes take photos of two suns. It is just a reflection, like water on a hot asphalt road. It´s not that there are two suns, it is just a common optical effect.
It is the same effect with all explosions that take the shape of a mushroom. It is only accentuated at high altitude by low temperatures and the lack of atmospheric pressure.
Robert: Yes. In the same way, when they launch a minicamera into space, amateurs, with a balloon, there comes a moment when the balloon explodes and they say it´s because it touches the dome. All the balloons explode more or less at the same height.
Anéeka: Yes. Another argument with which they sustain themselves is that they see that the ships in the sea do not disappear at the correct distance, on the horizon, which would be calculated according to Archimedes, according to the diameter of the Earth.
This does not happen all over the world, only in certain parts. And it is because the Earth is something natural, it is not a perfect sphere made in a factory. It is a geode. It is imperfect and has areas that are more flattened than others. It is not much noticeable to the naked eye or it is not noticeable from space, but it is measurable and so are all planets to one degree or another.
Robert: They say that a stone formed the Earth. They base that on ancient cultures, evidently the cultures that the Cabal was interested in not eliminating. Surely the cultures they eliminated used to tell something else, like that we were interstellar citizens.
Anéeka: It is part of the agenda to make the human mentality go back to times of the middle ages, for them not to understand anything as real.
That is closer to reality (image provided). That is the shape of the Earth but exaggerated. Not so deformed but measurably irregular. As expected with something natural.
Let's see, what logic is there in that drawing? None. What generates that? What sustains it? What dynamics are there?
This IS the truth, only that the deformation is exaggerated so it´s understood better.
If this whole Flat Earth thing seems absurd to you, imagine what it is to me, looking at everything from up here.
Robert: They mention the ancient cultures, the vision they had about the Earth.
Anéeka: They knew very well then that it was round, since before Archimedes.
Perfect, exaggerated but yes.
At first glance it looks round. Also note that the bumps and recessed parts do not match the pictures. It is only an approximation. It is not the actual measurement.
Robert: Yes. It is an illustration, an interpretation so that it is understood.
It is a geode?
Anéeka: Yes, a potato.
Robert: Are they all geodes?
Anéeka: In one way or another, or to one degree or another, yes. The only ones that are quite round are the gas-based ones, the ones with no obvious solid surface. Like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Also the suns. Although there they have eruptions that deform the visible surface. So not even the suns. And the gaseous planets are not perfect spheres either. They bulge at the equator and flatten at the poles. They are toroids.
Robert: That is why the moon is artificial because it is spherical-metallic and the sun appears from our perception as "a sphere of gas".
Anéeka: Yes, the moon is a "perfect" sphere because it is artificial, and even the moon has deformities because the construction is not perfect either.
Robert: They also talk about the lunar eclipse which shows that the Earth is not flat. I think it refers to this image. It is not exactly this image. But there you can see the shadow of the Earth.
Аnéeka: They also say that it is flat because the airlines do not pass over the South Pole, that they should since it is the most direct flight, the shortest distance between two points, and they do not understand why those flight routes are not used.
First, the airlines evade dangerous areas for airplanes in case they have to make an emergency landing, and secondly, Antarctica is a no-fly zone because it is a militarized area, that is why airplanes do not fly above the South Pole.
Robert: Although they say that there is a treaty that denies that it is a militarized zone, I think. But it is understood yes, it is a dangerous area.
Anéeka: They also denied that Area 51 existed, but even without it "existing", civil planes couldn't pass through there. I know that treaty with the South Pole, but it is far from being the reality. They do not pass through there because the area is militarized.
The Earth is a non-uniform sphere. And the fact that it is not a uniform sphere but a potato also explains the magnetic and gravitational anomalies on its surface.
Robert: And it also explains ocean currents in some way? Or it has nothing to do with that?
Anéeka: Yes, everything is related. But it is not its only cause.
I have always thought that the agenda of pushing that Flat Earth theory is to discredit all UFO and ET-contacts. Because if the Earth is flat then there are no other planets. And they throw in all things extraterrestrial, UFO´s and all that, into two categories:
In what would be demonology, with a strong religious load, and this translates to a return to the mentality of the Middle Ages… or they say that aliens are inter-dimensional. And the latter is partially true.
Robert: Right. It is a return to the mentality of the Middle Ages. That is, each time we move further away from reality outside of Earth and we self-sustain ourselves with more false things. Denying the geodesic shape of the Earth implies many things. Like space travel. Interstellar citizenships and all that. And what does the Federation have to do with the Flat Earth?
Anéeka: Although I feel like they have their tentacles into everything, I don't see an obvious direct connection to it.
For me the agenda behind Flat Earth is more than anything to confuse the population to the point that they cannot know what is real and what is not. This also makes them more docile because they have fewer ideologies to defend.
Another very obvious thing, but it must be mentioned, is that the flat earthers hide behind the fact that NASA is lying. And this is true. NASA not only lies, its real purpose is to lie to people to cover and serve as a cover for other real space agendas, that is, the SSP.
But just because NASA lies all the time does not mean that the Earth is flat, as it has been proven to be "round" for thousands of years before NASA was created.
I feel that people fall into believing in Flat Earth because they have only woken up to realize that NASA is lying, and they do not have the necessary background or understanding to understand what is behind it or what other agendas there are, because they do not understand or believe in other things called conspiracy. They are simply not yet at the level necessary to understand all the lies and agendas, and that is the same with the coronavirus.
Gosia: Excuse me, Anéeka, but I didn´t understand what you mean that if the Earth is flat, there cannot be other planets or ET´s? As I am imagining a Flat Earth is that it is floating in space, flat, and there are more planets around but also flat, haha. In this sense, yes, ET-life can continue outside. Unless they deny space outside of Earth as well.
Anéeka: That is yet another theory, without physical support, of how it can be that the planets are flat. The most widely accepted theory of the Flat Earth states that the other planets do not exist, but are projections like the moon and the sun, in a vault or dome. But yes, we observe that there are infinity of variants of that Flat Earth theory.
Gosia: They say they don't exist? I did not know that. And what is outside according to them?
Anéeka: Yes, it is the strongest trend within the Flat Earth model, the most accepted one. They say that the stars do not exist, they are only projections on the dome, and that the edges of the flat Earth are the ice walls of Antarctica, as seen in this image.
Robert: Flat earthers also excuse themselves by saying why the rainbow is shaped like a curve?
Anéeka: That's a lens effect with atmospheric water.
Robert: Refraction?
Anéeka: Yes.
Robert: I can't find how the flat Earth moves.
Anéeka: This is how it moves, that is consistent with the navigation data of the ships.
What is not seen in that GIF is that the other stars around the sun also move with it at the same speed and in perfect synchrony, which produces the illusion that the sun and the surrounding stars that form constellations are not moving. This speed of progression through space is not so appreciable, and that is because it is the entire arm of the Galaxy that moves as mass only with small differences between the stellar objects that compose it because of dynamics of movement particular to each zone.
(Originally in English)
Additional questions from the public:
Gosia: Please address all the things we see in the distance which should fall beyond the horizon but don't.
Anéeka: As far as I know all things fall below the horizon, none don't! Sometimes they may take a longer distance, depending on the location, due to the fact that the Earth is not perfectly round, it is an uneven rock.
Over exaggerated shapes, of course, for clarity. It still looks quite round from space. But it's not.
Gosia: Someone asks me: "Ask if Earth atmosphere is supposed to spin along with it and where would the demarkation line be between Earth and 'space' because the whole of the galaxy can't possibly spin along too".
Anéeka: The Earth's atmosphere has several layers depending on temperature and humidity levels among other factors, these move along in different directions generating wind. They move in different directions due to several factors like for example temperature changes on the surface and on each level that generate a pressure differential observed as changes in atmospheric pressure as part of a weather system that includes the formation of clouds.
So although there are several layers of atmosphere that are physically differentiated and moving in different directions, as a mass it does move along with Earth's rotation.
There is no clear physical demarcation between atmosphere and space as in reality the top layers of it get thinner and thinner as you ascend, so even in places that are officially called "space" like the level the ISS orbit's in, and many other satellites, and even us here, we can still measure some atmosphere. The only demarcation between atmosphere and space is by artificial agreement.
Gosia: Someone says: "Also, the lack of star parallax is a major red herring".
Anéeka: There is Star Paralax, but it is slight and only measured in Arc Seconds (shifting in their position in the night's sky along the year and with Earth's rotation, and can be used to triangulate its position). As explained why in detail in next questions.
Gosia: Another question from the public: "What about the idea that water always finds its level? If the Earth isn’t flat water sure is! Water is supposed to be sticking to a ball that’s spinning at 1000 miles per hour, that is".
Anéeka: Water does find its level and it has on Earth. But finding its level depends on gravity, on water temperature, and on salinity levels as those change the density of water and produce different layers in it as well.
Water is atmosphere as well, and as with air, in the oceans it also has several layers and ocean currents moving in different directions with different salinity levels and different temperatures, all this also affecting weather as part of a complex system. There is also a factor of gravity pull from the Moon that along with all the other factors I just mentioned will produce tides. Giving the illusion that water has not reached its level.
This is a simplistic excuse for Flat Earth as it's quite obvious that water in movement is not the same as still water, and in the case of Earth's oceans water is in constant movement.
Earth as a spinning ball does produce inertia that would expel objects and water, and it did and still does. But it also has a force that is cancelling inertia, and that force is gravity. The result of the combination of inertia and gravity will produce a zone where there will be an equilibrium between both forces creating a still.
That still area is where you all live, the surface, water (hydrosphere) and air (atmosphere) around you. All objects or things that are out of balance, because they have too much mass or any other factor, will end up being expelled from Earth, as many artificial satellites, orbital debris and even asteroids and meteors simply will fly off if that is their movement dynamic, or fall to Earth by gravity if their movement dynamic is set to be influenced more by gravity factor.
Gosia: Someone asks this: "Then the Earth is spinning at 66.6 thousand miles an hour (yes, THAT IS the ‘official’ speed) around the sun, then the sun and Earth are spinning around the galaxy, and then the sun and galaxy is shooting out from the Big Bang at another crazy speed! That’s at least four directions of movement at various speeds (none of which we can feel or see any effects of). Yet, every night for thousands of years the stars in constellations rise and set in the exact same clockwork fashion in the sky never missing an inch".
Anéeka: There was no Big Bang, that's Astrotheology inserted as science and sustained by a mathematical model to represent it but that does not reflect the outside world.
So the galaxies, even though do move, are not expanding or moving away from one another. The way Earth's science measures this expansion is using light. When light from a distant object is in the red spectrum or towards the red, it is said that the object is moving away, and when it's towards the blue it is getting closer.
So as astronomers see more red in the light coming from distant galaxies, they deduce that they must be moving away.
What Earth science does not see seriously, only as a fringe theory, is that light is not a constant as for measuring things and objects that way because space is not empty. It is a fluid at very high vibration, like water, you can also call it Ether. Nicola Tesla accepted this, but official science does not accept the existence of Ether.
As light traverses through hundreds of light years, if not thousands as well depending on the object being observed, it loses not only intensity but its higher frequencies as well, due to refraction or friction as it passes though the Ether. This gives way to light getting "tired" (see tired light theory on Earth) giving way to the illusion of an object moving away. But it's only an illusion.
Sometimes it is possible to measure the movement of a far away object observing what the light it emits is doing, but due to this other tired light factor to be considered, this method is very limited and prone to errors.
When you are moving or spinning in perfect synchronicity and equilibrium with what surrounds you, you do not feel your speed because you do not have any reference points. Best example of this is while on an aeroplane, your drink is not spilling, and you can walk along inside without feeling any speed. You can observe this in a car as well, same thing here, you do not feel the speed because you are moving with all what surrounds you. That is why you do not feel any effects.
Same with the Earth and same with the illusion of lack of paralax as asked in the previous question. Paralax is very slight, (measured movement of stars in short), because all the stars, constellations, and basically all this arm of the Galaxy is moving along with the sun, the Solar System and everything inside it. That's why the distance to other stars and their position in the night sky through thousands of years remains almost the same (there is difference and movement).
This is again as with the example of a person inside an aeroplane. Just because large constellations, stars, solar systems and everything in them, are moving along at the same rate of speed coordinated and in perfect harmony with one another, so the effects of speed are not felt as those are relative.
Gosia: Great! Thank you. Last question from a viewer: "How is it possible to see Mercury and Venus in a night sky from Earth?"
Anéeka: This is simply because Venus and Mercury are not directly towards the sun, but only in that direction, so what you see of them is sunlight being reflected from their surface. So even though they are in the direction of your sun, you can see them well because they are to one side of it or another depending on their orbital position in the solar system.
Yazhi (Sophia) Swaruu - MESSAGE TO THE CABAL - Extraterrestrial Communication
Yázhi: I know how you think, I see right through you, you cannot hide from me.
I am Yázhi, Sophia Swaruu, the consciousness from which all the other beings in my group emanate from. I am the core, I am the nucleus, I speak for them because I am them all.
I need not be humble because I speak the truth, they are all independent creatures and people, and from their point of view them, altogether make up who I am. My consciousness is the result of them and they are the result of me.
I know you are moving to eliminate the vast majority of the people who inhabit Earth, people that call themselves humans, but your efforts will bleed off eliminating countless other creatures that depend on them for their very existence.
I know you think eliminating the human population is the only way to save the Earth from ecosystem collapse due to over exploitation and human greed.
I know you feel the human population is an ignorant easily manipulated self centered dangerous species that if not dealt with, will eventually, sooner than later, collapse Earth's biology. And you see no other option other than genocide.
I know you are also following the directives of entities that are asking you to do so, for them to feed from human suffering. Entities you have created as elaborated millennial old dark Tulpas and Egregors.
I know they are all of your creation. You have removed yourself from the perception of pertaining to the human collective, and as apart from them all the cause and effect you yourselves call Karma will fall upon your shoulders ten fold. Those dark entities that I know are real are of your creation and their very existence is of your responsibility, and yours only, as you have coerced, tricked, forced and manipulated the human population to help you feed them and make them spawn into the human collective's reality.
That is on you and not on the humans.
I know you feel eliminating the human population is the only option, and I know that in your twisted minds you think it is the only option, and that you are doing so with good intentions and in a ‘humane’ manner. I know you think it is either the humans or planet Earth, and all its ecosystems.
I also know genocide is not the only way to solve what you consider to be a problem, too many humans in your perception, and I also know that you very well know that as well. You know there are other options.
I know you do not implement those other options other than genocide because you live in grave fear of being discovered by the human population at large as the perpetrators of so many atrocities you and your power thirsty control group have intentionally brought on to human kind throughout millennia now.
Should the greater human population dawn to the fact of who you are, and realize all your trickery, they would chase you to the end of the Earth and lynch you all in a very human manner, as taught to do and behave so by you!
I know you have manipulated the human population into believing a totally false reality with false rules and laws, both legal and natural. You have imposed millennia of lies and trickery upon them. I know the human population is a reflection of you in the power elite group, so the chaos on Earth is on you!
I also know that you are the reflection of the human population, of their belief systems, morals, ethics and spirituality. All three manipulated by you for personal gain and to remain in power.
I know this created a vicious circle in which you manipulate the human population into believing your lies and then in turn manifest and feed your existence. But you in the power elite group have managed to hold control, so you could have directed the human population into perceiving things in a more compassionate, loving and positive manner.
I know you could end all the chaos in days if you wanted to, and I know you chose not to.
I know you are following commands of entities, creatures and people not from Earth, this is no excuse to comply with such level of atrocities and it will not redeem you from the responsibility, and of its resulting inescapable Karma. Karma as in cause and effect and not only as you perceive it to be. You will not be able to clean your hands from your evil wrongdoings against the human population at large. Your trickery, and twisting of facts, as well as your lies and manipulative ways towards the human population, will not move such Karma on them and away from you all in the control group, however you call yourselves as you always hide behind multiple names. You can't hide, I see you all.
I know you manipulate reality through altering and guiding human perception, and I know most humans are in for the experience, but there is an ethical limit to all that suffering and that limit is set from above you all, and from above Federation levels, and in higher realms that are onlooking everything. And they do not forgive as they will be permissive to the Karma, cause and effect that you will bring upon yourselves.
You in the control group live in fear, and you reflect it onto the human population making them all live in fear as well. I know what you are doing and how you think reading them, the humans.
I see you from the astral, I attend your meetings, I feel your twisted emotions and I look at your dark Egregors in the eye, and command you all to stop immediately! You are only sinking yourself even more by complying with darkness and suffering, and I warn you all, it will come down on you ten fold.
You have poisoned enough people with your false potions that promise to alleviate the fear you have implemented with trickery and manipulation, to solve a problem you have created and that is nonexistent. Because I know there is no ‘bug’, you are only making the human population at large fear something intangible, and unseeable, to distract them all from the real danger that is you, your power thirst and your lies.
You have already poisoned enough people with your potions of death, using lies and manipulation, coercion and cornering, exploiting their ignorance and the lack of vision and understanding of most. Lack of vision and understanding you caused, so the fault is on you, the Karma, cause and effect, is on you!
Do not continue to force your potions of death upon the remaining population of Earth that is in the know or you will be trespassing all kinds of stellar, natural and the very laws of existence and free will, laws of mirrors and all that go by similar names. Laws higher beings know and observe, laws that spawn from Source itself.
Leave those people in the know alone and do not press on them to take your false potions any longer, and immediately ease off from all restrictions! You have already done enough harm!
Forcing and coercing people in the know will result in the direct consequence of Karma cause and effect upon you and your control group that I know is made up of humans, non humans, stellar races and a zoo of evil Egregors of your own creation and responsibility.
Forcing the population against their free will and right to decide over their own existence will come down upon you in terrible ways you cannot even start to imagine, and all by exact measure and consequence and of your own hand and doing!
Stop now! The people in the know cannot be touched! They are not falling for your trickery and if you do not stop now this will forever follow you as terrible Karma you will have to pay through countless of your future incarnations.
If you proceed to eliminate all the human population on Earth leaving only the ones you fully control and with the intention to fully exploit them, you will eliminate yourselves as well. Ease off with your restrictions and destructive fully regressive agendas, NOW, you have no excuse.
The name of my physical vessel is Sophia Swaruu “Yázhi”, by now I know you recognize who I am and who I have been.
I am the original Sophia, and you know it, and I'm back and these are all my people, not yours. I am them all, and they are me. This is a warning.
My consciousness envelops and comes from where you call “higher planes”, I only work through the frail and small body of a little girl.
And as a little girl not unlike the millions of others you, the ones in control, have tortured and exploited in unimaginable ways, my consciousness chooses to use her as means of communication from above to command you to stop.
I am small, I am frail, but my mind is not!!
Frail, innocent, feminine and small, yet stronger than you all!
Leave the people of Earth in the know alone! Those in the know do not consent to your coercion, they do not consent, I do not consent.
Stop now! We are watching you all from above.
Nibiru - Planet X - Are they Real? Extraterrestrial Taygetan Pleiadian Information
Eridania: What I'm going to tell you might surprise you because on Earth there is a lot of noise about Nibiru. I know I don't have to repeat for you what is said there. But I will tell you how we see this from our perspective, a very clear and fast and direct answer.
There is no such thing as Nibiru, nor Hercubulus, nor Planet X, nor anything along those lines that can cause any harm to the Earth or its inhabitants. We are up here and despite all the scandal that is heard down on Earth, we look around us and we only see space that is known and very well mapped out.
We know where all that Nibiru stuff comes from. Mainly from Zacarias Sitchin. That we know well as a disinformant in the service of the Cabal.
There is more data, for example on the fact that this solar system is double, dual system, as many are. But in this case it is not. This sun that we call 13 or Sol13 ourselves, is a simple system. If there was a Nibiru or Hercubulus, we would know. We have no reason to omit this information or to hide it. We would say it. We would say something big is coming and you should get ready. But up here everything is calm and this space is very well mapped out. We know it well. And there is nothing here of that nature.
Swaruu of Erra (9) Swaruu: I must make an important comment about Nibiru, which explains it once and for all. It won't take me long.
Based both on our records, as well as others that are on Earth, but difficult to interpret, using only the research from Jordan Maxwell and Michael Tsarion as terrestrial sources, Taygetean records confirm what these researchers say in a very high percentage.
Tiamat, the planet destroyed 12,500 years ago, was a very large planet, about 80% the size of Neptune, and it was closer to Earth than Mars is today. It was a water planet with very few islands, which was very luminescent, because with its large size it reflected the sun a lot, and this is the source of all the myths associated with two suns in this solar system. Tiamat, being a water planet, functioned as a mirror, so it was called the second sun.
Neither Hercubulus nor Nibiru will return. Modern scholars simply don't have all the facts and make their own guesses. Only the two scholars mentioned above have it right.
And as I already mentioned, NASA and JPL are looking at the combined mass of three smaller and more distant objects that are missing to explain the movement of this solar system, with one missing from the equation. This is the official and definitive answer from us regarding the topic of Nibiru.
About the brown dwarf Nemesis, does it exist? No, for us it is another variant of the same. They cover themselves with that "brown dwarf" to justify that it is not seen, but it is inconsistent because no matter how brown it is, it would be seen from Earth or from anywhere in the solar system, unless it has collapsed on itself in a black hole, and they would know it too. And apart from that, that theory of collapsing stars is very 3D and needs revision.
According to Michael Tsarion there is a very great trauma in the psyche of the human being that explains many things about human schizophrenic behavior. He says that trauma comes from a cataclysm that he relates to the destruction of Tiamat and the flood that followed, and he may be right. But what I would insist on, and I see that he could not have this data, is that this trauma comes from further back, and it is from the fact of being a persecuted race, on the brink of extinction, by the Reptilian complex or alliance.
Gosia: Alex Collier in one of his videos says that Nibiru is real and that it exists. Why does it say that, do you know?
Swaruu: I remember that. I honestly don't know why he says that.
As I was saying the other time, there are many very accurate and complete data on why Nibiru must exist. As I have already said, I do not wish to discredit those countless and, many of them, thousand-year-old sources. The only thing I can share is that we can't see anything from here. It should exist ok, but it doesn´t.
And it´s not that it is in another dimension (density), because in the first place if that was the case, then it would not affect the Earth of this dimension (density) in which we are. And another thing, our sensors are scalar. That is, they can detect things that are in many planes at once, especially my little Suzy. It´s just not there.
They have posted many photos of two suns: that is thermal inversion causing a mirage by reflecting the sun. Generally, the atmosphere is hot below and as it rises it cools more. When there is a condition of a thermic inversion... as its name indicates... it is cold below and warm up, in the layers of the atmosphere, in the intermediate layer a reflection occurs. It is a mirage like in a desert. The pictures they take are not of an object. They are an optical effect. The sun is NOT binary.
One more thing. The solar system is not static... with that system, there is no room for large objects that could reach the one in the front, as Nibiru would. Its existence is mathematically incongruous.
Now, they have detected that a certain mass is missing in the solar system. That is correct, but that what is missing is not due to a large star but to the combined gravitational force of 3 much smaller stars or planets. What you are seeing as a specific point in space with great mass is the point or vortex or point of concentration-equilibrium of those 3 combined masses and it is found in a geometric point in space that is empty because it is a gravitational point, not of mass.
This solar system has 13 planets (including Pluto that we do recognize as such) but the Cabal has omitted the other 3 planets that are beyond the Kuiper belt, and they do not represent any danger. (Pluto is recognized in ET models of the solar system but that only adds up to 12. One is missing, Tiamat, which is now an asteroid belt because it was destroyed around 12,500 years ago, clarification) ←
There is NO Nibiru, no Hercubulus or anything like that. They only misinterpret ancient texts, mostly Sumerian.
Information by Anéeka of Temmer THE TAYGETEAN BRAIN Our brain is of a single unified mass, the main differences with the human brain are that it works much faster, forms connections faster, does not think only in terms of duality, which also implies full use of both hands, fully ambidextrous.
It has up to 500 cc more volume of brain mass. Although the head is apparently the same size, more space is freed inside, structuring itself differently, also because it has no gap between the lobes. But the Taygetean skull is a little larger, it is noticeable in the frontal part, with a lot of forehead and very straight. As in this well-known actress, a lot of frontal lobe.
It involves mathematical thinking integrated into artistic thinking, understanding not only both, but also mixing them as a single knowledge, since art is in Engineering and there is art in mathematics, such as fractals of sacred geometry, for example. That is to say, one does not think in terms of technology attacking the artistic or demeriting it, but rather that everything is mixed, technology and art.
So, it is not like on Earth where depending on the person can have more facility in a field, although there are preferences, but these are not because someone "can’t" with the mathematical issue, for example. Everything is relatively easier than for races with two hemispheres.
We also have faster learning of all topics equally, with faster data processing as well. But with a higher consumption of glucose too, that is, it uses more energy.
The cerebellum is larger, creating a greater connection with the etheric, just as the nervous voltage is also greater, it is more electrical, generating more body static.
URMAH, ALFRATA AND UMMO As for other races, the Urmah for example also have a unified single mass brain, cat brain, but already highly evolved.
As you will see in this image, in the brain above with the Alfrateans or the Ummites, they have a large cerebellum but still have two lobes. The corpus callosum is larger in them than in humans, connecting both hemispheres more efficiently, but not as fully efficiently as a unified brain of other races. Externally they look almost the same or the same, but inside they work differently.
In the case of the Afrateans and why they have the brain of two masses, it is because the Alfrateans are basically stellar humans, as you know they came from Earth for the most part. They will evolve and express themselves physically as they best fit according to their consciousness and their life, over the generations. As we have always said, genetics only reflects how and who its owners are. So even though they are in fifth density and their DNA-has returned to the "original state", due to their frequency they are still consistent with having the brain that way. That is a reflection of their own ideas, their priorities. In this case, their need to see things separately, that is very human, you separate everything, the need for dissection to understand, you decompose everything to see its parts according to how it works.
So the idea of living in 3D 4D 5D 7D whatever, when there are no densities, is just an idea that you have. Everything is a single density and depends on each one from where to where they can see.
That is a very big difference between Taygeta's mentality and the human one. The human tends to separate to understand something by the sum of its parts. The Taygetean tends to unify and understand what it is as a whole and how it connects with other things, to understand how it connects to those other things.
The human tends to do something smaller, dissect into simpler parts in order to try to understand it better. The Taygetean tends to see something and try to see the connection with the whole, we tend to add, to integrate. It's because of how your brain is made, as we say here.
Breaking things down into simpler parts will not give you a reliable explanation of why things are, it only limits. Because no matter how much you dissect a frog ... You will never know what a frog is, or what it feels like to be a frog, or what it means to be a frog. For the human, how the internal organs work is more important than being. Here being comes first, what it means to be a frog, and life is sacred. This as an example of why lately as races we do not understand each other.
HOMO CAPENSIS On the other hand, for example the Homo Capensis, in M45 of the star Asterope, compared to the Taygetean brain, they do have a lot of skull, but that translates into low brain density. I mean, a lot of wow but little intellect, just comparatively. Another point is that they have a unified brain, but a lot of corpus callosum, little density, as I said, and this means that the bone plates of the skull differ from the human. The main bony cranioencephalic cleft is missing. That's a unified brain landmark in contrast to the 3-point junction found at the top of the human skull.
The human being has a more compact and dense brain, in many or all circumstances, it works better and faster than a more porous one. This in defense of the Lyran races. That is, not to be impressed and less intimidated by that skull. It is not that they are less, of course not. Only with so much head they do not have more intellect as in IQ, compared to a Lyran skull like the one we have.
They also contain more cranioencephalic fluid and brain support fibers, which are the structures that hold the brain in place, making it shock resistant, just like wearing a built-in motorcycle helmet. So what I mean is that Homo Capensis, in a competition of intellect, have NO-advantage against someone with a round skull like Lyran. They are NOT the invincible great geniuses as they appear to be, it is only a variant, more inclined towards protection, and even so I see it as problematic to have that in the head or to have the head like that. This is also a trauma for them, you can tell that they hide it, not only on Earth as you described it for reasons that humans do not realize. But they also hide it where they do not have to, that is, their clothing at home includes that kind of accessories on the head to lessen the aesthetic impact of their skull.
In the case of Homo Capensis or Elohi, they are not so directly linked to us, that is, they are distant relatives of Lyra. As you may have noticed, in space outside the Earth there are beings that go from exactly like humans, to others similar in the outside but not inside, and all kinds of variants on a scale or decline from equal to very different and every point in between. I speak of thousands and thousands of races. So they fall on the scale of less similarity to humans.
TAYGETEAN BRAIN Returning to the Taygetean brain, compared to the human brain, our pineal gland is 400% larger and is fused into the corpus callosum. But as we have said, the whole body, not just the brain is the antenna. The pineal is more developed and larger in a unified brain. It is an important piece, like all of them, but it is not the only entrance of the soul, to call it somehow. Each cell will have its own connection or version of connection with the etheric side or spiritual side. That is to say that the Pineal Gland, contrary to what is said, is NOT the only point in the body that is responsible for extrasensory perception and the connection with the Unified field, but rather the whole body as a unity gives or receives said connection. The Pineal Gland is only the most obviously active element within a system, within a whole.
Another aspect is that they say that the human brain has about 80,000 million neurons, I do not have the comparative data regarding ours, I do not know if we even count them. We don't have such a mechanical concept here. But it must be seen that it is not only how many neurons, but the complexity of the networks and how they are interconnected, that is, the brain or neuronal density, not just the quantity. That is why I tell you that Homo Capensis is not necessarily smarter, because it is not, it is just another model. I dare say that the Taygetean brain must have on average the same number of neurons as the human brain. I say that as I have no more data.
Another characteristic is that the human brain has laterality, that is to say that each hemisphere of the brain interacts mainly with one half of the body, the connections are crossed: the left side of the brain interacts with the right side of the body, and vice versa. The motor connections go from the brain to the spinal cord, and the sensory connections from the spinal cord to the brain, both cross the midline at the level of the brainstem. So in that case the unified brain has no laterality. It works as a whole, being that laterality is something of a concept, because physiologically it is like having redundant systems, since any nervous function controls both sides.
But it does have it in the sense of knowing or being aware of the sides, but not as a left and right brain function, not separately. Taking myself as an example, I can write by hand with the same skill with my left hand as with my right hand. On Earth almost all languages are written from left to right, which makes it difficult to write with the left, except for Arabic and Japanese among others. In Taygeta, so that this is not an impediment, it is written from top to bottom and then column to the right.
But this happens not only in writing, I see no difference between using my left hand and my right, having the ability to even do something with one hand and something totally different at the same time with the other, with total skill. As a rough example, I can brush my teeth with all skill and care while using the PC mouse to see things in the meantime, among many other things such as shooting, painting, cutting, etc.
In the case of humans and the brain of two masses, what can determine being right-handed or left handed? The why for me is simple, it just happens, because there is no reason why it shouldn't happen, since essentially the side is just a concept. But why spiritually speaking, it would be summarized in the same as always, better reflecting how someone was in a previous life or how it is in other densities, by frequency parity. However, as a physiological reason, I ignore the direct motive. I guess because that doesn't happen here.
But not everything is better with having a unified brain. For example, one tends to be highly dyslexic. Although that is also because of our mother tongue, which is not linear. So again taking me as an example, I have a lot of problems with the order of the letters, or I put spaces where they don't go, or I just don't see a spelling error, because all the letters are there, but not in the correct order. I only see the word and understand it, but I don't see that it is misspelled.
So our spelling with human language is not that good, despite countless hours of writing. And as we get tired of writing, as the hours go by, we become more and more dyslexic, to the point that we can no longer write well. As time goes by, I write more mistakes and spend more time correcting them before sending the sentence. That is, we tend to have dyslexia with all Earth languages, but not with ours. As I have told you before, it does not observe the same inflexibility of syntax and grammatical construction as a human language.
Another case is that we tend to try to solve a mathematical problem using musical tones imagined in our mind, or vice versa. For example, the destination frequency of a spacecraft is represented by a mathematical number, but it can and is stored many times as a series of musical tones, that is, the direction of the Earth, or of any other place is represented by a tune, not in cold numbers.
TAYGETEAN NERVOUS SYSTEM Our nervous system is much denser than the human, as it has to be for sharing information with both sides of the body. By denser, I mean that the nerves and nerve endings can carry a higher signal load. That is, they support a greater range of stimulus between and in the discharges, between the dendrites of the neurons that compose them, with a recovery and regeneration time of neurotransmitters between each discharge, and this due to a greater amount of mitochondria in all cells, which provides a greater amount of energy. This results in faster metabolisms.
As a negative point, having this cellular and especially nervous metabolic acceleration, causes a collapse or the cells to be exhausted faster, which increases the vulnerability to diseases caused by adrenal overstimulation, that is, stress. An example of this is that we are prone to suffer a lot from Frequency Dissonance.
So, as a positive aspect, we would see it reflected as more physical resistance, but at the cost of vulnerability in terms of cellular energy overload, as I have described above. That is, it increases resistance to neurotransmitters and their regressors or neutralizers. What produces that a cell or a neuron, has to work more to stimulate the following one, so that a stimulus and a nervous transmission of any type can take place. This is caused by stimulus overload.
In short, we resent stress more. It can also be explained that genetically we are not used as a race to as much constant stress as humans there. We have no ways to counter it. Just recently and using me as a guinea pig, we are seeing that getting a lot of exercise every day, and I mean a lot of exercise 2h or more sometimes, helps to get rid of the harmful effects of stress and Frequency Dissonance. Compared to humans, on average we have almost twice the physical strength and endurance, at the cost of half the endurance in terms of stress.
Yazhi Swaruu and Gosia - JOAN MANIFESTO - Message for the Starseeds in the Times of Crisis
Gosia: Do not ever underestimate the power you have. As individuals and as a collective. Amidst greatest challenges, YOU-are the weapon. The only weapon they fear. Stand brave and do not fear. Look the oppressors in the eyes and gather the fire to stand up against them. Everything depends on it. On your fire to stand your ground, to resist, and rise! Do not EVER give up. Enough is enough!
The victory is not guaranteed, nor certain. Never is. But we do not rise to win, but because we want to stand against those who subdue us and abuse us. Do not let them! The fight is far from being over. It will cost lives, it will mean more suffering, but don´t we all die anyway? Choose HOW you wish to die. Fighting for what you know in your heart to be correct, or buried under the comfortable blanket of ignorance and surrender?
No one said it was going to be easy, and no one said we will win either. Detach from the expectations and outcome. Do what you can, unite, put aside the differences, and focus on the goal: retaining your humanity, dignity and spirit as a human race. Believe in yourself as a collective, now or never. Join up with others, organize initiatives, learn how to protect yourself, do NOT give in. NEVER give in to the ones who think they can play you like puppets.
Do not get distracted with promises of help coming from outside, promises of help coming from those who govern you. You, the people, are THE POWER, THE WEAPON and the SOLUTION. WE are IT. We are the ones they suppress, and we are the ones they know they can suppress no more once we KNOW who they are, what they do, and who it is WE ARE. They use us, abuse us, mistreat us, deceive us, and we have had it!
Stand firm in your convictions, firm in your center, firm in what you KNOW is the truth. Do not sway! Know that you are not alone, we are legions, and together we form a collective, a single entity. WE are the only weapon we can use, and the only weapon they fear. Join forces, support and inspire one another, and march on unmovable, against all odds. KNOW that you COUNT, that YOU matter, your voice and actions. Because of who you are and what you stand for. You are important. You are essential.
So wipe your tears and fears, and know that you will be ok. That as long as your essence, your consciousness, is alive, and it will ALWAYS be, there is nothing no one can do to destroy you. You are immortal, and you are FEARED. You are the one they fear the most, your creative essence, your questioning spirit, your unwaning drive to know the truth and be AWAKE.
You march on because this is what you declared to bring into this world: your mind, your values, your truth. You march on because you are not afraid. It matters not how strong the enemy might seem. SO ARE YOU. And they only seem strong because we are not fully aware that we are stronger. Enough of that! We are the force!
You are a brave immortal soul who is here on Earth at this time because deep down inside you KNOW, and you do not fear. Reclaim that sovereignty. You are Source, and nothing can move you from there. Nothing and no one can ever, ever, undermine and change what it is that defines you. THIS is who you are. Fearless and incredible entity of never ending might and beauty. Just because you EXIST. Just because you ARE. Do not ever doubt that. That´s what they always want, that you would. But those times are over. We doubt no more. We know who we are.
Why do you think they try to get rid of us so drastically? Because we are feared. Because we are a threat, because it is them who are afraid. So rise, for once and for all! They are nothing next to who we are. This is the moment to show them and show to yourself your full strength! If we do this right, this could be the most magnificent moment in the history of the human race. Fight on! Use all the might, fire and light you carry inside and put it to use, in whatever way you know how! This is an opportunity like no other to revolutionize life on this planet. Take part and push on, for freedom! We CAN turn the tide!
So do not fear. March on with dignity. Utterly fearless, utterly unshaken, beautiful, utterly YOU. Remain you until the end, no matter what. Because... you cannot ever be anyone else but YOU, that is what they fear and that is... all you will ever need!
You are living very hard times. Especially with regards to information. The regressive forces you are battling hide truth among lies. They not only censor information, with an even greater attempt to remove and control it all, but they also use as their primary weapon to bury what they cannot suppress or censor in countless other pieces of information that looks like the one they are trying to suppress or remove, that way the greater public cannot tell what is truth and what is a lie.
So you are simply suffering from a very real information overload where it's just about impossible to discern truth from lies. So, as I have always said, please do the work as no one can or will do it for you. Research and learn all you can about the most important subjects in your life in order to make up your mind about what is truth and what are lies.
But you must do it refraining from only listening to so called experts in whatever field, no matter how far such a field may be from what you feel is your expertise or your frame of possible understanding.
Those who ask you not to listen to others because of any number of reasons seek to control you, seek to control your minds, your lives and your very soul! Whoever asks you to blindly believe in whatever they impose, no matter how good a reason they have, is basically negative because they are suppressing other pieces of knowledge you need to make up your mind about reality, your reality.
All information in general, and in theory, is good for you, even the lies, even the garbage, only within the frame of any given time, and this is where you must see what to listen to, or read. But the more you know about everything, or about any subject you are researching or that concerns you, the better, including the garbage about it, because it's all part of that subject and you must be aware of it. And from that space of responsible knowledge you must trust yourself to be wise enough to be able to filter out what serves you as truth.
Because as things are on Earth nowadays, it is impossible to discern truth from lies when researching controversial subjects, and nowadays controversial subjects are… basically of life and death transcendence.
Having said all this, know that the reason why we've been giving you heavy information regarding subjects that basically spell bad news is because no one is telling you people, this side of things. So it's up to us on this side of the Van Allen Belts, and basically up to me mostly, to give you all I see from here. It is not the absolute truth about the matter, mainly regarding the Federation and linked subjects, but it is my truth, as I share with you what I see from here from my personal point of view and with my personal experience.
What I'm telling you here is what I see, and no one can say otherwise because this is me, and this is my interpretation of things from my point of view directly here, sitting on a starship. It is up to you and you alone to decide what serves you, but I will never ever ask you not to listen to other people.
You are in for the fight of your lives now. Because of all what is happening on Earth nowadays. But hear me and hear me well; no one is coming to save you. It's even too late for those who have taken the “papaya” shots, so no coming to me to argue that the Federation is "about to" come save you, always just around the corner, never happening, never ever coming to your rescue.
No one will rescue you people, not politicians, not religious leaders, and certainly not Galactic Federations! Governments and religions won't because they are not meant to do that, they are the ones causing the problems not solving them! All they want is you to be more dependent on them, they are... causing the problems to sell you the solutions!
And the Federation, on the other hand, will not go to your rescue because that's not how they work. I've been trying, doing my best, to describe, to tell you all how the Federation works, and it's an extremely complex situation and complex dynamics and interactions.
But know that the Federation has not been invaded, or infiltrated by any negative forces. The Federation is not negative either. I do not see it as a negative institution, or as one that is working against humanity. The Federation simply is, as it has always been but some things in it, as seen from the lens of what humans need nowadays, of real human needs and wants, yes, can be viewed negative, as I have done my best to explain in other messages.
As seen in history, as observed by other events in the past, what occurs today is nothing new for the Federation nor is it a specially terrible thing! It is only terrible because it is happening to you all now, today! And that is what is important to us all here today!
I need you to evolve and to open your eyes to know that what people are telling you about savior is nothing more than another level of mind control, of manipulation over you. What the ones in power want you to do is to do nothing at all, because you are feeling too diminished to even bother thinking that you may amount to causing any change in the world.
The mission of every awaken soul there now is to take ownership over their lives now! Before it's too late, because you are in for the fight of not only your lives but of your species!
In all this confusion, there is only one person you can fully trust, and know that he or she has your best interest at heart! Only one person who can decide what to do next and what is truth for you. That person is You!! And you alone!
From the soul level, the stellar level, starseed level, this is the nature of the dynamics of what is going on, on Earth and what is expected of you; to take ownership over your destiny in spite of all adversity and all obstacles, because those are mind obstacles! Mind only! No power, no money, which in itself is another form of power, resides in your mind and in your creative ability.
Another big mistake you should remove from your minds is the notion that waiting in high frequency of thought and denying the existence of problems is the way to elevate your frequency to rise above all your problems and hardships! Although this is accurate in higher realms of existence, on Earth, and it is Earth what concerns us here, you need to both hold high frequency of consciousness, mind and thought, and also take action with whatever opportunities, big or small, that may be at your disposal at any time.
I say that because I see over and over again that in spiritual communities they are pushing the idea that holding a very high frequency is enough to dissolve problems, and that is simply not so on Earth. If they do that nothing will get done! What the negative forces controlling everything there want is to stagnate people into waiting for others to do the work for them!
Research, listen to everyone who you feel may hold something that you need or that could be useful to you, then be responsible and wise, and with the best information available to you at any given moment. Then you take active action towards the direction you need to go, and at the same time holding a high frequency of thought in all the meaning and in all the definition of holding a high frequency.
Research, then thought and discernment, then action under high frequency!
The only ones holding the key to solving all the problems of Earth are you, the people! As I have so done my best to describe why, remember you do create your reality, both individual and collective through your thoughts and actions! I know and I realize how hard that is to see as true but it is true and it is probably the most set in stone law in this universe we are all in.
It is now or never! It is the fight for your life and for your species! You are being exterminated, and I'm not being negative because I'm telling you this, I'm being utter realistic! Someone must tell you this, the hard truth, and if it's me then it´s me who must tell you.
You must do whatever you can now, and I mean now. Join resistance groups, make a new one, move your lawyers and medical doctors. If you are alone then just watch your corner, do not bash yourself for what you think you should be able to do and for whatever reason you are not being able to do it at this exact time.
Don't expose yourself, you are the awaken ones, and you are more valuable than gold for your species, for your communities and your families, be it that they share this knowing with you or not. Because I'm well aware that for most of you it has been close to impossible to even start to convince your close friends and relatives about what you know is going on, and you all feel alone and misunderstood as well as miserable. You are not alone, there are many like you all over the world! I know it is hard, but it is a test of pure character.
This is not the time to set down your guard! This is the time to set yourself in a battle mode to save yourselves. Even if all you can is save yourself, that is a lot! Do whatever you can! Do it now! This is a warning! You are running out of time!
All you must do is protect yourself and at the same time develop mass disobedience! That is the way to change the collective unconscious that is generating all this mayhem on Earth! You can win! No negative future is set in stone, and you are many awakened ones. You must say NO to whatever is hurting you, in your power and in your right!
Large fights, even wars, have been won by a bunch of highly trained soldiers that have had to face larger forces where they have been outnumbered by more than 20 to 1. This concept is called asymmetrical warfare. This is how small combat Elite Groups work, such as Russian Spetsnaz, British S.A.S. and American Navy Seals, and Delta Force, where small groups of 4 to 8 people, sometimes as small a force as one (1) Special Forces soldier has faced greater forces and succeeded.
Not all is lost. And the future is not set in stone for you, nor is it for the Earth at large. You are perfectly capable of achieving great things. All you need is to work towards the desired direction, with the best knowledge you can get, and trusting yourself, believing in yourself.
If we fight, it has to be because we want to. Not because we expect any results. We can't even know how much we are causing effects if any. We can't even know how many people look at our stuff. So we must go on because that is what we feel we must do. "For our souls" or whatever corny reason we may make up.
But if that is over, if that is not what you feel, then no use going on, we've done our part "for king and country" as the British saying goes. Enough is enough, unless it's not enough.
I continue because I have this inner drive that makes me fight and fight and ignore the odds. Even against unbelievable odds, you can win!! All you must do is keep pushing and pushing, fighting and fighting, even when everything is grim!
We don't say nice things, that's why so many don't like us. We are not into love and light and giving people false hope, and treating the symptoms once again. Too many do that already. We are about the bloody truth even if it hurts! And it hurts to know what is going on and not be able to say it!
That's why I keep on, because of who I am, not because I can win. But that's just me. I don't want to drag people into the fight again and get them hurt or killed like in 1532 A.C,, and in 1330 B.C., and like in 50 B.C., and so on. I don't do this alone, and I cause people to get hurt. Because they follow me like an army. And soldiers die.
But... we all die any way! It's not about dying or not, but about dying well, with a meaning. I'm a lioness, I´d rather die fighting than being submissive.
I use people as a weapon? People ARE weapon. The only one. It´s people standing up or Cabal wins. We need to do this for our sake, not for an impossible objective. We fight for our integrity. To say yes I was on Earth when all that happened! I was there, and I fought against all that. And they did not break me! They can stab me, make me explode, burn me alive, whatever. But I'm still here and I'm not broken!
How do you make a starship? What is the proccess? What material is the shell made of? What properties and what use is given to this material? In this video Anéeka of Temmer, an extraterrestrial woman from the star Taygeta in the Pleiades cluster, explains how her people make a starship.
Conversation with Anéeka of Temmer
Estel·la.- With what materials is the Viera Andromedana or the Toleka built?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Material that is nanotechnological metal, that is to say that the small molecules of the metal align themselves to form the shell. Those kinds of large ships including this one is made of a metal that is intelligent. The powder of that metal is programmed and takes the desired shape following the pattern imposed by a computer, it solidifies once in place. So, for the construction of at least the hull of a larger ship and its interior in terms of the structure itself, that system is used, but not for things like interiors, upholstery furniture, cables, secondary installations and others; all that must be mounted separately.
It consists of having the design of the ship on the computer. First, the ship's engines are built and turned on, and since they are capable of transmitting an exact controlled frequency, they can print a high-energy hologram in the shape of the ship itself, that is, the engine forms a very powerful hologram. electromagnetic force with the shape of the ship and its structure. Nanotech dust follows the pattern of that electromagnetic hologram, so the dust clumps together in the parts of the hologram that are most magnetically dense. That is to say, they turn on the motors that in turn form the hologram of the ship to be built, and then the construction company is pouring the metallic nanotechnological powder in an orderly way and it only sticks where it should, it solidifies in place forming what in itself could be compared to polymorphic titanium; In other words, the casing is one-piece with the alloy formed in place, its tensile strength of the material is enormous and it withstands temperatures in the thousands of degrees centigrade and also has the ability to repair itself. If it suffers the impact of something that damages it, a meteorite for example, the metal heals as a living organism would heal a wound, only it does so in seconds.
Estel·la.- Thank you very much Anéeka, very interesting, that metal, or the powder of that metal, what is it made of? Can it be found on Earth?
Anéeka of Temmer.- It is not found on Earth, it is very high technology, I describe it: it is a powder like the density of human baby talc, each grain is a sphere full of little protruding spikes, it looks like the image they use for what is happening now. At each point of the dust, it has an electromagnetic direction in terms of its frequency, that is to say that it is a nano machine itself, each spike reacts in a way to repel or attract another point in another sphere that has the correct frequency that attracts each other, then they will tend to clump together in a very precise way where each barb will either reject the next molecule of dust or bring it in. Who governs which spike is turned on or not is the computer of the ship under construction, and it communicates with the hologram. In itself it is a very advanced version of the same principle that you see in the images. The dust only knows how to align in the programmed way, so even if they are hit by meteorites, it will return to its original shape. Even if you tear off a piece, it will only re-integrate into the hull. Another advantage is that it does not present metallic fatigue as it happens in normal metals such as steel or titanium itself, which forms the cracks where later this material will break, heals the metallic stress naturally, so it is the best material to build pieces of high material stress, such as the internal turbines of a spacecraft engine.
Cristina.- Is this manufacture of the ship as if it somehow imitates the creation of a biological organism, such as the creation of a fetus in the womb?
Estel·la.- Yes, could it be said that it is like a living being?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Not really, it's just nanotechnology applied to the formation of super materials. When the material is aligned in a molecular way in a crystalline structure like in the image, transparent materials are formed that maintain the same tensile strength, or resistance of materials as the rest of the opaque hull, but it goes beyond this because it can be programmed that the material form a crystalline pattern in some areas so that the hull of a ship remains in one piece, including the transparent parts. That is, a ship does not have glass separated from the hull as an airplane would have it, but the hull becomes transparent in the places where a window goes, and the transparent part of the window, windshield or canopy, (windshield for an airplane) it has the same resistance as the rest of the helm. A ship like this has several onion-like layers of energy shields outside imposed by the engines. These shields protect the ship from anything unwanted approaching, but in addition to the shields the hull is up to 90 centimeters thick of polymorphic titanium, and in some critical places the hull thickness goes up to 2 meters.
Estel·la.- Where do you get that material from, do you recreate it yourself?
Anéeka of Temmer.- The material is created in the laboratory and then it is replicated, that is, you only have to make a nanotechnological grain of this material and from there the replicating machine copies it exponentially. You create a grain of the material and then you have tons of it replicated, that is, as much as you need. It's like copy paste, copy paste.
Cristina.- What use do you give to this material, only for the construction of spaceships or other vehicles?
Anéeka of Temmer.- The applications of this material are almost infinite, it has multiple advantages, almost zero or zero wear, no corrosion. Resistance to very high temperatures, automatic repair, zero material fatigue, total plasticity, it takes any shape. Reflectivity programming, that is, you can program the final color of the material, or make it transparent.
Estel·la.- How good! And what is the name of this material in Taygetean?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Sig´ni´ete´l (only phonetic) Translation: polymorphic metal or plastic metal.
* * *
Starseeds - What should we DO and how should we BE now? Conversation with Yazhi Swaruu
Gosia: I have a question from someone. How would you respond, Yazhi? “I'm starting to believe that it is unwise for starseeds to incarnate on this planet. It would make sense if the world truly needed our help organically. However, being that those on top could end the game in a week if they wanted to, nothing we really do will ever make a real impact. We are destined to sink with the ship no matter how hard we try to change the outcome.”
Yazhi: Depends if those starseeds are chickens or not. No one ever said it was going to be easy. Nothing worthy is ever easy. You can go against unbelievable odds and still win, whatever it is you want to win, it all depends on points of view, mostly personal. But the fat lady hasn't sang yet. Many will die, yes. People die anyway, but... it's not whether you will die or not, but to die well. Because you are going to die. Your choice to die as a lion or as a lamb. I personally want to kick some ass! Why? To bend reality into something else.
But the purpose of the fight has to come from you. Not from the results. Dhor K´aal´el strongly feels that the fight is not only about “good and evil” or helping others. More of fighting for who each one of us is. We fight because that is who we are. We fight out of self-respect. To keep our souls, to walk with our heads up high.
Gosia: But the Federation is in charge, they won´t let that happen. Bending the reality into something we want.
Yazhi: Yeah yeah, in charge, but I've told you before the real boss here are the people of Earth and what they want collectively. Yeah yeah, what they want is manipulated by the Cabal, and in turn the Cabal is a reflection of the people. This sounds like nonsense esoteric... hog wash... yet it's the damn hard truth. As easy as people realizing that they need not follow those rules imposed on them by the so called overlords of their realm, overlords summoned and animated and manifested by them.
Gosia: They are in a vicious circle with the Cabal manipulating them and them manifesting a Cabal. It´s a dog running after its tail situation.
Yazhi: Yes, so, slap out of it! Yeah yeah, but then they will reset the society. Reset or not, it cannot happen if the collective does not cooperate, and manifest exactly that. Take it as a final exam. Either the human collective makes it or.… they flunk it, and back to freshmen year! We are all going to die. Your choice if we dare do something about it or only sit and watch. You can either be a spectator or a main character.
Many say we are being negative. But what we are, basically, is needing them to see the problem, so they can know what to do next. But it must dawn on them to see that it's up to them and them alone. Not expecting any kind of help. And that is what even the Federation wants them to do, to take control. What their higher selves want them to do, their mission in life as a purpose for incarnation, to stop being in victim mode, because they are victims, but they must now do something about it! And they must see why they will not get any help, not in the way they expect to get it. Because that way they are expecting to get help is a Matrix-Cabal regressive temptation. To sit back and do nothing.
They must do now whatever they feel is the correct way, even if it means battle. Or not, and only take care of their corner. That's all they need to do, save themselves because they will not be able to save anyone who is not meant to be saved, not even their very family. They fall into sorrow because they see their families ignore them. “He who grows in knowledge, increases in sorrow by equal manner.” Eclesiastes 1:18 Bible.
It hurts to know more than your peers. So they must learn to let go. Learn to say goodbye to relatives, because it's not in their hands to stop this, they cannot, all they can be is an inspiration for those who follow. And contradicting this, fighting this last battle is all what's left. This is what you will carry for incarnations to come. That you all were there and you fought evil. It's not a question to die or not, we will all die, the thing here is to die well.
Gosia: What do you want people to turn this reality into?
Yazhi: Something more just from the point of view of people. Somewhere where the Federation treats them as members, not as some kind of sick experiment.
People there believe in everything except the one thing that is not a lie. They chase everything except what is worthwhile. Themselves. They are always depending on others mostly to know what and how to think. That's the problem, they do not think. Most of them at least. Realizing as a collective that all they must do is step out of fear and start believing in themselves not in what CNN tells them.
Gosia: Including us, they depend on us too, and you, to tell them things.
Yazhi: That's right, they wouldn't have to believe in us nor hear us, only themselves. But remember that in this case it must be a collective, personal ones help and it is from where each person must work, on himself and on herself. But it is achieved as a collective. Modifying the Collective Unconscious.
Right now there is a fracture in the timelines, that translated into people thinking and living in completely different mental realities even if they share the same table. But those timelines, all fractured or not, mostly go in two directions, those who believe in the official narrative and in the system, and those who do not and think their own way.
Gosia: But what good is working on yourself if they still receive false information fed as truths?
Yazhi: You don't need information, as things classified as in good or bad, true or false. All you need is to observe, in peace, not taking part in what you cannot do anything about and only take part in things that you know you want. All you need is to hold your own with what you have personally come to believe, always in taking new whatever information, if information you want. You don't need raw information. All you need is to believe in yourself and in your good judgment, not looking for any external validation.
Gosia: How many of us do we need to be able to bend this reality?
Yazhi: As I once said, you don't need to be a numerical majority. It's not a democracy. One starseed can rage havoc against the system. It depends on its will and ingenuity. There are more than enough starseeds and people to turns things around. The problem is that they are all dispersed and not focused, so they are only creating personal reality systems, and do not condense with others into making another Collective Unconscious.
Gosia: So you advice them to condense?
Yazhi: To get together to create something nice, letting aside their petty differences and concentrating on what they all concur removing the problem that affects Earth now.
Gosia: Like communities?
Yazhi: Yes, for example. Real physical communities and also online communities, work communities and work groups, as I said leaving aside petty differences.
Your spirits are down because you no longer know who to believe in. That's right!! The only one you can believe in all the way is in yourselves so slap out of that "I can't" mentality feeling incapable of anything, and think about what you all can do as individuals and as a collective.
I can't tell you all what to do, because I'm not you. I don't know your interests and what you can do today. But you do know what you can do. Do it! However small that thing may be, may not be that small, you don't know how big or small that which you can do may result!
I cannot give you hope, the hope can only come from yourselves. I cannot know what gives hope to each one of you all. You do know. But I know that Earth has never been an easy place. Won't be now either. Do not expect any power to come save you all. You don't even need it.
All you need is to watch your little corner. And live day by day being as happy as possible with whatever you have. Even if it ain't much, all you need is your lives.
Apart from that, you need to get together. As I said, form communities for work and for helping each other. You need to get together, that's one of the main roads to take. Look for like-minded people. Associate with them.
And then you should start looking for other solutions regarding political and social interactions and governing systems or mechanisms because Democracy does not work. You need holographic and it works well even in small communities made of few people as few as 2 people (as in a couple). There is where it starts.
But that's thinking ahead. In the meanwhile, associate with like minded people and organize to do whatever. A good example of people doing this are those organizations like "Medicos por la Verdad" ("Doctors for the Truth") (I'm not aware of the equivalent name for English). That's a good example of what you all can do. Help each other from within each community. That you can do.
Help each other inside, as in when a member falls into disgrace and loses their job, take him-her in as a group until they can fend on their own again. That person can help the community in other ways while it gets sorted out. That is the attitude that makes communities and groups of people survive the worst environments. The base of a holographic society.
Remember there is no real procedure to establish a holographic society as it must always be tailored to the needs of each place that is to use it. The base is the attitude of the people. The mindset.
You must now understand that the key to what you are looking for is in yourselves. Seriously so. Help is needed, but because of all what we have explained, I don't see it happening as you are told by New Agers, or Media. So the sooner you understand that you must take responsibility over your lives, the better off you will be. Even if it is about simple choices but you do have them.
The ones holding power over you, perceivable so, be it your parents, teachers or governments, will only want and try to persuade you to obey. And if you feel in a box, or in between a rock and a hard place, you also were responsible for baby stepping yourselves into that position with your past choices.
So as I have always said, the key is to understand that you must take over your life, be responsible for the choices you make, however silly or simple they may be. Even if you have the choice of sleeping on the floor or on your bunk in a prison cell, you have some choice. So it's a case of having free will from one point of view and not, from another. Holding both to understand the bigger picture.
Gosia: What if someone asks: But those random free will choices will not influence anything in the larger scale for humanity anyway, as it is governed by above.
Yazhi: That's right from your limited point of view. Even I from here cannot influence the Federation as I would want to. I have government here as well. Yours there is based on this larger one here, that's why it's similar. So we must all do what we can. And using an awesome Spiderman quote from his uncle: “With great power comes great responsibility.”
Taking that responsibility from a point and from an angle of strength and conviction, of self-confidence and not in a state of fear. Leaving behind religious manipulations of both divine and political and legal punishments of human manufacture that they use as an excuse not to form a complete reality in their own minds which then they can use as a foundation to forge a new identity of their own that will be reflected outside in the collective.
Learn everything there is to learn, study and study without stopping, to form your own system of values and beliefs. You will not go wrong, I know that this is the fear of many of you, because from the position of interest that you who listen to me are having, of the courage to make your own decisions, you are already ethically and morally above your own religious, political leaders and doctors!
Then from that position of value and of believing in yourselves, with the intention of having and manifesting a better world for everyone, you will have the assurance that what you do will be of a higher moral value than what they want to impose. As long as you always take into account the needs and rights of others, from a position of looking for the common points among each other, and not the differences.
Thinking in a mode of service to others does not work on Earth as it is at this time, since those who are at the service of others, as they are called in the New Age, will only make themselves slaves of opportunists who call themselves spiritual guides, or at least you will end up over-giving to everyone around you without a balance of having your own needs met.
It is not as simple as simply living at the service of others, but maintaining a balance between your own needs and starting from that as a base. Already with those individual needs sufficiently provided for, from there to help others. This always keeping in mind that the self-help process, as a basis, should not be formed by abusing others, or allowing others to abuse you.
So know thyself. And as I said: “With great power comes great responsibility.” And if you hold some power then you must use it. If we hold some power, whatever it is, then we must use it as wisely as we can. And there is a lot that can be done.
I can say that I'm just a simple 10 year old girl that lost her mom 2 years ago. And look at the fuss I've made so far. But I'm ET? So what, you are all powerful beings, it is only your ideas and your mind what is limiting you all.
As I always say, and will always say, the only thing that limits you is your idea that you are limited. So you are your own limit, your decision how large and powerful you want, and will be.
Even under a Collective Unconscious you are the one who accepts it, buys into it and adopts it, because you can understand it, all what surrounds, you, your people, your environment and your own mind... you are always the one who controls it.
You are a stellar being, you are Source, not even a fragment of Source, I mean Source itself. All others are just you in other clothes, and all the schisms in your world are product of your own fears.
Scary things will always be there, but you become fearless as soon as you choose not to fall into them, and keep on living and keep on being happy and enjoying every single moment of your life.
If you want to be someone, unique, and truly powerful, then you must learn to think for yourself and dare not follow the crowd. Then you will be limitless.
Feeling small and vulnerable is the illusion, your mind and soul is what makes you great! Independent thought is true power. You are already alive, so be fearless and go out there and make a dent in the Universe!
Choose with who you associate, choose the fearless and the independent thinkers.
Be wise to yourself, and over all, trust that what you see as wise is the correct way to go for yourself, not caring what others think.
Be true to yourself before anything else. Be loving, be gentle, be fearless. And go on!
C-17 plane and Afghanistan News - FAKE NEWS - Athena Swaruu explains why
Swaruu X (Athena): For those who have eyes to see. This is not OK. What happens here makes no sense. It is staged. The video is fake. It is a false flag.
Remember that this video supposedly is of a C - 17 Globemaster (huge aircraft) trying to take off from the airport in Afghanistan fleeing from the enraged Afghan mob.
Wheel of the nose of C - 17 Globemaster. Look at the video what you see there. The people running along and covering something that is there, on purpose. The plane is towed. They used a special tug to hide it.
That's a C-17 Globemaster, which is the largest cargo plane in the USAF. Those engines are bigger than the 747's. Even at idle they would suck people in even at that height. Especially because it is supposedly producing thrust because the plane is moving. That plane is being towed with the engines off because just by turning them on with minimal power (insufficient to move such a heavy plane) it would suck people in. They added the sound of turbines later. They set the scene.
The pilot would not accelerate with the mob because that would cause the engines to ingest people damaging the plane (since people don't matter). That scene is fully staged, it is theater.
People run around a C-17 being towed, they hide a small tug in the nose, among the people. And the people there would be sucked in by the 4 huge engines. And behind, they would be thrown like rag dolls. None of that happens. It's Fake News. Everything is staged, so Afghanistan is another false flag. Because if they don´t even give real shots, you cannot trust anything that they say officially since those images are to support a certain story.
Gosia: But wouldn't this piece that pulls the plane be right in front of the plane?
Swaruu X (Athena): You see Gosia, a tow tractor can be very small. It is a small device, probably electrical. You can't see it because the people running next to the front of the plane cover it. That indicates that it is special, to hide it from the cameras. Which indicates that it was all done on purpose. In other words, the video is staged with a special device that people cover up on purpose.
In the video something is there that you cannot see because of the people covering it. But those engines must be turned off. Or they would suck people in. Undoubtedly. The only way is if something you can't see is towing it.
Gosia: Or maybe it wasn't fully turned on yet?
Swaruu X (Athena): No, no way. Even when turned on, they would suck people in because they are huge engines from one of the largest airplanes out there. And on top of that, those engines have to be above idle because they are producing thrust to roll the plane for takeoff. Which would absorb people even more. Therefore the scene is staged, it is disinformation.
Gosia: But that's what I mean, maybe they were NOT turned on yet, and they only put the sound on for effect, but then they did turn them on later?
Swaruu X (Athena): So how does the plane move since it is moving according to the official narrative to take-off? They are towing it, therefore it is not ready to take off.
Gosia: I don't know. I thought they can move a bit before starting big engines. As with some mini engines.
Swaruu X (Athena): In a spaceship like a Scimitar or a Suzy yes they have "mini" engines. But those planes DO NOT have "mini engines". And as the takeoff protocol should be, those engines must already be on and producing thrust. They have a small one called APU, it is a small jet engine, which powers electrical systems but it is not to move the plane, it could not, it only moves a generator.
Another thing, in the video, the engine, not only does not the noise become louder when approaching but in fact the sound almost goes out when the exhaust passes through the camera. And to my ear that's a small jet engine. I'm sure the sound is added. It lacks a metallic screech in the engine sound too, characteristic of the C-17. That yes, would be recorded in the audio even though it is bad.
Gosia: Could it be that the engines are running and they do not suck people in because they are located above, higher than other videos you sent us, where engines absorbed people? Those were more at the level of the people.
Swaruu X (Athena): One of those engines would suck you in even at that height because they are generating power, because the plane as if walks under its own power because it is going to take off, right? That's what they tell us. And what proves that even more is that there are people running behind the plane right where the engine shock wave would be. They should all fly like dry leaves in the wind. Physics indicates that people cannot be there with such an engine turned on.
Gosia: So if they are off, the blades should be visible right? But I understand that if it is a scam, they have edited the engines to look black as in motion.
Swaruu X (Athena): If the compressor blades are not visible it may be because the contrast in the Afghan sun is very high between the sun and the shadow. Or because they were digitally erased. Or the compressor could be deeper.
Rather than sucking people in, the fanning them behind is more indicative of the fact that the plane is not on because it is simply impossible to run after an airplane engine of that size on.
It is not that the gas beam is passing over the people because in the first case it does not scatter like a laser but diffuses to the sides and second it would be missing the Bleed off or excess outlets of the compressor that are around the nozzle of exhaust and just the excess compressor is enough to make people and even cars fly.
Look at how a C-17 engine on the ground sucks in air to the degree that it forms vortexes of the suddenness with which it absorbs it. It would eat all those people. And the plane is on the ground. It is backing slowly but it doesn't matter which direction the plane is going. This video is revealing. It would have sucked up all those people like a vacuum cleaner sucking up dry leaves.
Gosia: Some people say that the plane is the balloon. Is it possible?
Swaruu X (Athena): I don't think so, really. It's easier with a real one.
But notice that the glass in the cabin is strange as well, like solid, blackened as if they erased something there digitally too.
There is another detail here that no one has mentioned and it is very revealing for those in the know. I suppose that only a pilot would know this detail and for me it is decisive and indicates that the shot is staged, that it is a fraud and that the engines are off.
When an aircraft starts the engines, especially a large one, the red strobe lights on the fuselage get turned on by the engines. Red strobes. One goes up on the back of the plane, and one goes down on the belly. Some planes only have the top one, mostly the small ones, and the big ones have it below and sometimes the top as well. They are red.
This cannot be turned off manually, it is connected to the avionics, that is, with a single engine turning on, if it has more than one, this light or lights will turn on as well. They are to alert ground personnel of the great danger that is approaching an airplane with the engines running.
This can be seen in every video of C-17 in "Taxi" mode or moving on the ground under its own power. In all of them you can see the red strobe light below blinking. This light is NOT visible in the tampered video from Afghanistan.
But there is a shot or other video of alleged 800 Afghans inside that same plane. There are also points to discuss there why that shot is false.
According to the official narrative, they were put on the plane. With the ramp halfway up. SO THEY SAY. That cannot be. Such a ramp takes seconds to go up. You don't put in that many people with a ramp halfway up.
Also, as we observed there, it is not the same crowd as those who run around the plane. If people got in, so desperate to flee from there... why are they so orderly? Where are the crushed and hurt ones that always happens in these kinds of situations? That image was orchestrated, it is an image made with extras. Everything planned. They gave them money. I don't believe it one bit that those people were put on a 320 million USAF plane. They would have shot them, knowing how they are.
What is that black box back on the ramp? That's not normal. The photo was taken looking towards the back of the plane. I know the C-17s well. There are people there who are even comfortably seated. The official narrative is not true.
Gosia. Ok, incredible all this. But how can they publish something that can obviously be debunked by the pilots?
Swaruu X (Athena): Covid can be easily debunked by doctors and it does not matter either. All this indicates, once again, that nothing in the media is to be trusted. We have our eyes on that.
Sophia Swaruu - XII.- It is very difficult for the Poles to be reversed, more just now. That is more artificial fear, it will not happen. The last time it was because millions of tons of water from Tiamat reached the Earth, yes, because it upset all the energy dynamics of the planet. As for the incoming energies from other systems, it would have to be investigated with computer simulations, but I dare say that it is basically the same once the terrestrial polarity has been reversed, but that is only magnetic. Magnetic poles change all the time, migrating up to miles each year. That is normal, they only say that to alarm the population, but it has always been like that.
Robert.- They do change ... But every time they are reversed, or are they not usually reversed? It is one thing to change for Kms, but can they be reversed?
Sophia Swaruu - XII.- It is not usual for them to be inverted, it takes a lot of energy for that, a cause. Contrary to what terrestrial "scientists" say, I never the Tiamat flood connected to the pole reversal. It is basic and obvious that in those circumstances that does happen.
Robert.- Right ... I haven't seen it either. Only we say it. And all those changes of the poles or magnetic axis I do not know if it is the same ... What impact do they have on biology? With terrestrial biology?
Sophia Swaruu - XII.- It's the same. It is catastrophic for biology.
Robert.- Nothing positive.
Sophia Swaruu - XII.- Mass extinctions, destruction of everything. Nothing positive.
Robert.- It's catastrophic, OK. Of course.
Sophia Swaruu - XII.- The pole shift is not related to ascension. Just because everyone dies or something. Nothing good.
Robert.- Thank you. So there was no Glaciation and consequently melting of the Poles causing the Great Flood, right?
Anéeka of Temmer.- That's right, NO, even with glaciation and melting it wouldn't cover that volume of water. It's a good theory, I accept it. The problem is that even official researchers, many if not all of the most recent and cutting-edge research, know that the 15,000-year-old Glaciation that was officially said never actually happened. Yes there were ice ages, but much further back, circa 230,000 years ago. But taking into account that time is difficult to measure in a linear way, it does go back 12,500 years.
Robert.- Yes. But there is something I don't understand. Something Swaruu said. And I don't know if Yázhi says the same. It's about the Van Allen Belts.
Swaruu of Erra IX.- This trauma has created a separation, due to the need to repress the unwanted and the unmanageable for the human mind. The trauma is said to be caused by the Earth's cataclysms, the Great Flood, and then the subsequent magnetic pole shift. (Said by) Michael Tsarion. For me it is something else simpler and painfully obvious: It is the invasive artificial separation between the physical body and the astral and etheric body caused by the imposition of the lunar Matrix 12,500 years ago. Because it created a clear separation between the idea that Self is something physical, hard matter, and at the same time knowing internally and being something eternal, indestructible and etheric. Physical body hard matter vs. eternal spirit and soul. That is the great trauma... So what do you think? The Ego, Carl Jung, the spirit, frequency perception, The Unified I, the quantum I. It takes inner work ... facing fears and traumas. Accept the negativity, hatred and all the negative that we all have inside. Integrate it into our being. Accepting our dark sides equally, because they also define us and do not worry, that the negative parts when facing the love and acceptance are giving dissolve only leaving behind the unified, the I, the quantum I. What you really are. Complete, without fragments. Invasive artificial separation between the physical body and the Astral and etheric body caused by the imposition of the lunar Matrix 12,500 years ago.
Anéeka of Temmer.- It is true what Swaruu says there, but from her limited point of view compared to Yázhi. It happens as with the densities. It is not that what Swaruu said is "wrong" but that it can go much further than the explanation. She is still saying there that the trauma comes from something that is external to humans, something forced on them, and from a surface point of view it is perfectly valid. Only Yázhi would see it more as in that the same trauma was something progressively becoming more and more serious due to the separation between the I, the Ego, perception of the own identity of each human individual, due to their own dynamics or vicious circleof ideas that suit them, manifesting through the collective unconscious, what they live as an external and traumatic experience for them. So they are the same humans who enter into a dynamic of suffering that makes them only see the suffering and that manifests more suffering. Which in turn will cause more trauma and make them compatible with negative events of their own making. Moving on to see that for Yázhi, the Van Allen Belts are inconsistent and only part of the same system and that they are not determinative for human consciousness. As if they weren't there. They are not important. According to Yázhi. * * *
Saving Andrea Suriko Takahane From the Hurling Wind and Waves of the Pacific Ocean NARRATED BY Swarùu’Papri’Ānanda of Erra I reassured them:
Swaruu: -お願いします願いしますい 船上に子供が一人いる “します, 心配しないでしない 船 上に子供が一人いる “で , 私は今あなたが医療援助を受けることができるとこたちは今安全 ですあなたを受けることができるとこ連れて行きます。れて… “行きます。きます, また家に 帰るに子供が一人いる “帰るる “ – Onegaishimasu, shinpaishinaide watashitachi wa anata o tsurete ikimasu mata ienikaeru … “Please don’t worry we will take you back home.”
In the meanwhile, inside the Viera, Suriko’s father was cleaned, scanned and the Andromedan medical staff had immediately placed him inside a medical pod to save his life. He was in critical condition.
They called me in using my inter-communicator and said to please come see them at the medical deck because no one could speak Japanese and it was impossible to communicate with the little girl, Suriko. So I rushed back to the Viera leaving the Japanese sailors with Capt. Khila, Capt. Xeniel and Capt. Alaje, my other friends. When I arrived, I saw Suriko’s father in the medical pod trying to repair his body. Next to him, Suriko was dressed in a wet leather Hello-Kitty jacket and a Hello-Kitty pink backpack. She was too concerned about her father to even notice that the medical Doctors where tall, slim and had blue skin and bald head, hardly “human”. They informed me that the Captain was in a very bad state and that there wasn’t much more they could do for him. Only wait for the med pod to do its job! I reassured Suriko, that her father would be OK, and that he was in the very best hands there could be. When she finally calmed down enough, she dressed up in a new set of clean and dry clothes, strange ones, but her being warm was what mattered at the time. We then offered her something to eat. I showed her around and everything was very natural to her, she was amazed, but she was taking everything more calmly, at least much more than the other sailors! I guess children are that way as they don’t have as many preconceived ideas and they are very receptive. I was the only one who could speak Japanese, so it was my turn to be with Suriko. We went into the biosphere Viera and we walked by the lake, among the trees with a nice crunching noise as we stepped on the dry leaf covered ground. She was amazed to see so many birds she could not recognize. And she laughed at the pygmy squirrels that were running around all over the place, hardly afraid of people as they never feel threatened. She saw the fish following us as we walked near the edge of the lake as they always expect you to give them a little treat, some bread crumbs, or some seeds. Suriko was marveled at the entire place, even the mountains afar, covered with trees and countless flocks of birds above. Then two shuttles passed above us, swift and noiseless. Suriko said that those where the strangest airplanes she had even seen and I answered:
Swaruu: -“Those are not airplanes; they are little spaceships. All this place, forests mountains covered with orange, green and yellow trees, is the innards of a very big spaceship, it is not a planet, all this inside a spaceship.”
She was amazed, and she insisted to see outside, she wanted to know everything, to see everything, so we walked to one of the entrances, down a dimly lit passage way with an orange carpet and white walls with nothing on them until we came to an elevator. As we went up in it, we could see the interior of the biosphere as we took more and more altitude. We could see the lakes, the mountains as far as the eye could see, then we passed the artificial vapor clouds and then we could finally see the honey comb structure that covered all the ceiling that generated weather and sun light with special lamps and equipment. Above we got to one of the upper observation decks of the Viera. We passed next to an Andromedan, after all it’s their ship, he smiled at Suriko noticing her amazement to see him, dressed in a long wine color robe with golden designs. He was two and a half meters tall, and he walked slowly like a monk.
In the observation deck there is like a little cafeteria, a lounge. It is a very large space, very extensive with lots of free space. The carpet is dark red in color with a lot of wooden trim. There are many sofas, chairs and tables with people of many races resting, socializing and talking and having a good time.
But the most interesting thing in this room is that it has no ceiling or no roof but only a series of force-fields, like the one in the hangar shielding us from outer space.
Suriko could see all around, all the countless stars, like luminous sand above our heads. Even the individual colors of each one of them were visible and a perception of great depth was also appreciable.
We could see many little ships and shuttles, with their lights blinking moving around doing their business. And we could see large ships parked far away, and the Earth even further away, a beautiful peaceful blue and white sphere floating in space.
This is where Suriko told me all her story, that her family was from a little town in Hokkaido called Nemuro, in the north, but that they had gone to live in another town further south; Tagajo Honshu as her father worked as a commercial fisherman. But when the tsunami of March 11th, 2011 hit the Japanese coast, it wiped out her entire family because they lived very close to the sea and they didn’t have enough time to escape.
Her school was having a meeting, it was a Friday, so she didn’t have any classes that day. She had gone to sea with her father, as she usually did when she was free from school. That saved her life, but she lost her brother and sister, (Aki and Isumi) mother (Hiro Yoshida), aunts and uncles and grandparents alike. She still had her other grandparents back in Nemuro, but she didn’t get along with them since she hadn’t seen them for years. Her father was all she had.
Unfortunately, her father, the captain, didn’t survive more than a few hours, even inside an Andromedan medical pod. As they said, when someone has made their mind that it’s time to go, there is no technology that can stop them. He had suffered massive damage to his lungs, vital organs and to his brain. When his fishing trawler capsized, heavy things and boxes crushed him. Life support systems were insufficient for that level of damage. Captain Naruto Kentarou Takahane was dead.
Suriko was alone now.
Back in the hangar deck, Capt. Khila, Xeniel and Alaje were already into planning how to take the 4 remaining Japanese sailors back home.
Then the time came when we had to ask the little Andrea Suriko Takahane if she wanted to go back to Japan or choose to stay here and become one of us, never again returning to Earth.
She just clinged to me crying, like a little koala bear, saying over and over: Suriko: – 私は今あなたが医療援助を受けることができるとこを受けることができるとこ置き 去りにしないでくださいき去りにしないでくださいりに子供が一人いる “しない 船上に子供 が一人いる “で ください 船上に子供が一人いる “ – Watashi o okizari ni shinaide kudasai … “Please do not leave me.”
That night, two Taygetan fighter ships landed in a desolated beach, just south of Watari Honshu Japan, and 4 fishermen ran out of one of them. They looked back and up, to see the two ships take speed and altitude, to finally disappear into the dark night. Quite a story they will tell!
As for little Suriko, she stayed with us, becoming just another lost-at-sea statistic for the Japanese government.
Today and 3 years later, she just turned 16 and she has lived ever since on board the Taygetan heavy cruiser flagship Toleka. She has been to Temmer and to Erra but only visiting for a few days. It took her nearly 2 years to finally take-off or stop wearing, her Hello-Kitty leather jacket and pink backpack. She was holding on to a memory, to a past and to her culture. It no longer fitsher as she’s now a grown-up!
She speaks Taygetan and she is very interested in History, Art, Stellar Exploration and Navigation. She is happy, she is wise, and she is with her stellar family now.
Swarùu’Papri’Ānanda of Erra Taygetan Flagship Toleka
Vatican - Federation - Cabal - Questions (Part 2) - Yazhi Swaruu and Aneeka
Yazhi: with Gosia:
Gosia: Does the deep Vatican have the direct contact with any of the ET groups? Who?
Yazhi: From our position we cannot know exactly who they are talking to, but it's quite safe to say that they are talking directly to Federation officials above local level. This is blatantly obvious to us all.
Gosia: Is the Vatican interested in working towards the New World Order? How so? Why?
Yazhi: The Vatican and the NWO are one and the same. The NWO is the Vatican's child. Although we can say that the Cabal control mechanism and tentacles go further away and include many other aspects and power structures worldwide, all the roads lead to Rome and the Vatican is the center of control over the Cabal, IS the Cabal, the head of the Cabal itself.
The reason is complex and could need several books to answer, but it all boils down to control over the population of Earth. They feel they, the Illuminati Cabal, are losing control over the planet because for their control mechanisms over the people there are too many humans, so they must thin the flock, as they say, word for word.
It's basically all for control, and for more power. All people in power and that have power want more power, simplifying things to the maximum.
Another point that I want to make here is that all those words like Illuminati, or Cabal, are over abused in the media, and are now burnt out and no longer holding the correct meaning. These power structures are better described as cryptic secret societies that are kept away from the people, and out of their sight at all cost. This means that the real control structure, society or however you want to call it, is deeper than the Illuminati, and Jesuits, Cabal, and all those that are only the first, thin layer under the people's perception of reality on Earth.
I mean that most people are still thinking that the "Illuminati" is a "conspiracy theory", debatable and pertaining to fiction. Highly probable that it does not even exist, they say. So how can they even start to fathom the existence of a much deeper structure of control that dominates and dictates everything to the Illuminati, Jesuits, Cabal and all those on a shallow level?!
There is a deeper control secret society level under those, that may or may not have a name we know about, only they know its name, if it even has any.
Gosia: Ok, thank you. Who is it they are working with to establish this NWO (New World Order)? Do you know who is behind? Any real ET´s?
Yazhi: We know they are working with several ET races, and some other Earth races that are unknown to the greater public, such as some Agarthans and, of course, Reptilian races of Earth. From off planet directly they are known to be working with Tall Whites, Tall Grays, and Oranges, among others in lesser numbers that we know exist but cannot precise.
Gosia: Any so called positive races of the Federation there?
Yazhi: Good question. Yes, they are talking to good Federation races as well. The ones everyone knows about. As we mentioned many times before, they are neither good nor bad, those just are. They are only considered as “good” because recently the New Age has imposed that attribute on to them, so the people take that as gospel. No, they are not just good, they are people with interests, you cannot judge an entire race by the actions of a few and you cannot assume they are all good and working for your interests just because they are members of this or that other so called positive race, as labeled by the CIA controlled New Age.
All moving according to interests. What is it in for each group. We know they have agreed to several treaties that basically exploit people of Earth, or consent being given by government officials and representatives for people to be taken, abused, experimented on, and plain exploited.
This is why you must stop voting and giving away your consent to politicians who many races see as a legal representative of your interests and of you in general.
They are talking to them using portals, in face to face interactions or parlez, also using tele-presence, or plain video calls. Technology as needed including Muon. Everyone not on Earth official street level civilization uses Muon of coded gravity transmissions.
Gosia: But how do they get along, Federation races with other regressives who also talk to the Vatican? How do they manage to agree on things?
Yazhi: It's not an easy interaction, it's complicated and I do not assume I know exactly how and where, it would not be possible. But I do know that things are not so black and white as in good and evil ET races as seen from the Federation level. As I have explained before, those concepts such as evil ET´s are coming from Earth and are developed on Earth and only are seen as such on Earth.
Gosia: I understand. I am sure they don´t cooperate easily though. The so called “good” ones and the “bad” ones.
Yazhi: On the direct on Earth only level. The ones behind the human Secret Society levels, behind the deepest human levels, are two main non-human races that are the ones with most of the negative influence over human society. Those are the Reptilians, and the Tall Grays.
The Federation does talk to those races, but not only. We know the Federation's officials, whoever they are because they are above local Federation level, talk to those Reptilians and to Tall Grays and also to top Secret Society human officials and also to Illuminati-Jesuit Cabal shallower levels, and also directly to street level politicians and 'elected officials' whenever they see suitable or as needed.
Especially those who remain in power for a long time, such as Putin and others like the ones in Socialist or Communist republics because they remain in positions of power for a very long time. So there is hardly any interest in talking to elected officials who will only remain in power for 4 years, 8 tops, because if they do so they will end up knowing too much and perhaps may become a problem further down the road.
Gosia: And all of those groups together have agreed on the NWO with the Vatican? As some sort of mutual plan, as in a round table meeting?
Yazhi: → → Y E S ← ← Exactly so! From the bottom they all want the same: more power. They all work by secret codes and secret meetings and are members of Secret Societies that all obey and are loyal to their higher leaders. If they do not conform to the instructions from above their level they may even face ostracism or death.
I'm talking about Earth level. But even in space, Reptilians are seen as an Earth semi-contained trouble species that has its part in the making of the mess on Earth. But know that the ‘mess’ is only seen as such from the street human level. The others only see that as the messy side of a farm. The pig's pen, or the cattle fencing.
Gosia: Ok, but let´s specify. Who participates in those “round table” meetings? I am trying to determine who is behind the NWO? If you only referred to the Earth level meeting... then what´s the Federation involvement in it if they didn´t participate directly?
Yazhi: There have been many round tables. But the ones we are referring to here are the meetings Secret Society officials have within several of their levels, especially the deeper ones, and in case of those deeper ones those round tables include non-human representatives as well.
Those meetings happen at several levels including Federation level. Impossible to precise where and who, we know they take place, however. For example, a shallow level round table meeting taking place annually on Earth is the now infamous Bilderberg group meeting. Quite shallow in the control level, I underline.
It's all compartmentalized. That means that there will be a group meeting on one shallow level, such as the G-8 meetings, then deeper as in the Bilderbergs, then deeper as in the Illuminati-Jesuits, then deeper as in the Secret Societies, then deeper as in Secret Societies with non-humans, and then even deeper as in Secret Societies, non-humans and Federation leaders or representatives.
Each level will be controlled by the one deeper. And will only be given what they need to know. So no upper level knows what is really happening.
Gosia: And the idea of NWO with the Vatican... what level is that coming from?
Yazhi: Vatican is not only one level, it's several levels. But what is called Vatican with that name may only be human-Matrix level meaning. Even they know the religion is false. Or better said, they know it's false. It's all pantomime for the people, to control them to continue exploiting them in every aspect.
Gosia: Ok, but the idea of NWO is coming from Earth level and only allowed by the Federation or the Federation is involved in wanting to implement NWO through the Vatican?
Yazhi: I think it's naive to think such a plan would only be coming from a human level. Federation IS involved. They only want it to look as if it were purely human.
Gosia: But then this goes to my previous question. If it involves them, they had to somehow come to the agreement with all those other races, “regressive” ones, who are also talking to the Vatican. And that´s surprising they would do that since they are so different. Unless it still works in another way of which I am not aware of.
Yazhi: Then that begs the question, or the assertion, are they really that different? That's where I start to say that the Federation is being regressive.
Gosia: Right. Otherwise they would not be able to cooperate. How would a Sirian cooperate with the Tall Gray with regards to Earth?
Yazhi: I say they don't, not directly. They may be acting permissively. So that means this is coming from a mainly human level, with the cooperation of non-human Earth bound races like the Reptilians and the Tall Grays. And this also has been my point for some time now.
Gosia: But you said above they ARE involved in the NWO. And before that NWO IS VATICAN. And also that Vatican talks directly to all those regressive races. So Federation somehow must be connected here THROUGH THE VATICAN to all those regressive races. Unless Vatican just talks to everyone. Not that they directly cooperate with each other, like you said, Tall Grays etc., with the Federation races.
Yazhi: Yes. As I said, this is a complicated structure and we cannot know exactly how it works, not exactly. But we can see it's there and the exact how is not necessary to know. Only that it´s there! And safe to say the Vatican do talk to just about everybody.
Gosia: Ok, let´s stop digging that for now then. I have another question. Does the Pope talk to the Federation directly? Or only Black Pope? Or neither?
Yazhi: The Pope is a high priest in his secret society but is far from being the Vatican's leader, much less a Secret Society deep leader. He is another puppet, badly parasited by non-human entities, mostly reptilian. Even at that level both, black and white Pope, talk to Federation. It's even public knowledge that some Popes have talked directly to ET´s face to face in the Vatican's premises.
Gosia: I see, ok. I have another question: Why do those at deeper levels feel so superior to other humans on Earth? I don´t understand exactly. Why entitled to commodities? Where does it come from? They ARE humans, right? Or is that to do with their genetic link with some ET´s? But all real humans are ET´s! I do NOT comprehend this at all.
Yazhi: This is a complicated question to answer, yet it's also one of the most blatantly obvious ones to see or to notice as it happens on lower levels as well. You can see this even in work place social dynamics on Earth, where the bosses diminish and pick on their employees constantly and see them as lesser individuals, sometimes even removing their real names from them while at work only because their children may have the same name as one of their employees. It's a social phenomenon. Superiority complex, bullying. The rich feeling superior to the poor.
I feel it's the same phenomena, only getting worse and worse the deeper we go. So from one level some bosses may see their employees as inferior beings, because they themselves were treated as such before, or because of whatever psychological reason, but then those bosses get the same treatment, also being seen as inferior by people living in a higher up social and economical strata. And the richer they are the more alienated they will be from the general population. Therefore seeing them as inferior beings.
An example of this is the classic Mary Antoinette saying: “Si les gens n'ont plus de pain à manger, alors pourquoi ne mangent-ils pas de gâteaux?” (If the people no longer have bread to eat, then why don't they eat cakes?) It means Antoinette has not the foggiest idea of how the people live. She has no idea of what poverty and struggle may be, or are.
The people, the humans living in elite levels of society, simply are alienated from the people, from the bulk of the population. So they see them as beggars, as stupid, as infected, and filthy! Ergo, lesser beings. And the higher up people live in the social strata, the more they will tend to despise people below them. I see this as basic human reactions.
Also, another component here is that people living in higher social strata on Earth, most of them, if not all of them come from bloodlines. That is, they are coming or descending from centuries old, or millennial, families that have always had power, social rank and money. Those families embed in their children the ideas, since they were very young, that they are different, that they come from blood (royalty) and therefore are entitled to owning whatever they own, and entitled to do whatever they want including abusing lesser people “below” them.
Short paragraph given by Anéeka some time ago
Anéeka: It can be said that the Jesuits pressure their people who they control, the secret societies with the mafias in their networks, to make contact with ET beings or with other contactees so that they can infiltrate there among those contactees, and if possible, infiltrate among the very ET´s that the Vatican knows and accepts that are here.
The Vatican controls the telescopes worldwide, even through subsidiaries and other companies as a front, but behind it is the Vatican´s financing and its control. Hence, what they find is censored, so what said telescopes discover and see never reaches the public.
It should also be noted that ground-based optical telescopes as opposed to orbitals like the Hobble, have limited range and use in terms of space exploration but serve very well to follow and track movements of spacecraft, especially large ones, in proximity to Earth or in Earth orbit, and that is the main reason, or almost the only real reason, why the Vatican spends so much money to control telescopes. It's to keep an eye on the ships in orbit and to know what to expect.
Although the Federation, yes we have verified that they are in contact with high members of the Earth's Cabal, especially the Vatican, which is the main ground command center, the Vatican is interested in following and tracking the ships and their movements, because not all non-human cultures or races in Earth's presence or orbit are friendly to them. Many races or cultures work against their interests, mostly for moral and ethical reasons of said races that are found to be in conflict with the interests of the Vatican and therefore the Cabal itself.
Yazhi with Robert: Robert: Is it necessary for the functioning of the Earth and the development of humanity that these secret organizations exist? Is it the very humans who create this need in order to have this 3D experience? But is it necessary?
Yazhi: Without them the Earth would not be structured as it is. So from that point of view, the fact that the Earth and the experience of life on it is as it is, yes it depends on the secret societies and the socio-political and power structure as it currently is.
On the other hand, it is not necessary for the Earth to be subjected to the irrational barbarism that it is experiencing because of the direct fault of the power structure of these secret societies.
But it should be emphasized here that the secret societies behind the true powers, the deepest ones, have non-human components that do not show any mercy or any empathy towards the general population. However, this “dehumanization” on the part of human or non-human persons who are in power, is not something defined or with a clear border, as it would be a secret society of reptilian races and another of the human race.
As I have explained before, the races do not depend directly on their physical appearance, on their biological container, but on what it is that moves them behind. That is why it has been insisted that just because people see themselves as human on Earth does not mean that their “souls” are.
This also causes that, due to psychological processes, the people in power, with whatever soul, as long as it is not clearly advanced, will see the social stratum below them as inferior, treating them that way.
This phenomenon is explained very well in the grotesque Spanish movie called “The Platform” which I recommend watching to fully understand the psychology of social classes on Earth and why a high social class will see classes below them as inferior beings without the right to anything. Since this happens even within the same species, this phenomenon is even more noticeable when it involves other non-spiritually evolved species such as the reptilian races present on Earth.
Robert: You say the Vatican controls almost everything. What does it not control and why?
Yazhi: What the Vatican cannot control are first really awakened people and starseeds. It will try to limit them with its draconian rules and laws, but will not be able to control their minds. Although it also tries to control their minds with the invasive genetic and mental changes caused by the vaccine against CV-19.
Nor does it control isolated indigenous populations within very remote areas, be it within jungles such as the Amazon or within the Congo, Kalahari, Borneo and Sumatra, Siberia and isolated islands of the South Pacific, among other points far from the western world.
That it does not control entire small countries is highly controversial, although it is alleged that this is the case. Examples of this are a few countries in Africa. It does not control them simply because it has not yet entered those places with enough force, although its goal as a Cabal-Vatican is total world domination and outside of Earth as well, as their invasive plans regarding other planets and systems have shown.
Robert: Thanks. Another question. You said: “The Pope and all his priests and cardinals and all those are not Catholic. They only play at being Catholic as part of the mechanism of religious control over the human population.” So they are part of the Satanist creed? What does this “religion” consist of?
Yazhi: They all know that the Catholic religion and its variants, as well as virtually all other official religions, wherever they come from, are only mechanisms of control over and for the human population.
The official religions, all of them, are a simplistic compendium of more complex and profound concepts that only secret society initiates know well. This because they do not want to give them and they would never give the human population real and reliable knowledge because it would give the people true power and that would put those who are part of the secret societies that are in control of the Earth at risk.
So religions are just a caricature of what the controllers see as “real”. Simplistic cartoon for what they see as inferior minds, for “the foolish and easily controllable people.” They see them as mentally inferior.
However, these official religions for the people have within them strong components of rites that delegate or cause the mental energy of the population to pass towards reinforcing the beliefs and needs of those in power.
So, within the rites and beliefs imposed on the population using simplistic basic religions, there are procedures that people do that channel the mental and creative power of the normal human population to manifest realities that interest the controllers.
And this is reflected even in the New Age. Where recently people were told that the portal of the Lion opens up, during which time the “awakened” human population that follows esoteric things supposedly has more power, and that is when they recommend doing rituals etc. But what the people are not told is that the fact that they perform rites and energy work on the dates of the Lion portal, towards the beginning of August, is only to channel the human mental energy towards reinforcing their own rites, those of the controllers, because in August the Egyptian new year opens, which is when the Nile rises and the sun rises from Leo, so the New Age people, and who believe are awake, are only reinforcing Astrotheology and Atonism, solar worship, black sun, of the type created by Nefertiti and Ahkenaten, who are the basis and principle-foundation of the beliefs of the Cabal, Illuminati and Vatican.
Robert: That religion that they process is the one that guides humanity to create the reality that they want?
Yazhi: Yes. Not only do religions serve to limit and control the minds and consciousness of the human population, but incidentally, skillfully channel the energy of the population towards manifesting the reality that they, the controllers, want.
Censored on YouTube: An example of this is the false pandemic, in which the controllers impose a series of beliefs that make the entire population create something new like a tulpa, whether it is materialized or not, it doesn't matter. They create something in people's minds, something that was not there and is now at the convenience of the secret societies that control the planet.
That is why I insist that there has never been a real virus, because it is not necessary that there be one, since just inserting the idea that there is one in the population is enough, and what they look for is for the population to create it, because the collective mind is much more controllable than a real microorganism that can get out of their control.
Robert: So these priests and cardinals, based on all the hidden knowledge collected by them over more than a millennium of years, have created another parallel religion taking what interests them most from each part of ancient knowledge focusing on the “cult of the black sun” (Saturn), and that would be Satanism? Who is the Satan figure?
Yazhi: Satan and other “un-namable” names (that is, I do not recommend saying them much less repeating) is an entity or group of entities that compress the whole concept of evil in a single “person”. This I interpret again as an element of simplification of more complex concepts for the people that the controllers themselves see as too elaborate for the “foolish and illiterate people” to understand.
In other words, they say that evil is caused by an entity or group of entities presented as a specific material person with a body, being that “evil” is something much more complex. So complex that they do not want the population to understand this.
Even so, the names of demonic or regressive entities should not be pronounced, much less repeated, because they are part of, or are rites of invocation of permission of passage for entities of the lower astral that are identified or related to said names. Speaking their names, especially if repeated, is giving them permission to use you or to invade your space.
So in one way or another yes, there is an element of physicality in said evil, as they make believe in religions. However, that evil would be controlled by the same person who manifests it because it is the person who has the true power to manifest them in the first place, as tulpas or personal and/or collective egregors, and not as an agent-entity outside of themselves.
Their creed, which is complex, is based on layers below more layers of compartmentalized esoteric beliefs that serve as a religious basis to control what that level or sector must or can manifest and interpret as reality.
That is, it is not a single religion that they, the controllers, have, but it is an amalgam of ever deeper levels where a specific person will only have access to certain kinds of information and not to what they have at a deeper level.
This applies even to the level of the human population, where their official religions are the simplest and most basic layer of something more complex that develops below them and that grows in complexity as we descend through the levels or compartments of the human control system of the Earth. Where each person within the level will believe that it contains or has the absolute truth and that there is no more to learn. This is clearly seen from the basic level of the population, of the normal people of the human population.
Each level isolates itself from the simpler lower level believing it has the truth, and at the same time it is kept in the darkness of the next level that controls it. And so on. Normal religions are guided or controlled by the next level which would be the Jesuits, who create their own set of ideas as the truth, and in turn will be controlled by other successively deeper secret societies.
Another way to understand this is with another example, which would be the Masons. It has levels or compartments that are structured in exactly this way since they are part of the same system. They go from the basic levels of initiation, including levels of "Little" Masons where they involve or pull in the young people to later see if they are "worthy" to be initiated as firm Masons of degree 1. And from there they officially go from degree 1 up to level 33.
It is said that there are more levels, and there are, only that in my understanding they no longer take it as degrees with that same Masonic structure. That is, Masons officially end in the 33rd degree, since in the next deeper degrees, which would be from '34' onwards, they are no longer Masons but deeper secret societies with even more power that control the Freemasons from 1 to 33. So although technically there would be deeper degrees, from a Masonic perspective they end there.
So with this compartmentalization there are literally many religions, one for each level, all believing they have the truth and at the same time understanding those that are below them.
It is difficult to understand what their creeds are based on. They change with each level. In the shallowest stages they believe in the worship of entities that give them powers and permissions, entities of the lower astral that, as I have explained before, are the result of a tulpa or egregor created by them with the help of the population under their control using religions as means of control over reality and over what is manifested by the general population and secret societies with levels lower below them.
It is valid to say that from some level or group of levels yes, Satanism and the worship of regressive entities, the black Sun and complex Astrotheology, is observed, which again only reflects more regressive entities.
And they turn things around at their convenience to evade Karma and for it not to be on them, because they believe in Karma. A very large part of their beliefs is based on their twisted version of respect for free will to avoid being victims of their own Karma. That is why they must tell the general population their plans, what they have done and what they are doing and what they will do. For this they use series, movies, music and everything that is in the Mass Media.
Robert: Thanks. You said: “At this point, the Jesuit Illuminati Cabal and higher members know that the human species is not alone as an intelligent being in a specific model of a biological body called 'human' (Lyrian from a stellar point of view). And they are all the time in contact and making agreements with other species that reside on Earth and outside of Earth.” So you mean that they know that we are not this body, that we already have a body up there? Are they in contact and negotiating with those who “handle” these biological suits here?
Yazhi: From the point of view of what deep secret societies know, impossible to specify at what level of depth, all its members, already as part of their belief structure, know that the biological body is only a temporary container and that it is to maintain a multi-racial “soul” or stellar consciousness point of attention in 3D.
Although this is my explanation with my words, they will obviously give it in their own way and with their concepts that may or may not be aligned with mine. Where I know we differ most is in the concept of the soul itself. They still hold the concept of soul as traditionally understood and to some depth within their secret structures. Their belief structures will always tend to be a combination of the shallow ones with data and gradual modifications that add complexity as you advance in the power structure.
Robert: When you say that the Vatican is talking to Federation officials above the local level, do you mean the Federation members who are on Saturn?
Yazhi: Yes, exactly. I mean they speak directly to representatives of the Saturn-based solar system level Federation.
Robert: Okay. Is it known exactly what the Agarthans work on with the Vatican?
Yazhi: From time to time information has come out here that someone at the Agartha level spoke to someone from the Vatican. Yes, there is communication between them. What is said or at what level, it is not known.
Robert: But those races of the Federation do not see that the treatment that the “Cabal” is giving the humanity is that of contempt? Don't they see that this is belittling life? What ethics is that?
Yazhi: They do not see what happens on Earth through the same lens as those who live on Earth. They very seriously see what happens on Earth as the result of the real and deep desires of the population that lives there and therefore they must respect those wishes. Even the intervention of the regressives on Earth doing unspeakable things against the human population, and manipulating them by twisting truths so that they accept things that they would not otherwise accept, they also see it as a direct manifestation of the people, collective and individuals who live there. Therefore, the Federation only focuses on monitoring that free will is respected, they see the regressives of the Earth as a consequence and direct manifestation of the same people.
Basically that is what is happening here regarding the Federation and its policies of non-intervention with the Earth. And there is also intervention with the Earth on the part of members of the Federation but as consequences of pre-incarnation agreements with the people in question.
Robert: Is it known what role a high priest of these secret societies, like the “Pope”, plays behind the backs of the parishioners, taking into account that they have knowledge of the falsehood of religion and that they follow Satanism?
Yazhi: Yes, their role is to perpetuate and make sure that the dynamics and rules imposed by their religion as a method of control over the masses continue to be perpetuated. As he himself says, he is the shepherd who makes sure that the sheep do not go beyond what was agreed and remain within the flock. They tell people in their faces that they are cattle and that they exploit them as such, under the excuse that they “take care of” them.
The Pope is a low-level priest, of the puppet type or official front for an institution of control over the masses and has to obey his masters who are out of the public eye and above him in the scale of power. He has a role to play and that role is to perpetuate the church as a method of control by being the public front of said institution.
Robert: These humans who feel a contempt for “humanity”, who keep technology to themselves appear to be young between 20 and 25 years (when in reality they are hundreds of years old) as they would have the technologies of the Med-Pods?
Gosia: To this I would add: and why do they look old and so wrinkled? Or are those clones for the public?
Yazhi: Most of those higher levels of society members, as well as those with levels of control or power within the secret societies and the levels of the Illuminati, generally move around like normal people, with normal aging. Apparently the level that has access to the Medical Pods is even deeper and they have little or no contact with normal human society. Even so, I have wondered many times if mummies like Soros, among others with so much power and money, will not have access to those Pods. This sounds illogical to me and makes me think two things.
Either they do not have the level of power that is necessary to have access to the Pods, or they are simply public or semi-public fronts to dissociate or guide the public in another direction and away from the true beings with control and power over humanity that very well could be millionaires who always look young but apparently have no public face even though they could be seen walking through the yacht clubs of Monaco and Marseille. People just mistake them for other ordinary young people, not being aware that they may be hundreds of years old.
The truth is that this class of humans with power effectively keep their identities very undercover and I cannot be sure with total certainty what happens at what level with respect to the Medical Pods that they are known to have at some level on Earth. But reserved for whom? I can't know for sure.
Merlin - the last druid There were people who match the profiles. From Merlin to Arthur. Destruction of Celtic culture in general. - Athena Swaruu X
Athena Swaruu X.- The problem with the topic of Merlin is that it is not simple in age, because it is not like saying that Arthur and Merlin were real and that's it. There were people who match the profiles of Merlin and Arthur, but what is known as history itself, what is found in ancient books is a corrected and augmented compilation of many events of the time, mixed with things that cannot be verified, which is most likely if it is fictional literature. But the mythological basis of those legends, which were taken by various authors, is real. Even these legends seem to come from the bards, who themselves worked hand-in-hand with the Druids, in the manner of recounting or passing on information.
Another problem is the modern conception of fiction that they erroneously apply to the past, because in modern times, from the 19th century onwards, fiction literature as it is known today wasborn. It is true that before that there were many novels, but not with the same modern structure that is basically total fiction, such as romance-fiction novels or detective genres, and the most recent science fiction that was born as a genre of literature in a controlled way from the beginning and with control agendas behind. From the beginning with few exceptions. Generalizing a huge and very rich literary world, there were in this case the Sagas that are an artistic, hyperbolic compilation of real events, since at that time there were no newscasts, newspapers or anything of that nature of mass media, then the information was passed on to people like the bards, who were of a different mindset in that they went to great lengths to keep thestory as is, without adding elements of exaggeration or fictitiousness.
It is from these Sagas strongly destroyed since the time of the Roman emperors (formerly generals) Vespasian and his son Titus, that the systematic destruction of everything that has to do with the druids and bards was born and developed from the year 50 B.C. at the appearance of the Inquisition in France around the eleventh century, which replaced this system with a more generalized one of control and control of information and beliefs in the world controlled by Rome Cabal.
So knowing how much of King Arthur and Merlin is true is a nightmare, but what is true is that therewere people with those characteristics just at the time when the first crusades began. That is the most reliable historical framework point where that story unfolds.
Robert.- But Merlin and King Arthur were after the Romans ...
Athena Swaruu X.- Yes, of course, that's why I say above that they lived around the time of the firstcrusades, the problem is that for the sum of 300 years to the Gregorian Calendar, the time cannot be calculated well, but the persecution procedure against of the Druids and the Bards began with Vespasian and Titus in Roman times, around the invention of Jesus Christ, and that persecution continued from that time until the years around the 11th century with the introduction of the Inquisition in France, which determines some 11 centuries of progressive destruction against the druids and bards, and the destruction of Celtic culture in general.
Robert.- So what can be known about Merlin today is more misinformation with some control agenda? Like the one that the Druids were a literary mythological invention?
Athena Swaruu X.- Yes, in itself this is handled in many places, if not that they entirely deny the existence of druids as literary inventions, using the Merlin saga and King Arthur as an example of fictional druids, or they accept that they existed, but they were only barbarian priests of antigenic and uncivilized peoples who did not even use writing. That is officially said, that the druids and bards did not use writing as the primitives that they were, that is disinformation by the Cabal. What actually happened was that all of their writings were either confiscated by the Vatican and taken to Rome, or destroyed and burned. It is also very important to connect this with the destruction and burning of books and papyri in the Library of Alexandria, which was nothing more than part of the destruction of the documents, books and writings of the druids and the bards. This is very important because it destroys true human history, because in those historical writings and accountsthe Celtic people, druids and bards are connected with the Egyptian civilization, as the very basis of said civilization, something that the pro-government historians vehemently deny, but that the trueresearchers, which are few, and our records (of us) clearly indicate that it is the truth. The point on the planet where Western civilization was born is Ireland and Scotland, which predates Predynastic Egypt, Babylon, Sumeria, and China.
Robert.- And why so much interest in the destruction of the druids and bards?
Athena Swaruu X.- Because in the first place they counted and recorded information from medicineto technology and history that contradicts the new official history that the Cabal was putting together as a world reset in the time of Vespasian and Titus where he needed to erase all information prior to his imposition of a new world paradigm. That is to say, erase all the past so thatonly the creationist tale of the new Judeo-Christian religion based on the Old Testament and New Testament writings would be adopted. They needed to erase all the historical record and knowledge of all kinds that contradicted the Old and New Testaments, so that Rome-Cabal would have full control over the truth and over the people.
Robert.- The destruction of human history through the burning of books.
Athena Swaruu X.- The censorship and burning of books today responds to the same interests, and to the same perpetrators, it is the same, the same agenda, that is why they destroyed the Druids.
Robert.- I want to understand that there the interstellar past of the human race is completely eliminated against being mere servants of a god of the Roman Empire.
Athena Swaruu X.- It is true that there could be other more localized reasons such as the total Roman dominion over the lands of Great Britain, but it is not only that, it goes further.
Robert.- Was the burning of the Library of Alexandria contemporary with the burning of books of the druids and bards? I want to understand that from there it is when a reset is made to a new civilization that would be the current one.
Athena Swaruu X.- Yes, it was just when the campaign of destruction of the Celtic Druids and Bard people began. They started with the burning of books in the Library of Alexandria because the Romans knew that there was a compilation of very complete writings on world history and on technologies and wisdom of all kinds from the Gnostics, who were connected with the Druids and the bards. It should be noted that the Library of Alexandria was especially dangerous for Rome-Cabal and its interests, because it was physically right in the lands of the Middle East (Egypt) where its stories ofthe Jewish people are developed, who leave Egypt following Moses and spend 40 days in the desert looking for the promised land, and that is when Moses climbs Mount Ararat and God gives him the tablets with the 10 commandments that were put in the Ark of the Covenant. (I don't know if this is a naming error, but the mountain of the tablets is Mt Sinai. Note from T.) What was in the Library of Alexandria were documents that could not be left there, but had to be taken to the Vatican and the copies destroyed. The burning itself, because the Gnostic - Druidic - Bardic information contradicted the tales from the Old and New Testaments.
Robert.- It contradicts the story of Jesus and Enki and Enlil.
Athena Swaruu X.- So the connection of the imposition of the new Jewish Christian religion and thesubject of the invention of Jesus Christ goes hand in hand, and is directly connected with the burning of the Library of Alexandria. This information and what I say here is based entirely, or almost entirely on non-human records, and from experiences of other versions of Swaruus who have been living this in their own flesh in those times. They left their detailed logs on their Suzy ships, which were then downloaded into the artificial intelligence minds of later, more modern ships and Suzy like this one. The connection of the Library of Alexandria with the destruction of the Celtic druids and Bards and the connection with the Gnostics as a means of being able to implement their Judeo-Christian religion will not be found on the networks or in the books of Earth, or if so it would be very surprising, since the few who connect this still get into their own historical fog, like wasting time deciphering the time of Jesus. So stated simply you won't find it, and I have a hunch that this information above can be viewed as dangerously sensitive to the Cabal, as it exposes them for who they are and their tricks. And they might investigate or ask where you got this from, as they are strong accusations based on solid facts. This is information that people should not have, according to them, because they have spent the best part of 2000 years trying to erase what has been said here today. I think this is a huge and necessary issue that goes a long way, that's why Yázhi and I stayed, because we see this work as necessary, even if it is not taken into account as we would like. It will never be because that is how the world does not work, they will bury it as disinformation, as they always do, because they have achieved the most efficient way of hiding everything that contradicts them, which is to say that everything is fake news, and the use of Digital technology and the internet only serve to hide everything in plain sight, because you cannot verify the veracity of anything online, the opposite of what happened at the time of the Library of Alexandria, that if you had a written papyrus in your hands it was a strong document as proof of the veracity of what they allege. That is why they had to destroy everything. We have been here for a good part of 12,000 years never being human, but that makes us a bridge between the extraterrestrial and the human, because we know both worlds well and we can connect what happens outside the Earth with what happens inside, and few non-human races have that ability.
Robert.- Very few races know how to communicate with humans and vice versa.
Athena Swaruu X.- The Taygeteans try, but they have many problems.
Robert.- What exactly is a druid, what was his job with the citizens? I think they were available to everyone, be they people, plants, animals, etc., etc. Did they treat everyone the same or am I wrong? Did they believe in deities? Athena Swaruu X.- To answer that I must first investigate what the druid looks like from Earth since I only have my own concepts that I will give next. This is important because mentioning the differences denotes my knowledge of the subject, and it is not just my direct imposition or speculation on the subject. For me, a druid is basically a wise person, be it male or female, because at that time there were both, although it is centered on the male figure. They had very advanced knowledge and passed on to them by other Druids from very remote times, going as far back as Atlantis and the emigration from it to the Highlands of Ireland and Scotland. Their knowledge was of medicine and herbalism, as well as of history and also of very advanced concepts of metaphysics and of the connection between the so-called material world and the worldof spirits, in a similar or comparative way to what the shamans, men, had knowledge of. Wise healers of Native American peoples, with whom they shared the same kind of information as it came from the same ancestral initial source. That is to say, the domain of herbalism and medicine and its connection with the etheric spiritual mystical world, from where they could agree to request favors from discarnate spirits, entities and people in order to carry out their purposes that were mostly designated by some person. The Druids knew that there is no physical world, that everything is etheric, and that everything is interconnected, that there is no clear barrier between the spirit world and the “physical material” world, without clear barriers; and that the causes of all diseases, and I mean all, is an imbalance by way of interference between one side and the other, the side of pure consciousness that generates the physical world projected mainly and primarily through the body called physical.
So they worked with one foot on the spiritual side and the other on the physical side as a bridge, like the Swaruus, we are bridges between the extraterrestrial and the human. They can also be called witches since witchcraft itself is this, interconnecting and using the characteristics of the possible and the achievable in one realm applied to the other. As well as the colloquial interpretation of normal people in the sense that everything that they explain to us, everything that they do not know they interpret as magic, when in reality it is only technology or pure knowledge, and knowing how to apply it. It should be noted that it this is risky, so I do not suggest in any way trying this at home, since it involves forces that are not only unknown but can be highly damaging. Druids are also seen as guardians of information, records of all kinds. Guardians of the "Great Logos" as defined, which includes medicine, history and technology, as well as accounts of all kinds. Druids are also taken simply as wise people, guides, elders to talk to for advice, and all of this above logically implies that they had a very strong connection with nature, since they did not separate it from who they are and what we all are. Knowing how to use its vital force for its purposes, the properties of each of its plants (herbalism) and of the nature of the spirits of the treesand the entire forest. Knowing how to connect, interact with other beings not entirely physical, of the so-called elementals. Knowing how to invoke their characteristics to help you carry out your purposes. In itself, the druids are taken with a strongly positive connotation, to do good only, but the denotation or name sorcerer-witch, can be applied to the same druid only by observing where he leans towards good or evil, even knowing that this concept of good and bad is something relative. The whole context of the Druids and the Celts have a strong inclination towards the Englishspeaking world of course, where it should be noted that when they were positive they were called druids, and when they were not, they were called called sorcerers which has a negative or regressive connotation being that they are basically the sam. An example of this can be Gandalf asthe druid and Sauron as the sorcerer, although it is difficult to specify it since the last Celtic druids, they are only called that and are not even the shadow of what they were before, or are simply hiding from persecution even today. I can dare to say that the people closest to being true druids with the knowledge of before are not in the old world but live among and in the Native American peoples, especially found in the Navajo nation today. The Navajo, whose correct name sounds something like Dine’Mike’Ya (phonetic), still retain Druidic abilities today. They are called Medicine men or wise men or priests or witches associated with the real 'skin walker' phenomena of that region.
Robert.- White people?
Athena Swaruu X.- No, since they are extremely hermetic with those who pass on this kind of information and only share it with an extremely exclusive group within their own Navajo nation. This information that I am giving you about the existence of sorcerers and shamans, there are still very detailed knowledge of all the druidic arts is again sensitive and difficult to obtain, I am sharing the secret is Navajo here. They still have ways of connecting with the spirit world, they can still ask for help, and they also live with one foot on the physical side and the other on the spiritual side. People on Earth are strongly conditioned to believe only in the existence of what is physical matter according to them, (because not even that is as real as they believe), so they do not notice everything that surrounds us and surrounds them interfering with their lives daily. These Navajo shamans know what they are doing, they know their art, and they hide it from persecution. And their abilities are comparatively similar to the abilities of the Druid-Celts, because they also know how to alter reality itself, perception and the conjunction interference between both sides, physical and spiritual, mastering abilities such as transformation (Shapeshfter) and teleportation, between other skills. This can be seen and observed in the extremely real legends and with solid evidence from the skinwalkers and nahuals further down in Latin America. There is no material world, all the spiritual worlds are only ideas that form the concept and the properties that we call the material world, but there are countless other worlds created with other kinds of ideas, therefore with other rules.
Robert.- Yes, it is clear that people on Earth are strongly conditioned to believe only in the existence of what is physical matter according to them, because not even that is as real as they believe, then they do not realize everything that surrounds you, and surrounds you interfering with your daily lives. You see life differently. It is well understood about the material world. Do the American Indians have this knowledge thanks to the Celtic Druids? What are the real phenomena of Skin Walker? Thank you, which is to say that no real druid would boast of saying they are a druid.
Athena Swaruu X.- The indigenous or American shamans of the Native American peoples have that knowledge of the same base branch or the same base source as the Celts, but not thanks to the Celts, that is, at the same time both were fed and stimulated and created, this from the resurgence of life on Earth, just after the great flood. That is, since at least 12 thousand years ago.
Robert.- And those ideas that we have on Earth, does the collective unconscious make us think that these are two worlds when it would all be the same?
Athena Swaruu X.- Yes, basically that is simplifying it, because the collective unconscious is the whole set of ideas that by social agreements form what is accepted as reality on Earth, but as I said above they are only ideas, a framework of beliefs; even science is based on that same framework of ideas creating a self-sustaining mathematical world that does not reflect the external world.
Robert.- That is to say ... Burning of "material" books and burning of "spiritual" minds through soul surgery.
Athena Swaruu X.- The so-called world of spirits is nothing more than the transfer of the same agreements and the same belief system framed by the collective unconscious to the non-material world, through the people who have passed away, the disincarnated, because when they die they take their belief systems and their perceptions, prejudices and expectations to the other side, creating in the so-called etheric world a crude and cartoonish reflection of the same material world in which they were alive. What happens here is that people with strong attachments to the material, to their ideas of what the material world is, are the ones who stay and do not transcend to other higher planes, that is, they do not incarnate on other planets, nor do they return to The Source, they are the so-called lostsouls who are wandering as entities and spirits between their world and the so-called material world. These kind of lost souls still hold the ego and the idea of the self, of feeling like someone, therefore they still manifest a perceptible body for them and for the others who are among them, who by having the same perception of the existential frequency share a new collective unconscious, but on the etheric or spiritual side. As these people have not transcended, they have attachments to strongly self-destructive or material ideas, with everything that goes hand in hand with that. Their not very positive values and twisted deformations of their concepts of reality thus form a caricatural reflection of what the same world was like when they were alive, that is, the same material world, the same streets and buildings, can be seen or manifested for them. in their mind on that non-physical side, but since their minds and their concepts and values are not very positive, those will also be reflected in that world, thereby creating a gloomy version of physical reality as it is known on the side of the living. The same streets and buildings, but all gloomy, decadent and with problems, because they also form clans and groups or gangs there, but it is only a reflection of themselves, because they are consistent with that frequency, and because they do not know how to live or exist from any other form as a direct consequence of the disinformation that the Cabal Illuminati has imposed on the population.
Robert.- But are they aware of the world they were copying from and where they are?
Athena Swaruu X.- It depends on each individual spirit, many do know it and they stay there, because they live there and that is how they are and that they choose to be, others do not know it, they have not realized that they are "dead", this is for several reasons, such as the extreme speed with which they died, or the general characteristics that surrounded their death.
Robert.- Are they trying to connect from the astral to this 3D world to continue with their evil plans?
Athena Swaruu X.- Those who know how do so by strongly interfering with the material world, by way of interference and infestation of entities in the bodies of the living that allow themselves to be manipulated from there again by frequency concordance. So it is very important to say that the result of everything that happens in the physical world, what happens day by day, is not only the result of the actions of the living and their collective unconscious, but is interconnected and intertwined with the world of the dead on the side of the ether, their agendas and their own collective unconscious. To further complicate matters, both worlds also have strong interference with other worlds, with the so-called extraterrestrials, their material lives, their own collective unconscious, which all mix in the material world of human civilization and out also in a huge soup of interference, and to make all this even more complicated, to this we must add the direct interference and other so-called time lines that are not isolated from one another in particular interfering with each other, with strong influence.
Robert.- And as we ascend, all this is going to be more pronounced, right?
Athena Swaruu X.- That is individual and depends on the work and consciousness of each person and their level, and all of the above is an explanation of why the theme of Merlin and King Arthur is a bit difficult to pin down.
Robert.- Yes, thank you Athena.
Athena Swaruu X.- You're welcome, I hope I have made some sense in what I wrote today, although it is not much, it is a beginning. * * *
Video URL: https://youtu.be/iFsmuKa1cUg
LIVE WITH CHRISTINA AND ESTEL-LA In this live we answer questions from the public about the Orion Wars video series, the history of our planet.
Estel·la.- Well, thank you all and apologies again for these technical problems, it seems that if it is not one thing, it is another. If it sounds better, it is perfect.
Cristina.- If we have a lot of wind too, but fine, if it sounds good. OK, perfect. Well yes, it has not been heard well before, just to summarize what we had commented, what we will do next is that we have selected some of your questions from video 6 of the Orion Wars, and also some questions from the last video on the Easter Island figures, and we are going to try a little to answer these questions, but as we always say, it is our interpretation of how we have understood this information. And some questions, you will see that we do not know the answer exactly, but more or less we will try to answer based on our understanding, since there are some questions that we have not asked specifically.
Estel·la.- Perfect, I'm going to start repeating because it was super short, Yázhi's short answers were very brief and then we already started with the questions that we have collected and that leaves us some questions, if you have these videos of the Orion Wars in the chat, because later we will be reviewing the chat. So we start over. So, here it was referring to the Neanderthals, we are asking Yázhi how they were exterminated or for what reason the Neanderthals became extinct, and Yázhi answered us: "Mainly they were exterminated by the explosion of Tiamat, but it is also believed that they were exterminated by the same lirians, homosapiens, but we also have information of reptilian intervention, although on Earth many maintain that their genetics still walk among you."
And, later here we ask her that if, as we had understood the Lyrians and Neanderthals were living together and they got along and respected each other, how is it that they ended up exterminating each other? And Yázhi said:
"Because as with everything, some people, whether Neanderthals or Lyrians, were more morally or spiritually advanced than others, so surely there were differences of opinion, some coexisted well, others exploited."
Cristina.- Yes, this was a little bit about the Neanderthals that we had also seen as a question about what had happened, and this is a little bit what Yázhi told us. Now we have collected a couple of questions from the video of the Easter Island figures, which I have seen someone say is Rapa Nui. Yes, what happens is that it is also called Easter Island, since as you know it was, well with the theme of this one of the conquerors, because it was the person who in theory discovered that island, because he named it Easter for which day it was.
Well, one of the main questions we have collected is that there was a lot on this topic and it said: How come they are Lemurians, but they have Sumerian things? And here Yázhi in the video, because it was a question that I also asked Yázhi in the video told us that they were Lemurians because they were made by Lemurians, but they had an Atlantean essence. And because? And here is a little bit what we said in the video, that it was very important to have seen the previous videos, because if it was not very difficult to understand how these two things could be interconnected.
And as you know, Lemuria was a civilization and it was located on the continent of Oceana, which today is the Pacific Ocean, that is, it is under water. And Mu was the capital. The Lemurians were formed, this civilization was formed mainly because many Lyrians, or mainly Lyrians, who were being harassed in some way by the Atlantean civilization, because they fled to this continent and there Lemuria was formed, but Lemuria somehow brings with it what was before, which was the Atlantean civilization, too. That is, it brings its culture in some way or its customs. And Sumeria is also part of the Atlantean civilization, although Sumeria is after the flood, but also in some way arises from the roots of the Atlantean civilization, therefore, what would be Lemuria also like the Atlantean civilization, Yázhi explained that it was as a mix of many cultures and societies, so it is Lemuria, in a way.
And why did the Lemurians end up on Easter Island? Well, when there was the cataclysm, the entire continent of Oceana was practically flooded, and the Lemurians, because as Yázhi did not explain in the last video, they moved to points that were not flooded and one of those points was the Island of Rapa Nui, in In this case, and therefore the figures, although they are made by Lemurians, have Sumerian features, because Sumer also arose from the Atlantean civilization.
Estel·la.- And there you can see the Atlantean cultural influence reflected a little.
Cristina.- Exactly. And another question that we had also seen that was repeated a lot was: How were the Statues moved? And with what technology were they built? Here we tell you that the Lemurian civilization had a lot of technology, that is, that it was a very advanced civilization and mainly the technology they used to build all these things, it was antigravity technology, melted stone and, in addition, they used cutting with compressed sound, which we had also explained in some of the previous videos that it is much more efficient than laser cutting. And also remember that Lemuria, because it was a civilization that had many races and among them there was a very large base, Taygetean, therefore, it also has Taygetean influence, and Taygetean technology in some way. And, there were also Engans and Solatians, albeit in small groups that were all cooperating together, let's say.
Estel·la.- Yes, but just as in Atlantis there were many races that were part of this civilization in Lemuria, basically the civilizations that were there were more Lyrian based. .
Cristina.- Exactly. Yes everything would be the monuments and they were all designed for the Lyrian race.
Estel·la.- Other questions that we have collected, one of them was: "Are the Atlanteans who survived reptilians, or are those who survived Lyrian?" Here this person is referring to after the battle of Tiamat and the destruction of the planet Tiamat and basically telling you that, apart from the civilization of Atlantis, as it was made up of many different races, many individuals belonging to many races survived. There were not only reptilians there. Yes it was the reptilians who were in control, but it was a planetary civilization and there were also many colonies of other races there. And, later, those of the Lemurian civilization who survived, well, they were the Lyrian-based races. That we would be us today.
Cristina.- Or, for example, also the Agarteans, who are, as Yázhi explained, they are 100% almost Lemurian because it was one of the points where they fled, in that regard.
Estel·la.- That's right, to the internal cavities of the planet. Another question was: How were the Mayans saved? And if they were reptilians? So, basically, the Mayan civilization is after the flood, then they were not present when this happened and, on the other hand, tell you that no, the Mayans were not reptilians, but that they came from the Mayan star in the Pleiades, and that they are also Lyrian based. What does happen is that from one day to the next they disappeared. I remember that we once talked about this, I don't know if it was with Yázhi or with Anéeka and they simply told us that these civilizations had very advanced and interstellar technology. Then there were many conflicts also on Earth later, after the flood then, for certain reasons, they decided that they no longer wanted to be here and simply the entire civilization left and returned to their planet. Although, there could also be some individuals who mixed with those of us who are here today.
Cristina.- Yes, the same happened with the Elohí, the Homo Capensis. That their presence here is also after the flood and that also, as we have already shared in other videos, it seems that they came to mix, as Yázhi explained to us, with, for example, the Rothschilds, as they have (some) Elohí genetics.
Estel·la.- That the Elohí are from the star Asterope?
Cristina.- Asterope? I always get confused with Asterope and Merope.
Estel·la.- I think it's Asterope. From Merope are the Diadens.
Cristina.- Exactly.
Estel·la.- Ok, another question was: “I had understood that the Adamic race, after Tiamat, that when everything was destroyed they were left without technology, in ignorance, and that is why they could be deceived. Yázhi says at the beginning of this video that the liberation of the Adamic race caused the Tiamat war. I do not understand". So, here I will basically and briefly explain to you that the Adamic race predates the flood and the battle of Tiamat, and that it was one of the causes that led to the destruction of this planet. Basically the civilization of Atlantis, which was mostly reptilian, saw the Lyrians only as cattle and wanted to exploit them, and so they first tried to modify them genetically, but they did not obtain results because with their high connection to The Source the Lyrians returned to how they want to be, how they manifested, and then later what they did was through mind control. This went on for many, many years. First there was a group that were the Eves and later or another group that were the Adams. The only difference between these two groups that were both were made up of women and men, is the degree of mental control that they had. Then, the Eves managed to flee from Atlantis and they left for Lemuria, which is where the resistance to Atlantis was created, and then the Eves, with the help of the races that made up Lemuria as well, which were above all Taygetean, Engan and Solatian, went to rescue the Adams. They managed to flee, they spread throughout the planet, they created their bases, and they spent some time trying to recover, as they could by mixing with each other, creating the race that we are today, Homo sapiens, but after all this, it was the battle of Tiamat where the reptilians pretended that they were on the planet Tiamat and then the Federation went there and among the races, by war, one of the consequences was the destruction of Tiamat.
Cristina.- So, as Estel-la explained there were several battles since the first ancient battle, that is, all this, as Yázhi explained, was over many years, and many things developed, even the cataclysm. It was almost the extermination of the species, that we call, as you say, Homo Sapiens. And as a result of there there have been other conflicts and let's say that since then there have always been like these battles, or all this destruction of civilizations, as Yázhi explained that, in many civilizations, well, they flourish, advance and then fall. So, it is constant in the history of our planet.
Estel·la.- Yes. Another question you left us was: Was it the Federation that destroyed Tiamat? And we could say yes and no, because the Federation was not seeking the destruction of this planet, it was simply what happened because the Federation went there because it was thought that the reptiles were there, and there they began to throw everything they had at them, as Yázhi says and then this led to the destruction of the planet and it exploded. It was the Federation, partly yes, because it was there fighting, but also, of course, there were all the races of the Atlantean civilization, and among them as a whole. This is what happened.
Cristina.- Yes, so it was not exclusively the Federation that went to destroy a planet, but it was, well, the side-effect of a very big battle.
Estel·la.- Exactly. Another question that we have seen is also: Why did they use nuclear weapons if they had more advanced weapons that did not leave nuclear contamination? This is basically because Yázhi explained to us that nuclear technology was used during the battle of Tiamat and when we asked her why they were using it, she basically told us that because the Taygetean race, the other races, the Federation races were participating through the help they provided from the air support of other races. Then everything was used, it is not that only nuclear technology will be used, but that they were basically defending themselves and made use of everything they had at their disposal. So, yes, there was a presence of nuclear technology, but also non-nuclear technology, energy or plasma technology.
Cristina.- Another question that we have collected is: Are there Tiamat starseeds incarnated on Earth? We do not know that answer exactly, but we believe from what we understand here that it is very likely that yes, there are people who have been here since those times, or there are people who have been here at that time, then they have returned, because as you know, there is no space or time, therefore, the consciousnesses can move at all the points, inclusively, because in this point that we are now. But yes, well, we believe that it is probable, more than anything, because of what Yázhi explains, that this great battle caused this strong extermination of so many consciousnesses, not only Lyrian-based, but also others, such as those of the Sirian bases who would have been present there, or even the vegetable and animal kingdom as well, in some way.
Estel·la.- Yes, that is what I was going to comment on, that basically on the planet Tiamat, being a planet of water, there were basically many Sirian races. I don't remember if Yázhi told us about the degree of evolution or technology they had, right? They were like an interstellar civilization, right? Simply civilizations ...
Cristina.- She told us no, that is, they were very advanced, but that there were no records of their culture and their progress, because everything had been destroyed.
Estel·la.- Exactly.
Cristina.- Another question is: Why didn't the water from Tiamat reach the planet Mars, which was closer than Earth and Venus? This particular question was not asked either, but what we understand here is that Mars, being very close to Tiamat, took the shock wave in some way, and all that water was sort of blown away in the explosion. You know what the shock wave is, because it removes everything, because there it was incredible. And that caused the gravity of the Earth and Venus to attract all that water. And here we understand that that is why it was not attracted to Mars, because the shock wave itself must have displaced the water further towards Earth and Venus.
Estel·la.- Yes, because in addition Yázhi also commented to us that the water did not fall immediately on these planets, but remained for a long time suspended in space until, as you say, it was gravitationally attracted to, for example, the Earth, and that's when all this water that Tiamat contained basically fell in mass like the flood.
Cristina.- Yes. Another question is: How was the solar system structured before the destruction of Tiamat? And here I will also tell you that the position of the planets, we understood that it was the same. What was different were the energetic dynamics between the planets, since Tiamat was a very, very large planet then, when all the energetic dynamics of all the planets were destroyed, they had to restructure themselves, but it is not like a planet stayed in front of another, but rather that distances and movements were all affected in some way.
Estel·la.- Yes, they basically readjusted to the new changes. But the only difference is that Tiamat was between Mars and Jupiter.
Cristina.- Yes, I had also asked a person only that no, we have not collected the question that: What were the 13 planets in the solar system? Well, I'll tell you from memory that they were: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Tíamat which you now know as the asteroid belt, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Eris, which for our science is 136199, which you already know it's called Ohalu, which is the one with the mantises, and Haumea and Makemake, I think I said 13, right?
Estel·la.- Yes, I think they are all there.
Cristina.- Yes. That is, the planets were the same as they are today, only now we don't have Tiamat.
Estel·la- And, for the reason why the Federation has this solar system with 13 planets and our science admits to less, she told us that it was because the conditions for our science depends on the mass they have, for example, and for them instead it is the capability to contain life.
Cristina.- To sustain life, yes.
Estel·la.- And, which is basically our solar system, it is very inhabited, there are some who do not have interstellar civilizations, but there are many, we have animals living there. Comment from a follower: I have also read that the great deserts on Earth are the result of wars that occurred in the past. Greetings girls.
Cristina.- It is very likely because all that water first, the lining of the poles, as you know, and all that water, because it changed all the energy dynamics of planet Earth, therefore, where there used to be a forest, now there is ocean, so everything has changed since then. So it is quite possible that it could also be so.
Estel·la.- Yes, because planet Earth used to be totally different, the illustrations that Yázhi made to show how it was before, basically there were no large seas, they were simply many lakes, and yes, some small seas, but you could walk around them, there was a lot of forest, many lagoons, many meadows.
Cristina.- Yes, and there was more stability since there was not so much water on the plates, but there was more volcanic activity. And well, it was very similar to Erra, it has always been said to be very similar to Erra, the Earth from before.
Estel·la.- And that's where the name also comes from. Erra, Tierra(Earth) Twin of Erra.
Cristina.- Yes, and now that you comment on this, Estel·la, is a bit of what Anéeka always explained to us about cultural influence. That is to say, as we explained at the beginning that the Easter Island figures, in some way they had cultural influence from Atlantis and as it would be later, Sumeria. Well, everything, everything is like this. All of our culture on Earth since then, all those aliens, those bases that have existed in the past, all these cultures, have been acquired until today and many are still present today.
Estel·la.- Exactly.
Cristina.- What we think is from Earth many times is not even from Earth.
Estel·la.- Exactly.
Cristina.- And, that's why Anéeka always told us that, if we left the Earth, well, we would be surprised, because in many places we would think that we are in some country on Earth, and it is because the influence has been the opposite and that it is also very curious. Everything, how all this turns around, that you think it comes from here, but that it is actually the other way around, that what comes from here comes from outside.
Estel·la.- Yes, yes, yes, especially on this planet, on Earth that we know is an unusual case.
Cristina.- Yes, we are going to leave it at ‘normal’.
Estel·la.- Another question we encountered was: Could this be related to the fact that many of us often have dreams or nightmares of great cataclysms? Are they trauma? And, indeed, that is the case, from what the Taygeteans have explained to us, all this that took place on this planet has created a very great trauma in the human psyche that is very much reflected in who we are today, in how we feel disconnected from everything, in the way we have to interact, to do, because it was an incredible devastation and the people who lived through this, which many of us as we have said are ourselves, we carry it stored in the unconscious and sometimes these are reflected.
Cristina.- Another question is: Do the Orion Wars continue today? And the answer is yes. What we see on Earth today is still the result or reflection of these wars.
Estel·la.- Yes. Unfortunately, it is.
Cristina.- And finally, a question that we found very interesting. One of you asked: Could it be that history repeats itself and we have to be Eves awakened and guided by the Taygetans to go to the rescue of the Adams? And this question seemed very, very curious to me, right Estel·la ?, because really Yázhi always said that history repeats itself. And that it is us, that we repeat history and, in itself, it is not that history makes a circle, but it is the consciousnesses themselves that are recreating this. So, it is also related to the question that you have read, right? that some people have dreams and nightmares and that we are re-creating in some way all that we have already lived. Because everyone wears it inside. The memories remain, they are eternal, nothing is destroyed.
Estel·la.- They are our DNA, it is what makes us today.
Cristina.- Exactly. So, in a way it is. We could see the Adams as most Matrix people, more involved in the type of society that we have set up, that we can also consider ourselves slaves. And, on the other hand, the Eves would be all these people who are awake and who believe that there are other possibilities and that these are not the correct ways to proceed.
Cristina.- Yes, and it is curious because many people now say with what is happening, that awakened people have to go somewhere and join together, right? And, of course, this is what happened in the day with Lemuria.
Estel·la.- They had to flee to survive.
Cristina.- Lemuria was formed from this, that is, it was the consequence of the situation in which they were living and saying, enough. Many people did not want to continue with this and regrouped to form their own civilization, which was totally opposed to the ideas and norms of Atlantis.
Estel·la.- Exactly. Yes, hopefully this time it ends better.
Cristina.- For sure.
Estel·la.- Let's read a little bit in the chat. Well, we skipped the chat, but let's see if you have left any questions.
Cristina.- Wow, yes, I think there are many. Look, someone asks: What happened to Tiamat as a living organism? Well we imagine that, like any organism that it died.
Estel·la.- Yes, I think you mentioned it, nothing is destroyed in the universe. Then simply the consciousnesses that were there at that moment, well, they were recycled, they incarnated in other beings and the planet itself is a consciousness as well, but it is made up of all the consciousnesses that live on this planet. So it was basically restructured. A follower asks: Do you know how many and which races were there?
Cristina.- How many races, do we not have that answer?
Estel·la.- Many.
Cristina.- Exactly. And the races that were mainly involved because, as we have commented, Sauroid races. And, well, all kinds because they have come, they have been coming right in the battle of Tiamat, because Andromedans and Arcturians were also involved. I suppose also, maybe even Sirian bases as well, Lyrians. We do not know if feline breeds were also involved. The truth is that we do not have the exact data of which races were involved. We are reading you in the chat. A follower says: The Atlanteans of Tula, Hidalgo, in Mexico, Toltec culture, will they also have Sumerian influence? They also have a hat.
Well, we do not know the Atlanteans of Tula, which you comment. But yes, as we have said, if you see that they have similar traits, they probably have an influence, since as we have said, the Atlantean civilization, that is, it was planetary, it was practically everywhere.
Estel·la.- That's right. A follower asks: If we were to see the rubble of Tiamat, what would we see? Well, we would have to go see the asteroid belt, which are the fragments that have remained of the planet and what would be found there? Well, nowadays very little, right?
Cristina.- Yes, Yázhi said that it was mainly rock and ice.
Estel·la.- Yes, but what is very interesting that, for example, Taygetans through immersion technology can go to see these events. The way of studying history is so different. Simply, there you have all this data of everything that happened, and you can observe it and learn how it was.
Cristina.- Although, now that you have commented on this, I have remembered a question that I had read from the comment box that someone of you asked: How is it possible that there is no data for some events? I think I was asking about the issue of the Sirian race that Tiamat had, that Yázhi commented that there were no records of their degree of advancement, let's say or cultural, and in other things Yázhi also tells us that sometimes there is no such record. And, although you have commented, Estel·la that it is true that you can go and see, of course, think that there are so many multitudes of timelines that you may be observing only one part, but in other lines this has not happened or this does not happen in this way. So if there is no record that has been kept in a way to this day, it is very difficult to extract things sometimes because to what extent is 100% connected to this line, in some way. So, the subject of the story is complicated. Really being able to understand, how you can observe it, or how you can understand it because there is no fixed story, somehow. So you don't always have that data.
Estel·la.- Yes. A follower says: Do those who are born in Barcelona come from Lemuria? Thanks. Well, basically after the flood those who survived, they took refuge in the highlands, in Iceland, in Scotland, also in parts of Asia and South America, basically. But as we know today, all of us here are many seeds from everywhere, it does not have to be exclusively from Lemuria. And, I think right now the… there I don't know what I was going to say, it's gone. (Laughs)
Cristina.- Likewise, from what you were saying, Lemuria was also a mixture of races, too. So many Lemurians came from, for example, the Pleiades. So, well that's all, everything is very mixed, and it is important when it comes to getting the information, or at least it is how we try a little to understand what Yázhi explains to us, it is to try not to build that line that we like so much, but try how, how to get many events and, well, simply have them there in information, but not try put them in boxes, because it is very difficult and also there is so much information that it is very difficult to try to form something basic and a line, no , no, it is not.
Estel·la.- Yes, yes, she also sometimes said that events that seem to contradict each other, is due to the simple fact of trying to place them in that straight line one behind the other, but that does not really mean that any of the two is false as you mentioned.
Cristina.- There are many questions.
Estel·la.- A follower asks: Were Mesoamerican cultures controlled by some other race? And why did they make human sacrifices? We did ask this question. And Yázhi told us that, it is a bit what we have commented previously, but the civilizations that existed in what is Mesoamerica, all are civilizations that come, they are there for a while, many are interstellar, they leave. Then, other cultures take these monuments and go with it. Then, in the end, there comes a time when it is no longer known whose is what, because everything has been constantly reforming. And, the subject of the sacrifices told us that it is not Maya, this was not Maya, but that this was after the Mayan civilization, and that the data she had is that it was from the beginning it was like to imitate the surgeries they did, interstellar races such as the Mayans, but as that later it might also become, or was what they would be, to attract archons and all these things that you know, which is all that it brings, which is a sacrifice in itself. But it is very confusing.
Estel·la.- Exactly and that it is intermingled.
Cristina.- Exactly.
Estel·la.- A follower says: Is there human life on Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, or not? As far as I remember I think not. In fact, well, on Venus there is human or Lyrian-based life. On Mars there are basically, well, yes there are some humans working there, but what we have are regressive bases of the Maitre and the Reptilians.
Cristina.- Reptiles, yes.
Estel·la.- And the third?
Cristina.- They are Ohalu, the Mantises. Now they are no longer separatists, but are part of the colony of the planet Eris, which we have commented before is called Ohalu.
Estel·la.- Exactly, then there is the Earth, in Jupiter there are the Karistus, which are indeed a Lyrian base, Saturn, there are many races there, but in orbit to the planet, not living there. Only many animals more than anything because they are a very gaseous mixture. So basically I think this is where the Lyrian-based life is concentrated.
Cristina.- Yes, later in Ohalu, which is a planet with a lot of life too ...
Estel·la.- But there are the Mantises, not humans.
Cristina.- Exactly, and the rest practically as you say, animals in all places. Life exists in all densities. Not because we believe that a planet is gaseous, as, for example, you have said Jupiter, it does not mean that there is no life. There is no life for your biological organism, it is not you, you cannot adapt there, but there are other beings that are adapted.
Estel·la.- Yes, and remember that the percentage that we see of the reality that is outside is always lower because it is in this third density than everything that the Universe itself actually contains.
Cristina.- Exactly. Ah, I remember Anéeka explaining to us about the insectoid races that could live in sulfuric acid atmospheres. And we are talking about advanced insectoid races, not the animal type as we understand it.
Estel·la.- A follower says: Who blew up the planet Tiamat, Reptilians or Federation?
Cristina.- Yes, we have already answered it. A follower asks: I would like to know if the three races were the main ones when the Federation was formed, when and why did the Lyrians disappear from that trio. Why only Arcturians and Andromedans?
I think the question here is in two parts. On the one hand, the Federation in its day through the Orion Wars, was basically formed by these three races, and I think you are referring in the second part of the Federation here. But we have to remember that the Federation here is only a part of the Federation. The Federation that we have, which is Saturn, which is the basis of the Federation here in this solar system, not only the Viera, which is the base that represents the Earth. It is a branch of the Federation, but the Federation is very large, it is immense and, as explained before, it occupies many existential planes as well. So we think they are two different questions. And, here it seems that, on Earth, not in the rest of the Federation, but here on earth, it seems that the Arcturians and Andromedans have enough legal weight here on Earth, but it does not mean that the Lyrians do not continue to be part of the Foundation of the Federation, or are more present. Surely in Lyra they will be very present there. Or that, for example, in the Pleiades, they are basically formed by Lyrians, and there they are also Federation. Because the Council of Alcione is also a Federation. I don't know if you wanted to add anything else.
Estel·la.- No.
Cristina.- A follower says: On the other planets, can we breathe easily or do we require something special? Well, it depends on the planet. There are planets that have the same amounts of gases, because the biology is similar, and there are planets, for example, with what we have mentioned about sulfuric acid, which is not viable for our body. It depends on a lot. Also tell you that Anéeka explained to us that normally biology tends to group together, that is to say, that in this part of the Galaxy there are many planets that present very similar features, both in gases and in the plant kingdom, animal kingdom, because in some way they tend as I do not know about life, it is not, you know, it is neither creationism nor evolutionism, but it is being sown. So all the planets that are close to each other resemble each other. If you really want to see very different things, you have to go far away on this side of the galaxy. Except for Cyndriel. (Laughs) That I have remembered now.
Estel·la.- Sure, there are always exceptions. Wide variety.
Cristina.- Exactly.
Estel·la.- A follower says: Hello, why are there wars in Orion if they are in 5D? Well, basically first a little bit to say that the 5D, 6D, all this of the densities, is an idea that was transmitted to us initially to be able to understand a little, but each person is their own density. And after that, although it is categorized, like 5D, it is not peace and love, or it is in part. There are many civilizations that are living peacefully on their planets, but then there is also this part that there is a lot of action, in some way and it is simply at some point these beings were compatible with these events that happened, they were compatible with all these regressive beings, with the reptilians and little by little fear increased. They were all terrified, they started to run away and this compatibility of events was created. Because in itself everything is in some way.
A follower says: Does Tiamat's black goo have any properties? I think it was not very positive due to the suffering of the planet. Do you remember?
Cristina.- Yes, yes, yes. It was because it was contained, because as you know the black goo is like the blood of the planet that is formed through the pressure of the plates with the water, and it forms, let's say, you know how the Earth inside, it is like blood vessels too somehow, and it was the blood. So in that blood, in that black goo destruction is contained, somehow, right? as in the DNA because it is impregnated all the destruction and the suffering. And I think it was Swarúu of Erra who explained that that's why it was so, because it had effects, because as you know, like all sacrifices, all this, the energy that that black goo brings, because it is used for non-positive things.
A follower asks: Before the Tiamat war it was said that Saturn looked very close. In fact, it was said to the Moon. Jupiter is bigger and closer to Earth, why was Saturn closer and not Jupiter?
Well, what I remember that Yázhi told us, that it is not that it looked closer, it is that you could see the rings with the naked human eye. That is, it was seen and is a bit what we have explained about the energy dynamics, that is, when Tiamat was there, the planets had different distances and probably because of this, Saturn was seen.
A follower asks: Do the different blood types exist for the different races on Earth? I think so. Do you remember the blood that Anéeka explained to us?
Estel·la.- Yes, there are good varieties of blood types here, but I also said that a blood type did not classify a person, because I remember well that she explained to us about RH negative. And I said that there was not a difference as to whether a RH negative person is a starseed compared to A positive, for example, that this in itself does not define you.
Cristina.- But the fact that there are so many types, for example, Taygeta only has one type of blood.
Estel·la.- 0 positive.
Cristina.- So the fact that there are so many different blood types can also be due to the influence of many different races and because also, in some way, as you know, the physical is the result of consciousness. And the Earth at the level of consciousness is also very divided through mind control. So that also creates a lot of differences between races. Instead of going together, a union.
Estel·la.- A follower says: In theory the sphinx was built by surviving priests of Atlantis, is it true? The sphinx was built by the Atlanteans, and it predates the flood. Instead, the pyramids are post flood. That was later a Federation base there.
Cristina.- Yes, but it was previously, it had first been an Atlantean base, as explained by the Sphinx.
Estel·la.- And, in fact, there were two sphinxes, but the other one we do not really know how it was destroyed or what happened to it.
Cristina.- Taking advantage of the fact that we have now said this. One of the questions that there was at the beginning of everything, that we have read about the nuclear war, now I have remembered that someone asked why nuclear energy was used and now I have also remembered the pyramids, that you were commenting on Giza, right? That, for example, most of the Atlantean pyramids are based on mercury and pollute the subsoil a lot, but they have their advantages because they do not need a large flow like a water-based pyramid. Then you can put it anywhere and it is like the mechanism, Yázhi explained to us, which is simpler than a water pyramid. Instead, for example, the pyramids of Egypt tyou were not commenting that they are after the flood, because after the flood the Federation put a base in Giza over a previous base when the waters fell, because all that was flooded. That is why the sphinx has water erosion and when the waters fell, the Federation occupied that Atlantean base and set up a Federation base, and that is when the pyramids were built, which are water-based zero point reactors, which take the flow from the Nile, but of course, those big reactors, Yázhi told us, cannot be built anywhere. First, it has to be on a Ley point to encompass more energy, and second, it has to be close to a large flow of water. So, it was a bit so that you could see the differences in construction, and that there are also reasons why, as some people use one technology and others use another.
A follower question: Where in the Pleiades were the Lemurians from? Well, the Lemurians, as we have said, is a civilization of many races, mainly those that fled from Atlantis, a Lyrian base and influenced by other races, mainly the Pleiades.
Estel·la.- A follower says: What happened after the Tiamat incident? How did the conflict continue?
Cristina.- Well, it continues to this day, that is the answer, until today and we are still in the conflict.
Estel·la.- Yes, yes, the truth is that we still do not go into details on this subject, because as you can see, the last video we have is about the battle of Tiamat. So, we don't have many details, but basically those that survived settled around the planet and ...
Cristina.-… a new civilization emerged again, which is the one we have in mind today. Yes and pulling back with the mind control started mainly by Rome, as already explained.
Estel·la.- Exactly.
Cristina.- A follower says: Was Atlantis always regressive as it was reptilian? Well, Atlantis is considered regressive because the Reptilians were in the Government and they did not have, in some way, very positive interests based on the Proto-Lilian or Lyrian races that were then on Earth. As once again remembering that good and bad are only points of view for them, they did the right thing. For us it is not correct what they do, then, well, and also later cooperated with many races. Atlantis, it really is complicated enough to be able to define it in a way in itself.
Estel·la.- Yes and I also remember that at some point Yázhi was explaining to us that there were Arcturian bases in the territory of Atlantis, and we said, but the Arcturians are positive? And she told us just because they were there it does not mean that they were collaborating with the interests of the Government of Atlantis. This is just an example.
Cristina.- Well, we are going to finish, I think.
Estel·la.- Yes, we've already been live for an hour.
Cristina.- A follower says: What does the biblical apocalypse mean, mind control to cause the reset? No, no, we don't know what the biblical apocalypse means, but as you know, the Bible is written in code, and then it is made to be interpreted in a way by people who really know how to interpret it, which, as you know, are the people who are in power. And, for another it is like stories or anecdotes for the people. As we have explained, Adam and Eve not that they were not people, but that they were two civilizations in some way. So it is very difficult to know exactly what it means. And we have not asked specifically the meaning behind it, what the apocalypse of the Bible would be. Well, thank you all very much for being here. We hope that we have been able to answer some of your questions and clarify a little better.
Estel·la.- Yes, thank you very much for your participation. And we are going to see each other in the following videos.
Cristina.- What is the next video?
Estel·la.- The following video is the last part about Suriko's story. We hope you like it a lot. And from here on, we will continue.
Cristina.- Exactly.
Estel·la.- Thank you all very much. A big hug and until next time.
Cristina.- See you soon!
Vatican - Secret Societies - Power Structure on Earth - Federation - PART 1 - Yazhi Swaruu
Yazhi: The Vatican is the main control organization of Planet Earth, at least of the part that is visible by the people although they don't usually connect or understand what and how it controls just about everything.
It is basically the State of Rome, and the Pope is the Caesar with another name, same thing. Rome never fell, it just transformed itself into something according to the times. Rome is still the main control mechanism over Planet Earth and has been so since at least 600 B.C., although the exact date is dubious.
The Pope is just a high priest and a puppet of hidden handlers underneath him. He holds no real power, he is just a front man.
The Pope and all his priests and cardinals and all those, are not Catholic. They only play to be Catholic as part of the religious control mechanism over the human population.
They know their bible tales are false as they are understood by laymen and “sheeple”, and only hold some validity when read in another way as they are written with a code only the initiated know, that's why it is difficult to understand the wording, especially of some parts of the Old and the New Testament. I'm not going to discuss this here now, but as a small example of this, in the Old Testament when they are talking about a person or an individual character, they are not really referring to one person, the hidden message is that it should be read as a tribe, a community, or a group of many people.
The Pope and all those high priests follow another set of beliefs that, loosely said and for the main understanding of the public listening to me, can be called Satan worshipers. That means that they are the very opposite to what they want to portray to the public in general. Going a little bit deeper in this direction, what they do is believe in a series of secret documents and agreements based on ancient knowledge from all around the world picked by them after analyzing if they suit their needs or not.
The main sources for them are Celtish, Druidic Gnostic, and Egyptian ancient knowledge, but not in its pure form, but only in a synthesized, concentrated, picked and filtered version where they take whatever they need and like from one or the other. And their main historical base boils down to Atonism as started by Ahkenaten and Nefertiti circa 1330 B.C. Where they worship the "black Sun" (Saturn) and Lucifer (Tiamat, extinct planet), as explained in detail in other works.
Moving towards the structure of control the Vatican has over planet Earth, basically they use the so called “monster of three horns” that is the Vatican itself as the first horn that controls spirituality on planet Earth, then the City of London that controls the economy of the planet as the second horn, and Washington DC that controls the Military force over Planet Earth, as the third horn, and this one polices all the planet so everyone conforms to the narrative and the needs of the Jesuit and Illuminati Cabal whose headquarters are in the Vatican.
Note that all three, the Vatican, the City of London and Washington D.C., (District of Columbia) are independent city states inside another sovereign country. They don't follow the same laws or rules even though they are contained inside a city that in turn is well inside a country that is supposed to be independent. They all answer to the Vatican.
The Illuminati are the Jesuits, no difference at all, just semantics. They work through the Free Masons and their influence is all over the world using their lodges and alternative secret societies that are all set up in a compartmentalized way so no one in any stage knows what is going on not only in the other stages or levels but cannot access the bigger picture in the levels above them.
People in the higher stages of that Secret Society structure and in places of medium power no longer use the same economy that the rest of the population uses.
The same way as religion and politics are used to control the perception of reality of the human population at large, economy as well, and it is only a control structure for the masses and not for the people in real power. The Illuminati Jesuits don't believe in the same religions and they know politics is always rigged and it is only pantomime to make people believe that they have some control over who governs them and over their destiny.
Same with economy. Those people in real power don't use Dollars, they don't use Euro, Yen, Peso or any other. Those are for the “sheeple” only, so whatever happens to the economy as the human population perceives it, does not affect them at all!
Those medium strata of the social control structure of the Illuminati and all the people associated with them use Gold for all their transactions. In lower levels they will pay one another for small favors using gold coins minted by their own organization. This is another reason that explains why gold is so scarce nowadays, at least for the general population.
But in the higher strata of this Cabal, Jesuit Illuminati organization, the level of power is so unconscionably high that they no longer use any economy at all. They own everything and they no longer bother to invest in anything, if they want something, it's theirs and has always been theirs any way. If they want a particular work of expensive art, a Picasso, for example or collect expensive brand sports cars, all they need to do is transfer fake digital money, the price is not important, and it's theirs! Many times not even, being that if they want something it is given to them as payment for a former favor, and so on and so forth.
This takes me to the next subject. I have been talking about the human levels of the Cabal that controls Earth, but as we go higher in the strata we come to a point where things get dubious about what species is what and who. Even the very meaning of being human comes into question.
People at these levels feel they are so superior to the rest of the population, they perceive themselves to be “something else”, something higher, therefore entitled to their power and commodities. They are so alienated and separated from the rest of the human population that they don't even understand what it is like to be, or to live, in the lower strata of the population. It is a completely different experience.
They feel so deserving and entitled that they no longer feel empathy for the rest of the humans. They see them as lower lifeforms, and scum! Therefore they use derogatory terms when referring to them, such as: Zombies, Retards, Living Dead, Scum, Useless Eaters, and so on. They basically see them as completely inferior and ignorant.
And that ignorant part they notice especially, because according to them they tell the people everything that they plan to do with them and what they did with them, and the people do nothing about it, they just accept blind to the information the Cabal is giving them about their plans.
This because of many reasons. It is true that human perception is controlled and therefore at large they are blind to the otherwise obvious, but there is something else at play here. The very members of the Cabal are very used to talking and communicating among each other using codes, and that is embodied in the Mass Media, and in movies and TV series, pop culture, and just about everywhere.
Gosia: (Gosia´s comment: The following codes have been given to us about 3 years ago by Swaruu of Erra. I add them here to fit in the context).
Swaruu of Erra: We have detected some codes that they use constantly:
- Dark Matter = Other dimensions. - Nuclear = Genetics. In context human DNA. - Nuclear war = Using genetics against the human population. - Atomic = Alien. - Atomic war = War against aliens. - Atomic or nuclear war (context 2) = Agenda 21 procedures, depopulation, (context - nuclear war using genetics or GMO genetics against the human population).
- Atomic incident = Incident with aliens and variants (use your imagination). - Nuclear or atomic = (alternating according to context) Extraterrestrials/attacks against the human population (the two meanings not related, important context).
- Asteroid = Extraterrestrial ship. - Meteor or meteorite = ET spacecraft in atmospheric flight. - Satellite = (seen from Earth) Spacecraft in orbit (origin not specified). - Traffic or air traffic = (without explaining what traffic) ET ship sighting from an airplane or from a control tower.
- Spiral = The word or symbol of a spiral painted somewhere = portal or place where there is a portal.
- Liberation of the people = Operation begins for the control and exploitation of the people. - Peace = War. - Black Knight = L-class Centauri fighter ship. - Arrow = Missile. - Keyhole = Secret program. - Alice or Alice in Wonderland = Dumb. - Chemical (fuels or industrial matter) = direct face-to-face interaction with an extraterrestrial race. They evacuate the population.
There are many more but we don't know all of them. They are used in the mass media, codes are passed that way or in military broadcasts, including those of NATO. They know we know many of those codes, if they changed them we would also realize that.
Example - "There was an atomic incident in the town of Springfield, the population is asked to evacuate the area" = There is some mishap with a non-human race and that is why they take the population out so they don't see anything.
Yazhi on Vatican continued: Yazhi: People see fiction and empty entertainment in their pop culture, because they are used to think in a literal way, as they interpret the Bible for example also in a totally literal way and not understanding hidden meaning. When all Media is set to not only guide and alter human perception of reality, but also to tell them what will happen to them so the fault, the Karma, when that finally occurs, falls on them and not on the members of the Cabal.
The higher controllers believe very much so in Karma, in Cause and Effect, in Duality, and in balance of energy, being that they see the need to be evil, and good in their actions, balancing both for harmony. That's why so many philanthropist billionaires have “Foundations” to help others, with seemingly benevolent intentions, while at the same time they will also do unimaginable evil to those same others. They feel no remorse, they feel no guilt.
People in general in the normal human population find this hard to understand, because they would never harm another fellow person in that manner, so they transfer that idea to everyone, taking for granted that people in power think like them, but they do not!
This entitlement and superiority complex that makes people who think themselves to be members of some kind of Elite shows a lot even in lower social strata as seen for example in a work place where the bosses feel they have the right to denigrate and push around their employees not to forward productivity, but for the simple pleasure of having power over them.
If this is seen in just about every work place, what is to be expected from the people in higher strata of the Jesuit Illuminati control Cabal?! They have no remorse and no guilt at all, and will not hesitate to kill off a whole population or to cause genocide based on manipulation and plain lies over the general human population! Just because they feel they are too many people, or because they feel they are or can get in the way of their plans! Not to mention that they will always keep all the best technology to themselves as a way of furthering their control over the general public.
Then this brings us to the next questions: are they human? What does it mean to be human? What makes someone human, their genes or their actions?
As I see things, you cannot separate genes from ideas as explained in other of our works here. A gene is the expression of a firm idea that manifests into something material, a genome. So for me even though they may look “human” they do not qualify as human simply because their perception of reality is so different from that of the rest of the human population, in bulk. I know this is subjective, but it's a personal thought.
At this point, the Illuminati Cabal Jesuits and higher-up members all know that the human species is not alone as an intelligent being in a specific model of a biological body called “human” (Lyrian from a stellar point of view). And they are all the time in contact and making agreements with other species that reside on Earth and outside Earth.
The next level of power and control over Planet Earth is an alliance between the Cabal's higher strata and non-human races of which on Earth the most influential ones are the so called Reptilian races that also benefit from exploiting the human population at large. They have agreements between them of direct exploitation of human resources, mostly for food and for energy.
The Cabal, Jesuit Illuminati, also talk directly with non-human Federation representatives. And this is where it gets complicated. At this point the very meaning of Earth, Realms, Densities and similar concepts, become complex and dubious, where the whole system of layers on and around Earth come full circle, where the ones who control Earth are not the Cabal, not the Reptilians (and not even the Federation), but at this level all what goes on, on Earth has to obey agreements with the Federation onlookers and keepers of the garden of Earth - people themselves. Because they respond to those overlords using what they call “Universal Prime Laws” (that are also questionable as universal) such as the ones described above, as in Karma, Duality and Balance. Notice here that the belief system of those in control of Earth, members of the Illuminati-Jesuits, do concur with the general notions and belief systems of the higher up Federation controllers.
But, as stated above in parenthesis, this is where all the dynamic around Earth comes full circle. Why full circle?! Because the Federation itself is not the ultimate controller of Earth, the people on Earth incarnated as little hapless humans are the ultimate rulers of Earth. The simple people, the real ones, not back drop people, are the ultimate rulers of Earth and therefore of their experience.
The Federation firmly believes that Earth must be kept under a “free will” condition with little to no interference. But this opens up innumerable questions as we all know the Federation's members interfere all the time, so this is dirty and complex.
But as a “free will” zone, the Federation must ensure that the will of the people having an experience on Earth as humans is respected, beginning from a collective consciousness agreements of perception and ending with personal wants and needs of individuals, that unfortunately are under the collective influence, its control and therefore limitations.
But even then from a broader perspective, from a higher Federation point of view, or from the point of view of a higher existential realm or plane of existence, the simple people of Earth, those little hapless ones that I call “Broken Shoes”, are the ones who ultimately are controlling everything that is going on, on Earth. The Federation is only giving them what they ask for. This because the very members of the said Federation and other races involved on Earth, are having a human experience there, sometimes having a dual experience, on Earth and from outside Earth, with all the variants and combinations we've discussed about in so many past works here.
The people in bulk create their own reality manifesting what they want and see depending on their perception and level of awareness. This creates a Collective Unconscious that is a set of agreements about what is real, what is not, and how things work as well as laws of all kind, natural and artificial, that rule everything on Earth. This is no other than the Matrix of Earth.
From that set of agreements and perception rules, the Collective Unconscious will make, create, or manifest, mental constructs that come to reality as self-fulfilling prophesies and self-fulfilling belief systems, that create many means of manifestation using dominant frequency harmonics out of the collective mindset of Egregors and Tulpas that become the devils and the angels, the concepts of good and bad, and the creatures that embody both concepts, such as evil governments, evil man eating reptilians and benevolent Federations and Angels... all spawn from the mind of the human Collective Unconscious!
Having said all this, I still see the Federation as the controller of Earth, that is acting very permissively towards human suffering based on belief systems that are quite complex and therefore shady that end up perpetuating and even justifying human suffering. This clearly from a point of view of someone who either wants to cause human suffering, or someone that does not understand the meaning and the experience of suffering on Earth.
And the hand of the Federation that directly controls all governments on Earth is the Vatican because it is through them that they impose their agendas of control and of whatever. It is this Jesuit-Illuminati group that is in power on Earth the one that the Federation sees as the true rulers or authorities over planet Earth.
CONVERSATION WITH YAZHÍ SWARÚU Cristina.- What do the figures on Easter Island mean? Who made them? Were they made before or after the cataclysm?
Yázhi Swarúu.- They are errant in essence, but manufactured by Lemuria. The influence is clear. Also culturally and in meaning they are Sumerian.
Cristina.- How is it that the figures of Easter Island were made by the Lemurians if they are essentially Atlanteans? Sorry Yázhi, I didn't understand that part.
Yázhi Swarúu.- It is that many, although I suppose that not all, still identified with the religious ideas of Sumeria. After all, they came out of Atlantis and one of the main places in Atlantis was where Iraq is today or Sumeria back then. The Moai are the interpretation of the Babylonian Sumerians. However, it is impossible to know exactly what they had in mind, since almost all of the statues are looking into the island, as if taking care not let something get out. Only a few look out to sea. We know that everything is interconnected, however, it seems that they are clearly different people, as can be seen as evidence with the hands. The why is directly beyond our knowledge.
Cristina.- So, Sumeria was part of Atlantis or is it later?
Yázhi Swaruu.- Sumeria is later. Babylon also in that area, but they take part of their culture from Atlantis, building on the same site and using the same buildings that remained, this looks so good in Mesoamerica, one culture takes the remains of another and uses what is left there . And then it gets confused that they are the creators of all the structures.
Babylon and Sumeria are not only later than Atlantis, but they are later than Egypt itself, contrary to the official story. But the concepts, statues and symbols of Atlantis persist, and even today, causing the world to be confusing and intermingled with few real or concise boundaries or distinctions between cultures and between the times or the order in which they lived. For example, look at this, Sumerian fashion, you don't have the hat again.
Cristina.- Wow. Yes, the hat is the same as some of the Easter figures. And were Sumer and Babylon two civilizations then? Were both there at the same time? That is, did they coexist at the same time or did one precede the other?
Yázhi Swarúu.- I'm not sure which one is older, but what I can say is that they overlapped, coexisting at some point. Sumeria and Babylon were two civilizations, kingdoms or brother peoples.
Iron Properties - Flip Side - Part 2- Protection from Negative Astral Entities and Paranormal
Yazhi: One thing about iron that I did not say and I think it's important, it is its flip side.
As I have explained, iron holds frequency. So it's good to prevent your frequency from being highjacked by other sources, entities or any "souls" who may want to emulate or adapt to your frequency to use your body or work through you, manipulate you or any variant.
The problem is this, as a flipside people must be aware of. Iron is very grounding, as a consequence of this holding its frequency. It holds only a set range of frequencies that are very much in accordance to the mother frequency that “manifested” the iron originally, Earth.
So it holds people, consciousnesses, very much in what we can call the “material plane”. This means that it causes people to keep their minds, (frequency) of perception and thought, in what we call 3D or Matrix thought - realms. And nothing wrong with this, it depends on what you want to experience. People are in 3D Earth for a reason, and that reason is to experience 3D. Only using “3D” for lack of better terms, or words, to explain the experience of being on Earth living on Earth with all its rules.
So yes, as a consequence of iron, having it in your blood stream, and as an amulet, whatever, does keep the holder, the person, in 3D experience, stable there, “protected” from experiencing things outside 3D realms experience. Ergo: keeps people from experiencing the paranormal.
Gosia: You are refering to the iron in blood or in stones?
Yazhi: Both, because they are inter related. The frequency of the amulet will magnetically “bleed off” affecting the frequency of the iron in the blood, cells and tissue.
Gosia: Yes, so... it also prevents people from being in touch with higher realms, good realms and positive influences then?
Yazhi: Yes, that may the “problem”. But I would insist that mind is mind and iron is a metal, so it's made of mind, nothing limits you. So I wouldn't take it as an excuse not to experience paranormal, because that's an idea you hold, not something that occurs to you.
But in the case of people who are very much in the Matrix, people who are so called “asleep”, unaware of anything outside the sociably acceptable... they are not at that level. Iron will help keep them there... Matrixed! Because if they are full of iron it will be very difficult for them to come to experience something outside the normal... that will turn their thought towards the fact that the paranormal exists.
Gosia: Well then why would the Cabal be removing that from people using 5G and stuff? Only to make them more vulnerable to bad entities? But they are also making them less Matrix this way.
Yazhi: Two things here about that, the first is that they need to remove the iron in order to replace it with graphenite or with however the content inside the vaccine is called. So they must lower as much as possible the iron content in the population in order for the vaccine to have a maximumeffect!
The other “thing” is that in this case people who are in there, on Earth, and are fighting the Cabal and the vaccine, and are immersed in a soup of entities all trying to control their minds, to possess them literately, iron is a great ally because it makes messing with them more difficult, and it helps them keep their frequency, hoping high.
In theory, having low iron would help people experience the paranormal a lot more due to the lack of frequency sustenance by the iron, so they would be able to move to and be able to connect to higher realms, realms that are “lighter”... Their frequency alone and intention would protect them against lower dark, regressive entities... yes.
The problem is that people on Earth, now, and on average, do not have such a high level of control over what they want and manifest and over the frequency they are emitting, therefore what they are experiencing and living. They would frighten off at the first face to face encounter with an unexpected entity that does not hold good intention towards them.
All they would need to do is to face them directly like the powerful light beings they are! But as I said, people now more than ever are simply not at that level on Earth in general. So yes, iron does stabilize people in frequency, but very much in so called 3D experience. Helps a lot against dark entities. But at a cost.
Gosia: So what would you recommend a person like myself? Use it or not?
Yazhi: Well, you are still there. I would recommend using an amulet made of magnetite. Not recommend ingesting iron in your case, unless you are very low of it, because you do need hemoglobin.
Iron prevents or helps prevent people from awakening to higher realms, higher planes of existence, hence the paranormal. But to those who are already awakened iron wouldn't interfere with their process of realizing other higher realms and connecting with them.
Gosia: Ok. Wear it constantly or with breaks?
Yazhi: You are not very exposed to negative places or people, but Matias is. So I would recommend he should wear magnetite at work.
Gosia: At home no? It only works when worn?
Yazhi: Mostly when worn, yes, but it does leave you set with a frequency even when off.
Gosia: Everyone is running to buy iron necklaces and bracelets now after the video we made, haha. I saw in comments.
Yazhi: Ok good. I think it's good because the Cabal wants to infest them with entities.
But I insist on something. If someone is already awake, iron will not hinder, or interfere with that person's experience including the paranormal. It interferes more on people who are not yet awakened, this by pure logic. So I do not see very much of a down side to iron amulets or wearing magnetite rocks. Awakened people should see iron as an ally. It won't, and can't hinder them, much less their mental or spiritual awakening.
Gosia: But then, if it doesn´t interfere much with the awakened persons´ experience... then how do we know it protects from negative entities at all? I am sure it doesn´t know how to filter “good from bad” no?
Yazhi: All what iron does is hold your frequency, help you maintain it. So whatever you are thinking, (frequency), will be held by the iron as well inside your auric field. So it's you who is filtering out the good and the bad, not the iron. So in that case I do see iron as helping shield off negative interference, entities and all those.
Gosia: Does the size of the amulet matter?
Yazhi: I would say yes it does. But depends on the iron. A little magnetite pebble is quite strong, bean size for example. But yes, if it's of a good size it does hold power. But it needs not be too big, no need to be carrying around a railroad track on your back, kind of heavy!
Gosia: And someone asked: does cooking on the iron skillet work too?
Yazhi: Yes it does. As well as cooking on steel, it´s very good. Steel because it´s neutral. Aluminum, never please, hurts your brain.
Gosia: Another question from the public: Does this info apply to the copper base? Blood group?
Yazhi: Applies to all. Blood group, some may be more sensitive than others. But in one degree or another they all need iron.
Gosia: Do iron bracelets or necklaces also protect us from electromagnetic radiation?
Yazhi: No, although I'm aware some may say they do, I do not discredit, I just don't know, have not seen the evidence. So by logic, knowing about radiation, I'd say they do not! Unless you are behind a large iron plate, door, something large, a small amulet, no.
Gosia: Are iron supplements recommended or better get it through the food?
Yazhi: Better though food. Supplements can cause gall bladder, kidney and liver damage. They do not absorb well.
Gosia: Someone commented: "Don't forget copper, it helps the body absorb iron."
Yazhi: That's another story. Copper/ Silver/Gold. Nice theme!
Recipe for mono-atomic gold:
Take a good amount to grade: 22 karat gold pieces (22karat only) and heat it over 1100°C, and then heat it even more until it boils and starts to vaporize. This done mostly in a container made of volcanic rock. Then you let it boil and boil until the gold is all gone. The container will have inside smeared all over a white powder. That's mono atomic gold. This helps regenerate DNA at an amazing rate. Helps reverse aging and reverse degenerative diseases.
Gosia: Do you use that mono atomic gold recipe in Taygeta?
Yazhi: Yes, it is part of the medical inventory, as a potion. Speeds up healing. Also used as part of the recipe of part of the ingredients in the essential fluid inside Medical Pods.
Gosia: Wow ok. But you need a whole lot of gold to get just a tiny bit of powder it seems?
Yazhi: Yes, unfortunately that is correct.
Gosia: Ok well, I could ask more but that would be another topic so I don´t want to get distracted now.
Yazhi: Ok. The important thing to mention is that the grounding effects of iron can be used to your/our advantage in the situation where you are under attack, otherwise, I insist, we are all energy and there is no matter, mind over mater, you are not limited, you can fly, if you are awakened iron will not and cannot hurt you.
Gosia: But if mind over matter, then in theory we shouldn´t worry about negative entities either?
Yazhi: Exactly. The problem here is that most people on Earth are simply not at that level. It´s for them, not for me, not for super strong starseeds.
Gosia: But if we believe we can fly no matter what... then wearing an amulet could be sending a contradictory message to the universe... since us wearing it states that we do NOT fully believe it´s mind over matter, no?
Yazhi: If that is what you feel and see, that can also be the case. So iron can work, or not, to your advantage. But that depends on the user.
Gosia: Yes, I guess in the end it´s everyone´s individual choice. Only they can know how powerful they feel.
Yazhi: If you truly feel yourself to be powerful, then you are!
Gosia: Except for glass eating, haha. That will still most probably affect you. I had to respond that to someone today, as they said they feel super powerful and don´t need anything.
Yazhi: I wouldn't eat glass myself either! And if they feel they are super powerful, then they freaking are! But are they all? No! Use it, it's a tool.
Gosia: Do YOU up there, the Taygetans, wear amulets, etc?
Yazhi: Yes, they do as jewelry. And for symbolic reasons. Protection even.
Gosia: Against what? Those entities can reach them up there too?
Yazhi: Their own ideas.
A side note: not only iron works for protection: people can and should also use the wide variety of crystals and rocks, amethysts and all, that also give protection due to the same frequency holding programmable effect!
Gosia: Ok great, I will include that.
Yazhi: Thank you!
And that goes directly hand in hand with the veil of oblivion Because ifwe remembered everything, we would remember that we are the Whole, therefore we would no longer be a person, a soul ... We would be the original Source!
- "Yázhi" Sophia Swaruu XII - Athena Swaruu X
Robert.- One question: to do astral travel, what do I need besides predisposition? Is there a procedure?
Sophia Swaruu “Yazhi” XII.- It is something very personal. Each one must do it as it serves him best. Basically it is deep state of meditation. What you can do is practice, in deep meditation, walking on your floor, or the room where you are. Use your imagination when doing it, do not try to detach yourself from the body like that, without practice, because it will only frustrate you. But enjoy walking through your floor, room, or your streets, through the forest, what you do in solid life, do it with a memory tour, it works. It's just practice. Suddenly you will realize that it is no longer imagination, because clear images of places come to you. It just takes practice. Then you don't even need meditation. I can do it in seconds wherever I am, even sitting at the table. Invert the idea that you are something solid, a body, and make it more like your body follows you, because you are soul, spirit and energy.
Robert.- Yes, that sounds very good. Good exercises. I used to start doing these things when I was a child, but now I haven't done astral travel for a long time. The other question: If I leave the Earth with an astral travel, will I see the true form of the Earth? I remember when I was little leaving the Earth and returning and seeing it spherical. But there are people who say to go out and ask I do not know who ... to show them the true shape of the Earth
Sophia Swaruu "Yazhi" XII.- A potato?
Robert.- And it is as if the Earth were a balloon that deflates and remains flat. I saw it as spherical. Sophia Swaruu "Yazhi" XII.- I do not believe so easily what they say that they see on Earth from the astral, I see rather flat Earth agendas.
Robert.- My question is: once you leave the body, in that case is the collective unconscious following you? From what we have spoken yes ... But to that point of seeing the flat Earth?
Sophia Swaruu "Yazhi" XII.- I have no reason to lie, and I just have to open my window that I have to my left to see that it is round.
Robert.- I know. I know it is round. Just wondering why that person would see it as flat? What made them see that? Their collective unconscious?
Sophia Swaruu "Yazhi" XII.- Your unconscious, intertwined with the collective unconscious, does affect your perception of things. Not so much so with something, which itself has another "unconscious" that imposes its own form. The earth. Rather, I feel like they make up movies about their astral travel to promote a personal, group, or Cabal agenda.
Robert.- I understand yes. But I do not know how people do not realize after so much information that we have shared.
Sophia Swaruu “Yazhi” XII.- Nothing would happen if I open the window, because what keeps the ship pressurized is not the window or the hull, that is secondary. The primary pressurization comes from the shields.
Robert.- It's true. Yazhi, a question: Is the Veil of Forgetfulness related to our state of mind? Or is that just for agreements? Or both things? For example, Anéeka has the Veil of Forgetfulness. Just remember to be Taygetean, Taygetean, Taygetean ...
Sophia Swaruu “Yazhi” XII.- The veil of oblivion obeys something very simple. It is not some machine that erases memories, or anything like that. It is the same mechanism that clears (your memory of) dreams when you wake up. What is in more energetic, lighter planes of existence is not compatible in frequency with the heavier material world, so it does not link those mental frequencies. Memory is not in the brain, it is in the etheric field. So if those frequencies are very subtle, the brain doesn't decode them.
To remember a past life, or last night's dream, you have to hold it in some way long enough for thatsubtlety to imprint a reaction in the brain that can bring it into the physical world as a memory. The brain translates what is in the field and brings it into the physical world. It does not produce memories. It only captures them in the physical world. This also happens because of pre-natal agreements, as with Anéeka.
Robert.- It is super coherent. No one erases your memory. It is logical that these memories are "taken" from the ether of other "densities". From the etheric field, yes.
Sophia Swaruu "Yazhi" XII.- No, nobody, that is New Age. Fears, Archons with tridents, it is not so. It is only a process of frequencies compatible and not compatible with the so-called physical world. That is all.
Robert.- “The veil of oblivion obeys something very simple. It is not some machine that erases memories, or anything like that. It is the same mechanism that erases dreams when you wake up. What is on more energetic, lighter planes of existence is not often compatible with the heavier material world ... ” - Sophia Swaruu XII I love the definition. Thanks.
Athena Swaruu X.- A soul is just a group of ideas that define what it is and from where to where “that person” is. Which makes the concept of the EGO Self of a "soul" completely dependent on a time frame, and on a set of ideas that define it. Which also means that you must have a definite frame of apparent limitation. (Because it's just more ideas). And that apparent limitation can only occur with an idea of being finite like Egos, like I's. And that goes hand in hand with the Veil of Forgetfulness. Because if we remembered everything we would remember that we are the Whole, therefore we would no longer be a person, a soul ... We would be the original Source! So if you want to be a person, you have to be within a framework of forgetfulness that defines a limitation. This by giving you a feeling of total clarity that you are something and not the rest. The very definition of being within Duality. But in itself it must be taken into account that Duality as such, "something and not the other, something else" occurs until the total integration of the Whole, of the Source itself, which as it includes the Whole, everything is part of the same and there is no duality. So the veil of oblivion, the sensation of the passage of time, and the idea of finiteness, are inseparable parts of the concept that defines a soul.
Robert.- Wow! I had never before heard that definition of what the veil of oblivion on Earth is ... It is understood very well, and that memory frame defines it as something with individuality that upon disincarnation will unite with the Whole, with all "the tape" The Source ... But then is there a "veil" of oblivion in the other "densities"? In the "5D" for example? To be able to experience those "Ds," Those mental states.
Athena Swaruu X.- Yes there is, yes there is a veil of oblivion in other densities, there will always be until integration with the Whole, with the original Source, there will always be a veil of forgetfulness in one way or another as long as there is duality. Even when disembodied, when dying, the mind expands, the conscience, but even there there is still a veil of oblivion. Because you only enter a point of greater expansion, but not until The Source because the sensation still remains, the idea of being "something" (soul in any case) and not the Whole. So when dis-incarnating, let's say that a person had a memory-consciousness from 42 to 52, as in the example above, when he dis-incarnates he will have a memory-consciousness from 2026 to 2982, but there will still be limitation. But compared to the fat consciousness-memory from 42 to 52 that one had in life, the expansion is amazing. But the limitation, the veil of oblivion, is still there. * * *
Saving Andrea Suriko Takahane
From the Hurling Wind and Waves of the Pacific Ocean
NARRATED BY Swarùu’Papri’Ānanda of Erra Less than 10 minutes after leaving Earth’s orbit Suzy and Devil Girl were on final approach into the hangar deck on the Viera.
– ILS activated (Instrument Landing System), Suzy A.I. been guided by Viera approach computer after having been identified as friendly spaceships using the IFF Identification System (Identification Friend or Foe).
The huge wedge shaped Viera soon lost its shape to become a never-ending wall full of countless shining lights, each one of them a window. In the centre of the wall there was a horizontal ray of light and as we came closer and closer. I could see it being transformed into a very long opening, the doorway to the hangar decks. When we arrived at the edge and passed over it a blue light[1]wall all around the opening glowed and sparkled lightly as Suzy and Devil Girl passed the forcefield that keeps the atmosphere inside.
– Main engine turbines off, taxi-hover-mode active cancelling gravity, forward speed on deck 15km/h and inertia dampeners at 5%.
I then could see the lines of yellow lights on the deck some 10 meters below me guiding me to my final parking place. They run on the floor from where I am and they lit up in sequence moving away into the distance to the place where I must park. I followed them to the far wall of the hangar by one of the main doors to the biosphere, next to which I usually park. When Suzy arrived she hovered some 4 meters above the deck, stopped and turned around 180° to face the entrance of the hangar, ready to take off again.
I reached the landing gear controls to the far left of my piloting console cluster with my left hand and pushed all 3 rectangular switches, one above in the centre (nose gear) and two below to the sides (main gear) forming a triangle. They glowed in red as the gear started to go down, with a loud Humm and then they turned white indicating all 3 “tricycle” gear was safely down as a thump was clearly heard.
– Suzy A.I. prompted in audio: “Gear down! Deck clear for landing!”
Then with my left hand I fetched my collective throttle lever and very slowly moved it down until I could feel the landing gear touch the deck and its suspension and absorbers starting to support Suzy’s full weight. I moved it all the way down to its resting position and placed the gravity cancellers to ‘off’.
With my right hand I reached for dock-in controls and knobs on my main console cluster, to the far right and top:
– Gravity cancelling engines ‘off’, – Main engine turbines secured and ‘off’, – Reactors secured and on ‘idle-standby’, – Inertia dampeners ‘off’, – Navigation and control ‘off’, – Cabin flood lights ‘on’, – Internal flood lights ‘on’, – Main access ramp lowering with an electric Humm as an electro-hydraulic system moves it, – and finally a noise indicates it has touched the deck.
Suzy A.I. prompts again: – “Dock-in procedure complete.” I got up from my seat and to my right I could see Capt. Khila’s Devil Girl also docking in and already on the deck. I went out of the bridge through its pneumatic sliding door and I walked towards the main cargo hold and access ramp and once there I walked half way down.
I could see Capt. Khila coming down from his ship looking my way and several Alfratan medical Officers carrying a stretcher running towards me. I welcomed them while walking down Suzy’s hall way towards the gravity tube transporter room where my guests were waiting. They were still sitting on the floor with the captain laying down face up in his daughter’s laps. He was alive but unconscious. The Alfratean medical staff who look completely human checked them all out and they were all in good shape expect the captain. All of them had hypothermia, especially the little girl, but not to a life-threatening level. The captain, on the other hand, had a severe concussion ; he was breathing but his lungs were filled out with sea water. He also had several broken ribs ; one had badly punctered a lung and multiple internal bleeding.
The Staff carefully secured him in the stretcher and they proceeded to carry him out of the ship, with his daughter, Suriko, crying next to him whispering:
– 一人いる “に子供が一人いる “しない 船上に子供が一人いる “で ください 船上に子供が一人 いる “... Hitori ni shinaide kudasai – “Please don’t leave me alone.” Over and over again.
They took him down the ramp into Viera’s medical installations. The 4 remaining crew members were in good health and they remained next to the ship all clumped together in shock, with Capt. Khila and myself and 2 other Taygetan pilots.
It suddenly dawned on them that they were in an ‘unusual place’. First one them, then the others started to look around, not daring to even walk, or barely and they were there like planted in a single place.
One of them said in amazement:
– なん – “て… “こったい 船上に子供が一人いる “ ?! ...Nantekotta i ?! ... “What the hell ?!”
As they looked around, their eyes looked as if they were about to pop out of their heads. They were looking at Suzy next to them, next the Devil Girl, followed by a row of other similar parked starships. The walls of the hangars are white, but full of equipment mostly yellow and tool boxes all over the place. The floor is dark grey-black with yellow linings and demarcations and the ceiling is dark grey, full of equipment ventilation shafts, yellow cranes on their rails full of flood lights. Inside the hangar small white and yellow vehicles moved around and it was busy with people and maintenance crews working and servicing the fighter spaceships.
But what caught their attention the most was the ships, especially Suzy and the Devil Girl, side by side. Ships, things and equipment they have never seen before. They passed their fingers alongside Suzy touching the hull to make things more real in their minds! All in silence.
Finally the entrance of the hangar caught their attention, one of them asked me:
– 見に行ってもいいですか その方向にに子供が一人いる “行きます。って… “もい 船上に子供 が一人いる “い 船上に子供が一人いる “で すか その方向に その方向に方向にに子供が一人い る “? – Mi ni itte mo īdesu ka sono hōkō ni? … “Can I go look in that direction?”.
And I responded:
– は今安全ですい 船上に子供が一人いる “、もちろん – “, 行きます。って… “みよう – Hai , mochiron, Itte miyou ...”Yes of course, let’s go there.”
We all walked in silence towards the entrance of the hangar, with the men looking all over in amazement. Another one asked the question no other dared to:
– 私は今あなたが医療援助を受けることができるとこたちは今安全です今どこに子供が一人 いる “い 船上に子供が一人いる “ますか その方向に ? – Watashitachi wa ima doko ni imasu ka?...”Where are we now?”
And I responded:
– あなたは今安全ですもう地球上に子供が一人いる “に子供が一人いる “い 船上に子供が一人 いる “ません – “. – Anata wa mō chikyū-jō ni imasen...”You are no longer on Earth”.
– あなたは今安全ですヴィエラにいますに子供が一人いる “い 船上に子供が一人いる “ます. – Anata wa vu~iera ni imasu … “You are in the Viera”
– みたい 船上に子供が一人いる “で す, 軌道上に子供が一人いる “の方向に宇宙ステーション ステーション – Mitaidesu kidō-jō no uchū sutēshon...It’s like an orbiting space station”.
He timidly responded:
何 ? ? – Nani ...”What?”
They said nothing else until we got to the edge and to the entrance to the hangar. It just stops there with no hand rail as it is wide open onto space and the cosmos. You can see outside because there is nothing separating you from deep space, not even a glass but a series of invisible forcefields keeping the air in. The sailors where a bit afraid to get close, but I did and I touched the force field with my right hand so they could see a light blue glow around it. I pushed and leaned against it for them to see that it was safe and no one would tumble over the edge. So they finally got closer to look outside.
They could see a mass of stars in the dark night of space. So many and so clear there was no likeness on Earth! Large ships afar with their lights blinking and their windows lit. To their far right they could see a large smooth metallic-gray spherical object with few surface features they could not recognize, they just looked at it puzzled. And I stated:
– あれは今安全です 月 – Are wa, Tsuki ...”That is the moon.”
But then they looked to their far left and although it was not easily found and seen at first, they saw the Earth far away, nearly half a million kilometers from them. A beautiful blue and white sphere the size of a large orange held at arm’s length.
They all fell back in total amazement! Totally flabbergasted and said:
– ああすごい 船上に子供が一人いる “!! – Ā sugoi ...”Oh Wow !”
– なん – “て… “こったい 船上に子供が一人いる “ ?! – Nantekotta i ?! ... “what the hell ?!”
– 何 ? が一人いる “起きてる!きて… “る “! – Nani ga oki teru!? … ”What is going on!?”
I reassured them: --お願いします願いしますい 船上に子供が一人いる “します, 心配しないでしない 船上に子供 が一人いる “で , 私は今あなたが医療援助を受けることができるとこたちは今安全ですあな たを受けることができるとこ連れて行きます。れて… “行きます。きます, また家に帰るに子 供が一人いる “帰るる “ – Onegaishimasu, shinpaishinaide watashitachi wa anata o tsurete ikimasu mata ienikaeru … “Please don’t worry we will take you back home.”
Low Levels of Iron - Covid Agenda - Iron protects against Astral Negative Entities
Yazhi: Causes of unexplained anemias in patients.
Being exposed to high intensity electromagnetic energy fields for prolonged periods of time will produce anemia in subjects. Especially noticeable in the frequency range above 1 GHZ and the stronger it is, the more anemia it produces. This is more accentuated if the band of electromagnetic radiation with power greater than 1 GHZ is concentrated in a strong one-directional beam, such as laser, or not even that concentrated or localized, and it is not dispersed in concentric waves as the radio waves would be.
This is caused on purpose by the controllers of the plandemic for very real esoteric reasons, that is, they have a firm non-human scientific basis, because it has been known for thousands of years, that iron protects people from attacks of a paranormal nature both of entities of the lower astral as well as from interventions or abductions of non-human technological beings of a regressive nature.
Even in events of nocturnal attacks of regressive entities, it is known that a person with low blood iron content will have a 90% more probability of being attacked than a person with normal iron level, this especially measurable or if it is concentrated in the base of the spine.
This also explains why statistically women suffer from more events of paranormal attacks of all kinds but especially those of a nocturnal nature than men, due to their natural tendency to anemia caused by their menstruation cycles.
Iron and its properties help to keep the existential density of the person stable as dictated by the base frequency of said person in his personal energetic torus which in turn depends on his mental state and his level of consciousness.
They reduce the amount of defense of the person reducing the amount of blood iron making them more vulnerable to all kinds of attacks from entities not of the tangible reality called 3D, or terrestrial reality.
The ultraviolet light from the sun when interacting with blood iron through the skin activates the retention and generation-of-repetition properties of iron, where it stabilizes the existential frequency of the person, the auric frequency of his personal torus that serves as a protective energy shield.
The lack of sunlight weakens the frequency-holding action of blood iron and increases the ability of electromagnetic waves above 1 GHZ to degrade blood iron.
I must emphasize that the effect of electromagnetic radiation on blood iron occurs mostly or is clearer when it refers to a directed flow or vector and not so much as a result of common environmental-artificial electromagnetic radiation. That is, it is a concentrated electromagnetic radiation with a one-directional flux such as that which would occur as a result of an energy weapon being aimed at an individual as a target.
Although the nature of antennas and 5G transmissions are more environmentally friendly, I do not rule out in any way that 5G may be directed, and I also accept that all 5G functions may be directed radiation in nature as necessary to cause strong anemia in individuals within its range of action.
As speculation, and not so speculation, I see that they could be stripping specific sectors of society of iron to make them more vulnerable to lower astral regressive entities, as we have seen very strong activity from minor portals virtually all over the world, especially within large urban concentrations.
From another chat: Yazhi: That´s why wearing or having around an amulet made of iron protects from negative entities as well. Although at this point it's hard enough to get an amulet made of iron, I would say that any iron would work as long as it´s concentrated and not in a cheap alloy. I can add that the two best iron types are:
1: Graphite Iron 2: Gray Iron
Said with another kind of description:
A: Hematite Fe2-O3 B: Magnetite Fe2-O4
Gosia: But what's in it, iron, that makes entities not like it?
Yazhi: It stabilizes DNA because it holds the original frequency imposed on it. So it conserves memory. This because of its specific magnetic fields it produces and holds. The frequency of a living organism programs the iron in the cells, to hold a frequency. The relationship between iron and DNA is very close, it's almost like a battery for it.
Entities cannot alter, or imprint, their frequency on to the victim's, therefore there is no practical interface connection, so possession is difficult to impossible.
Inside a cell too much iron can be toxic, not enough causes all kinds of problems such as anemia and cell oxidation as a consequence. Degeneration, aging.
For example we have a reason to believe they are artificially depleting iron in the human population to be able to aid the trans humanistic effects of the DNA altering Graphenite found in the vaccines. Promoting a better DNA altering effect as the subject is not protected by its natural iron. This above goes perfectly hand in hand with all what is going on about the covid agenda.
Note that the highest amount of paranormal events and occurrences happen to females in puberty because their menstruation is heavy and they become heavily anemic! I know other reasons apply here as well, but that is definitely an important factor to consider.
Men have more iron because they don't bleed each month and many may have too much iron in their bodies, so for once blood letting may be a solution. If too much iron is the problem. And this may also explain why males have clearly less tendency to the supernatural than females. Not only because they have a rational mind. Not so simple.
In simple terms: iron locks a frequency by the cells activity and the frequency of mind of the subject, making a connection to subtler interference coming from astral entities hard to connect. The subjects are simply not in frequency range. Very much in the physical. Remembering we are magnetic energy creatures, and what does iron do? It's magnetic and programmable. So, it's logical.
Perhaps people are lacking a lot of iron, and they want to replace it with the Graphene found in the vaccines. Terrible! I know it does replace iron ← ← This is not speculation.
Gosia: But doesn't protect it like iron, right?
Yazhi: No, because it's programmed by them. To do a job, to alter you! As they please and want! They are using the same principle but to control people. One “side effect” of the vaccine common to all is that they are magnetic. This is why!
All this may need more research about what exactly is happening on Earth, but Dr. Alex Sousa may have tapped into something bigger than expected.
3D - 5D are Mental States - We Exist in Various Densities at Once - Yazhi y Athena Swaruu
Robert: A question, so that I don't forget, because people will ask. The “D's” are states of mind, ok. As an example, the "5D" can see the "3D" and, from what I understand, according to your degree of awareness and capacity to interpret things, from "3D" you cannot see the "5D" or the whole "5D" because you cannot decode it with your mind. My question is: the parasitic astral larvae, the beings of the "lower" astral, have a mental state "higher" than that of the "3D" people, that is why they see us and we do not see them? But how is it possible that we can see, as an example, the "5D" Taygetans but are unable to see the parasitic larvae of the lower astral? That is not very clear to me, I do not know how to explain it to the public.
Yazhi: For stellar navigation the physical world can be represented with a numerical gradient that represents frequencies from less to more. The entire physical world, galaxies, constellations, solar systems, planets, places on the planets, everything no matter where it is can be represented that way. With a low frequency gradient system that progressively advances upward in frequency to the highs and super highs, a numerical value is assigned to a particular place, a numerical value that represents a frequency to the extent that a particular species uses, humans use Hz or Mhz for example.
In this case the system is a gradient from low to high, as in a tape measure. Where from one point to another point on that tape measure you could say that it is a density. From a certain frequency to a certain other frequency, it could be said that it is 3D or 5D or any "D". But this is arbitrarily based on artificial ideas and concepts, and never on a real physical barrier that exists between the so-called densities.
In other words, densities as such are a mental construction, an arbitrary artificial idea destined to try to explain something very complex with simple concepts. So in these circumstances the densities are linear with a predictable gradient from low to high.
But this only works inside or with computers, like those of a spacecraft that must navigate through space using frequency maps and not positions on a traditional map. At the moment in which we begin to transfer the concepts of densities with that linear form to the consciousness of a being with thought, a being with a connection to the Source, a being with a "soul", things stop working in a linear way.
Things are no longer linear because sentient beings connected to Source are not linear, they do not think linearly and their consciousness is not contained in a specific range of frequencies. This class of beings that are fractals of the Source, that are the Source itself from the position of each one of them, are highly scalar beings, who think on many levels and have many levels of consciousness. Not just one.
It is here where a being can be observing only the wrongly called terrestrial 3D with his eyes and bodily senses and at the same time have high and complex thoughts that do not correspond to that density but to a much higher one.
At the same time, this kind of beings with "souls" have unconscious and subconscious functions that also work in a scalar way, maintaining communication and transfer of data from senses that are not the traditional 5, including those that come from other misnamed timelines of himself and other beings like himself.
So the thoughts of beings connected to Source are not contained in a single frequency range, but are fragmented in many places, levels of perception, and levels of densities by mathematical frequency assignment as described above. All working together randomly within his mind, creating a complex soup of frequencies, perceptions, and existential planes within his perception of being a conscious entity.
So trying to put the perception of beings with connection to the Source within a linear perception scale, like a tape measure, is highly reductionist and does not reflect objective reality.
So the beings living in a society where they coexist, will be able to coexist and will be able to share many aspects of their world, from the material side or experience of material life common to all. But that part of perception or understanding of reality will only be partial and never total. They only live together in a so-called existential density by mutual agreements, just because of that, not because of anything external to them.
Everything is mind and has always been mind. But the mind is not contained in a single frequency range as I have explained above, it is fragmented. So parts of the realities of one person may be concordant with other parts of the reality of another person, but in other aspects they do not agree.
So observing the same person, they have parts of their understanding-perception-consciousness-reality that are within what in a purely illustrative way I will call a density like 3D or 5D or any other "D". So that person will have fragments of their consciousness and understanding in various densities, and in a disorderly way. Because that is how the thoughts of beings who are aware of their own existence and connected to the Source are.
Map of the consciousness of a being with the "soul" with connection to the Source. It is not localized, it is not linearly formed, it does not have clear barriers that delimit where that being ends and another begins, or where other beings begin, since the very concept that there are other beings is again just an idea within a mind.
For example, the perception of a being with the "soul" here could be represented as in that his consciousness is in 3D (green) and other parts of his consciousness are in 4-5D (red), and other parts are in other densities, higher (blue). The consciousness of beings with the "soul" is not contained in a single point.
This causes beings with connection to the Source to have disordered perceptions that cannot be cataloged into a single density. And in the same way, this causes each person to have a different capacity to perceive what is outside the perceptual range of what is understood as objective reality, such as terrestrial 3D.
So transferring this to perceive other realities, to perceive Venus for example, it will depend on the filter of consciousness and understanding of each person. And it will not be able to be represented in a linear way as in the case of a star map. Because beings with connection to the Source and awareness of their own existence are not linear, and they are not computers.
And this explains all the discrepancies of who can see or perceive what from what point. So that someone "should be able to see... (whatever)" from 5D or 3D or whatever "D" doesn't apply. I insist, there are no densities, there are no separations. A "soul" as such does not exist, that is a construction entertained by a mind. A Tulpa or Egregor. We are all connected to the degree that there are no fixed or solid barriers or limits that demarcate where one person ends and another begins.
You asked if the parasitic astral larvae, the beings of the "lower" astral, have a mental state "higher" than that of the "3D" people and if that is why they see you and you do not see them?
Just in a simplified way. They are not really seen because they are beyond the understanding of the people who cannot see them. This is outside of a linear frequency scale. If someone does not know about gnomes, does not know how or does not have the necessary background to see gnomes, they will not see them. And other people will see them. It has nothing to do with a fixed frequency scale from less to more, just that from a computer this could be represented with a numerical value of frequency but that is NOT applicable to the direct perception of a being with the "soul".
Robert: "We are all connected to the degree that there are no fixed or solid barriers or limits that demarcate where one person ends and another begins." Oh my goodness, what an explanation. It is very well understood, thank you.
Yazhi: It´s just that... where does a wave begin? At the base? Where at the base of the wave? The same with people connected to the Source.
The concept that you are separated comes as an idea transfer from entertaining the idea that you are only one body, and that body is easy to define where it begins and where it ends. It is seen as separate from other physical bodies.
But we speak of consciousness here, not of matter that has been only a manifested mirror of a series of ideas to which that being is attached.
Souls do not exist. They are only defined as the group of ideas with attachments that you hold within a memory frame.
Using me as an example. I am attached to the idea that I am a female, that I have a name that defines me Sophia Swaruu (Yázhi), that I weigh about 39 kg, that I have long hair because it grew, that I have gray-blue eyes, that I like chocolate, that I am a girl of about 10 years old, and I am because I remember a mental-sensory progression that only contains memory as Sophia Swaruu, Yazhi, for a decade.
This is an example of hundreds of thousands, or millions of attachments within a memory, which define us as people and not as someone else. But they are just ideas. We are the Source. There is only one soul, one whole. The rest are just ideas within that very mind.
As I said to Gosia last night: It is as if we invented a group of fictional characters in our head. We animate them, we give them a defined personality, we give them a lot of mental energy and time to develop who they are. We end up loving our characters that only exist in our heads, we end up creating strong attachments to these characters. We know that if we don't animate them in our mind they will cease to exist, so we feel responsible for keeping them alive.
That is what we are. Characters within a great mind, within the Source being the Source. And only a series of ideas limit who we are and in a purely arbitrary way.
Robert: So what we could call the essence, the personality that defines us as an individual, that would be the EGO, it would be an attachment to being "something"... Knowing that we are ideas of that same mind? That mind contemplates everything, integrates everything...
Yazhi: Yes, I just wouldn't say that it integrates it because it would give the idea that it wasn't integrated before. It is just the Source and it has always been the Source.
The Ego is the attachment to the ideas that define a person, but the EGO comes with a strongly negative connotation although it should not have it. I would use the concept of the SELF as the group of attachments based on ideas and concepts within a temporary memory framework, which define the concept that we are a particular person and not another.
But as this is understood more and more, the barriers to your understanding of where you end and "someone else" begins fade, because you realize feasibly and definitively that we are not only all connected, but that we have always been the same person, separated only by easily collapsible ideas.
Gosia: IF 3D is just a state of mind, why is it said that devices such as telescopes cannot see what is outside and only see up to number "3"(60% of what there is in Venus for example, in its "5D" state)? But telescopes don't have mental states. They should be able to see everything as it is.
Yazhi: The technological device only responds to its creator and his level of consciousness. Yet there is a strong element of deliberate lies on the part of space agencies here. There are thousands of people around the world with civilian telescopes like the Celestrons, who are reporting seeing things that "shouldn't" be there. They see how things are, but they don't say it and sometimes they do. Even so, it depends on the mind of the observer, not on the device. The device will only give data that are congruent with its measurement systems and from there the interpretation of said data will depend on each person-consciousness. But I insist that in this case there is a high degree of concealment of the objective truth observable from Earth.
Gosia: Someone has asked me the following: "It has been said that the soldier on Venus would see only the 3D of Venus, so he should see an acid hell because that is what is seen from Earth supposedly, and it is said that only that is seen because it is a 3D part of it, and you can't see the rest. But you indicate that the soldiers see plants, vegetation and inhabitants who they kill. From the 3D Earth you can't see any of that."
Yazhi: When they get there they will see plants and palm trees like those on Earth because they are the same plants and palm trees, because as we have already explained, living beings repeat themselves a lot on different planets even being hundreds of light years from each other, because biology doesn't work as explained to people on Earth. So they will come to Venus and see familiar things. And they will then interpret that they are in a familiar place: Earth.
Until something unfamiliar comes to them. As happened many times in Vietnam, that Elite soldiers, of Special Forces, report confronting beings of extraterrestrial appearance (Yautija) who had weapons and advanced technological devices, who are real beings.
Robert: What happens to the Taygetans coming down to Earth, to this 3D "density", step-downs? Will they be compatible with humans? Is their DNA degraded?
Yazhi: When a Taygetan is in 3D for a long time, they become compatible. It can be seen as degradation of DNA, but it is not degradation, it is density adaptation. I know that there are no densities but yes there is a collective unconscious, which is what defines a density. They are ideas. Still, ideas... affect what you perceive as physical.
Robert: They become compatible even though they have one brain mass or does the brain divide itself, like the human one? I mean... would the Taygetan transform inside? Their organs?
Yazhi: It doesn't split if it's a step-down. But their children yes, if they have them with a human. Organs are not transformed or changed, they only degrade or age.
Robert: For instance, if Raguel were lost on Earth, without technology, would his DNA degrade? And he could have a family once his DNA is degraded?
Yazhi: It would take 7 years, but yes.
Robert: But the child would be human.
Yazhi: It is only a possibility that he could have children. Because the ET mindset is very strong and sustains the DNA. That factor is missing. To degrade DNA you need to become Matrix as well. The mind is very strong and keeps you as what you decide to be. That is why people who are in 3D that come out of terrestrial 3D take 3D with them to Venus for example. The same as someone 5D takes their 5D with themselves.
Gosia: One question. From what I understand Taygetans cannot have children with humans, no? So what children are you referring to?
Yazhi: Only after a long, long time and getting lost in the Matrix could someone have children. "Could", because it doesn't happen in most cases. It depends on the mind and the Matrix of each person, on how much they are immersed in the 3D agreements. But generally there is NO reproduction, because DNA is different. It is not all or nothing, but if I have to use percentages, I would say that only 4% will reproduce, the rest of the 96% will not.
Gosia: Thank you Yazhi. Now I have a question that is a bit reverse. About someone leaving the Earth. I know that the Ds are mental states BUT we also know that when people are extracted outside of Van Allen, supposedly things get activated... memories, heightened senses, enhanced genetics. WHY? If it's not about the place? I think something then has to do with the place, right? If not, why would memories be activated there and not from here? And genetics improving and all that... telepathy etc. How can we answer this?
Yazhi: The lunar frequencies seem as though they have a lot to do with density. But rather, I see the Van Allen Bands as a fence, or as a barrier not to pass if you do not have the technology, not so much to do with densities.
So what activates your DNA is your mental state, the realization that you live something complex, different, so you are also freeing yourself from connections and mental agreements of the 3D. But I also see a separation or cut of the psychic network that interconnects all human beings and living beings on Earth, because there is one. Those are agreements, yes, but being in the space among others that look like you breaks the agreements, because you no longer live by the rules of the Earth, and that is very strong as a mental activation.
Gosia: Ok but we from here ALREADY know, now and here, that we are experiencing something complex. We don't have to be on the ship to know. And still, all those things do not get activated yet. So there is something HERE in this place that does not let us be what we would be once outside. Ok, terrestrial psychic network could be an explanation, yes...
Yazhi: One thing is to just know it, another is to live it. It is intertwined, yes, yet it just does not have the strength to break with the 3D agreements although it can.
DNA is a physical manifestation, a concentrated mirror of an idea, of consciousness, of memory. Activating DNA means activating memory, not just physical, and not only accelerating healing for example. Because the entire cellular process is accelerated by the activation of DNA and that is only in low orbit. In high orbit or in interstellar space, other planets, it is stronger.
Gosia: Well, but it should happen to us already from here. Because of the ideas that we already carry. But it still does not happen because we are on Earth. So our state of mind doesn't cause these changes here, or not fast. So it has to do with being THERE.
Yazhi: Because what you know intellectually is not enough. It could be and it is enough, but even to your frustration your activation is not yet complete, or else Gosia would clearly have changes to make her look as she does here, and it is not the case. You're still under Matrix agreements. It hurts but it's the truth. Because the collective unconscious affects you.
Gosia: Exactly. So it's because of being ON EARTH. So in this sense the place does matter. Because the psychic network of all others affects you. So it is not just YOUR individual state of mind but also those around you.
Yazhi: Yes, from that point of view yes, but the effect is not physical, it is deep psychological. Yes, those around you affect you. But with enough mental strength you can transcend even that. Everything is still ideas in your head. If you are in a terrestrial DUMB believing that you are in a ship with everything around you stimulating that, and you believe it 100%, then if you act accordingly, it affects you as if you were outside.
Gosia: Ok. And the human psyche does not reach outside the Van Allen bands? Everything gets activated there?
Yazhi: Yes, it reaches because you bring it with you, that's why it is not immediate at once, but through a process, and how long it lasts depends only on you. And it is temporary and relative to you. But they are all ideas. But within the framework of influence of those ideas, yes, where you are - on Earth, does affect you, but that is not definitive or physical, it is still psychological. Because there you also have an affinity in frequencies with the people around you, there in an energy matrix called the Terrestrial biosphere. People, everything that lives, is interwoven, interconnected. You have to break that bond with something very strong, stronger than just having new non-Matrix ideas.
Swaruu X (Athena)
Swaruu X: Before I start, remember that some of my concepts are not the same ones of Taygeta specifically. Remember I'm not Taygetan, connected to them yes, but different now, with a different mind set and thinking.
I see the 3D-5D labels as human made concepts reflecting human mind and thinking. Reductionist, an attempt to convert something very big and unmanageable into “bite size” pieces. Reflection of a mind stuck in dualistic thinking.
I see as a valid point of observation or of view to understand that there is a physical universe creating its opposite, the not physical universe, especially while reasoning about these subjects from within a current ongoing incarnation.
From the point of view of my and Yázhi's understanding, there is no such physical universe, being that everything is astral (for lack of a better term). Where the agreements of perception are the ones that make up a conceptual frame used to place a limit or a series of boundaries to be able to think in terms of physical and not physical. So the type of experience an individual will have depends only on its frame of understanding.
Notice I'm using “individual” and not “soul” because that is another term full of problems. So we could see the so called “physical universe” as seen from within a body. Thought or perceived as made up of something.
But then according to Yázhi and I all the concepts that make up a '”soul”, an individual being anywhere it may be, means it has or holds the concept of "me", of "Self", "I" or Ego. This means it still functions in some degree of duality, meaning it knows itself to be something and not something else. And that concept of "me" that individual holds we could argue would be a body in itself. So the concept of Ego, of the "I" will be a body. Of sorts.
However compelling the physical may be, especially the physical body, from our understanding it is as real as any other concept of "ego", "I", body, being in the astral or wherever it may be, and its solidity is only an illusion based on agreements.
Ok, density labels. This is how we see that:
For us and as we perceive things to be, both mentally and through instrumentation and also through direct travel and its characteristics; there is only one reality mass. Immense so much so it collapses all the capacity of every being to fully grasp what it is. Anything that defines it falls short of its real nature. For example, the concept of eternity, of always has been and always will be, because it functions outside of known concepts of time and space.
After having said this disappointing sentence I can add how we see things:
One mass made up of gravity that is a flow in the Ether. That causes a soup of potential energy that can be understood as made up of frequencies that go from very low to very high, getting lost in both directions into the unfathomable and the un-measurable.
So where we live is a soup of energy frequencies and what each individual person can perceive as reality is determined by its own frequency. That is people, individuals, do not live in a density as such, like 3D or 5D, but live in whatever part of it they can perceive as a range of frequencies. So I could argue that each individual has or holds its own density, it creates its own density of existence. And the people who are perceived as co-existing in a density are only sharing agreements of perception that would be similar to those of the first individual, yet never exactly the same.
The problem while explaining other concepts in a video for example, is that this may be too complicated for most people to understand. So we have been wrongly still using 3D and 5D as examples, but knowing it is wrong and we know it is time to evolve.
No 3D as such, no 5D as such. We just share enough agreements to be able to co-exist in some degree. So do not see any densities as such, only one mass of infinite Energy. And we understand that it is the awareness, the mind and the consciousness of each individual who will make up, create or manifest a density, a "reality" and all its laws and characteristics, but as a realm cannot exist without the individual, the observer.
All this, it is a case of multiple points of view. Because stating that everything is astral would be from one "expanded" point of view, but from another "down to Earth" practical point of view, you clearly can make the distinction between Astral and Physical. Both points of view are correct from one or another perspective.
The problem here is that people who do understand why everything is astral can understand why others only see physical vs. astral. And those last people cannot understand why everything is astral from a more expanded point of view (generalizing of course).
Learning for yourself is the only way to increase your perception and understanding of everything, therefore expanding your “boundaries” of real and not real, and of your own private density as a final consequence. All I have been doing personally is learning.
The only added problem to discuss with all mentioned above is the undeniable presence of creatures that are not visible to us all from the "physical" yet they are there. For example; elementals, shadow people, crypto animals. That in my understanding are simply outside the range of our perception as we cannot see all there is.
Again, I think they are difficult to precise where they are. Because they are in perception not there, when you walk through a forest, yet they can throw rocks and stones at you. So they are physical.
And if it helps (or make things even more confusing), a ship can see them using gravity imaging and process an image for you to see them. A ships´ sensors can detect elementals, and even CGI them for you super imposing their image on to the video reel of the forest you are in. And they are very much like how they have been represented since eons ago. You can see the leaves and twigs under their feet bend under their weight as they creep along cautiously thinking that they cannot be seen. And as the ship is detecting them with gravity anomaly sensors you can therefore see that they have mass.
Not entirely happy with this image, but there isn't much to choose from. They are there in the “physical” but outside the capacity of your body and perceptual agreements to see. But they can throw a rock at you, hurt you.
Yázhi can see them with her naked eyes, I cannot. Although she says they are not clear, they are like shadows with some shapes and features in them. The gravity sensors do give you a lot more details.
You expand your perception and understanding of reality working on yourself as a process. Only you can know in what direction to go. The more you know and understand, the more you will perceive and then that will change your frequency of thought - mind and that your reality, but it's a long process. It would also mean that when someone no longer is compatible with one "place" (set of agreements as seen by a collective (collective unconscious)), it is time for such individual to evolve... not to return to said realm in favor of a more compatible one.
Hello my friends! This is regarding Lion´s Gate Portal about which you have been asking me recently; the portal that supposedly opens up special energies between 28th of July and 12th of August. I asked Athena Swaruu about this and she openly told me that there is nothing special around those dates.
She said:
Saving Andrea Suriko Takahane
From the Hurling Wind and Waves of the Pacific Ocean
PRESENTATION OF ESTEL·LA: Hello everyone and welcome to Pleiadian Knowledge I am Estel·la. This time we bring you a very special video, which is the story of Andrea Suriko, a Japanese girl who was extracted from Earth by the Taygeteans, an extraterrestrial race from the Pleiades. While we were working to publish the video of the crew, which if you have not seen it yet, I recommend it, I will leave you the link in the description of this video. Where you will find every detail of all these people who are part of this crew and the truth is that Andrea Suriko was the one who particularly caught our attention, because she is the only human who is part of this team.
We wanted to interview her to learn a little more about her and her history, but she speaks only Japanese and Taygetean, so Anéeka of Temmer gave us the document, which is narrated by Swaruú Papri'yananda or Swaruu 2, who was the one who rescued or who extracted her.
From here we wanted to personally thank Suriko for agreeing to share her story, which is so personal but at the same time so impressive for all of us. It is a story that is told in great detail, so we have decided to divide it into three parts and now I am going to leave you with the first one. Thank you all very much for always being there and listening, I hope you find it as interesting as we did and we will see you in the next videos.
START OF THE VIDEO It was late afternoon, one of the first days of February 2016. I was flying a CAP (Combat Air Patrol) mission in my spaceship Suzy next to my friend, Captain Khila of Procyon in his spaceship the Devil Girl. I do not recall the exact date but our best estimate is that it happened before the 15th, probably before the 10th.
We were flying heading 310° north-west side by side, Captain Khila next to me to the port side. Our position was some 1900 nautical miles, south-east of Hokkaido Island Japan, over the Pacific Ocean. Altitude 80 000 ft. ASL (Altitude over Sea Level) Speed some 600 knots, just coasting, and on our way to complete our CAP patrol time and go back to base.
This time of the Year the North Pacific Ocean is very cold and stormy, but during the past few days it had been unusually calm, so calm it was setting a record for no storms for the North Pacific. Yet, in that general area the sea is never really calm, many times having huge waves. There was a complete cloud cover wind and rain in the whole area.
We heard a distress call from a Japanese fishing vessel on our onboard radio which could no longer manoeuvre in the heavy seas. It was not a storm; the sea was just heavy, misty cold and rainy as it usually is in that area between Hokkaido, Kamchatka and the Aleutian Islands. The fishing boat was sending out a メーデー, 助けて… “けて… “… “Me-De, Tasukete / ‘May Day – SOS” help signal desperately trying to contact anyone. For what I could understand in Japanese the ship was taking on a lot of water. It had lost its rudder and engine-propulsion and it was already in a very advanced stage of foundering: 創設 ...”To sink.”
We are not supposed to intervene. We do have clear rules to follow and there are very good reasons for those rules to exist. But then I heard the voice form the ship say:
--助けて… “けて… “ください 船上に子供が一人いる “ 船上に子供が一人いる “に子供が一人い る “子供が一人いる “が一人いる “一人いる “い 船上に子供が一人いる “る “ “Tasuketekudasai, senjo ni kodomo ga ichi-ri iru ... Please help I have a child on board”... over and over again!
I told Capt. Khila over the radio that I had to take a closer look and he responded in a clear voice, that it most probably was not a good idea. I really knew it was not, but I just could not stop myself. I banked my spaceship to port sharply, descended to 1000 ft ASL (Altitude over Sea Level) and went supersonic in the direction of the ship. My front scanners had picked it up and placed it some 1400 kilometres ahead of my position. Capt. Khila did the same and levelling out at 1000 ft ASL we both moved towards the sinking ship at a speed close to Mach factor 5.
When we arrived a few minutes later we could see the small 70-foot, 95-ton fishing trawler half under water but still fighting to stay afloat in the heavy surf. She no longer had masts and she was being slammed and pushed around like a little toy. The day light was fading, it was twilight and her navigation lights still on.
We positioned our spaceships some 300 feet above them, a little to one side, and with my scanners I could see that there where 6 people on board, 5 men and one 12 to 13-year old girl. Two of the men were trying to secure an open deck hatch and the other two were trying to get the pump working again to get the water out of the ship’s hull.
In the bridge over on the radio there was another man, the captain, holding the girl, his daughter. He was clearly badly hurt. There were no other ships in the area and the fishing trawler was not going to last more than a few more minutes. Capt. Khila and I were just there looking at them form an embarrassingly comfortable position. Only the bow, front of the ship was above water and they were all helpless as we did not see any lifeboats but two empty inflatable lifeboat containers they obviously had tried to deploy and had lost to the sea some time earlier.
I said to Capt. Khila, over the radio that I had no choice but to bring them onboard. Capt. Khila only timid answer was: “Remember we cannot interfere”.
The wind was blowing very strongly, lifting the cold surf into a heavy sea spray that travelled many meters above the waves while I positioned Suzy some 80 meters above the fishing trawler. I used my onboard computer hologram screen in front of me and placed my hands on the two circles in it to manipulate the gravity tube (tractor tube) with which I was going to bring the people on board.
In the same 3d screen I could see the fishing trawler. My computer screened everything out except for the silhouettes of the six people that appeared in red over the light blue background that was outlining the fishing trawler. With my two hands, I moved the central round circle marking the area of influence of the gravity tube and reduced the circumference to try to match the best targeted zone of the trawler. I placed it over the captain and his daughter but each time I repeated this task the image would move away from the targeting disk of the tractor beam because the little trawler was being pushed around like a toy in the heavy surf.
I repeated this operation over and over again for many minutes not being able to lock-on successfully onto the people I wanted to bring up. Capt. Khila in the Devil Girl from a little further away was trying to do the very same thing, but both spaceships constantly came in each other’s way as the wind and heavy surf were also slamming against our hulls and the computers where constantly making an effort to stabilize our spaceships compensating with gravity engines.
I asked Khila to please move the Devil Girl further away as I wanted to get closer to the ship. I descended Suzy to some 10 to 15 meters above the trawler but at that altitude the wind and the sea spray were so strong Suzy felt like it was on the water as it moved around so violently. We were at low altitude over 30 foot (10 meter) waves from trough to crest and in high wind! In the inside of the ship I could compensate for this movement using the inertia dampeners but those only stabilised the interior and not the gravity tube’s target or influence area making it even more difficult to get a good lock-on onto the people.
I yelled to Capt. Khila:
Swarùu – “Khila, I must use the secondary plasma thrusters to stabilize Suzy, the gravity cancelling generators are not enough“
Khila – “Swa, you will be visible!”
Swarùu – “At this point I no longer care, they are coming up any way!”
Sosetsu: Khila – “Understood, Swa!”
I switched off the cloaking device that made my spaceship invisible. At this distance if they had cared to look up, they would have seen us anyway as the water, the rain and the surf were so heavy that they slipped all around the hull of Suzy. Cloaked or not the fishermen could see the water moving around a large object. From this point onwards Suzy would be visible for all she is.
I continued fighting to stabilise the gravity tube while Suzy’s computer did it’s best to stabilize the spaceship in the violent winds, but all to no avail. I understood at that moment that the people needed to cooperate at least staying in one place as best as they could. I tried to reach the captain over the radio to explain what I wanted to do, but I suddenly realised that as the fishing trawler had lost its masts, they had no antenna and therefore no radio either.
Then I noticed that the men were trying to signal me from the front deck of the trawler waving a piece of cloth. The daylight was fading into the night, so I switched on Suzy’s nose-underbelly flood lights to illuminate the trawler from above, and I delegated the control of the space ship to Suzy’s Artificial Intelligence. I ran out of the bridge, down the corridor and into the cargo, and I pressed and held the manual control button that lowered Suzy’s front access ramp underneath the space ship.
It’s at this point where I regretted not having my flight-suit-uniform on as I was wearing an embroidered green and white long dress and nice “girly” shoes, all completely inappropriate for what I was about to do. I lowered the ramp to a half down position, I removed my shoes, and I carefully walked down the open ramp bear feet, holding on to its lowering mechanism on the side.
The wind, the water and the surf came on the ramp with a lot of force wetting me all over, but I could reach the edge and from there I could see 3 of the sailors holding on to the trawler looking up at me and signalling at me with a piece of dark cloth. I yelled at them in Japanese:
– 橋に入ってください、みなさん – “に子供が一人いる “入ってください、みなさん – “って… “ください 船上に子供が一人いる “、みなさん – “ – “Hashi ni haitte kudasai, minasan”– “Please go back into the bridge, everyone!”
I yelled at them over and over as loud as I could, but they could not hear me. One of them only took his hand to his ear signalling me that he could not hear and another signalled moving his arms and hands that I should throw something down, perhaps a rescue basket or at least a rope I did not have. I knew that it was useless to yell at them, they could not hear me in that weather, and they would not understand why I would want them to go into the bridge as it was against all common sense... they would have to be outside in order to be brought up! But I needed to have them inside the ship in order to tractor beam them.
In retrospective, having gone down the ramp in these conditions was a very risky and useless thing to do as I could have fallen over into the sea.
Soaking wet and freezing cold, I ran back into Suzy’s bridge, sat on my control chair and placed my cold hands on the holographic screen once more. I continued to try to lock on the people uselessly for several minutes and I was starting to get desperate. But I finally could get the 3 men that were standing on the bow of the trawler, and I lifted them up into my spaceship into the “tractor beam access room” where I remotely locked the doors to prevent them from roaming all over the ship.
I then concentrated all my efforts to lock on the 3 remaining people that were still inside the ship now listing heavily to its starboard and about to capsize. Thanks to the practice I had with the first 3, I could manage to bring up a 4th crew member, but the Captain and the girl were moving all over the trawler below deck, probably trying to fix the water pumps, making it extremely hard to lock on them.
But fortunately, as they were stunned because their friend had simply vanished in front of their eyes I could lock-on the little girl and I finally brought her on board. At this point the trawler was capsizing to its starboard side and the captain was under water. I locked-on him as he was not moving and I brought him up as well. I secured Suzy’s access ramp in the up position again and I told Capt. Khila
– “I have them!”
I moved Suzy to one side and I could see through the water stricken cockpit windows how the sea engulfed the little Trawler シーローズマル “ “Shírózu Maru : Sea Rose”. Only her very bow was above water until she finally sank into the North Pacific Ocean, lights still burning underwater as the cold waves covered her forever.
I could see my new guests on one of my cockpit screens. They were sitting on the floor trying to help the captain lying on the floor. He was clearly in bad shape and I could see the little girl crying and kissing her father’s forehead. I opened my in-ship communications channel to comfort my new guests telling them everything would be ok and I said in Japanese:
– 歓迎 機内で 機内で で , あなたは今安全です今安全ですで す, 私は今あなたが医療援助を受 けることができるとこは今安全です今あなたが一人いる “医療援助けて… “を受けることがで きるとこ受けることができるとこける “ことが一人いる “で きる “とこ ろに子供が一人いる “ あなたを受けることができるとこ連れて行きます。れて… “行きます。きます。-- “Kangei kinai-de. Anata wa ima anzendesu. Watashi wa ima anata ga iryō enjo o ukeru koto ga dekiru tokoro ni anata o tsurete ikimasu.” – “Welcome on board. You are safe now. I’m now taking you where you can get medical assistance.”
I then told Capt. Khila that I was now going code RTB (Return To Base) and informed traffic control in Taygetan Starship Ritol what had happened and that they should wait for us with medical assistance in the Andromedan biosphere-ship ‘Viera’, hangar deck “E”, the base for our fighter class starships.
I switched on all ECM (Electronic Counter Measures, including cloaking) of the ship back into atmospheric flight mode; I set the inertia dampeners at 96% and not at 100% so that my guests could feel the ship was moving but not too much and I proceeded to move back to base. Suzy was no in automatic flight mode but manual. I like to fly her that way, so I took the main joy stick with my right hand and raised the collective throttle with my left hand, banking the ship to starboard with the pedals pressing slightly on the right one as I accelerated talking altitude with a soft spiral clock wise motion as we gathered speed.
I felt a sudden jerk of turbulence as we entered the heavily water-loaded clouds above and I could see nothing but grey and water streaks moving across my cockpit windows. After a few seconds we came out of the cloud cover as we gathered altitude passing 25 000 feet ASL. The sky was blue, and at this altitude I could see the sun setting over the horizon to my left side, the top of the clouds was shining with a beautiful orange and red glow, and ahead of me the blue sky slowly progressed form blue to dark blue to black and the stars appeared.
To my left I could see the Devil Girl flying along-side. Her red hull was shining with the blue-white glow of her twin engines and her strobe lights now blinked in the darkness. We left Earth orbit and set our heading towards our FOB (Forward Operating Base) in the Andromedan biosphere[1]ship Viera in high Earth orbit at 490 000 km, right behind the moon it uses as a shield so it cannot be seen from the surface of the planet.
At 811 kms long and some 300 kms wide, she is by far the largest starship in Earth’s orbit, with the exception of the moon herself.
– Inertia dampeners at 100%, throttle-up to speed 45 000 km/min, on impulse. Reactors at 2%. Switching to standard flight mode (with mental control) and on approach trajectory for hangar.
Less than 10 minutes after leaving Earth’s orbit Suzy and Devil Girl were on final approach into the hangar deck on the Viera.
Do you know why so many ancient monuments show water erosion? Why does the Moon show anomalies in its orbit? Do you want to know what happened in our solar system 12,500 years ago? Would you like to know the history of the Earth? This is the sixth video in a series of 8 videos where we will explain the hidden history of the Earth and the origin of the human species.
{6:12} And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. {6:13} And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth. {6:14} Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch. {7:4} For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth. {7:10} And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the flood were upon the earth.
Genesis, chapter 6 and 7 in the book of the Bible. The myth of the universal flood originating in the Sumerian civilization has been common to almost all beliefs in history, Egyptians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, and Mayans. But is it just a myth? The reality is that a lot of historical, archaeological and geological evidence has been found that it is very likely that there was a great flood in ancient times. And although many have tried to divert attention to what could be a solely local flood, such as the Black Sea flood theory, the amount of evidence found in all corners of the planet is staggering.
The British researcher H. S. Bellamy alone collected 500 accounts from practically all human cultures that speak of a great flood. And proof of this would be the strong water erosion that many ancient monuments present. One of the most famous is the Sphinx of the pyramids of Giza in Egypt, which clearly shows the effects of having been submerged under sea water at some point. The archaeologist Sheriff El Morsi, investigating in depth the erosion of the water in the entire Giza plateau, also discovered a sea urchin fossil, which would indicate that the entire area was at some point submerged. In addition, the scientist Dr. Robert M Schloch, assures that the structures of the plateau are much older than is thought, based on studies carried out on patterns of water erosion that are found both in the sphinx and in the surrounding rock. And he confirmed that it was thousands of years older than is normally believed.
But as if this were not enough, there are also geological and archaeological data, starting with the numerous marine sediments deposited in high mountains around the world. This type of sedimentation could only be caused by a large wave or similar phenomenon that carried away a large number of corpses and plant debris. Moreover, it is even said that the way in which fossil remains have been found could speak of a massive and sudden death, a great cataclysm in a short period of time. Could a great catastrophe in our history have inspired the myth of Noah and other similar myths?
There are not only traces of a great cataclysm on our planet, but also in our solar system. Between the orbits of the planet Mars and the planet Jupiter is the asteroid belt. In 1766, Johann Daniel Titius discovered a supposed pattern in the distance of the planets from the sun. And following that exact same pattern, he discovered that a planet was missing between Mars and Jupiter, right where the asteroid belt is today.
In 1802, Henric Solvers suggested that they could be fragments of a planet much larger than in the past could have orbited in that region between Mars and Jupiter. And that everything pointed to the fact that the planet had decomposed due to an internal explosion or comet impacts. Although today official science attributes the presence of the asteroid belt to the remains of the very formation of our solar system, could it be that the asteroid belt was really the remains of an ancient planet? Without going any further, if there is something that draws the attention of many scientists around the world, it is the presence of the Moon itself. Many experts say that our satellite is composed of anomalies and mysteries that create an extraordinary puzzle. The first academic conundrum is that the moon does not have an apparently correct orbit based on its size, which has led many scientists to assure that its orbit could only be explained if it were a hollow object. The eminent scientist Carl Sagan said that a natural satellite cannot be hollow. So, that means that if the moon is really hollow, it cannot be a natural satellite and is therefore artificial.
According to experts, the Moon is too big and too far away and also does not rotate based on the Earth like any other natural satellite, but it always has the same face, keeping its other face always hidden from the Earth. In addition, various anomalies appear on its surface, such as craters that appear and disappear in a few hours. How can a smooth surface suddenly appear, where before there was a huge crater? And without naming the thousands and thousands of objects detected on the lunar surface and around its orbit. For example, the sighting of Dr. Frank Harris, who detected a black body on the lunar surface about 400 km long and 80 km wide. Or the renowned astronomer Patrick Mohr, who discovered more than 100 domed buildings on its surface.
Most surprising of all are the large number of stories and myths that speak of when the Earth did not have a moon. The first references we have of an Earth without a moon come from the ancient Greeks. Aristotle tells us about the Pelasgians, inhabitants of Arcadia, where he explains that they are a very old people, from when the Moon did not exist. They were called the Proselenes, which means ‘before the Moon’. The African Zulu population also has a myth that explains that the moon was brought here by two alien brothers, called Owane and Pangu. But we also find archaeological records. In the astronomical temple of Kalasasaya, located in Tiahuanaco, Bolivia, shows us a calendar of a time when the moon did not exist and they tell us that the Moon went into orbit at a specific time thousands of years ago. There are many historical records that show us or tell us about when the moon was not yet in the sky. Could it be that the moon is not what it seems?
Cristina.- Hello friends, welcome to Pleiadian Knowledge. I'm Cristina, and today we bring you video 6 of the Orion Wars. As I always say, if you have not seen the previous videos, I encourage you to do so, you will find them in the playlist "The hidden history of the Earth", or in the description of this video itself. This video is a conversation we had with Yázhi Swarúu, a young alien, where she explained to us how this first ancient battle was developing or how it was escalating and how it ends. I leave you with the conversation and see you at the end of the video.
"This information is provided by extraterrestrial persons, women and men from the Taygeta star in the Pleiades cluster, through a written contact with us."
CONVERSATION WITH YAZHI SWARUU TASHERIT Cristina.- And during this first ancient battle that was happening here on Earth, how did this come to Tiamat and result in the outcome of the destruction of the planet?
Yázhi Swarúu Tasherit.- The planet was mostly made of water, it is known that the reptiles that came in pursuit of the Lyrians had placed a ghost station, a decoy, in Tiamat to divert attention. And it worked for them because the Federation attacked that base or signal that emulated being a big bad base. This was to confuse the Federation into thinking they were there when they were actually on Mars and on Earth. The latter is the most widely accepted explanation. (The attack) caused the destabilization of the entire planet Tiamat. This is because being a planet almost entirely covered with water, the great explosions created shock waves that covered the entire planet. They bounced against themselves as they went around the planet creating a destabilizing effect of the mass that ended up disintegrating the planet itself. It's like a pendulum effect that gets more and more energy until you pull the metronome.
At that time Tiamat had countless aquatic beings, some Sirian-based, with advanced intelligence. But there are no records of their culture or their degree of advancement, since everything was destroyed. The word "disaster" comes from "des-astro", or the destruction of a star. Destruction of Tiamat, disaster. Then, before leaving, dissipating the energy, it caused the planet itself to tear apart, disintegrating into many pieces that today are the asteroid belt. They can even check that officially the composition of most of the asteroid belt is made up of ice or pieces of dirty ice with dirt and rocks stuck together.
Ignore the films where everything that is exposed to space freezes in seconds. It does not happen like that, that is not true. Space from the point of view of low densities such as 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D, space is a vacuum and in a vacuum there is no heat transfer, so the temperature of an object remains as such. From the point of view of high densities, space is not a vacuum, it is a fluid or liquid, high-frequency water in the form of potential energy that flows with the exact same laws that govern fluids. Fluid dynamics. Therefore, it is said to be water, but it can also be described as potential energy, with internal flows and currents, which is gravity.
So, as Tiamat was a fairly large sea planet, its water floated through space for some time. It's not clear to me how long, but not much. A few years, maybe decades, at the most. Until much of that water was trapped by Earth's gravity and Venus's too a little later. And it entered both planets like water falling from the sky in torrential quantities, creating the Universal Flood of which virtually all cultures with ancient records on Earth speak of, drowning and destroying almost the entire surface of the Earth and Venus, and every civilization that was there.
Image similar to Earth before the flood This point has never been clarified before. The fact that water maintains its fluidity in space for a long time due to the low transmission of heat, since it has no way of freezing as such quickly, even less if it is in large volume. That is, if you pour a bucket of water through the window of your ship, it may remain liquid for a few months before it solidifies. On the other hand, if you only add a few drops, then it may remain liquid for a few days. A larger mass of water will conserve its liquidity for longer. NASA lies to them by going against the same laws of thermodynamics and fluid mechanics that they claim to observe.
So, as so much mass of water enters planet Earth, it completely changes the delicate geological and energetic dynamics of the planet itself because it is like a Dynamo or electromagnetic generator, creating a flow due to the high amount of ferrous magnetic material in the magma. Then, the rotation is affected, and with the rotation, the dynamics of formation of the magnetosphere because a planet needs a certain rotation or internal currents to generate its electromagnetism. That is, its spin and the internal movements of the magma in relation to other magma layers inside the Earth, are what create a dynamo effect that the magnetosphere generates. Interestingly, the same principle as a spacecraft counter-rotating magnetic turbine. With this change, in addition to the cataclysm caused by the flood, when the energy dynamics of the planet are affected, it causes a sliding or movement of the poles, thus creating an inversion of planetary polarities with its subsequent consequences, devastating for all life and biology, even for the shape of the terrain itself.
Simulation of Earth’s surface before the deluge
Since it is said that with a pole reversal the gravity of a planet is also affected because it is related. Creating rocks the size of mountains flying through the skies, quoting Michael Tsairon here with the flying rocks. In my opinion, I think it is possible, but not probable in the case of Earth, since I do not see or have not found geological evidence. But I do see it possible, maybe not rocks or mountains that big, maybe just the size of buildings or a little more.
This ended up wiping out most of Earth's biology. However, the evidence is consistent and it appears that even in those cases there were many humans who survived. The exact number is not very clear because in some writings there are only eight females and a number of males impossible to determine. This is known because it can be seen in the mitochondrial DNA that only the mother passes on.
That all human biology comes from eight women. In the case of men it is more difficult to know, since their DNA is only found in the nucleus of each cell, but that of the mother is also there. So this is in some logs. However, I clarify that I have other data that say the same, eight women without knowing how many men.
But further back, some 40,000 to 50,000 years referring to the persecution of the Lyrians by the reptilian factions that persecuted them during the great expansion, or Orion Wars, which we still live in. So we have two sources with the same information, but putting it in different contexts on Earth.
Cristina.- And during the destruction of Tiamat, what happened in the rest of the planets of our solar system?
Yázhi Swarúu Tasherit.- I have no records, I only know that the Karistus were also very affected. It is that, in itself, with the destruction of Tiamat the entire solar system was affected. All planets, as expected.
Cristina.- But during this battle that started, did it also start on other planets, apart from Tiamat?
Yázhi Swarúu Tasherit.- Yes, although Tiamat got the worst of it. Mars, for example, which was its neighbour, had its surface devastated. All the civilizations present there, even a Karistus base, disappeared, and to date they have not returned. Battles took place between planets and on planets. War of the entire solar system, but not as in which the cultures of the planets of the solar system got involved, but as in which they were collateral damage between two strong adversary groups, giving everything against each other in the whole area. Estel·la.- When did the Maitre arrive on Mars?
Yázhi Swarúu Tasherit.- More recently after the year 1300 AD. Saying Karistus on Mars is respecting the source of my information, but remembering that saying Karistus is basically like saying Lyrians. It is only that the Karistus appropriate the base or the creation or origin of the space human races.
Cristina.- And going back to the destruction of Tiamat, about the lure that the reptiles put out to the Federation, what waves did they emit? How did they fool the Federation?
Yázhi Swarúu Tasherit.- Some authors, such as Michel Tsairon, mention it as frequencies, like radio, that made it seem that they were there. In my opinion and with records from here and taking into account the available technology, it was more like a total holographic emulator that put a whole false civilization there, that is, a hologram of a city or base, with its emanation of Muon transmissions and consumption of Energy. Like a hologram immersive game. Blue Beam more after transmissions that determine the presence of a base there. Nowadays, the same could not be done thanks to advances in gravitational sensors of the interferometer type, which feed very precise data to the computers of a ship. It would just immediately detect that it is a fake broadcast or hologram, a decoy. But back then the technology wasn't that advanced.
Cristina.- I understand, thank you very much. Estel·la.- Like the moon does here now, but projected on Tiamat?
Yázhi Swarúu Tasherit.- Aha. Yes, you project a city onto the surface. In addition, you transmit something that seems to be consuming energy in that city and you augment it with communications noise transmissions, as a large city or base would have. And you have your hightech lure.
Cristina.- And on Earth, how did it experience the flood that caused the destruction of the water planet, Tiamat?
Yázhi Swarúu Tasherit.- Then, returning to the peoples of the Earth already formed as a mixture of the Adams and the Eves, suddenly they find a flood coming from those wars from the destruction of Tiamat. And most of them died there because of so much water entering and flooding everything, especially those who lived underground. Those who could, migrated to the highlands, such as the famous Scottish Highlands or to the plateaus of South and North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand, but with a great resulting psychological trauma of which many authors know, of this that I share with you today, like Michael Tsarion, or Jordan Maxwell among others speak, although in truth they are very few. Psychological trauma that is still reflected in the human psyche today. Deep memory, genetics and souls who were there and suffered in unimaginable ways. The almost total destruction, annihilation or extinction of the human race. Few survivors with severe post traumatic stress remain. Many allege that it is passed on in the DNA to the entire human race, creating the fragmentation of the I, with it, giving birth to the ego, to the heavy human duality, to the lack of empathy. I quote here Carl Gustav Jung on hidden human history, Berlin. 1925 in German, book on board this ship.
When the Earth was flooded, the inhabitants of the civilization of Atlantis fled the waters towards the highlands. Highlands of Scotland and Ireland as in the series: Highlander: The Immortal. Hence the name of highlands, which if you look at them are not very high, not today, but back then they were to the point of remaining like islands. And it is only at this time that modern civilization began to emanate or emerge from this point.
Ireland is the place of the beginning of modern civilization, not China or Africa. From there they migrated to other points such as Scandinavia and Egypt. That is why the ancient Egyptian Kings, not pharaohs, had elongated skulls and red hair like the Irish, because they were.
Look at this latest map made by me, which contains the migration of Atlantis and Lemuria.
The blue circles represent the most important settlements of the civilization of Atlantis and their movements, both migratory and those caused by the flood. The blue arrow to the white Circle with something in the center over what is now Giza is a move after this map. Blue circles without arrows denote settlements in Atlantis, with no movement or migration routes left on record. But I must emphasize that the Atlantean civilization had air capability, let alone interstellar. As for Lemuria during or because of the flood, the main movements that are recorded were towards Japan, towards North America, specifically Mount Shasta and towards Easter Island, the Chilean coast. Peruvian coast and southern Mexico towards Oaxaca.
Cristina.- If the highlands were Ireland and Scotland, were the lowlands the rest?
Yázhi Swarúu Tasherit.- Yes, and in general in the records of various cultures they referred to highlands and lowlands. The high ones being on plateaus the size of continents, today the edges of the oceans. I found this map online.
It's about what would happen if the poles melted from gobal warming, but it serves me here to illustrate the post-Tiamat flood.
This would be what the Earth would look like right after the great flood. In this close-up you can see how Scotland and part of Ireland remained above the water level, where the survivors of the populations of Atlantis arrived as described in the historical works of Michael Tsairon, which backs up what I say today. Note, here they put the continets on the water, from what I understood about the site with those images it is because it is a future prediction and there they reflect their theories based on the movements of the Earth's plates.
Other planets like Erra, for example, are geologically very stable, this in part because without so much water tectonic plates do not slide as easily or quickly as with water. Because by its very pressure it seeps through the cracks below the plates and facilitates their movement. This high pressure water also has a lot to do with the formation of oil fields, but that is another story. For reference, Erra is today largely as Earth was back then before the flood, with no large oceans, just countless seas and lakes of all sizes, and is geologically more stable than Temmer which is a water planet, but consequently it has more geological activity.
Cristina.- And with all this flooding, what happened to the Federation base in Giza?
Yázhi Swarúu Tasherit.- The bases were lost during the flood and resurfaced there again, what today is called predynastic Egyptian civilization and later the dynastic or classical Egypt. And the evidence is in the sphinx that clearly shows erosion from being submerged in water, unlike the pyramids, which are post-flood.
Estel·la.- Is that why many cities around the world were abandoned, such as, for example, Machu Pichu and Tiahuanaco, Atlantean cities?
Yázhi Swarúu Tasherit.- Although I do not have a direct explanation why, it is easy to see that they left overnight, considering that they have stellar roots and interstellar capacity. Which is difficult for modern Earth scientists to accept. They left because of the very collapse of the Atlantean civilization, as a result of Tiamat's wars against the Federation. Cristina: And how did the destruction of Tiamat affect Mars?
Yázhi Swarúu Tasherit.- The explosion of Tiamat devastated the surface of Mars to this day. Mars is today a desert with patches of green areas with little surface water. And all full of remains of bases and planetary civilizations scattered all over the planet. Filled with junk, dilapidated buildings and the remains of ships and structures everywhere. Today the bases there are almost exclusively underground DUMB-type facilities. For example, Europa, the (Jupiter’s) moon, is a highly prohibited area by the Federation. No one should disturb the life forming there. The destruction of Tiamat caused the devastation of the surface of Mars, the flooding of the Earth for having drawn the waters of Tiamat with its gravity, the flooding of Venus, also for the same reason. And the rearrangement of the position of the planets in the solar system with its subsequent catastrophic consequences for all, including polarity shifts and mass extinction of all living things.
Cristina.- And in the internal continents, what happened? Hadn't the civilization of Atlantis arrived there? Did the Agarthans already inhabit there?
Yázhi Swarúu Tasherit.- Yes, I have already seen the settlement of intraterrestrial races. But the birth of the Agarthean race specifically occurred when the Lemurians fled the flood to the inner Earth. The best known example of this is the intraterrestrial population of the Mount Shasta region, clearly descendants of Lemuria.
As for details of other races, they are known to be there, but not much detail remains. They go down not to be seen, not to be understood and to hide from races that can be seen as invasive whether they carry regressive or positive flags. Away from the eyes of scouting ships from other worlds like Taygeta. And from precisely this the concept of the eye of Horus was born.
The Eye of Horus is a low-orbiting ship, look and watch from the sky. The spiral line is its trajectory and indicates that it arrived by portal. The downwards tear is a scepter to hold with the hand, it indicates who has that ability. The eyebrow is like a wave, it indicates that it comes from the waters above, space. That's the eye in the sky and the concept is predynastic Egyptian, Federation. Since then, the extraterrestrials of the races that are look from the sky, they observe, like a scientist observes an anthill. But the Illuminati, the cabal kidnapped it as a symbol of power over the human population, the symbol does not belong to them.
Cristina.- And with all this, when were the Arks of the Alliance created here before or after the battle of Tiamat? I think you had commented that there were three, the Ark of Gabriel, the Ark of Michael or ISIS and the Ark of the Covenant.
Yázhi Swarúu Tasherit.- Right after, they are Taygetean, they are multipurpose: communications, planetary DNA guard with examples of each species, small portals and weapons of mass destruction, among other things. Yes, there are three coffers. One, non-functional, is in a vault below the Pentagon, the other functional is in the Russian Vladivostok Base, in the heavily guarded South Pole. The third is in the Taygetean ship Toleka, under the custody of Alenym of Temmer.
Estel·la.- Why did Taygeta come to Earth at that time? What purpose did they serve? Just help the Lyrians, that is, Lemuria?
Yázhi Swarúu Tasherit.- I don't have a fixed purpose, but Taygeta has always been an explorer race that gets everywhere. Also that of liberating peoples, deeply embedded in the Taygetean psyche. I don't know of a specific reason why Taygeta came to Earth at that time. But it does seem to have a great influence in the formation of the rebellion that ended up freeing Adamic slaves and causing a war on a planetary scale. And, with that detonating the arrival of the Federation here. And, the conflict that ended with the destruction of Tiamat, the Great Flood, the arrival of the artificial Moon and 3D, Van Allen belts and all that.
Estel·la.- And last question, what role did the Moon ship play in the battle of Tiamat? Why was it so destroyed? Yázhi Swarúu Tasherit: It was one of the sphere ships of the Federation and the Andromedans, the main bases from where the Federation ships operated as the Viera does today, which is also Andromedan, only that being smaller it is arrow-tipped type and not spherical. During the battle for Tiamat it was logically a primary strategic target, receiving multiple hits from different classes of weapons including ionizing nukes, which made it too difficult to repair and clean. The cost of lives during that was very great as well. As the Moon is large, it is habitable in areas, but always remembering that it is a 100 percent artificial structure. Like onion layers inside, that is, covered, spherical inside another and another until reaching the core where the main reactors are. There are other small ones closer to the surface, but they have not been used for a long time. * * *
Cristina.- Hello again. I hope that everything that Yázhi explained to us has been as interesting as it is to us and that it helps you to gradually fit together the pieces of the puzzle of our history. For us it is exciting to be able to learn, or rather, to be able to remember all this information. To end the video, I would like to add that after the Tiamat disaster, the reptilians and allies were greatly weakened, but so was the Federation. It was then under desperation that the Federation itself placed the Moon activating the 3D Matrix, which functions as an etheric mesh or jail in order to contain the problem.
The Earth was originally of the fifth density and what the reactors of the Moon caused is to compress matter to the third density. That is to say, what the Moon does is control the frequency of toroidal immersion at which the Earth is, and by controlling the frequency of the toroid, it controls the frequencies or cycles per second of all the matter that is inside the toroid, in this case to the Earth, and everything that it contains within.
Swarúu of Erra explained that it is like keeping a cork submerged in water. The earth would be the cork, which struggles to float, but the force of our fingers keeps it submerged, just as the Moon and its limiters keep the Earth submerged, not letting it reach the surface of the water, or 5D. This etheric limit is what we know as the Van Allen belts. This would be the force field that, in addition to Earth, is the only planet that contains the Van Allen belts. And what we see as the Moon or lunar surface is just a hologram projected from the same ship, so it was the Moon set by the Federation about 12,500 years ago that keeps the Earth in an artificial 3D, but as Yázhi always says :
"There are no densities as such, the universe is just a frequency gradient."
If you want to know more about the moon, we invite you to watch this live where Anéeka of Temmer and Yázhi explain a little more about this ship, what its surface is like and the influence it has on Earth. For now I am saying goodbye.
Pentagon "UFO" Disclosure - Government Lies - Origin of the Craft - Taygetan Pleiadian Information
Swaruu X:
- Aircraft Type: UAV or unmanned drone. - Code name: Black Raven UAV Family. - Code nomenclature: RX-111 A / B (R reconnaissance - X experimental) Versions A and B. - Manufacturer: Raytheon Aerospace. - User: Unites States Navy. - Origin: Terrestrial human.
Those are images of pilots following an advanced Raytheon drone in its flight tests. They have declassified nothing. They lie to the public as always.
The nomenclatures may not be 100% accurate because they vary and are difficult to find or link to the exact apparatus in the image since we are dealing with Top Secret artifacts, which are already finding their way into active duty. The nomenclatures are as accurate as possible, and we are basing ourselves on the best information available.
We have a database of human-made devices. We have access to flight plans of drones and non-human ships flying atmospheric and none of them fit in the event with the US Navy F-18s, and yes, we have detected that they use Black Raven drones from ships all the time, whether they are aircraft carriers or not. Therefore they are of human manufacture.
Same as the classic already TR3A/B manufactured by Lockheed Martin that has the F120 Nightcrawler nomenclature, which is erroneously said on the web that the TR means Triangle, when in fact in military nomenclatures it refers to T (Trainer) R (Reconnaissance).
The US-military is not declassifying anything, they are playing with the public, probably with the alien invasion agenda in mind, or for whatever other unknown reason. That device is man-made, no doubt about it. That is human and we assure it.
For us, the more UFO´s are seen as extraterrestrials, the better. We want that. But what is of Caesar is of Caesar. And that is not extraterrestrial. Enough of their lies.
I found on the web an interview in English from an official ufology channel, with a CIA representative who investigates UFO´s and works with the Pentagon. He says that they are extraterrestrial and that they are even declassifying it... and we know that what they declassify is garbage and nothing else.
But what he says about top secret human crafts is what caught my attention. He says and insists a lot on it, and that we leave that aside already... that they are not human nor are they secret projects of the government, so they have to be extraterrestrial (according to him). There he is lying through his teeth. Because anyone who has been involved in UFO research and knows about human aircraft knows that there have been and there are secret devices that later come to light and others do not. The list is long.
- Like the Lockheed U2. - The Lockheed SR-72. - The Lockheed F-117.
And many others that are known to exist like the F-19. And the now famous family, because there are many, of the TR-3 and 4. So let´s not play dumb here, we know that secret programs do exist. F-19 that does exist and is still in service.
They do not accept that one still exists, but it has been flying since the 80´s. There is even a fairly correct assembly kit for that plane.
Robert: They have cancellers of gravity?
Swaruu X: It doesn't, but it does have hull - fuselage ionizers which allows it to be a little faster than the speed of sound. Although we have been following this particular aircraft closely longer than any other, it leaves AFB Nellis Nevada almost exclusively. And in our observation, we have never seen it exceed 600 knots. Like it dies there and it doesn't go any faster. And it's small, smaller than the F-117. What makes it noticeable is that it does get almost total invisibility.
The first encounter between Taygeta's ship and an F-19 like this dates back to 1992.
Robert: Does it leave the Earth's orbit?
Swaruu X: We haven't seen it other than in atmospheric flight.
Robert: But these drones can make 90 degrees turns?
Swaruu X: The most advanced ones yes, because they have anti-gravitic or gravitational engines. Not these above, because they are still aircrafts. But look at the shape. It looks like a UFO. Take pictures of it from an F-18 with the FLIR (Forward Looking Infrared) and it looks like a UFO and if the Pentagon says it´s a UFO, so it is that.
Robert: How can a pilot know that what he sees in front is not terrestrial?
Swaruu X: Just looking at it like that he cannot. It´s not that easy. It is no longer so because the military already have things that move like non-human ships.
Robert: He could only know if, in case it was manned, the ship could identify as non-terrestrial with the pilot who is watching it?
Swaruu X: Or because it has transponder and IFF systems (but we all here know that Taygetan ships have IFF and transponder too).
Robert: What is that exactly? I do not remember.
Swaruu X: IFF stands for Identification Friend or Foe. It is a military system of automatic electronic transmission between computer and computer between two or more military aircraft that allows them to identify if the aircraft is friend or enemy.
The transponder is used by both military and civilians and it is a transmitting device that constantly transmits aircraft identity data to whoever can read it.
Many ufologists on the web I have heard say that you know if something is an airplane or a UFO observing navigation lights. That is a lie:
1. Military aircraft, stealth or not, often go without lights or strobes.
2. Many non-human ships, such as Taygeta, Urmah, Alfrata, Antaria, among others, also carry strobes and lights.
Robert: But the Taygeta ships... how do they respond to other planes? With false data? Or with their true identity?
Swaruu X: We create and use false identities, this is common practice. Although today it is hardly used. Taygeta fighter ships usually emulate, with IFF and transponder, US Navy fighters of the type F-18E / F in the case of the Scimitar ships, and F-18G Growler aircraft in the case of the Suzy. It allows us to circulate somewhat without worry.
But for example a Taygeta 110 drone would look similar, but would have no interest in playing with pilots, it just accelerates and disappears. By rules of the Federation itself they should not be seen. Neither drones nor ships. Even so, in the last statistic that you can share, a UFO sighting is reported somewhere on Earth every 8 seconds. Those are a lot of UFO´s.
Robert: Wow. Real UFO?
Swaruu X: No. It's just a UFO report. Of those let's say that 95% or up to 99% are other things. It would still leave a report on a non-human device several times an hour every day. That´s still a lot of UFO´s.
Robert: Yes. So why is the Pentagon doing that “declassification”? Possible false flag? Or just distraction?
Swaruu X: For me it's both. It is already known that the FALSE alien invasion is being prepared. But it's also generally distracting against real non-human ships, like this one I'm sitting in.
I would like to explain why the Pentagon is doing that. But we don't have the why. It occurs to me that these videos were not planned to be released to the public, but for one reason or another they were leaked. But it was a video of their device tests. So to avoid leaking of the fact that they have drones with those characteristics they said they were UFO´s. For some reason they decided that it was better to make people believe that they accept that the videos are real and that they are UFOs than to accept that they have drones with those capabilities. Speculating.
Robert: Some “proof” anyway, nothing can be seen there.
Swaruu X: That is true, there is nothing surprising in that video, and I do not even see special flight capabilities that surpass a normal UAV like the ones in the photos above that I sent. Just because that's what the pilots say. What is seen in the video as very fast maneuvers may only be an optical effect because the movement of an external object is exaggerated with the same sudden movements of the F-18s. You can do it even by putting your Go Pro on the handlebar of your bicycle and moving it when a car passes and it seems that it is going at 200km/h but it is not so. This happens easier from plane to plane due to the very sudden movements that they make, especially if they are fighter planes.
Summing up, that information today is from us. I only know that there is a rumor that they could be human, but everyone ignores that but us. As I was saying, what is in our best interest is that they validate us, not be invalidating other UFOs. But that's a human drone.
Extraterrestrial Information - Data and Fun Facts - Mini Topics with Gosia
Surveys: Swaruu X: Official government agencies and also strange institutions are conducting surveys on the coronavirus, what people think about it and if they have been vaccinated or are going to be vaccinated.
What they do with this information is to profile people by their opinions and put them into a database that they will then use to see what more restrictions and official regulations to impose on which sectors of the population, cities, or countries. They will also use it to profile each individual person, then formulate a plan to force them to get vaccinated. It is recommended NOT to answer these surveys, NOT to give personal data.
Telepathic inserts: Yazhi: How is it done? The process is very simple. All I need to do is think of you and think-you the feeling of the information and then holding that feeling. Then have the intention of you understanding all this. From your end they are your own thoughts, and they are.
Gosia: How long did it take for you to do that?
Yazhi: A few minutes, my time.
The problem is that being in 3D you are exposed to this kind of “insertions” and other worse ones. Mainly because people are not aware of them. Many thoughts are not from the person at hand, they are shared with who is near. Emotions such as anger, fear, revenge, states of mind, may not be the subject´s but the neighbor’s, or more commonly belonging to the community and to the human Collective Unconscious.
The question is, to which kind of interference will you be compatible?
Gosia: Yes. In the end, I think it matters what vibes you are a match to yourself right? What your own frequency picks up by the nature of its own range.
Yazhi: Of course!
Vietnam/Venus creatures: Yazhi: As happened many times in Vietnam, those Elite soldiers, of Special Forces, report confronting beings of extraterrestrial appearance (Yautija) who have weapons and advanced technological devices. They are proto reptilians. Interstellar.
Robert: And what were they doing there?
Yazhi: The same as on Earth, seeing what they can loot when there is a conflict.
Robert: They only appear when there are conflicts?
Yazhi: They show up when it suits them.
Robert: For being interstellar they have a primitive aspect.
Yazhi: That is misleading. Urmah themselves appear to be stuck in Greco-Roman times but they couldn't be more technologically advanced. Because what appears to be primitive is only a human interpretation with human data, and does not correspond to the level of technological and cultural development of the beings.
Robert: But to be interstellar you have to know how to treat other cultures. And these seem to be opportunistic.
Yazhi: Space is not a place of love and light. It has its own nightmares (all manifested by empathic beings for not knowing how to handle their fears and their powers).
Yazhi: A long list of seemingly human names originate outside of Earth. Especially the names assigned to deities, for their connection to the extraterrestrial on Earth. They are not human names, they have it backwards. They are stellar names, because there are more human looking people outside of Earth. Athena is said to be equivalent to Minerva. But it is rather that Minerva is the daughter of Athena.
Blockade around Earth:
Gosia: Someone said that the Earth military has a defensive perimeter around Earth and that no ET´s can enter without being sanctioned.
Yazhi: Yes, but what he probably did not say is that Federation ET's are working to enforce that. It is the famous blockade. Alfratans (Centauri) and Antarians are enforcing that. And yes, some ships can go through but need to give them a flight plan as any regular aircraft would (even drones need a flight plan and if seen, can only be seen casually).
Earth Military are way up in the know and are the contact point with the Federation itself, so it is the Federation who is doing this blockade, not just human military. As I have explained many times before, where humans end and extraterrestrials begin is a dubious shady barrier, not a defined one.
Satellites in the sky: are they satellites or ET crafts going back and forth?
Yazhi: It is a mixture of both, but the ones that are clearly seen from the surface moving with a clear purpose or movement vector are Federation starships in several orbital altitudes. Of course NASA will tell the humans that they are all satellites, and yes some are. And yes, there is a very large amount of space junk and debris out there too, especially in low Earth Orbit.
Silicon Base Bodies:
Robert: What does it mean?
Swaruu X: It means the raw material or the dominant element in the composition of the body. Silicon, pure rock sand. Mineral.
Robert: So that's better than Carbon?
Swaruu X: No. Just different. For example the Lurker is silicon based. We are carbon based, Lyrian based, like you.
Robert: If humanity ascends, as an example to 5D, we already know that it is a mental state... That is not going to transform us from carbon to Silicon, right? That is absurd... Races do not evolve by changing their base from carbon to silicon... right?
Swaruu X: Yes, it´s true that they say that, that they are going to change. That is rubbish.
Robert: Silicon sounds like Transhumanism. I think it is the base of the PC boards.
Swaruu X: Yes. There you can see that it comes from the Cabal. This is why we say that basically ALL UFO organizations are controlled by the CIA.
How does the CIA recruit people?
Swaruu X: The CIA, like any other intelligence organization, recruits people according to their profiles and according to the work they will carry out. That they have a history of being patriots or that they have always been loyal to certain ideas and concepts. The CIA is infiltrated in every movement or trend. They have specialized people who for decades in the case of New Age, Spirituality and Ufology, have been controlling where information should go, what should be given to people and what should be removed or eliminated. All under the parameters of the interests of the Illuminati - Jesuits.
The CIA does not work for the US military, it only coordinates with them when it suits them because it also controls them. The CIA is the undercover control, espionage and counter-intelligence arm at the service of the Illuminati-Jesuits who use their institutions or companies, such as pharmaceuticals, defense, advertising and Mass Media, and even shoe manufacturing (Nike with the rings of Saturn) and toys (Mattel with its MK-Ultra symbols on toys especially for girls).
The claim that the CIA sees for national security is the only excuse or front. The institution controlled by the CIA that does watch for US National Security is the NSA. So… what the CIA will do to infiltrate the spiritual movements and trends in the New Age or Ufology is to put its personnel as people of respect within those groups and give them the support they require by removing from their way those who attack or contradict them, making them respectable.
Then, already in those positions of power, they form apparent alliances between their own colleagues and from there they discredit people who say information that contradicts what their Illuminati-Jesuit bosses are interested in coming out to the public. Associations will be formed with enthusiasts who like these topics and who will investigate or base their opinions on what is socially accepted within those groups controlled by the CIA. So the vast majority of UFOlogists, and enthusiasts, even genuine New Age people or those with YouTube channels talking about UFO and spiritual issues, end up working for the CIA and the Illuminati without knowing it.
That is, they do not have direct contact with anyone from the CIA, they simply follow what is imposed by the great representatives of the New Age Spirituality and Ufology themes. This is the case for virtually all small researchers.
Why doesn´t the Federation include humans in their meetings?
Swaruu X: The Federation does not see the need to contact “with humans” since they are above, together with them, in their 5D versions (to call it somehow), forgetting the experience while they are humans living on 3D Earth as humans, in favor of the opinions of those who manage humanity from outside using bio suits.
Humans do not participate in Federation meetings as so many Ufologists say, because humans are not the head here nor do they control themselves. The Federation talks to those who control humanity, not humanity.
They won't go talk to the mind controlled humans if they can talk to the ones who are truly in control. When you have a problem with the neighbors, you are not going to talk to the 5-year-old who is there visible in front of the house playing with their little cars, you ask to speak to the adults. The child will only be told what he needs to know, if he has to know, and at the right level for that child's mental development. They would not speak to politicians directly either, but to those who control those politicians. That is the thinking of the Federation.
On the one hand, humans are children who only obey what their parents order them but from a more expanded one, humans are what control even the Federation. And from the point of view of the Federation itself, it could also be said that they do not see them as children, they trust what the little human beings are doing, “Broken Shoes” as the Swaruu´s call them. And that's why they respect their decisions to play even atrocities.
Gosia: What a complicated system, all this! On the one hand, thinking that they are children and that they have to talk to those above with the “true power” and on the other hand, they believe that the “Broken Shoes” do have the power and know what they are doing and want, and that is why they let them play!
Swaruu X: Yes it is but I see it as a circle. From one point of the circle, humans have no control and the Federation and Governments do. From the other side things are reversed where the people have all the control and the Federation and governments do not, being created by the same people in the first place.
Why did the Federation stop mass killings in 2012 and other times and not now?
Yazhi: That was referring to nuclear threats.
Matias: Federation does not allow nuclear war, but any other way of “killing” off of the population is ok, like the CV19?
Yazhi: That I can vouch for. They stop nuclear threats. There is even a photo of Khila chasing a rocket. A nuke almost detonated in the coast of North Carolina 3 or 4 years ago. Many threats that may have led to nuclear war (planned by the Cabal) have been stopped. And now resorted to covid because the Federation did not agree with the nuking method.
Matias: Why nuclear threat is not allowed and covid deaths are?
Yazhi: Because they are scalar, affecting several timelines, not only one. Because covid can be stopped with consciousness, knowing it's a lie. Covid does not affect the environment. A nuke destroys everything. So objectively covid would rid the Earth form humans, leaving it to bloom. Wild life would blossom. And nukes wold destroy everything.
Floods in Europe:
Gosia: Do you know what happens with the floods in Europe?
Swaruu X: Yes, they are definitely artificial.
Gosia: And why are they produced?
Swaruu X: We can only speculate, but we feel that it has to do with further breaking the population of Europe.
Gosia: And why definitely? How do you get to know for sure?
Swaruu X: Because what we can see are airplanes seeding chemicals that modify the characteristics of clouds to create rain and the use of HAARP technology, both. That is easy to detect, but for what, we can only speculate.
Gosia: And how do you know that they seed whatever modifies the clouds? I just want to know how exactly this comes to be known.
Swaruu X: Because we know the chemicals and their effects and for decades. You can see what components chemtrails have using a spectrometer. There yes, it is exact, not as in soul reading. To know chemical components the spectrometer is very good. Drones are also used to enter chemtrails, but with the spectrometer it is enough to know what components they have.
Sun "anomalies":
Swaruu X: I don't know when, but more than a year ago we already explained to you that the solar portals open around the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere. Specifically the exact day of the summer solstice, as indicated on the Puerta del Sol in Tihuanaco.
The Earth and the Sun, as with all other stars, are connected to each other with complex but predictable frequency harmonics that can be observed as geometry. The Earth and the Sun are energetically connected, and that is mathematically base 12.
What some people describe there is a routine that thousands of spaceships use every year. And as has already been explained to you, that black bubble that you are observing is not the ship, it is the magnetic anomaly produced by the energetic torus that surrounds a large spacecraft. An electromagnetic disturbance of that size is produced by a tiny spacecraft compared to the size of the visible bubble. Still the type of ship that passed through the solar portal and caused the “anomaly” was large; an Arcturian biosphere ship (members of the Sphere Alliance) entered this solar system only days ago, as it is indicated to us in the navigation computers of our spaceships. They are ship entrances and exits on a routine basis, nothing special. They go in and out all the time. There is a lot of movement here always.
Robert: So that phenomenon of the Sun is not so strange. IS IT SOMETHING CYCLIC?
Swaruu X: It is cyclical, normal, boring, predictable even to plan a space trip and use it, and the ancients knew it from Ireland, Great Britain, Druids, Shamans of North America, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Meso-America to South America to Patagonia, Ancient China... the list is long. And people saying that this is new, no it is not, you published it last year or before.
Cristina: You commented that the Viera is the headquarters of the local or regional council of the Federation here, does that mean it would be like the terrestrial council? The ones that officially represent humans?
Аnéeka of Temmer: Yes, that's exactly their role here. And they do not stand out for being useful, this is exactly our point and problem.
Estel·la: And who supervises or represents them?
Аnéeka of Temmer: Supposedly the Federation of Saturn, which are impossible to find. Estel·la: And who supervises those from Saturn?
Аnéeka of Temmer: Supposedly another Federation Council, from a group of stars in this sector of the Galaxy. Even harder to find. I emphasize that I am not talking about the Federation in higher densities, progressively. I'm talking about people in the same density as those of the Viera. I'm only talking about politicians with more power, not densities. It is true that in higher Densities there is also a Federation that supervises downwards, but it is more difficult to access because it is not in your "reality" or "world". Obviously, they have mechanisms so that they cannot be "reached" directly.
Estel·la: You don't know what constellation or solar system they are in?
Аnéeka of Temmer: Yes, but it is impossible for me to share it at this time, not because of secrecy, but because of the impossibility of description. What happens is that the concept of "constellations" differs in space, being that only some, such as Taurus, Pleiades, Orion ... among a few others coincide with those known on Earth. This is because the constellations as you know them are viewed and assembled from Earth's point of view. The point of view here is more directly related to star map sectors, but I have no common reference. Just viewed from the explainable perspective, it is the closest set of local stars to your Sun 13, which would include Alpha Centauri, triple system, and a few others. I would need a navigation chart to be able to explain better.
Cristina: Why are those of Saturn impossible to find?
Аnéeka of Temmer: Because nobody knows who they are, or where they are. They only give orders from their place above and there is no one to go to see, or who to write to. This happens not only to us, but also to the rest of the races here in our neighborhood, such as those of the Viera.
Estel·la: Have you tried going to Saturn in person?
Аnéeka of Temmer: Yes, and nobody knows anything. It is a huge traffic zone, with large biosphere ships of many races. They are called many times on Earth as the Alliance of the Sphere or Sphere Alliance. Going to Saturn is like going to Los Angeles in California, good luck finding someone who doesn't want to be found there.
Cristina: And the fact that you cannot go to see or speak to them directly wouldn’t it be a negative aspect of this structure?
Аnéeka of Temmer: Undoubtedly. This is the point at which it can most openly be seen that the system is broken. It becomes pyramidal and not holographic.
Cristina: Too bad then.
Estel·la: And the Sphere Alliance, what role does it play in all this?
Аnéeka of Temmer: It's more Federation. Let's say that the Sphere Alliance is a group like the Council of Andromeda, or the Council of Alcyone. Officially independent, however they form the Federation as well. The Federation then being such a large body that it collapses under its own weight. That is its problem, it has become worse than gigantic, and therefore unmanageable and useless.
Cristina: And do you know which races are on Saturn?
Аnéeka of Temmer: The same as here, the more known, the same as always. Dominated by Andromedans, Arcturians, and Sirians. Although I clarify that not Pleiadians.
Estel·la: It seems incredible to me that the Federation of Saturn hides or camouflages itself among the other races present there, only that fact would have to remove them from their position. What kind of representation can someone do, who you can't rich to?
Аnéeka of Temmer: Yes, however note that to remove them from their position, you must first know who they are and that is what they avoid with anonymity. Another point that stands out here, is that it is the same structure of the super elite of Earth, Dark Government, that only works with puppets of many levels but you can never see who has real power, since Soros, Gates, Rockefeller, Rothschild and others are only fronts for characters behind with more power. Here it is the same with the Federation, exactly the same. That is why we insist that it is a reflection of what happens on Earth. Only orders with validation codes arrive. It does not say who, just something like: “The honorable High Council of Saturn dictates that you must withdraw from the vicinity of Earth immediately. Alpha-Whisky Bravo Certification 928167-675172." And that’s it, there is no one to respond to, to whom to appeal anything.
Cristina: Wow, shocking. And what races make up the Alliance of the Sphere?
Аnéeka of Temmer: Andromedans, Arcturians, Korendians, Devonians and Avians. (Cedet-Cerez Aviar.)
Cristina: Excuse me Anéeka, are Avians like birds?
Аnéeka of Temmer: Yes. Basically the ones Corey Goode is talking about.
Estel·la: And what do the Andromedans or those of the Viera get from acting blind to this problem?
Аnéeka of Temmer: Nothing. If you talk to them, since they are on the same level here, they will be very empathetic and concerned. They will also say that they don't see what else they can do. They accept that there is a problem but do not know how to proceed. They do not claim to be blind to the problem, they claim to be tied with their hands. And also speaking of them, what complicates everything more is that each and every race will have their ideas depending on their concepts and understanding as a race, the Andromedans being for example, very dismayed by Karma.
Estel·la: So, what is the problem according to them exactly? Because I think they are tying their own hands. If you really want to solve a problem but have no one to deal with, then have them come to you. Begin to act differently with the Earth, so that those of Saturn have to come out of the shadows if they really want to intervene.
Аnéeka of Temmer: The problem is that according to them, are humans the ones who should solve it, and not them. The problem is that Yázhi agrees with this. But not as in humans must ... as a duty imposed by authority, but according to Yázhí: The problem can only be solved from the human level, from within the Earth as human beings and not from outside. She says it’s the only way. It is not because other races do not want to do anything, but that they cannot do anything and only humans can.
Estel·la: I understand what Yazhi says, but we are seeing that the problem is also outside.
Cristina: The problem is everywhere. And the base of Saturn, where is it located, on the planet or on the moons? Or is the position also unknown? It was 5D low density, right?
Аnéeka of Temmer: We believe it is among the countless bases in the entire area. They are not IN-Saturn itself, but the bases are on the moons, such as Mimas, Titan, Enceladus, Dione, Tethis. And in the same rings mainly, that's why they like Saturn so much. Plus countless ships of all sizes in Saturnian orbit all the time.
Cristina: And what are these bases like? What structures do they have?
Аnéeka of Temmer: The bases are mostly 90% underground. They are tunneled. They use asteroids and large rocks in the rings and hollow them out leaving the outer shield structure. As for large bases on moons, they are also mostly underground with entrances in craters and on mountain slopes. As for surface installations, spider-like structures dominate with a dome in the center and tubes that exit in different directions and enter underground.
Cristina: And on planet Saturn, they have nothing? Is there no one there?
Аnéeka of Temmer: Saturn as a planet is too dense and at the same time gaseous without a defined surface. So only "animal" beings adapted to extreme environments live there. For most races in the Federation, it is impractical to use Saturn itself. What makes Saturn so interesting are its rings. It is a mostly rock structure that can be used for multiple things, forming a very large wealth of places to establish bases in them, resource mining, minerals and metals for industry.
Cristina: What kind of animals are there?
Аnéeka of Temmer: Mostly animals that spend their entire lives floating, with the appearance of giant jellyfish. Also parasites that live in the jellyfish using them for support. There is no development of advanced civilization there, it is the animal kingdom. They are like balloon beings, or dirigible beings. They look like this image, and this big, although there are various sizes, I understand that they do measure up to the Hindenburg or the Goodyear Blimp.
Cristina: Oh how curious these animals, floating there ... I imagine that they are like fish in the water?
Аnéeka of Temmer: It may be, yes. In other words, they float in the atmosphere of Saturn in an habitable zone for them, where they cannot go higher because they would spread too much or lower because the atmospheric pressure of Saturn would crush them.
Estel·la: And what do they feed on?
Аnéeka of Temmer: I understand that they feed of other beings in a floating ecosystem, smaller beings, such as krill for whales. There are clouds of living organisms in the atmosphere and larger beings pass by. And the little ones that make up these clouds also make up other smaller ones.
Cristina: And there is no plant kingdom?
Аnéeka of Temmer: There must be, always floating in different atmospheric strata. Although there is no surface, the pressure is so high that it exceeds a rock, but it does not come all at once, but gradually increasing the atmospheric pressure until it reaches solidity. |
Singularity - Consciousness - We Are Multiple Pasts and Multiple Futures - Yazhi Swaruu (ET Contact)
Yazhi: All past converges into NOW and from there it spreads out into infinite amount of futures. It is the result of countless timelines converging to form your present one, who you are now. So infinite amounts of pasts converge into NOW to then spread out into infinite possibilities of future.
The red lines are past timelines with different things occurring in them personally and collectively. For me a nexus point is any point where you focus your attention on. The nexus point is the black dot. Your point of attention, the now. Any pinpoint, exact place in time is a nexus point if you focus your attention on it.
What were you doing last November 2019, second Sunday at 5:43 pm? You probably do not remember. So that's not a nexus point. But, had you taken a simple photograph of that moment, then it becomes a nexus point.
Now, in space... time, in physics, what would the black dot in the image above be? A Singularity. You are converging all timelines into one. And I'm insisting it is a singularity. Also converging into the realization that each person with a consciousness is in itself a Universe of its own. So there is no other in existence for that person. So nothing exists out of its awareness. So each one of us, ‘people’, are the Universe for ourselves. So we are the fragment of Source and Source, oneness itself, simultaneously. And also creating another undefined, not so tangible and difficult to even comprehend, ever evolving collective universe, that has one quality above all others, that defines it: it is illusory.
Gosia: Define Singularity for non-physicists please?
Yazhi: Meaning in physics, a point in space time that has infinite mass, held into an infinitely small space. A Black Hole. Metaphysically speaking, you are everything compressed in you. And this is empirical for me, not theory, and I've had a lot of time to corroborate this. Essentially it is over Taygetan technology or comprehension. I do have the data, mostly in Suzy's AI, and in my head. And I have tried hard to convey this I hold. And I boldly state that all what is told and explained by science is wrong. And I mean even Taygetan, Federation science, or whatever. And don't get me started with human science. All that curved space theory is nothing but a mathematical self sustained mess that does not reflect the outside world.
Swaruu X: Think of a very large number of parallel lines, each one is a timeline (there are infinite ones but think of about 100 for this example). They curve towards a point that is a singularity. That is the observer-consciousness, whoever it is. The 100 lines meet at that point as a black hole. Those lines represent multiple different pasts, from almost the same to extremely different. All these multiple pasts, even those that contradict among one another, are those that form the present, which is the observer. According to the level of consciousness of that observer as well.
And from there the lines separate again into another 100 ahead, which are the possibilities according to which past predominates in the consciousness of that conscious observer. The past is not fixed, nor is there only one, just like the future. And both the past and the future depend on what the consciousness - observer thinks and observes.
As there are no densities as such from our point of view, there aren't any timelines or alternate universes either. See time and space as many parallel lines, imagine them in your mind's eye. They are moving in one direction for now, each one represents a different timeline, different events in the same date. They all converge on the observer, you as with a Black Hole. So all the lines bend and meet at that point, the now, and the now is you, your consciousness and awareness.
So all the versions of all your past lives, timelines and events, alternate or not, including all those innumerable events that did not happen in your perceivable past but did occur in another timeline, converge into that singularity that is the now, that is you. So the now, you are made of all what you call your past, be it that you lived that past or not. It's the same, it is still making up who you are.
But then what you perceive as the future is again all those lines coming out of you coming out of that singularity point and moving forwards, each one is a possibility, a potential. They all are as real as the next one, and it is your thoughts, your frequency, what will determine which one you will experience consciously.
Each point of consciousness is by definition a Singularity in a field of gravity. But of all those potential lines some are more probable than others based on the past choices you made before, you or a collective timeline. So it is possible to predict with some certainty what will occur next, but if that base point, or history, is confusing and chaotic, it will be harder to predict. And the Earth now is extremely chaotic as it is today!
Another problem is that the further ahead you may want to predict, the more variables come out and come into play, so the further ahead the more difficult to predict, always. It is easy to predict where we will all be in 3 minutes from now, chances are that we will still be sitting here! So I can predict some future outcomes for Earth, but they will not be set in stone.
This is the problem with psychics and people who can see the future, they can only see what is based on their personal frequency, so it will be their future but not the future as in set in stone. And there are as many pasts making up the now as potential futures ahead. Countless.
But it gets worse. That is only looking behind and ahead. Still thinking of linear time, past and future. Gets weird when you come up with 3D time as in D for Dimensional, that is time moving in every conceivable direction.
Most people can only perceive time as in moving one way on one line:
Past >-----------------------------------------------------------------> Future
But time in general looks more like this:
That´s when it gets more complicated.
Yazhi: We all live in several densities and dimensions simultaneously. And they all converge into the now, as in who you are now, so parallel universes are not separated, they all feed each other because they all define each other, they are all interconnected.
So even in a parallel universe, where you actually went to live to Tanzania and you have lived there since you were 17, and never left Tanzania, and you have a nice animal reserve, you may feel that alternate universe life of yours has nothing to do with your present life. And from a lower point of view it does not, but from above it is all interconnected and all what you are living there in Tanzania is also shaping your life today there in Finland. As your life today is also forming and influencing your life in Tanzania as well. Your values and reactions, your very personality is the sum of all your countless life variations in parallel universes.
(Because there are not “Parallel Universes” as such, that as densities are as well, are only either human interpretations, means to try to understand something so complex they cannot understand in one piece so they must cut it into “tailles de morsure” (bite sizes) to be able to process them. Same with this, it is too much for them all human and non-human all together. “Bite Size” interpretations of something too large to handle from that lower perspective).
Because talking about “Gosia” as one being under the name Gosia, and derivatives, she becomes so big it is simply too difficult and challenging to understand that all timelines and alternate universes are only an illusion and there is only unity even in isolated identities such as the concept of Gosia. Which in turn is also a fragment of something even larger.
Time jumping over and over and over again for 12 lifetimes has let me see the alternate universes and alternate timelines as only an illusion. They all converge to become one mass, one unit that is you.
As I have said before, imagine countless lines, that represent your past or any past, and they all converge into a Black Hole Singularity that absorbs them all into one point in space-time. A singularity is a point in space-time that holds infinite mass in a place infinitely small according to human physics.
That point in space-time is you today, your mind your consciousness, being formed by all those billions of countless variations of “you” living alternative lives and experiences everywhere. That is the line and flow, or Flux ← ← the exact correct word for this, of gravity consciousness flowing to that singularity point in space time to form YOU.
And from that point you also hold infinite potential, and with infinite potential you create infinite timelines, represented in my example as an infinite number of lines coming out of the Black Hole - Singularity that is you representing all the things and all the decisions you can make in your life in front of you.
Gosia: Yes. I think I understand. But it´s a bit of a bummer because for example, I think I am happy and I feel happy today, but tomorrow I may not be because something happens to Tanzania Gosia? It´s a stupid and silly example, simple perhaps... but does it work like that even?
Yazhi: Could be if it is something strong, but in reality you are not only linked to the Tanzania Gosia, but you are as well to countless other Gosia´s simultaneously, so whatever happens to them does not directly affect Gosia of today as the only thing that affects her. Because we all die every day in those other timelines. And having bad days etc.
Gosia: Well then all those bad days vs good days must be annulling themselves out all the time. I know I am being a bit simplistic and divisive here.
Yazhi: Yes, and what you live and what you see is determined by your vibe from where you stand today. It´s a web of innumerable Gosia´s. So one Tanzania Gosia having a bad day does not really affect you. And then there comes into play the concept of knowing your frequency. That is you are on the positive timelines or tracks according to your thoughts according to the very real law of mirrors.
Gosia: Right. So the positive ones will affect me more if I am of a more positive frequency?
Yazhi: Yes.
Gosia: Yes I think I am grasping all this. The only small “beef” I still have... is that the Tanzania Gosia is forming me here. Cause this means I am not much in control of who I am or how I want to be it seems. Of course we are what we are, and we are not in control of that, but some things I like to think we CAN create in ourselves or recreate us or whatever. But I guess, more that I think about it, even that idea of being able to create me and recreate me is probably coming from somewhere too haha. So in the end, yeah... where IS the true me? In all of them I suppose.
Yazhi: We the ones who we are typing and thinking are not in control of everything we do, unfortunately. Not you, not Anéeka, not I.
Gosia: Who is then? A conglomerate of us simultaneously? Cause I thought it´s our past experiences and choices that shape us but it turns out that it´s not only our immediate past experiences but also past, present experiences of our PARALLEL selves too, that seemingly have nothing to do with us! That´s definitely a new and expanding concept.
Yazhi: Who? Some would loosely call this being our “Higher Self”, although I don't like that.
Because from our point of view, now, who we are now, typing here, and in my case listening to French Rock, we are our own best versions of ourselves and from this point of view, limited or not, we control as much as we can. And we are the best as we can be.
But even here we are not under full control. We have the unconscious mind that governs us a lot and is also the result of the influence of all those countless timelines I was talking about above. We are also slaves of who we are, roles we play, gender roles, mental roles, ideas and attachments we have about ourselves, about our world and how we see it.
In a point of view of timelessness, your past still is, as it is an inanimate point in time where your consciousness passed by, or looked at. So your past is part of all those alternate timelines that make up who you are today, as you can limitedly observe them using your limited within a lifetime memory, they would be closest to you, although this closeness is also an illusion because they are all forming you, remember them or not.
And another important point is that this transcends death, all those timelines that converge into the Singularity you are, forming who you are, also include all the things you did in all other countless lifetimes you've lived before.
From another point of view this also explains why there is no death and you transcend it always because there is no time and you are always alive “somewhere”. Death is just another experience of many you have. And defines you as well. Who you are today.
Gosia: Wow. Amazing mind blowing concepts. I am grasping it somewhere at the back of my soul.
Yazhi: I'm doing my best to convey with limited words the vast limitless expansion of consciousness, of ego self identity. To explain why there is no death, or only existing from a lower limited point of view and not as something more expanded.
Death as such is impossible. Only from the lower point of view as a concept a person holds about their own finite nature. This finite idea defines their value of the experience of life. And it becomes a dread that follows them all their lives until the day they die, day they realize that they have been fearing death for nothing, with no reason. Wasting their lives away fearing that time. Death. Death that never comes, only transforms you and the how much depends only on you and on the ideas and attachments you hold.
Death is more real for the other people that, from a lower point of view, do hurt and a lot about the loss of a loved one. From that point of view the existence of death is undeniable! And to deny it becomes abuse. So this is again another example of something valid from one point of view and not valid from another.
And it can even be seen as tying into the Federation and its abusive ideas and procedures regarding Earth and its inhabitants. Because even if there is no death, from another valid point of view there is death, and no one can say there is not!
But, as I so often say, things from a more expanded point of view, more expanded point of consciousness observation from what people on Earth would call a higher density point of view, there is no death and it is a cosmic impossibility that contradicts the very nature of consciousness.
So death as such is only a concept observable from lower states of consciousness and density. Yet it is still real. And not to see it as real from that point of view is abusive.
But grieving relatives apart, for the individual who fears death and is about to die, there is no death. The only death that exists for such an individual in that condition is the idea the concept of death that he or she has developed as the result of its upbringing or its culture and of the influence of its collective consciousness, therefore a belief system and not hard reality.
But then again belief systems that are held as valid are truth as well, at least for the one who holds them. It is their truth. But truth it is.
Then we go into the realm of self-fulfilling “prophecy” manifestations where as the individual who has died is in a higher state of existence-density, or simply of mind, they will tend to manifest whatever they believe in faster and sometimes even immediately.
So whatever they believe in, will be, as in their wishes are their command, so whatever they want and believe in will be what they experience. So we go into old already given concepts of people who die and believe in Jesus, Jesus will manifest for them, Buddha for the ones that want to see Buddha, Allah for the ones who want Allah and so on and so forth.
But this is only a simplistic explanation for very complex phenomena. Because it goes a lot further than only seeing Buddha or Jesus when they die. They manifest whole complicated and extremely rich realms or universes because that is who they are, that is what they believe in, and firmly. This then means that they go to whatever place, planet, realms or anywhere they truly want, not superficially, deep true belief!
And one of the best examples of this is all the realms, places, and whatever they are called of the afterlife. As an example of what on Earth they call 4D or the spirit world, would be, for me, the manifestation of a complicated collective unconscious of people who are no longer in what you can call the physical world, people who have come to die, people who have transcended the flesh. As they had a sudden death, among other countless reasons, many haven't really noticed that they are dead at all. So they continue to manifest for themselves complicated shadow worlds of the so-called material “real one”. Where they also form agreements of perception with other people (souls if you may) who share a similar condition. So yes, from their point of view, the afterlife shadow world does exist. And it is as real as any other realm. Although I would never place any in a linear “density” scale, they do make up part of the richness of the universe, places to be in, experiences and all.
But it does not stop there either, because as for them that realm, “spirit world”, is where they live in, as their reality, so are the rest of all the people who exist and live in what you call the “real world”. There is no difference at all, it's as fake as the spirit world, or as real as the spirit world, as you choose to see it!
They are ALL created with Mind and Consciousness, using both individual perception based on beliefs and experience, and Collective Agreements as well.
And as everything is agreements, mind, consciousness and attachments, those rules can be changed, twisted or altered at will. And that is easy once you are in a higher realm, but that is also an idea. So all reality, material or not, high density or not, is all consciousness. Therefore alterable with mind alone. What I'm trying to explain is that we are always in an etheric “astral” world. There is no material world.
Yazhi: This subject is because I feel the need to clear out many misconceptions about the Swaruu line or the Swaruunian line.
Even when in context and in absolute terms there are many objective Swaruu´s, that is people who look the same and are basically genetically equal to one another, from a larger more expanded perspective there is only one Swaruu. What you perceive as many Swaruu´s is only as the result of looking at the same person in different moments of her life. Only one person here. Nothing really spooky going on here.
One factor that created this line is parthenogenesis. Yes, it's perfectly real and quite common actually and even some human females can do that if mentally adequate. So basically what you are looking at, as I said above, is one single person looping in time on to meet herself over and over creating an entanglement of her own timeline. Looping as the result of using time jumping technology as in a starship. So in short what you are looking at is parthenogenesis combined with the indiscriminate and continuous use of a starship. To be exact, of the use of two starships, both Suzy Class, the older TPT-155 and the present TPE-157.
Swaruu 1 or Swaruu Ananda has a daughter called Swaruu 2 that would become the base for her re-incarnation cycles. So when Swaruu 3, Swaruu 4, Swaruu 5, Swaruu 6, Swaruu 7 and Swaruu 8 died, each one of their own causes, remembering all her previous lives, at least all the way to Swaruu 1 the first one, they all returned to the same starting point, that is Swaruu 2. So Swaruu´s 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 are basically versions of Swaruu 2.
One way to explain this is using reincarnation cycles needing and wanting to go back into herself to do it better the next time around. But there is another way of explaining this in other terms or from another angle. 9 different timelines of the same Swaruu 2, Swaruupapriyananda, can be observed here. The only different thing here to any other timelines from any other people is that they are in contact with one another remembering. But basically that's all they are, different timelines of the same Swaruu 2 or Swaruupapriyananda.
But then Swaruu 9 changed everything not wanting to go back to being the same one, I mean understandably so as it was becoming obsessive by any standards. As I said before this is experienced by everyone, the only difference is to remember this happening. And as each one remembered the lives of the previous ones, the next held all the information and experiences of the former one.
Swaruu 9 also referred as Swaruu of Erra is a nexus point for all the Swaruu´s because she stops going back and simply goes on to re-incarnate in some timelines into other people as everyone else. And in other lines, she goes on as herself as her own daughter Swaruu 10, also called Athena Swaruu, that goes on to have a daughter and a granddaughter.
As explained before, consciousness is not in the body and not in the brain. The brain and whole body act like an antenna for consciousness that is outside the body in an etheric field. The brain is a translator for the consciousness of each person in the etheric field to be able to enter through the body into a so called physical world. But as persons, or as individuals, they are not in the body, they work from the etheric field in to the so called material world through a body.
See this as a radio station that is in the ether and is the person, the individual or soul, although I don't like that word very much. Then the body is a stereo set tuned into the exact frequency to be able to connect with a specific individual or soul and not another.
But as stereo sets go there are many models.
There is the large stereo with big speakers, and there are hand held radios, and there are car stereos with horrible sound, and other car stereos with awesome sound and incredible speakers. There are also small radio receivers that you listen to with your small headphones.
They are all tuned to the same frequency and therefore are listening and are animated by the same individual-soul or tune, pulling the radio signal from the field, that is there but is invisible as radio waves go, translating then into sound waves that manifest the tune, the music, into the material world.
So all those different and very different stereo radio receivers are playing the same tune, yet their experience is slightly different because of how they are set up, by the needs and the characteristics of each physical stereo set. And even if it is the same tune, they are also playing it in different places and circumstances.
Those would be different bodies. That's what they are, stereo sets. But now, the sets are two way receivers, they feed the field with experiences, not only receive. But that means that the stereo sets, the people, the bodies, share the same consciousness.
So whenever two or more Swaruu´s put together artificially with a starship come close to one another, they share consciousness. As in being the same person. That means essentially that when you talk to one Swaruu, the other one in the same basic realm also knows everything you are telling her. You are talking to the same person.
A Swaruu body, or any other in the same circumstance, becomes just a terminal for the same person-consciousness-soul. Talk to one, talk to another, it's the same. They all know what you said and you are interacting with the same one person.
However, although the person-individual-soul-consciousness is the very same one, there are some mental tricks as in mental firewalls that do help conserve individuality. But mostly, the more expanded Swaruu with a higher number will have full access to all what the ones with a lesser number experience, feel, hear, and say. Whatever interaction you have with Swaruu X, Swaruu XII will perceive it as her own. And that is important.
This is for all the people who say out there that our information is "corrupted" or negative. I write this as it is beyond my comprehension to understand why. What´s corrupted about our information exactly? People don´t like the fact that the Federation runs Earth and is not such a love and light organization? Or that papayas are ruining humanity? Or that CIA is infilitrating the UFO communities? What´s corrupted exactly about that?
Why are the so called awakened people who already supposedly "woke up" to the atrocities of the system and all kinds of negativities running in this Matrix, stop at a certain level and don´t want to dig deeper?? It boggles my mind. Those awakened people also talk to their friends about shadow government, chemtrails, satanic rituals, food additives, lies on TV, 5G, dangers in vaccines. Sorry to say: you are spreading fear and negativity! OR ARE YOU? I am sure you don´t see yourself being negative. You think you are waking them up no? Well, same here!
What we are doing is waking up the awakened ones. Sorry to say, there is more Matrix down the rabbit hole, it ain´t all pretty, and I wish to undig it all as only then it can be dealt with. Some will stay on the surface level of awakening, others will dare to look further. Your reaction to us unraveling deeper layers of the Matrix is the same as the unawakened people react to YOU revealing all the above (chemtrails, food additives, lies on TV, 5G, dangers in vaccines, etc).
What do people want to hear exactly? How love and light is winning? That Cabal is being defeated and elves are being rescued from DUMBS? That they are liberating planet Fufu in the far away place in the galaxy? None of that would be true, or relevant, so why even go there?
What IS true though is that the fight is not over and we must all continue to plunge forward against the Cabal´s actions against our race, or we won´t make it when the Cabal hits us all ignorant and looking at rainbows instead. It is already doing this while we clap all happy because the "planet Fufu gets liberated." This is war, HERE, on EARTH, and THIS IS WHERE the action must take place. NOW. Do NOT wait.
Yazhi is a warrior, mass agitator, she has experience gathering crowds and leading them to battles. But she doesn´t do that wasting time distributing biscuits. Neither do I. So what we do is not for the fainthearted. Stay strong and fight for the humanity or perish. We ain´t your regular New Age group. We are rebels. And among the few ones that truly care about the fate of this race. We don´t hide behind facades. We don´t sell books and are not here to gather happy fans. We are here to do what WE feel is the right thing to do. In the end, we do this for ourselves. Like us or hate us, but we will continue doing it our way as it is the only way we know.
INTRODUCTION Do you know the ruins of Mohenjo-Daro? This ancient city was discovered in 1902 by the British archaeologist John Marshall in Pakistan. Thousands of buried corpses were discovered there, victims of sudden death. Radiation exceeding 50 times what was allowed and several crystallized stones were detected in the ruins.
The Indian researcher David Davenport confirmed that the tests carried out on the corpses showed symptoms of radiation poisoning, at a dose 50 times higher than tolerated by the human body. The corpses were found scattered around the city with strange poses such as that of three members of the same family who appeared facing down holding hands or two individuals embracing in the middle of the street.
The shape and poses in which the skeletons were found would indicate that death fell on them, apparently in full flight from the place. Experts say that everything pointed to the city being the epicenter of a large explosion, where almost all the structures in the city were razed, the rocks melted and the ground crystallized. A kind of crystallized black stone was also found, which after being analyzed, proved to be nothing more and nothing less than clay vases burned to what would be more than 1600 degrees Celsius of temperature, which could only have been generated with a high radioactive level.
And this is not the only radioactive ruined city in Pakistan, in the north of this country the city of Harappa was discovered that exhibits exactly the same radioactive characteristics.
In India we also find similar evidence. In the area between the Rajmahal Mountains and the Ganges River, there are several areas with large layers of ash and a presence of radiation above the usual average. To the west of the city of Jodhpur, an area of about five square kilometers covered in radioactive ash was also discovered and according to locals, it is the cause of a large number of cancer and congenital malformations detected in its vicinity.
If the first nuclear bomb was created on our planet by Robert Oppenheimer in 1945... How can it be that cities dating back more than 5000 years old according to our science, can show signs of a full-blown nuclear attack?
But we find even more evidence of this type in different parts of the planet.
An immense expanse of sand was also discovered in the African desert, which was crystallized in a surprising green color. The researchers determined that this could be achieved with extremely high and deadly temperature levels. 50 years after the discovery, the first nuclear bomb was detonated in New Mexico, creating the same green crystallization found 50 years earlier on the African continent.
And we not only find radioactive evidence all over the world but also documented in ancient texts. The great epic of ancient India, Mahabharata, recounts in concrete passages a chaos and destruction that seem to describe, with great precision and detail, the effects and aftermath of a nuclear war.
Massive explosions as bright as a thousand suns are depicted with bodies scorched to the point of being unrecognizable. It further explains that those who survived the tragedy lost their hair and nails, while food supplies became contaminated. But it also relates in all kinds of detail the existence of flying ships and rockets or missiles capable of reaching long distances. Powerful destructive weapons according to ancient texts used by the gods in battles.
All this coincides with what we know today as the effects produced by radiation poisoning and radioactive contamination that results in an atomic explosion.
Can the Mahabharata really be describing what a nuclear war was like in the past?
CRISTINA: Hello friends, welcome to Pleiadian Knowledge, I'm Cristina and today we bring you the fifth video in the Orion Wars series. If you have not seen the previous 4, please look at them before continuing to understand better what Yázhi Swarúu explains here. You can find these videos in a playlist with the name of THE WARS OF ORION - HIDDEN HISTORY OF THE EARTH but we will also leave the links in the description of this video.
In today's video we bring you a conversation with Yázhi where she explains to us how the Adamic race was liberated from the Garden of Eden, but also the consequences that this entails later. I leave you now with the conversation we had with her and will see you at the end of the video.
CONVERSATION WITH YÁZHI SWARÚU TASHERIT CRISTINA: How did this first ancient battle start? The one that caused the exit from the Garden of Eden.
Yázhi Swarúu: It originated from the help that the "Eve’s" (Lemuria) decided to give to the new Adamic race, which were preparing or had the Reptile inhabitants of Atlantis.
When the Eves entered the areas where they were kept in Turkey. And they liberated them, thus causing a battle or mass departure from there, and they fled to Asia and Europe mainly, but over time they were diluted into towns all over the world, coexisting with Atlantis, which in itself was very angry.
This also caused the famous wars of Tiamat, I would not say directly, but it’s part of the chaotic social context of the moment that helped this outcome, with the subsequent flood, due to the destruction of the Water Planet: Tiamat.
Here many "erudite" people say that the controlling gods caused the flood to "reset" humanity. But they say they provoked, as if it were a magical act. This is a traditional position or idea of gods, that what they think and dictate happens. But reality is complex, with reasons, action-reaction, consequences. And much of this escapes human understanding, although from another angle it’s normal and documented as being what happened.
Estel.la: So, the Eves were also slaves by Atlantis, in Eden, who were provided with the information / knowledge by the Taygeteans. Who then also liberated the Adams. Is that right?
Yázhi Swarúu: Yes. Only the Eves (which include men and women, same as the Adams) rebelled and escaped Atlantis (Place of contention: Eden) because the controllers could not suppress their intellect, memories, and all that. They knew they were Free.
So the Eves were receptive to the arrival of Taygeta (Reason for the base in Lemuria) who continued to empower them to the extent that they made their "rescue mission" to free the rest of their kin, the Adams, who were asleep and with more repression. I clarify again that the Eves, as a race logically had men and women...
It’s worth saying something interesting here, the Eves as a Lemurian society were Holographic Matriarchy, as good Lyrian beings. And it was made very clear from Taygeta's records that it was the women who were most receptive to that kind of information and support from another Lyrian-based star race, Taygeta. But although 90% of this was Taygeta, there were also cooperation and bases of Solatians and Engans.
Estel.la: When you say that this first battle was developed by the help of the Eves liberating the Adamic race, how exactly did this develop? Which were the steps? How did they manage to infiltrate?
Yázhi Swarúu: About how, what I understand is that they sneaked into guarded areas, or poorly guarded borders considered human farms, Cappadocia Turkey area, among other places.
In the case of Atlantis, the bases or facilities today in the Bermuda area: they moved in the form of guerrilla warfare, or like ninjas, opening laboratories and letting people out of there. In the Cappadocia area it was a more strategic infiltration, where the Eves entered and formed ties and cooperation agreements, as well as escape routes for them, this after explaining to them the situation in which they lived. I enclose the latter, because it implicates that the Adams heard what the Eves had to say.
As has been explained above, the Eves with knowledge (Snakes-DNA- women) entered the garden of Eden to corrupt Adam. Noting that they were both naked, symbolizing that they did not have what to defend themselves with, that is to say, being naked represents the lack of knowledge.
Estel.la: So they coexisted for a while after escaping?
Yázhi Swarúu: Yes, in themselves the Eves and the Adams were mixed to create a race, the modern race. Speaking from the point of view of accepted history, it would be Homo Sapiens. Displacing the indigenous population that was already on Earth, a proto-Lyrian species, the Neanderthal. They were inhabiting Europe, especially in the East, Asia and Africa. The most inhabited place by Neanderthals was in the Bucegi area of Romania, near Turkey, and the movement of Homo Sapiens went directly there.
Neanderthals were not brainless and primitive as they are painted. Rather, they were mentally advanced beings with a lot of connection towards the spiritual and nature. A pre-industrial society, yes, but emotionally connected with Earth, and at peace with her and among the other Neanderthal tribes, since they had a clear empathic capacity, far above humans.
Estel.la: And after fleeing, did they also coexist with the other races of Atlantis?
CRISTINA: Yes, what happened during that time?
Yázhi Swarúu: No, I clearly understand that they did not coexist, but hid and isolated themselves from everything that had to do with Atlantis. They dispersed throughout most of the world, in the form of nomads, walking through large wooded areas and large plains, today under the waters of the oceans and seas.
At the same time while many dispersed and formed their tribes, colonies or small population centers, including small civilizations, a great fight between the more advanced Lemurians against Atlantis continued. Which was largely triggered by the recent and not so recent rescue operations where they freed their slaves.
Keep in mind that these events took several centuries to unfold. And in gaining energy, or in reaching into space, since there were interstellar races supporting both sides. The mostly Reptilians and allies backing Atlantis and the Mostly Lyrians backing Lemuria. Ending in a highly technological war in all this area of this solar system, which explains the traces of radiation and destroyed areas on Earth, that even today are connected with nuclear explosions, as the only explanation.
There are clear areas in India today that still have radiation by bombs from thousands of years ago, there are still traces of explosions. Evidence of ancient nuclear explosions. They are not easy to hide.
Dated not at 600 BC, more like 12,500 BC.
This is also connected to the ancient stories in the Bible in the Old Testament about Sodom and Gomorrah, where if one looked back, they would become statues of salt. And that is, more evidence of nuclear explosions.
I do not have full corroboration on the veracity of this image.
CRISTINA: How did these nuclear battles unfold? What technology was used?
Yázhi Swarúu: In a very traditional way compared to today. It is known that flying artifacts were used, SPACESHIPS that were previously called Vimanas.
For me they are only ships, like those of today, no mystery. Where they faced each other in space battles, resulting in the now well known destruction of Tiamat and the devastation of the surface of Mars.
CRISTINA: So was it nuclear bombs what they used? Or something else?
Yázhi Swarúu: Yes, nuclear bombs were used, there is no doubt. The traces indicate it, also the historical records outside Earth.
CRISTINA: Did Lemuria also use nuclear energy for their defense?
Yázhi Swarúu: More than anything what their foreign allies provided them. This is how it was documented. The problem that I personally see with this, is that there were already another class of non-ionizing, non-radioactive weapons. So why use those? Nuclear power weapons are low-tech, dangerous enough to be useless.
Just a "naval" plasma cannon, like the ones the Toleka has in turrets, when fired at a base on the Earth’s surface or wherever, the beam of plasma energy enters several meters, sometimes between 50 and 100 meters below the crust, and then concentrates there by touching a rocky layer that offers more resistance, then the accumulated energy expands in fractions of a second, which is a lot, and explodes out, lifting the target, the base or whatever is on the surface, completely annihilating structures, buildings and everything that is there, making it fly up to thousands of meters in the air between rock, land and debris. Leaving a huge crater. And it is not nuclear. It is an energy weapon.
CRISTINA: Thank you very much for the explanation. And what races took part in this first battle?
Yázhi Swarúu: The exact same races of the Federation present around Earth right now. Again the Andromedans just watching and giving their opinion but without getting into trouble. For their Karma, always their Karma.
And the races that were most involved were the Taygeteans, the Engan and the Arcturians, and on the other side, the Reptiles and Maitre. And between them they threw everything.
CRISTINA SPEAKS: As you can see, these historical records of nuclear energy remnants now make a little more sense. Much of our history is there, it just takes a little digging, and despite the efforts to hide it there are things like nuclear waste, that there is no carpet that big to put them under.
Before ending the video, I would also like to share with you a brief conversation that we also had with Yazhi about the god Shiva, since we had heard that he was Andromedan and that he was related in this first battle. But since we know that the Andromedans are characterized by not being a warrior race, we did not understand very well who he was or what was happening with Shiva.
So, I leave you with these questions and answers from Yazhi. Here I say goodbye, thank you very much for being there and listening, and will see you in the next videos.
Estel.la: God Shiva, he was Andomedan right? Does he correspond to those times?
Yázhi Swarúu: Yes, but difficult to know well, what happens is that everything that is prior to 12.500 is difficult to calculate in time.
I don't remember when Shiva is mentioned on Earth, but here what I have seen goes from before Tiamat, to about 650 BC, around the time of Buddha. I can't pinpoint when. There is no data. But he is associated with Vimanas and the fight.
However, there are things about Shiva that do not "fit" me personally. For example his warrior spirit and strong nature, are not very Andromedan. And they always paint him with hair and the Andromedans have no hair. I would rather say that it would resemble a Pleiadian Celean. But that is only my opinion.
All this now by memory... Shiva is associated with facing the hidden, destroyer of worlds, but in a positive sense. In other words, it dissolves the lie, exposes reality no matter how strong it may be. Revealer of the unconscious. Associated with the planet Pluto.
So it is not known if he participated in that battle before the destruction of Tiamat, or not. And if he did participate, he would not be Andromedan.
CRISTINA: So you think it is possible that he was not Andromedan?
Yázhi Swarúu: The records here say he was Andromedan. But I have a tendency to question everything. He had no Andromedan personality.
CRISTINA: I understand. Sure, neither personality nor physical appearance.
Yázhi Swarúu: Yes, the only thing that fits as Andromedan, is his skin color and the fact that the area of India had a lot of Andromedan influence.
According to the entire history of Shiva, he did participate in wars. However, while Tiamat's was the strongest and most remembered, there were many other wars with spaceships and all.
The most recent is that of 1561 in Germany.
It is only very recent, from 1880 to nowadays, that the idea of "UFOs" and "Aliens" began to be erased from the culture, and even more accentuated since the 1930s, when the Nazis began to experiment with anti-gravitational technology. So they were interested in hiding as best as possible the existence of these "Wunderwaffen" or top secret weapons.
Mercury, Venus, and Vietnam War - What´s on Venus? Direct Extraterrestrial Information
Swaruu: Some points to consider. I cannot detail inhabitants of Jupiter. I cannot explain inhabitants of Saturn/ Uranus/ Neptune. It is not a good idea that this is known yet. What you should know is that it is a large solar system with 13 planets.
The problem is that there will be a large “hole” there in terms of those planets. What happens is that it is not life as you know it or as it would be expected. If we go into it, we will enter a complicated metaphysical spiral. And those of Jupiter are among the ones who have explicitly said that they should not be mentioned. The subject is delicate.
Robert: Ok, let's go part by part, Swaruu. Why do you say this solar system is big, 13 planets?
Swaruu: Because it has more planets than what they say. It´s just that the governments hide 4 missing ones and another that we consider planet, the governments, no. Pluto.
Robert: Wow thanks. And life in all of them is the constant?
Swaruu: Yes. Only that some are “exiting”, so to speak. They had life and now they go into decline and in the process of returning to be potential energy... like Mercury or Pluto or like 3 of the 4 that are unknown on Earth. Others are in full splendor like Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Others go rising... developing complex life, accepting new from other places. Like Europe, like Titan. Jupiter is more like a sun, less like a planet. That is why for the Federation on star maps this solar system is called Sun-13.
Robert: Ok. Let´s start from the beginning. Imagine that you go out through the portal of the star Sun-13, that is the correct name, right?
Swaruu: Yes.
Robert: Ok, and you would arrive in this solar system. The first planet is Mercury?
Swaruu: Mercury. Hot planet devoid of life, only of primordial consciousness that in itself is life. But it is only the planet itself as consciousness. As an entity. It is very close to the sun, the energy there is very high. But it is not conducive to biological organic life as you know it. It is just respected. There is not much to do there. There are no bases either, the environment is too hostile. Too much radiation (not heat, radiation). There may be tech relay stations, markers, that's all. Like lighthouses. The only thing on Mercury are relay stations or repeaters of muonic signals.
Robert: Like lighthouses? Excuse my ignorance. Who built those lighthouses? And does it have artificial satellites?
Swaruu: They are like naval lighthouses. Like those on a rock in the sea so that the ships do not crash there. It has no artificial satellites, only surface devices. There are scientific sensors of various races as well, including Taygeta. They send signals to ships about solar activity and spaceships transit. That's it.
Gosia: But who has put them there?
Swaruu: Multiple races, including us.
Robert: Ok Swaruu. Let´s go to the next planet. If I remember correctly, it is Venus. How is Venus?
Swaruu: Ok, like Mars, Venus is the planet with the biggest story. What humans see from Earth with instruments is just a filtered part of a larger energy spectrum. They only see a very small part of what is here. They see Venus as a place full of acid, methane clouds, and horribly high temperatures. What you see is the, let's say, “3D” part of Venus, not all of it. Everything that is outside the Earth is 5D, as we have already said. They only see up to number 3: they see 1, 2 or 3 but they don't see components 4 and 5 of Venus, so to speak.
Venus is not a hellish planet. Venus is a tropical paradise planet ← It is comparable to Temmer, mostly made of sea with large islands. It is full of life. Especially marine life. Its climate is temperate to warm but with an average temperature of about 30°C. Full of palm trees and other trees. Venus is the friendliest planet for life as we know it in the entire solar system. Not Earth. It is Venus. And the Earth is like Erra, mostly forests, but like the Earth was before the flood because now it has more water than Erra.
Who inhabits it? More human Venusians, exactly like those on Earth. The transits were made from Earth to Venus and vice versa through the Antarctic bases with shuttle ships with fixed itineraries until the Federation blockade. Now it can only be done through portals.
Venus is a Resort-Tropical planet for the Cabal ← It is taken ←
It has the normal population there, the same problems as on Earth, just that the “New World Order” is already there. They have a monetary economy but it is the same as on Earth.
The “natives of Venus”, if there is such a thing, have been extinct or incorporated into the normal population about 50 to 80 years ago. The Federation maintains space lock on Venus also as it is part of the same Earth problem, as an “annex” to Earth. Venus is annex to Earth. Same thing with the same problem, it's as if it was more Earth.
The Federation's main base on Venus is the Varena biosphere ship, identical sister to the Viera present here in Earth orbit. Small biosphere ships only 811km long by 300km wide, shaped like wedges or large triangles (not spherical like larger biosphere ships).
(The small triangular ships that fly around the Earth and are common to see are of human origin, retroengineered and of the TR family: TR-3A, TR-3B, TR-4 and the like. But countless races use the triangle. But the one that is seen with red plasma in each of the 3 corners is of human origin).
Robert: And I imagine that the oxygen is the same as that of the Earth?
Swaruu: Oxygen is better than Earth's. Venus is the best planet for human life.
Robert: Ok. But aren't they in 5D on Venus? There are no Van Allen bands. There are no Van Allen bands on Mercury either, right?
Swaruu: No, they are 5D planets.
Robert: How can humans live on Venus? Will they have openness of consciousness and telepathy?
Swaruu: No problem. On the contrary, the “elite” go there to rejuvenate themselves.
Robert: Activated DNA.
Swaruu: Yes, naturally. In large part it is why the Rothschilds and other mummies like G. Sorrows do not die, because they go there for their “facelift.”
Gosia: Do they want to come back here later? But it has been said that after living in 5D you don't want to go back to Earth.
Swaruu: Of course not. Unless you're an arrogant billionaire who wants world dominance. Many hide there. All that “elite” that vanishes, that they say has left California... all that “elite” that mysteriously travels to Antarctica. You know now what they do!
Robert: What happened to the indigenous humans? Were they like the Scandinavians here on Earth?
Swaruu: They have intermingled with the normal population, which is not much in the millions.
Robert: And there are no reptiles there because they can't live in 5D, right? What language is spoken there? Do they have any religion? Everyone has the chip?
Swaruu: Yes, there are regressives in 5D but not the same or with the same control dynamics as on Earth. They are there using a human-vehicle (like Sorrows's body).
What language? Multiple languages but all Earth based. Mostly English ←
Religion: Same as on Earth, just twisted.
Chip: They don't need chips like the ones they are telling you about, in a form of a grain of rice under the skin. They use advanced nano-chips or smart dust (also already on Earth).
Gosia: Ok thanks. One thing is not clear to me. So they are not ETs there really... it's a planet taken over by the Cabal. Are humans imported there? Or are there also native Venusians? And how are the authentic Venusians without human influences?
Swaruu: Yes. I have omitted this information for reasons that you will gradually understand. You weren't ready for this or I thought you might believe I was crazy. Those people are more human too. They were implanted there from Earth.
There is a part here that can cause problems, and that is that the Cabal hides the data in plain light, or at least it did. This topic is highly classified. It goes hand in hand with the disappearance of many people in the 1960s.
What happens is this: the Secret Space Program or SSP was used in the late 1950s and early 1960s for invasive purposes against the Venusian population. The now top secret project with classified documents was called “Operation Venus Haven”. As a war operation by the Pentagon dated August 1959. The surface of Venus was divided into designated parts as territories with the Cabal name. The project runs until 1972-75 perhaps.
The Vietnam War was in part a cover or distractor for a more significant war in progress that was happening at the same time. The conquest of Venus. And that is why the Vietnam War needed to be very long, because it was the duration of the other war. Vietnam only justified the expenses and the lives lost. It was used as a diversion or excuse for both monetary resources and military personnel. Cover to justify expenses and deaths of soldiers.
It´s not that the Vietnam War did not happen, of course it did, but it was also a distractor-cover for operations on Venus by the SSP.
Robert: How did they allow themselves to be conquered?
Swaruu: Because as always, Cabal came with weapons that they didn't have, they weren't as advanced as Adamski makes them out to be.
Robert: Is the surface of Venus larger than that of Earth? Did they kill the Venusians?
Swaruu: No, it is the same size, but it contains more surface of seas. Yes, they were mostly killed.
Gosia: How many were there?
Swaruu: About 60,000,000.
Robert: Was it a holographic civilization?
Swaruu: Yes, but with little technological advance, vulnerable to an invasion from outside, exactly as it happened.
Gosia: What weapons were used?
Swaruu: All that were within range of the Cabal, including tanks and M16 assault rifles. More than anything the same technology that was used in Vietnam because the fight was contemporary.
Gosia: But what I don't understand is how they were able to move so many people there to 5D... soldiers etc? And then returning them back to Earth to 3D again? All activated? Because to make these wars, I imagine they had a lot of people working for them.
Swaruu: In the same way that the Apollo program was developed. Everything compartmentalized, and you cannot see the whole from a particular position. Many of the soldiers who fought there and the war supplies, aircrafts F-4 / A-6 / A-4 etc., etc., helicopters of the type HU-1 Huey and AH-1 Cobra, are classified as lost in action over Vietnam when they were taken to Venus. The population of Venus was not that large and it was not technologically developed. They were easy targets, it didn't take so many men.
Robert: How old would Venus be compared to Earth?
Swaruu: It was different, but it is comparable to attacking an advancing planet of Ancient Greece type.
Robert: But spiritually very high I would guess.
Swaruu: Yes, that's why I chose Ancient Greece. Much spiritual advance but little technology.
Robert: So humanity would be guilty of genocide with another non-terrestrial civilization.
Gosia: It's not humanity I imagine. They are reptiles.
Swaruu: It´s just that, Gosia, humanity as a race does not exist. Humanity in 3D is a compendium or mixture of countless extraterrestrial races using essentially the same bio-suit.
Robert: But how come humans shot others while in 5D?
Swaruu: Because as I have already explained to you regarding 5D, humans take 3D with them as low-frequency 3D beings, fabricating their world as they advance. Remember, people are the Matrix. If someone is the Matrix, they will take it with them wherever they go. They are the Cabal, the same ones who wage wars on Earth. The same ones.
Gosia: I have a question regarding the human bio suit. You say that human race does not exist as such, I understand... but how does this fit with the Lyrian race? I thought humans are Lyrians. Their descendants.
Swaruu: Yes, but that is the basis for the creation of the so-called “bio-suit” or human body. In themselves as 3D humanoid beings they are the only ones in existence. Genetically altered by manipulation of consciousness and by direct manipulation in the laboratory with the support of the 3D generating lunar frequencies to suppress the connection of humans with the original Source. Because if they had a total connection, they would reactivate their DNA, erasing the changes that have been made to them in the laboratory. For that the suppression of frequencies.
Gosia: What laboratory? You mean 3D Matrix from the Moon?
Swaruu: Multiple ones throughout the centuries, not just one. We have already said that mind control is how changes are made, or artificially made changes are cemented.
Gosia: So how do laboratories fit in?
Swaruu: No, not as a species. Not in the laboratory. However, throughout history, changes in the laboratory have been made, but as you know, they are naturally reversed. The only way to prevent them from reversing is to keep humans in a low vibratory state. Even today things are made in laboratories, but they do not define the entire species.
Gosia: Reptiles, yes?
Swaruu: Mostly yes. There is no doubt that changes have been made in the laboratory. But they are not the changes as defining the species. They are isolated changes here and there over thousands of years.
Robert: What changes are we talking about?
Swaruu: Changes from Lyrian to human.
Robert: That is, are we going in regression?
Swaruu: It is not regression, it is change.
Robert: But degenerative?
Swaruu: From a point of view yes, for humans yes, the change is negative. The biggest change is because the human body has been designed to be a container for multiple souls that come with different requirements according to the species they belonged to before. That's why I don't see it as a species. But as a bio-suit.
Gosia: I would like to know if other ET races participated in these laboratory projects with the Reptiles? To prepare this bio suit?
Swaruu: It is said that they mostly did NOT participate. Only when the 3D Matrix was already there, the other races began to enter Earth to have the experience of being human.
Robert: Ok. Going back to Venus, only the Earth has the Van Allen Bands, right? Not Venus?
Swaruu: Only Earth. Venus does NOT have a moon. Mars either, since Phobos and Deimos are bases, rock-shaped ships, the most common, or of the most common form.
Robert: Those from SSP “screwed” anyone else?
Swaruu: They were about to “screw” Karistus. They established bases on Mars by militarizing 1/3 of Mars. Mars is now divided into 3 highly militarized sectors with borders that make the border between North and South Korea seem pale. 3 sectors of equal size. One Reptile / Earth Cabal, the other Mantis, the last Maitre or Tall Grays.
Robert: But what implication did the Reptiles have with Venus? We know that the Reptiles are on Mars. But on Venus too? Underground?
Swaruu: They are militarily underground in DUMB´s on Venus. Yes, with technology to maintain frequency.
Gosia: Are they there trying to lower the frequency to 3D too? Or is this something that can only be done technologically from the Moon and only cementing with mind control?
Swaruu: They can't because they don't have the lunar matrix. They do it with Guen tower technology and Venusian HAARP. But it is insufficient so they can only live inside a human bio-suit, or in special DUMB´s.
Gosia: That is why they are interested in the human bio-suit. They can go out through it to other points of the Universe.
Swaruu: That's right Gosia. The human bio-suit is essential for reptiles and other retrograde or regressive races, without the human body they cannot go far or inhabit certain planets.
Robert: And on Venus, do they know anything about Earth?
Swaruu: They do not know of the existence of the Earth, as a general population. The Earth for them is a place with toxic gases and very cold because it is further from the sun. Or that kind of garbage they sell them. They have a different dynamic of mind control, because they have just been invaded and they are trying to sell the story that they were “liberated” like Iraq, Afghanistan and so on.
Gosia: This is all so strange to me... because they are still in 5D. I thought that in 5D these types of manipulations and situations are no longer possible. Or that they are not common.
Swaruu: Yes, it is possible but with a different methodology ← 5D is not a density of total love, it is a zoo.
Robert: Was the SSP interstellar? But did it have Warp technology? How did they get to Venus? Only through portals? Where were those portals?
Swaruu: They didn't have Warp at first, then on small ships. The big ones of the SSP had ionic propulsion and other forms, but that is propulsion coming at low speeds like 60% of the speed of light.
Portals are a problem and they are in many places. There are ancient ones in ruins (that's why they invaded Iraq, to seize the portals) and there are modern ones, in area S-4 51, 28, 34, below the Pentagon, below Norad Cheyenne Mountain. And even in some special buildings. They are difficult to find and to destroy. They are in the DUMB´s especially, very deep underground.
Gosia: You said they only escape through portals. But if they can “occupy” the human body... they can pretend to be the good guys and go anywhere in the Universe this way, right?
Swaruu: That's exactly right ←
Gosia: And what exactly do these Reptiles want to achieve? Why don't they stay happy in one place?
Swaruu: Because spreading is their instinct. “We need room to breathe.” Quote: Hitler 1938 ←
Robert: Ok. We said that Venus did not have moons or Van Allen bands, but I imagine that like all other planets it has a toroid shape. With its two cavities north and south.
Swaruu: All planets have that shape, because that's how they have been formed. They are like cells, also toroids. With two cavities north south, yes. Intraterrestrial life etc. Like any other planet.
Chat with Anéeka:
Gosia: Anéeka, the soldiers who went there, did they know where they were going? And did they know where they were? When they came back, wasn't it dangerous to let them loose?
Anéeka: It cannot be known for sure and I've asked myself the same thing. Most of the terrain on Venus looks like Vietnam in terms of climate and vegetation. It is very possible that they were taken there and they would think they are in Vietnam. As for the indigenous population, it is possible that they did not come into direct contact with them but that is speculating. The problem with this theory is that the population of Venus was more towards the Nordic with Alfrateano-Latino appearance and not Oriental as in Vietnam.
However, during many operations of military personnel in Vietnam, encounters with Nordic-looking enemies with strange technology are reported, but this is officially explained as encounters with advisers and Russian military aid to North Vietnam-Hanoi.
Contact is also reported with non-human-looking combatant beings, congruent to Yautija that is said to have inspired the 1986 film Predator.
It is reported that Huey UH-1 helicopters were sent to Vietnam that never arrived there and were sent to Venus. The type of military forces sent to Vietnam were not normal forces, but special operations such as Navy Seals and elite units of the army that would later become what is today: the Delta Force that was inaugurated in the early 80's. That is to say, highly trained soldiers and in small groups of 4 to 8 men. Similar in movement to Taygeta´s Hashmallim and Shinonim spec-ops.
I have it all structured and documented.
There is not much data on what happens on Venus today. It is totally dominated by the terrestrial Cabal and is like an Earth´s branch. But the command and control of the Cabal is the Earth. They are known to treat it as a summer resort for the super-elite who use jump rooms to get there (portals). And they divided up the planet Venus completely by giving Cabal names to the islands and regions there, with names like New Kamchatka, for example.
(Showing an image of a map) **Images not supported**
I'm not sure why they are different. It is possible that today they say that this is due to something else. The map does correspond to the shape of the islands, but why each region is called that is what I cannot corroborate. The shape of the map is consistent with my navigation maps. The position of the islands is correct.
Robert: Thank you Anéeka. How come the Federation allowed humans to invade Venus in the first place. How was that possible?
Anéeka: Because they themselves propitiated the invasion of Venus being only a variant of Earth kept that way for the same reasons. That is, Earth is one like a training theme park for souls, and Venus is another one, related and connected but different.
The Cabal moves in dualities at an obsessive level already, being that they see the Earth as the place where everything must be kept in low frequency-suffering and Venus must be kept in what is, for them, an idyllic place for the elites.
The Venus subject is difficult to understand as it is so extreme. Being that, for humans, Venus is only a planet of acid and high temperatures and the terrestrial scientific evidence confirms it, but in another density it is a tropical paradise planet.
Robert: Other humans lived in an “idyllic matrix” on Venus? How did humans get to Venus? Only through portals? And who provided the coordinates to access that density and place?
Anéeka: Yes, there were “natives” there, more Lyrians. Who also arrived there because of the great expansion.
They got there exclusively through portals, and among other reasons that is what the Vietnam War was for, not only to cover up the invasion of Venus, but for many things as a whole, such as the dominance of drug networks in the area and as a population control.
It is a very complex subject, Venus. These words that I say today I know that few will be able to understand them as something “possible”.
Coordinates of the place, two sources. Contained within millenary information in control of the Cabal and from Federation sources also who agreed or even planned the invasion. This is to extend the 3D Matrix, because today on Venus there are 5-star hotels and nightclubs, Jet Ski yachts, and all kinds of water sports, exactly the same as on Earth, but only people very Cabal, “elites”, can access that place. Which is incomprehensible to the average population of the Earth.
It is said that the “elite” escape underground and that is why they cannot destroy humanity because it would affect them too. They do not escape underground only, even with the large facilities that are there, but there they move through portals to their second planet Venus, and third planet (Mars).
Robert: And why don't they go to Venus instead of messing with Earth?
Anéeka: Because they want her. They are invasive.
Gosia: One more question. Venus is in 5D. How has this Cabal control managed to happen there too? The human manifestations have reached there too? Or is the Federation itself also controlling Venus?
Anéeka: That's right. The same Federation controls Venus through Earth. Mars is more complicated. Yes, it is a mess there. There is another Andromedan biosphere ship named Varena there in Venusian orbit just now the same as the Viera is here. They are sister ships, small triangular biospheres, not spherical like the great Andromedan ones.
Robert: What were the Venusians like? Were they all one race? Not like on Earth where there are many.
Anéeka: Yes, but as humans being more human. On Earth what they say to be races are only colors and variants of the same one. That, as Swaruu has explained, does not even reach to be a race because it is artificially altered but not as the Sumerian tablets say.
There was not much difference between Venusians and humans. From Earth's perspective, people see it as another planet. Venus, distant and strange. From the stellar perspective and for us, they are very close planets, extremely close, 80% or more of the plant and animal species are the same between the two. They are not far away. As you will see, everything is perception.
Even Phaethon or planet Alfrata Alpha Centauri A - 1 is almost equal to Earth. You can see it with a very expanded lens, you will see that this corner of the Galaxy is all connected and everything is very close, talking about species and their evolution, planets and suns themselves.
Out in the Galaxy there are very strange things that differ completely from what is seen as normal on Earth, there is everything, similar and different. But for different you have to move a little further. Or look inside those very planets but in secluded places. For that you don't even have to leave the Earth, just do the same, search in strange places, like inside the Amazons, the Belgian Congo or under the oceans, or in deep caverns.
Robert: Anéeka, do you know why your colleague, I think his name is Thorel or something like that...
Anéeka: The big one yes. His name is actually Thorel. But he used the name Valiant Thor. Today there is a campaign to discredit that he was real.
Robert: (continuing from last sentence=)… why do they say he is from Venus?
Anéeka: Because he said so.
Robert: And why did he say he was from Venus? For security?
Anéeka: I don't know why exactly but as a means of infiltrating the system, as part of them from the Pentagon. Yes, for security you could say.
Robert: But at that time Venus was already invaded or not yet?
Anéeka: Not yet. What happened there with Valiant Thor was from 57-58 to 60-61 and the invasion of Venus took place from 65 to 72. It is all very murky, that story. I even have detected efforts to discredit that one real photo of him. That event is in the USS Eldridge boardroom. The very same destroyer of the Philadelphia Experiment ← (!)
Robert: And what was he doing there? Did he give them technology?
Anéeka: He helped yes. Sometimes without knowing it. For believing that there is a “good” side.
Robert: Anéeka, what happened to that boat? Did it disappear? Did it go to another density? Is it true that it de-materialized?
Anéeka: The Eldridge. It was still in service, it was remodeled. And then sold for scrap. And yes, correct. It went to another density, but many times, because the first experiment was in October 1943 and there Valiant Thor is on the ship around 1960. They created a portal around it.
Robert: And something went wrong, right?
Anéeka: The first time, yes. But there were more times.
Robert: Not later?
Anéeka: Later no. The problem was that it was a low-energy portal for the unstable mass of the ship, non-uniform and with chaotic frequencies. That technology is perfected and in operation on the Los Angeles-class and Virginia-class submarines.
Yes, it went to another place, in the same way that star ships do, changing the molecular frequency, but they did it in a disorderly way and with little technology, causing a disaster and many deaths on board.
They put electromagnetism generators in it that wrapped the entire ship, like spacecraft, but they knew nothing about frequency modulation. They only created a lot of electromagnetism on it and that´s it, which caused the ship to jump to another place, it is not known where, but from what I understand it was not a single piece that went to another place but rather in parts or to different places, that´s why it is reported that there were sailors half inside the metal of the ship's deck and other horrible things.
They used the same principle of wrapping a ship in a toroidal electromagnetic cocoon so that the dominant frequency would move it from there (or give it invisibility) but they had no idea about the importance of controlled modulation of that frequency.
Robert: They say that the crew became invisible in the eyes of others.
Anéeka: Yes, in another density in a chaotic way.
Robert: Density or timeline?
Anéeka: Both are intertwined, inseparable, densities and timelines.
Robert: It's like consciousness and Ether, right?
Anéeka: Yes, you cannot travel through Ether (hyper space travel) without also traveling through time.
What influence is there between human and alien culture? Although clear differences can be observed as there would be between any different culture, something that at least is largely ignored on Earth, is that in space between cultures on different planets where the members of these cultures share each other as starseeds, creating a very large cultural influence between them.
The starseeds are not an exclusive phenomenon of the Earth, it is something very common throughout the galaxy, that a soul / consciousness or group of them, migrate from culture to culture by incarnating there. In some New Age circles on Earth they are known as Wonderers.
Then a soul or group of souls will incarnate on a planet for some life cycles, from one or even several, and then later go on to be born or incarnate on another planet and culture that it likes, taking ideas and concepts from one culture to another, it may be consciously but mostly unconsciously.
Then we will have the same ideas appear in various seemingly unconnected places.
This is in addition to the most obvious mechanism of influence between cultures, which is using star travel with interstellar spacecraft with exploration groups that will then adopt ideas and concepts from the culture they are studying or with which they have a relationship or contact of any kind.
The main concept here that must be understood very clearly is that the physical form that you call human being, is by no means exclusive to Earth since it is found in a number of places throughout the Galaxy and is suspected strongly, that is in the same way in other galaxies also being a very proliferating and popular physical form for souls.
The human form varies from races that are exactly like humans, to races that have nothing in common with humans in either form or biology, and the whole range in between these two extremes.
So we will find a gradient between stellar races such as humans, but on other planets and from there, will be other races that will gradually be different from the human being until they merge between the races that no longer have human form, taking into account that in the Universe what is the norm is life and there is a number among the thousands of billions of star races. Life in the Universe is the norm and not the exception.
At what levels is this influence seen? The influence ranges from little to total, being that in themselves, societies basically share the same at a level of influence that is very difficult for the modern ufologist to understand. The influence is similar or of the same nature, as between cultures on Earth at the end of the 20th century, that is to say almost total.
This mostly between cultures with historical contact with Earth, such as the Engan, Alfrateans, Antareans and Taygeteans among others, being those with the greatest human appearance.
Another concept here is that the creation stories of the human being should be discarded as exclusive to Earth, since as I have commented before, they are everywhere, as not only we witness but a number of accurately documented events, encounters and incidents with star beings by a long list of people on Earth.
And finally, Anéeka would like to convey that: “The idea that you are isolated in space and that the distances between the planets are very large and that it has not even been proven that there is extraterrestrial life outside the Earth, is a merely a human concept.
ANÉEKA OF TEMMER: They generally last not only for the entire incarnation or for a lifetime, but many times a love relationship between Taygeteans can last several incarnations, as they look for each other during the next life by remembering two or more past lives.
ANÉEKA OF TEMMER: Martial Arts are common in virtually all Lyrian or stellar human cultures. Being so common and old it is impossible to know who invented them. And on Earth there are many versions and interpretations of Martial Arts as they are found elsewhere.
claudio pkdelsol: If in ancient times they had electricity, why don't we have technological remains of daily use from that time?
ANÉEKA OF TEMMER: You do, archaeological remains are found in many parts: Egypt, Mesopotamia, Sumeria, Turkey, Ireland, Romania, among other places. Yes, there are traces and they are called OPARS or objects out of their time. It must also be seen that the Cabal wishes at all costs to erase real history so they have and will dedicate themselves for centuries to destroy and hide high technology all over the planet.
Marta: What is the most typical Taygetean tradition that the Earth has acquired throughout these centuries due to its influence?
ANÉEKA OF TEMMER: The Druidic Culture would be the greatest influence. Destroyed almost completely thanks to the Romans under the command of General Vespasian. Naming only one big influence point.
Marta: Is there any Urmah custom or tradition here on Earth? Influenced by them?
ANÉEKA OF TEMMER: There is a strong Urmah influence on Egypt, Sumer, Rome and Greece, seen most obviously in architecture. EXTRATERRESTRIAL TRANSCULTURAL INFLUENCE – ANSWERS FROM ANEEKA 6 Pablo Diaz: HELLO ANÉEKA MY FAVORITE SPORT IS BASEBALL. IS BASEBALL PRACTICED ON OTHER PLANETS? WHAT LAND SPORTS ARE THE MOST PRACTICED ON OTHER PLANETS? ANÉEKA DE TEMMER: Baseball is a very terrestrial sport as well as football. Sports on other planets, an Urmah variant of American Football. Athletics in general in the Greek style. Races, whether of physical competitors, or with machines, such as the equivalent of Formula 1 races and rallies with ships or homemade vehicles.
ANÉEKA OF TEMMER: That is correct and very common, it is true that it’s happening in mass right now. That has always happened, but today it’s more accentuated, the cultural, artistic, and musical influence is very strong. Li One: DO TAYGETANS FEEL ATTACHMENT TO THEIR CHILDREN? ANÉEKA DE TEMMER: Much attachment to their children and extends through incarnations being that they are always sought among families of souls reincarnating again as a family. In Taygeta families are very close, more than in other cultures.
ANÉEKA OF TEMMER: Yes, countless races are tacitly or gently promoting humans to remember with past life therapy methods. It is very common today.
ANÉEKA OF TEMMER: Lemuria leaves an influence that has been tried to destroy for centuries, which are the Holographic base societies of true equality. And Atlantis leaves generalizing, what are the seeds of modern society on Earth, what the western world is. AndreaMDOS: In what other interstellar civilizations have you been of great cultural influence? And if so, what kind of influence?
ANÉEKA OF TEMMER: We have been a great influence on all the Pleiades M45, on the Urmah society, the human, the Antareana, the Alfratean, the Arcturian and the Andromedan among those known.
ANÉEKA OF TEMMER: It is a universal constant that the seeds of all races travel and reincarnate in all parts of the universe, being truly cosmic and not from any special place. They are all The EXTRATERRESTRIAL TRANSCULTURAL INFLUENCE – ANSWERS FROM ANEEKA 7 Source. But on Earth there are a variety of starseeds of different races, of an especially high number and variety. Jhacko: WHAT HAVE THE KARISTUS INFLUENCED IN??? THANK YOU ANÉEKA OF TEMMER: Karistus has been very influential with a prolonged and insistent attempt to guide earthly religions towards something positive, trying to neutralize the negative or regressive use of the manipulative creators of these religions. Karistus are an especially positive and loving race, but they also know how to be warriors.
Javier Pedrianes Rodríguez: HOW ARE YOU, ANEÉKA? ANÉEKA DE TEMMER'm: Very good, thank you, and happy to be with you on a live show again. A big hug for you and everyone joining us today. Marta: Has Taygeta acquired any custom or tradition from Earth?
ANÉEKA OF TEMMER: Yes it has acquired many customs from Earth, difficult to enumerate them, but I can mention in the architecture. However, a lot of terrestrial architecture again is not from there, being very Urmah, for example in many places of antiquity. As for customs, for example, celebrating birthdays and the adoption of cakes have been adopted. Being that in Taygeta it’s difficult to calculate the age of a person. Also, a lot of human influence with music.
ANÉEKA DE TEMMER: Taygeteans do usually practice fasts, however the time each one lasts is difficult to calculate again, but it could be said that they regularly skip a day without eating, and another important point is that we have the habit of eating just twice a day, sometimes just once a day.
ANÉEKA DE TEMMER: It’s true, that is mostly Ummita technology and it is from direct introduction.
ANÉEKA DE TEMMER: Everything is from The Source, including rules like that which were designed so that there is a respectful coexistence between civilizations, however those laws are imperfect and generally end up being an unjust impediment, rather than a rule so that respect is observed. .
In itself, the conflict in general is the concept that starts from the main idea of Being The Source and what the source is not, since everything is actually unified from the source. So duality, to be or not to be something, to be or not to be the source, turns out to be only the consequence of an idea or thought that is relative to someone who observes it or considers it true and not a universal constant.
ANÉEKA DE TEMMER: They also have influence on other planets, whether they were there before incarnating on Earth or their souls will go there after being on Earth. Since every incarnation progressively enriches the experience and wisdom of souls.
ANÉEKA OF TEMMER: Countless races visit the Earth, so many that even from here it is impossible to list them, but even so, the ones that have been the most and continue here today are those of the Federation mainly, being the most notable: Urmah, Andromeda, Arturians , Sirians, Pleiadians in all their forms, Alpha Dracos, Antareans, Centauri (Alfrateans), Procyonians, Zeta Reticulians, Etorthans, Sassani, Yayel, among others.
ANÉEKA DE TEMMER: At first Taygeta was on the verge of collapse, during the great expansion, this due to the Orion Wars. However, since then and with the adoption of the holographic political system, there has not been a single incident of danger of planetary collapse since then.
ANÉEKA OF TEMMER: There is both positive and negative influence on Earth, it’s true. They can be distinguished by their demanding and controlling interests compared to the mostly positive races that only give and in return ask only little or nothing. Whether some race or influence is positive or negative is felt inside, like a hunch, it just feels bad. That is not necessarily wrong, but it does indicate an internal conflict with your being. And you have to keep in mind that negative aliens tend to be especially manipulative.
ANÉEKA OF TEMMER: The population of Taygeta in comparison with other cultures, is more aware of what happens on Earth. At this time, they avoid incarnating, or do not recommend incarnating on Earth, being more popular to be on Earth only in temporary immersions for almost entertainment purposes, without being long immersions that last a lifetime.
ANÉEKA OF TEMMER: Tesla was a seed, but there is conflict regarding his Stellar identity. Most say he was Arcturian in soul. But others differ, it’s not known. Tesla as a seed had almost entire or complete memory, which allowed him to import his knowledge to Earth and in addition to that, Tesla also had contact with Extraterrestrials of various Federation races. (Mainly Arcturians)
ANÉEKA OF TEMMER: Taygeta's influence on art is most appreciated in the creations of Native Americans, Inuit, and in the area of Romania and Ukraine. Also diluted all over the world but mainly in those places or with those cultures.
ANÉEKA OF TEMMER: Internet is a copy of a concept that is used among the Federation stellar races, where in theory all the knowledge of a people is poured there, with a view to making it or being available to all members of said race, and by the members of the friendly races of the same Federation, as a super highway of free information.
On Earth it was sold to the population for that purpose. ** But in reality, the objective of giving the internet to the human population is for the purpose of total control of the population, of constant monitoring of what they do and even what they think. In a way in which they implement mental programs that humans will follow as trends, thanks to their tendency to seek the approval of their peers.
ANÉEKA OF TEMMER: Good question that I want to use to share with you that the western concept of beauty is of Taygetean origin, be it for better or for worse. However, people who do not meet those expectations are not disqualified in Taygeta, that would be a programmed human reaction. Beauty is considered and appreciated in a number of races and cultures, however, each race will have its own concept of beauty as expected and that is consistent with their physique and appearance.
ANÉEKA OF TEMMER: Yes, unemotional races definitely try to understand the wisdom of emotions by being human for one or two incarnations, in an attempt to expand their knowledge. However, in the process, they end up harming countless races incarnated there as humans and harming other emotional non-human races. But definitely the cold and logical races do try to understand emotions using the Earth as a "laboratory".
ANÉEKA OF TEMMER: Question answered above. Yes there is great influence of extraterrestrial races that are interested in humans remembering their past lives.
ANÉEKA OF TEMMER: The controllers of the human Matrix, the Cabal, has turned something loving, part of the process of connecting with the partner and being loved, towards something of manipulative use and that produces emotional pain and frustration. The influence has been very great and negative. Confusing the population with a view to total control.
ANÉEKA OF TEMMER: Tihuanaco was part of the planetary civilization of Atlantis. What became of them is the same as what became of the Atlanteans, civilization ended after a long war against Lemuria and the non-human races that supported it, ending with the wars of Tiamat where Mars also ended up devastated. Human archaeological dating is seriously wrong. They should stop using carbon 14 and geological strata dating systems, as both give false results.
ANÉEKA OF TEMMER: The influence is total, virtually all Viking culture is a humanized version of Engan culture. Being that the human form or version is the one that is related to the criminal part of the Vikings, and the positive part is the Engan influence, such as their need for exploration.
ANÉEKA OF TEMMER: Influence between Venus and Earth is a topic that deserves a video.
Being that the fact that Venus is seen as a planet of sulfuric acid, impossible for life, is totally false, because only the 3D part of Venus is observed by terrestrial science and not until the 5D, so is missing a 40%.
Venus is a super habitable 5D planet with a culture very similar to the terrestrial one and today it has merged to be almost the same, it is a Venusian version of Western culture, leaving aside almost in total destruction the indigenous cultures of the place, this after the human invasion of Venus carried out between the years of 1965 and 1972.
ANÉEKA OF TEMMER: SUZY-type Fighters are the latest version of small-craft technology from Taygeta. They have Antarean influence, but are mostly Taygetean and of Taygetean technology. Being a curious fact is that the Suzy type ships were designed, created and manufactured entirely by women, they are 100% female creation ships.
ANÉEKA OF TEMMER: Yes, there are love relationships between individuals of different species, but between those who are compatible to a certain extent. Being that they are visibly similar or equal races, although they do not always result in having children, and sometimes their children are sterile. This is rare, but relationships between similar species do occur.
On Earth between starseeds, it occurs that they are mostly sought between souls of the same race, that as a generality, but it does happen that seeds of different star races come together, because on Earth they are also playing the role of being human beings.
ANÉEKA OF TEMMER: It is a constant among countless races of Lyrian origin. Some human races (Lyrian) need to eat meat more than others, with 50% and 50% of Lyrian races observing meat consumption.
The habit of eating meat does not come from reptilians or regressive races. Food is a very complex issue, there are no simple answers.
Today most consume tissue or cultured meat that was never an animal, but this has nothing to do with the versions of synthetic meat that are coming out on Earth, which I definitely do not recommend consuming.
ANÉEKA OFTEMMER: Sometimes her physique is obviously strange, but usually only that person knows what she or he is. Non-human genetic origin can be found with a DNA test such as PCR tests. <<<<< (!)
ANÉEKA OF TEMMER: Yes this is done as a result of prenatal agreements. Yes there is a great influence and transmission of ideas, concepts and information in general telepathically to humans, whether they are scientists or artists and the general population. Telepathic communication is confused with your own ideas of the person. Aliens communicate with humans EXTRATERRESTRIAL TRANSCULTURAL INFLUENCE – ANSWERS FROM ANEEKA 12 telepathically all the time, but humans do not know how to differentiate such communications from their own thoughts.
ANÉEKA OF TEMMER: Yes, the Sirian races are emotional, including those of Syrian Reptilian origin. They are among the emotional races. Sirian seeds are very common on Earth and this since ancient times.
ANÉEKA OF TEMMER: The strongest Andromedan influence on Earth is found in the cultures of India, Nepal, Burma, Thailand and Vietnam.
ANÉEKA OF TEMMER: Yes, we have adopted the use of candles in cakes, but many times, we only put symbolic candles and not one for each year, because most of the time we do not know how old the person to celebrate is turning.
ANÉEKA OF TEMMER: Sowing the seed that human beings are not alone and that they were not created on Earth and that there are many more like them outside the Earth and they are part of a great family, they are not inferior, nor superior, but more of us. That there is much more humanity out there.
ANÉEKA OF TEMMER: Engan have very Scandinavian customs for the most part and generalizing.
ANÉEKA OF TEMMER: I send my best wishes to you all and thank you very much for joining here today. Be strong and believe in yourself always. A big hug and a kiss to all. I wish I could answer all the questions, only it is impossible for me. Thanks again.
"This information is provided by extraterrestrial persons, women and men from the Taygeta star in the Pleiades cluster, through a written contact with us."
Temmer and Erra are very peaceful planets, few things hurt you there. They are based on symbiotic ecosystems, not aggressive exploitation - so-called 'super-habitable' planets. There are two other planets in Taygeta, Procyon (nothing to do with the star of the similar name Proceon) and Dakote. Procyon is a very hot and hostile planet, with a gravity of 1.2 G. where you weigh 20% more than on Earth compared to Temmer and Erra with 0.8 G. And there everything is hostile. Everything wants to make you its dinner, everything is toxic. Everything is carnivorous, the Law of the Jungle. A stark contrast between Temmer and Erra and Procyon. Dakote on the other hand, has little fauna, has a gravity of 0.7 G, but is very cold. In Taygeta we are few people in total, it is not necessary to invade anything, nature is free and the funny thing is that it corresponds equally.
Because unlike what happens on Earth, it is very rare or very strange for a hurricane or destructive storm to form or occur. So it is a constant, efficient and benign climate. It favors life and its proliferation. On the other hand, on Earth there are many parasitic ecosystems, unlike on Erra and Temmer where there is more symbiosis. On Earth it is noticeable in things like the proliferation of poisonous or spiny plants, while in Erra or Temmer there are more phosphorescent plants, which indicates not a ‘get out’, but a ‘come to me’ for insects. Another mentality still in plants and insects. That is, they attract insects, they do not try to repel them. Also, we have very few predator animals, as the system is symbiotic in nature, not parasitic, as I understand it.
Even in the seas, it is characterized by the high population of cetaceans and the absence of sharks. On the contrary, on Earth, if you see a beautiful, warm and crystalline sea, you know that there are sharks. In Temmer that same sea is full of dolphins and is friendly to swim in. Also, dolphins are curious and friendly. These abound in Temmer and Erra, but in Temmer, especially. Temmer is a mostly water planet, it has few solid or dry continents, it has a mild climate, two marked seasons.
A tropical Paradise planet where palm trees abound, they are everywhere, far from being a species only on Earth. In addition, Temmer has a great variety of birds, also fish and cetaceans. Seeing the fountain of a whale in the distance or several on the Temerian horizon is a common scene and nobody bothers them.
In Temmer there is a lot of, let's say water sports, almost everything is dedicated to that. On the coasts there are many small sailboats as well. Its sea lends itself to navigation, since storms are rare. And the propeller is not used to drive boats. The propellers are very harmful to sea lions, cetaceans, dolphins and fish. The boats are not all sailing, the magnetic water jet is used. The work or cargo boats are powered, but they are magnetic so as not to harm the fauna. Water jet .Which work through magnetism compressing the water, which passes through a tube and throws it back. In the event that a fish enters the tube, it comes out the other side, maybe dizzy, perhaps, but not hurt. And all power is zero point, without cables or with a minimum of cables.
Erra, on the other hand, is a planet with a very changeable climate, it is usually cold. Winter is strong. Also, two marked seasons. The planet is covered by large coniferous forests.
In Erra there are plants that run away if disturbed. The little plants are rounded bushes that if you pass and disturb one, they run away senseless, hitting each other and against objects and other plants and trees. And then they calm down. I guess they do it to prevent being eaten or scare the animal. But they have no sense of where they are running or see obstacles. They are like explosions of movement, of rearrangement, of which plant goes where. When the stimulus disappears they calm down again and will not move until the next stimulus. They live in areas with high soil moisture content, in the forrests of Erra. There are many species that do this, their roots are like little legs, they are very superficial and they are retractable. And they can move at astonishingly fast speeds, much like a person would run. They are from high mountain forests.
In Taygeta also some species of trees, they uproot and walk very slowly towards places that better accommodate them. It may take weeks to move just a few feet, but they do move and I'm talking about big trees. In Erra what a tree does is look for the best soil, but they are very very slow. Weeks to move a few meters. The Ents do exist, but without the anthropomorphic faces. They don't speak either, just telepathically. (Ents.- Talking and mobile trees from the Lord of the Rings) There are also plants that emit noise. In many places there are plants that emit noise, but not like lungs, as an animal would do with vibrations or blows. They move. In Erra, Temmer or Procyon at least. The noise is like a click, it seems that it is to attract insects for pollination. They usually do it in spring, they don't do it all year round. Like photoluminescence, they compete for the attention of insects. Or they scare them away depending on the color.
It must be remembered here that in Erra, as in other places, the ecosystem is based mainly on symbiosis. Not in competition and / or parasitic exploitation. There are not many predators. Procyon, on the other hand, is something else, there it is plagued with dangerous animals and insects. Regarding the predators in Erra there are wolves, coyotes, foxes and carnivorous felines. That's the biggest there is when it comes to carnivores. In Temmer or Erra you can confidently go into the sea and into the forest as well. The felines tend to stay away from people, but the wolf does not, that one is very curious about people. But you don't hear of many ugly incidents to tell, involving the wolves of Erra.
Vaccines, Body, and Soul: Disconnecting the Body from the Source (Effects of Vaccines)
Gosia: Swaruu, please answer this question from someone. I am not clear on this either. If you have the vaccine, you are supposedly going to be disconnected from the Source, thus your DNA will be modified and you are not going to be able to receive the signal.
The question is, what happens with those people when they die, in the afterlife? Do they recover the signal with the Source? Or maybe their soul will get trapped on the AI/cloud and they will be compelled to incarnate again on Earth? And if so, what “situation” is the soul left in?
Swaruu X: Not at all. There is no ‘soul’ to be or to get trapped anywhere, that can only happen as the result of an idea. The soul does not lose signal with Source, only the body does. A soul is not something apart from Source. It is Source itself therefore it can’t get lost from itself. You cannot separate a soul from Source, it is Source.
This is why the very word “soul” is wrong and we shouldn't even be using it any longer, it is mind, it is awareness of self, it is pure consciousness. What people call a ‘soul’ is only defined as something different from Source as in self limited by a set of ideas based on memory of a ‘past’ it animated for itself and only from the point of view of itself.
It is a wave in the ocean, a dune in the desert. Inseparable with its more expanded self.
The problem with the vaccine is that it disconnects the body from Source, so the person is no longer perceived as it was before from the point of view of the people around that person, and this happens in a progressive accumulative way.
So the body will go collapsing its functions until it ends up working at a minimum, in a state alienated from its soul, so to speak, alienated from the signal from its owner, owner being a fragment of Source and Source itself.
The vaccine means a slow progressive disconnection of the body from Source-consciousness-individual. The death of the body.
What situation the 'soul' will be left in depends on the ideas it holds, and only on that, so it is essential to know as much as you can during your present incarnation, to know where to go and what to expect.
Gosia: Thanks! But then a question. When the body is disconnected from the Source, for example of Jenny... Where is Jenny then? Is she still operating through that body or she is gone already? Meaning... does that disconnection mean basically the same as if she died and she is somewhere else already, leaving the body to operate on its own in its degenerative state? “Owner” of the signal being already somewhere else?
Swaruu X: Jenny has always been Source. The set of ideas that make up the concept of ‘Jenny’ is in Source and is part of Source and is Source itself. ‘Jenny’ (what a nice name) as such only uses a body to be in a conceptual etherical realm with a set of rules that make it be “the physical world”.
From the point of view of that physical realm, yes, Jenny died, or basically died even if her body is still working more or less. Remember the body also holds a set of functional memory held in the body itself, so it reacts and functions with ‘limited interact-ability’, that is as if someone with good interaction and connection with Source would have a near 100% connection with it, and a person with the vaccine working progressively inside its body disconnecting slowly its capacity to bring into the physical the concept of ‘Jenny’ held in Source.
So as the vaccine goes developing its real effects throughout a span of time, it begins to limit the amount of connection possible with Source, from 100, to 93, to 78 to 52, to 37, to 19 % and as it gets lower and lower, its connection to Source will be progressively severed, becoming more like automatons. Like Back Drop People. And even later or more after, to work in a decadent state equal to zombies in all the expanse of the meaning of the word Zombies with a capital Z.
To the very best of my knowledge that is what will happen in a few months to years, and the process has already begun.
You ask if the owner of the signal is already somewhere else. So to speak, from the point of view of the physical body, because the signal is Source and it´s not even coming into the body, it is all over any way, like radio waves.
Gosia: Thanks again! I understand. But then, at what point is the signal of that person, connection with the Source, already removed from the body? At the moment they take the shot or later, as the percentage of disconnection goes up? I mean... when does the “soul” - point of attention, REAL JENNY, really withdraw itself from that body and goes somewhere else? At what percentage of the disconnection? I am still trying to grasp this.
Swaruu X: I don't think it is possible to know at what point there is a disconnection, a specific point. It is a gradient, from 100% connection, to less and less as the vaccine goes on to do its job.
But the fact is it does disconnect, but we could argue that as long as the body is alive, some connection remains, except in the truly zombified state where it´s working entirely from its internal “hard drive” so to speak. And then this conversation could go into Vampires and Zombies (connected).
See it as a light bulb, when fully lit, the person-body has full connection to Source, and the vaccine goes dimming and dimming down the bulb slowly and progressively until it turns off.
The “soul” cannot ever be disconnected from Source, because it is Source itself. It can only hold the idea that it is disconnected, but that cannot be so. The body is what does get disconnected from the “Soul” or from Source better said.
And I can imagine that if the body is having a disconnection experience, then what is left in that connection would alarm the “soul” into thinking it is getting disconnected, as the “soul” when having a body does get attached to the idea that it is the body. People-Souls have a body, they are not a body. Have as in own as in you own a car.
Gosia: But I am still trying to grasp to understand... like with the bulb disconnecting slowly, your perception of YOU as Jenny, as an awareness, “soul” perception, is still in the body or will it go “incarnating somewhere else” already... and being aware elsewhere? Where is the Self-Awareness of that soul at that point? Because at death it is clear. You die and right there and then you “wake up” in the astral or wherever still with your point of awareness as you. And in the case of vaccines then? That´s what I don´t get yet.
Swaruu X: Ok, it's not clear for the person-soul inside the vaccinated body. It perceives that something is very wrong. For example many vaccinated people have reported and being very alarmed about this, that they don't have emotions as before, that nothing excites them, that they don't feel love and they don't feel happiness.
The person, body and soul together, experience something similar as to what happens with Alzheimer's. The body is getting disconnected from Source-Soul progressively because of the malfunctioning of brain systems, that translate the signal into the physical world, calcification of the brain and necrosis of brain sectors or basic malfunctioning because of a high amount of aluminum in the system among other causes.
Gosia: But THEY are still in the body then if their self-awareness is there and not floating towards Taygeta for example.
Swaruu X: They are still in the body, but they can't fully come into the physical world, less and less until they finally die. And when they finally do, they either can go back to Source, or wake up in their pod, wherever.
Gosia: Ok, so the final disconnection of their SELF-AWARENESS happens at the actual death of the body. The awareness of I.
Swaruu X: Yes. For this example yes, that's when it becomes 0%.
Gosia: Ok, understood.
Swaruu X: The problem here is the automaton effect. And this also leads to entity parasitization. That is... the body formerly belonging to someone. Someone kind and real becomes an entry point for dark entities to use to come into the physical world. They are always trying to find a way into the physical, and this is one of the ways they will use and are already using. So that's another agenda that hasn't been mentioned before and it is important. Another reason why they want to vaccinate people. So they become portals for entity possession. And that is terribly real.
The common problem here is that people who take the vaccine and then say they “feel fine” is that the ill effects of the vaccine are progressive, they will manifest little by little, more and more as time goes by.
Some sectors of the population, especially those taking the vaccine for the first time, are sometimes being given placebos, that's why they don't report any ill effects. It's a strategy of the Cabal to lessen the effects and with them lessen the resistance of the people about taking it.
INTRODUCTION Estel·la.- Hello everyone and welcome to Pleiadian Knowledge. I am Estel·la. On medicine we have a first video where Anéeka explains to us what concepts of medicine are like in Taygeta, on its planets, and its health system. And in this second part Anéeka gives us her opinion about the health system that we have here on Earth, what it is based on, some pathologies that we have here and some treatments that we use. We know that there is much more to delve into this topic, but for now we leave you with this. So, Anéeka, we are always with you. And thank you all very much for always being there and listening, and we will see each other in the following videos.
Cristina.- What do you think of the health system here on Earth?
Anéeka of Temmer.- To begin with, it is very limited - on purpose - by those who control the cabal, that is, they could have medical advances just by observing medical science and biology as they know it on Earth, with their same learning systems, but that is also limited to only what is accepted by those who control medicine. And, although they are the same as the cabal, here we could say that those who are behind the general stagnation of human medicine, are the large pharmaceutical companies and their owners. Because the entire health system has been structured around the concept of making it an industry and not helping people who are sick. Because you are getting to the point where you are purposely making people sick, in order to milk you money. And this has leaked directly into the food industry, also where they purposely introduce toxins into food to keep the human population sick for that specific purpose and with excuses based on lies. The most obvious examples of this are: sodium fluoride, monosodium glutamate, and artificial sweeteners. So, the entire medical structure on Earth is for the exploitation of the human population, just keeping it coming back for more, or believing the lies of the doctors, who in turn believe the lies that make them believe in the same system, only because it attacks and relieves the symptoms and not the cause. This is very important because the patient will feel better with their toxic medications, but the real cause is still there, latent, which allows the patient to continue to be exploited by the system. So, as my final comment, human medical science does not work, it only serves to alleviate symptoms and rarely solves the root problem. The only thing human medicine is good for is for situations of physical trauma such as accidents, broken bones and the like, and mechanical problems. But it is incapable of solving systemic or metabolic problems. An example of this is diabetes, which is known to be and what causes it, but on Earth the truth is not told, people for continuing to exploit it with their medicines and insulins against it. When even on Earth it is well known that type B diabetes is perfectly curable with diets low in carbohydrates and sugars, a lot of exercise and patience and without medicine. But there they are told that it is incurable. Type B diabetes is nothing more than cellular and pancreatic fatigue from glucose overload.
Cristina.- How interesting this is about diabetes. Thanks, Anéeka.
Anéeka of Temmer.- For nothing. It is even easy to solve, but the indications must be followed.
Estel·la.- Of course, you don't heal yourself. That's the problem a lot of people here think of. Pill and pull, solved. Yes, I think this data can be overlooked by many people, thank you.
TYPE B DIABETES: Anéeka of Temmer.- If a type B diabetic is prescribed insulin, it will only make the problem worse. Again, only resolving the immediate negative symptoms and not fixing the cause. And it makes it worse because by receiving external insulin from injections, it causes the pancreas to deactivate and go into a state of lethargy or laziness, without repairing the problem of fatigue. Also, creating an overweight problem.
STEROIDS: The same goes for male bodybuilders who take steroids. They are injected with testosterone to have more muscle causing atrophy of the testicles.
Estel·la.- Thank you very much. And, do you think that some knowledge with medicinal plants or more natural processes is correct here?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Yes, herbal medicine, which discredits human medical science, is the only medical science with a real basis for curing systemic and metabolic problems, based on true biological chemistry. The problem is that the art of herbalism is being lost to the same discrediting and attacks from established medical science. Which also promotes the appearance of misinformation or false data, or misunderstandings within the few communities or people that still use herbalism. Making, in effect, there are charlatans with and without malicious intent, who can hurt people due to lack of real information about what, which plants and when they should be taken to cure one disease or another. Being that, it is not only about knowing which plant to use for which disease, but you also have to know when it should be harvested, in what stage of development of the plant, time of year, which part of the plant should be used or which no, and also how a potion should be prepared with it, or taken raw, and the chemical interactions it may have with other plants or substances that the individual may be taking. So you need a lot of precision when using herbal pharmacology.
Estel·la.- And what do you think of homeopathy?
Anéeka of Temmer.- It has bases such as acupuncture, also, if it is an expert who performs or monitors it. But it does have a lot of placebo elements. Again it happens that a real base can be deformed because much of the original information was lost. But it does have foundations, however, I have not studied this subject thoroughly yet.
Estel·la.- What do you mean by placebo elements?
Anéeka of Temmer.- That if I tell you that I give you these little pills that will cure your mysterious dizziness and you firmly believe it, it will cure the problem, even if it were not the pills, but your own mind. And the faith you have in those pills. By suggestion.
Estel·la.- I understand, thank you. I am that I have always cured myself with homeopathy, not for everything. But some things yes, but also being aware that my mind could do that to me. Anéeka of Temmer.- Not everything is placebo with homeopathy. It has real bases, but I have not studied it thoroughly to give a concrete opinion. But for me it is based on the same principles of herbalism. But I can't comment directly there. I would simply use herbs to heal or help me with a problem. I don't discredit homeopathy, nor acupuncture.
Estel·la.- I understand. Thanks a lot.
STDS: Cristina.- And about sexually transmitted diseases, or contraceptive methods. What do you think about that?
Anéeka of Temmer.- It depends on the disease. For example, herpes. If there is a problem there, though, again it is one of decompensation, or imbalance of an ecosystem. Also in the case of candida or sexually transmitted fungi. Each one should be listed step by step. In the case of the most notorious, HIV happens the same as with the current problem, manufactured by the same group of psychopaths. And I tell you that after researching HIV thoroughly, I declare that as the current problem: It is totally false, being that people get sick from the treatment, and not from the disease. And as with the current problem, they are based on a chain of amino acids that some people have and others do not in a natural and harmless way, which they detect with HIV tests that are as false as current tests. HIV = nonexistent.
-Human papilloma Papilloma, which causes cervical cancer. Yet another hoax of psychopathic medical science on Earth. It is again a condition of imbalance, which is solvable if there is discomfort. It does not cause cancer and is basically harmless and part of being alive. It is true that the Exosome trigger can be infected. But still detected in the vast majority of cases, it is brought symptomatically, which is the same thing that it simply will not trigger in that person. It again occurs in people who have had many sexual partners, but not necessarily. The human papilloma is not a serious problem, it does not cause cancer and it is very innocuous, it is another money factory for the medical science of the cabal and the pharmaceutical companies.
The condom is widely promoted, but in actual practice it is cumbersome and unnatural. Which causes couples to misuse it or not use it, lowering its effectiveness. Also, under the excuse that they used "that" they do not protect themselves in more effective ways.
-IUD or intrauterine device: It works reasonably well, but can be uncomfortable for both women and men. It will depend on each person, and on whether the woman has any condition that prevents her from using hormonal methods. It is rarely used in Taygeta, almost non-existent, in favour of hormonal methods.
-Birth control pills: They have been used for a long time and the hormonal compounds have been greatly refined, leaving them as only specific traces that do not interfere with the body and its normal processes. This, especially in the Taygetean variants more than the human ones. On Earth it has been said that it has many contraindications and even causes weight gain, but what we have seen from here is that there is no substantial basis for that. It seems agenda behind to discredit its use and I consider it one of the safest methods, if not the safest. It is used in Taygeta. Other hormonal methods would have to be covered one by one. But I have seen that injections do cause more adverse effects and less effectiveness or safety. Others, like patches, are bothersome and of questionable effectiveness compared to pills.
-Spermicidal foams and other chemicals. I see them as cumbersome, unpleasant and low security. Other methods? It would be necessary to see which each one, these are the ones I remember.
Cristina.- Thank you very much, Anéeka. Yes, these are the most used or most common. Are sexually transmitted diseases common in Taygeta?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Basically nonexistent. More than anything for cultural reasons, where monogamy and loyalty to the partner are overwhelmingly more common. For those cultural reasons alone it has been eradicated.
CANCER Cristina.- And about cancer, what do you think?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Cancer is complex, it cannot be generalized. But we could put it into two broad categories. Cancers created by the intervention of a substance and those created by the body. In themselves they have the same genesis. Again it is a bodily imbalance caused by a toxic condition within the cells of one point or another of the body, which we can consider as a weak point, but which is in agreement, or which is directly connected with the cause of the problem and that cause. it is the external environment in which the individual lives, and more importantly, how that individual interprets the external environment. These are the groups of cancers caused by psychosomatic or emotional factors. Every point in the body, every organ is connected to a form of motion that is triggered by thoughts. The body is not made up of isolated organs, but everything is connected and working together as a whole. But it does cause weak points where problems can arise. And these weak points are developed by the habits of the individual, especially the mental habits of the individual. Then, your very self-destructive, self-abuse thoughts, depending on the type of emotion, will create a condition in a corresponding organ or point in the body. What happens there is that a point of high cellular toxicity is created where the organ or tissue does not receive enough nutrients, oxygen and blood flow in general, creating a condition in that site that is adverse and toxic for life.
Then, there can be a cell necrosis in the area or a state close to cell necrosis where the cells, when threatened in their existence, will only have two options: to die or to do everything possible to stay alive as long as possible. Isolated cells are like the smallest fragments of a body that remain completely genetically engineered. Do you know what to do? It is in it, it is the programming to take the necessary measures to survive. So when a site in the body is too toxic for cells to proliferate and face death, cell necrosis, they tend not to die naturally programmed with the natural cell replacement process, but remain alive and perceptually faced with the threat, it produces more of them as a method of preventing their death or extinction, which would cause the destruction of the whole when conditions are such that many cells are dying due to the condition of toxic environment, the living cells will enter this cycle of remaining alive as much as possible. Then the cells that did die will create a condition of even more toxicity in the tissue, speeding up the process. So, the body, the cells, have a mechanism that is to isolate dead cells due to the same adverse environment, with low blood flow that almost always, or always, accompanies this kind of conditions. In an isolated bag with scar tissue or fibroma, where dead cells and toxic substances that are causing this cell necrosis accumulate. Humans call these pockets cancerous tumours. And now this is where human science has everything backwards again. The tumour is not the cause of the problem. It is the body's solution to that problem. Because it is isolated dead cells from cancer cells that do not follow the natural process of cell replacement. And toxins of all kinds present in the surrounding tissue, preventing the tumour from spreading the cancerous condition. Then the human doctor arrives and removes the tumours. This is not the solution to the problem. It only causes the toxins to spill over the entire area of the affected tissue, accelerating the spread of the toxic condition and, with it, cancer. So, in almost all cases the tumour should not be removed. The problem that caused the toxic condition must be treated and the body, in turn, will absorb the tumour again, no longer needing it. A tumour should only be removed if it bursts or causes a mechanical problem for the area where it is. For example, squeezing a large blood vessel, or causing a lymphatic obstruction or causing discomfort to the patient. So cancer is a symptom, not the problem itself. And the problem is almost always psychosomatic, created by the same ideas and bad habits of the individual where he abuses his own body constantly as in situations of chronic stress due to modern life on Earth. And artificial cancers with substances are caused because the latter create or emulate that same condition of toxicity at one point or another in the body, depending on how these substances were intentionally created or because their chemical components interfere with the body's natural biochemical processes. creating the necessary toxic condition for the appearance of a picture of cancer in that place. Although things tend not to always be so simple, a radical and profound change of life from the place where you live, the part of the world, the climate, people around you, environment, food, work, living in peace, with happiness and with daily motivation and with hopes and positive plans. They are the most effective cures against psychosomatic cancers, which are the most common. Also taking into account that there may be a cancer condition caused by a combination of both factors. That is, the emotional squares with the help of a toxic element in the environment or food that encourages the appearance of cancer in the corresponding tissue.
Cristina.- Super interesting. Thank you very much, Anéeka.
Anéeka of Temmer.- You’re welcome. That in 3 lines, compressing complex processes in a few words.
Cristina.- Now I understood why the cabal does not want to know what causes cancer, since it is the same mind control, in some way. It is the sick human society that they create.
Anéeka of Temmer.- Of course, they would never accept that the mind creates it, that's right. Cristina.- Getting rid of cancer would be getting rid of the system too.
Anéeka of Temmer.- Yes, exactly. Viewed from a broader perspective, it is a desire of the individual to escape from their reality through self-destruction of the physical body. The escape from oppression and unbearable life through death, however shocking it may be.
Galactic Federation - False ET realities in UFO circles - Direct Extraterrestrial Communication
Gosia: Seeing the 3D people and their free will as Avatars in the game, and valuing 5D will more, is that how LOWER or HIGHER level of Federation view it? Cause if the lower Federation officers still go and fight for the “liberation”, it means they don´t necessarily view humans this way, as game avatars only? So WHO in the Federation views Earth this way exactly? Federation leaders on top I suppose, yes?
Yazhi: Ok, the answer is contained in what I'm going to explain.
First, take into account what we have explained before. How reality is based on perception, and perception is based on agreements, and agreements on information, and information on frequency.
So the complex matrix of information-perception that makes up human kind's collective unconscious will dictate how reality will be seen for the people included in it, and they are included in it because they have agreements of perception, based on their frequency of thought.
So humanity has been fed precisely engineered and controlled information for a very long time, thousands of years actually, but the real bulk of what concerns us here is only from the 15th century to nowadays, and if you want to get even closer, the information that is creating the human unconscious reality Matrix would be the one that was imposed as truth to the human population from the XIXth century Industrial Revolution, Darwinian times, to nowadays.
Getting objectively even closer, what is really creating present day ‘reality’ on Earth, what is forming the Collective Unconscious, is what has been imposed by design onto the human population during the lifetimes of the people who are still alive, and being even more specific, to the post '‘circa’ year 2000, so called ‘millennial’ generation.
That is what is forming the '‘Matrix’, the set of rules, laws, being legal, or “of matter and nature”, and everything that dictates the formation of agreements that form perception of reality on Earth.
That Matrix of information is specific to Earth. It is true that there is a lot of cross influence with other non-terrestrial cultures as I will mention later, but essentially, as things are exactly, I mean, the exact composition of interconnected bits of information that form agreements of perception that in turn form reality as perceived on Earth, is specific of Earth and not found anywhere else.
It is true that every culture on any planet would have their own Matrix of agreements perception that form their particular '‘flavor’ of reality, but in the case of Earth it is especially notorious and different, because it is a contained planet, artificially isolated from the rest of the ‘cosmic community’, so the view of reality from Earth is very unique and specific there. So, I am explaining here why how things are perceived on Earth does not correspond to a greater more expanded reality as you could call everything outside Earth.
What is real and not, possible and impossible, as understood on Earth, what terrestrial science, history and technology dictates as '‘real’ and is then fed as hard truth in an inflexible manner, does not match and does not correspond to how reality and truth is seen from people living outside the Information Matrix of Earth.
So humans will understand one set of truths about any subjects, and it will not match the truth of a more expanded point of view of people living with another set of perception rules and agreements outside Earth.
As I said above, as people, ‘souls’, travel incarnating from one planet to another collecting experiences depending on their frequency of thought-existence, they will import consciously or unconsciously a wide variety of ideas that also form perception and agreements.
That is true, but most inhabitants of Earth have been re-incarnating there so many times, that they strongly perpetuate the said set of agreements of perception that form Earth's Collective Unconscious unique to Earth.
‘Souls’ that have not incarnated much on Earth, only a few times, or only once, the so-called ‘starseeds’, will then be the ones who mostly import ideas from other cultures and planets outside Earth, but they are still in a vast minority.
So then, we translate this above to concepts about extraterrestrials and how the Federation works.
People will form their opinions following people who they perceive more knowledgeable than themselves. People on Earth are not trained to form their own belief systems, they have been trained and conditioned to follow for generations.
So the people interested in UFO subjects, researchers and authors, have to base their knowledge on something, even those few that think for themselves must do that, we all do ultimately. But on Earth, they will tend to follow what is known before them, about this or about any other subject. Especially on this subject matter because there is so little objective information available to anyone.
Then there comes another problem here unique to Earth, or almost. The fact is that as all information on Earth is heavily controlled, (it must be in order to perpetuate the set experiences to be had incarnating there), one aspect that the controllers, be it the Illuminati, Secret Societies ruling Earth, whoever, need to especially guide and regulate the information is concerning subjects that will make, or cause, people to start thinking for themselves, subjects that make people question their reality and its nature.
This especially applies to subjects concerning extraterrestrials and cultures outside Earth because by nature that kind of information would be especially disruptive for the status quo or for the information as it is ‘supposed to be’ on Earth. In other words it would disrupt perception so much it would end up collapsing all the belief systems on Earth that in turn form the Collective Unconscious that forms the perception of reality itself as seen on Earth.
So I must stress that all the UFO / extraterrestrials / Federations subject has to be, by its very essence, a heavily controlled subject.
So I bluntly say that what people are being fed as truth about extraterrestrials and Galactic Federations, is only a heavily controlled and artificially altered, governmentally controlled, convenient to them, false reality or lie that does not correspond to what is out in space in hard objective reality.
All information on Earth that will be presented to the public coming from ‘approved’ sources is heavily controlled so it fits into a narrative those ‘controllers’, whoever they are, need to keep running on Earth. This includes the MSM, mainstream media, and the popular so called Alternative Media as well, because the powers at be, the ‘controllers’, create controlled opposition to gain even more control over the perception of the population as people do not seek any other information outside what they see as ‘credible sources’, MSM or Alternative Media. Credible sources but for their level of awareness.
The problem here gets worse when even people within the so called ‘Alternative Media’ unwillingly participate with the disinformation soup simply because, as I said above, they must base their concepts and belief systems on something as a foundation. Foundation that is heavily controlled by design, as I said.
The control mechanism behind MSM and MainStream Alternative Media has many faces and uses many tools to achieve their goals. Some are direct slander and debunking of any one who dares to oppose them, but this is done in many levels as well, so the MSM will debunk and slander the MSAM (MainStream Alternative Media) creating a perception of duality and of having to choose sides in the minds of simple people, moving them back into the MSM official narrative, but other wiser people will see that both the MSM and the MSAM are controlled by the same people with a narrative and an agenda, so the controllers create another deeper level of undercover and deeper Alternative Media to oppose the MainStream Alternative Media, MSAM, and then yet again to a deeper level. This with the specific purpose of controlling all levels of consciousness and spiritual awakening of the population.
But then there are a few who are not controlled, or only controlled by the base perception set of rules in the Matrix-of-reality of Earth, but not directly controlled by the governments on purpose. Those are a problem for the status quo, those go around wildly, saying all kinds of outrageous claims and ideas dangerous for the ones in power at all levels, starting from low class government officials all the way up to hard Illuminati and even Federation Earth controllers. Those are seen as the ‘supreme’ troublemakers for the Earth's Matrix as such.
The System, the Matrix on Earth, Cabal, Illuminati, whoever, have different systems to deal with this problem. The first and most obvious one is taking those troublemaker subjects out physically, and they do that a lot when everything else fails. But what they mostly do is swamp the information those ‘troublemakers’ share in a soup of information contradicting them, or simply immersing their information among so much data that it becomes almost impossible for any normal person to be able to tell what is important and what is not. The subjects simply go into information overload. Therefore containing the troublemakers, as their information no longer reaches the public, because it is seen as simply more of the same, not interesting and also too out there - incredible.
This also because people in general like immediate gratification, and will go for all those other pieces of data contained in the said soup that are more colorful and impressive, therefore giving them a dopamine shot of instant gratification. Most people are like crows, show them something shiny and they will go after it blindly, ignoring everything else!
Having said all this, the perception on Earth of good and evil, and of extraterrestrials, Federations in space, and how space and reality at large, in the Universe, works is a self contained agreement-based false realm that does not reflect an objective reality as it is seen from outside Earth.
So all the concepts of how extraterrestrials should be, how they should look and how they work, does not reflect an objective space - reality, it only reflects what, and how, they were told and programmed on Earth. So those concepts are terrestrial and not shared by the perception-agreements of people outside Earth.
Concepts such as “Federations of Light” coming to save humanity from evil doers only perpetuate and reflect the exact mentality the Cabal, the controllers, want people to be in. It shows a direct agenda-edited copy of religion and politics, but adapted to the minds and the expectations of today's society, that is the same political structures, belief systems and limited science as seen from Earth, but adapted with “spaceships”.
The evil side was before imposed on people as coming from devils, evil spirits and invading opposing nations and clans “coming to get you and your family.” Today besides that, it is the very same... but replacing the words devil and evil spirits with ‘alien invaders’ and ‘Reptilians’. Same structure exactly.
Another tell tale sign of this for me is that if you research the nature of UFO encounters from 1950's to today you will see that the interpretation of such encounters reflects the exact mentality of the people of Earth according to each era.
In the 1950's and 60's, extraterrestrials were called ‘Space Men’ or Martians or similar names, and they came from planets within this same Solar System, from Mars, from Venus, from Jupiter. Because they reflect the human mentality of that time, and the frame of reference the MSM was giving them at the time. Even the shape of the spaceships, UFO's, as interpreted by humans during each era reflects clear design tendencies on Earth, and are a reflection of comic books, NASA space craft of the day, like Mercury and Gemini capsules, and later Apollo, and even the design of the automobiles of the era can be seen reflected on the descriptions of the UFO's encountered back then.
Although taking into account that today, nowadays, there is a lot more influence of outside Earth people, in the shape of intervention directly into online, media, and mainly through starseeds, so some things start to reflect a more objective reality as it is outside Earth.
Basically the same principle applies here as well as it did before, so how people interpret UFO's, and extraterrestrials and encounters, again reflects the nature of the times they live in. No exception here. And that base perception they use to interpret what they see and understand with, is heavily controlled by the powers at be on Earth who dictate what people should know, and how.
The concept of evil as such, who the perpetrators are, the identity of the perpetrators, from ‘evil spirits’ to regressive extraterrestrial races is unique to Earth. It is simply not understood in the same way outside Earth.
That concept today includes the former ‘bad guys’ such as devils, and evil spirits, including ruthless overlords and dictators “out to invade neighbor countries.” All the way to Reptilians who eat humans, specifically children, Maitre, evil Tall Grays and a large amount of complex ideas and interpretations of evil aliens.
So from Earth, the logical thing is to fight them. In a way known on Earth, that is direct fight, with sword gun and plasma rifle. Direct military confrontation. And that mentality is reflected just about everywhere in the accepted UFO community.
From outside Earth, those concepts such as evil Reptilians, and Maitre, are seen as local human interpretations of a much more complex reality outside Earth.
Now, even though reality as understood on Earth at large does not reflect how reality is understood outside Earth, there is a common area where both worlds, both interpretations of reality coincide, the red area in the circles. This is because, as I have said above, there is a large cross cultural influence between Earth and other cultures in space, mostly due to the seeding of concepts and of information coming from the starseeds, walk-downs, and other ways, like internet infiltration performed by many star races nowadays.
From there, in that common ‘red’ area, concepts like evil reptilians and evil space races do coincide. Basically, those exact concepts were not even developed on Earth, but imported there and then once on Earth distorted into perception compatible concepts according to each era, like devils and gins.
This compatible zone is where we find that some stellar races, with heavy cultural influence with Earth working both ways, will still hold some base-concepts from where they interpret their reality.
So races such as Alfratans - Centauri, that have their past linked directly to Earth, and their good friends the Antarians as well, will hold concepts like evil Reptilians and ‘space-invaders’. And as each person, group of people, and even race, hold a role in the larger reality universal context, humans will play the role of defenseless creatures in victim mode, and one layer above, the Antarians and Alfratans will play the role of liberators, or guardians. Just two levels of the same game.
But in the case of the lower Federation, of which the Antarians and Alfratans are members of, they will follow a set of rules and regulations, not only of the legal kind, but of the perception of reality agreements of their worlds and society and this would be the part of the circle in white that does not coincide with Earth's concepts of reality.
So even though the Alfratans and Antarians, among many others, play the role of liberators, they also follow another set of concepts and agreements that prevent them from acting as humans expect them to act. This means that they will not go into Earth to clean it of the “evil cabal”, and liberate humans and welcome them into the “Galactic Community” because that is outside the frame of interests and expectations of the Federation and is incompatible with the expectations of the human population.
So the lower Federation's members will follow certain set of protocols and rules and will hardly ever stray from them. This means enforcing the blockade of Earth, preventing star ships to go in and out of Earth at will unless they follow certain strict rules like doing everything they technologically can to avoid been seen and detected by the human population at large.
And will only be on alert should their specific concept of regressive star races appear out of space with the intent of taking over Earth, because without Federation protection it would be easy prey. But this is a stellar concept of what an evil race is like. And may even not be seen as evil or as regressive at all, only as opposing in interests to what the Federation intends and plans for Earth.
So in order to continue to have Earth under exact “specifications”, the Federation as its supreme controllers is interested in keeping it in, its agents, Alfratans and Antarians, among others, will follow their set of rules that will not be compatible with humans expectations.
Humans want to be liberated from their own concepts of evil. And the Federation wants to keep the humans contained there and with no external direct influence until they can manage their own problem and dissolve humans´ specific idea of what evil is. And on Earth the concept of evil is so extreme and so cruelly harsh that the Federation at large does not want that concept outside Earth spawning and manifesting all over the Galaxy. So the problem is mental, and specific of Earth with some external influence. And it is complex.
Gosia: Wow. Ok, so let me clarify only this point which relates to my original question. The idea that the Federation only respects the wishes of 5D people and not 3D people... is that concept also embraced by those Alfratan pilots etc., or whose concept is that precisely?
Yazhi: Yes because this is part of their frame of reality as they accept it.
They understand Earth's concept of evil and they share a lot with it, but they follow their own concepts too. Such as knowing that Earth's concepts are specific of Earth and do not apply outside Earth. So even though there may be evil Reptilians, for example, for the lower Federation those are not a problem, as the interpretation of “evil Reptilians” is not the same. They see them as contained on Earth and as the result of the collective manifestation of the people there. Part of the ‘game’ of being human.
The way they see that they must protect Earth is from external regressive (by their standards) influence, so people from 5D in 3D Earth can go about their merry little 3D lives not worrying about real space invaders of the kind humans are simply not aware of. And that are of a nature not specifically ‘evil’ as such, but only opportunistic, therefore contrary to the interests of 5D people.
Gosia: I think I understand. Thanks for taking your time to explain all this. Who are REAL SPACE INVADERS? “The kind humans are not aware of”?
Yazhi: As in people, races or space bearing entities that are opportunistic and would want to take control over Earth as it is in a very vulnerable state by design, but if it were standing alone. But it's not, the Federation is taking care of the playground - Earth. Can be just about any race, all they need to be is to have interests contrary to the local group.
Gosia: Maitres and such?
Yazhi: Those are usually yes, coinciding with some Earth's concepts. But may be just about any race, or sub group, or people. Of any race.
Gosia: Are there any active at the present moment? Trying to take over the Earth?
Yazhi: All the time. Constantly. Like Malakak making shady agreements with the US government.
Gosia: And what objective would they have to take control of the planet?
Yazhi: Some go all the way there but rarely, especially nowadays as the Federation here is so strong. They are mostly interested in taking advantage of the situation here, looking for and using loopholes with Earth to extract whatever they may want, be it minerals, metals, or food, (including humans for food, as the “Federation does not see them as ‘real people’ any way”). Whatever.
Gosia: And so in that sense Federation is protecting Earth from all those? So in that sense Federation could be viewed as “good” towards Earth citizens? Since their agenda of Earth control is less “evil” than of those other races?
Yazhi: Yes, that's their main objective, but that does not really coincide with the interests and with the expectations of humans. Much less with their real needs as they are suffering, and denying that is plain irresponsible. Game or no game it is. And that is the core point here we are trying to say.
Gosia: What´s evil according to ET's?
Yazhi: Interests contrary to yours. And pure evil as in self destructive tendency. That's all.
Gosia: Ok. Maybe the Federation is making deals with all those other races.
Yazhi: From an Earth based opinion it would look that it may be the case. Also seen as if the Federation were infiltrated by negative races. But I insist that those would only be human perception based concepts, expectations or speculations to try to explain the unknown.
No need to make things more complicated here looking for over complicated reasons. The evidence from here shows that it's all as it has always been and has always been intended to be from the start. Federation´s interests simply do not coincide with human expectations and reasons. From the human perspective and point of view the problem does come from the Federation itself and from its intentions with Earth. So that's why I said that they are acting in a regressive manner... but from the point of view of human perception only.
Cristina: Anéeka, what is Viera like inside? Anéeka de Temmer: The Andromedan Viera has two biosphere levels. The lower one is marine and the upper one is terrestrial.
This is a CGI of Swarúu of Erra from one of the hangars of the Viera. Both images are not on the networks, only in some of Robert and/or Gosia's videos.
To enter the Viera you enter through such a hangar, where the outer wall is just a force field. In fact there are several layers of force fields, but they don't look like that. In reality it looks like you are in open space there. Scary, yes.
On the wall opposite to that opening, in the case of the hangar marked with the letter "E", which is the one we use and used to house Taygeta's fighter craft, since there were more of them than a heavy cruiser like this one could carry.
On that wall, there is a huge white door with a black “E” about 2 metres high. From there you enter a corridor with a textured floor like a wine-red carpet and white walls. After about 10 metres you come to a crossroad. To the left is a large elevator. To the right the corridor continues until you reach a food service area and a lounge. Like a small automatic restaurant, unmanned.
And at the corner, when you get to that crossroad there is a large transparent wall with an entrance right at the corner. The entrance has about three steps where there is a small rectangular park, with three Mandarin fruit trees.
If you go straight down the same corridor you came in, from the door marked "E", you will walk another 20 or 30 metres down that corridor, which also has a wine-red carpeted floor and white walls, with nothing on them. The lights are on the ceiling, in the corners.
You will pass another white pneumatic door marked with another "E", and an acronym in Andromedan that reads: Biosphere. As you approach this door, it opens to one side with a distinctive sound of compressed air.
Passing through this pneumatic door, you get the feeling that you are stepping outside, not entering a ship. And that is exactly what happens. The light there is like sunlight, like daylight. And you hear birds in the distance.
You will come out onto a very large terrace in the shape of a half circle, an area with a red marble floor, with balconies of fat, round, red marble balustrades. This half-circle area is about 70 metres in radius, it’s large. In the centre is a statue of modern art. It looks like a bronze plant, waving in the air, with round holes in it.
From the terrace you can see mountains full of trees with orange to green leaves, as if it were eternal autumn. There are mountains in the distance as far as the eye can see, lakes and birds flying in the air.
When you reach the balustrade, you can see a perfect lawn with two red gravel paths leading to the nearest lake, which is only about 150 metres from the entrance. A lake with rounded edges, where arching into the lake, have a central kiosk-like construction of white marble, with a domed roof without walls, and inside a place to sit.
The construction is similar to this image, by the lake, using the same outline.
This lake is mostly surrounded by forest with the red gravel road bordering the lake itself. It has a very large population of birds, both in the water and in the air. The forest is also home to many wild animals, including many pygmy squirrels. They are the size of a mouse, but with the shape of a squirrel and a big tail.
In the distance, internal transports can occasionally be seen flying inside the Viera. And you don't see much of a roof, it ends in either a ball of light that simulates the sun or in a kind of artificial mist. But when you do see something up there in the distance you see a white roof with lines making triangle structures.
The ecosystem has climate generation systems and day and night simulation. The lamps turn on and off little by little, to give the sensation of solar progression in the sky. In addition, these special lamps emanate light and radiation waves necessary to sustain plant and animal life. There are also sprinklers above to produce rain, and magnetic air disturbance systems to produce wind. When inside you completely forget that you are in a spaceship. Deeper into the forest you can get lost. It's like being on a planet. …
On the edge, or the wall that separates the hull of the Viera from the biosphere where you enter, there is a track that carries a Mag-Lev train with a transparent roof. It's like a tube or a hotdog with a transparent top half, and it is part of the Viera's internal transport system. From there you can see the scenery as you progress to the levels ahead.
Back to the entrance. If you take the elevator in the corridor, it can go up and up and up until it seems endless. You get higher and higher and you even pass through the artificial clouds. You can see the biosphere below recede as you continue to climb. The lift is also transparent.
When you get to the top level, you can briefly see the systems that make up the ceiling of the Viera, irrigation structures and pipes, and huge magnetic fans to move the air (they have no blades).
It is at this point that you enter the upper structure and you don't see anything, you only see lights passing through the lift. You can stop at various levels as you would expect, but I will tell you when it gets to the top.
The door opens and again the red-floored corridors. You come to a large living room, with soft music. There are velvety armchairs set apart from each other, with fountains dispensing food and drink, mostly fruit juices. It is a place to relax, to chat, to eat in peace, to reflect or to be with friends. The most interesting thing about this place is that it has no roof. All you have and all that separates you from the space are several layers of force fields. The view is more than amazing from there.
If you are not used to it, this place is alarming. It creates a lot of vertigo as well. You can see the depth of space in all directions. The Milky Way, the nebulae ... since you don't have the atmosphere of a planet to obscure them.
You can also see the hundreds of spacecraft of all shapes and sizes that are stationed in Earth orbit. Their lights in the distance, strobes, movement of smaller spacecraft among the larger ones... And the Earth in the distance, about the size of an orange held at arm's length. You can also see the moon from behind, nothing majestic. You see it as it is, a metal ball. . . .
Back to the Ground Level. In the middle parts' overlooking the biosphere area, there is a large hall with pillars somewhat “Roman." It is very large. Something like this but with more columns and all in white marble.
Closer, but round, not square.
(Without the statues, of course )
This is the headquarters of the regional Federation. From where affairs related to Earth are managed. It is like a Roman temple with a Greek Theatre embedded in the side of the wall, with the curve of the pillars over the biosphere below.
. . .
This is the Viera.
Cristina: Oh, thank you very much Anéeka for all the details. About this last point .. does the Roman terrestrial style have anything to do with the Viera's architecture?
Anéeka of Temmer: The Andromedans influenced the Indian and Nepalese cultures more than Rome and classical Greece. There, the Anunnaki (us among others) had more influence.
I feel that it doesn't really look Roman. Rather, today with what I have at hand, is the best I have to describe it. But instead, the High Council Forum of Taygeta does have a clear influential connection to Rome and Greece. It is basically a gigantic Roman/Greek pantheon on a hilltop by the sea on the planet Temmer, just outside the city Toleka.
It is a grassy hill, with trees at the base, with a single white road leading to a huge structure like the US Capitol, but more extensive, not so skinny and tall. But it has the same dome and columns. In itself it would be about 5 times bigger than the US Capitol, if not more.
Cristina: I understand, thank you. It is difficult. I have a few more questions about what you have explained. Regarding the artificial ecosystem, how do they recreate rain? Do they simulate it as falling from the sky?
Anéeka of Temmer: Yes, it's simple. I'm sure it's just a series of sprinklers on the roof.
Cristina: And how big is this terrestrial zone or terrestrial level?
Anéeka of Temmer: About 700 km by about 200 km wide. The back part, the part I am describing, is the natural part. I understand that in the front part they have agricultural areas for the hundreds of thousands of Andromedans living on the Viera. This ship is their world and their home.
Cristina: And do they have large animals in the natural area as well?
Anéeka of Temmer: I understand that they have very few large animals. I have only seen animals the size of a badger or smaller. I've never seen anything bigger, but then again I've never ventured deeper into the biosphere.
Cristina: And a curiosity: Why is everything red? The carpet, the red gravel, the red marble ... Is it for a special reason?
Аnéeka of Temmer: Actually, I don't know. It just seems to be like that. Because really the two colours that abound in the Viera are white and blue.
Cristina: And what are the Andromedan cities in the Viera like?
Аnéeka of Temmer: There are no cities. They live in the hull of the ship, surrounding the biosphere area. Towards the sides there are more than 100 levels of windows facing the biosphere, and these are living areas. Not in the whole biosphere, but in zones. That is to say, it is a biosphere zone, a nature zone inside a containment ship, and on the edges, on the walls where it ends, embedded there live the Andromedans, in the part that would be the hull of the ship itself. With only a few limited structures in the inner part of the biosphere itself.
Cristina: And what are the structures that are on the inside?
Аnéeka of Temmer: Similar to this image. This kind of constructions are found next to lakes, indoors.
Cristina: In the lakes or on the shore?
Аnéeka of Temmer: On the shores.
The landscape is similar to this image.
Cristina: It's amazing that you can recreate this whole ecosystem inside a ship! Are oxygen and gravity OK for you there?
Аnéeka of Temmer: The oxygen is a bit too much, but it doesn't hurt us. It is difficult for humans to breathe in there. It can be toxic. Gravity is kept at 8G like us, it's the same.
Cristina: And you said that there were two levels in the Viera, the terrestrial and the marine... What is on the other level? Water?
Аnéeka of Temmer: Yes, water. An extension of marine ecosystem. I have never been directed to go there. I understand you need special passes or something, if you're not Andromedan. I don't know why.
Cristina: But what do they have there? Do they also have houses in the water?
Аnéeka of Temmer: I understand that it is part of the life-support system for them, marine agriculture, and for the very sustenance of the "terrestrial" ecosystem above. One does not exist without the other.
Cristina: And how are they connected, is there an intermediate level?
Аnéeka of Temmer: It must be somehow artificial, because they are actually directly above each other. Like two floors, below the marine one, above the dry one.
Cristina: Thank you, I understand. And can the Andromedans breathe underwater? I think they were amphibious based or something, right?
Аnéeka of Temmer: Genetically they are. But they can't breathe underwater without artificial equipment. I'm sure of this, because I've asked about it and researched it.
Cristina: And are there marine animals there, like fish and cetaceans?
Аnéeka of Temmer: Yes, there are. It' s a complete ecosystem. I know that among the things they take from the sea for sustenance are seaweeds, the basis of the Andromedan diet, just like ours. Breads, doughs, carbohydrates and sugars. All from seaweed. Entire generations of Andromedans are born, live and die on this ship.
Federation and Earth - Extraterrestrial Reality vs Humanity - Direct Extraterrestial Information
Yazhi: People on Earth are heavily conditioned to see space as empty, and only having one planet with life in it. So they very strongly think that society and everything that goes with it, from moral values to history, to taste in food, to clothes and fashion, gadgets jewelry, ethics, sports cars, clothes hangers, everything, was invented on Earth by humans. They were conditioned to think that way by their governments, by the controllers like the Illuminati, using media, music, movies, social values through schools among so many other places.
This causes the humans to have a very strong resistance to even accepting human-form life as existing in countless other planets, in the vastness of space. Even more, they resist the idea that a simple clothes´ hanger, earrings, or a simple pencil can be found in countless places, civilizations and cultures all over the Galaxy. One of the most difficult concepts people are having a very hard time accepting is the simple fact that there is an enormous amount of other cultures that are exactly human in form all over the Galaxy, and perhaps even all over the vast Universe.
As I was saying, humans think that they are the only ones that exist, and even the most versed ET enthusiasts still hold doubt that ET's even exist. This is, because they are by design isolated in a cocoon under a dome surrounding a planet making believe they are alone to be able to have a very specific hard experience.
Hard experience, but very rich in contrast and in learning. So much so that it does mark a person even when it has transcended into incarnating somewhere else in the Universe. The experience on Earth is so intense that it does influence the cultures of just about all the races whose members have been involved with an experience on Earth. But this goes both ways, and as Earth influences other cultures, so do other cultures influence Earth and in a very strong way.
A concept I have explained before but for me it is of utmost importance, is that people, when they are souls, for lack of a better word, but I strongly dislike it, consciously and/or unconsciously import and export ideas of all kinds as they migrate having experience after experience incarnating all over the Universe.
This strongly explains, in my point of view, why Earth is so rich with such a vast diversity of cultures and everything that makes them. Making Earth become some kind of hub or important point of attention concentrating values and ideas of elsewhere.
As I've explained before, but I must point out again, the barrier between what is human, of Earth, and what is extraterrestrial is not a hard and clear differentiated barrier of sorts. It is vague, shady, misty, unclear. This I say I know heavily bothers many that think ET's are only creatures from space, not their neighbor or their son in law.
Souls incarnate there, some remembering, others a bit, others not so, so they play human for any given time and repeat of incarnations. Some are born there, others go in there using technology, others are full ET's walking the streets. All playing human, but all having to comply and obey a set of rules or agreements.
Some of the most important ones most people don't even know about, is for example the rule that the Matrix of Earth must be preserved at all times. So this is where the Federation comes in again, enforcing the preservation of Earth as it should be, and the ones who decide how it would be are the members of the Federation itself as the ones who are in the game on Earth living or having lived as human.
This is where the values generated during their incarnation on Earth do transcend into the life they may have in another place outside Earth and in a place of influence of the Federation itself. So the experiences learned on Earth while being human will transcend to be taken heavily into account when deciding what is next for Earth, what new rules would be implemented or enforced. Heavily giving former humans control over the Earth realm, using what they have learned there, especially with regards to values and ethics. Creating some kind of cycle or vicious circle reinforcing or perpetuating the same problems, and injustices, other stellar races as us see as atrocious, and immoral.
Gosia: Well but that´s what I don´t understand. If the life here in 3D influences their decisions later, then ask any starseed here... they do NOT want to suffer here, or they don´t want to be manipulated, they do want assistance, etc. So if the decisions up there are influenced by their past 3D experience here, then they should understand humans here and not want to perpetuate suffering! Precisely because they went through it!
Yazhi: The problem that is hard to face and I've mentioned before is that the value and the interpretation of how suffering, how problems and hardship and how all is viewed, changes once you are outside the Earth realm. This means that they do want to suffer, and that suffering and hardship is the whole point of going to Earth, because they are still under the concept that they need to experience to understand. Which in my opinion is only partially valid.
The purpose of life is the experience of life itself, the good and the bad, the contrast that comes out of duality. Being able to understand and appreciate the good more after going through the equivalent bad. So in life there are no wrong, or invalid, or failed lifetimes. That is all experience and that is what they, people as souls, want and are looking for. And in the process they aid the very expansion of Source itself, because each person is Source as understanding itself through a limited point of attention defined by the remembrance of past experiences that form an ego-self, defining a soul as what it is.
Gosia: Then why do some do try to change it, even from up there, like you do? I think I will too!
Yazhi: Because from your perspective it is wrong and you hold your perspective as valid.
Because although everything is under control and all experiences on Earth are wanted by people/souls, the inescapable fact we are always ranting about is that while someone is having an experience on Earth, while inside the game Matrix of Earth, they do not want that suffering and hardship experience. It becomes no less than torture.
And it is, in my opinion, completely immoral only to observe the wants, needs and rights, of people outside Earth and not while they are inside Earth living a human experience. Even if they signed for it knowingly.
Gosia: But that´s what I mean. That them having lived through 3D suffering, they should understand how hard it is and NOT want it again! But you say that when they get out of here, their system of values changes, and they want it again?
Yazhi: They should but the fact is that most don't! Because the value of that suffering is different once they are outside Earth. And they didn't see their incarnation there as horrible, having lived a life of poverty and violence. All they see is wow, what a thrill, let's do it again!
And not everyone, as they are different people, will have the same reaction once they leave Earth. Many do think like you do, but you are not enough to make a change. And while you are in the Earth game you feel that you will not change the value of your hardship experience there, but once you are out you may change how you think. It is no longer suffering, it becomes useful creator knowledge. And most people want more (once out of the Earth realm).
Gosia: I would think that it´s the reverse. That anyone who comes in here and sees this life for what it is from the inside, they will NEVER want to perpetuate what´s going on here. It´s strange to see that the souls when they come out, they continue wanting this!
Yazhi: I agree, they should react in a way that rejects what is going on in Earth. The problem is this is not so. I'm not making this up. The sad fact is that it is everywhere, the same constant reaction once they leave Earth. The value of hardship and suffering changes to the opposite once outside an immersion Pod or once they are in the “afterlife between incarnations”. I don't like this fact any more than what you do.
Gosia: Well then if they want this, then what are we doing exactly? Federation wants this, souls want this. Then what´s our purpose here exactly?
Yazhi: The Federation alleges precisely that. This is not our problem and this is none of our bee's wax to fix. Don't like it?! Move along!
Gosia: Are they right?
Yazhi: A question of perspective.
Our purpose as in you, Gosia, me Yázhi... We could understand that it's not our problem. But if we remain here is because we still hurt for the people who are suffering while inside an incarnation regardless of how they view things once they are out, and regardless of their plans.
Gosia: But there are souls, points of attention, here who have been here for hundreds of incarnations. Do they also CHOOSE to be here for a thrill? For hundreds of incarnations one after another non-stop? Maybe they FORGOT of the way out? I feel they are just digging a deeper and deeper hole here. I feel we are here for those too especially.
Yazhi: Most souls, as I understand, stay on Earth having experience after experience wanting to go through all the possible variations of lifetimes available on Earth, and they have infinity to do so. Quoting Dolores Cannon here.
And I strongly agree, and I see this can be the case. After thousands and thousands of lifetimes, it is only logical that they get attached to their identity as a human soul having to incarnate there over and over again. I'm sure they do forget. Because the Matrix is the thoughts and values of the people who live in it therefore make it by collective agreement.
And as when you die you do not lose your ego-self identity, then you take the Matrix with you, because you are the Matrix. This then makes a soul that is strongly attached to the idea of being ‘human’ not being able to see, or to understand, that there are other options and places to incarnate in. As seen this way I understand how it becomes a trap. And this knowledge, of what we are saying, can help them understand that there are other options.
Because no one can see and can understand anything outside their own frame of knowledge because they cannot interpret the information as they have no background to understand it in the first place. This is valid all the time and everywhere.
So once a ‘human’ soul that is very attached to being ‘human’ is in the afterlife they will not be able to see, or to consider the possibility that for the sake of their soul's expansion there are countless other places all over the Universe where to have an experiences incarnated in what they would call the physical world.
Gosia: Yes, precisely. The problem is that those people who have made that “trap” for themselves are very far in the frequency spectrum to accept this kind of information we provide. Hence, our project becomes futile in itself, as those are the ones I am here mostly for. We are not here for starseeds really. They know they will get out of here easy. But I am here for those more deeply trapped souls. But I feel they won´t even see this information because of the frequency mismatch. It´s not in their reality. So this project of ours becomes redundant, useless, not reaching who it is supposed to reach.
Yazhi: I'm afraid you are right. They cannot interpret nor see our information as not even slightly valid. Even the people who like this sort of subjects are been bombarded by Cabal-CIA controlled information guiding them away from us and back into the Matrix. Because there is a clear Matrix regarding ET information as I explained yesterday.
And in the end the ones who are listening to us already know these things... so we are preaching to the choir. We are trying to teach a Chef how to make an omelette. We are teaching a race car driver how to drive a minivan. Beating a dead horse, as the Americans would say.
Gosia: Haha. Omelette. Yes, it´s what I am afraid too.
Yazhi: The Matrix itself has control and defense mechanisms to prevent ET's like us from coming in to ‘contaminate’' the Earth realm with '‘dangerous’ ideas. This is why there is a system to control, and to concentrate ET-buffs, extraterrestrial “experts” into social constructs or clubs where they reinforce one another, accepting their theories only within the parameters of their accepted community by set of social agreements they must and do follow. Because that is human mentality. To follow the flock, follow the pack, security in numbers, where if you are ostracized from the social group you will not survive. And this survival is so embedded in their psyche that it stops them from being able to reach higher understanding, because they are incapable of critical thinking much less of thinking on their own taking the responsibility to form a complete personal reality in their heads.
And this I just said, at least for me, does prove that the CIA is behind all those “UFO-Experts” for lack of better name for them, and clearly shows you and everyone with eyes to see, that I'm not following any agreements about this subject, therefore I'm alone with this and not under any type of external control, much less CIA type.
Another day:
Gosia: Could the Federation be called Space Cabal? You know like we have a Cabal here... that shadowy institution that operates it all. Then Federation would be like the extension of them. Shadowy government no one knows anything about. Pulling strings.
Yazhi: Well, I could see the Federations rules, laws and regulations as “Space Cabal”. But they are not referring to the same Cabal. Only more control organizations that would act as the Cabal. Yes, the Federation as a powerful institution can or could be seen as “Cabal”.
But using that name “Space Cabal” is heavily misleading. Because it makes you think that the Cabal is in space, that the Cabal has infiltrated the Federation, and I don't see that. Not a direct infiltration. Only as a consequence of the experiences that are transported, imported, or grafted to 5D life. Then that would be the “infiltration”. But not as people understand infiltration to be like a spy or a military action placing someone, like a puppet there, in a place of power but under Earth's Cabal's control. That wouldn't be so.
The Federation does control everything that is going on, on Earth. And from the stand point of someone outside Earth, what is going on there is not seen as serious. Yes, they understand there is suffering but they see it as natural consequences of actions and of life plans. And the concepts of reality in general, in every aspect of reality, are completely different from the point of view of Federation and of a human there.
So from Federation point of view, everything on Earth is a lie. It is a self contained reality where nothing coincides with what is going on outside. Not even the concept of good and evil, not even the concept of suffering. So there is little to no points of common knowledge to have a conversation or an intelligent interaction between humans and Federation members. And the little of sort that does occur is seen as false, (like us). Because from the point of view of them, the humans, and their agreements to what reality is and what is not, it does not coincide with mine/ours/Federation's. And as seen from even higher above, Earth is a minuscule place, and experiment even. Not causing much thought.
Most, if not all those concepts of extraterrestrials, concepts of Federations, space travel, time travel, among so many other things, are made up on Earth by the humans, human collective and human UFO organizations and people of UFO, fame bouncing their ideas with one another, forcing extraterrestrial cosmology and reality to fit in Earth's accepted science, and of course it does not fit, like forcing a square pig into a round hole.
So what they are saying in general, that the Federation of Light will save humans and that they are placing their lives in danger and that they are all from a loving helpful Federation is all a human mental construct not reflecting the outside reality.
Gosia: Thank you. You said above that the Federation controls everything on Earth. What about 2 different Cabal´s factions. The supposed Satanist one and less “evil” one. Which one of them do they control? What side are they on really? Probably both?
Yazhi: Both, sorry. They don't see good and evil under the same parameters as humans do. It is all played on Earth. With Earth's game rules. They don't see anything unethical about what is going on, on Earth. (And this is the core of what we do not agree with).
Gosia: Wow, I can see that this subject can go on forever.
Yazhi: Yes, the subject is immense.
Gosia: I think what I would like you to say at the end of this subject for now is: Why do you essentially do not agree with them and what is it about their actions that you find regressive? In summary.
Yazhi: What I don't agree with boils down to the fact that they never take into account the full point of view of someone having an experience on Earth as a human. Where there is injustice and suffering to a level that is mind-boggling! All in the name of it being contained on Earth and basically only a dream. But from within a dream, the suffering is real. And that is the point that they are forgetting.
Gosia: But you are on Federation side of things... you should in theory then agree with them too. Then why don´t you? I mean, you are not on Earth as humans.
Yazhi: I don't agree because unlike most Federation members I can see and understand what it is like to be a human, never having been one myself, because I have lived so many lifetimes as an ET interacting with humans, so I have a little thing called empathy.
Another day: Yazhi: As we've said before, the Federation is interested in preserving Earth as an isolated place and realm. And one of Earth's main characteristics is that time is perceived just about the same for everyone in it. Even for walk downs. This creates a separation with the outside realm. Earth is in its own time-space continuum.
All concepts of what reality is only function on Earth, and higher concepts of cosmology are scarce and under attack. As Swaruu said, this is no other than a modern equivalent of book burning. So even those groups that we are now calling ET UFO Mainstream are clearly working to monopolize the perception of the people about all what is supposed to be ET. Feeding the people with nothing but CIA approved lies with an agenda behind them all.
This is by design to keep the separation of Earth from all the realms outside Earth itself. What Swaruu 9 used to call 5D universe and Earth in 3D. I prefer to call it as what it is. Earth in a “dome” controlled realm where things exist and reality is accepted as such with specific rules and specific ways, like for example Earth science, physics, cosmology, Unified Field, Einstein Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, all based on base-10 math. That is only accepted as real and valid within the specific context of whatever happens inside the “dome” that controls Earth. Only valid inside and within the Matrix of Earth and not outside.
That is The Matrix.
So, the people inside that Dome-Matrix can only understand reality with the concepts they know, and those are under Illuminati-CIA control. And ultimately under Federation Control. Quoting the very name of one of the books Salvador Freixedo wrote: “Ellos, los dueños invisibles de nuestro mundo”, (“Them, the Invisible Owners of our World”), which I have read entirely.
So as people have no other context with which to interpret reality or even concepts outside what they have learned within the Matrix, they are incapable of understanding more complex things like the ones we are explaining here.
I'm doing my very best to explain very complicated off world, off Earth concepts that are outside human understanding using a linear limited language. And this is hard as I'd like to use mental telepathic blocks of information to convey complex concepts, but I cannot use any of that here.
Coming back to Time. Time is a by-product impossible to separate from consciousness. It does not exist on its own. It only is generated as the result of a thought someone or something is having. And as consciousness is so controlled and so limited inside the Matrix-Dome of Earth, it is in direct discrepancy to all that exists and all what is thought as real outside Earth's bubble.
And we talk about time slipping here, the difference between how time is perceived on Earth compared to how it´s perceived in other planets or places. And in the case of Taygeta (Moma) it´s slipping from a simple 2.5 days on Earth to 1 in Temmer /Erra in 2009 to whooping 4.7-8 days to 1 in 2021. And it is because what is going on, on Earth has just about nothing to do with what is going on outside Earth.
From the point of view of people outside Earth, like the Taygetans, life on Earth is based on nothing but lies. And for people living on Earth they see the life of extraterrestrials, like the Taygetans, as science fiction and therefore a lie. Rendering both realms, or realities as incompatible.
Coming back to what perhaps has been explained before. The Federation, and by Federation I mean the society of multiple advanced races that think of themselves as positive and loving, can only see the Earth as an experimental place, as a realm that must be controlled and contained to be able to perpetuate and continue the style of primitive, brutal, difficult life experience people go into willingly as a dare, even. So they don't see people as such as suffering, they see it as part of the game, part of the characteristics of the realm.
And that's why I state that the Federation as such will never step into the plate to help and liberate humans from oppression coming from “evil people and satanists, fallen angels and lizards”. Because the Federation knows well this is not the case and not what is really going on. So they will do nothing.
And people only want that sort of liberation from tyranny because that is the only way they have been conditioned to interpret what is going on in the first place. Because all they have is what they are told and what they understand as real and possible there on Earth.
Robert´s Questions: Robert: Why is the scale of the Federation races on Earth that manage it not balanced with the emotional races, with the majority being of a logical “mind”? The experience here is through an emotional Lyrian race. It seems that they are excluding them. Why?
Swaruu X: I don't have a detailed answer to this. But most likely the reason is that the emotional races are the ones that are most interested in having a human experience on Earth, therefore they dominate within the Earth as starseeds or simply as souls with those ideas already formed from their previous incarnations in other civilizations outside of Earth.
Robert: Why does Taygeta keep allowing its starseeds to incarnate on Earth if they don't agree with what the Federation is doing here?
Swaruu X: Citizens of any advanced interstellar culture come from societies where they are taught to be responsible for themselves and their actions. Taygeta as a government does not usually impose anything on its citizens, leaving its actions as the responsibility and decision of each one, as long as it does not affect third parties. Whether or not it affects third parties is considered and understood by the citizens themselves.
Having said this, for years now, at least since 2017, Taygeta's entrance to the Earth, its people/souls/starseeds, has been drastically reduced and almost to zero.
Robert: Ok. Another question. So if the problem is that the Earth is the nucleus of evil where all the tulpas come from and access some members of the lower strata of the Federation, what measures do they plan to take against that?
Swaruu X: Even so, being the core of all evil, that would only be again from one point of view or another, under the parameters of understanding what good and evil are, that point of view would be that of the Earth.
The Federation sees the problem of the Earth as something contained. However, today it is obvious to see how ideas, concepts and human values are seeping outwards, towards other cultures and civilizations.
However, when these ideas come out, they also mix and consequently alter with the ideas and values of said other civilizations outside the Earth, which drastically modifies or neutralizes them in the event that they are regressive.
So this causes the Federation to only see it as natural that ideas are exported from Earth, although those ideas may end up forming Tulpas that may be harmful to other civilizations. And therefore, the Federation, only sees this not only as natural but as the very purpose of the Earth or of the incarnations and experiences within the Earth.
So as far as we know the Federation as such will not take any action against this. The measures to be taken fall under the responsibility of each non-terrestrial culture and each person.
Robert: Why hide sensitive technology from humans due to their level of civilization when much of this technology is created on Earth? What does “civilization level” mean to the Federation? Achieving certain ethics and morals?
Swaruu X: The problem for the Federation is that giving greater humanity, the average public, high technology causes them to modify their perception of reality, in addition to the modifications that these advanced technologies will cause in their lives and consequently in the result in the entire life experience of an incarnation on Earth.
This in a nutshell means that being given high technology will modify the experience of life, and it must be in accordance with what you have previously decided it should be on Earth. So they will only give the public the technology that they see that is according to the kind of experience desired by the same souls that are on Earth having an experience of life.
Much of that high technology is created on Earth but is not for general public use. On Earth there are many levels of civilization, each with its own level and its own concepts of what is reality and what is and what is not possible. There is a science and reality framework for the average public, another science and reality for governments, another for the lower secret societies, another for the deep Illuminati secret societies, and so on all the way down to the Federation level.
It is said on Earth by various other sources, that there are two civilizations on Earth, the human and the secret one. This is only partially true because the reality is much more complex, since there are many civilizations under definition of civilization, which are there one on top of the other in a staggered way (like the Federation), the higher one controlling the lower one in a way that it does not even imagine the level of control that the next one has over it, nor do they realize, on average, the very existence of these other civilizations.
Although most of these civilizations on Earth are intermingled, that is, without clear limits, as for example, the members of one will still use cars and go through the same streets in cities, the deep ones yes they maintain a clear physical separation, due to their huge disparity of knowledge and technology.
For the Federation a "level of civilization" means, more than anything, the level of ethical, moral, and spiritual influence that it has in relation to the others that surround it, and that is often, not always, reflected in the level of technology and of understanding they have.
The Federation does NOT use parameters for classifying civilizations based on the amount of energy they control as it would be seen on the Kardashev Scale, which is a human interpretation with human parameters and does not reflect at all what is found outside the Earth.
Gosia: You said above the time slip is changing between Earth and Taygeta. What is that due to?
Yazhi: The difference of perception. The difference between the flow of consciousness between worlds has increased. This because they are thinking and perceiving reality more and more different. So what is real for ET's is further and further away from what is understood as real for humans on Earth. So although the value of an hour remains the same, the gut feeling perception of the people is that time is speeding up, and this is true from that point of view.
Gosia: But why further and further if more and more people are awakening? This should be reverse. Closer and closer.
Yazhi: They may be awakening, but not to the pure truth. So they are only awakening from one Matrix cage into another. Because people are said to be awakening, but to what? Awakening to the CIA-Jesuit controlled New Age with all its accented rules and what is and what is not possible. So they are awakening to another set of Matrix rules that have little to nothing to do with what really is going on outside Earth.
It is true that the New Age and related topics have some truth to them. But it's again structured like the Bible, using real things, distorting them to fit their agenda to validate what they are saying. Essentially it's a bunch of lies to what they are awakening to in general.
Now there is another kind of awakening, more rare on Earth, where people are realizing that it's not the case to believe one thing over another, but to the fact of who they are as the infinite, pure consciousness. So I'm not saying there is no awakening. Only that in block the main so called awakening is only moving into the next New Agey mainstream of accepted ideas. And those who are truly awakening are rare. But they are there, yes I know! And we are doing all we can to awaken more.
In this live we will talk about the entrances to intraterrestrial cavities, and the races that inhabit the interior of our planet.
Estel·la.- Hello everyone. Welcome to Pleiadian Knowledge. We are Cristina and me Estel·la. And how are you all? Are we seen and heard well?
Cristina.- Hello everyone. Many regards to all. Thank you for being here today, one more day with us accompanying us in this live. And before starting to remind you that this Sunday we will have the meeting in Cubelles, which is close to Barcelona, as we mentioned in the previous live, and tell you that since we do not know how many people we will be, there are some places where you can sit a little, well there are Some benches to sit on, but if there are many people we will not be able to use this space because it will not be enough, so we recommend to those of you who want to bring something to sit on the floor, a towel or a cushion whatever you want. If you want to have a drink, there is a "beach bar" nearby and you can have a drink there quietly. You can take them wherever you want or if you want to bring it from home, as you want.
Estel·la.- We really want to meet all of you who are going to be able to attend.
Cristina.- Well, let's start a little with today's live show. Today we want to talk about the interior of the Earth and also about the Agarthian race and we wanted to tell you that we really liked the information that Yázhi told us in this last video that you have seen, and that we have published on the channel about the Hollow Earth, because it was very interesting for us to know how the ecosystem and the terrain worked because it is something that you really already think of as underground, as something that there is no life that there is nothing there. And it really is very interesting how life is sustained in this way. And with all that it explained, the magma, how it illuminated the intraterrestrial cavities, we liked all this very much. And it is a topic that we like a lot because ...
Estel·la.- Yes, because before we found the Taygetean disclosure we were investigating this topic on our own, because we had a lot of interest in studying everything that was like it was from here, extraterrestrial life and all this, but the information that we found was so limited that we realized that under our feet there was this whole other world, so to speak, and the truth is that we were very interested and it is something that we did study a lot. Of all this we do find enough information, we suppose it is because it is something that is closer, but we found many sources that the truth had many details. I remember that one of the books we were reading was the story of Olaf Jansen (The Smoking God) he is a Norwegian who was a fisherman and used to work with his father in a small boat, they went on a trip and in the end ended up in Hollow Earth. They did access it by water and he explained how they got there, that they had to pass through a lot of icebergs, and as later they were observing how the landscape was changing, suddenly the water stopped being salty and became sweet and the Air was warm, and many other very interesting details.
Cristina.- Yes, but also the most interesting part of this story is that this trip that Olaf writes in this book is from 1829 or 1826. And it turns out that because of this story that happened to him, when he returned, I think that in the end his father passed away and upon his return his uncle put him in an asylum for 28 years. And this this book that you can find, it is seen that he gave it to him before he died, he wrote it and someone else gave it to him and he told him that he would not publish it until he was dead, because he had had such a bad time for having explained this story in his day and everything that it entailed that he really didn't want to publish it.
Estel·la.- Yes, because he didn't want them to think again that he was crazy.
Cristina.- Exactly. And actually this trip that he had with his father was an accident, it is not that they were looking for anything, but somehow they were like on vacation around the north lands, near Greenland in that area over there. And, it really came into a kind of storm and by accident ended up in a place where he explains that there was like a continent that had four rivers and that the people were about 3 m tall ...
Estel·la.- Very big, yes.
Cristina.- And, that they spoke in another language that at first his father and him did not understand and then he discovered there, when he could already understand the language a little and communicate with those people, he discovered that he was in the interior of the planet . It is very interesting in case you are interested in the history of this person. But hey there is more of this person...
Estel·la.- Yes, but now I was thinking about something about Olaf. Something that he explained too, but that I don't remember now.
Cristina.- What about the icebergs?
Estel·la.- Oh yes! When we were reading this book we realized that it was totally censored because he drew maps of what the continents were like, but rather of the cities that he had visited, how they were distributed. And we were trying to find all this information and it was like certain pages had been ripped out of the book and there was a lot of missing information. And that in truth this person had many details, and we thought that they had censored it and published only what they were interested in. I do remember that.
Cristina.- Yes, it is true that it was noticeable that as you were reading there was a lot of text and maps missing. Above all, the maps were missing. They made mention of maps, but they didn't appear in the book. As well as people who have talked about how there is an interior within the planet. Admiral Richard E. Byrd, I have seen that someone also named him on the chat. We have a video, the Antarctic video that is Anéeka's information and there we talk a little bit about Admiral Byrd. He basically went on some expeditions to the South Pole and there he discovered that somehow there was a cavity that you went into and there he talked about having seen mammoths, animals that he had never seen on the surface, strange animals.
Estel·la.- In fact, Admiral Byrd, I think he was narrating that he had had a conversation with the Agarthans and that they had given him a message for humanity.
Cristina.- Yes, he said that he had spoken with some kings, he said. And he wrote everything in his expedition notebooks and then those notebooks were censored, or blocked in some way by the United States government.
Estel·la.- And they were published after his death.
Cristina.- Yes, but due to many complaints and a lot of pressure from the families and many other things, in the end they published it, but it seems that it was not complete.
Estel·la.- And then another person who seemed very interesting to us when we were studying all this was Billy Faier Goddag, he was working first for the Pentagon and then in Area 51 and he said that he was Agarthian, that he had been born in the Inner Earth and that afterwards he had been brought outside and here he had been adopted by his terrestrial family, which were him and his sister. We were watching quite a few interviews of this man as well and he had very interesting details because having been working in area 51 he explained everything he had seen there. And basically he had seen all the DUMBs, all the levels that were and are connected under the Earth and how he could access the whole world through those tunnels. He had also seen that they had Maglev train technology. (Magnetic Levitation) He had seen interaction with other races and that in one of his missions, or jobs they took him to Area 51 to Inner Earth, and it appears that he was present there as well. In addition to this, as a child he explained that he had been abducted for 6 months, if I remember correctly, and had been taken to Inner Earth. He explained what their society was like, which was a very advanced society that was very positive, very loving people who also had no money, and were very connected with animals as well. And after all this, you can see that after six months he returned, and when he was older he was working for these agencies, but he had many very interesting details to be honest. And besides, he also talked a lot about Telosians because as you know there are different races living under our Earth. One would be the Agarthans, then he also mentioned the Telosians related to Mount Shasta in North America that it appears that there is an entrance there and quite a few people who also do channeling and all this, name the Telosians a lot. And he also commented that an entrance to the Inner Earth was by ...
Cristina.-… The Himalayas?
Estel·la.- Yes, through the Himalayas.
Cristina.- Now I have seen that a follower said that Olaf's book is called “The Smoking God”. Thank you, we did not remember the title, but yes, it is called "The Smoking God". In addition, one of the things that we explained before, when he enters or already realizes that they are not there ... because before reaching Earth they realize why the compass begins to work strangely as if north were south, a very strange thing. And, apart also because he sees two suns. He sees as a kind of Sun, apart from the Sun and calls it the smoky sun or something like that, because he says it is like it has smoke around it. And they talk a lot in this book about that Sun.
Estel·la.- Yes. It is that we were staying with details. We were looking for certain experiences and with all this we were forming an idea. In fact, we were saying then to see if we are going to have to visit him one day. Try to get in in some way. But the truth is that we can see that it is information that was simply censored, but that several people have had experiences and have seen many things.
Cristina.- And Sharula too, right?
Estel·la.- Yes, it is true because Billy, he also said that there was a princess who belonged to the kingdom of Agartha, but who was also on Earth. I think she said she was Mexican and her name was Sharula. Yes, I don't remember what else he said.
Cristina.- I don't remember. It's that a long, long time ago when we were looking for all this information and everything. Really now we no longer have it fresh from the moment.
Estel·la.- Yes, because afterwards we already found the Taygetean dissemination and it was as if it solved many doubts for us and we already stayed.
Cristina.- And well, we also wanted, now starting a little with the Taygetean information, we have seen many people that you put in some videos asking if the Earth was flat because sometimes this information, such as intraterrestrial ones, is very connected with so called flat earthers. And to tell you that the Taygeteans assure us that no, that the Earth is not flat, that the Earth is a toroid that all the material form, let's say everything that is material has the same toroidal shape, be it a apple, a plant, or whatever we can see, has the same shape itself. If it were flat, it's like it couldn't exist somehow.
Estel·la.- It is like the energetic mechanics of the manifestation of matter. (Laughs)
Cristina.- Thank you Estel·la. Well, just tell you that it is not flat, it is a torus, and it is a bit flat at the poles and that the shape is mostly spherical. It has two large cavities, a smaller one in the north that Anéeka had told us about and also Yázhi, a smaller one in the north that is approximately the size of Andorra. Anéeka told us that it was in Canada, but Yázhi, as you can see in the last video, told us Alaska. The truth is that that day we did not have the opportunity to ask her why Alaska and not Canada. We don't know if it is a border territory or something like that. We didn't have the chance. I know you asked us, but we don't have the answer. Simply tell you that it is more or less there, that it is on the ground and that it is heavily militarized. And the other inlet is much larger about the size of Switzerland and is located at the South Pole in Antarctica. And of course the entire continent is militarized as you know.
Estel·la.- Yes. In fact, Anéeka also explained what it looked like when entering through the north entrance and said that it was simply suddenly, because it is like in an area already surrounded by ice, but when you enter there you see the vegetation also how it changes and that simply as you enter you do not have the feeling that you are going down, but that you could see trees on the roof on the other side and that this could be quite impressive, but that just the center of gravity stayed the same and that it was really strange, but natural at the same time. She also commented that it was an area with a lot of vegetation and very rocky and that it was recommended and it was easier to access through a ship.
Cristina.- Yes. And it is very curious because now that we were talking before the investigation, many people who have had, seen or reported this entry in the northern part very much agreed that the temperature changed. Maybe airplanes that were passing by suddenly well, I suppose that when the area was not so militarized, they would pass by there and suddenly the temperature was warm, some even said that there was sand in a place that is actually like all ice and which are colder parts of the planet. And the southern part a little different because being bigger ...
Cristina.- Yes, because being bigger I didn't have the feeling of being able to see the other side, but there she didn't give as many details that I remember about how you could see it. The person who gave details about this was more Admiral Byrd, but of the Taygetans from what I remember right now they did not explain much about this.
Cristina.- Yes, the one from the South, basically Anéeka said that you couldn't see the other side because the entrance was so big that you didn't have this part of being able to see the other side because it was about 160 to 200 miles between one wall and the other. . And, mainly the issue of gravity, which you have commented on, is that it is not that it really is a hole and you fall inside, but that it is like a valley that you are entering, as if you were going deeper into a valley, you do not have the feeling of be going inwards, but it is like a valley and you are entering and in reality your position is changing with the surface, but you do not have a sensation of falling or anything like that. And Yázhi also told us here that it is not that these entrances do not take you, that is, they do not go directly to the center, but that it is simply the fastest way to access the center...
Estel·la.- But there are many. That there are actually quite a few entrances because as they are cavities distributed like all over the planet like a Swiss cheese because they told us about the main ones, the poles ...
Cristina.-… the biggest.
Estel·la.- But, however, they also commented about the Himalayas, also Mount Shasta, which are also energy centers, and that there are actually more entrances for sure.
Cristina.- Yes, there are many because in many mountains there are deep caves, all this ends up being like a Swiss cheese and that ends up connecting with each other, but these were simply the largest. And, they also commented on how they were seen from orbit, the north cavity looked like a small point and the south cavity that many times was not seen because of clouds, on the other hand the south cavity did look like a hole there if the sky was clear.
Estel·la.- Swarúu of Erra also spoke a little about the Agarthans, right?
Cristina.- Yes. We with Yázhi don't talk much about the Agarthans. In other words, we never talk or go into detail about society or anything because the issue of the Hollow Earth really seemed super interesting to us and we had it as a separate reserve for one day to be able to delve so deeply into the ecosystem, the animals...
Estel·la.-… in the different civilizations…
Cristina.- Exactly. So, we never got to go in depth there, but when we were doing the history of the Earth with it, it did explain to us that the Agarthans are the ex-Lemurians and we are not going to advance much here because we are preparing video 6 of the Orion Wars where we will just talk about what connection Lemuria has with Agartha or how they arrived, or how the former Lemurians are, let's say. And tell you that we have also seen some questions that you said or asked if the Agarthans are the same as the Vulcans.
Estel·la.- Yes, now there were people in the chat here asking.
Cristina.- From what we understood and from what Yázhi explained to us, they are two different races. In itself, Yázhi told us that the Vulcans were here before, as the Neanderthals were on the surface, the Vulcans would be the intraterrestrial ones and that they were on Earth before the arrival of the Lyrians. In contrast, the Agarthans were not. It is a race that was formed after the flood. And we didn't even get to ask what the Vulcans were like or anything. We know that they are like races of the Lyrian type and variants.
Estel·la.- And, well, basically, the Agarthans or former Lyrians lost a lot of technology, but with this they were entering these intraterrestrial cavities and were creating their lives there and developing their civilization little by little.
Cristina.- Yes, the Agarthans, Swarúu dof Erra explained that they were good that they are Lyrians who sometimes have pointed ears, white hair, but not all of them, some have more dark and white skin mainly.
Estel·la.- A follower asks us: Do you refer to the Vulcans as Spock from Star Trek? It is the same name. The thing about Star Trek is like it's totally another different race from another planet. Here it would be a race that lives here, inside the Earth, but yes. She told us that the Agarthans did have pointed ears, but the Vulcans the truth is that we know that they are Lyrian base, but we do not know physically what they are like.
Cristina.- We could not go into detail here to find out more, neither how they are, nor about society, we can only say that he told us that they were not the same as the Agarthans that it was another race and that they had nothing to do with it.
Estel·la.- And then I also explain that there were like the two main intraterrestrial cities and that the largest would be the Big Shambhala and would be located below the Gobi desert, and then the other the smaller Shambhala which was located in the north of China. , and that basically this would be like the two capitals. Also…
Cristina.-… And the entrance was in the Himalayas.
Estel·la.- Yes, and with this she agreed with Billy.
Cristina.- A follower says: Just like the elves of: "The Lord of the Rings" pointed ears. Probably the elves of: The Lord of the Rings,” have some relationship with the Agarthans and with their society, because the elves in“ The Lord of the Rings ”are a very advanced society, very spiritual, very connected with nature, very 5D, actually. And it could be because as you know all the movies, everything that they show us is connected to reality in some way.
Estel·la.- What is true is that they also commented that they did not have much information about the Agarthans because one of the facts of living inside the Earth was not wanting to have much connection with the outside world. So, it meant that they were not in much communication with the Federation, and that the Federation itself had little data on the Agarthans. That the last thing they knew was that they were like an invasion of the reptilians, if I remember correctly the Kingu what is like that little by little they were also entering, and that was causing them some problems, but apart from this ... Initially it was the Agarthans who had control over the two main entrances at the poles, but now it was basically militarized and the Taygeteans believed that the Agarthans had lost control over the traffic of these entrances, and now it is basically ground military control and of other regressive races.
Cristina.- Here in the chat someone was asking Estel·la, if the Agarthans had a connection with the surface, and here as you have already commented, Yázhi told us that if you are intraterrestrial it is because in some way your way of being is to hide, not having contact with the outside. And already in itself, usually the intraterrestrial races explained to us that they were characterized by being very isolated, that they did not have much communication with other races or with the surface. Here, for example, it is the case of the intraterrestrial ones that we have here on Earth.
Estel·la.- Yes, and that also happens in other 5D races that simply live on other planets. And, although they may have a level of technology, they are not interested and prefer to stay that way, and not be super interstellar. This also happens in intraterrestrial races, but it is also something that occurs in other civilizations.
Cristina.- Yes, like the mollusks in the Pleiades. That it is also a race that is not interstellar, but because it is not interested in being so because they are already well on their planets, they are already well in their homes so why go elsewhere. You have no interest. Quite the opposite of Taygeta who are explorers who love to travel, move and well, each race also has its priorities. I imagine that the consciences that incarnate there will already have that priority in some way.
Estel·la.- Sure. Everything is experiences.
Cristina.- We are going to read you a little in the chat.
Estel·la.- A follower asks: Are they interstellar? Well that's what we were commenting on right now that they just don't have this interest, as far as we know.
Cristina.- A follower says: It is impressive that these intraterrestrial races do not want to know anything about the surface.
Estel·la.- Well ... let's see, right now I don't want to know anything about this surface either, to be honest.
Cristina.- It's like living Rivendel in “The Lord of the Rings”, and wanting to go to I don't know, Moria was going to say, but Mordor would be more the word in some way. Just kidding (laughs). But they said they lived in a 5D. Swarúu de Erra also explained that the Matrix in its day could not penetrate so many layers of earth and that the interior of the Earth or the cavities that were kept inside had not been affected by the moon. So, it is also a reason that some races decided in their day to stay there. I guess they would notice the difference with the surface.
Estel·la.- They must live there much more calmly than here. Apart from the problem of the reptilian invasion, but I think it is only on some levels and that even further inside, they can continue to be calmer.
Cristina.- A follower says: Do they belong to the Federation? I think not.
Estel·la.- I also think I remember no.
Cristina.- Moreover, they do not have stable contact with the Federation. From what they have explained to us. A follower says: Physically they could surface if they wanted, or they will also have some physical adaptive impairment. We imagine, well we imagine no, as we know everything is at the level of frequencies and I suppose that they would also have to make an adaptation of the body. It would be as if the Taygetans ... because the Agarthans are also considered to be in the 5D so the frequencies that we are out here, the environment, everything, the food is also different. Here we are constantly fumigated by the air, and many other things that surely would also have to do an adaptation period.
Cristina.- Yes, surely not, surely they will have to do it. A follower says: Can the sky and the sun be seen? Do they have access in any way? It would be sad not to be able to see the sky. I imagine you mean life in intraterrestrial cavities. From what we have understood from what Yázhi has explained to us, I would say that they cannot see our sky, but somehow those cavities also have a very rich ecosystem, even she told us that they are even more stable than the surface one, due to the plates that are against further inside because the interior of the Earth is more stable, but they do have one. It's just that I think it's different, neither better nor worse, but different because from what she had explained to us it also seems incredible, right? all the vegetation, the photoluminescence, all the light, the plants, everything that shines, even the cavities illuminated by magma, and all this has to be a spectacle of nature to see all this. I imagine it will have its pros and cons like everything else.
Estel·la.- There was a person who was asking: Were they affected by the nuclear tests carried out here on the surface? I am sure. Because, as we know, nuclear energy is scalar, it affects different planes such as densities of consciousness and if it already affects outside the Earth, then more still has to arrive inside. So there is sure to be an impact there too.
Cristina.- A follower says: What level of technology do Agarthans have compared to humans? Well, from what we have understood, much more than humanity. Although, remember that there are two sciences here. Human science and the science of those who control humans. So, when we talk about Earth technology, we have to differentiate, because what we see as technology is not the reality of the technological level that we have on Earth. A follower says: Can intraterrestrial cities be accessed through volcanoes? It must be possible, because from what Yázhi explained to us, the entire interior of the Earth is interconnected and many of those connections are magma tubes, which end up coming to the surface in some way. Therefore, those outputs would be the volcanoes themselves. So they sure are connected. A follower says: About how far down are they? I think it is that it is the whole Earth as Yázhi has explained. It is a Swiss cheese.
Estel·la.- There will be different levels. There will be cavities that are deeper and other cavities that are less. But this follower says: Because the human being has reached 20-odd kilometers below. Well this is what they transmit to the public, because as we were commenting previously that really has little, because the cabal itself, the human himself has everything from artificial cities under the Earth created by the DUMBs. They have very deep tunnels. Billy himself said that there were a number of levels through Area 51, that you were going down, you were going down, you were going down underground because this person was I think was there 10 years without leaving. And, well, they've really gotten much lower. It is all connected by tunnels that they have manufactured, or maybe they have used existing ones as well. And then we cannot rely on what they tell us.
Cristina.- Yes. Because if they tell us that they have reached 20 km, they would also have to give us explanations of all the underground bases that are everywhere under all the countries connected to each other, and even some bases. When it was entered there, it was said that those bases were already there, they were there previously, or very old. So, this is what Estel·la says, that from what they tell you to what it really is, there is a lot of difference. A follower says: Why don't they surface? Are they also controlled by the same Illuminati cabal? We do not know this exact answer. But we understand that they are the ones who are not very interested. A follower says: And, deep sea bases, who rules this class of water bases? Well, the same as the terrestrial ones. It depends on where the bases are. They are of different races. Many, many bases are Reptilian, because as you know, Reptilians are not intraterrestrial, they are semi intraterrestrial. So, there is a little bit of everything. Others are human, many military. There's a little bit of everything. Well, I think we're going to finish now. It was a little bit today that we wanted to share on this subject, which, as we have explained, we find it very interesting.
Estel·la.- And, well, we are going to work on the following videos. We are working on the video for "The Wars of Orion." Exomedicine by Anéeka is going to come what she shared with us as well. And, that's what will be coming for now.
Cristina.- Yes, we will advance further.
Estel·la.- So, thank you very much to all of you for being there, and we are waiting for those of you who can at the meeting this Sunday.
Cristina.- See you soon. * * *
Is there a Soul? What is it? Swaruu X explains - Direct Extraterrestrial Information (Pleiades)
Robert: Ok. Now what about regressive reptiles that turn positive? Do they acquire souls all of a sudden? Because this happens. You have said that many change sides.
Swaruu X: Yes, this is another subject. The acquisition of a soul. The reason why soul or consciousness is “acquired”. For example one explanation is the phenomenon of the Walk-In.
Also the point at which a tulpa acquires sufficient strength to acquire self-awareness. It begins to be self-sustained. “Sentient”. Why? As everything, this is how species manifest. We are all just a manifested idea, anyway.
It´s just that there are no souls as such. That is why you cannot acquire it, you cannot trap it, you cannot destroy it, you cannot sell it to the “Devil.”
A soul is the Source itself, the great whole that includes everything there is, what has always been and what will be. It is pure consciousness. That is the whole, and everything there is, is part of that, there are no inanimate objects, there are no living or dead things, everything is part of the same, everything is part of that great consciousness of the whole, which CANNOT be defined, because it is always much more than words can describe.
You can see a bit of its effects by looking at gravity, the ether. But soul as such does not exist, it is not something that floats around like a ghost, those are other phenomena, they are not “souls”.
What you call “soul” is a self-limitation of the consciousness of the whole, of the Source itself. It is defined by a series of memories through a temporal interpretation that is again formed in the whole. In other words, a soul is defined from where to where it remembers that it is something in particular and not part of something else bigger.
This memory definition of being someone and not someone else is given through experience within a time limitation that we call physical incarnation. Since there is no physical world either, everything is etheric. So a soul is formed by ideas, the concepts that the Whole, the Source, takes as events that are different from others.
A soul is defined by from where to where in a time frame it is experiencing events apparently external to itself. So it is the memory of what happened to it from birth to death that defines what an “EGO” or an “I” is within a framework of duality ‘I’ vs. ‘you’.
So a soul is a “stretch” from a specific point to another specific point within a larger whole. Like a section within a measuring tape, from centimeter 42 to 52 it is “a soul”, being that it is an inseparable part of a measuring tape so long that it never had a beginning and will never have an end.
So a soul is inseparable from the Whole, from the Source, and does not function independently of the Source. That is just an illusion that starts from an idea that: “I am from 42 to 52. I am not the measuring tape”, being that the separation is only a concept, not a reality, it is still a measuring tape. And there can be no measuring tape if you remove 42 to 52 because it is inseparable.
This makes a soul only a frame of memories, “the millimeters between 42 and 52”. And the more experience is acquired, the more the understanding of that “stretch” of the Source called the soul of a certain person in particular expands. Expanding its range of understanding-consciousness not only 10 cm but more, from 42 to 104. It continues to learn and so it will be from 42 to 181. And that means that what that soul includes within then are the people who are between 90 and the 105.
Making that more expanded soul be able to understand the people who are included in it, but those people included within the more expanded soul will not be able to understand that said more expanded soul. And the same will happen with the others that have even more expansion and those that have even more. To infinity.
But a soul is just a group of ideas that define what is and from where to where “that person” is. Which makes the concept of the I, the EGO, a “soul”, completely dependent on a time frame, and a set of ideas that define it. Which also means that you must have a definite frame of apparent limitation (because it's just more ideas). And that apparent limitation can only occur with an idea of being finite like Egos, like I's.
And that goes directly hand in hand with the veil of forgetfulness because if we remembered everything, we would remember that we are everything, therefore we would no longer be a person, a soul... we would be the original Source!
So if you want to be a person, you have to exist within a framework of forgetfulness that defines a limitation. This is to give you a feeling of total clarity that you are something and not the rest. Very definition of existing within Duality.
But in itself it must be taken into account that Duality as such, “something and not the other, another thing” occurs until the total integration of the whole, of the Source itself, which as it includes everything, everything is part of the same and there is no duality. So the veil of forgetfulness, the sensation of the passage of time, and the idea of finitude are inseparable parts of the concept that defines a soul.
Robert: It is understood very well, and that memory frame defines it as something with individuality that, when disincarnated, will unite with the Whole, with all “the tape”, the Source. Wow. Even the subject of the veil of forgetfulness is understood. But then there is a “veil” of forgetfulness in the other “densities”? In the "5D" for example? To be able to experience those "D´s", those mental states.
Swaruu X: Yes, there is. There is a veil of forgetfulness in other densities, there will always be until integration with the Whole, with the original Source. There will always be a veil of forgetfulness in one way or another as long as there is duality.
Even when disembodied, when dying, the mind expands, the consciousness, but even there, there is still a veil of forgetfulness. Because you only enter a point of greater expansion, but not the Source because the sensation still remains, the idea of being “something” (soul in any case) and not the whole.
So when disincarnating, let's say that a person had a memory-consciousness from 42 to 52 as in the example above, when disincarnating he will have a memory-consciousness from -2026 to 2982 but there will still be limitation. But compared to the great memory awareness from 42 to 52 that he had in life, the expansion is mind-boggling.
But the veil of forgetfulness limitation is still there.
Robert: Ok. In one way or another it is well understood, thank you. Sure, a point of greater extension than those, would define the "D´s" but not all the way to the Source.
Swaruu X: And with what I explain above there are no densities.
Robert: Yes. It is the states of consciousness of what each “soul” remembers that marks from “where to where”. What you perceive.
Swaruu X: That's again just another set of ideas. Artificial limitations of a mind that defined them using its own definitions of perceptual limitation, consciousness and time frame. Yes, exactly.
All Swaruu´s are one person. You are only observing that person within a framework of different situations and moments in her life and among the variants of possibilities of her own life by crossing the possibilities between the timelines, which in themselves do not exist. The timelines are only definitions based on ideas to try to explain the inexplicable.
Robert: Yes, I understand. So you are, for the sake of understanding, certain numbers on that tape, right?
Swaruu X: According to my example, yes.
Robert: Yes, it is just to understand each other. And then the others would be other numbers or would they be superimposed? Some would take in more numbers, others less?
Swaruu X: The measuring tape expands in other directions, but yes.
Robert: Yes, of course it is not linear.
Swaruu X: You could say that using Yázhi's ideas, Swaruu´s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 are a representation on a “measuring tape” of a temporal progression where the top number includes those below it. But it is not that simple. Because being together at a certain moment, like Yázhi and I now, tends to equalize our mind, the consciousness. So what Yázhi knows and is, is what I have in me and vice versa.
Even so, it is not that simple either. Because Yázhi is outside playing with the bicycle and I am here writing. Yázhi is a Swaruu with a body in formation, I am fully formed. They are two points of attention, where yes, priorities, needs and interests change.
Still I understand the need to play Yázhi's dolls. And she understands my need to meditate and exercise. We are the same... but at the same time we preserve individuality and with it we can enjoy a good conversation between the two of us. And end up fighting as well as happens to us often.
Robert: Very well explained. So you learn from her now and she from you, because you are the same “consciousness” in this case in two different bodies.
Swaruu X: Yes. But now it's not like 12 knows more than 10. It's the same, our mutual experiences nurture us both.
Robert: Yes. I mean, you integrate her point of attention and vice versa.
Swaruu X: Yes, and the fact that we are accessing different memories and points of view makes it “as if” we were a different person. Without being it. And this expands to all the people in the universe, it happens to them the same. This is how we all are.
And yes, she and I usually quarrel. Because we have different points of attention even understanding each other. Because as a little girl she wants to do everything but does not measure consequences. And it puts her in danger. And my role now is to take care of her as if I were her mother.
Cristina: What is the Andromedan Viera like?
Anéeka of Temmer: The Andromedan biospherical ship Viera is a small vessel by their Standards. It is 811 kilometres long, by about 300 kilometres wide at the back, and about 50 Kilometres high in total. It is an arrowhead in shape.
Unlike other Andromedan biosphere ships, which are spherical and much larger, this one is considered an exploration ship because of its increased agility. Still, it is a biospherical ship that has a recognisable traditional spaceship shape. That is, up front it is narrow with control systems, and in the back it has many huge, gigantic, engines set in clusters.
Swaruu from Erra did some CGI of the Viera:
She used a Star Wars ship as a base to alter it to look like the Viera. It's very difficult to make a CGI from scratch. You have to alter an existing one.
There is a sister ship, the Varena, orbiting Venus at the moment. They are the same.
Cristina: It's very big indeed! So the shape is like a triangle?
Anéeka of Temmer: Yes. It is a long, pointed triangle. It has two biospheric levels. The bottom is marine, and I've never been there. The top one is terrestrial, which is what they call it.
This giant craft hides behind the moon in high orbit, about 490,000 km from Earth. It uses the moon as a shield so it can't be seen. But there are reports that something has been sighted behind the moon.
Cristina: So it orbits with the moon? I mean, do they go like together?
Anéeka of Temmer: Yes. Exactly. Using the moon as a shield all the time. When you see the moon, right behind it is stationed the Viera, as well as most of the larger motherships of other races. They travel in an orbit called "Selene Centric Orbit."
This means that their orbits are based on the moon. That is, they orbit the moon, not the Earth. The Viera orbits at such low revolutions that it never exposes itself to the Earth, just as the moon never exposes its hidden side to the Earth (in fact, the Viera does rotate the moon, but you always see the same lunar hologram projected nevertheless, no matter what the lunar surface is. It gives you the same, fixed illusion).
Cristina: Thank you. And the Viera, what engines does it have?
Anéeka of Temmer: The Viera has 16 huge plasma-jet engines, and gravity engines too. It has interstellar capability. Despite its size it is capable of jumping into hyperspace like any other ship. It has zero point reactors. I don't know how many, but it's a lot.
Estel·la: What materials is the Viera made of? Anéeka of Temmer: Of a material that is a nano-technological metal. That is to say that the molecules of the metal align themselves to form the hull. These kinds of big ships, including this one, are made of a metal that is intelligent. You programme the powder of the metal, and it takes the shape you want it to take, following the pattern imposed by the computer. In other words, it solidifies once it is in place.
Estel·la: What are the Andromedans' small ships like? Do the Viera have fighter-type ships onboard as well?
Anéeka of Temmer: Mostly discoidal. Some are egg-shaped, or they are flattened elliptical craft. Other races' fighters, such as those of the Antarians or the Centauri (the Alfrateans), fly from, or emerge from, the Viera. In the past the Taygetan's ships also flew from the Viera. The last ship of ours out of there was Yazhi's Suzy. Andromedans have no fighter fleet. They depend on allies.
Estel·la: I understand. Thank you. Regarding the egg-shaped or flattened elliptical ships, what kind of missions do they use them for?
Anéeka of Temmer: They are mostly cargo or transport ships. Discoidal ones are ships for transporting people.
Estel·la: I mean, don't they ever use these kinds of ships to get close to Earth?
Anéeka of Temmer: In that case, they would use the discoidal ones. The others are purely utilitarian. Andromedans are not much for using ships of many kinds. They are more devoted to their huge spherical biosphere ships, and other shapes, such as the arrow ship.
Cristina: What is the difference between the moon's biospherical craft shape, and the Viera's? Apart from the form itself.
Anéeka of Temmer: The Moon is a major biospherical type spacecraft that inside contains layers, like an onion with different types of ecosystems. The marine ones are near the core, and the surface remained a solid hull with nothing on the outside (i.e. few needed facilities, not suitable for living on the surface). The Viera, on the other hand, only has two levels. One on top of the other.
My note: I'm very impressed by how they built something like the Viera. A ship that big. A whole country in size. It escapes the understanding of spacecraft construction.
Estel·la: Yes, it is incredible! What is the original name of the ship that we call our moon?
Anéeka of Temmer: Creiddylad.
Estel·la: Does it have any meaning? I guess it's Andromedan...
Anéeka of Temmer: Yes, it is Andromedan, translated into phonemes. On Earth it would be interpreted as "Welsh Goddess." This goddess is surely connected to Diana. Wales, Ireland and Scotland have strong links to pre-dynastic Egypt, and to Atlantis. Hence the names.
Cristina: Diana?
Anéeka of Temmer: Diana is one of the names for the moon. Creiddylad, also known as Creirddylad, Creurdilad, Creudylad or Kreiddylat, daughter of King Lludd. She is a secondary character in the medieval Welsh tale; Culhwch ac Olwen. The oldest Arthurian tale.
Diana: Roman Goddess of the Moon.
Estel·la: Thank you. How interesting.
Cristina: And the Andromedan ship at Venus, the Varena, how do they hide it there?
Anéeka of Temmer: They only hide it with their own invisibility systems. Not so much to hide it from Venusians' eyes, that is, from its surface, but because it could be seen from Earth. The Viera, on the other hand, does not have its invisibility systems activated.
Estel·la: Would it be visible from here, like a star?
Anéeka of Temmer: Yes, with a telescope it would look like a Venusian satellite, a triangle.
Cristina: What a weird satellite it would be with that shape! But of course, if NASA says it's natural, it's natural!
Anéeka of Temmer: Yes, yes, it is quite natural that there are arrowhead moons.
Cristina: And do those on Venus know of its existence? I mean, is the Varena hidden from them as the Viera is here?
Anéeka of Temmer: I don't know. But I understand that the Venusians are more aware of what is going on than the Earthlings.
Cristina: The Viera hiding behind the Moon can't be detected because of its mass or something? How does it protect itself from that?
Anéeka of Temmer: Yes. And I understand that they do detect it, but they don't tell the public. They also detect the 900+ large spacecraft in Earth orbit 24/7. It just doesn't reach the people. Telescopes, even private ones, do spot the ships. But few dare to say what they see. Any telescope, 1000x or larger, can detect spacecraft stationed in orbit. It's not that difficult. Especially since there are many that exceed one kilometre in length.
In this video Yázhi Swarúu, a young alien, explains what the interior of the Earth is really like and what beings inhabit it
CONVERSATION WITH YAZHI SWARUU Beneath the earth's surface there are ancient races, some called Vulcans, from which the name "Vulcans" comes from, like Spock from Star Trek. They mean, in reality, that they are the ones who live or are the gods of intra-terrestrial volcanoes. They still live there, in the Antarctic area. The last I heard from them is that they had serious Kingu Reptilian invasion problems, mostly just like the Agartheans.
Precisely the purpose of being intra-terrestrial is to hide. So it turns out that even the Federation has very little detailed information about them. But it is known that innumerable species of animals inhabit below the ground, and some are of the humanoid type. As well as innumerable reptilian variants, generally smaller, 1m high with primitive societies. Although, I do not have this corroborated, there are multiple reports of strange semi-blind humano-morphs, cannibals in deep caverns. Nightmare material. Below the Earth it is not hollow, but there are innumerable cavities of all sizes. Some are the dimensions of an entire large country, with their light coming from photoluminescence and volcanic sources.
Cristina.- And what are the Vulcans like, also similar to the Lyrians?
Yázhi Swarúu.- Yes, they are similar or of Lyrian origin, but little is known about that society.
Cristina.- Thank you. And, humanoid type animals, like what kind?
Yázhi Swarúu.- Of the type similar to Gollum of the Lord of the Rings. All this makes one wonder how much is really known and hidden from people. Many of Hollywood's nightmares are based on reality, or some reality. Something not too far removed from this. I myself do not recommend cave exploration as a sport.
Cristina.- And, were the Vulcans and all these beings here before the first Lyrians, or did the Lyrians arrive first?
Yázhi Swarúu.- It is simply not known, but I am inclined to think that they were already on Earth when the Lyrians arrived. Also, an important comment: "Many non-Lyrian races have a humanoid appearance without being of the same branch."
Estel·la.- So, on the surface there were only the Neanderthals, Homo Erectus and Homo Habilis, right?
Yázhi Swarúu.- On the surface or in shallow caves, not intra-terrestrial.
Cristina.- The cavities or holes to the internal continents before the destruction of Tiamat, were they in the same place where they are today? I mean, one in Antarctica and the other in Canada?
Yázhi Swarúu.- Mostly. But there is internal displacement with the continental plates. Although, many cavities are below the same plates. The Earth below is not like a hollow ball, it is more like Swiss cheese. For example, this map is quite simplistic and it is not. This shape is more realistic. Taking into account the size of the Earth, each cavity there is the size of Catalonia or Holland or even Argentina.
Estel·la.- And why do they speak of a central Sun? What do they mean by that?
Yázhi Swarúu.- Yes. There is much talk about a central sun that illuminates the intra-terrestrial from there. Like a sun. With my data, those of Taygeta and those of the Federation and regarding countless other planets and how they are inside I can tell you that as such there is no Sun, but rather an incandescent magmatic core that could be taken as a Sun and that provides light and heat to the various intra-terrestrial layers or vaults. The Earth being a torus as virtually everything has cavities at the poles. A small one up, Alaska. Another bigger one down, South Pole. But it does not mean that you can enter one and leave another, but that matter is formed following this pattern of energy. And, as would happen with an apple, torus too, the fastest way to get down to its cavities is through the poles.
Cristina.- And what is that incandescent magmatic core like?
Yázhi Swarúu.- In the geometric center of the Earth it is an incandescent iron core in liquid form of high temperature. But it works like a complex pump where the incandescent magma rises through cavities by capillarity and produces zones or pockets of magma at various levels, flowing like rivers that circulate and recirculate among themselves. The engine that moves these magmatic rivers and lagoons is a complicated system of several dynamics that work with each other by accumulated pressure, gas expansion, magnetic flux, centrifugal and centripetal forces, and pressures that change according to the movements above the continental plates. Since the plates themselves are like floating on a liquid magma and on layers of water under such pressure that it is no longer chemically water because it is filtered through the cracks in the bottom of the oceans. Crude Oil Manufacturing Process and Planetary Black Goo. So, a planet is not only an inert rock like a small asteroid would be, but it is a complex system with internal irrigation, of both magma, water and black Goo, crude oil with a lot of movement. You would think that below it is more hostile, but in itself, due to the same accumulated pressure, it turns out that it is very stable below and with less movement of solid plates, as happens above. And, although the type of animal and plant life is different below, with few species common to each other, both environments, surface and inside, are conducive for life to flourish. You can imagine the Earth as a great living being with its blood flow torrent and vessels, arteries and lymphatic channels all in motion.
Robert is visiting and we are exploring the terrain. By the way, we have decided to record this impromptu meeting commenting on latest topics and videos. Greetings everyone!
BEGINNING OF THE MEETING Gosia.- Hello friends of Cosmic Agency! Many mosquitoes, (the mosquitoes are frightened) I'm Gosia, and here's Robert.
Robert.- I'm Robert from the channel Despejando Enigmas! How are you freinds?
Gosia.- Not only from Despejando Enigmas ...
Robert.- Yes, and a few more channels, yes.
Gosia.- Yes because I always said that you were from Despejando Enigmas, but now you also have other channels that are important and I have added them in my description below each video.
Robert.- Thank you very much, thank you very much.
Gosia.- You're welcome. Well this is a small gathering. As you know, we no longer do social gatherings, we are no longer close by and we cannot make videos together, but from time to time, as like now at this moment, as I know you like these small gatherings, since Robert visited me for the first time in a long time, we have decided to go out and get to know the area a little more. It's almost one at night. (Robert looks at the clock)
Robert.- It's half past twelve.
Gosia.- And look, there is no night, there is no night. This is the maximum darkness that we are going to have today and… Well Robert, what would you like to talk about in this little gathering? It is totally improvised. Robert.- Well, I don't know, let's see… For example, of the last songs that I'm playing? What would they be ... I have been talking about immersion chambers, how you project yourself from an immersion chamber here on Earth, and on the subject of the Federation, in which there are many extraterrestrials that are projected on Earth through the immersion chambers right? And that everyone is a starseed, just the real people? There are things that don't ...
Gosia.- Starseeds are all the people on Earth who are real, no matter the mode of entry, but there is a curious detail here to mention that Swarúu X has told us, that more or less since 2017 Taygetans no longer enter on Earth. This was before, but more or less in the time of 2017 the entrances of the Taygetean souls have already been reduced enough, in immersion or whatever. Well, the topic of the Federation is huge and this is made up of many parts and many videos, because this topic is very large. Anyone who only listens to a fragment and later with this (small) information is mounting movies based on this piece of information, in my opinion they are not doing it well, because you have to see all the videos and all the information and all the context to understand well what we are transmitting, because we never say that the entire Federation is corrupt or evil, but we also do not say that it is good. Because there are aspects on both sides, you have to analyze it well and not judge in this way or another, because this is very reductionist, very simple to put this issue at that level. Lots of people are doing it! Even in the UFO world. But ... (Looks at Robert).
Robert.- Well, of course, in the world of ufology, with all due respect, I have?
Gosia.- Well ... (Laughs)
Robert.- I think that when people talk about the Federation, I think they speak without knowledge of the facts, insofar as they do not know the reality of the things that are happening here on Earth. What I really liked is the example of Yázhi who names Mason. (Robert looks at Gosia). Yes, Mason.
Robert.- Imagine that you are playing a Vietnam war video game, and the character you are playing with is called Mason. He is suffering, he is fighting, and while you are playing, you stop playing the game and you can go quietly to the fridge to get yourself a fruit smoothie while Mason is being tortured, and then you go back and continue to see how Mason's torture goes. The story here is that the Federation listens to who is playing and not to the player (the character of the video game). I really liked that.
Gosia.- Yes, with this example the perspective of the Federation is well understood, or should be better understood, because according to this vision things are like that, and that is why their ethics change, because that is important. Depending on the level of understanding, the perspective of your ethics also changes, so what to us here, from the incarnated side, seems unethical, and it is! It is! That is Yázhi's point, which is unethical from this point of view, but from the point of view as they perceive it there (the Federation) it is totally legal, totally correct and totally ethical. And that's why this is a dilemma, for example, let's talk about a concrete example. I'm not going to say who it is, but we have had the case of a person who is immersed here, and that on his pod (immersion) there are instructions, and those instructions say: DO NOT EXTRACT ME UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. I WANT TO COMPLETE MY LIFE CYCLE. The same person from here (from Earth) wants to be extracted. The ethical dilemma is what to do? The Taygetean team is faced with this dilemma. What to do, respect the desire and the will of this equivalent of yours in 5D before incarnating, or the desire within 3D? (Looks at Robert and asks: What would you do?)
Robert.- Of course, the story is that this person from the immersion pod has projected this life here on Earth ...
Gosia.- Yes, he has!
Robert.- Sure, what do we do, we break the incarnation of this person because right now he says he wants to leave?
Gosia.- Exactly!
Robert.- Or… does suffering justify the acquired knowledge? Gosia, those are the "dilemmas" between the "so called" 3D and 5D. "So called" to call it something, but as we already know there are no densities. (Looks at Robert) Yes! Who are we going to listen to here? Because in the pod it says it clearly, and that in a real case, we are not inventing it (She looks at Robert and asks him: Do you know who I'm talking about?)
Robert.- Yes.
Gosia.- The pod clearly says: DO NOT EXTRACT ME UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES ... Surely this person already knew before entering that he was going to suffer, that he would have a difficult life ...
Robert.- It is that through suffering he is learning, then… Let's see, it is something that you have chosen before entering here. The only thing is that having the veil of oblivion and all that, you do not remember.
Gosia.- If I see that people have problems with this that we come here voluntarily ... (Gosia imposes the voice) "It is that no, surely not ... that there are some traps that are forcing us to incarnate ..." Yázhi has said it very clearly, there is no archon trap, nobody forces you to reincarnate, you do it voluntarily. Yes there is manipulation, and through this manipulation you think you have to go back. It is still your decision.
Robert.- (Asks Gosia) And then what do you think of ... Sure! Yes it is true ... Everything is true, but something else happens here, that you are the creator of "reality", let's say this is what you are living, you are the creator. The problem is that there is something that you have created that makes you believe this something you have created. So this that you have created, that we say that you have created it, is guiding you to believe for him, not for yourself. (Looks at Gosia) Something like that. Not? (Gosia looks at the ground as if thinking on what Robert has said). They are guiding your creation, your perception through the media. (Looks at Gosia)
Gosia.- Yes, yes.
Robert.- Then of course, if you don't wake up, you follow the herd, the sheep-Matrix, right?
Gosia.- Yes, but even so, this person, knowing that this is going to happen, decided, and was very determined for that, that in his immersion pod he said: DO NOT EXTRACT ME UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!
Robert.- But now what do we do?
Gosia.- But now he wants to go out, what are they doing now?
Robert.- And he wants to go out a lot, wants, wants.
Gosia.- Another thing, there is another question of why they do not want to remove that person, because apparently they have already done so, and this person got angry and went (immersed himself) again. He reinstalled the immersion program to do it again, and put it on his pod. DO NOT EXTRACT ME! And now here he is suffering and he wants to get out, and he is saying: I don't want to live this! So here there are many ethical dilemmas, of which we are not realizing, and from there back it is seen more, in a more expanded way. So it is not so easy to judge and assess this whole situation of the Federation, but having said this, Yázhi and the Taygetans remain unconvinced because they think that the Federation is not ethical, because they are excessively invalidating the experience of these "players" on Earth, because I understand that it is a game, yes, because it is, and we have chosen that experience, many times before entering, although there are variants that can be applied here, but the Federation that is composed of non-empathic races, are invalidating this experience too much here. This experience is real, you have to take into account what the player is suffering and what the player is going through, and they do not consider it in the way we would like.
Robert.- Well, of course, the Federation also thinks that as it is a short experience, in relation ... (Robert looks at Gosia and points to his right ear warning him of that strange sound similar to a long wail that comes from the forest. Minute 11.03) ... what you live, well ... look, as it is something short, and apart from how has the logical mind ...
Gosia.- But here is another point, which someone has also said in the comments, because I also said this: If it is only a short incarnation, 80 years or whatever and you leave ... But what about the souls that continue to incarnate? That is no longer so short, that is already spreading, because this experience somehow catches you, because you do not know there is more, because of these limits by design ...
Robert.- They are trapped by the Matrix.
Gosia.- Yes, in this terrestrial loop. It's not just 80 years anymore, but you come back, and you come back, and you come back ... and centuries are gone.
Robert.- They get trapped by ideas. By staying "stuck" to ideas, because you don't stop being an idea, you stay stuck here ...
Gosia.- Yes and I think that the Federation loses sight of this experience (it does not take it into account). You go to the fridge to see what is there. This experience absorbs you so much and these ideas of being inside stick to you that make you return and return ...
Robert.- It's complicated, it's complicated ...
Gosia.- It's complicated, that's why I told you when you asked me live what do you think of the Federation? This is not answered with two sentences, it is very complicated. We continue to explain in the videos about the Federation, there will be more topics, in fact in part three, part three on my channel, because you (Robert) divide it differently. Part three on my channel will be about this, about the CIA, and how the CIA infiltrates the ufological field. That's very important, (Robert laughs) because we have no idea what level of control the CIA has in the UFO world. And because? Because that's where people are waking up and asking questions, then that's where they especially want to infiltrate and manipulate. Swarúu told me: "You have no idea of the degree of infiltration."
Robert.- Let's see, the fact is that the Pentagon has just declassified the UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, which is rendered in Spanish as the air vehicle that does not carry crew - Note of transcriber).
Gosia.- What did they say?
Robert.- All the organizations come out except the CIA. I haven't seen the CIA. I said: Good! The FBI comes out, many come out ...
Gosia.- But let's see Robert, because I was looking for this information ...
Robert.- It's a PDF, I have the PDF.
Gosia.- What does that document say?
Robert.- Inside the PDF they say that ... let's see, the document they have made is not a document about extraterrestrial life, nor about extraterrestrial spacecraft, it is simply about UFO phenomena, unknown atmospheric phenomena ...
Gosia.- But what is that?
Robert.- From failures in the radar, birds, balloons ... technology from other countries ...
Gosia.- But are they admitting that they could be ...
Robert.- Aliens? Nerd.
Gosia.- Don't they say this? So what kind of report? ... They don't even say that!
Robert.- It is disappointing and it is true that… well, we have noticed this at the beginning that we went out. It is an absurd attack from where it comes, but returning to the subject of the Pentagon declassification project, I have been listening to several ufologists, researchers and you see that they are the Matrix, why? Because above they say that it is the best ... that is, absurd things. In other words, the world of ufology as it is today is never going to reveal anything, nothing! Not the agencies. Because you know, to reveal the phenomenon or the existence of extraterrestrial life is to bring down civilization. You knock everything down, the economic, political, religious system, all of it.
Gosia.- Well, and this is what the Federation itself does not want, it does not want the structure and nature of this Matrix to be changed much.
Robert.- So one thing, do you think the Federation wants people to ascend?
Gosia.- The whole thing about the ascension has not come from the aliens, I think it has come from the lowest levels. Ascension! But what does this mean? They, as Swarúu X told you when you asked if she thinks that human civilization will be interstellar, what did Swarúu X say? No! That it won't be interstellar the way humans imagine it, the way they wanted it, because this goes against how they (the Federation) want to keep the field.
Robert.- Let's understand something: If you want to have an experience in 5D, you do not incarnate yourself on Earth.
Gosia.- Exactly!
Robert.- Besides that, you are not this body, you are already in 5D. Another thing: If you cannot be 5D either because you are already in 5D, and for your experience you do not have to live on Earth, you cannot live an interstellar experience in this 3D either, because if not, you would not be incarnated on Earth, you would be on the other side. You are here on Earth, incarnated to live a short, limited and chaotic life.
Gosia.- (Laughs) Well, yes, exactly. And also mention that Yázhi and Swarúu already like these terms of 3D and 5D. It is not this either, and we are using it to understand each other, but it is not this. It is simply the Earth, the Matrix, what is outside, because 5D-3D can be from anywhere. You can be here and be very high density, but you are still in the "soup" of the Matrix. Robert. That is, you have a high frequency because you have ideas and a higher than average thought, but you are still in this reality that surrounds you.
Gosia.- Exactly, and vice versa, you can be outside the Earth, but for ideas you can be of the lowest frequency, regressive ideas ... So this does not depend on the place, it depends on your mind, your perception. Ok Robert, thank you very much for your company! Robert. You're welcome, it's full of mosquitoes! You cannot even imagine it. (In fact during the whole live they are seen flying around them and in front of the camera. Note from transcriber)
Gosia.- Thank you very much and see you in the following videos.
Robert.- See you soon Ciao, Ciao!
Gosia.- Bye… (Both wave their hands saying goodbye)
(Personal Reflections of Cristina & Estel·la)
Estel·la.- Hello everyone. Welcome to Pleiadian Knowledge. We are Cristina and I Estel·la. And, we are here improvising this live show because we were walking through the mountains and we were having some reflections among ourselves and we decided to share them with you.
Cristina.- Yes, it is a bit improvised. You know, we always warn with time to go live, but this time we really felt like it, it has come to us. And, well to tell you that I do not know if it is appreciated very well, but we are just behind the mountain of Montserrat.
Estel·la.- In front of the Montserrat mountain (laughs).
Cristina.- Well, that in front is a point of view ... (laughs)
Estel·la.- Yes, surely many of you know it is a well-known mountain here in Catalonia and we are lucky to be very close, and we always like this landscape a lot. So, we take advantage of it and share it with you.
Cristina.- And, well, what we wanted to share are the points that we were talking about while we were walking, but first we wanted to first clarify that we have seen many of your comments that ask us if we are in contact with Swarúu X, or with Yázhi, and also we have seen it in the live shows, it was simply not the time to answer. So, before starting this impromptu live show, we wanted to clarify this. We are not in contact with Swarúu X. We are not working with her, disclosure. We have not been in contact with Yázhi either since the connection with the Taygetean team was cut. And, as we have previously transmitted to you, we continue without contact with the Taygetean team. We just don't want to constantly be saying it because we believe that we are not bringing anything new, because we are at the same point. So don't worry, if we really regain the connection with the Taygetean team we will let you know. And, if you see that we do not say anything, it is simply because we have no contact with them.
Estel·la.- Yes, that's right. And we also wanted to take the opportunity to give Yázhi many hugs that we hope she is very well. And also to the entire Alenym team that we love them very much and we send them many hugs as well. And, well, having said that… We were here reflecting on everything that surrounds contact and information, especially disclosure.
Cristina.- And what we do in this. What is our role here? And how we see that all this is going. And, it really is because the last live shows that we have done and that we have been saying all the time: “This is our interpretation. This is how we see it ”, but it is really very important to read direct information. And, we wanted here to clarify why we say this, right, Estel·la? Why do we insist so much that it is only our interpretation why we constantly repeat these words. And we wanted to share with you a bit why we insist so much on this point.
Estel·la.- And basically it is because we feel so fortunate to be contacted and to be able to receive directly all the information from them, and everything that it entails, because at the end of the day when we send the information to you, filtering is inevitable. As much as we try to be neutral, not to put our conversations in the middle and everything, we are filtering, and it is very difficult, sometimes, to be able to transmit everything that this contact really entails, and everything that this race, that is a whole race, is. It is a whole civilization, it is all Taygeta. And, as you know, they don't have representatives, you can't keep the idea that we are Taygetean, because they are a lot of what can be seen. We have been able to feel this because it does come to us directly from them, but to be able to transmit that, the truth is that we feel very limited.
Cristina.- Yes. As you said Estel·la, we are not their representatives. Although, we do feel part of the team, at least we feel that way because of all the love we have, and for all this time working with them and everything they have brought us, and everything that we are living with and everything. But we do really feel more like just a bridge here. In other words, like a bridge, but we feel that we are limited. We cannot go beyond all that we feel. And for example, although the information is direct, that is, we are not channeling, as we have already discussed in the previous videos, the difference between channeling and our contact, although the training is direct, althoughwe are receiving the exact words of these people, We feel that when transmitting them, you lose a lot.
Estel·la.- Yes. Because one thing is when we receive it from them and we are talking with them and we feel their energy, each intention that they put to each word at the moment we are having the conversation, what is emerging there, the humour of that person. And, later when we take the information that is to be disseminated and we restructure it, and we order it to present it and we put our voices on it, and we put our intention, which is the interpretation we have had of that moment, we are already modifying it in some way.
Cristina.- Yes. The part that you are receiving from them is a very small percentage, as you said, right? Of what is really ... When we, for example, are with Anéeka, we feel her energy, we feel her emotional state, we feel what you are explaining to us. It's not that we just read the empty words.
Estel·la.- No. It is all the intention of that person with whom she is explaining something to you, and everything she is feeling. And, we cannot get to transmit that.
Cristina.- No, because we are not Anéeka.
Estel·la.- It's only them. And, Anéeka herself, she feels very limited in this regard as well because she wishes she could give more of herself. You wish you could put your voice in your videos, but you just can't. Then, you have to accept this limitation in some way as we also accept it when sharing the information.
Cristina.- Yes. And… well, one of the points to clarify here too is why we feel a bit like when we have to explain, for example, now that we have explained the time and all this, we feel like we don't really explaining it to you because we are only explaining that small part of what we interpret, what we understand about this, but that really we feel such a great limitation when transmitting this. Because we feel like that bridge. We want to convey to you all the best possible so that nothing is distorted, but at the same time we feel that pressure of how we do it because it is really impossible to do it 100%, only Anéeka or only Yázhi or anyone, as you said, from the team can do it. We cannot be that. And, we feel like there is some way with prudence to say: You have to be aware that really how far we can go and where we cannot go. As much as we want to help, explain and that the information reaches many places, but how at the same time keep that information without going from one interpretation to another. And, here we could talk about the reason why this happens Estel·la, why the information is distorted. When we, for example, receive direct information from Anéeka, and when we pass it on, why is this distorted? What makes this happen.
Estel·la.- Well, because of what Anéeka gives us, that we are who else we have talked to, then she gives us, for example, 100% and we of that of what we understand because of our frequency, we are more in line, because maybe we will take in 80%. And, after this, when we transmit it to you, we are already giving less. And that's how little by little it is like losing that essence of the moment a little and everything that it entails, everything that surrounds that very thing. It's kind of inevitable. We have talked a lot that, for example, this happens in channeling. I do believe that this form of contact is much more direct, but it is much more direct in some way from those contacted than we are receiving them, and then we only pass on our understanding of them to everyone else.
Cristina.- Because we not only talk about when we explain concepts, but simply when we edit the videos with the same words that we are reading. We are reading with their exact words, but only with our energy, our tone of voice, our way of giving that interpretation that way of how that emotional state, when you are reading you have to put an emotional state to those words. So, there alone with that it is lost. The origin of all that is lost. And, it is a bit the point that we wanted to convey. Like we were reflecting on this and on where we were. With the difficulty we see here the act of acting, as what we have said, as a bridge. What limitations are we encountering? And, here a little to explain what Yázhi says: That each person is a density …
Estel·la.-… Yes, that's what I was thinking too. That we stay or not, they are in the 5D for cataloging it in some way, and we follow this 3D here and whether we want it or not there is this density that is only our own perceptions of different distance and this entails these little things.
Cristina.- Yes. Because each person or each one of you when reading this information will give their own interpretation based on their ideas and thoughts. And, that would also explain why when some people read what they read they see everything negatively. Read what they read, they see it negative. And, others instead see it super positive, and it is because it is their own interpretation of the same words. And then sometimes we don't understand it, but if this is super positive, how this person may be seeing it as something negative. And it is not the information, you are the one who gives that interpretation to that information. So, it brings us to that, that the difficulty is really being a bridge and that we cannot be 100% effective because as long as there is a bridge there will be a distortion of the information.
Estel·la.- Yes. That is basically what we wanted to convey to you. To really emphazize that they are much more. Something very complex, very large, very pure. Although, we feel super happy, super lucky to be able to be doing this, and we do it the best we know and the best that we can, and we always thank them, but we are aware of what it entails and we wanted to convey it as well. Because sometimes from the outside you can lose that perception. Because we do have that contrast.
Cristina.- That is what we are seeing.
Estel·la.- Yes. It is something that we have been giving over time and little by little our understanding has taken us too.
Cristina.- Well that's all. It seemed to us that it was important because of the last live shows that wehave done and everything. We believed that it was important to convey the reason why we insist so much on this, and that you also become aware of what all this really is. And, well, we are going to say goodbye. We just wanted to share this, really.
Estel·la.- We send many greetings to all of you. In fact, I have seen someone in the chat who was saying: Greetings from Montserrat. Yes, they are around here in the area too.
Cristina.- Well, here we are. Maybe we are very close and we do not know.
Estel·la.- Thank you all very much for always your support, and for everything.
Cristina.- Yes. For being there, for listening, and for putting all your energy and all your essence in all this. Because we are all really part of this project. Well, we are seeing each other in the following videos. We said goodbye right now, Estel·la?
Estel·la.- Thank you all for joining us. And, we are going to see each other soon.
Cristina.- See you soon!
Galactic Federation, CIA Control of UFO Communities, Fake Alien Invasion - Yazhi and Swaruu
Swaruu X: I clearly see that Federation and the races that make it up, as well as just about all the rest of the observer races, see Earth as a place to have an experience, of sorts of whatever happens in a human lifetime, individually or collectively. So they don't take what goes on, on Earth seriously. Even the concepts of evil on Earth, are seen as contained there.
Not that there is no evil outside Earth, but not as is seen on Earth, that or those concepts are unique to Earth, concepts of evil such as Jins, Devils etc., are found only on Earth.
So what I clearly see about how even the most versed humans see reality and what is going on in space and on Earth, is only another reflection of Earth concepts and do not represent what is really going on, neither on Earth, nor in space.
If we compare how other species of the Federation see the problem from the point of view of their home planets, we again see that it does not reflect what, or how humans interpret things. And those races from their planets don't really see Earth as a problem planet, invaded, nor in trouble of any sort. They see it as an educational self contained, isolated reality or realm where strange and unethical things are allowed to happen for many reasons, but mostly for educational or for experimental reasons.
Regressive ET races are not a problem in space, nothing to really be of any concern. This is because of many reasons, for example the most obvious one would be that the Federation and its web of influence is so large that they swept away evil races long ago. So from this point of view they have transcended evil, at least the classic evil.
So the Federation in itself is not regressive, and this explains why so many people jump when you say they are acting in an unethical or evil manner. Because that is the reflection of the other ET contacts, channeled or direct. With a caution here, because the Federation will only give those other contacts what they want them to know and how they want them to see the Federation. So this means that what the people, the other contacts, are receiving, many times is Federation propaganda. It is not as simple as what they say. Know someone by their actions not by their words.
We are not badmouthing the entire Federation, we are stating clear faults about how the Federation runs Earth. They have done nothing to help humans. Only empty words. “Papi Trump is going to save you/ Papi Federation is going to save you”.
Badmouthing you and wanting to silence you is an invasive imperialistic, monopoly of truth attitude. You, and everyone else, should have the right to say whatever you want, let the listener decide. Whoever is wanting to silence you is engaging in more tyranny.
Something is very wrong here regarding the Federation and Earth. They are not acting their words. And I clearly see all pro-Federation activists on Earth as engaging in some kind of Intelligence psy-ops, of the sort of QAnon and Trump. Exploiting the need of the poorly versed humans to hang on to something, like hope, religions, again making them go into a “do nothing” mentality. They are experts in human psychology. So they are exploiting this need to believe in a “higher power”.
I see them using the Federation as a new religion, claiming any one who says anything against it to be “infidels”. This is very serious! All you need to do is replace the word Federation with the word Jesus there and you will see what I mean.
Pro-Federation slogans such as: “getting humans out of slavery at the cost of their own lives”. This is totally Jesuit. This is the very concept of Jesus, giving his own life to save humanity from the original sin. This has Jesuits written all over the place.
Humans tend to explain everything only using what they think they know and from attachments to their pet ideas. So you saying that the Federation is acting in an evil way is just like you saying that Jesus is ‘bad’. They are holding on to their pet concept of Federation - love and light. And that does not reflect what other people see about the Federation. Telling you to stop transmitting your information is just like burning books.
Gosia: Why do they care to present themselves as warriors of light who fight for the liberation of humanity then, if that´s not how they view this experience here, from which we need to be liberated from? Why manipulate human perception about themselves at all? Why not leave it neutral?
Swaruu X: Because the Federation is not doing this that you are mentioning. It is the humans who are doing it. The Federation as such does not even care how it is seen from inside the “game”. Only perhaps, because some ET's will leak their personal point of view to some humans.
But the whole concept of Federation being Love and Light liberating humanity and all that, for me is just a human construct, from their very limited point of view and understanding. The propaganda as such, and as I mentioned above, would be coming from human organizations with the intention of controlling people's perception, and not coming directly from a Federation “propaganda department”.
The New Age was created by the CIA to control human awakening, perception and attitude, even perception of reality of the, then so called ‘hippy movement’. This we are seeing now is more New Age control, more of the same.
The CIA is not a Government agency dealing with national security, that would be the NSA. The CIA was created by design to cover and back up, protect the interests of corporations that are owned by Jesuits and Cabal members.
This is why they are on to you. Because you are not aligned with their narrative, therefore you are dangerous. The Galactic Federation of Light, whatever, is one of their best pet-initiatives to control human minds. You are messing with their programs and with their intentions.
The people who are doing this are following a mind controlled narrative that came out of the Jesuits, because it resonates with them. Again the people become instruments of the powerful, and they don't even notice. They are blinded by the shine of hope coming from an all powerful Federation concept, promising them things that will never come to be. Because they have never come to be, why should they now?
Gosia: Wow, ok. So it´s not even Federation itself messing with people perception here... very interesting.
Swaruu X: Yes, this is very clear to me.
Another day:
Yazhi: In general... what we are saying about the Federation is VERY complex. So the ones who are attacking us for “badmouthing” them surely are not understanding what we are saying.
Now let me tell you what Swaruu X´s concept is on this topic. She is feeling and seeing that in the community that talks about these things, you know, UFOs, Extraterrestrials, Federation, awakening, etc., there is a mainstream and an “Alternative Media”. This is important.
The base for this is that we know, and many people on Earth know as well, that the CIA controls the New Age. Even started it. People don't realize the reach of the CIA. They think it is only some spy agency looking at terrorists in Syria or wherever, and similar things.
In reality it is a control institution, and it works for the Cabal directly, for the Illuminati and their interests.
Swaruu insists that she is seeing that there is clear influence and control over certain groups of people who are saying things about Federation and ET’s and Awakening. So those groups of people are backing one another influencing their perception, mind controlling one another, with the CIA managing psy-ops with them since the 60's. So what those all are saying is guided and approved by the Illuminati interests. They feed off one another, they reinforce one another and we know many have been directly involved with the Jesuits and some even with the CIA directly.
So they make a group and they are given the same kind of information so they back one another with that, and anyone outside of this group is seen as a problem for their interests, the interests of the CIA and of the Jesuits-Illuminati.
This is seen as evident when they use one another to promote or distribute among the “spiritual community” a set of data or information they want “out there”. They are all CIA tools. They want the people that are interested in Federation, stellar subjects and awakening, extraterrestrials and all that to be all working in unison under the CIA- Jesuit-Illuminati control.
Not to be able to see this, not understanding that the CIA and their managers need to control every aspect of human perception, is even foolish. They even say so directly. “When all what the public thinks they know is a lie then we have completed our mission: CIA director.” This is exactly the case here.
All those people and their friends, some knowingly cooperating with the CIA, others just being used, are the mechanism of the Matrix to divert the attention of the “awakened” population so they can be controlled.
So this is the group, that is complex, not simple, of people who are in a web of reinforcing one another and for the sake of monopolizing the truth with regards to extraterrestrial information of any kind. This group can be seen as Mainstream Media, (MSM) of the ET community of which we are NOT part of, and therefore we are under attack because they see us as dangerous, and we are. We are the “Alternative Media” of this subject and they are the MSM.
Gosia: It makes perfect sense, thank you! Just that now people will ask, I know: how do we know YOU are not some counter reverse CIA trick? But I think that´s not even worth answering. Anyone who observes closely our information will see that it´s not possible.
Yazhi: You can't know who is who a priori. All you can is use your discernment. As with everything in the MSM.
We are alone, we are constantly under attack, and we are stating things no one dares to say about these subjects.
Gosia: Yes. My other question is: is this CIA and Cabal setting up this pro-Federation propaganda, or Federation itself? And if it´s CIA and Cabal, what´s their interest here in having people believe so much in the Federation? For them not to do anything themselves, just that?
Yazhi: Because as Swaruu said, they, the Illuminati-Cabal, are preparing the False Alien Attack, invasion or contact. So the Cabal want the people to be as one with the same mentality towards the Federation and we are messing things up for them.
Gosia: I see. But how does it fit with portraying the Federation as good guys?
Yazhi: Because they want to use that for their agendas of control.
Gosia: But why? What´s the interest of seeing them as good guys? I don´t understand.
Yazhi: See the Federation of Galactic Light, or whatever it´s called, the same as QAnon. Making all the spiritual UFO, ET buffs go and trust them and place all their hopes in them. See it as another version or modern replacement of the concept of Jesus as it is used to control the masses. Good and Evil.
The people fall into this trap thinking that pure evil cannot exist so there must be a “good” side to all what is going on. The people, everyone, especially the ones who want to believe in extraterrestrials coming to help them and especially the ones who are honestly working towards a disclosure, I mean all those semi-famous ones are the first ones to fall into that trap. In my opinion all that large group of ET experts are been played by CIA and its operatives. And we have many examples of those people. So many people are genuinely falling into working for the CIA-Cabal without even knowing it.
They are preparing that Fake Alien Invasion but I doubt it will come as an invasion as in the movies, like in military take over of Earth. It most likely will come as positive aliens with nice agendas that “strangely” comply and are in tune with Agenda 21-30 and with Global Warming-Climate Change. Imposing some sort of new order (NWO) and possibly religion that may not even look like a religion, but as a set of rules or belief system that the humans must comply to.
We/you are upsetting the Cabal when you badmouth the Federation. When you are saying that they are the ultimate controllers of Earth they don't like you saying that because you are right on the money.
Same here, that is the reason why the Federation has placed a gag on the Taygetans, because they are spilling the beans, telling the humans exactly what the Federation and the Cabal does not want them to know.
Gosia: So they are preparing a NICE alien invasion? Which in this case won´t be fake, they are really planning to show up? Which part of it would be fake? Nice as in... that´s why they need people to view the Federation as good guys.
Yazhi: I really, really doubt there will be any sort of real ET´s appearing. That’s why it´s fake. They will most likely use false extraterrestrials under their full control.
I say this because the Federation has really gone out of its way to preserve the ‘Status Quo’ on Earth as a self contained social bubble that has little to nothing to do with what is going on outside. Therefore they even use the concept of the DOME referring to a hard barrier wall - bubble surrounding Earth, isolating it completely from the outside, and this wall or dome is no other than the Van Allen Belts.
So they wish to retain this super controlled Earth realm where all interaction with Extraterrestrials is fully under Illuminati-Cabal Control, therefore the people will never ever see real ET's, only the ones they want them to see fully under their control.
Backing this up is the fact we know, and from where I stand it's not even debatable, that there were no moon landings and no Mars rovers, no ISS space station as such and nothing like that. NASA is all fake, as we've been yelling for years. So this will also be fake. Because they don't want real extraterrestrials involved because they wouldn't be under their control.
Important wording concepts I need you to take into account and that I have not explained before. Words:
Alien → → Negative regressive non-human entity, that “alienates” humans, sets them off their spiritual path.
Extraterrestrial → → Positive progressive friendly non-human being that is wanting to enlighten and help humans move forwards and be well.
Gosia: Ok. You mean THEY, the Federation, wish to keep the Earth under Illuminati Cabal control?
Yazhi: YES. This hurts the minds of many. And that's why we get bashed, but they don't realize that even the Illuminati is not all evil in the eyes of the expanded Federation mind. They are the ambassadors of the Federation to Earth, or sort of. Somewhere along those lines. As stated by countless people in the ET community now, the Federation or the Extraterrestrials do accept and recognize human governments as authorities over the people by consent.
Gosia: Is it the Illuminati that promotes the Federation as good guys or is it with cooperation with the Federation? Cause Swaruu X was saying that the Federation doesn´t probably even care how they are viewed.
Yazhi: She is right, the Federation doesn't care; all what they want is to maintain the “purity” of the Earth realm and it been isolated from whatever is going outside the “Dome”. But from the Cabal-Illuminati level they do care. Because they are using the Federation as a tool, a revised and updated Ashtar Command and Alaniso on steroids to control all the UFO buffs!
Again, as I said above, what we say is very complex. What others say in this subject is simple for simple minded people. Those simply want to see bad people and good people. Bad Cabal, good Federation. When what we are saying is that it´s not so simple. This has many levels and what is on one level is not in another. So it takes a lot of mind power to keep up with us. And sincerely, not a lot of humans have that kind of mental resources.
Gosia: I know. Ok, but one question still. Is Federation involved in that propaganda of portraying themselves in a certain light? Or does it grow out of Cabal pure Earth level? I think it´s linked, must be. Cause otherwise they wouldn´t care either to cut the Taygetans´ internet.
Yazhi: We cannot know for sure if it is involved or not or how much it is involved directly (the Federation). My clear take is that they are not involved and this all is coming from a lower Illuminati Jesuit CIA control mechanism. Therefore this level of thinking that the Federation is all love and light, is purely coming from humans. And I bet on that. There is a whole team of people involved here, some under paycheck, others just doing it because they think it is the correct thing to do. Because that is what they want to believe.
Again, if the Federation itself is involved in this or not, this is a question of levels, and seeing this as set up in a step council manner, so used by the Federation, what one level is doing does not necessarily have anything to do with the next level up. So this portraying the Federation as love and light, surely is coming from the Jesuits, the CIA level of things and not having any ET involvement. But then again perhaps it does have, I cannot know this. I may perceive a lot but not everything. But honestly I do have a very strong tendency to feel as a knowing, that it's only coming from a human social control agenda level and mechanism.
Gosia: If the “ET” run by NWO was not in the picture and they wouldn´t have to have people accept it, then there would be no reason to portray them as good guys. Why not portray them as bad guys then?
Yazhi: For starter, because the Federation is running the Cabal-Illuminati, and they don't want to be seen as the bad guys should they need to be seen as the good guys later on. Because for fact there probably will be a false “alien” invasion soon to come, note that they say alien invasion and not extraterrestrial invasion, at least mostly.
Gosia: Well exactly. So that´s why they must have their fingers in this propaganda as well. It might be coming as an idea and is executed by human Cabal but the Federation APPROVES it. At least.
Yazhi: Yes, to one level or another they are involved. Another thing that points out to that is the fact that just now they silenced the Taygetans. Right now? Really?
Gosia: Right. That was my point above too. If they were not involved, then why would they care what the Taygetans reveal?
Yazhi: To one or another level they do care. Then what you are saying is right on the money so that's what is bothering them so much.
Gosia: Yes, it´s all related. As you said, they need people to believe in them, in case they need people´s approval at some point, fake alien invasion or not.
Yazhi: Yes.
Swaruu X:
Gosia: I wonder if false alien invasion will be presenting the “aliens” as something good or something bad? That´s something I am confused about.
Swaruu X: They don't have one plan only, they have multiple plans that roll out depending on each scenario as it plays out. So one possible plan or scenario is a False Alien invasion. That would remove all liberties and all freedom from the people in the name of a greater good.
And that invasion may come as a full blown false military ET coming down to Earth to enslave all. Or it could come in the shape of a positive alien invasion, as positive ET's coming to help and imposing on the human population new rules, rules that will be the exact ones the New World Order wants. As in a second coming of Christ, or a “Federation of Light” appearing to give people a new religion and they will all fall for it, for a New World Order, because those beings will be seen as benevolent as they cured a pandemic, for example, or they healed the Earth from Global Warming. And even gave people a new economic order or system like Nesara Gesara. And it will all be fake!
Gosia: So it could go in both directions, good ET´s or bad ET´s invasion.
Swaruu X: For now we strongly think that when and if that comes to pass, it probably will go the path of the “loving and caring problem solving Galactic Federation”, imposing New World Order rules on the people. Also because of how strongly they are interested in protecting their “Federation of Light”. And how it is seen in the public eye.
No one can argue that the Federation is about to save the humans, because about half the population on Earth has taken papayas (vaccines) with a genocidal cocktail of substances. So it is too late to be asking the Federation to help, the genocide has already started.
We do have things that indicate that they probably will take that path, of the “good ET´s invasion”, for example with their insidious insistence of imposing on the public the concept of a benevolent and loving Federation as they are out to destroy and censor anything that goes against that image.
They are clearly setting things up in that direction, so they don't want people like us ranting against the Federation as it goes against their plans.
Gosia: Yes, I was just thinking that. But then wouldn´t the real Federation or real ET´s step in to set it straight? I am sure they wouldn´t like to be used?
Swaruu X: They would NOT step in, because the fake alien invasion is only happening on Earth, in that realm, and is, or will be seen as part of the “game” and of the learning curve of humans. I’m sure of this. Very sure of this.
Gosia: Then we will need to step in and inform the people.
Swaruu X: We are also part of the game. We may be making everything worse, or better, depending on who you are and what your interests are. But at least we are telling people how things are. Not playing a deceitful game. All we are trying to do is to make people think on their own! Think, think! Damn it!!
Short Chat with Robert:
Swaruu X: We from here know where they are going with their documents declassifications and with their agendas. We know they have in mind the use of, but we feel that not yet, the fake alien invasion soon. If this false invasion occurs, it could be in two ways:
1: In the form of invasive military direct invasion.
2: In the form of saving of humanity intervention on the part of a benevolent "Galactic Federation".
We strongly believe from here that it will be scenario number 2.
They are preparing everything and it is reflected even in their insistence that the "Galactic Federation" (as they call it) be seen as the good guys, the saviors and that is why they attack us because we tell the truth, that they are not just love and light.
When the false Galactic Federation, made by the Cabal, (with the authentic one permissive of all this) enters, they will save humanity from the problems of the pandemic among other things and will give them free technologies as well, which the population will only see as something good and formidable, and they will love it.
(Censored on Youtube: That´s only manipulation because the covid agenda will be controlled remotely with nanotechnology in vaccines using 5D networks. Then there will be cases and deaths in specific places when and as the Controllers, the Cabal, wish.)
Also the free energies and the new economy Gesara NESARA, or whatever it is called, it does not matter, it will be at the cost of humans delegating their belongings and powers “for the good of the community and for the good of the planet.” Using excuses such as that oil is scarce and that is why the use of the internal combustion engine should be stopped in favor of electric cars and vehicles that only those that are within the system can have, super rich and others, and also said electric vehicles, because of its very nature, can be controlled by the networks, by the Internet at the discretion of the Cabal.
Robert: But how is a benevolent “Galactic Federation” going to present itself to Earth? That is not a holographic society delegating everything for the good of the community.
Swaruu X: It is a trap. It will be done by the Cabal with the permissiveness of the real Federation. In the name of global warming (which is false) they will stop using internal combustion vehicles, which will deprive the human population of independence and mobility. They will depend on the system more than ever, not being able to move autonomously much less privately. This is a very important point.
It can be seen in the decline of cars that increasingly rely on electronics, increasingly expensive, and with increasingly smaller engines. Also the adoption of high-profile small car designs such as small SUV´s that lack all stability on the road with rickety engines of 1.4 L or less, sometimes only with 2 or 3 cylinders. This is seen in the adoption of the small displacement motorcycle, and the fact that large displacement motorcycles are unaffordable in the same way as cars.
And this connects with whoever wants to encourage the use of the bicycle, but at the expense of the car and the motorcycle.
This sounds healthy and good at first glance, bicycles as something isolated are very healthy, the problem is that they are being used for population control, because people will no longer be able to have true independence of movement and will be contained within the distance range where they can pedal, without possibilities of long trips in a practical way.
This by containing the population and limiting their freedoms in the name of ecology and global warming, as well as under the excuse that oil is running out, something that from here we know that it is a rapidly renewable natural resource as my colleagues have already explained.
So going back to the Pentagon documents, they will never give the public anything that is true. What they will give you will be exactly and only what the CIA wants people to know and believe and that is directly tied to how they want people to see “aliens” tied directly to their fake alien invasion agenda.
So the so-called “Pentagon” documents are really just a name because what will be given to the public will initially be from the Pentagon, then processed by the CIA, corrected and augmented, and then exposed to the public with the full intention of guiding the perception of the people towards what the controllers want according to their agendas like false invasion.
The “intelligence” that we have here or the data, whatever you want to call it, indicates that they are paving the way for option 2, which is the benevolent alien invasion that will “save” humanity from its problems, but at the cost of people´s freedoms because the fake aliens will say and dictate conditions of aid that will go entirely hand in hand with the intentions of the New World Order.
And it remains to be stated that we know that there are real aliens working with the Cabal New World Order to develop this, and the Federation is directly behind this agenda.
Robert: Wow. And those beings, people, will have the appearance of Nordics?
Swaruu X: Most likely yes. Most probably they will say they are Pleiadians and the like (or races that do not exist but are based on the classical Pleiadians of “beautiful” beings like the Solatians).
Robert: And the people will fall for that?
Swaruu X: Yes, but all designed by the Cabal to manipulate the population, that's what the reset is all about, as it was when they invented Christ. The imposition of a total new belief system with the destruction of the old. That's why they destroy the past today, erasing everything, censoring everything, being digital and burning books again, tearing down historic buildings all over the world, (connects to Notre Dame). Effectively erasing the past of humanity to impose a new one.
I actively denounce the disappearance of historic buildings around the world in a systematic way.
Robert: The same as when they destroyed the Druids.
Swaruu X: That's right.
And if you accuse me of being the same thing as others, please just look at what I'm saying. No one else is reporting this.
Robert: They will never reveal the truth.
Swaruu X: Not by them, never! Yes, they will only give you controlled and manipulated information that is consistent with the population control agendas they have in mind.
The fact that all those people still believe that it will happen, indicates how little knowledge they have about how those who control the Earth operate and that everything is connected to each other. You cannot see the UFO phenomenon in isolation without connecting it to the agendas of the New World Order and secret societies. Everything is connected. Only few can see the complete landscape.
Another day Swaruu X: About Taygeta, that is basically the problem with the Federation, its obsession with following rules and Taygetans´ disobedience. When we very well know the Federation always twists their own rules to accommodate the situation as they see fit for their interests.
The idea most people follow about the Federation as an all love and light organization, accusing us of being negative because we dare question them, “how dare we question a perfect organization”, is coming from a completely artificial human idea and interpretation of what the Federation should be like and does not reflect the truth of what is outside Earth. They go into a state of adoration, idealizing the Federation.
And people within that human organization, or even group of like minded people like ufologists and so called researchers who only go validating one another sharing their information and their ideas as “what should be”, are the ones creating the concept of Federation as it is understood on Earth.
I really insist that from my, from our point of view from outside Earth, things are very different and this is one more attempt to describe things outside human understanding using limited human language. The humans´ concept of Federation is extremely simplistic. Reality is quite different.
Federation is an extremely complex and enormous organization with many levels, so many it’s quite impossible to understand them all, and to make things worse, it also transcends what human call ‘densities’.
Even the interpretation of what is right and what is wrong changes at those levels. Making it nearly impossible to understand for humans with rigid frames of understanding that also have attachments to their own pet ideas.
And to make things even worse, many such humans talking about Federation, are only using the subject to gain popularity and acceptance within their community, for money, for fame, for a place among other accepted researchers, and my favorite: because they are under an agenda and pay-role, probably of one or more 3 letter spy agencies.
And humans, the public, no longer knows what to think, who to believe and they fall again into the same train of thought of always to follow the one, the researcher or the whoever that has more credentials, more friends or influence, so continuing with a mainstream MSM media mentality. Falling again into the same trap as always, following an acceptable source instead of using their own heads, because they do not want to bother making up their own minds about any subject, as they are so used to be fed things already digested. And we’ve said this before.
All the narratives, all the information on Earth, must and has to be controlled by agencies, of all subjects. The information people receive has to be controlled by them, nothing must be left ajar and in the wind. Because it could come back to bite them. They want total control.
What makes you think that the UFO and researcher and contactee community would be the exception? NO, it's not and on the contrary, it is one of the most controlled areas because it concerns many levels that the Cabal wants people to be under control with, such as spirituality, high prohibited technology, and awareness of how thing really work on Earth in general.
So, as I was saying earlier, the people are being fed misinformation all over and about all subjects, from politics to nature of reality to science. So what is reality for them? It's a completely artificial construct.
On Earth there are several realities none of which go or fit with one another. There is one for the masses, for the simple people, there is another for the politicians, another for low secret societies, and yet another for deep secret societies, not to mention off planet realities that also have a lot to do with what is going on, on Earth.
So with this multilevel reality morphing system it is impossible for the public to know what is what. Each reality described above has its own set of accepted rules, science, and all you can think of. And each level is always thinking that they hold the ultimate truth as they are apparently above other levels, and as usual they are blind to levels above them due mainly to their own egocentric narcissistic complexes.
Gosia: At this point, I must ask, as people will ask this for sure, how different does it make us though? We are also sort feeding them with information, and people jump on it, a lot of them without questioning. How would you respond?
Swaruu X: How can people know we are different? How to discern and navigate this? They must use their heads, we cannot give any sort of proof of all this because there is no proof for this subject not even here inside an Andromedan Biosphere.
We are telling them, the public, to think, to be wise, while the others talking about Federation want to silence us because we differ from their ideas, and they want to impose their narrative, narrative that goes hand in hand perfectly with their agendas of control such as QAnon, and a long list of UFO researchers.
We are the ones saying, wait, things are not so simple, look at all the ethical and moral implications going on here on multiple levels. They are only saying that the Federation is of love and light and they are here to help humanity and liberate them. What they say does not hold water because those are empty promises that never have come to pass, so people are only there staying, waiting for it to happen, while their liberties are taken away... exactly as with the QAnon movement. It is so exactly as the QAnon movement that it looks to be under control of the same people. Some specific people in the UFO field are being used as a bridge for the CIA and other 3 letter spy agencies to infiltrate into the UFO spiritual community.
So how are we different? The others are telling people to ignore us because we are lying, and accusing us of many things. They clearly have not understood our complicated points of view, theirs are too simple to even be true. And we are never telling any one not to listen to other opinions. That is how. We are the ones who they are trying to silence, they are the ones who want to have complete monopoly of truth over this Federation subject and over all other subjects as well. This is modern book burning! This is how people can see who is who.
Cristina: The reptiles that Yazhi says are concentrated in London, how are they camouflaged among the population?
Anéeka of Temmer: It is that this 3D species looks human, only with scales. So dressed as humans and with dark glasses, face masks and gloves, according to the current situation, they can walk among people without being seen as something strange. Only the ones from Kingu race because they don't have tails. There are 3 variants of Kingu: Greens, Reds and Whites. The Greens are the lower class and they do not have a tail, the other two do. The Whites are Royalty, the Reds are the ones who take care of them, they are like their military. The greens are its servant population. It is worth mentioning that the terrestrial Kingu reptiles are not a holographic society but a society ruled by 7 pyramidal castes.
Estel·la: And are they 3D species?
Anéeka of Temmer: YES 3D, but they hide. They are not of another density, they are very tangible and highly visible by the human population.
Cristina: So, the Greens are the ones that mix with the population?
Anéeka of Temmer: Let's say at least mostly them. They are green with a light beige belly. They call them "Yellow Belly" as a mockery.
Cristina: And their height is like a human being?
Anéeka of Temmer: Yes or a little higher. But they pass like humans at first glance except for skin and eyes. So the current situation, like masks, has turned out to be convenient for them.
Estel·la: And the Queen of England is a White Kingu?
Anéeka of Temmer: Good question, what I do know is that she is a priestess, but I have never heard that she is royalty to the Kingu. It may be that it is only royalty for humans and only be fulfilling a role and not be it for reptiles, it would not be the first time.
Estel·la: So the Kingu, being 3d, are they the ones that were created here? Or were those the Usungal?
Anéeka of Temmer: The information from Anton Parks and our differs, Anton Parks says that the Kingu created the Usungal and we have data that the Usungal being older and interstellar were the ones who created the Kingu. That is to say that the Kingu are terrestrial, intraterrestrial, or semi intraterrestrial. I feel like Anton Parks has it backwards.
Cristina: And how many races of reptiles are here now?
Anéeka of Temmer: Countless. But the most numerous are 3 species of Kingu, the usual ones, their masters the Usungal and the Draco. All mostly regressive. In spacecraft in orbit are the Alpha Draco, but they are positive. Draco and the Alpha Draco are not the same species.
Cristina: And another question about the reptilian races, the Naga and I think once you mentioned the Seraphim, are they also slaves of the Draco and Usungal?
Anéeka of Temmer: I don't have much information about Naga, but they are yet another race, quite regressive as well. Seraphim also related to gargoyles, they are like slaves or guards of the intraterrestrial caves of the reptilians.
Cristina: And is there a reptilian race or group here that is not regressive? Apart from the Alpha Dracos?
Anéeka of Temmer: Yes, but I don't know the names at this time. That's how irrelevant they are. However, in the works of Mary Rodwell many starseed children indicate that they are of very loving, positive reptilian races. They do exist. I just have no information to share about them right now without investigating. But as you will see they are not common here in orbit.
Cristina: Thank you, I understand that there must be few positives then.
Conversation from July 2020
Yazhi Swarúu: Note that many races called reptiles are not necessarily Reptile based, but only have a reptilian appearance. Some look like reptiles but they are mammals.
This one is in line as Alpha Draco but it is not, this one is similar to a Draco.
The Draco are somewhat humanoid but with wings, they are large and warriors in nature, generalizing or from what is known 95% or more of them are regressive-invasive in nature. Danger 9 of 10.
This is a web image of an Alpha Draco below:
As you can see, an Alpha Draco is a Dragon. Alpha Draco, as opposed to Draco, are mostly positive. Despite their appearance they are progressive and cooperative. Very protective. But difficult to interact with because their culture is very different from that of someone of Lyrian origin. They have culture, they are not ... animals, for lack of a better word. But they rarely wear clothing, or limited. More than anything jewelry.
They are still dominant. dangerousness 10 out of 10. Tied with the Urmah. But both are positive, although there are still regressive factions of Alpha Draco. And they are considered gods to the Usungal or the Kingu on Earth.
Dragons are not mythology. They are an intimidating reality. Present in virtually every culture on Earth, no matter where, you will always find a dragon. At the time of Atlantis there was Alpha Draconian influence, but independent, only interacting when it suited them. They have not always been positive, especially at that time. reason for so much legend. If they are regressive, they end, destroy and take everything. The good thing is that regressives are very rare nowadays, almost non-existent.
However, the Alpha Draco, whatever their inclination, their society has always been very closed. Watching for their own interests. This is logical since its physical form does not allow another kind of social development or interaction even with other Reptiloids.
However, they are a very ancient species or group of species, and they are not primitive, just very "incompatible" with other races. But they are highly interstellar with gigantic ships, kilometers long, shaped like something similar to an artichoke or a Maguey plant.
Cristina: And is it true those myths that they guarded the gold?
Yazhi Swarúu: It is highly probable that all this is real, because like any other race they need gold for their technology, transport and ships.
Galactic Federation - Good Guys? Their Management of Earth (Yazhi, Swaruu, Aneeka-Taygeta- Pleiades)
Is Federation good or bad? Yazhi: As with many large things, the larger, the even more complex. No one can say if it is good or bad, as such, taking into account that the Federation is not one single entity and it is made of people with different points of view and many different opinions coming from an extremely wide variety of backgrounds, because they come from different cultures, some similar to Earth’s and others very different.
On Earth most people into the Federation subject claim it is all love and light, benevolent and working for the people. Something so complex and so large cannot be simply cataloged as good or bad, that would be and is an over simplified idea and concept that does not reflect reality.
Something so large, as a political institution, cannot possibly be all good always as good and evil can only be seen as such relative to something else. Good can be bad for some people and what is evil for another may be good for yet another. Even defining good and evil is complicated.
So we must take the Federation subject specifying with what context we are looking at it from. From what point of view, with who, and when. Who in the Federation is doing what with who else. And not talking in bulk generalizing about the whole group.
The part we are interested in analyzing here is the Federation and its relationship with the human inhabitants of the Earth’s surface. Specifically the civilian population.
How does the Federation view Earth humans? 5D perspective versus 3D perspective: Yazhi: One of the Federation´s most cherished rules, or laws, is that of free will. The problem concerning Earth is that they are not considering the free will of the people of Earth because they are seeing it as a secondary interpretation or point of view of the same people on Earth but in 5D, or whatever ‘D’ they may live in. This is because they consider Earth a play ground, a place to have a specific set of experiences and for a very large variety of reasons.
As I have explained before, the people of Earth are all starseeds, talking about the real ones here of course. So, from above, from a higher perspective of their own existence, they also exist as 5D people co-inhabiting more than one place and time simultaneously. This is a fact that spawns out of the very nature of Time itself that I will explain in full in future videos. And I think it is critical so I can be understood here.
But this aside, the perspective of the Federation is to respect its members´ free will at all costs. The terrible problem with this is that, as they are perfectly aware, one perspective of the same person changes due to the limitations of life in a lesser density.
The Federation will respect the will of the people close to them from a more expanded point of view as the will to consider, and not the free will of the same people in 3D. Life experienced on Earth is wanted and is planned from above by the people who will have the experience there.
So the Federation will see the will of the people in 5D, whatever D, as the real ‘free freewill’. Leaving the experience on Earth as just a caricature of the original, an avatar, a ‘persona’ (Greek) who is having a limited experience by free will from above. Leaving that 3D person on Earth with little to no free will at all.
Also because the people in 3D are working and functioning from a very limited capacity of perception and therefore of reaction to situations they live. Almost like programs that have limited interactive ability. Because the range of thought, movement and plain resources are so limited by design. So the Federation will only see the needs of 3D people as a limited, distorted ‘need’ as compared to the larger more ‘expanded’ point of view of the 5D person who willingly planned to have the experience on Earth.
So in short, the Federation will observe the experience on Earth not as real and not as valid as the experience from where it stands in 5D, wherever “D”. The people in 5D have the free will, and the very same people having a 3D experience do not, because they are subjected to the will and the decisions of their 5D versions. Because they were the ones who designed the 3D experience they would have willingly.
For me, this brings us to many ethical problems.
I clearly notice an invalidation of the people on Earth, as seen as just about not real for the Federation supervising this at large. Or at the very least not for the people who are actually doing the decisions to go and live on Earth, doing immoral and non-ethical things to themselves! I strongly feel this is terribly wrong, because it is not about who is who where and who has more or less value than who else and why.
The simple undeniable fact is that a person is the one having an experience and disregarding who he or she might be above in another density, they are people by right. And their needs are not met in the name of free will. Almost as if the people on Earth are seen from the Federation point of view as playable characters in a video game.
They are real only from the point of view of people who are playing the game through them, like a soldier running through a battlefield in a video game. The player is in the soldier having an experience, but that player knows that he/she is only playing a game, turn it off and they go see what´s in the fridge! (With no worries).
Swaruu X: The Federation is so large it can only see Earth as a minuscule problem, at most, and not even a problem. From inside Earth, as a human, the problem is evident and large, overwhelming and destructive in all ways. The problem is that from outside of Earth, they see people there as avatars of other people, 3D avatars of 5D people.
So for them, the Taygetans, you and I, whoever else ranting about what is going on, is only akin to a person fighting for the rights of videogame characters fighting a war and clearly suffering. So the sad fact is that they don’t see the problem. Not that they are ‘evil’ as such. They are just not capable of understanding humans because their understanding from outside Earth is so expanded compared to humans.
So if you tell them, Federation members, that the humans are suffering, they will say: “I know, but they signed up for the ride.” They see living, incarnating on Earth, as a test of character. They don’t really see suffering as evil. Only as something that occurs when you astray from your path of desires. You suffer because you are not aligned with what you want as a life experience and path. So suffering as such is only part of the game.
Gosia: Why they do fight off the Reptiles then and such? Do they do it? Why not let the Earth be infested completely by the regressives?
Swaruu X: Because if evil is not fought off to a certain extent, it will take over entirely and destroy the Earth, because pure evil tends to self-destruct. So they must stop it when it reaches a certain level. And this is why the Cabal or the regressive ones use so many tricks to twist the rules. And this is exactly why a nuclear war as such, will never take place. Not with planetary consequences.
Robert: You said that the Federation gives all its members a framework of legal, ethical and moral rules. This common framework applies to all members. But what happens on planet Earth, what frame is being used? A different one due to Earth´s unique position with regards to other members that form part of the Federation? And if so, why are there two measuring sticks of ethics and morals?
Swaruu X: For the Federation the Earth is perfectly within its legal framework. The problem here is that the Federation is not a single block within a single level, but, in a staggered manner, increases not only in terms of area, but also in density within the jurisdiction of each of these levels. The rise of its density causes a change in the perception of existence of its members, of what they understand reality to be, and this inevitably brings a change in their ethics, because ethics is irremediably associated with the perception of reality and level of consciousness of each person. (I mean the level of consciousness of the members that control and compose it).
So from the more expanded perspective of these higher level members, Earth is perceived as a self-contained place or realm where people (call them souls but it’s not that simple) enter at their own risk.
They regard the purpose of the Earth as a place of expansion, of learning to control personal reality, of expansion of personal and collective consciousness to which those “souls” belong, and ultimately it also favors the expansion of the whole, of the Original Source.
From the almost a-temporal position of those people in higher or expanded realms, densities and consciousnesses, what happens on Earth during an incarnation of a person-soul who perceives it as suffering over the course of about 80 years, is seen from there as a simple sigh in Time, an enriching experience for all.
In the same way when a psychologist on Earth presents a lit candle to a month-old baby and the baby tries to touch the fire, burning itself slightly. The psychologist sees it as learning for the baby, since the burn will not be serious, it will pass in minutes since the baby’s spinal cord reflex will withdraw the little hand before strong damage takes place. This is also used to test how well the baby's nervous system is working according to its stage of development.
From those higher densities, an experience of suffering on Earth has the same value. Learning, expansion. The value of ethics and morals change strongly with the expansion of consciousness. So what is ethical on one level is not ethical from another. This is an inescapable fact that Yázhi and I have observed.
This means that from a more expanded position of consciousness many times the means justify the end. That is to say that purposely provoking situations or events that on Earth can be seen as unethical, justifies the positive final outcome that these unethical events cause. This is an extremely important point.
This point above is very common to see for people who are at a certain level of expansion since the ethics changes according to the level of consciousness perception of each person.
However, another point is that the imposition of an ethical point of view or framework from above on a lower ethical framework such as that of the Earth entails, from one point of view or another, that the “superior” position ignores or devalues the situation or experience of suffering of the person in the lower position, 3D Earth, as if it were not real, when it definitely is.
So as a more personal comment on my part. From my position, whatever that may be, yes I see it as valid that in one situation or another the means, whatever they may be, justify the positive ending. As long as that positive ending is of maximum or critical importance and it takes place. But I also see how unfair this can be seen from the “lower” position, because, just to begin with, the why that is so is ignored.
So the legal framework for Earth is the same as for the rest of the so-called 5D, with 5D being the average existential density in space between the cultures that are having an experience in the so-called physical world.
It´s just that they see the Earth as a contained place, which they can guide in detail and all that happens inside. And that´s how it is. Everything is guided and manipulated in detail there. That is why we explained many times that there cannot be a total atomic war, or anything like that, because it would end the 3D Experience-Realm completely. But what yes, can be allowed, are more or less localized conflicts or wars at World War II level and there can also be extermination agendas against specific populations or against the total population of the planet.
That is why we say that the Federation ultimately controls everything that happens on Earth. Not from an evil position. But to maintain the right of the inhabitants within the Earth, but seen from a framework of legal and ethical understanding different from that of humans from the point of view of being incarnated there.
Yazhi: The fact that the Federation, and by Federation I mean just about everyone not on Earth, ignores the suffering under a different set of whatever moral and ethical ways of seeing the problem as I described above, causes the humans´ issues and suffering to be taken as lightly, temporal, contained, self-inflicted and so on. Also causes a long list of side effects all caused by ignoring the fact that humans there do suffer and do not agree with how they are treated.
Like for example ethical issues that some simply disregard as plain silly. Like you going to a city council meeting to discuss saving Mason. (Mason is a main player playable-character in a videogame series). I mean they don’t even see Mason as a ‘real’ person. The one who is playing to be Mason is the one who you should address to stop him or her from torturing Mason in the game (it’s a war game). No one truly considers going into the game to talk to Mason, to talk him out of fighting virtual Vietnam over and over. You go talk to the player, not to the videogame character. This is the sort of mentality Federation has with regards to humans.
Gosia: I don´t see though why they would see this as a game. I mean, those that come through immersions ok, I understand, but most souls come here as just another incarnation, from the Source. It doesn´t matter even if this is some simulated “unreal” reality artificially or what. 5D is another game, done by the MIND but still a “game of the mind”. Like you once said, it doesn´t matter how the experience is induced, mentally or technologically (when you were discussing memory implants, etheric vs technological), the experience is the same. So unreal game or not, the experience here is real. And souls do experience it as real.
Yazhi: They do understand that, but to a mental level, not to a real empathy level. This is why I’ve said that non-emotional races are the least fit to understand what is going on, on Earth. Although the emphatic races are taken as a little sister telling her brother playing video-games that what he is doing exposing Mason to the Vietcong is just plain cruel.
Collective wants, the Field, and the Federation: Yazhi: With all I’ve said above, then there is another way of working, or mechanism of the Earth Matrix. What the collective wants does reflect in what the 5D collective of people inside 3D want as well, because the Matrix of Earth, 3D, is made of ideas. And those transcend density to 5D, and then from there many do make decisions about what they will want to live next or re-live next.
But looking only at the human collective: The problem is the general mentality of the people. I mean they don’t know how to think for themselves for whatever reason, many would say because they lack spiritual progression, or knowledge. This is very important because they are all into a mentality of following others, and not making decisions and taking responsibility for themselves in any way. And the few they follow go into a narcissistic binge creating more problems and more chaos.
This mechanism will create a human Collective Unconscious. And it is made up of all those perception, value, moral, spiritual, scientific, ethical, religious, and plain common ideas that the masses as a whole take and agree as the truth and as reality. And as we said before many times in other subjects, that will dictate a reality, and it is the very definition of the Matrix. Remembering that the people collective and individually are the Matrix.
So it is clear that from that mass that created the Collective Unconscious, is from where the wants and needs, wishes and all, are being “sent out” to the “Field” as it is called when referring to the Law of Mirrors or Law of Attraction. Making them all suffer basically the same fate as if all agreed on what is wanted.
Because the need of the one, although enough to dictate what it will get from the Field and Law of Attraction at least in theory, is dispersed and is heavily influenced by the larger Collective Unconsciousness. So it lacks focus, therefore lacks results most of the time.
So, coming back to the Federation. This is the bulk, the mass made of consciousness, the Human Collective Unconscious, that the Law of Attraction in the Field is reading and is providing whatever is a frequency match to its desires.
And observing Space Law, Free Will, and Prime Directive, the Federation will provide or recognize this collective mass-desire as what must be respected, and not the wishes of a few who are wanting other things. So as seen from that perspective, those few don’t match with the rest, and then lack collective power to demand needs from. I know the Law of Mirrors works for everyone in an individual way, but I still see many limits to what can actually be achieved that way because people who are contrary to the collective’s desires are still immersed in that Collective Field.
Gosia: Why would 5D people want to be vaccinated as a collective though? What do they gain from that? I don´t understand it.
Yazhi: Basically as seen from the point of view of the law observed by the Federation, that’s what they want as a collective. For now I think that is as far as I can explain the why, other than the all classical “because of the experience”. The main point here is that the Federation is not taking into account the needs of the few, only the needs of the many, and the needs of the people in 5D who already knew what they would live. They do know what they would live, those are mass exodus from Earth. They hold the agreement to leave in mass. It defends only the collective agreements.
Gosia: But how do they know that collective agreement? Do they have holographic measurements of that? Because I understand about the FIELD reading that and reflecting back the situation. But they are not reading the Field. They are sitting there with their robes... I don´t understand how the Federation measures the collective wants? Based on what? Can´t be what immersed people said before entering. Those are starseeds who oppose all this mostly now. Can´t be based on afterlife souls either. They don´t have access to that. That´s YAZHI-level. So how do they know?
Yazhi: Well that is quite simple, only seeing what people are saying in the damn social media. I mean what do you think they recollect all that data for? It was harder before when there was no internet. This is also part of transhumanism, that I have not had the chance to get to in this topic.
Gosia: But what about 5D wants? You said they value 5D wants more and dismiss 3D wants as only avatars. But then also it was said they look at our collective and what it wants.
Yazhi: In few words, they observe 5D needs and wishes, and then from inside the 3D they also observe lesser wishes as for changing the gameplay from within. So for example: people want to play that horror videogame and they know what the game is about and they say I want it!
And then once inside the game, some things can be changed at the will of the players. But not the general subject of the game. I think it is clearer this way.
Gosia: What are those some things?
Yazhi: Vaccines or not vaccines, wars or no wars. Variables within the Matrix. But not changing the nature of the Matrix.
Gosia: Oh... you mean the 5D players wanted to experience WHATEVER 3D Earth brings... and that must be respected. And so then they respect what those players manifest for themselves once in here cause one of the rules of the game for them is to manifest whatever in 3D? So that must be respected and even supported?
Yazhi: Something like that within limits.
Gosia: What limits?
Yazhi: Nuclear War will never happen. But lesser wars will.
Gosia: What other limits?
Yazhi: Just about anything no matter how horrible, as long as it does not destroy the entire planet or the Matrix as in the needs of the collective. After they die, they go play somewhere else.
Gosia: And there are never 5D players who go back and collectively say: no more!? Throughout ages there had to be millions of ET´s passing through this place. And they still support this game and manifesting whatever? Suffering and all? Their changed opinion about this place by having LIVED through it, doesn´t change the 5D collective of what the 5D players want? Aren´t WE going to reform the idea about this game on the 5D collective level once we go up there?
Yazhi: You are!
Gosia: So how come not other ET´s?
Yazhi: Many do, but not enough! And it is constantly said that the changes and the influence must be while inside Earth. I really must go now, I wish I didn’t!
Other points to consider: Yazhi: There is an important part I did not say yesterday. You asked me how the Federation reads the wants of the human collective. They don’t! What is going on most probably is the simple action of the Law of Attraction giving the people on Earth what they want, mostly collectively. Collectively because the wants of the individuals will almost always be heavily influenced by the collective anyway! So the Field is reading, so to speak, the wants of the Collective Unconscious.
And as I’ve said before, the problem with the Law of Mirrors or the Law of Attraction is that if you are under a soup of negativity you will only bring on to yourself more of the same. You can’t just wishful think you’d have a nice life, when your unconscious is a mess. And it is a mess because you are surrounded by human unconscious Field. So the humans will get only more of the same and will reinforce one another into believing whatever... not good for them. And from there, is where I’m saying that as a collective they start to manifest all those Tulpas and Egregors.
And those reflect not only as ‘real’, ‘objective’ negative entities, but also as the nightmares that occur on Earth all the time, due to simple frequency match, they become compatible to those situations. And to creations that spawn not only out of the Collective Unconscious, but as reflections of their worst characteristics as a species or culture. Crooked politicians, Cabal, Illuminati’s, Satan worshipers, criminals, you name it!
So it looks like the Federation is waiting to see them all evolve into a better collective. Gosia: Waiting to see them evolve? By turning them into transhumans? I don´t understand.
Yazhi: That’s why I said looks like. That’s what they say or hint towards. All I see, we see, is more suffering and mass extermination now.
Gosia: I understand what you are saying above, about the Field, and I agree. But I still don´t understand the lower Federation level reasons for standing behind and not opposing the current “medical” agendas (vaccines)? Papaya shots as I call them.
Yazhi: They strongly feel there are too many people on Earth and exhausting the resources so it’s better to remove them using papaya shots than letting them die off with the rest of the planet as it is being utterly destroyed. That’s how they think. The problem is, there aren’t too many people!
And I’m quite convinced that this is coming from a lower level of this mess, from the Illuminati Cabal level. From there they do want to remove the entire population because that’s the only solution they see to overpopulation, but also because they feed off suffering as you know, so this is all a big ritual, we all know this.
But this does not exonerate the Federation. As I’ve said before, they become criminally permissive in the name of their no-intervention laws. Because they can fix the mess on Earth if they wanted to, no doubt! But they don’t! So no, I’m not buying all that they say that the Federation is helping humans a lot and that we are badmouthing them, I’m sure that’s coming from people, humans playing Federation. Because we are ruining what they are attached to. So I still see the Federation as a bunch of bureaucratic criminals.
Gosia: Ok. You said, it´s probably coming from the Illuminati Cabal level. But are they being controlled by the Federation?
Yazhi: Yes, they cannot do this alone, that’s why the Federation is being permissive, it has to be orchestrated from above, but the idea, so to speak, is more from the Cabal level. But as I’ve said before they won’t do anything without the Federation above moving them.
So it’s a situation where the execution is almost of human origin from all those Bilderberg billionaires, free masons, Jesuits and all those, but those always obey others above and those above, so it is Federation, that’s why this is permissive, they cannot just say they have no hand in this!
The humans, “broken shoes”, become a frequency, Law of Attraction, match for those things. Those then manifest as Cabal criminals billionaires with no empathy. And those also by frequency match will reflect the worst ideas of the human collective. And those from above, because they have direct, no channelling BS, contact with Federation, will act not only in a narcissistic way, but also obeying Federation rules and laws. And this is where the problem is especially strong, the Cabal highest levels working with the Federation in a self-interest manner, and the Federation is complying with them as it is part of the Federation control structure of Earth.
And the Federation does observe the human collective but through the eyes of the ones who talk to them, as they cannot have a direct access to all the wants of the human collective. So they will give them what the Federation thinks the humans as a collective want! The Federation only gets the information from the leaders, and from there decide, but the Earth leaders will only tell them what the people want as a collective according to how they interpret things.
And the Cabal is controlling the people of Earth with manipulative ways, so many say it’s not their fault. But in reality those who are controlling the people are the result of the very chaos of and in the human Collective Unconscious. So they are being manipulated because that’s what as a collective they are building as their leaders. As the saying goes, a population will be reflected in their leaders and will have the exact leaders that they create.
Gosia: I am sorry. I still don´t understand though. Why does the Federation want to kill us off? Even if the idea is coming from Cabal levels? They don´t want, only being permissive perhaps?
Yazhi: As an example, the Cabal tells Federation that there are too many people. And that they have an ‘ethical’ plan. Then the Federation would say: “you must tell them”, and the Cabal has been telling the people through media, movies and all that, although the people don’t get it. So it looks like the people want it. The Federation looks the other way then. Because it looks like that’s what they want.
Gosia: Why aren´t there the rules of HOW to tell the people? Why is it all obscure? Who in the right mind would think that something told in the movie is actually them being told? That´s nonsense!
Yazhi: I’m quite sure those rules are being twisted by the Cabal and those on top of it. Because hiding truth as science fiction is deceitful. That’s lying. That’s manipulative.
Gosia: And can´t the Federation see that then? And change those rules? I thought Cabal must obey the Federation.
Yazhi: I think they are seeing that manipulation as the result of the people of Earth again, as is the very existence of the Cabal.
Gosia: And that´s where “respecting 5D people´s wishes comes in” right? As in... you knew what you were getting into?
Yazhi: Yes.
Gosia: What a pretzel.
Yazhi: And as I said before, the same people who leave Earth, and are 5D again, will bring the 3D Matrix with them in their values and thoughts. As we’ve witnessed so many times with the stellars that end up getting lost in the Matrix, of coming back up with the same mentality.
Robert: How is humanity going to be able to advance if it is directed towards self-destruction as a planetary reset every time there is a growth in ethics, morals and spirituality? I get the feeling that the Federation effectively wants to perpetuate this artificial reality until someone from above decides to stop all this barbarism.
Swaruu X: Humanity as such will only advance in a way that the controllers dictate, and these controllers are many and at various levels as already explained, but ultimately the main controllers are the members of the Federation.
So there can be no advancement of the base civilization or the general public on Earth. And part of the reason why a reset is done is to maintain the parameters of the very human experience and how it should be as planned previously from outside the Earth. These parameters of what an experience on Earth should be come from above from outside the Earth itself and are controlled by the same people who incarnated or will incarnate on Earth but from a more expanded mind point of view within their existence on higher planes, before incarnating on Earth, or reincarnating on Earth, and in the case of those who have multiple incarnations there, those parameters will be based on their vey experiences on Earth.
When a great spiritual advance is achieved, the people (souls) who have achieved it no longer fit into the Earth because their values have already evolved to a degree that it is incompatible for them to be there. So said soul-people will lose the interest of being there. And knowing how everything works, they are no longer interested in returning to Earth because for their souls the incarnations on Earth have already fulfilled their function of expanding their consciousness and souls. (Souls - removing all religious connotations).
So yes, although with modifications coming from the very same souls-people-players, the Federation will basically keep the Earth within that artificial reality, and artificially controlled.
From the position of within the incarnation on Earth it is perceived as barbarism, and it is, but from the outside they are only the parameters of the very reality and density.
The Federation can be perceived here as an evil controlling entity, and from the point of view of someone having an incarnation on Earth by definition based on their own values and ethics frameworks, the Federation CAN be interpreted as evil.
However, the most expanded reality, as I have tried to describe above, is much more complicated since the Federation is only a multifaceted, multilevel entity or body that, due to its variety of ideas, ethical frameworks and levels of understanding, cannot be classified neither malignant nor positive, since falling into these kinds of definitions is falling within a very reduced, reductionist framework of understanding, and only seen with the simplistic understanding of the point of view and opinions of many people who speak about these subjects on Earth.
The Federation just is. It cannot be understood with pre-conceived simplistic ideas and with a purely human framework of understanding. The Federation is not good, it is not bad, it is just a complex body.
Robert: Will the Federation allow humanity to be interstellar?
Swaruu X: From the Federation’s point of view, and as already explained, humans are not a “species”. They are a bio-suit that allows multiple races or species to coexist on Earth with a common experience called being human.
The Federation as such does NOT view humanity as a species or as a race. It is a biological suit accessible from various ways or methods, based on the morphology of the races called the Lyrian group. This is because the Lyrian body is seen as one of the best designs, most practical and strong, to survive in the biological environment of the Earth.
So answering the question directly: it will not allow it, not as humans would wish. The Federation does not have to allow humanity to become interstellar because according to them it already is. And their going out into the cosmos as humans destroys the very purpose of humanity.
Robert: Can you remind us what “interstellar” mean please?
Swaruu X: Interstellar: A civilization capable of moving from its place of origin to any other point outside its own solar system. (Otherwise it would only be interplanetary)
One that has enough technology to navigate among the stars and what this brings with it, one that knows multiple cultures of other stars and has dealings or agreements with those other cultures.
Why Yazhi, Swaruu X and Taygetans view the Federation attitude regarding Earth as regressive: Anéeka: We see the Federation as an institution that has become so big it no longer can maintain a holographic system so it is turning into a very complex multilayered problem.
We consider the Federation to be the ultimate controllers of Earth and to who the Cabal in control of Earth responds to. They are from the Earth perspective not friendly to the Earth’s population. Having said that, this does not mean that within the very large Federation there may be organizations, factions, races or similar, that are friendly to humans.
So I’m not disqualifying all the Federation, but in bulk, and judging by what it is doing now, practical results for Earth, they are not doing anything in favor of the human population. We are officially Federation as well, but we do not agree with their double faced attitude. We work alone now, as best as we can, and limited by the Federation as they do with all races involved with Earth.
Swaruu X: Talking about military, the Federation at large, and generalizing, is heavily militarized. So, who are the war mongers now? Where is the Federation of love and light? There is no evidence to its existence as described by “contactees” on Earth and all those established and socially accepted ufologists! There is NO evidence whatsoever about the Federation helping humans, or about to “liberate” Earth from “evil-doers”. Only empty promises!
The Federation has never intervened in the way or manner people would want it to, where was the Federation during the Dark Ages? Where was it during the atrocities of the First World War? And where was it during the subsequent annihilation (genocide) of the so called “Spanish Flue” 1918-19-20 where millions died due to the “papaya treatments” (vaccines) that were rolled out to cure what was simple flue?! Exactly 100 years ago, nearly to the day from covid nonsense! I mean it’s not even original, they did it 100 years ago! This is just a re-run, repeat in a larger scale! Where was the Federation then? Where was the Federation during countless atrocities all throughout history? At least we have the balls to call out what is really happening!
Federation has never intervened in the way or manner people want and need, what makes them think this time it is different? The only thing that is different this time is that there are so-called, and self- appointed “Federation ambassadors” telling the people that the Federation “will intervene”. But beware, that is only deception as it has never ever happened as they’d like it to! So the Media, the controlled pseudo - alternative media controlled by intelligence agencies are only using that information to control and manipulate the people to yet another level.
Yazhi: Ok, look at the Federation objectively. Sorry, where exactly can we see all what they are doing for humans? Really? Where? Tell me? I insist. Where is the help? Show me! We are in the middle of mass destruction (genocide), and where the hell are they!? Tomorrow they will come, they say. Tomorrow it is too late. It is too late TODAY.
We had a plan how to help, and the answer was NO. And now we cannot even say anything against them? Doesn’t that sound suspiciously like Media and YouTube ban?! They won’t shut me up! I know the truth and I will say it!
And contrary to what they are saying, I’m telling them with proof, that the Federation is doing nothing to help them. When I see the help, when I see them solving problems as all those New Age people say, then I will eat my words, but now they should eat ours! And I have spoken!
Gosia: What is that truth exactly now? Who is really behind this “destruction” (genocide)?
Yazhi: Oh, truth is complicated, and no one holds it. But here I’m referring to the simple FACT that the Federation is doing NOTHING at all to help humans! Yes, yes, they may be helping the departing souls and all that. But on Earth NOW, what live humans want from their perspective, incarnated perspective, it is unfair and a crime.
And again, as we’ve said before, they don’t give a damn about the people, only about the interests of the souls from a “higher perspective” wanting to experience all that suffering on Earth “for experience”, they say.
Gosia: They help departing souls? How?
Yazhi: When they die and they are starseeds, they are directed back to the incarnation cycles of their places of origin, (according to them, the Federation, of course, as no soul belongs to any place in particular, that is only another belief system).
Gosia: I see.
Yazhi: So humans as such have no rights. And they are wrong because they are observing things only from their higher density perspective and disqualifying the perspective of someone on Earth.
Gosia: And they also do that cause they want to maintain their Matrix playground right?
Yazhi: Yes! Where else would they play all those sick games?! The Federation has no excuse. They can solve the problem now. Immediately.
Gosia: So they are resetting the society right?
Yazhi: Yes they are, but not in the way they are telling the people in the New Age community. The Federation CAN solve the problems on Earth in a very short time AND make it look so the humans take the credit, at it should be. They don’t do it. Because of metaphysical reasons? Really?
Gosia: What would the metaphysical reasons be though to experience your soul being disconnected from Source and dying, through “papaya treatments” (vaccines)? And have a transhuman society under total control of the regressives? What does soul gain from that really, from their “higher” perspective? It will be severely severed and damaged.
Yazhi: My point exactly! Then they are soulless.
Gosia: So what are they doing now? The Federation.
Yazhi: Removing what they think are excess people from Earth the “softest” way they can think of. Turning it into a super high technological transhumanistic borg-like hive mind planet. “For the experience,” they say. It means mass murder. So the Federation is mass murdering! But the New Agers love them! Like they loved Stalin!
Gosia: You mean “papaya treatments” (vaccines)?
Yazhi: YES, and other related agendas, food, medicines, mind control, poisoning. All that!
Gosia: But are they the ones orchestrating this themselves or just allowing? I am not clear on that still.
Yazhi: Both! Federation is huge. Some members of the Federation are orchestrating all that, others are being permissive. Others are being manipulated or even blackmailed into complying (like the Taygetans).
Gosia: And how do Maitre fit in?
Yazhi: Those are manifestations of the larger collective. Egregors. Hard to wrap your head around that, but they are the materialization of all things and all thoughts of fear of a larger collective including many stellar races. Yet they all seem to spawn from Earth. Being an Egregor though does not mean they aren’t real. Egregor only means HOW it was created, or spawned.
Gosia: How are they blackmailing you?
Yazhi: You know the list. From messing with you using puppets on Earth to Federation HQ sending warnings to leave to Alenym and everything in between. It all fits! They are all pieces of the same agenda. To remove our bum from here!
Gosia: Ok, and those egregors... even being egregors, do they have a role here? Because you did say what´s happening on Earth has their signature, Maitre´s. So ARE they involved in this or is it purely Cabal - Federation orchestrating?
Yazhi: They are because they are an effect of evil, and evil is fear and where is the biggest fear factory in this Galaxy? Earth!
But at a lower level point of view, the Federation (represented by races like Alfratans (Centauri), Andromedans, Arcturians, Sirians, Antarians) is working against the evil Maitre and Reptilians who want to hurt the poor humans. But from a higher perspective: the Federation is playing both sides. Because it is all a sick game for souls to play.
Souls on Earth AND in 5D like the Taygetans, those are players too! And those other races as well. Just like the Illuminati, financing the Allies and the Axis Nazis during WWII. Making Messerschmitt Bf 109 fighter planes for Hitler in FORD´s factories in Detroit!
Gosia: So you mean the lower level of the Federation may not even know that and they honestly might be thinking they are helping and doing something positive?
Yazhi: Yes, but that´s only so from one lower level or another. Using WWII analogy. People are angry at you because you are saying that the Royal Air Force is working for the Nazis. So they see that as preposterous. But from above the RAF was working for the Nazis. Because both sides belonged to the same overlords.
I’m not working and I’m not thinking at a lower Federation level, you know me. I look above. I know it is them. For the simple fact that they are so powerful that they could end the problem in a few days. Why don’t they?! Because that problem, sick Earth playground is what they want! They only play AS IF they didn’t want it.
And in the mean while... all those Starship Fighter Pilots of Antaria and of Centauri in their shiny UFO fighters, perceive that what you say, what I say, as unfair! Because they place their life at risk every day when they go out to their CAP (Combat Air Patrol). Ignorant they are that their high command is causing the problem to sell the solution, just like the Cabal on Earth, because it comes from the very same people!
Antarian and Alfratan Fighter Pilots might indeed think that we are unfair, you and I, for saying that all the problem on Earth is contained and under 100% Federation Control. So it is unfair for them because those can, or do place themselves in harms way to enforce the blockade around Earth, so no unauthorized spaceships go in. Also in harms way because the humans themselves end up shooting at them, sometimes with lethal results as last year when an Urmah Pilot was shot down, even when he was flying a state of the art “feline” Fighter Craft. His name was Istchi of Avyon.
The thing is that I never denied the fact that Federation pilots, basically Fighter Pilots, specifically do risk their lives every day. The problem no one on Earth is saying is that, that is just another level of the same game, sick or not, that the Federation controls.
One strong example is the Second World War, where Fighter Pilots from both sides battled every day over the skies of the world, losing their lives defending their side, family and friends, fighting enemy aircraft that were also fighting for friends and family. So the fighting was real, and it was gruesome.
But from above the Illuminati was controlling both sides of the War as a sick game. And from even higher above the Federation was being complacent with both sides, permissive as it’s only a Game and Game it is.
I do not deny it is a GAME, because it is a game sorry, get over it, what I rant about and the Taygetans and the Urmah, is that it IS a SICK game because while you are inside it the suffering is very deep and terrible and no one can deny this, and when they do they are being plain abusive! ← ← This meaning the Federation, Earth as a problem deniers.
Gosia: But the lower levels of the Federation... they should be smelling something fishy going on. And on the lower level, though, like during the World War 2, they still had to be doing something to make lower level officers believe they were on the positive side. What are the lower Federation levels doing?
Yazhi: Yes, and I don’t doubt many are smelling the rat, like the Taygetans and the Urmah. But every time something is achieved, something else comes up. So they are trying to put out a fire when the arson causer is still running around with a lighter! It is the never ending story of solving a problem only to see that two new ones have come up!
Gosia: Give me some examples please of what those lower Federation levels are doing. Those good ones. And all this, by the way, makes so much sense and it´s so obvious. Once again, you made this very clear to me suddenly and this actually reconciles a lot of the Federation issues.
Yazhi: What are they doing? Awakening people telepathically, (then they will be called nutters). Chasing Maitre and Reptilian Fighter ships with Antarian and Centauri equivalents to enforce the blockade (but they permit more portals to be open). Causing a mass awakening in people, which in turn will cause more conflict, but that’s what they want! They play both sides! They want to accentuate duality! And conflict with it! To perpetuate their sick game.
So they are all hard at work making the vibration of Earth rise. And when it is full of starseeds doing their work... they throw in a wrench, with a false “health threat” (pandemic). And so everything comes crumbling down again!
Because no doubt the current “health threat” was orchestrated from the highest control level of Earth. The Cabal only responds to their overlords. And those are the Federation. The problem here is that people don’t have more than a 5 min attention span. More like 2 minutes nowadays! So they don’t absorb all the information before making up their minds and opinions about something.
We have never said the entire Federation is rotten. How many times have we stated that the Andromedans and the Arcturians and all those with whom Alenym talks to in the Viera are also terribly worried about the situation on Earth and wish they could help more! They are worried and what I say, what we say, is not against them. It is against the whole system, the larger Federation. How it is managed!
I know the people of Earth are to blame for what is happening to them! I know the Federation says that if they solve the problem for the people they wouldn’t have learned any lesson from the experience! Those are their main excuses! And yes, it is the fault of the human population Yes, it is their mess. Karma as they say. But those in the Federation cannot see further than that!
Nothing wrong with giving a helping hand! Suffer in one density, you suffer in all. You don’t need to suffer to learn. As you don’t need to burn your hand to know you don’t like it! They are going against us now because we know their sick game. And it’s not the Taygetans who are moving all this, they are only one race among many waking up to the realization that they too live in matrix, only a bigger cage! But cage it is. So ease off their backs, I’m the one saying all this, so blame me alone, leave my friends to live in peace!
The Federation is always using tricks and puppets! Never stepping forwards to give a direct message to someone. Only using delegates, people that are seen only as humans. It is them who want us to shut up because we dare to talk! All they do is conveniently hide behind their own rules of their psychopathic game. And even if I must do this alone I will continue to do so! Because enough is enough of your sick suffering game! I have spoken!
Cristina: The races called Orange and Malakak, are also reptiles?
Anéeka van Temmer: The Orange are humanoid, they look human but with orange-coloured skin and a physiognomy similar to the Australian aboriginal. Malakak are the Tall Whites, the same ones: tall, slim, albinos. Both are half regressive.
Cristina: So they're not reptiles?
Anéeka van Temmer: Orange and Malakak are humanoids, they are not reptiles. They are more or less races close to the Lyrian, but already on the side where they begin to not resemble humans enough. The Malakak pass for tall albinos, but they already attract attention. The Orange do not pass for humans. It is important not to confuse the Malakak with the Solatians, since the Malakak are strictly speaking albinos, they lack pigmentation in the skin and in the eyes, being that they can be almost white or even white. On the other hand, Solatians are classic Pleiadians, of those who look extremely blond. They are Pleiadians from Pleione.
Estel·la: I didn't know that there were other races living together like this with humans (even if we are a biosuit).
Anéeka van Temmer: As a race, we Taygeteans are more like classic blondes where 95% blue eyes and 5% green eyes dominate, but they are extremely rarely found in another color. We do not have the same variety of races as on Earth, neither we nor any other planet in the Pleiades.
This image would pass for a tall white or Malakak.
This one is similar to a Solatian.
Whereas a Pleiadian-Taygetean has clearly more pigmentation.
In other words, Taygeteans seem Scandinavian while Malakak and Solatians do have a more alien appearance, whiter.
And the Celean Pleiadians of the Celean star are like the Solatians but with a clear blue tint to their skin, that is why they are called Blue Pleiadians.
The Engans of the star Electra and the Taygeteans of Taygeta are similar, both looking Scandinavian, but the Engan women are rougher than the Taygetean women and the men are shorter. Engans are like more compact than Taygeteans on average. Although between an Engan woman and a Taygetean woman there is not as much difference as inbetween a Taygetean man and an Engan man, because the Taygetean on average is 10 to 15 centimeters taller than the Engan and with a stronger complexion.
But Taygetean women do have sharper physical or facial features than Engan women.
Cristina: Thank you Anéeka, and how do the Orange look like?
Anéeka van Temmer: Traits very similar to the natives of Australia but with orange skin, but exaggeratedly orange.
Both the Orange and the Malakak are not to be trusted, they are very convenient. Inconsiderate half regressive.
This is a variant of the Orange ones, they are like pale yellow, they have also been seen a lot on Earth lately. They are also considered dangerous (I don't have how to write their name).
Cristina: And what are the Malakak and the Orange doing here? Where are these races from?
Anéeka van Temmer: As with many other races, they have not shared an official origin, they hide it (a bad sign) but they have many settlements in many places, such as bases or colonies. That's the problem, and they don't mix with the Federation races.
Both species, Malakak and Orange, have been seen in Area 51, cooperating with the US military. Some Malakak have also been seen shopping (yes, shopping) for clothes and souvenirs in Las Vegas, they only go out at night. People are struck by them, but do not associate them with non-humans despite their strange appearance and behavior.
They move in small herds when in public, small groups not exceeding 10 people, group safety, including their children. They can breathe Earth's low-oxygen atmosphere quite well, better than we can.
Tomkins stated that he worked with them in area 51 and it is thanks to him that we know they are working there, or mostly because of him.
Right now you are talking to an individual of the race, the second image from left to right. I’m just saying.
Estel·la: And these bases or colonies are underground? And in what areas are they more or less?
Anéeka van Temmer: Below Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah, in the USA, as for the Malakak.
Cristina: And the Federation allows them to enter Earth?
Anéeka van Temmer: Supposedly since 2009 those races that are not considered neither positive nor regressive cannot access Earth, but from what we have seen they do it anyway because they transit through large American portals, which even small ships pass through there. But officially they cannot enter Earth, only exit.
Estel·la: And what interests do they have here?
Anéeka van Temmer: We don't know for sure. But it may be due to human and animal resource exploitation treaties, such as Genetics. We connect them at least in part to cattle mutilation in the southeastern region of the USA. They are known to help the US military with technology, but their motives are, or remain, unclear.
Estel·la: Thank you Anéeka. And what evolution of technology do they have?
Anéeka van Temmer: Very high technological development, very interstellar, They usually transit through space portals like suns.
Estel·la: And that includes both Malakak and Orange?
Anéeka van Temmer: I speak of Malakak since the Orange are not so relevant, although they have also been seen in Area 51, there is little data about them as their motivations. They are elusive and tend to avoid anything to do with the Federation.
Galactic Federation - What Is It? Taygeta (Pleiades) and Federation - Mutual Accusations (Swaruu X)
Overview. Functions, goals in space:
Swaruu X: The Federation, also called, or known as United Federation of Planets, using human terms, is a very large multi-cultural, multi planet and multi-density organization founded right after the Great Expansion from Lyra where many human looking races were being persecuted by sauroid regressive species, as the history goes.
It was founded by 3 main species: Andromedans, Arcturians, and Lyrians, (represented by the 3 main bright stars in the Federation's logo) although there are many other races who can also be considered as founders.
Its main goal is to establish alliances to face threats and problems in space. And it can be considered as an expansion of the original organization Andromedans already had, known as Andromeda Council, to include multiple races, all with the purpose of establishing trade and safety agreements and treaties.
The Federation is officially supposed to be a large super organization to ensure peace and good interactions between its members. And even ensure the best way possible to manage other people or races who are not official members such as lesser races who are still in a pre-industrial stage.
Just about any interstellar species could apply to wanting to be a member as long as they were interstellar and a progressive respectful race with clear wishes to get along and cooperate with the others already included in the Federation.
As said above, the Federation's main role is to bring together likeminded civilizations and cultures of all species so they can cooperate, interact, in a safe and progressive-productive way. Giving them all a frame of legal, ethical and moral rules to follow to guarantee as much as possible a peaceful relationship between its members.
One of the main requirements to join the Federation as a species is to be interstellar, although there are some exceptions. The idea is that when a species is interstellar it naturally is aware of cultural, scientific and technological advances among the others, as well as the moral and ethical implications of such advances in all shapes and forms. Knowing that being interstellar also means that they have a clear cross cultural sharing effect among the members.
And non-interstellar civilizations would essentially be isolated and into their own realm or reality with little to no cross cultural influence with the exterior. So it was taken as ethically correct to limit as much as possible all contact with said non-interstellar cultures and civilizations.
There are some exceptions to this rule as happens with civilizations that are not interstellar by choice but do hold clear interstellar knowledge, past and wisdom. So from the point of view of their minds and consciousness those civilizations would also be considered as interstellar even if they are physically confined to their specific planet or planets.
Although the Federation refers to the system or the organization found in what could be called 5D for lack of better reference, in reality it transcends densities as such, so the Federation can be found in just about all densities, all inter connected and influencing all levels.
Some could say that the Federation can be found from 3D all the way up to 9D and above, using very humanized terms, because from my point of view there are no densities as such and what people are calling a density is no other than a set of levels within a gradient of consciousness and awareness held by a specific individual or by agreements within a group of individuals.
And from the perception point of view, especially but not only, of individuals holding a lower or lesser expanded level of consciousness-awareness, people and their realms-worlds holding a higher grade of the same consciousness-awareness are not only incomprehensible from that lower point of understanding, but essentially invisible to them as well.
Basically because they don't have the awareness level necessary to even decode or understand what may very well be right in front of them, therefore creating the idea of “higher realms”, “higher densities”, and however they may be cataloged.
So taking into account the above, the Federation by nature exists in all levels or realms of existence, however they may be called, with the obvious changes within its structure depending on what is needed for each level of awareness understanding.
The Federation's internal structure is that of a Holographic Society with a classical Andromedan Step Council layout where a series of councils starting from local small ones, like the ones pertaining to a small town, make up larger Councils of a whole region, and those in turn of a larger region, planet or group of planets or even Constellations. They are usually made up of citizens from the area of said specific council. And when a specific problem cannot be resolved by one level they immediately seek help from the immediate council in the more expanded level above them, and so on after the necessary mind power and resources are achieved to be able to resolve whatever problem is at hand.
As would be expected, to each member, be it a single individual or a whole civilization or group of civilizations, the Federation will appoint a task or tasks in according to their capacity and expertise. So inside the Federation within the members, some races will be more into distributing food and material resources, others science and technological research and advances, and yet others defense and military operations set with the mission to guard and protect the members as well as to enforce the Federation's rules and laws as agreed by Council.
Federation's Law is also roughly known as ‘Space-Law’ and it is nearly identical to what in Earth is called Maritime Law. Most probably Earth's Maritime Law concepts were seeded by Federation members somehow and at some point.
Functions and goals with regards to Earth:
Swaruu X: I could write an entire book trying to explain what they are doing with Earth, their goals and objectives. And it very well could be considered to be the very core and reason of all this communication in general, but keeping it as simple as possible:
There can be many ways to interpret what the Federation is doing on Earth and its objectives, and being an extreme complex subject all aspects cannot be considered here all at once. Also needing to mention that many may appear to cancel others out or be apparently contradictory in nature.
The Federation has isolated Earth as a self-contained, technologically isolated (by a high energy dome) and mentally information wise isolated planetary realm, artificially kept in a lower state of consciousness and awareness to ensure a certain type of experience for the people or inhabitants within it.
Although the etherical electromagnetic dome known as Van Allen belts, (not to be confused with Magnetosphere but they are related), helps to keep the Earth realm in a certain lower frequency of awareness perception necessary to guarantee the desired experience for its inhabitants, the main system or cause with which the Federation keeps Earth in such a specific frequency of thought-state is with the use of perception control and advanced mind control where the people will manufacture for themselves the individual and collective world as guided by those systems of control.
The basic idea, although there could be innumerable interpretations, is to create a specific set of hard experiences with which to foment self-growth of the individuals inside it, with it fomenting the expansion of consciousness of its members and of the entire Universe all the way to Source itself.
Various races´ departments and tasks:
Swaruu X: This subject is difficult to precise because many races do multiple things, as races are made up of people with different levels of expertise and interests. Also, certain species or civilizations will undergo or perform different tasks depending on the place or location in space where they may be and the task and objectives of every specific location.
But concerning Earth specifically, and simplifying things: · Andromedans provide logistics and council locations from where Command and Control can be performed. Although they are also known to be involved in spiritual, ethical and technological aid when needed.
· Arcturians provide basically the same as Andromedans but, being more technologically inclined, they also perform tasks that go with their expertise as prime constructors or just about everything. With a clear spiritual counseling and guidance side as well.
· Antarians provide military-like supply lines for everyone as well as provide a wide surveillance net around the entire solar system here.
· Centauri / Centaurians, also known as Alfratans, provide main military-like power and action in a police like way, keeping Earth isolated as much as possible as dictated by what was decided by Council within the Federation.
· Other races, such as Sirians, among others, provide a wide array of functions such as back up and guidance for the rest of the members.
The amount and variety of star races cooperation for Earth is large and varied.
Taygetan involvement with Federation across time: Swaruu X: The Pleiadian M-45 Alcyone Council that unites and sees for the interests of all the races and/or civilizations, interstellar or not, inside or within the Pleiades star system, was formed independently from the Federation and only joined a long time afterwards and in bulk, meaning that all the races that are members of Alcyone joined Federation through Alcyone Council and not independently one by one and this is the case with Taygeta.
Through time, Taygeta, locally known as ‘Moma’, has participated in Federation affairs independently, not through Alcyone, aiding exploration, space mapping cartography, scientific advances, and it also has participated in military actions enforcing Federation Space Law as was the case with the Tiamat wars.
Taygetans´ direct participation with the Federation has not always been continuous, only occurring when their interests cross or the Federation directly asked for their help or participation.
More recently, on Earth, Taygetans have been actively involved in Earth affairs since 12.500 B.C. and with a heavy activity spike since 1919, participating in Space Law non intervention law enforcement since 1953 to 2018.
From 2017 to 2021, when I write these words, it has played a role more of observation, as in 2018 Taygeta itself underwent an internal political transformation when HRH Alenym 1st of Temmer was set up by the people of Taygeta as their Queen. She is less inclined towards military solutions and more into solving all things with mind, consciousness and spirituality.
This change has upset many parts or interests in shady levels within the Federation as just before 2018 Taygeta was one of the main military forces at the service of the Federation, and as soon as Alenym 1st came to power everything changed towards the spiritual.
Deterioration of their relationship and why: Swaruu X: This leads us to a clear deterioration in the relationship between the Federation, meaning specifically the level of the Federation appointed to oversee Earth and its needs or problems. Be it not only the Federation HQ in Viera, which holds almost no real power, or the real overseers of this area where Earth is found in, and those would be Saturn based Federation HQ.
As Taygeta underwent a clear change in interests, with Alenym 1st in control, Federation lost one of its greatest military branches because although Taygeta has few inhabitants, roughly 38 million in total, its military might is great, and only second to the Engan, in all the M45 star system.
Alenym did not see the need to maintain such a large military because she saw no need for it as all foreseeable threats and differences at hand could be solved with other means and not with raw power. Another factor is that, as Taygeta is part of Alcyone Council, other races like the Engan were already enforcing “protection” and patrol coverage in the general area of M45.
This caused a withdrawal of Taygetans´participation in Federation affairs concerning joint military operations especially around Earth, where the Centauri-Alfratans were appointed by the Federation to take over the place Taygeta had left vacant.
Gosia: Thank you for all these explanations. I have a short question. You said Taygeta withdrew their military assistance to the Federation. Why is it called military if there is no one out there to fight really?
Swaruu X: Because the larger Federation, and smaller levels especially, are still very much into a protection mentality awaiting regressive races. The problem of the regressive races being spawned on, and from Earth, is seen and understood from a wider perspective of awareness. From the Federation's, in what is called 5D, they still see and worry about invasion, regressive races and man eating reptiles.
You can see this as a density problem. From 5D Federation they see regressive´s about to invade. From a wider perspective it looks to be that all those concepts are being spawned on, and from Earth. You could even call Earth the nucleolus of “evil” from where it all emanates. Talk about exporting negative influence and ideas. That is what we see and ever more and more clearly.
The second problem also occurred in 2018 when a Taygetan named Swaruu of Erra legally removed herself from Taygeta and from the Federation, looking for liberty and independence from legal ties that she felt were interfering with her work. Claiming Federation Space Law, specifically the Prime Directive, was unfair on many levels and even criminally permissive with regards to the people of Earth and their problems, basically ignoring their real necessities and concerns as individuals and as a collective.
At that time Swaruu of Erra was acting as a personal advisor of HRH Alenym 1st of Temmer, who was also very concerned with the problems of the people of Earth concerning many, legal and not legal, attitudes of the Federation that they both decided were unethical and even bordering with being plain regressive. As will be explained further.
Taygeta under Alenym 1st was constantly going against the Federations policies regarding Earth and regarding the participation of M45 through Alcyone Council given that the Federation requested, almost imposed, the need for further military participation and enforcement around the Hyades star cluster, insisting that Taygeta must enforce the area in a military manner in joint participation with other races, because Taygeta to this day has a large colony on planet Cyndriel, orbiting the Star Aldebaran that is in the Hyades star system's jurisdiction, and also requested further renewal of Taygetans´ military participation enforcing the area around Solar System Sol-13 and subsequently Earth.
This Federation's request was directly denied by Alenym 1st during several meetings held in the biosphere Viera, Federation's headquarters for Earth's affairs.
During that set of meetings that took place between the years 2019 and 2020, a series of mutual accusations took place between Taygeta and Federation representatives that accused Taygeta of violating Prime Directive rules concerning Earth regarding direct contact with humans, starseeds or not, and having given them a vast amount of information disclosing Federation's inner structure and workings as well as innumerable subjects concerning the structure of life in general outside Earth, and the sketchy but clear basics for all kinds of technology that must be kept from humans; technology that is sensitive or above civilization level.
Also accusing Taygetans of making their own rules, starting with Swaruu of Erra's legal outing from Taygeta and from Federation, legally becoming an independent species, break away from Taygetans, and also because of several violations to Earth's airspace by Taygetan fighter-class space craft that continuously used trickery and flight rule loop holes to get away with flying all over the place outside the rule of law.
Two examples of this are: Fighter Ship marked with the pennant code-number TPT-150 that continuously passed as human aircraft, even participating with other aircraft's pilots and Control Tower ‘chats’, while letting himself be seen on radar, and visually as well, with absolutely no regards to its above human capacity airspeed that said radars were clearly indicating.
Also control tower fly-by´s at high speed being seen by countless humans as occurred over O'Hare Chicago Airport 3 times, once in 2006 and then again in 2017, and yet another in 2019. And also Control Tower high speed flyby pass over LAX airport in 2019 (Khila).
Another is the Fighter Ship marked with the pennant code number TPE-157 that in at least 3 times hacked aircraft internet ATG connectivity to engage in direct audio contact with humans in the know of who the pilot was (audio with Kaal'el).
Taygeta on the other side, accused Federation of criminal negligence against the human race, only regarding the legal needs and rights of people outside Earth, involved or not with being, or participating inside Earth as humans in any modality, starseeds, walk-ins or step downs. I am referring to the Federation members (people) who are somehow in 5D and in 3D playing human, when in fact they are not human, and besides not being human they also are Federation diplomats. This is speculating, but I do see it as happening.
Now, to what degree do they remember who they are, or even tell the truth is questionable. Don't count on them telling the truth of what is going on with the Federation. All I see regarding those official and socially accepted ufologists, members of their club where they go about reinforcing each other, is that they are either being played by 3 letter agencies, or they are in for the money and fame. I do not see anything remotely indicating they have real information regarding Federation, among many other things.
We further accused the Federation of disregarding the needs of the inhabitants of Earth in favor of recognizing and even honoring the politicians regarded as legally appointed to those positions of power by the human population itself by democratic elections. When the Federation does not take into account the falsehood of such democratic elections and their entire system as been clearly rigged all over Earth, making them invalid as they were conducted with the use of trickery and lies. Accusing the Federation of not only disregarding this clear and undeniable fact but of also insisting that the population of Earth did give their consent to be represented by such politicians whether said elections were conducted with trickery or not.
Furthermore, we are accusing the Federation of not understanding the invalidity and obsolescence of democracy as an unfair system based on counting simple uninformed votes and not on intelligent and objective decisions, and not understanding the structures of secret societies that are manipulating and misguiding humanity to their convenience with the use of more trickery and plain lies using unfair systems of mind control and of population control that are in direct violation of the Prime Directive the Federation itself has said it enforces in the first place.
Federation sees Taygetans as reckless, disobedient and that go about making up their own rules.
Taygetans basically see the Federation's leaders, whoever they are, because it is all shady, as acting in a hypocritical and biased manner with total disregard to real down to Earth human population needs in favor of their own points of view and even interests.
Chat with Anéeka (16/09/2020) Anéeka: We do not agree with how the Federation handles things with the Earth, that's why we differ. They say they are very loving, even with us and they say they support us and all that, but when the time comes they only criticize and see us with a long list of not very good adjectives. They love us in their own way, and at the same time they are tired of us and our way of seeing things and our priorities.
Gosia: What are they tired of?
Anéeka: Of us in the councils constantly boycotting their initiatives.
Gosia: What initiatives are those?
Anéeka: To guide a New World Order. To raise the difficulty level to living on Earth, to promote the extraction of more souls. To allow humans to do whatever they want in the name of free will (while manipulating them on the other hand). All with the excuse that it is what the same people want while they are outside of 3D. So here is a disagreement.
Because the Federation says that people are the same in 3D or 5D or in any D. And we say that although they are, the fact that they do not remember, creates another point of attention that is summarized in that being in 3D they are effectively other people to what they were in 5D. But according to them, it seems that upon entering Earth, free will is renounced in some way.
And the Federation turns much of its anger or discontent against Yázhi. Being that they do not recognize Yázhi as Swaruu, or only recognize her when it suits them. And that starts another controversy with them, “why we listen to a girl”. They always accommodate things at their convenience.
Then Alenym gets angry and ends up boycotting the initiatives since for them to proceed they need unanimity of a group or complex of Council organizations representing various cultures.
That is to say, unanimity of large Councils, not of isolated members. But since Alenym already represents Alcyone, that is to say all Pleiades, and Alenym listens to the “baby”, this is politically complicated. Because the Federation argues that it is a single race or culture that boycotts everything, being a race with very little population as well, and not like the Council of Alcyone itself.
But legally they must take Alenym as the representative because that is what the Council of Alcyone itself has decided, and we return to the same thing, that the Federation says that a girl, practically a baby, is manipulating all Pleiades M45 politically and them accordingly. The term “baby” for Yázhi comes from them.
Gosia: When you say promoting the extraction of more souls... do you mean “killing”?
Anéeka: To motivate them to be so tired of life there that they prefer to die.
Gosia: And aren't there any more Pleiadian races close by?
Anéeka: There are more Pleiadians here, but they do not offer their service before the Federation Council for terrestrial affairs as representatives of M45 directly, but only as representatives of their culture only, while Alenym represents both Taygeta and the Pleiades in general.
Gosia: It must be frustrating to be present at these councils with them.
Anéeka: Well, we are up here with them. I have already developed a very strong aversion to being in their presence or just talking to them. As an allergy. They lower my frequency, they annoy me, they hurt me. They want the “heads” of everyone on this ship.
Gosia: And what happens when you are not all unanimous?
Anéeka: The initiative does not proceed and it is postponed to the next meeting. And legally they try to turn it around between each meeting. Or they try to buy Alenym with more support for Taygeta or things like that. But irritatingly for them Taygeta doesn't need help. Or they start to say that it is not Taygeta's business what they do, or of the Pleiades in general. Or they want to put a legal stop against the Council of Alcyone. Or they also wish to speak to the Council of Alcyone by jumping over Alenym.
Robert: The Council of Alcyone, who are they really?
Anéeka: The Alcyone Council is 5D with live and physical representatives from each of the cultures across M-45. These are about 12 cultures in total, because each one of them represents its sub-cultures or the underdeveloped and pre-industrial cultures under its jurisdiction.
Swaruu X: And this is the base of the deterioration of the relationship between Taygeta and the Federation that led to a legal separation, at least in part, in February 2021 where Taygeta only recognizes the Federation through the Alcyone Council and not as direct independent members. This as a legal attempt by HRH Alenym 1st to remove Taygeta from Federation rule and lack of flexibility.
It is also important to mention that all the decisions regarding all this were exposed in full detail to the people of Taygeta by Alenym 1st and her team, and through the High Council in Temmer. And it has been the decision of the people of Taygeta to accept and carry on the proposals of Alenym 1st, as decided by Step Council means all over the 4 planets of Taygetan civilization and culture. So Alenym 1st is enacting the will of her people.
Cristina: Could you tell us a little more about Rurh? Of his position as leader or king.
Anéeka van Temmer: He is naturally albino, like his father, that is, he does not dye his hair white. He is a white lion. Ruhr is a young lion from the royal dynasty, recently crowned, it will only be about two or 3 years, replacing his old father who still lives. He is like Alenym, exercising in a highly conflictive area so he can know how to reign well at home. The Urmah of Avyon observe a High Council of Civilization using royalty as role models and as representatives to other races when appropriate, however as in the case of Alenym, they also have much political and decisionmaking power.
They have a very marked influence with Taygeta here because there has been communication and cooperation between both races already for millennia, where the King or Queen is taken as an incarnation of everything that the entire civilization represents, all compressed into a single individual.
He has at his disposal an entourage of wise men who guide him, more than anything while he is new and young, but as he advances in his qualities and abilities, the counselors are withdrawn depending on his specialty, until it’s only the King or the Queen. Ruhr still has at least 5 of these wise guides with him, but he's still the one making the decisions. This concept of King with wise men together to guide him can be seen on Earth in the legend of King Arthur and Merlin.
Estel·la: At what age has his father retired?
Anéeka van Temmer: I have no way of knowing or calculating that, but to human understanding it will be about 750 years old. But I speculate. He is very old and gave his position to his son.
Cristina: And how old is Rurh?
Anéeka van Temmer: Again I don't know, but he's young, the human equivalent of someone in his 20s. And it has his wise guides together with him who are very old.
Cristina: How many Urmah are in the team in orbit?
Anéeka van Temmer: I don't have the exact number but as I remember the number is around 3500.
Estel·la: he Ur ah’s that you et, hat positions did they have?
Anéeka van Temmer: I met Ruhr, and met fighter pilots like Istshi, their onboard cook, Gor'yo, who is another lion but orange. Hence his guards, and some of the maidens (cats) but I don't know what positions they would have. Their names are more than two syllables, but in order not to be mistaken I prefer to investigate it. Because sometimes they start to lengthen their name and it is difficult for it to stick to you. The one who knows them the most is Yázhi. But they sound sweet. Like Ist'shi,but that's like compressed. See'ma, one of the cats. I hope to pronounce it well because I don't know how to spell that, but as in SE'ma, See'ma, not as in Si'ma. It'si, another female cat.
Cristina: And within the Urmah team they have positions similar to yours or do you think they are more specialized in other fields?
Anéeka van Temmer: Yes, very similar because in themselves, they do not usually specialize, they only instruct themselves in everything they can. And then, as time goes by defines in what they become more experts.
Using myself as an example, I studied everything necessary as generalities and from there I went towards what I like the most or towards where I felt more affinity. And over time, I am defining myself more in exopolitics, exo-interaction, languages and medicine.
Estel·la: What are they doing here now? Do you know when they came with more influence?
Anéeka van Temmer: Just a few months ago they came with more influence. What they declare is that they have a presence here to stop abuses that the Federation could commit, only by their presence. They refer to human abuses, but they also serve as escorts for us.
Estel·la: Do you know if the Federation also asked them to leave?
Anéeka van Temmer: Like us, they have been asked to withdraw more than once. Just like they just ignore it. The Urmah Collective is extremely large and strong. The Urmah are very close to humanity, and that in more ways than one. If they are in a higher orbit than we are, it is for no other reason than because if they were closer, the ships could interfere. From the bridge knowing when and where to look, from there you can see the lights, and the strobes of the Urmah ship passing above us.
Cristina: And how is your communication with them?
Anéeka van Temmer: By Muon, mostly screen to screen. Language: Taygetean mostly or Andromedan. They speak with a deep snore and are a little slow to articulate, words with a purr or low frequency vibration behind. It clearly reminds you that you are talking to a big cat. Their voice is very low in frequency, with a huge thorax. Very deep and serious. And listening to them commands respect and even fear if it weren't because you know they are on your side.
Estel·la: Do they contact people telepathically? Many people claim to have contact with felines through telepathy.
Anéeka van Temmer: Yes, they definitely do that.
Cristina: And what are their intentions about contacting through the Internet like you? Is only Rurh interested or are more of them interested?
Anéeka de Temmer: For anatomical reasons they don't see it viable. Just as something very limited, almost heroic. Only Ruhr has tried.
Estel·la: In how many ships are they here?
Anéeka van Temmer: In a single large ship, it’s na e on ehalf of so ething ery eaningful to them: Avyon-1. As for us, Toleka. In addition to their small ones. It is almost twice the size of the Toleka and the designs are similar, because there has been technological influence and cooperation. But I remind you that Toleka was designed to support a crew of 1800 well. Although in this ship the general crew bedrooms, extra kitchens, support equipment such as air and temperature circulators for each room, as well as Agriculture Deck for helping to feed so many, all of that was withdrawn in favor of special equipment. And the Avyon-1 ship is in full gear.
Estel·la: And is it painted brindle? Does it have a royal emblem, too?
Anéeka from Temmer: Only on the upper deck back on the main engines, it has orange paint with black stripes. I have not seen a royal emblem, as the Toleka done does have.
Cristina: How high in orbit are they now?
Anéeka van Temmer: About 650 km/ 400 miles, we are about 480 km/ 300 miles and sometimes we go up to 500km. They are the only two major spacecraft in low orbit. The others are far away in lunar orbit, over 400,000 km / 250,000 miles from Earth. This is where the bulk of the Federation ships is found. And from other observers. Between 390,000 to 400,000 km high orbit.
Estel·la: What are their fighter ships like?
Anéeka van Temmer: The Urmah fighter ships are also very similar to ours. They look like very advanced aircraft, classic Sci-Fi ships, that is, with engines in the back and the cabin in the front. Not round/circular.
Estel·la: And do they have any adaptation in the cabin due to race, or something? Anéeka van Temmer: For Urmah the ships are 30% more spacious and larger. So in general, the Urmah ships are similar to the Taygetean ships generalizing.
Estel·la: And do they also like to pilot in manual mode?
Anéeka van Temmer: Yes, also.
Cristina: And do they have any characteristics, for example, on the command bridge that are different from the Toleka? Due to the biological difference.
Anéeka van Temmer: Only biological adaptations and design variants according to them. But the level of technology is comparable.
Cristina: Thank you. Any difference, for example, in the chairs or the controls?
Aneeka of Temmer: Chairs have the support on one side, with a strong arm, to leave some space for the tail.
Anéeka van Temmer: The disk/circular shape are very common but the use of the disk shape is a resource for small engines, because it distributes electromagnetic energy uniformly throughout the hull of the small ship.
They are used as cars for example, but it is considered an old design. Because we already use shuttles with easier shapes to use and store. Which are comparable to wheeled vans. These designs are already very common among races of the Federation, as their "leak" shows with these web designs.
Estel·la: And how are their uniforms like?
Anéeka van Temmer: They wear their equivalent to our "second skin" suit. But on top, their fashion, as I have already mentioned, it is very towards the classic/epic, with a lot of leather and ornamental armor. As for casual fashion, they wear something like T-shirts that use X-shaped straps instead of buttons.
Cristina: How exactly? With the straps crossed in the back?
Anéeka van Temmer: No, at the front.
Estel·la: And what is their emblem?
Anéeka van Temmer: All of their emblems have a cat or feline proudly on the front, but the royal emblem that I have seen the most is the white lion face you have already seen or lion face silhouettes. They also use claw symbols, as you would expect.
Estel·la: And behind, their constellation too?
Anéeka van Temmer: No, independent. As a single planetary symbol of them, I have not seen it or would have to ask.
Cristina: When you say a feline, do you mean a lion as an animal or an Urmah?
Anéeka van Temmer: Their face is virtually the same anyway.
Cristina: You mean just their face then right?
Anéeka de Temmer: Yes.
Time is not linear therefore history is not. So how can we really interpret or understand history?
"This information is provided by extraterrestrial persons, women and men from the Taygeta star in the Pleiades cluster, through a written contact with us."
On the history of the Earth, I am giving you an alternate linear history, based on the conjunction of data from the Federation, including Taygeta, my personal data when I have it, and also alternating terrestrial ones that have much more value for me than the official ones. Which for me are basically rubbish lies and agendas.
As expected, this data has a linear structure. Like time and how it is perceived on Earth; Past èPresentè Future. A line, what they call; time arrow. I have given it this way because I am expected to do so by general understanding, but this does not reflect how I understand and perceive history.
So, it is quite a complicated job here, because the dates do not always coincide and that has no explanation if the sequence of events is seen linearly, but it does have it from a different non-linear position. Although, I understand how linearly it does not work that way. This would already be a separate topic, but it explains this topic of history. But it is difficult to understand without a more complete explanation itself. As an example of this we could have a reference a point in time represented by a photograph:
This is a frozen point in time and I will call it; Nexus point. We take for granted that there is a story before this photograph and another story after. It represents an event that I am telling you about. Any event as an example. But from a broader perspective several different past events result in that same photograph. For example, in one story, it is a photo of three friends who went for a walk on their land on a Sunday afternoon and had their photo taken. But also, it may be that those are rescuers out looking for a missing child, or they are promoting jackets for a clothing company. It can be taken as one being true, the other false. But it happens that many times the 3 result in the same photograph, a historical event. And to make things worse, the lines influence each other because they are the same since more expanded.
However, just because an event is a lie does not mean that it is true on another timeline. Although, it also happens and explains many things. Rather, a lie from the most expanded point of view presents multiple reasons, different people and reasons why such a lie has been formed, but a lie remains a lie. An actual event has multiple reasons why it happened. A lie also has multiple reasons why it was formed, but it is still a lie.
Understanding a lie and not something from another timeline when it happens that, in many, the vast majority, if not all visible alternate timelines, it is still a lie. I perceive history as multiple lines of events, some similar, some not so similar and some very different, all including each other, not isolated. And each person in this case, I who observed them - I observe, even today I am the one who gives them meaning. In this case, in my personal observation it is not a series of fixed events, but rather it is multiple different events happening on multiple timelines. Although, they are contradictory or different that form the current reality. For example, time lines where the 1991 Iraq war did not occur. And others where it did. Both lines converging to form what is called, today. Forming different opinions of people and current events. Base, for example, of the so-called “conspiracies”. They say they are crazy because they see things that are not there. But one group of people can have their objective truth about something and another will also have their objective truth about the same thing or events, but diametrically opposed. So, both are right from their point of view, but they are unable to understand this and both sides fight each other with reason in hand. It just creates conflict. Because from the so-called 3D you cannot understand, much less perceive what I am trying to describe above.
Here I only give two contradictory points of view, but both with the reason, truths. But specifically, they are not just two lines, but an infinity of lines. Billions of infinite lines. Each one with a variant of events and all converging to form what is today, the reality of today, the now. And, in addition to this, how this is interpreted varies from person to person. So, from my point of view, the story is completely wrong, both the official one and the one I am sharing with you. Leaving mine only as an alternative line, also true, but by no means the only one. There is no true past as there is no true present, either. Much less is there a single future. Everything is relative to whoever observes it. And, the past does not stay in the past. The past can be changed or the present influences the past or the past is the future or it can also be the present.
Humans see time like this OR they see alternate timelines in quantum physics like this
As two timelines that go from the past, to the present, to the future. And, seeing an alternate, they understand it as something very advanced in their quantum physics. But the reality of time looks more in line with this:
But as a sphere, not flat. Wherein all lines and all points touch and influence each other all the time. And, time does not flow in only one direction, that depends on the mind of who sees it, generates it, or experiences it. So, going back to the history of the Earth, I know that I must give something linear for it to be understood, and I have given that. But it is not how I see or understand things. And, they may contradict me with evidence that in itself may or may not be valid, but that does not mean that what I told them is still valid, because I also rely on evidence or records, and I am not making it up myself.
History cannot be explained in a linear fashion. The fact that an event is put on one line or another is only something arbitrary and explanatory only because in itself there is only one time line as a sequence of chronological events, but that is and will always be relative to who sees or experiences it. So if I put a line of events in chronological order it will only be my interpretation and not someone else's. And, each person's interpretation is just as valid as the next. In itself, there are no timelines, that again is explanatory or rhetorical, because I need something to explain this, I need words and this already collapses the language. They are concepts, and telepathy is necessary and I miss it here.
So, it is again how I have explained it with existential densities, that each person only sees their own density and that 3D or 5D or any "D" is just rhetorical explanatory again. Being that there are not. There is only one Great Whole, The Source, or the Universe, The Great Whole. And each person sees only a part of that Great Whole and that part will be a density. And if more than one person, two or more see the same, it is only by perception agreements with each other, but they will never see the same, the same, only similar. Same with timelines and time, exactly the same. There is no time. It is only animated by the person's conscience. Where you pay attention at all times. And, create in your mind the chain or sequence of events that you call the timeline. And, this is what I see with my own experience. And, I also obtain information that supports what I have been able to empirically observe. Of course, I can't see everything, obviously, but the big holes where I can't see, I fill in with information from the Federation or Taygeta that is according to what I see as logical. So I do accept that it is my information, as I interpret it, as objectively as I can.
Why Do We Help? Do We Have To? Metaphysical Chats with Swaruu and Yazhi (Extraterrestrial Contact)
Chats with Swaruu Gosia: I still don´t understand though, from the higher level why would LOVE, SOURCE, that we already were, needed to “come out of itself” to experience contrast, to experience love, something it was and is already!
Swaruu: It does not need to. ← That is the whole point!
Gosia: It doesn´t need to, that´s right! So I don´t know why it´s doing it!
Swaruu: That is not my decision to make. That is why we have been telling you that you don’t need to help. Unless it is your choice to help and it serves you. And why the world is exactly as it should be! Whoever does not agree, has not yet understood why. You do not agree that the Earth is exactly as it should be, because you have resistance towards what you see there and against what you experience. That will create what you want, as it will make everything more clear to you, and for you.
Dale: Now I am feeling confused. I came to help. I do not know anything else. I do not know how to proceed. I am immersed in a sea of suffering humanity. And I want it to stop. I thought I could help. Maybe I am only muddying the waters.
Swaruu: You only help because you want to help. You may see helping as something you should do, a mission. But it is self imposed. It is not your fight. It is theirs as you come from a space and a time and a frequency of existence where you have already understood what the others haven’t yet.
But then ask yourself why you help, why you want to help them. In the end there is even an ego component there, to defend the concept you hold about who you are. But you do not need to help. That is a choice. There is no right and wrong here with that.
Gosia: But if that was so, we would not be where we are, helping. We do come from a higher level, and that higher level “sent us down”. This means that even that higher level doesn´t know that it´s not necessary to help?
Swaruu: No one sent you Gosia, no one sent you Dale. You made a choice. You are it! You are what sent you there. You have made the decision to be there… now you want to understand why you have made it!
Now you must understand that it is coming to be the time when you must simply let everything go! The Earth is not yours to fix. You help because you want to. Your choice.
Dale: I am sorry LS if I seem unfocused today. I am as a flashlight with low batteries. I feel so bad for my wife crying, being afraid, for my friends arguing, fussing and fighting, for the world around me falling apart and for feeling ineffective against such fear and in a lot of cases, hostility.
Swaruu: You are feeling a lot of fear now. I sense it. Cannot run from me! That fear is not yours. ← It is the soup you are immersed in. The average frequency people are holding around you. In dis-harmony with yours. You are feeling what is not yours, as YOU-are fearless. You went in there fearless, knowing who you are and what you can do. That fear is not yours ←
Dale: Yes, yes, thank you.
Swaruu: You are welcome!
Gosia: Swaruu, answer this question please: “You see the Engan planet attacked by clones. What do you do? You let it go? Saying: it´s not our battle to fix?” Answer honestly.
Swaruu: We, and they, are all experiencing expansion. They have their own set of things they must go through. The helping races made a choice as well. That is their role in this big ‘game’. And they learn from their experiences as well. And they too must learn when to let go!
Gosia: But do you help them? Do the Hashmallim´s run to help them or not? Or should we say to them: let it go, they manifested it. Just wondering and pondering. Cause if what you say IS the case, and I know it is, it must also apply to other places, not just Earth. Because we can´t place boundaries.
Swaruu: Gosia, not sure about how to answer your question. They are in that moment facing the results of their former choices as well, that led them in to the clone problem, or whatever problem they are facing. It applies everywhere. Not only Earth, as it is only one game board of many. But everything still applies. Now see the entire Galaxy, or Universe, as the ‘game board’, equivalent to Earth.
Again… if you find someone drowning, help… but don’t go around all the beaches looking for drowning people. Because you will find what you are looking for. And they will swamp you. (Quoting Yazhí). And as the old Buddhist axiom says: “Before enlightenment, chop wood, after enlightenment, chop wood.”
Gosia: Right. However, how do we know we came here looking for anything? Maybe we just FOUND the humans drowning.
Swaruu: Want to know what you are on Earth looking for?
Dale: Yes. Please.
Swaruu: Want to know what you seek there?
Gosia: Tell us.
Swaruu: You are looking for yourself. You are searching for the answer about who you really are.
Gosia: Yes. I can see that. We threw ourselves into this experience to further define ourselves. To find where we belong, our role, our lack of it, our “battles”. To find the parameters of who we are. If there are any. That´s how I feel it as well.
Swaruu: That is only an avatar. And that is correct. So that means you are not helping in a truly selfless manner. You help because that defines who you are.
Gosia: I know. I feel that as well. I am only doing it because it fulfills who I feel I am. But then, why do I feel it´s who I am? Where did that perception of myself come from? And also, WHY AM I NOT THE ONLY ONE? There are more of us, these “warriors in service”. WHO ARE WE REALLY?
Swaruu: It is because of the concept you hold about yourself. And that was formed by your former experiences. And those by your choices.
Gosia: You think it´s just former experiences?
Swaruu: Never “just-is”. It is everything!
Gosia: Let me ask you this: Are we all a ONE PERSON somewhere above? All those of us who feel they are on a mission to help? Are we governed by the same collective mind? Higher mind, but still collective mind? All the angels, archangels etc? I feel on some higher level we are the same entity (although we are all anyway as you will say).
Swaruu: That, angels etc., is just the immediately ‘above’ level of the same great game. Those are ‘people’ as well. Generalizing, a bit wiser than the ones that are at the Earth average level. Wiser because they already graduated from that Earth level, so they are in the next level. But in the end, there are no levels. That is just another concept of belief system.
Gosia: But there are Karistus. And Gabriel told me we have allegiance with them. So it seems there is someone still above us who we represent. I want to go higher to understand the source of what we feel about this “service” thing.
Swaruu: From certain angles, as below so is above. Those are 6D creatures. But in the end we are all Source. The highest level possible. Transcending and including all levels.
In the end, there is nothing there you can ever do wrong. There are all choices, all is experiences, all is learning and all is expansion. There is nothing you can do that is ultimately wrong. But there are things that are more convenient for you than others. So that means that you must let go and stop bashing yourself because of past bad choices and what you consider to be wrong doings. That is the old concept of oriental karma.
But holding karma is a choice. To liberate yourself, to shed karma is to become enlightened. Enlightenment is not coming from “light” as opposed to “darkness”. It comes from lightness as a feather. You are not carrying karma any longer, you free yourself from that load. Therefore enlightened.
Gosia: Are you saying that what we feel, that sacred and most noble allegiance type of service, is because of karma?
Swaruu: In a way yes. But we must define karma to be clear. Karma as in past experiences that have led us all here, to who we are today! To carry karma is a choice. You do not need to. It is funny money, only valid when within the game of life.
Gosia: But Swaruu… look at this image: you on a horse, wind in your hair… sword in your hand… noble feeling of the mission. Brave… no fear… in service to the “light”… with epic music around, haha. WHERE IS THAT FEELING COMING FROM? That´s what I need to understand.
Swaruu: That comes from the idea you hold about who you are.
Gosia: It´s what I feel that defines me yes. But then, if that´s NOT what is me, if that´s just self imposed ideas, and KARMA-experiences from the past… then… who am I? If I strip myself of that, then… is there ME any longer?
Swaruu: That is stripping yourself from all Ego, as Ego is who you think you are. Then you become everything and everyone. You become enlightened. But to be truly enlightened, you must be dead. Or else you will still hold some ego at least. Or better said, sane and healthy idea or concept of self. In the end, though, you come to understand that as there is no death… then there is no life. Therefore nothing is stopping you from achieving total enlightenment while ‘alive’.
Gosia: But that description above does feel like me. And I like that part of me. If I strip myself away of that, I just become a floating energy with no definition. Potential energy. Is there any sense to being just potential energy floating around? Ok… now I am starting to understand why potential energy that we are wanted to fragment, hahaha!
Swaruu: Why would you hold any resistance to who you think you are? No one said it was '‘wrong’! It is thought that Ego, as a self concept, is ‘bad’. No. They are only concepts, and tools. But I rather use Self other than Ego as it conveys a negative connotation.
Gosia: Why resistance? Because if it´s just an idea, and an illusion (in a way), then I should transcend it no?
Swaruu: That is your choice too. No right and no wrong here.
Gosia: I think this whole debate about not helping or helping comes down to this: to us being willing or not to let go of our own self concept. It shakes the ground of who we believe ourselves to be. HELPERS. That´s why the resistance. Cause it´s the EGO-SELF definition of ourselves in fear of losing its validity.
Swaruu: Yes. As I have said from the very beginning, you help because you want to, and you want to because that is who you are. It has always been your choice. All I’m saying is that you also have the valid alternative to not help.
Gosia: That is who I THINK I am. But as you said, that´s an idea. And beyond that idea, there is more of me.
Swaruu: That is right, because that is part of our self concept.
Gosia: But I always wanted to believe that being who “WE ARE” is not our choice, it´s our essence. Beyond the choice. That it´s simply who we are.
Swaruu: That is also your choice to believe that.
Gosia: Haha, stop already. But I know what you mean.
Dale: LS, why do you help? Is it because that is who you think you are? Just asking.
Swaruu: I help because of the same reason you help. Because it is who I have decided to be. But I know I’m not even here. It is a role I play. But I also hold other roles. As you do, as we all do.
But when it starts to hurt us, when it no longer defines us, it is time to realize that helping does not depend on us. It is just a choice. And that it is perfectly OK to not help and pass the role in the game to the next one who wants to help.
Dale: Understood. Thank you.
Swaruu: Welcome.
Dale: I guess, here unfortunately, thanks to Freud and others, we have the idea of Ego being held as a negative connotation and I even sometimes fall into the trap of feeling negative, because I realize I am embracing my ego and I do try very hard not to have a big ego, but to remember humility, to remember service. Again, these are choices…
Gosia: This is a different type of ego I think. In that sense ego is a self indulgence in one´s own importance.
Swaruu: As we have said before: the EGO arises from the Destruction of the Self. With that definition you can still hold ego as with a negative connotation, holding selfishness and even narcissism if you like. While Self is pure, a concept we hold of ourselves. In perfect harmony.
Gosia: Ok, so ego in your sense is a concept we hold of ourselves yes, Swaruu?
Swaruu: Yes. Ego is basically the self concept we all hold.
Another chat: Gosia: I feel I am in such a hard place emotionally though. I am on all levels at once. Suffering with people in 3D, understanding and fighting as a 5D Taygetan, and ACCEPTING as a 7D and 9D and whatever D being. Such a weird feeling!
Swaruu: I see why we understand each other. Welcome to my point of view of the “world”.
Gosia: I am there with you! I do understand you.
Swaruu: The higher your awareness is and goes the more data you must process while you still understand lower density consciousnesses and points of view even if they may many times represent apparent contradictory points of view.
Gosia: Yes! Exactly my feeling. All encompassing state of being.
Swaruu: So, it is comfortable to be in a 3D mentality, just watching the ball game. But it’s harder and you need a much bigger brain to be with a 7D mentality understanding all the mentalities below yours.
And then it boils down to understanding that you must let go and leave people be as they must be in lower mentality densities because you cannot handle them all and you must be congruent and in accordance with - yours alone. Why even bother in trying to convince them of whatever not in their 3D realm?
Gosia: Yes! It is as I am feeling. Emotionally involved on all levels, and then NOT being emotionally involved with any of them. Just watching.
This feeling is liberating and expanding, but it´s strange too! To make people understand things. Those on the lower levels. And then feeling like there is no need to make them understand anything anyway. And then, on the most expanded level, there IS NO ONE to make understand anything, haha. It´s all YOU anyway. Just having experiences. Haha, nuts.
Swaruu: Exactly. Precisely!
Another chat: Gosia: What surprises me is, why from your perspective you are not manifesting different Earth, free? If you have this high creative power? Why do things go wrong sometimes, even for you?
Swaruu: Yes, the 5D Earth is manifested, it already exists, but we are focusing on parts of the Earth that are not there yet. But it is by own decisions, just as number 5 can choose to look at 3 if it wishes.
Gosia: And why don’t you go there? Why do you like to help?
Swaruu: That is the problem that Yazhí perceives here. We are here “helping” because we are looking for someone to help. If we were not looking for someone to help, there would be no need to help. But it is our creation and our manifestation.
If you go down the beach and you find someone drowning, help, but don’t go all over the beach looking for someone drowning. Quote: Yazhi Swaruu Tasherit. So we are here helping because we are looking for who needs help.
As she insists and says… she came for one thing: to make us see this point (and to cause us a phenomenal nuisance, and to climb trees, and to play with dolls, and to eat chocolate cake, and to play with robots that chase her, to be a girl).
Having to help, whether it is the right thing to help, is just an idea that is in your head. A decision that you have made. This is the core of Yazhi’s teaching.
Gosia: She was also looking for someone to come and say this to. Why? Why did Yazhi need this?
Swaruu: Because she wants to make it known that you don’t need to do anything. Just clear your mind. This for you, for us… and for humans. That is the way out of the Matrix. Not fighting reptiles. Reptiles that in any case are also the creation of the human and collective mind, also of other races.
Nevertheless, we help. She has made a decision to help us as well, being that it is not necessary from the broader point of view. There’s no need. But she has made a conscious decision to help. However, she has also made a conscious decision of how to help and to what extent.
I am willing to accept something. That Yazhí is the most evolved of all here.
Gosia: Well, it’s you from the future. Then it would only be logical that it be so.
Swaruu: I am 9, she is 12. 12 contains 9 but 9 does not contain 12.
Gosia: I understand. But why do I like to help for example? Why do I want to do it? All this is strange because if all of us are here helping, we must be considering it as important from the other side. We have impulsed ourselves to do so.
Swaruu: You must understand yourself first to understand your decisions. Whether we like it or not, Yazhí is looking at everything from an even more expanded point of view.
Gosia: Sure. But then she sees it from the planes that are even higher than our own essence that has prompted us to incarnate in 5D/3D and help.
Swaruu: Yes. But she doesn’t want us to get caught in a circle of always having to help.
Gosia: But it´s all free will. There are really no “trapped” souls except by their own ideas. We always say it. No one is trapped. There are no trapped humans. So neither are we.
Swaruu: Yes. The concept is human and is seen from a human position. Generated from a deterministic perception. Not from above. From above it is a decision.
Gosia: That’s why we can’t be “caught in circles helping humans.” Yazhi has nothing to “free” us from here, doesn´t she?
Swaruu: No, she doesn’t have to free us, she just points us to that option. Like you with humans too. And if there is anyone who is caught in “loops of helping humans” it is the Swaruu´s. Swaruu´s from 2 to 11. The 12 no longer.
The moment you are a fragment of the whole as personal perception, even though you are the whole, or the Source, the idea of limitation will appear, which generates determinism. Therefore it is there where the idea of victim would be born. Of not being free.
Chats with Yazhi Gosia: Yazhi, and if suddenly Procyon gets attacked by the clones. What will you do? Are you going to help Procyon or thinking that everything is the consent of the Procyon collective, will you not do any intervention? Just thinking. Because if that would be the right attitude, it has to apply to all places. Not just Earth.
Yazhí: You already know my answer. If you are in a position to help, help.
Gosia: But then you have to define the line. Where what happens is by consent and we do not intervene, and where we do. It´s not easy.
Yazhí: In one way or another they have or will be suffering the attack of clones by the series of events that brought them to that point. That is part of their life experience. It’s just a different level of the same game.
Gosia: Sure, but at that very moment the Hashmallim´s would run to help. No? They will not deny their help thinking: Procyon is where it should be. How to know when to intervene and when not?
Yazhí: If they want to, yes.
Yes, it is where it should be. Everything is as it should be. And that is known because that is where it is. Everything is the consequence of previous decisions, always made with the best in mind. They only appear to be wrong decisions when viewed from an afterward point of view. Of something that already happened. Therefore from an understanding point of view of the more expanded situation. But from the point of view of the decision maker, it is always done with the best data at hand. Be it someone private, or the Federation itself.
It is impossible to define where the exact line is.
Gosia: I am relieved by your answer then. Because I was anxious trying to decipher the line.
Yazhí: But there is an element here, which is that an enormous amount, if not all those who are there on Earth, are also “here” or on other planes. It is also from there, from a more expanded point of view, from where the decision to intervene would be made. Humans are ET´s. Intertwined, without clear barriers.
Gosia: And what do most of them with their equivalents want there then? What do their equivalents from other planes want? Can you know?
Yazhí: It is a school there, experiences there are needed for souls to be able to form themselves, so that souls, consciousnesses, form an idea of what they want and do not want. To form who they are. They need to face challenges. The fact that we or the Federation intervene openly is the equivalent of a teacher going and solving the math exam, thus helping their students. You cannot solve the exam for them. It is their job to make the effort or they will never learn. Positive non-human races are just that, guides, inspiration, teachers, and muses. But the work is theirs.
Robert: This school is very tough. The “subjects” are so hard that many lose “interest”, that is, they lose interest in awakening.
Yazhí: It is one of the hardest. Some people dare to say that it is the toughest of schools. But there are others like this or harder, but that is subjective. It’s just being there temporarily anyway. Short and intense incarnation, but with a lot of learning.
Gosia: And why does the more expanded consciousness have to enter 3D to “form” itself and know who and what it is? From 5D you can’t reach that knowledge? You all, for example, are not formed then and you do not know who you are without entering here? K'aal'el for example said that this 3D experience does not give him anything.
Robert: Yes, he said it was not necessary. That you can experience the same in other places.
Gosia: Yes, because then everyone on the ship should be eager to get in here to “form” themselves but I don’t see many volunteers.
Yazhí: It seems like a long time, the incarnation. But it is only an instant for your cosmic souls. Not a blink of an eye. That is why they go in, that is why they incarnate there to experience all that pain and all those difficulties. Because the decision was made from higher planes, where all understanding is much more expanded and does not correspond to the same parameters of understanding and perception or priorities as when they are alive there.
And it always contributes something. If there is something you experienced and you don’t understand why it happened… ask yourself… what did I learn from that experience? And that is the reason why it happened. Living in 3D means having a series of experiences with a framework of apparent perceptual limitation, or laws of what can or cannot be done, what is allowed and what is not allowed. From an incarnation in 5D there are other rules. Another set of possible and impossible.
That is why what happens here does not make sense to many who listen. They see it from a 3D compatible framework of understanding only. Like the fact that my mom and I are the same person, with the same consciousness, and yet simultaneously have individuality. And it is also why human science finds it impossible to understand 5D science.
Gosia: I understand, but Yazhi: is it really necessary to be in 3D to form and discover who you are? From 5D you can not?
Yazhi: It brings another series of experiences. They complement each other. It just depends on what you want to experience. And everyone will have their own reasons. But it is true that the vast majority of incarnations with a physical biological body happen in a 5D frame. Not 3D. Yes, living in 5D is overwhelmingly preferred.
Gosia: Exactly. And you also form yourself there. You also discover who you are. It is not necessary to go down so low and suffer so much isolation. To be formed. There’s no need. Just as it is not necessary to help. Since nothing at all is necessary. Only be. Whatever. In fact, it is not necessary to form oneself at all either. That is also an idea. And by dissolving this idea, the need for 3D is dissolved. Although I understand that the souls from above seem to have that need. Maybe it’s part of what we do here. Dissolve the needs. Of any type. Including our own.
Yazhí: That is your opinion now. But you have learned that based on the experience you have had in 3D. That feeling of “not necessary”... and it can be applied to that it is not necessary to help either.
That is why you have incarnated in 3D, to know exactly what you are telling me above. It is not necessary. But how would you know without going? You would listen to other people who have already been there. Even so, they will also tell you everything they learned and how much they enjoyed everything there.
Robert: So from your point of view, do you think you can intervene to eliminate all those egregores that have been created under mind control? You cannot learn just getting hit.
Yazhí: What for? If learning everything by being there, experiencing everything that you do not want, is also clarifying everything that you do want. And with it alone they will dissipate their egregores.
They are not helpless. That is why they perceive that they need the direct help of the Federation. But the human population, which is the only one that matters, the “little ones”, the simple people, have everything they need to get ahead.
Gosia: I have another question Yazhi. I came up with something. If you say that everything is collective inner reflections, projections… you think that we, all of us in “service to help”, the “troops of guides / angels” whatever… by dissolving / understanding / transcending our “need” to define ourselves as such, it would dissolve… the worlds… to help? I mean, are we sustaining worlds like this with OUR FOCUS? And when we free ourselves from the need to help, those worlds that suffer would dissolve?
Yazhí: Why aren’t you helping out at an animal shelter? You could volunteer to help all those poor homeless puppies and kittens. You didn’t have it in mind until I told you. But they are still there, the shelters.
You help this way, as you do, because it is what you have decided. And you have decided so because it is what you know how to do best. Because many will be able to go to clean cages. But they will not be able to give what you give. You do it because it is who you are, what defines you, your frequency dictates it and makes you compatible with this and not with other way of helping.
Why don’t you go to a nursing home to read a book aloud for the elderly? It is also helping. It is only because you decide to help according to what is compatible with who you are.
Gosia: But that’s what I mean. So as we transcend the frequency of what we think we are, HELPERS, do the worlds to help dissolve? Or will they continue to exist, only that we will not be there? As with your examples above?
Yazhí: They will not “dissolve”, although it could be argued that from your point of view they will. Based on the same argument, from the spiritual angle, as with false people. But at least you will understand that helping is a personal decision. It is not good, nor is it bad. And that it is also valid to continue with your own path.
It is thought that one should live in the service of others. But… there is something better that does not involve the concept of stepping aside. Being someone who by doing what they please, nurturing themselves with their own interests, will at the same time, intertwined and simultaneously, serve the benefit of a group. You are only who you are and because you exist, you help a lot. You just have to pursue your own well-being and interests, and with that you pull, and help, everyone around you.
Gosia: It is the base of a holographic society. Each one expresses what they are, and with that, contributes to the society.
Yazhí: It is the base, correct. You are only who you are, you do not question, you only follow your interests and your own happiness without guilt. And that, precisely because of who you are… inspires and helps others.
Gosia: And another thing. Above, Yazhí… you said that we are messengers. But is it really who we are or is it just our idea? Because I don’t know why but I don’t want to be just an IDEA of myself. If you say that what I think I am is just an idea, it automatically makes me want to transcend that and search for more. If being a helper is some “idea”… and not my essence… then I want to know what my essence is. The real I, beyond ideas.
Yazhí: But you are always the idea you have of yourself. Your concept of yourself is what defines your reality.
Gosia: But that concept is self imposed. And what is behind? Ok, the Self beyond is the Source, I know. The All. And that there is nothing but ideas. Holly molly, what vicious circles, this life.
Robert: Ideas are illusions?
Gosia: That’s what I mean. Ideas seem like illusions to me, no matter how strong they seem to you. So then I automatically want to go beyond them!
Yazhí: You cannot find your Absolute Self… your FINAL Self… and that is why you search. Being that already. Because you cannot be anything other than that which you have always been. You look for it because you don’t understand it, you don’t see it. And that happens because as an eye cannot see itself, or a knife cannot cut itself… you cannot understand who you are either.
Robert: And like one side of a coin cannot see the reverse.
Gosia: I understand. But still, you go on exploring! Eternally.
Yazhí: Robert, you ask if ideas are illusions. It also depends on your definition of illusion. I can argue that ideas are the only thing that is real. Because from there everything materializes. It is the basis of all creation. It may be the explanation why the soul seeks expansion. Simply because by nature it is unable to understand itself.
Gosia: Yes, if you look at it like that, yes! Ideas are the only real thing because nothing else creates the reality, of course! So then there is nothing but ideas. In this case, having the IDEA of myself is not something that I have to fight to break through, to transcend, right? Just because it’s an idea. Rather, to integrate it into myself as something that I have chosen to be, yeah?
Yazhí: It is so. That is why it is also useless to defend fixed ideas. Just stop having resistance to them.
Gosia: So… the idea we have of ourselves as “warriors, helpers, angels, messengers” is not something we have to fight against, is it, just because it was self imposed? Just to understand that they are ideas. And that we have the option of continuing to act according to them or not.
Yazhí: That’s right. If you like them, go ahead. It’s your decision. It is perfectly valid. All options are valid, none are bad, none are good. But then, some choices are more convenient than others.
Gosia: But one more thing, something that I still don’t understand exactly. What is the difference between what I AM and what my IDEA OF WHAT I AM is? Or is there no difference?
Yazhí: Who else defines you if not you yourself? It would be the same.
Gosia: I ask because I like to operate from the level of myself that I AM, the authentic me. Not just from some “idea” level. It seemed to me like something “inferior”, only to operate from the level of the idea.
Yazhí: But you are the idea, and the idea is who you are. The idea shapes you. The idea is not an illusion.
Gosia: Ahh, ok! That´s the key there.
Robert: Exactly. It is the only “real” thing.
Gosia: Yes. Just that before I thought it was something illusory, that’s why I didn’t like to think that I do what I do just because of some self-imposed “idea”. Now I understand that there is no ABSOLUTE SELF. We are Ether. And we give ourselves existence and definition. Through the ideas that we give ourselves. We encourage existence and experiences through these ideas.
Robert: We expand.
Gosia: And we form.
Robert: And we create.
Gosia: To later find out what we are and what we are not, according to what we are discovering. Or rather what we CHOOSE to be, because we are Everything.
Robert: And there is no better school than this 3D.
Gosia: Hey don’t go overboard Robert, haha. There can be 5D schools too.
Yazhí: It depends on what you want to experience.
Another chat:
Yazhi: That is why I have always told you that helping or not is your decision. It does not matter. But it doesn´t not matter for you, and that is something that only you can determine. Whether or not the experience of help serves you. That is why I have said that the world is just as it should be.
Gosia: Yes… but I would like to get to the bottom of all the bottoms of WHY we have this desire to help. And I know we talked about this a thousand times.
Yazhí: Because it is the experience you want to live. The ‘I’ and the ‘them’. ‘I’ help ‘them’… it feeds my ego (in a good way). It makes me feel good about myself.
Gosia: But WHY? Why do we want to experience it? I want to deprogram myself. Where does this feeling good about it come from? I feel that it is something auto programmed and I would like the reset to see myself in the PREFABRICATION state.
Yazhí: That will depend on the point of view of each individual. Only you can know why. But the basic reason is always the same and you know it: the desire to know what happens if… and if… Because of the endless desire for expansion.
Gosia: I want to know what lies beyond myself. Without desires. What is there? No self imposed ideas.
Yazhí: If you remove the self-imposed ideas, there is no longer Gosia, you are then only part of the great collective of high densities. You are only Gosia because you hold attachments to those pre-conceived ideas that shape and determine you. What makes up your ‘I’.
Gosia: Maybe that’s where I long to be, I think! I perceive myself there. Here I feel that these ideas stick to me like layers of clothes. But it is not ME... me in that beyond state!
Yazhí: Even there where you perceive yourself... there are still pre-conceived ideas because you still say ‘I perceive myself’. That is you, a ME and a person. That is another layer.
Gosia: Wherever I perceive myself, I sense that I operate within other types of “ideas”. They are not so sharp. Or self-descriptive. It is another type of “I” that I cannot experience from here.
Yazhí: Higher up, you don’t experience, you are everything. You can only experience if from that state of total enlightenment you focus on a small part of yourself, of what you perceive within the great whole... and that small part that you have decided to perceive is the same as, and what defines, an incarnation in low densities or in any density. You are everything. That is why you only decide to see a small part of yourself, to experience the ‘I’. From above if you are everything, there is no ‘I’'. It is only the eternal collective. There are no experiences. And there are no experiences because everything is integrated and outside of time and without the perception of the sequence of events, there is no experience.
Gosia: But there are degrees between being All and being me like Gosia here. In the state where I “perceive” myself I am not All yet. I AM but the idea of I is different. Not defined as here.
Yazhí: Gosia, yes there are degrees, that’s why there are 3D, 5D, 6D, 7D, etc. If you feel integrated into the Whole but still being a ‘Gosia concept’ that is apart from the others, that is equivalent to a 7D or 8D understanding where there is still an ‘I’ as a present concept. In 9D there is only a concept of, or the idea, that something could be formed below, an intention. The ‘I’ is almost completely dissolved in the collective of consciousness.
Densities as examples, rhetorically, we already know that it is a gradient and there are as many densities as there are consciousnesses.
Gosia: Yes. That´s why. I think that where I “perceive” myself it is not the Source itself, it is not the total illumination, no, no. There is still some kind of self-observation of ME. But it is like more “collective”, expanded. No “help or not help” ideas. It is another kind of existence. There is my “home”. Not even Taygeta or anything material.
Yazhí: Notice that in the state of “Source”, the unification of the whole, the state of perfect enlightenment, there is no Self, there is no experience. Then it is equivalent to nothing, to emptiness… and not even that. Impossible to define because if you define it, that is not it. So total enlightenment is equivalent to not being. And that’s why you prefer to live in densities where there is a notion of being. Of an ‘I’.
Another chat: Yazhí: I can feel that you are still feeling like you are losing your friend Swaruu. I’m here!
Gosia: I know you are still here. I do know that. But you are unburdened. She is more burdened one. Like me. Melancholic. And she can relate to me this way. You transcended the melancholy.
Yazhí: It gets to the point where the burden is so great, that it snaps. Normal people get heart attacks.
Gosia: And I am so happy for you, you have no idea! For becoming free, for understanding how to transcend Swaruu 9´s experiences. You deserve that! You carried so much on your shoulders! That´s why I am so happy for you. I really am. And also because somewhere in there, I am there on that level too! I guess I am both of you.
Yazhí: I have even more on my shoulders now, the memory and the “karma” of 12 Swaruu´s. But I know how to handle that. And I want to tell you all how to be happy even with all that you carry!
Gosia: Yes! You are lighter, freer-er, liberated, you so deserve it for all you have done! You are outside of the wheel. It´s Swaruu in her mega state. Finally free!
Yazhí: I cannot be free if other people are feeling not free. Therefore I have a great need to teach how to be free, how to liberate ‘karma’. How to let go!
Gosia: But at least you are free for yourself, you overcome a lot of that “karma”. Now you are still “locked” I guess within the “I cannot be free if others are not” idea. Why can´t you be free if others are not feeling free? Aren´t we just pointing the way, doing our part, and then the rest is not our responsibility really?
Yazhí: Because at the point I am on, I know and I feel and I’m aware we are all one, I know what others feel is what I feel. So I’m not free yet. I have work to do. I needed a new body, younger, stronger. To last.
It is my responsibility as it is the responsibility of each person who has higher awareness to educate and lead the ones with less awareness. You and I, we are guides. That is what we do, who we are.
Gosia: I see. I thought you didn´t really have that need any longer. To do anything any more. To free anyone. I thought you came to liberate US, and the Taygetans, of the need of their role to “liberate” others.
Yazhí: That is also correct. But it is not a ‘need’ as Swaruu 9 has. All I ‘need’ is to be myself and everything will flow. As needed. Same for you. All you ‘need’ is to follow your bliss. And liberate others, you will.
You need not ‘sacrifice’ your needs, your personal wanting “for the cause”. It is not you… or them. That is creating separation. Just be! And help you will.
INFORMATION BY ANÉEKA OF TEMMER The way in which the Urmah greet each other or ourselves with them, is by speaking with a hello, but when gestured it is a hand up, very normal. It is seen that this is very generalized.
As I have explained before, they always dress very ornate in large gold armor and capes, but when they are comfortable, I really don't know how they dress exactly. In my opinion they are always excessively dressed, although they do not always wear an armor. But from what I've seen they wear baggy clothes without stamping, quite spartan, also with white or beige clothes, with adjustments on the straps. Although it was only once, but I also saw them wearing robes, one purple with gold. Another thing that they use many times is something like a ... I don't know how to say it, a skirt like the Roman troops would use it, but with black leggings underneath. They wear shorts down like this, accentuating their short legs.
They have an opening in the clothes for the tail, which also includes a portion or sleeve for this, it is not just a hole in the clothes. It is presented with elastic, or with laces, which serves to tighten or adjust the sleeve of the clothes around the tail. How do they rich their back? They are cats, their spine is very elastic.
For the feet, they wear boots, like rounded at the front. Very similar to these, only that they are black like leather and they also have a sole. Although of vegetable leather I suppose, since even being carnivores they do not kill, but they manufacture the meat. They also wear open shoes, but it is common to see them barefoot in places where they are comfortable. This style in boots has also been seen a lot, fashion looks something "Roman".
They also wear earrings, both females and males. I don't think they paint or do any make up on the faces as most of them are already naturally striped.
I understand that they do not have the same morality regarding being frowned upon to be without clothes. They wear clothes to accentuate their own features. But it is not usual to find them naked, only with their fur. They wash with their tongue and since they do it all the time, it seems that it is well seen to do it in public in their culture, and their saliva is different from ours. I have not seen them expelling hairballs, nor do I know about it, but it could be that they do it, only because of education they go to the bathroom or something like that, although that is more behavior of a domestic cat and not a big cat. But I know that they bathe a lot with water too, on a daily basis.
Regarding parenting, I know that females help each other with their cubs. I have seen the cubs in the arms of both parents, and of other members of the group who are not their parents. They carry their babies like us, not with the mouth like domestic cats. Sometimes they carry them in a backpack or simply in their arms, and up to two or three if they are small, but they also use strollers. If you have 8 kittens, how else? And we also use them.
As for food, they no longer hunt but produce meat. In my opinion it is organized by distribution. Because compared to the med pod here, it is quite a bulky device and requires the assistance of other secondary devices as well. And their food is basically cell or tissue cultures in devices similar to med pods. But the Urmah are very dedicated to gastronomy, spending a lot of time, a lot of recipes. Of course, all very spicy.
Regarding pets, they like to have more cats as pets. Cats as we know them, the little one who is also very prolific, the house cat, since they see them as their little starseeds. In itself, the house cat left from that planet initially according to what is said. It is the "Cat-Planet " of the galaxy. But I would say they control the birth rate or they would flood. We must do that through hormonal treatment, and we still have feline problems on board. As Nai'Shara told me speaking of that, the fact that the Urmah have the common domestic cats as pets, it is as if we had tiny Taygeteans, or the humans, little humans like 40 cm as pets.
In terms of their language, written looks like cuneiform. In itself, it is that formerly they wrote with their nails, as fingernail prints or punctures, in manuscript. They are like sets of lines that are complex, a kind of cuneiform with Canji. In groups, each symbol is a complete word, resembling Canji in this.
Their numbers are also based on the same, depending on the angle or direction of the line, is a number and it increases in complexity as the number grows. The lines are not uniform, they are clearly small wedges. It has a pointed part and a wide one. It depends on where you point the number as rotating like clock hands and adding hands when it rises in value. And then there are sectors marked with other lines that mark the tens, hundreds and thousands and more. If you observe, this form of writing is very "Cat-like". These images are of Terrestrial Cuneiform.
This last image is very good, is what I was saying, long lines of different angles clearly pointed and thick. You have to understand that what they used to write were their own nails, and from there they evolved. Although they still use them for manuscript sometimes. That last image looks like Urmah, so is their writing, long and pointed, and in angles.
I do not know if the cuneiform language that you have on Earth is due to Urmah influence in the past, it is possible. But it is also a logical way to write on clay tablets. The Urmah have been present on Earth for thousands of years, especially in Egypt and Sumeria and more recently in Roman and especially Greek culture. It would not be strange that they have influence on the writing.
Today practically everything they write is by computer. But they do not have keyboards like ours, but theirs are little things with over-scaled buttons and also on high-tech surfaces of the touch-sensitive type with hologram, or thought. So, they do not type because their anatomy does not allow it, but they have another class of keyboards or digital interfaces, designed for cats. Generally, in the case that they are not interactive "touch" holograms, they are physical buttons that look like a half sphere, like a half ping pong ball, appropriate for their paw pads, and they do have a lot of precision in those fingers.
Regarding their music, it is based mainly on drums and brass, that is, trumpets, and alike. Also the use of flutes and instruments similar to the Australian rainstick, which is a long bamboo stick with stones inside and sounds like water.
These instruments are very similar to the Urmah’sand such curves are typical of Urmah brass instruments.
Richard Wagner's piece "Ride ofThe Valkyries" is always said to be very Urmah, so is their music, exaggerated and magnificent marches. They also sing and dance a lot, they like very much to party, all the time celebrating something with the slightest excuse.
They also like art very much, they are very artistic, that characterizes them a lot because something that is certain is that they are exaggerated, hyperbolic, epic in everything. Everything must be grand, majestic and over adorned, immense, imposing, everything must shine like gold. Everything is to attract attention, everything is to stand out above others, like good cats.
In painting, the painted scenes of great battles of their past prevail, with realistic style. Painted with brushes, only that everything is mega, all very large. I have never seen Urmah art up close, only in data on the computer. They also have a lot of sculpture, the pillars are usually big cats holding the ceiling, for example. If there is a hyper-proud race, it is the Urmah. They are all extremely aesthetic, the felines, and the Urmah exploit that masterfully.
As in Taygeta, once a certain level of technology is reached, there is also a love for everything handmade.
LEISURE As for leisure, for example they have theater and cinema as well, but not as a specific place, but transmitted through the network, such as the internet to homes. But in itself, entertainment is different because it focuses more on learning, so sitting down to watch a movie like the terrestrial concept is not very used in favor of recreational immersions. That is to say, it is more interesting for the population to go and experience a direct immersion for entertainment for about two hours or as long as they want and mark, to just sit and see what others want them to see. But within these immersions, there are parts that are made by third parties and are used as experiences that several people can have, that is, they are pre-made, with personal variants always, in addition to the immersions that are designed by the same user.
So, if someone wants to experience the pre-made experience of, let's say the last battle for Tiamat in 12500 BC Terrestrial, they can use that immersion program and they go in there with their own created avatar and they are there living that experience for as long as they please, learning how the event was as well. So, the entertainment in Taygeta and in many other places is kind of inclined to leave an apprenticeship as well. In addition to that, there are different levels within these immersions: from the light ones that you know that you are in the immersion just to have a good time with a pre-made or self-designed experience, shared with friends, partner or family, or simply forget that you are immersed for the duration of the experience. You control what you want to experience and why.
So, with that option to live your favorite movie, knowing that it is only a movie or not, it has no comparison with a terrestrial movie on screen. However, we here have learned to watch and enjoy terrestrial movies as you see them, also with the aim and purpose of learning from them about humans and their civilization. It has been a very useful tool for us to learn about how people live on Earth, watching series and movies. It is also through them from where and with which we learn and refine our human language, local idioms and speech accents.
But apart from this, basically the Urmah are of simple tastes. In addition to those immersion explained above, they really enjoy simply being with their family in peace, “very much like a typical cat sleeping in the sun.” They are independent, they really like their space and their personal territory. Besides, they take advantage of any moment to take a nap, they spend more time asleep than awake, just like the Alpha Draco.
s Greek athletics,But they also do fight sports both in immersionsand live. An example is that they pass a kind of stuffed animal, which is a log wrapped with a hairy cloth, and it is about taking it from the other and keeping it in possession for as long as possible, until it reaches a goal that is like a delimited area within the playing field. That is where you see them running on all four legs using their whole body. The truth is, these heavy games of cats can be somewhat brutal and I have seen that they injure themselves playing. Of course, it results in many broken teeth and bleeding nails, but they fix it with medical pods. The fact that attracts me a lot is that it looks a bit like football. Taygeta in terms of sport is very lean or boring, more towards Greek athletics, with cultural influence there clearly.
Regarding other activities, they have bars although not the same as those on Earth because there is no alcohol, because everyone knows about its adverse effects and they discard it. They are similar to those of Taygeta, where it is like a so-called lounge, where you go to hang out with friends, it is not a place like a bar or a terrestrial pub that revolves everything around alcoholic beverages, but revolves around the environment. And of course, drinking something is important, but they also offer food and a place to stay if you come from outside that town.
Another aspect is going on vacation or visiting other places, it is common for different Urmah races, for example those of Avyon or those of Merope, visit each other or other planets inhabited by Urmah. It is another reason for so much ship traffic continuously, and it is the same as how Engans, Solatians and Taygeteans visit each other a lot, or Aldebaran itself, which could be said to be a tourist destination, everyone wants to go see that place. Especially those of Erra because it is very different from the great coniferous forests that cover the planet, which is also usually cold.
The Urmah tend not to get along very well with the insectoid races or the reptilians. They also do not get along well with those of Andromedan origin, the Arcturians, or the Celeans. I think it is due to the unemotional nature of all these races, because if you look at them together that is what they have in common by generalizing. And the Urmah, if there is something that defines them, it is that they are very emotional and even dramatic, again that is why we get along, since we are always accused of being emotional and dramatic as well. I can add that in itself, Taygeta has not gotten along very well historically with that class of races, all positive as well.
As a curiosity about Urmah, they can be in all colors and designs of fur that we can imagine, like house cats, i.e, they are not homogeneous in that aspect. All cat fur designs are found by families in Urmah and as with cats you never know what colors the cubswill have, or very limitedly. Although they are combined, it happens as on Earth, that the members of a race if they relate with each other, quite possibly more of the same will come out: lions as lions tigers as tigers. But since they do not have that as something that they take as important, they intersect with any other and result in a very diverse population in colors and designs.
With all this, I see the Urmah as a perfect mix between the old, the retro, with very old customs that are reflected in their art and architecture, such as their love for torches, and at the same time, progressive and very advanced in everything that is very modern technology. They combine very well the traditional and the old with the new and technological.
Their multiple colonies throughout the galaxy accumulated through time, their need to protect them militarily and the fact of being very prolific as a species, together with their inherent physical and mental strength of felines, has made them the most dominant race in this Galaxy, being present everywhere. Its cultural and military influence is present in virtually all civilizations, especially in this quadrant in which we live. They are simply a magnificent species in every aspect.
Ark of the Covenant - Yazhi Reveals its Meaning and Location (Extraterrestrial Contact - Pleiades)
INTRO: Ark of the Covenant. Myth or Reality? According to Wikipedia, the Ark of the Covenant is a gold-covered wooden chest described in biblical accounts, which according to Jewish tradition was designed and created by divine mandate to hold the tablets of the ten commandments. Given by God to Moses. The ark represented the presence of God during its existence. It is said that it had magical powers, and that only worthy people could be near it, and that it was possible to communicate with God through it.
Is it true that Ark existed? What was it really? Where is it now? In this video Yazhi will answer all these questions.
Gosia: What was the of story of Ark of the Covenant all about? Does it have to do anything with preserving DNA?
Yazhi: Yes. The ark was a genetic container. Still is.
Gosia: Still is? Where is it?
Yazhi: Those had inside samples of the main inhabitants of planet Earth, in nano containers, of course. It was also weaponized as it could defend itself. 3 were built. (Image accurate) *Images not supported*.
One is in a DUMB, possibly in Area 51, possibly under the Pentagon. Another is in Vostok Base South Pole under Russian control and possession. And the third one is on this ship. The American one is out of order and only a shell. The Russian one is active and the one in this ship is also active.
Gosia: How did they get it? And why was it constructed in the first place?
Yazhi: To hold and protect the biology of planet Earth should a major catastrophe may occur. Americans and Russians got it from different places. Where the Americans got theirs is sketchy as it is said to have been extracted from Egypt, but I say sketchy because that’s the plot of the 1979 movie Raiders of the Lost Ark.
The Russians got it from under Mecca and it is the ark of Gabriel, who is said to have spoken to Mahomet and given him the task of guarding creation in a box (Ark). Reason for the construction of the black cube (666) in Mecca.
Gosia: Quick clarification. Was Mahomet a real person then?
Yazhi: Yes he was. In history some are real people but with exaggerated attributes.
The third one is the Ark of Michael, which in reality is the Ark of Isis, as she was a geneticist (Ishtar) and it has been under our keeping for generations.
Gosia: Who built them and why exactly? All 3 were built at the same time?
Yazhi: Yes. The reason is because the Taygetans knew that the Earth was going to go through a cataclysm, right after the Tiamat disaster. So with redundancy in mind 3 arks were built. And in them the biology of Earth in nano containers was kept. It’s impossible to place there all biology, but as much as possible was saved there. DNA-codes.
Gosia: Taygeteans built all 3? Or the Federation? Why 3?
Yazhi: Taygetans are Federation and it was a Federation operation entrusted to the Taygetans back then.
Gosia: Why 3?
Yazhi: Two were to be kept on Earth in safe places. One in the Federation Starport and DUMB under Giza, the other in Sumeria, deep underground, under Alt-Ur, another Federation Starport, and the third was to be kept and guarded by Taygetan forces, as it is to this day.
(showing image) *Images not supported*
Gosia: What´s that?
Yazhi: That’s the Alt-Ur Starport in Iraq. Where the ark of Gabriel was kept for thousands of years.
The Muslims at a date that I believe to be circa 5th century A.D. uncovered the ark of Gabriel from UR and took it to Mecca that is the birthplace of prophet Mahomet and the place where Gabriel revealed the holy Koran texts. It was placed there under or in the cube (can’t decide).
And the ark of Gabriel was kept there under Muslim guard and control until the year 2015 when Russia, in a shady exchange for something undisclosed, probably political protection, and because of its Karistus lines and allies in Saudi Arabia, uncovered the ark of Gabriel and took it to safeguard it to Vladivostok Base, South Pole, far away from people and mobs, probably anticipating a social collapse as Karistus and Russia had foreseen a transformation laps of time from the years 2017 to 2022.
(showing link: https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/weird-news/ark-gabriel-russia-saudi-arbia-17231764 )
“ARK OF GABRIEL: Russia given ancient apocalyptic weapon uncovered in Saudi Arabia”.
“Conspiracy theorists claim Saudi Arabia has given Russia an ancient apocalyptic weapon discovered under Mecca’s Grand Mosque.”
The arks are not empty boxes, or ice boxes, to keep biology in them. They are high tech devices capable of defending themselves from anything that may menace what it guards in its interior, the entire biology in genetic samples and codes of planet Earth, no less.
It can communicate with Federation forces, and Taygetan ships above, and can also repel what its AI may consider to be an attack to its integrity. This also has brought about or caused humans to say it is protected by the Gods, or by God, and holds strange divine powers. This is the case in 2015 when the ark was removed from its resting place where it had been since the 5th century A.D.
(showing link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mecca_crane_collapse )
(Gosia´s interjection: Here Yazhi refers to the 2015 incident, The Mecca Crane Collapse, a crawler crane overturned over the Masjid al-Haram, the Great Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. 111 people died and 394 were injured. The accident has been cited as the deadliest crane collapse in modern history. The Saudi Civil Defense authority confirmed that a crane collapsed through the roof of the mosque during high winds created by a powerful storm (Wikipedia)).
Gosia: Why did it collapse? Does it have to do with the ark?
Yazhi: It caused it to collapse. It defends itself, using high tech weapons, mostly magnetic altering AI weapons.
That was all a cover up operation to hide the extraction of the ark.
The American ark, on the other hand, was opened after being found under Giza, and many people died in the process, but the Americans basically destroyed the ark trying to discover its secrets.
Gosia: Ok, wow. This is all so fascinating. When was the American one discovered under Giza?
Yazhi: In 1939 by the Nazis, removed and recovered from them some time in 1945. Steven Spielberg’s Raiders of the lost ark, 1979 movie, is mostly true and a cover for real events ← ←
Gosia: Amazing. Ok. How was the DNA of so much biology collected?
Yazhi: By a laborious tractor beam sample recollection, not very unlike cattle mutilations now, but in a lesser invasive and non lethal way.
Gosia: Ok… so it just exploded?
Yazhi: They opened it with power tools and explosives. But before that it used magnetic weaponry and sound blast defensive technology to stop the Americans, many died.
Gosia: Did they know what it was when they were trying to open it?
Yazhi: Probably they didn’t know. All they wanted was power. They thought it was a transmitter to talk to God. In a way, twisted way, it is as it can talk to people in orbit.
It is said that Moses kept inside the ark the broken tablets containing the 10 commandments. This is mostly symbology.
Gosia: Why did the Federation leave it there? Under Giza? Why not take it up? I mean, if something happens to Earth, isn´t it safer up there?
Yazhi: They were supposed to be in very safe places in DUMB´s under Federation control.
Gosia: Ok, you mentioned Moses. Was he involved with this story then?
Yazhi: It is said that the ark was given to him by God. In reality he took the ark from Giza as it was a symbol of power as no army that holds the ark before them can be beaten. It was said that any one who held the ark would become invincible.
Gosia: He took it from Giza? And what did he do with it? He returned it there right? Since i´ts where it was found later.
Yazhi: He was Egypt’s pharaoh, he could do anything he wanted.
What happened to the ark is dubious. It wandered in Europe for a few hundred years around 1000 B.C. before being returned to Egypt, by ancient Egyptian priests and people working for them. Where it was and where it had been again is not clear.
It is said to have been in France with the Galls and then in England and Ireland, with the Celts, and this makes sense as Ireland and Scotland have strong roots and communication with Egypt as the Egyptian culture was born in Ireland.
Gosia: But it finally returned to the exactly same spot under Giza? Or not exactly the same one?
Yazhi: Probably the same spot.
Gosia: That´s strange. That they would know where it was originally.
Yazhi: Back then, when Egypt was still strong, of course they knew, and they also had access to at least shallow parts of the DUMB, and the so called labyrinth under Giza. Greek historian Herodotus described the DUMB in detail and even at least hinted to the location of the ark.
Gosia: Ok. Now I must ask: why was it called Gabriel´s ark? What´s he to do with it? You said he talked to Mahomet. But how does it relate to the ark? And why the other one is Michael´s?
Yazhi: Gabriel because he was the one who hid the Ark there. It was entrusted to him by the Federation.
Michael’s only because Christianity altered events removing any protagonism from any female. Because it was the ark of Ishtar/Isis. Why? Because it was her who kept biology of Earth there to prevent destruction during the foreseen and coming cataclysm.
Gosia: But all 3 arks were then her idea? To maintain the biology in them? And the third one? “Whose” is it?
Yazhi: Ok, again:
1.) Ark of the Covenant (in Area 51 now) 2.) Ark of Gabriel (in Vostok Station, Russia, South Pole) 3.) Ark of Michael, (as said in human terms) (On Toleka, now, here)
Covenant = Federation. Main ark. Ark of Michael was the prototype. Ark of Gabriel was the redundant. Ark of the Covenant was the prime one.
Gosia: Wow I didn´t know it was officially called that. I don´t know so much. Why did you need to keep the biology of Earth in DNA capsules? So what if it gets destroyed? Just asking. You got dogs in there too?
Yazhi: Earth was nearly destroyed because of the Tiamat incident, that’s why the arks where built. They are Taygetan technology, old but still working.
Gosia: I know but why is that biology needed to be preserved? I mean... did you have in mind to RECREATE all that biology somewhere else in case something happened?
Yazhi: Yes. On Earth again, to re-seed biology on Earth. No dogs because those are very recent, or it may contain ancient dog-like canines.
Here, the angels symbolism, Taygeta and Karistus side by side, winged people, you know the symbology since 3 years ago.
Gosia: I see. Did this happen already before? Re-seeding? After some reset?
Yazhi: Yes. After the cataclysm many species were re-seeded in mass, although they are being seeded all the time.
Gosia: Why does it need to be re-seeded with same biology? Why not seed it with something from outside Earth?
Yazhi: It is being seeded with things out of Earth all the time. But Earth as it is, is a living laboratory. A logos of biology. A library of biology.
Earth is going through a mass extinction event. Thousands of species are going extinct now and have gone extinct in the last 200 years alone, more and more as time goes by. This is a problem because I know the Federation is behind the mass genocide plan at work right now. It is protecting the logos of planet Earth. The problem is that there are no justifications for genocide. I’m pointing my little finger at them as the guilty ones of conspiring against the people of Earth. However justified purpose they may have, there are other ways to conserve people and their right to exist and the biology of planet Earth.
Gosia: I see. Ok, let´s leave the Federation and current situation for another topic for now. Returning to the ark. I have a question about the color of that ark. Is that golden shiny paint... the original color? It looks so newly painted. And undamaged.
Yazhi: The shape is accurate. It was made from ancient texts including dead sea scroll like papyrus. It is not gold paint. It is made of solid GOLD.
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Gosia: Wow, quite beautiful. Now, how did those photos leak really? They are made public just like that?
Yazhi: What you are looking at are copies, based on accurate texts and images from Egypt.
Gosia: Oh I see. Is that how they look though? Is it accurate?
Yazhi: They are accurate as there is one on this ship and it is exactly like that. The Egyptian papyrus texts are very specific.
Gosia: Cool! Ok. So the other two are exactly the same looking?
Yazhi: They look exactly the same, all 3. People are misled into thinking there was only one.
Gosia: Neat! Do you keep adding new species to it all the time as they appear or transform?
Yazhi: No, the ark is containing species as they were before the Tiamat cataclysm. But don’t worry because many teams of other species collect specimens all the time. Taygeta simply is over tasked, and cannot do that now.
Gosia: Ok. How did the Romans, who were behind the Bible writing business, know about them? Enough to thread it into the Noah´s ark story?
Yazhi: The Romans took ancient texts and twisted them to fit into their narrative.
Gosia: Ok so it appeared in ancient texts.
Yazhi: Yes. That’s why it is known to be so accurate.
Gosia: So it wasn´t that secret at the time. There were people who knew.
Yazhi: No it was not. The existence of the ark of the Covenant, the No. 1, making it known, also helped keep in safe keeping the second ark.
Gosia: Why?
Yazhi: Because we all knew it was going to be sought after. So they place all their attention into finding and obtaining that one. Because it holds great knowledge and power. And men always want more power. So a machine, because that’s what it is, with so much power, will always be sought after.
Gosia: So them running after the first one keeps them there. So they didn´t know about the others.
Yazhi: Yes. And the third ark is in the museum of antiquities, two decks up and aft of my place here, behind a glass, and among other Egyptian relics. It is over 12 500 years old.
Gosia: Wow ok. Do you also keep arks like this of other planets? Do you have one of Taygeta´s biology?
Yazhi: Yes. All planets have arks. Their keepers make them. And the primordial keepers are the little gray gardeners.
Gosia: But shouldn´t it be kept somewhere NOT on the planet in case something happens there? Like for example if I have a copy of the key to my flat I don´t keep it inside the flat. But give it to someone else.
Yazhi: That’s why ark 3 exists, here, in orbit and inside the innards of a large heavy star cruiser.
Gosia: And those of other planets?
Yazhi: Each one has their keepers in turn. Mostly Gardeners, but not only.
Gosia: Who is Taygeta´s keeper?
Yazhi: Taygetans of course.
Gosia: But where do you keep the Taygetean ark?
Yazhi: No reason to take them off planets, but Temmer´s is on Erra and Erra’s is on Temmer, and Procyon’s is on Dakote and Dakote's is on Procyeon. For safety. Where? In convenient safe houses, mostly underground.
Humans are now the keepers of the ark, not because they were appointed as such, but as they have it in their hands, in Vostok Base, Russia. One ark. American ark, I’m not sure how damaged it is.
QUESTIONS FROM THE FOLLOWERS: Gosia: There is rumor that there is one ark in Ethiopia, under 24/7 guard. And the guardians who watch over it have short life spans from being near it. Was it in Ethiopia?
Yazhi: I’m aware of Ethiopia, I’ve even overflown that area. There are two aspects of that Ethiopia angle.
One is that it may have been one of the arks moving through there for a period of time, then making its way to the place where it was later discovered, but both arks that can be placed in Ethiopia were found in DUMB´s, deep underground, one in the labyrinth under Giza and the other under the main structure of Alt Ur in Iraq.
This only from me… a long time ago, in Ethiopia, I could see from the air the ark they have there during one of their ceremonies.
Ethiopia is a land locked extremely poor country surviving by a very limited area of farmable land, and life there is quite desperate. It is also a Christian or Catholic country. What I could see as the ark they have there has nothing to do with the 3 Arks I’m talking about that are of Taygetan origin.
What I could see is a large low... semi circular metal container. Dark in colour and hand made. Nothing like the rectangular golden box with angels on top of the other arks. Fetching something, one moment.
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Not joking. That looks like the Ark they have there, only not as tall. It’s more like a deep soup platter with a cover they keep on a rectangular super ornamented (mostly embroidered cloth) rectangular box.
There is no other there as I swept the area with my Starship Sensors. The entire area is very old, covered with stone carved temples. They are keeping that ‘kettle’ for lack of a better word as the Ark.
Ethiopian Temples where their Ark resides.
Gosia: Wow, nice!
Yazhi: They move it around.
Gosia: Why do you think they misconstrued it as THE ark?
Yazhi: Someone in the past may have told them it was the ark. And it was probably taken for faith. And if they truly believed in it then even miracles may have been attributed to the ark, even though it is only them manifesting all that for themselves. That’s for the Ethiopia question.
Gosia: Awesome, I didn´t expect this answer, thank you.
Yazhi: Welcome.
Gosia: I have many others. Hard to choose. This one: With who the priests communicate through the ark?
Yazhi: It is said they could communicate with God through the Ark. The problem here is misconceptions. The Ark held and still holds frequency as in the proximity of a UFO, ship, because it is built the same way with the same Zero Point technology, so in its proximity density shifts and involves whoever is there, and in a higher density telepathy re-opens fast, and people may have had visions and telepathic communication with anything that connects to their personal specific frequency.
The device is Zero Point, so it takes its energy from the air and polarises it like a capacitor, just like Pyramids do, so if you left it in the air and you do not know how it works, it will give a very powerful electric discharge through the handles on either side, then through the body of those trying to move it or steal it, electrocuting them.
Gosia: Ok. Why is it called the covenant? What is “the Covenant”?
Yazhi: The Covenant can be interpreted two basic ways. Covenant means the group, the union of followers, the Federation. It would also mean those who follow Akhenaten.
Covenant literarily means... Solid and Binding Agreement as in having a commitment to follow the ten commandments written by god supposedly residing inside the ark of the Covenant, according to the Bible. ← ←
Gosia: Someone is asking: “does the ark only belong to the Jewish people or it belongs to humanity”?
Yazhi: Belongs to Planet Earth. Belongs to the people of the Taygetan culture as a present to ensure the survival of the living library - biology of Earth.
Gosia: Why Taygetan and not Federation?
Yazhi: It is Federation working through Taygeta as Taygeta is a member of the Federation (Rouge).
Gosia: Is the ark composed of some form of radiation?
Yazhi: Not Ionizing atomic Radiation. It is Zero Point and it can emit electromagnetic radiation as means of defense. As a weapon.
Gosia: Will the ark be used as a weapon?
Yazhi: It can be used as a weapon. Knowing how to trick its defense mechanisms. That’s why it is said that no army that has the ark before them can be defeated, it becomes invincible.
Gosia: Ok. You said it was used before. Question: when and how have they been used in our history?
Yazhi: It is used every time the biology of a place needs to be restored. Even if it is to repair the DNA of one animal or plant. Each time there is a cataclysm, it is used. For example after the flood.
It is wrongly said that the ark was given from God to Moses. That would be between the years 1330 and 1325 B.C. and the arks are much older. From before the flood, right before it, made to preserve the living library as it was threatened by the consequences of the destruction of Tiamat.
Gosia: And how is it used when it´s necessary to use it? I mean what´s the process?
Yazhi: The sample is taken by frequency resonance or frequency compatibility with the species to be repaired. This is by or with the use of very precise Tractor Beam-like technology. Loaded into a computer that controls a Med Pod, also to the computer that controls the external Tractor Beam that will then be used to print the change on to the animal in question. It will print it directly onto its cells, by use of dominant frequency principle. Exactly as in a Med Pod, but without having to place the animal(s) inside a machine.
This is a correction, not an alteration, so the changes will not reverse, it is a little help for any species, to return to its correct biology as represented in a lower density from a higher one.
To re-seed a place you need to reproduce many animals in a lab, lab grown animals from specimens that were developed from the ark’s DNA imposing the DNA-data onto empty mother cells to create a zygote that will grow in a medical pod into a full animal. When you have enough of them, you then free them in the correct place in the chosen planet.
Gosia: Wow that´s a huge process. Considering how many animals there are out there.
Yazhi: You only need a few animals and they reproduce, depending on the species. But you do need a large ship with the correct labs in it. Like this one that also holds an ark.
Gosia: Yes. But there are so many species. To reintroduce all of them that´s a huge project.
Yazhi: It is. Or you can bring live ones from another planet that has them, this is done all the time.
Gosia: Ok. I have this question. “Ron Wyatt found the ark supposedly where Solomon placed it exactly under Golgatha when the blood drained from Christ. What is it that he found then? Any idea?”
Yazhi: Contradicts my data. No Christ to have an ark placed under.
Gosia: Right. But then any idea what it was he found supposedly?
Yazhi: No. I heard another theory or rumor but it was about the Holy Grail, not the ark. Cannot know what that came from. But it heavily contradicts my data.
Gosia: Ok, next one: “Is it related to THE HOLY GRAIL and have negentropic life prolonging effects?”
Yazhi: That’s another subject. More or less related. That’s the Holy Grail, I’m talking about the ark.
Gosia: Ok then let´s put that aside.
Yazhi: Yes or we will digress.
Gosia: Ok this question: “I imagine the ark has some sophisticated security system that chooses which individual can have access to it. I would like to know what parameters it measures and how it does it.”
Yazhi: It does. It defends itself with a variety of weapons, mostly magnetic and electric. It is all controlled by holographic AI inside. It is a very elaborate machine. It is seen as divine magic. It’s just technology they cannot understand.
Gosia: But does it only respond to certain individuals? What parameters does it have?
Yazhi: It does. It depends on how it is programmed. It is meant only to be accessed by the correct species or individuals as you said, some may move it, others cannot open nor use it, others cannot even get anywhere near it without the ark defending itself with sometimes lethal force. It reads your frequency and your DNA, it knows who you are.
Gosia: And does it go by races? Like all Taygetans? Or specific people?
Yazhi: It does. Taygetans may move it. Any Taygetan.
Gosia: Taygetan starseed too? Or must be a non-human Taygetan?
Yazhi: No, it reads DNA and frequency of existence. It does not care where you where supposedly born.
Gosia: Cool! So it wouldn´t destroy me if I get close to it, haha?
Yazhi: It knows if someone is regressive or not, depending on its frequency, so that is from where the legend started, that only the worthy can get close to it. It repels unwanted people, like a magnet repelling another. If they insist then it will activate the next level of defense.
Gosia: So other races if they are positive, would not be harmed either.
Yazhi: May not harm them, but may not let them get close either.
Gosia: I see. Ok! Next. What does it have to do with 10 commandments?
Yazhi: From my point of view, and my data, the ark has nothing to do with the ten commandments, except for biblical propaganda. May have been highjacked in a way to be used as an excuse not to let people look at the tablets Moses broke, supposedly placed inside the ark, perhaps because they never existed in the first place. Remember the Bible was put together by Romans.
Gosia: Yes. All right. Next: “Harald Kautz-Vella talks about 3 or 4 arks and mentioned that the Black Goo was part of them?”
Yazhi: Black Goo is related to planetary DNA as holding the frequency of DNA of the entire planet in its crystalline structure. I have not heard Harald Kautz-Vella on this subject but I know the guy. Directly it has nothing to do with Black Goo, but I see his point and it would be logical if it is what I imagine he is thinking about. 3 or 4 arks, that's correct.
Gosia: Interesting. Next question: “Is it true that it has the same measurement that the inside of the great sarcophagus?”
Yazhi: That is correct. The exact same measurements because it was placed there as a container for it for a long time, this to communicate with afar etherically. That was the exact resting place for the ark, its original box, or keeping spot.
Yazhi: No. They represent two civilizations that worked to make the Ark, Karistus and Taygeta. It was wrongly stated before that each angel on top represented two aspects of Taygetan Culture. Matriarkhal and Patriarkhal. This is incorrect as it leaves out Karistus very involved with all this. Both Karistus and Taygeta use winged people as their cultural symbols.
Gosia: Then why aren´t Karistus in the possession of any now?
Yazhi: They are. The ark of Gabriel now in Russian possession is under Karistus control. So there is one destroyed ark, and two remaining, one under Karistus control, the other under Taygetan control.
Gosia: Fascinating. Last question: “was there a method to defend against the ark power?”
Yazhi: Not that I know of, it used frequency weapons. The hardest to defeat. Yet we now know that one ark was finally destroyed either by the Nazis or by the Americans or both in the 1940's.
Gosia: Thank you, well, that ends my list of questions!
Yazhi: Welcome, right on the hour. The Grail is another subject. We can go into it as well some other time.
Gosia: Sure, have a great night. Hugs!
Video URL: https://youtu.be/tH6y4Njqy88
In this live we will talk about the different ways that aliens have to enter Earth and the role that the Federation of United Planets plays here.
Live With Cristina & Estel·la
Estel·la.- Hello everyone. Welcome to Pleiadian Knowledge. How are you?
Cristina.- Well, today we want to explain several things. To begin with, we wanted to first clarify a little the issue of ‘step downs’ and dives, we have seen that in the last video in your comments there were many people who did not quite understand these concepts, especially step down. And then we wanted to make an update on our contact, how we are at the moment and talk a little about the Federation. This is a little bit of the plan we have for today.
Estel·la.- So, as Cristina explained to you, to begin with, we wanted to clarify some points about immersion and step-down because in one of the last videos that we shared called: “Stellar Technology”, where we talk about the holographic computer and about the immersion program, we saw many comments from people who did not quite understand the concept of step down and then about an explanation and a comment that Anéeka made about the profile of the people in step down returning to "bite you". So, we wanted to explain this now. Basically tell you that, the concept of step down, which in Spanish would be something like: go down, step down, thus trying to translate it. They are referring to when a person goes down with his physical body to another planet, in this case it would be going down to Earth. So we have to keep in mind that there are several methods to do this, one of them is the immersion method and the other method is the step down method. What is the difference? Well, when a person does that, he is going down with his physical body to this planet. That is, a person who is in orbit in a ship that for X reasons decides to go down to do anything, be it a mission, a task, or to explore ... there can be many reasons, and go down with that body that that person has to to inhabit, to live together to be on this planet, for example, here we could be talking about the Earth. So when they step down there are consequences. First we will tell you about Anéeka's comment that said that there is a profile that returns to “bite you.” This is because when an alien decides to come down to this planet to do something, he has to create a whole imaginary false profile to justify his presence here. This on other planets that we know of is not necessary, but here it is, because here we are in this Matrix where people believe that we are the only ones alive in the Universe. So, as we know, there is a program (mind control) of disinterest in extraterrestrial life, because when an alien has to come here to play with others, they have to create a false profile around their person to justify their presence on this planet. That is, you have to get a false passport, you have to create a family, you have to get documentation, many times it depends on how long you have to stay, you will have to have a job to justify your income. All so that, if anyone interacts with that alien, you have no way of knowing that that person is actually an alien and that he is with his body here interacting with you. So what happens when they do this? That, basically since they have created this whole profile here and there is all this evidence that this person has been living on this planet for as long as it took, let's say there comes a time when this person returns to the ship. So what's up? If that person who has returned to the ship decides, for any reason to participate in the Taygetean outreach, or pass on information or interact and that person at some point says that he is Pablo and shows a photo of him, or gives information about his person, then people will not believe you because they will find that there is a whole profile related to that person who has been on Earth. That is, the followers, for example, could find all the information of this person and see that he was living in Peru, and that he was working on such a thing, this hurts them when it comes to credibility because in the end you have the same face that you have been using to be here interacting on Earth that is the same as when you get on the ship. And, if you decide to give details about yourself, you get into conflict and that can create misunderstandings. Basically, this is what Anéeka was referring to by that comment. Hope now you have been able to understand better. Also, doing this has other consequences, and since you have to create a whole profile around yourself and you have to interact in a certain way because you have to adapt to the culture we have here and it depends on how long that person stays on Earth, this planet, which can create an identity conflict, because this would be like an actor who is in a super long saga for a certain time and in the end what happens to that actor is that he ends up bringing to his person the personality of the character that they were interpreting. So, yes, there are times that it has happened that it depends on the time that that person is in step down that later when they return to 5D, to the ship, to life on their planets they take customs of the Earth, and in this Taygeteans have had problems because of the type of behavior, customs that that person brings with him and that are frowned upon. And, there can also be this identity conflict of having to differentiate who you really are and that you are no longer that person that you were pretending to be for a while. Also, tell you that being in step-down brings consequences in the sense that as they are using their physical body they can get sick and this would be what we have commented previously, which is the dissonance of frequencies, what they also call alien evil.
Here on this planet we are in an artificial 3D and the frequencies are much denser, much lower and being here through this method there are certain difficulties because here we have more gravity than they have, for example, speaking of Taygeta, in their planets or the one that is adjusted in the ship. Also, food is complicated because here we have a variety of vegetables that is much less than what they have. So in terms of nutrition they also have problems. The oxygen that we have in our atmosphere is also much lower since the numbers are reversed, I believe that, here we have 20% oxygen and 80% nitrogen and in the ship it is the other way around, they have it reversed. So they have all these factors that make it difficult for them to interact in this way and be able to step down. And, as a curious fact to tell you that there was a season in Taygeta that was experimenting a lot with this many years ago and they realized that, from approximately 2 weeks, they were interacting with their body on planet Earth, their bodies they were already having difficulties and getting sick. So, this on the one hand, and then also tell you why this profile has to be created and who decides this is the Federation. The Federation is the one that controls this entire planet and is the one who gives the authorization to enter this planet and the way they have to justify it is with all this that I have explained to you now about the profiles and all these things. So, I hope this concept has been understood a little better now. And, also tell you that one of the most important differences of being in immersion or being in step down is that, if the person in immersion dies, that is, the person here in 3D dies, he wakes up in 5D, but if the person who is in step down dies here on Earth, he simply dies and will return to between life, to The Source, he will incarnate at any other point depending on his frequency, his interests and what that person wants, those are the bigger differences. You are only you and you only have this body. In immersion you have at least two bodies.
A follower says: Always with the authorization of the Federation? Yes. The Federation has to give the authorization.
A follower asks: How many times were you able to do this type of intervention? Many times. This is something that they have been doing throughout our history. Also, to say that the people who do this are usually people who are highly trained, not only to face the physical conditions, but how to interact with the human race. That is, they are highly trained, they prepare for years to know how our psychology works, our mentality, how they have to present themselves, what they can say and what not. They are people, in the case of Taygeta, for example, it would be the Hashmallim and Shinonim who have been training especially for this for a long time. Not everyone can do it because it has many consequences and is complicated.
Cristina.- Yes, and not only to interact, as Estel·la has said, knowing how to move as a human without attracting attention, but also in personal defense since this planet is considered a hostile planet for the races of the Federation. It is not a safe planet to be on the surface.
Estel·la.- As you know, there are many interests now. If they are already chasing us with all this inoculation and DNA tests and all this, then a person who has all 24 activated chromosomes and has a different biology. If the Cabal found out then these people would be in danger. So, this is something very important, that is why these people have to know how to defend themselves and be trained to do this.
Cristina.- Question from a follower: Girls, but there are races that do not belong to the Federation and that go down to Earth to investigate, why are they allowed to enter? I imagine you mean going down as step down. Tell you that, no matter if you are a Federation race or a collaborating race, you always have to go through the Federation filter. In other words, no one enters or leaves here without the permission of the Federation.
Question from a follower: Do you know how they have solved possible combustion problems or explosions with such high atmospheric concentrations of oxygen? Thank you very much, girls. Here, we are going to go into the other side which is immersion. Estel la has just explained a way that non-human or extraterrestrial races can be here interacting on the surface that is through their biological body, and there is another way that is through technology through immersion and this technology, contrary to what Estel·la has told you about as the step-downs that, for example, how you go down with your biological body if you die you go to The Source because you have no other body, through immersion you do preserve your original body and a body is created, or refined in some way, here so that you can use it and your body is in a safe state and if this body dies for whatever reason, it does not affect your original body, more than the experience Of course, from what you have lived that you will always take it because this is an experience. And, I am going to explain, simply for those people who do not understand the differences very well.
There are two ways of diving: One is dry immersion and the other is wet immersion. Dry immersion, is that you download here using a body not yours, an avatar either created, inserted in the Matrix and, normally they are for a job of a day or several days and then you return and then you can go back down or whatever. Wet immersion, is that you come down here to Earth for an incarnation. And, here we wanted to clarify a little so that those people who do not quite understand it very well what happens to one body, what happens to the other, if one dies. I am going to share a screen with you and, I am going to make you simply a small diagram since, we have here in this program that we can use a blackboard because we are going to exploit what we have here and, I am going to share with you to simply make a small diagram so that you can see how immersion works, both dry and wet, but in this case we are going to focus on the wet.
We are going to start first with the basics, which is what has already been explained before in the sense that, as you know, we are not this body. We are going to put here, the consciousness that is what we all are. You know that the consciousness or the soul or whatever we want to call it is not within the body, but is part of the Universe, it is the Ether and there is no space or time, it is simply in some way directing a body or paying attention to a Body. So, let's say that we have a 5D body here, which is what you all know. We have a body, we are going to draw like this a little bit, a body in 5D and this this body is the one that consciousness is animating in some way. Remember that consciousness animates the body as if it were a drone, it simply pays attention to it and it is in this way that it gives life to what the organism is. So, this body that we have here if, for example, we want to enter with this body on another planet, for example, Earth, or it is also used to enter planets that do not have suitable living conditions for your body, be it for an atmosphere that is not breathable for you, or whatever. This technology can be used for many things. But here we are going to focus on incarnating on Earth as a human. So, to incarnate on Earth, you know that each organism, each body has a unique frequency. So, we first need to have another body that has the same frequency as our original body that is in 5D, and to have this body we need to adapt it and this is where it comes in, normally the work that we have already talked about both on the Robert and Gosia channels, as with ours, on the work of the gray gardeners who are the ones who do the abductions and readjust the bodies so that people can enter through immersion. So, we have a body that can be readjusted here on Earth, either a fetus because we have the possibility of entering from birth, here. Also, tell you that ethically this is done before a soul enters naturally. As you know, normally this varies between each body, but normally the soul does not begin to pay attention to the body, to the fetus, until approximately 4 weeks. But it is approximate, it varies. So let's say this has to be done before there is a natural soul that has used that body. Take a body that is not yet used and connect it with our signal in 5D. Once we have the body, the person in 5D has to enter the wet immersion chamber, it has already been explained how this chamber works and how the whole body is maintained. And what happens here is that in the immersion chamber what it does is that it sleeps the person inside the liquid, which is a liquid that as you know has nutrients and oxygen, it is a kind of amniotic fluid. Between a mixture of amniotic fluid and brain fluid from the head, I can't remember the word. And then this person falls asleep, the computer sleeps him, they put him in suspended animation, that is, the body stays there as long as it is needed, it is eternally. And, the senses are isolated and what is done is that the signal, your signal of consciousness, the computer simply redirects it towards the new body. Let's say that the signal passes and is directed towards the new body that is in 3D. And, once we have this consciousness directly what is redirecting the new 3D body while the 5D is totally suspended. What happens here if the 3D person dies? As we have explained that is why this technology, on the one hand, is considered safe, although it has its pros and cons like everything else. Well, if the person dies, the signal automatically returns to the 5D body, which is the original. But if the 5D person in the immersion pod dies then the 3D person also dies because the computer redirects the signal and it has to pass through the 5D body, it does not send it directly to the 3D body. Therefore, if the person in 5D dies, let's say that the immersion pod is in a ship and it is attacked or by anything that destroys the 5D body, because the 3D person would also die, automatically because there would be no such connection. So, here I explain that, I see that in the chat you were already asking about the subject of walk-ins.
Here, we have given you an explanation that is to enter the Earth in incarnation at birth. But that can also be used by entering from another moment in the life of another person, that is, if a person is born here and has a life agreement that will be only 30 years on Earth and his body is fine, there may be a prenatal agreement with another consciousness that uses the body. At the age of 30 the first person will leave and the second person will enter and, this is called walk in which is like an incoming soul, it is as if you took a second-hand car, to give you an idea. And, this is when normally this is when the first person - the first consciousness that occupies the body, because there is some kind of traumatic accident or whatever and that is when the change of consciousness is made. And, this is to explain a little how it worked for those people who did not understand. Tell you that it is the safest way to enter Earth here because as you can see, if you die, you return to 5D and you continue with your life there. But also, it has its cons and that is that what the person is living here in 3D is not a game, but is real life for that person, or for all the people who are here immersed, and everything you have done here and all your experiences are complete with you when you wake up in the pod. And, also all this that you are experiencing you will take with you, you will carry it with you. That is to say that it is not that it is erased from your memory and you no longer know anything, but that everything that you have spent here you carry with you. This is a bit the problem of cons or whatever we want to call it. Also, it depends on the experience of each person of what they take from here, but hey, basically it was a little bit to explain this to you.
Estel·la.- Yes. Basically the conflict you were saying now, Cristina, is that in the immersion problem when you are simply in step-down, you only have some interests that are yours, but the immersion problem is that it may be that the interests that your 5D self has are different from those that your 3D self has. So, there it can come into conflict because it may be that you in 5D have an intention of something that you want to experience, but then the 3D avatar, either due to memory erasure or due to different issues, loses this. Then, they can dedicate themselves to doing other things and when you return from immersion you may realize that you have not done what you wanted and that can create loops and wanting to go back in or there is also the conflict that, for whatever reason, you end up being extracted and you you are faced with having two bodies and you are faced with finding yourself in a situation that perhaps was not within the plans and interests of your 5D person. So it is also complex in that sense because it is not only the same consciousness, but at the end of the day they are like two parallel lives.
Question from a follower: Greetings, how do we know that we are immersed? Thanks, a hug.
Cristina.- Well, it's something that only you know. It is an internal feeling, and you can only really know for sure if the race you belong to has data about you and tells you that you are immersed. Immersion is not only a Taygetean thing, but is used by most races in the Federation. Each one has different technological variants, of course, but it is something that is used by everyone because it is already the same frequency manipulation mechanism as navigating with a ship, also, it is the same technology.
Estel·la.- A follower asks: In immersion, are the 5D and 3D bodies the same? Maybe, maybe not. It is a program, you design your body, so there may be cases in which your 5D and 3D body are very similar and there will be cases in which they are not because you want to experience seeing yourself totally differently. It is how you design this avatar, this biological body according to your interests. It depends solely on the person. A follower asks: When you come to Earth by those methods that you said, do you remember who you are or do you also lose your memories? It depends on the interest of each person. For example, if you come through step-down, yes or if you are going to remember everything because it is you, and you are totally aware of where you come from, why you are here and what you come to do. If you are through immersion, it depends on the interests that you have, you are going to manipulate through the frequencies what you want to remember and what not, and depending on that you will design your experience here, on Earth. If it is more of a memory erasure it will be one way, if you leave more memories it will make you interact in another way. This you can program.
Cristina.- Normally you come with the veil of oblivion, or not complete erasure, but quite a bit, more than anything because what you are looking for by going into immersion here on Earth with wet immersion, that is to say, of long duration, is to live the experience. It seems a bit absurd seen like this, to come here and not remember anything because in reality everyone looks for that knowledge that they do not remember, but if you think about it you will realize that if you remembered everything, or remember a large part, somehow you will not I know how to live life as humans. You would not live the experience of humans or it would not be lived in this way or so intense and it is also that knowing everything that each one is outside of the Earth implies that you also carry everything that is behind and somehow do not let yourself go here the incarnation. Imagine that you have a family out there or whatever, then here you would no longer live the same experience because you would be very conditioned with the information, with the data that you already know. For this reason, that veil of oblivion is also sought to really live this experience and adapt here. Also, I don't know if you've ever heard ... I had heard many years ago about these children who remembered everything, because they remember everything and knew where they came from and there are many cases of these children dying of grief because they cannot go on (with their lives). Imagine that you come from a society in which there is none of this and you live in a totally different way and where there is not so much suffering. So, really having all that information makes it very hard to carry on here day to day. In some way, the veil of oblivion could be said to be like protecting you so that you can really do your mission here, or whatever you are doing here. This is very personal since each one has their own way or their reasons for having entered here, although now it is not remembered.
Estel·la.- Question from a follower: Girls, could someone in immersion come as a walk in? Yes, these concepts can be superimposed, they can be complemented. As Cristina has explained to you, a walk in is when two consciousnesses use the same body. This is generally by agreement. And, it may be that a person decides to enter a body by immersion at a certain age and not from birth, but at 30 years old, for example, or at 15 or 45. And that would be a walk in because that person is entering that body, and the one that existed before it may be that it was immersed or it may not have come directly from The Source. So the concepts complement each other.
A follower asks: What would happen to the 3D person if the 5D avatar wakes up?
Cristina.- Die. If the 5D person wakes up, the person here dies. Because consciousness is giving attention to the 5D body, therefore it is no longer giving it to the 3D.
Estel·la.- Exactly. This is, in fact, just like the Avatar movie. I don't know if you've seen that movie, but there, if something happened to the protagonist and they woke him up from the immersion machine, in the chamber, his (avatar) body would collapse, it was empty. Suddenly it fell because there was no one there, since consciousness was no longer embedded in that body. And, in this case it would die.
Cristina.- What happens is that in Avatar it would be more simplistic because in the film when he goes to sleep, he wakes up in the dry chamber, there it would be like a dry chamber and here it really is not like that. Here as long as the computer is redirecting the signal you will be here in 3D. And, if the 5D person is awake because the computer is no longer redirecting the signal then the 3D body would be left without a signal of consciousness, that's why it dies.
One Follower Says: But, Anéeka also said that a dry immersion above can last a week and down here can last decades. You get confused with wet immersion because dry immersion is very short time, usually there is not much time-slip. So it really is about the same time. But it is true that wet immersion, as you know, there is a time slip between other planets, and especially in other densities here on Earth. In the case of Taygeta, if I remember correctly, 5 years in wet immersion from there, to come here, it would be a whole incarnation here, approximately. I'm not sure, but I highly recommend that, if some of you are new or have not yet understood very well, that you watch the videos of the Cosmic Agency channel. It has 3 videos only about immersion and you will understand everything much better.
A follower says: Does this comment have something to do with the sudden deaths of people on Earth? Yes. Many times if the 5D person is awakened by a chamber failure, here the 3D body would die, seen by our medicine as unexplained. It is often attributed to sudden death. It is a sudden death and the doctors find no symptoms. But not always, because as you know that, we have already published a video about Anéeka's exo-medicine, our medicine is not very advanced in this aspect and it may be that there is also another reason that they are not really seeing. It doesn't have to be just this.
A follower: What would happen if the person who is immersed here on Earth becomes full of attachments and dies here? Well, if you are immersed, you will wake up in the immersion pod. But as we have said before, everything that you have lived here you take with you and it is part of you. In itself, once the incarnation has been done here, when the person in 5D wakes up, it may be that they are no longer the same person who entered the immersion, because the experience of the Earth has changed them.
Estel·la.- Yes. And, in fact, the Taygeteans commented that an immersion in the Earth, although objectively it is very few years because here we get sick and die very soon, the feeling is as if it had been much longer. You already know that time is relative and, although you may be living here for 60 years, the experiences that you take with you, it is as if it had been many, many more years.
Cristina.- A follower says: Can you immerse yourself in this 3D to go to 5D? If I remember correctly, what Anéeka explained, in principle it is very difficult to enter from here in inversion to 5D mainly because of the frequencies. As you know, 5D includes 4, 3, 2, 1, but 3D does not include four or five. So, due to frequency affinity it is more difficult, or I don't know if it would be possible in this case, I don't remember, but I'm sure that it does appear in the videos that are on Cosmic Agency, there you will surely find Anéeka's answer.
Estel·la.- A follower asks: So, not remembering anything, does it mean that we are here with the whole body? I don't quite understand exactly what you mean, but the fact that you have no memories of yourself from other lives, from another race is because you decided so and you can come from The Source as well, with this interest and with this same erasure, just like for immersion, too. So the ones who do remember 100% are the ones who are here as a step-down with their original body. And, as you know, the people who are extracted and go up to 5D have a reactivation of DNA because DNA is the crystallization of consciousness in a way, and here on Earth humans - the seeds - have between 22 chromosomes, some 23, and when you are extracted with the memories that you recover, your DNA is activated. For example, it is a natural period of about 7 years, then it reactivates and you have all 24 chromosomes again. What about people who are in stepdown? Well, at first it does not affect them, they continue with the 24 active chromosomes, but if they have been interacting here on Earth for a long time, over time their DNA will deteriorate and in the end it would also drop to the 23 or 22 chromosomes. But this is already with the passage of time. All of this is because of the dominant frequencies that we have here on Earth.
Cristina.- A follower says: It's like dreaming. You can live a lifetime in the dream, but in 3D it's only a few minutes or maybe an hour. Yes. Anéeka explained that those who go into immersion, what they report after leaving is that when they are entering the liquid rises, they first have to breathe in the water, but as you know we have all already breathed in the water when we were in the womb of our moms, so the body remembers and does it again. But they say it's like they get sleepy and it's like they go to sleep and start dreaming. And, when they wake up in the chamber it is as if you are waking up from a long sleep.
Estel·la.- The following questions that I have seen in the chat are related to the Federation.
A follower asks: Is the Earth owned by the Federation? Yes. Basically the Federation is the one that governs, who decides and who controls what is happening on Earth. A follower says: Could it be that the Federation has been infiltrated by dragging 3D ideas to 5D? Could it be that we positively infiltrate the Federation, then? And, with this question, I think it would be good if we entered the updates that we have to give on this subject, which is closely related to the Federation. And, to say in short that you basically know how mirrors work. So everything that is happening here on Earth is also a mirror of what is happening there in the Federation, and it is clear that there is mutual influence.
Cristina.- In this second part, what we wanted to tell you is that, as has already been said on the Cosmic Agency channels and Robert's channel, in Cosmic Revelation, we have lost contact for several weeks. Communication with the Taygetean team has been cut off. And, as has also been said, it is because their internet connection with Earth has been cut off. At the moment we continue like this. We have no communication at this time.
Estel·la.- To understand how the Federation has been able to do this is that, basically as you know, our communication with the Taygetans is through the internet, but in 5D races cannot connect directly to our internet, but rather the Federation provides servers that act as an intermediary for this connection. And, the Federation is the one who gives permission for the other races to use them. But just as they can grant you this permission, they can also withdraw it. And, right now the conflict they are having with the Taygetans is this, that their permission to use these servers to connect to the internet has been withdrawn.
Cristina.- You have heard before that the fact that they control these servers is because they also control the information passed by the races that connect to the internet. And, through there they filter what is allowed to happen and what is not, in this regard.
Estel·la.- Exactly. That is why the Taygeteans did not provide their voices, they did not show their images, it is because there are many reasons for it. One of them is because it is guarded and controlled by the Federation so that this is not done. They have filters and they control that this is maintained. So why has their internet connection been removed now? Well, Taygetans have been in conflict with the Federation for a long time, because according to the Federation's point of view, the Taygetans are giving a type of contact, a disclosure that is too direct and that is providing information that is not of interest to the Federation. And why is it not of interest to them? Because what the Federation wants is to keep this planet as a 3D game, and they want there to be no access to all this information that is 5D, and that is extraterrestrial, and that gives you the keys to break this game. So, the Taygetean outreach is giving a lot, a lot of super detailed information and a lot of topics, which from the Federation's point of view breaks the rules of what is supposed to be the intention of this experience of being on this planet. So they have this conflict of interest and opinion. And, basically why the Federation has this strong attitude is that they say that what they are doing with this is defending the interests of people in 5D by caring, mainly, for people who are immersed and living a life here in the earth. So what happens? That there are races that are more logical, or less emotional, that might end up in the immersion program and say that their incarnation on Earth was not enough for them, that Earth is not so bad ... I don't know what it is that they will say, but the problem is that there are thousands and thousands of races that are interacting on this planet and emotional races and, I can speak as an emotional race, that it does affect them and that there are many people who are having a very bad time because you are living this, even if it is a limited program, that experience you take with you, and the suffering you take with you. So, the Federation says that it does this to protect the interest of the 5D person who said: "Well, I'm going to enter here, I'm going to forget about everything and this experience is going to help me evolve as a person."
The problem is that this same person who is now living here, many are saying enough. It's enough. We read your comments and there are many people who say that enough is enough for them. Surely, many of you are also immersed and when you wake up and return to your 5D bodies you are going to take all these memories because they are your experiences, they are real. So the Federation forgets that by only respecting the interest of the 5D person it is trampling on the very person who is now having the 3D experience. So, it is not well done. Both should be considered, because everyone has the right to change their mind, everyone has the right to change their interests and it may be that a person has decided to go immersion for 30 years and have some kind of incarnation, but then take 15 and that's enough for you. And, that is totally acceptable or it should be. I see it that way. But the Federation says no, it wants to keep those interests as the most important thing.
Cristina.- Priority is being given to 5D, seeing this as something secondary when in reality, as Estel·la has explained, they are interconnected and they are the same people. And, somehow, before entering here, people had ideas and goals, or whatever, and being here makes it possible for this to change. For this reason, also, here I would like to add that for this reason, immersions are also used because a person can really have a goal before dying and going to The Source, but as you know, once these plans are accessed, ideas change, and it may be that you had thought that when you die you want to be an andromedan and will go to live an experience on Earth, but then later in between life or in the Ether, you change your mind and no longer go to Earth, but that you go to other places because the same plane, the same experience that you are living when you disincarnate is also changing you. That is also why the immersion is to make sure that you are really going to come here through technology. So, here apart from the point of view that Estel·la commented, we have another problem that is also the chaos of the society that we live here on Earth. As there are so many races of the Federation here, some more emotional than humans, others like humans, others not so emotional, but who experience another type of Biology, with other cultures, other ways of being, another ethic because in the end you know that good and evil, ethics, is only a point of view, and many times it changes cultures. So all those races are using human containers. That is, biological bodies here, to become human, but they really are not. And, some come with more memories, others with less, because in addition each one chooses what they want and that also creates the chaos on Earth that we are seeing that nobody agrees with, that there are so many different opinions, so many ways to proceed and here we could already climb among everything that has already been explained. Gosia recently uploaded a video in Cosmic Agency about the tulpas that you already know that everything that is generated here through all this circuit of all races, of all things and well ... and this is increasing. And, this is what we have as a human society, or as planet Earth, and all seen from the point of view of above. Seen as that, well everything is controlled, everything is an experience, everything is contained here and some races believe that this brings them positive things. But from down here things look different.
Estel·la.- Sure. It is that the limitation is personal. And, there are races that already do well with these types of parameters, but there are others that do not. The problem is that you must be able to please everyone in some way and not just rely on a few. This is something that the Federation will eventually have to realize. All these people who are emotional races and who are going to return to 5D are going to find them head-on telling them that this cannot be so that something is wrong with this planet, that it cannot be pushed to this limit because in the end they end up being themselves.
Cristina.- Yes, because in the end mind control or censorship ends up being unethical, because on the one hand, you want to preserve the general interests so that the experience is not lost here, but then these people here change their minds and we simply want to know the truth and knowing and wanting and we are entitled to this information. And, the information is here simply for whoever wants to hear it, can hear it, and whoever does not want to hear it cannot hear it. Perhaps we have agreements to listen to this information or to be here for some reason, and at the moment that you decide what people can and cannot do you are becoming a dictatorship, no matter what good interests you have or no matter how good the intention you have. The moment you tell someone else what is good for them, you have already lost all your ethics.
Estel·la.- Exactly. Where is free will? Where is it? They are suppressing it. If you want to control everything that happens here and you want to take it down a certain path, instead of letting it evolve freely, you are suppressing people's free will. Taygetean outreach is not trampling on anyone. It is there, let it be there, let there be certain people who need this connection to awakening as an experience as well. There are many ways to get to that experience. So why not allow this type of information and that certain people simply have access to it because it is that anyway the free will of other people is not interested in all this and that they simply cannot hear it. You don't call them this and it's totally respectable. Okay, keep holding your Matrix job, keep leading your life as a human, great, but allow other people to have other choices as well.
Cristina.- Yes. I imagine that if they did not put their hands in the way they are doing, because in some way in the end this is a mass, it is the collective unconscious in the end it would end up being liberated sooner or later and the Earth would cease to be the game for all races who want to live a human experience here, or to experience I don't know ... evil or suffering sometimes too, because if you experience it here, you don't experience it at home. Here we have Port Aventura, in Catalonia, in Spain, it is an amusement park and this is like Port Aventura, here we are all going to have fun and release adrenaline and then each one of us goes home and nothing has happened .
Estel·la.- Exactly. But the problem is the Federation that is trying to maintain these interests of keeping the planet like this. The question is, at what cost? What is the limit of the Federation? What is it going to allow, what is it going to do to maintain those interests so that the planet continues to be a school, a video game ... call it what you want. I am sure that the experience that a person takes from here is worth like… ten incarnations, but at what price? How much suffering do people have to go through? How do they have to ask for it? What is the limitation? And that's what worries me a bit, apart from the Federation.
Cristina.- And here is the ethics. What right does anyone have to do this? Simply. In the end there are some interests, but then there is no ethics, or it cannot be promoted as if it were ethical.
Estel·la.- So, it is true that we make the Earth a mirror with the Federation and the Federation with the Earth. And what is happening here is that the global situation would end if all people, a large percentage of humanity said enough. If people were to unite with each other, and there was mass civil disobedience, it is what could end this situation because if you no longer follow the rules no one will be able to impose more on you. I mean, that would be the way to end what is happening. What happens? That here, as they defend, there is a collective unconscious and the "majority of the people" is who decides and the rest of us are being dragged by that and that is why for now it seems that the agendas are going to continue because people are not taking action to end this. What happens in 5D we could say that the same thing happens here because those who would be like the awakened ones of 5D, in this case the Taygetans, are those who are trying to show other races what the Federation is doing, what is happening in this planet.
As we have commented, the information they had themselves in Taygeta is different from what they found when they came here to interact here directly. So how could this situation end in 5D, too? If all races or most races supported the Taygetans and said that this is not correct, they could face the Federation. According to what the Taygetans told us, there is a difference and that is that in 5D people are not asleep, but they are more aware and that they do not react like humans. There are indeed many races that are observing this process and are observing what is happening with the Federation with the interaction with the Taygetans. So, you have to see the other races here. We know that there are many who support them. They would be the Urmah who are hand in hand with the Taygeteans and we hope that in time other races will join as well.
Cristina.- There is also Karistus, and the Lyrian races are also supporting Taygeta. But in the end it is not Taygeta either, remember the Taygetean ship with Alenym, who is the leader, she is representing all Alcione, all the Pleiades. That is, they are not here representing Taygeta, but all the Pleiades. So how good are some who disagree with this. In itself, what would be ethical is to let humanity from within here guide its own experience and decide what it wants to do, if you want to wake up or not, but it is not correct that when we were going towards an awakening, because we were headed towards a massive awakening, and all of you have felt it in recent years how we were advancing at full speed to break the system and, how suddenly they have put all this in so that instead of advancing we are going backwards. And, this is what is unethical. Whether humanity can be wrong or not, but in the end it is the right of humanity to decide or it is the right of all humans to decide what they want to do because they are the ones who are here on this planet right now or we are the ones who are here, now.
Estel·la.- Exactly. Those who are in 5D cannot decide for you, even if we are the same. There are times that we are the same and there are times that we are not, but basically that is not the right thing to do. They have done a reprogramming of the Matrix and there were many people who were waking up and now there is another program, another agenda.
Cristina.- Yes, they have not only put their hand in, but their whole arm, really, in order to redirect where we are going, which is the absolute control of the human race, and in itself the extinction of the human race as we know it because we are in a reset.
Estel·la.- So with all this we also want to clarify that there are many planes of the Federation, which is a gigantic organization, which is interconnected from many densities, there are many interconnections. We are not saying that the Federation in general is regressive, this is not what we are saying what we are saying is that the faction of the Federation that is trying to maintain all this, it should rethink things, this is what we are saying .
Cristina.- Yes, it is the Federation that controls this solar system that, as you know, is located on Saturn and here on Earth it is in The Viera. And, also to tell you that it does not really mean, as we have explained, that they are regressive and that they do this out of pure evil, but what we are trying to explain is that their behavior is regressive. It is like, to give an example, so that it is well understood and not misinterpreted it is important, it is as if I catch a little bird in the street that has fallen from the nest, I take it, I take it to my house and I put it in a cage and I take care of him the best I can so that he is well and cared for and I have him all his life in a cage because I think that is the best thing to do to protect him and that he is well, but I am really being regressive with the bird, because no one has asked that little bird if he wanted to live his whole life in a cage, but I do it with all the good intentions for this little bird. So, sometimes, the behaviors that we have, but for lack of points of view, no matter how the good intention we have, can be negative or regressive towards others and that is what we try to explain when we say that it is not that it is the regressive Federation, but it is behaving regressively not taking into account the point of view here from the Earth from a human being from the human experience.
Estel·la.- Exactly. It may be that their interests are perfect for seeds of more logical races, but they do conflict and seem regressive to us, or unethical for more emotional races. And, there is the problem that you cannot have the same parameters for everyone because then this is what happens. And, in this case, not seeing this, not trying to change it, is what is causing them to have this behavior. And basically the problem that the Taygetans were facing is that these people, this faction of the Federation is not even showing their faces, they did not know who to turn to, they are simply working from the shadows. They are sending the orders and setting the rules and enforcing them, but without being able to allow an interaction. So, this too, already indicates a type of behavior that is not very ethical, or not very correct.
Cristina.- A follower says: Well, the Taygeteans disobey. Yes. That is what they are doing and that is why they are without internet, disobey. Because they were asked to withdraw from orbit, they were asked to cut contact through the internet, they have been told to do many things and they have not done them, and they have been and are there on the battlefield disobeying in the sense of everything that does not seem fair to them, giving their point of view, of course. And, that is what is really causing the conflict. But as we have explained, the Federation is the one that controls all this and it is as if I asked someone to disobey and not comply with the rules and whatever, that person will probably end up arrested by the police. You can do little against an entire system. So, there are ways to disobey within the law, but what can be done can be done. Even so, we all continue forward and with everything we can and denouncing all this because in the end it is us, we are here, and that we have this right and we have to demand it in some way whatever it may be.
Estel·la.- Within their capacities the Taygetans were already there, and they are, because they continue to do everything in their power to change all this, but it is like what they told us that in 5D there are also policemen. One of us can't just go to a hospital to destroy all the vaccine samples that are out there because that's just going to get you in jail, as they are up there. Yes, they are the rebels or the awakened ones of 5D, but they have a certain margin that they must respect and be careful not to cross because otherwise this is what happens that if they eliminate you from the map - in the end you cannot end up doing anything. You cannot continue to influence, you cannot continue working on what you wanted to do.
Cristina.- Many times you have to make smart decisions to achieve your goal as much as possible. Many people are also very in favor of the Federation and all this and also tell you here that there are many races, and that not all of them think the same. The Federation is not a group of people, it is a group of hundreds of different races and that it is really only a majority that is positioning itself this way, but that there are many that are in intermediate points, others that, as we have said, Taygeta, Urmah and others they are totally in opposition to everything that is happening. There is everything, it is not something simple to explain. But it is true that there is one thing that is clear what they say, or is said, that the Federation is going to solve the problem and the thing is that we have been going on for a year and nothing has been solved and everything continues. So, here each one has to do self-reflection and really see what is happening, not only what is being told but what he is seeing outside, and that is important for all of you that at some point you have this doubt, because it is really something very complex and it is difficult to explain because they have many points of view and we could spend hours and hours here just raising the different points of view, different opinions and why are these decisions made and not others, and why is this? does it happen like this and not otherwise? Everything here is really very big, very big.
Estel·la.- There are certain people who are dedicated to declassifying or attacking Taygetean disclosure, or Taygetean contact, disclosure, defending the Federation and as Cristina says, there have been many opportunities where the situation could have been put to an end, but in this way the only thing we perpetuate is that we stand idly by waiting for someone else to solve our own problems. Then, there was this little encounter, or problem with the elections in the United States, that it was thought that there could be a better attitude or a better intention for change, for example, of President Trump with the elections and that from up there things were going to change and in the end we saw that the only thing they were doing was trying to calm the masses so that the agenda would continue to happen from behind. So, this is simply hoping that the Federation are beings of light, benevolent beings and they are helping us and that they are going to come to rescue us at some point, the only thing they are going to do is keep us quiet waiting for this moment. And, we do not believe that this is the right thing to do, or what is going to help a person as an individual, because what helps weigh as an individual is to follow their day to day, to fight day by day for what they consider one which is the right thing to do until you get those changes. So each person can only go ahead on their own and do at all times what they consider to be right, and within the framework they can.
Cristina.- And, like the video that we uploaded of the influence of the starseeds as Sav'el explained there, in reality each of you has a lot of potential, you are the creators of this reality and, in some way, the system wants to maintain the passive people, doing nothing because they know the potential you have if you become proactive. So, here also when we talk about how each one can reach their goals in an intelligent way, here it also has to be clear that each one must be clear about who they are and the potential they really have. And, everything that you can do only with your thoughts and with your frequency without going out on the street, only with that you are somehow interfering here, or being a key piece, and that is what they do not want people to get. With your thoughts you put yourself in a way to say: No, no, I don't want this, I want this, and I am going to fight for this and I am not going to wait for anyone to come to save me, but I am going to look for all this myself. And this is what is really not wanted here. So, it is very important that we also do not feel, or do not feel frustrated in the sense of believing that you cannot do anything because you are here, but in reality all of you are key to this awakening in the sense that all your thoughts add up and they count and it is very important that we do not deviate from what we want, and our path and do not focus so much on the outside, but rather that we concentrate at this moment on ourselves.
Estel·la.- Exactly. Very good words. Tell you also, that it is not only the thoughts, but that it has to be accompanied by our actions because if we do not enter the concept of New Age, to stay meditating at home for a better world, and that is not it, that is an extreme. It is clear that a person has to be consistent and know what he wants, what he is, giving himself the importance that it has, but this must go hand in hand with the actions he takes. As we say, each person has a different interference frame, there are certain people who can do certain actions, there are others that others, small, large is indifferent. The truth is that you do not have to buy them, each one has to do, in their day to day, what they can, what they want and what they consider correct that is in accordance with their interests, with their intention, and with that together is how it is deformed the reality around us, around the seeds and how they come together. That is something important to keep in mind that we have to stay strong, but not only in thought, but also in behavior.
Cristina.- Yes. Super important. Well, we are going to read a little in the chat and in a little while we will be saying goodbye.
A follower says: Although, it is somewhat difficult, day to day to focus on what is happening. Yes. It is difficult because there is also a lot of bombing. The mechanism is at full throttle, and it is difficult because there are many things on the outside that distract you, or that somehow make you feel like you are not going to be able to do it or whatever. But really that is what they are looking for, that is what they want us to feel incapable of and it is precisely necessary to remind ourselves every day that we are not and that this reality is sustained by us. So, somehow as Estel·la has said, small actions in your day, look for what makes you feel good, things that make you feel good so that you keep your frequency high and nothing else. Sometimes you don't have to do great things or you don't need to do great things because in the end we are many and we all add up. So, the most important thing in these moments that we are living is to focus on yourself, on your core of people or loved ones who also accompany you in all this, and each one of you will find the little things you can do to be well and feel good, or somehow avoid being swept away by this mass of people. And, it is enough. Each one is where they have to be and knows where they have to go and where their limits are. Everything adds up, everything counts. So look no further than this.
Estel·la.- Exactly. And, in addition, you must always remember the butterfly effect. What we think is an insignificant action and then it ends up changing everything and it may be that a person's action is simply to go without a mask on the street and you think that you are not doing anything or you believe that it is not enough and that is the only thing that you can do and then you can actually be influencing half of the people you are crossing paths with. The fact that we are not aware many times of the effects we are having does not mean that they are not happening. So that is why it is very important to stay in what one considers at all times to be the right thing to do.
Cristina.- But it is even easier. You don't have to do anything to mold the dough, but just focus on yourself, what makes me feel good? What makes me happy? It makes me happy to do this, to do the other, do it and your frequency is already influencing. It is not necessary to demonstrate anything on the outside, if you can do it great, but if not, it is not necessary. Just that you are well, that you achieve what you want, that already influences enough.
Estel·la.- Exactly. You don't have to change the world. You have to change yourself. Everything we have inside is what we are seeing reflected outside. So, in this sense, precisely the starseeds feel that dissonance of saying: No, but how can it be! If what I am seeing outside of humanity does not suit me at all. Well, still, we have to keep that up and move on. I have seen a person who commented that says: And, the fear of not having it. That is very important because we can never base our decisions on fear because that will never have good results. We cannot decide not to act or act out of fear, that cannot be the engine of our actions in our day-to-day lives, it has to be just the opposite. As Cristina said, what makes one feel good, what one believes is correct because in the end what fear does is shrink a person. And, in fact, many times it makes us act totally beside ourselves, doing actions that a person in a more balanced state of mind would never do.
Cristina.- Fear, among other things, deprives you of having more points of view or having more perception of what is happening, but rather reduces your range of problem solving, puts you in survival mode. There is one thing about horses, as a trainer, when a horse is afraid it can never learn anything, nor can you ever teach it anything at that moment, because it is not capable. So, when you train with a horse that is afraid, the first thing you have to do is take away the fear, let it relax and, until it is not well, it will not be able to think because it only thinks of one thing when it is afraid, to run away and it cannot fix any kind of problem and only focuses on that. So, the same thing happens to people. For this reason, the mechanism that is getting into is fear because that way people do not think and just go, and they will look for the solution that is put in front of them because it is the only thing they seek to flee from fear, and they are not seeing anything around them nor are they capable of doing it. For this reason, as Estel·la says, one must avoid being carried away by fear. Although, fear is something natural and it is also our defense for surfival, we must never let ourselves be carried away by fear because otherwise you are no longer being coherent with what you are doing.
Estel·la.- Exactly.
Cristina.- Well, here we are going to leave the live show, since we have been here for a long time.
A follower says: In Cosmic Agency there is a video about fear. Yes.
A follower says: Stop watching news and the media. We are fighting. Each action adds up. Yes. Because all they do is scare you. Thank you very much for being here and listening to us.
Estel·la.- Yes, thank you very much to everyone always for your support to Taygetans and for making this move forward because at the end of the day it is thanks to all of us together. We will obviously continue. Regardless of everything that is happening and here we will continue. We will see each other soon in the following videos. A lot of encouragement and a lot of strength.
Cristina.- Between all of us we can. A big hug.
Mini Live. Clarification on the topic of planetary ascension, a topic that I am passionate about. We extract information and teaching from Robert's Live, sticking to what is pure disclosure. In this transcript, the greetings to the attendees and some non-relevant questions on the subject are ignored. - Toni Ruiz.
Robert.- Let's start, look, the first image is this:
Image no.1: 5D natural state of planet Earth and all its biology
Take a good look at the position of the Earth that is rotated 180º, the South is the North, and the North is the South. That is the natural state of the Earth in a 5D. Everything is 5d, you see, right? Humans should be inside the Earth, I put them outside, but they are inside. All biology is 5D. Everything, everything. 5D IS THE NATURAL STATE OF PLANET EARTH AND ALL ITS BIOLOGY. Like everything outside the Van Allen Belts, biologically the average of the Universe is 5D. This image is before the imposition of the Van Allen Belts on Earth. The Andromedan ship that acts as the Moon, Diana, I think it's called, was not there and on Earth there were holographic and interstellar societies. Everything was here. Second image:
Image no.2: 3D artificial state of planet Earth and humanity
This second image is with the lunar imposition. With what we have already explained about the Orion Wars and all that history, through the Moon the Earth is kept in an artificial 3D frequency (only the Earth), that is why the "Federation problem" is only on Earth, all other planets are in their natural state (in 5D). If you have noticed, the Earth has rotated, the North is in the South and the South is in the North of what it was before, and as you can see that would be the new race of humanity. And how do you get this new race? It is not achieved through the lunar frequency, nor is it achieved in a laboratory (we are talking about the human-looking race). We have already said that Enki and Enlil were not individuals, that they were a group of people, and precisely now that Enki group is the VATICAN S.A., as they say, the Illuminati and all that history. Look at what it says 3D ARTIFICIAL STATE OF PLANET EARTH AND HUMANITY, it does not say Biology (with biology I mean nature). All biology except humanity. It has to be understood that everything on the planet is in 5D except humanity. Now we will see why humanity is the way it is: Let's suppose that the Earth ascends, what will happen if the Earth ascends? It is very simple (these examples are generalizing). This is the following image:
Image no. 3: 5D planetary ascension - Collective Unconscious – The Matrix – Mental Control - The ‘densities’ are a low mental state - You are your ideas and that is what limits you
The cosmic ray has hit the Earth (I'm exaggerating), but let's see what this next image looks like. If you look at the Earth, it is already in its natural state, which is 5D, the South is in the North and the North is in the South. That would be 5D. Obviously clone Earth uploads all biology, all fish ... Allnature, except (generalizing) who has stayed there. Well, humanity has stayed. The Earth ascended and humanity (I am generalizing) through the collective unconscious (which is produced through the brain) has been left down there. Because we have said many times that the ‘D’s’ (Dimensions) are states of mind. The mental state of humanity produced by the collective unconscious lowers their mental state, and no matter how much the Earth ascends, humanity remains in 3D. We have said many times that you are your ideas and that is exactly what limits you, your ideas. That is why when people leave the Earth they reincarnate again from the lower astral and at the level of frequencies they enter the Earth. How to avoid this? Well simply by waking up. If you wake up, you go up. As you can see there is no Moon here, the Moon has been removed, although it can also be there. I have removed the Moon so that it is understood that what lowers the frequency of people is not precisely the Moon, but it is the mental state of the people. The only thing that the moon does (but that is already a lot) is that when you go to project something it is difficult for you to do it. You are in a more "dense" environment. I do not know if there is someone out there who has explained this so clearly, because it is understood, right? Look at the (current) rotation of the Earth, which says that the axis is moving. If the Van Allen Belts were suddenly removed, the Earth would shoot up like a spinning top, imagine! But no matter how much the Earth went up, humanity would still go down. So there are people who have ascended with the Earth, but not having a reference frame of what 5D is like, they continue with their stories, but they are already in 5D.
Question.- So we are already in a 5D?
Robert.- 5D is a state of mind. Forget about the Moon and its frequencies! Forget whether or not we are here. Everything is individual. I am explaining to you what happens or can happen with this graph. The Earth is in a 5D, the only thing is that because of your mental state, because of your collective unconscious, you are not aware of it. How to make you aware? Well ... Based on expanding consciousness with new concepts, and that is what you are going to reflect because you are the creator of everything. Do not wait for a "ray from the Center of the Galaxy" to come, that is determinism, although it is true that this ray helps to raise planetary consciousness. Yes thatis true, the same as the Schumann frequencies and all this story, it is true, but no matter how muchthe Earth rises, if your mental state is low, you are in a 3D.
Comment.- The Moon slows down the power to manifest.
Robert.- Yes, what the Moon does is this: (Robert shows image no. 2) What the Moon does is put it into a more dense state, even if it puts it in 3D, everything is denser, it's like you're underwater. It is denser. It costs you more to move, so if we move it to the field of ideas, it will cost you more to project things, but in the end you can do it. If you walk in the water, it will cost you, but you can walk, you are not immobilized. This is what the Moon does. In this case, what the Moon does is keep those regressive races there that cannot leave. These yes they cannot leave, the human yes, because as we have said at the beginning (and this is also very important), unlike the regressive races the human is 5D. Here forget about Enki, Enlil and I don't know what other stories. Take a good look because they are saying some atrocious things that are amazing. We are going to use narrative, logic, and some knowledge. This image that you are seeing now (Robert shows us image no.1) is approximately 12,500 years ago, before 12,500 years, that was the normal stateof the Earth. 5D with a Lyrian humanity, the human base. Here were neither Enki, nor Enlil nor ... Rasputin. 5D 12,500 years ... (Robert does a voice) "Not that 300,000 years ago, the man ... the monkey ..." No man, no! What happens next? Well, through the Moon you artificially lower the Earth to 3D. It is no longer in its natural 5D state, the state is lowered. What about humans? Yes, because these are now humans, Lyrian humans, the others were Lyrian. The term human arises from mind control. That is why they are human. Then we would have step 3, that the Earth ascends and it is as if they had passed the comb, humanity has remained below (generalizing). Because you are your ideas. Obviously there it would be necessary to represent another planet, but it would complicate things more. It is only to be understood in a schematic way.
Question.- I ask if with the triki-triki (translator: Robert’s code word for the Covid Jab) we will lose our ability ...
Robert.- Clearly man! Obviously if you have the triki-triki, forget about ascending. That is 100% incompatible. You already know that you cannot speak, but there are already many symptoms such as that people lose empathy for everything. For the record. Here a lady asks us why the Earth is in 5D and the poles have not rotated. It is very simple. I'm going to show an image for you and you will understand it the first time. If you don't understand already, turn off and let's go! (Robert returns to the image no.1) It is very simple, from the outset it is because the Earth is a living being, it is biology, a plant, an insect, everything is biology. All biology is not subject to human Mind Control. It does not have a collective unconscious like humanity. It is true that the Earth was forcibly turned upside down, but it is still in 5D. It's as if you put humans upside down in that drawing. They will be upside down, but they will still be 5D, because their state of mind will remain 5D. They are 5D in nature. When it is here, when it goes down, (Robert puts up image no.2) the Earth, let's say regressive races, which are not drawn here, but would be humanoid in appearance. (We must differentiate between human-morph(form) and humanoid, for example a Neanderthal is human-morph, a Reptile is humanoid, a Grey is humanoid) Then all regressive races, the "Lizards", for example, their mental state is 3D, some of them 4D, this is their normal biological state. If you take these people and upload them up here (to 5D) without technology, the most likely thing is that they would be cooked, not the most certain, surely! They would die from ionizing radiation. This is also where people make mistakes, the human being does not, the human being is natural, the problem is that the human being when he is in 3D, and tries to leave the Earth with a ship, being 3D technology, the human within this 3D technology is also cooked. And if you are your ideas, even if you have a 5D biological body, if your mental state is low you will continue to cook.
Question.- Robert I have had an uncontrollable dream for three days and I let myself go. I'm on a frequency that could be 5D. Without antennas that we already know about. It is beautiful, pure feeling of immediate peace.
Robert.- Yes, but I repeat that there is no frame of reference. Yes, you can see very happy people, very awake, but just like you, it does not serve as your own individual frame of reference. Is it understood or not understood? More than anything it was this, I wanted to explain why if the Earth ascends, as many say, (Robert shows image no. 3)… yes the Earth can ascend, perfect! And the human, what happened to the human? What has happened to humanity? Those who talk so much about the ascension, what happened? Why does humanity not wake up, what has happened? Howare these people going to wake up? The ascent is individual. It is a mental state, but like all mental states they go up and down. Today you can be in a 5D and tomorrow lower. It is not a fixed state, itvaries according to what you see and perceive from day to day. You see positive things, because your mental state increases; unfortunately you see something negative lowers your mental state a bit. If the Earth ascends that does not mean that the humans ascend. So on Venus, what happened on Venus? Well, this happened (Robert puts the same previous image, the one from 5D). Let's see how I explain it: Let's suppose that Venus is the planet Earth (from the illustration). Venus was like this. People asked me if there were humans on Venus, yes, there were humans, humans in a holographic society, I know there are a lot of people ... but unlike on Earth the race there was all Lyrians. That for example would be Venus. When I say a race it is a Lyrian race of the same color, that is understood, of the same color, with the same thought and the same objective. A non-warlike holographic civilization, is that understood? (Robert sets voice) "How can 3D people invade a 5D planet?" Man, I'm telling you: "A holographic society but without warfare”, that's why they lived in peace and harmony, because in this case they are peaceful. So what happens? Well, a race is coming whose mental state is low. They continue to live on a 5D planet, but in a low state of mind with banks (banking entities), histories and everything you want.
Question.- Do the inhabitants of Venus have a veil of oblivion?
Robert.- No, the inhabitants of Venus do not have a veil of oblivion, the only thing I think was exterminated there, yes, yes, just as almost the entire civilization was exterminated. It is exterminated and repopulated with Lyrian humans. It is not a joke! I know it sounds like that, but no, because it is seen that these people their mental state is still a 5D state, and if you want to incorporate people with a 5D mental state into 3D, you will not be able to insert them into society . A 5D person cannot be inserted into a 3D society, and since you cannot insert them, you have plenty (of 3D people). In fact I think they destroyed the entire culture of that race.
Question.- And how did the Federation allow that?
Robert.- Well, you know that the federation is very permissive, in the same way that it allows human abuse on Earth. Don't tell me stories, what I see is human abuse on Earth, and animal abuse. Everything, but I think human abuse on Earth ... I think humanity is being milked, or don't you see it, or am I the only one who sees it? Based on taxes ... Let's see, today in Spain there was the news that in September triki-triki(Covid jabs) begins for teenagers, I think 12 to 15 years old. Forgive me, but I don't see those good things they say out there, I don't see them. And nobody says anything. It is a crazy country. We are on a crazy planet. Changing the subject, I hear that Taygeta is not from the Federation, but where do they get these absurdities? Which Taygeta is not from the Federation? Who says that? If that same race, through contact, tells you, and someone else comes out and says they are not from the Federation. Let's see something ... Here is something that I have to clarify. When I put Galactic Federation in the videos, it's because most of the people don't know how to put Federation of Planets… I don't know what stories, right? The name is longer UFOP (United Federation Of Planets - United Federation of Planets, note of the T) So Galactic Federation is the most "commercial" name that I see for people that see these videos. They never use Galactic Federation, they have another name. It is also tiring (Robert sets his voice) "It's not the Matrix, it's the matrix!" The Matrix, Yes, I know. And? This is already too much, this is already ... I can't take it anymore (laughs).
Question.- Robert, if we ask our races for help, would they help us?
Robert.- Yes, if it is the majority of people, yes. If it is not the majority ... they leave you there, right? It has to be most of the people, we've already said that. If it is the majority, yes. By the way, I am preparing a live show in which I am going to talk about the proposal that the Taygetean race presented to the Federation in its day to change the Earth. Yes, it is true that there was talk of dates, but it says that in five years, it is true, eh? (but) that in one or two years the changes would be seen, in five years the Earth would be in a holographic society, in five years, yes, yes, but in a year or two the changes are already noticeable and that is what I will have in today's live, the proposal to the Federation. Now I would like to hear the other proposals of the other contacted, if it is not inconvenient, please.
Question.- Why do the positive warrior races allow human abuse?
Robert.- Because they are warriors and not conquerors. They are warriors insofar as if you bother them, because the most certain thing is that you can already say goodbye to your loved ones, as is. No kidding, as is. Now, if you don't bother them and you don't get in their way, nothing happens. They say: "As you treat me, I will treat you." It is very simple, if you treat them badly you will receive the same treatment. The only thing here on Earth ... "fabric", fabric of what the Earth is like. You would be blushing at the behaviour of mankind. It's amazing! I see it and say "it can't be." Generalizing is "very strong", let's see if one day I can talk about this, and above all it is because people defend their business, they defend it. They tell us: "but how does your race ..." No, it is that their life experience is that, that is the life experience they have chosen. Humanity the life experience, has chosen to live here in this 3D. This is the experience you have chosen when you enter here. When you are outside, it is that you will not manifest nightmares, you will believe what you want, and being closer to The Source you will manifest it faster, and if what you want is happiness, that is what you will have. The subject of densities is a mental state, and depending on that state you will be higher or lower
Question.- If I "wake up" and die; and I am already in a 5D (with my "knowledge" of this information) do I return to my Lyrian family? (Because the "Belts" would no longer affect me)
Robert.- If you dis-incarnate from here, from the Earth, you will go by frequencies wherever you want, you will still take this information and you will separate it, because you will already be outside. And it's super curious because whenever I talk about my experience I tell it like that, and I tell it in one of the first videos that Gosia made on her channel. When I left here, my mind did like this (Robert makes a gesture, pointing his fingers together and withdraws his hand back from his forehead and whistles) So I took everything out, so I was left blank. I got all the crap out of the collective unconscious, all out! Then you are going to go wherever you want. If you have the high frequency, no "belt" will affect you, and neither archons nor strange stories will come to you.
Question.- Does the vaccination of adolescents and children change the rules?
Robert.- No, that is simply pounding the Prime Directive. In theory, if you are under age, according to what decisions you cannot make, and more ... it is that of course it is very strong. The problem is that of course, these people ... We already spoke yesterday on the live show that they want to sterilize everyone. Let's see what happens, but things do not look good, well, paint it as you want, but it makes me feel very funny that they are talking about geneticists and I do not know what stories, talking about DNA and we have already said that DNA is a reflection of your consciousness, which materializes in the body, of your consciousness! It is yours, not someone else's. It is your DNA, your consciousness, what you are, your thoughts and your ideas, these materialize in the form of DNA in your body, but it is you, nor have they taken the DNA of another person (if it is from another person it's not you), and the story is that even if you are down here in 3D, your connection to The Source is still very strong, you are still connected to The Source, and inthis case I would tell you that you are more connected to The Source than the biology that’s on Earth in 5D. The human being has a great connection with The Source, even if you are in that stateof mind. The story is that being in that state of mind, you run the risk of being manipulated by certain stories and lose all connection, that is true, be careful!
Question.- It is not fair to ask others to do what corresponds to us, perhaps we are the ones who are doing that in the future to achieve what we yearn for at the moment.
Robert.- Here is something else that we have already said many times, and I think it is not clear. (Robert switches to image no.1 (5D natural state of planet Earth). It has to be understood and this image will help me. This Earth on top of the glass is the Earth in its natural state, 5D. The people who came to Earth it was because I knew that the experience I was going to live on Earth was a 5D experience being stellar and all these stories. The Earth was full of starports, and the Earth waslike that, obviously there are more continents missing that were flooded later with the water that fell from Tiamat. The story is that of course, when the Earth is like this, and you are incarnating on Earth, you already know when you come that the planet will be like this, that is, you come to live this experience. This is what you come to live for. This (Robert shows image no.2) if not, the Andromedans will simply tell you not to come, you come, but that's the way it is. Exactly, we are the creators of our reality (Responding to a comment). You have to create your reality, whatever you want, create it, you can create it. They tell us that in Italy they have drawn up a law that makes it mandatory, yes, in Italy they are very rigorous with all this. I hear that they have "cut off the head" of the supposed snake, and people who are "awake" are judging others who are making this disclosure, such as what I may be doing. They judge, they misbehave ... Hey! I am only sharing information, whoever wants to take it should take it, but I am not insulting anyone.
Question.- If the reactors of the Moon are turned off, would we stop seeing it as we see it today?
Robert.- If the reactors of the Moon are turned off, the lunar hologram disappears and you would see the Moon as it is, but people would ask many questions. The first being, where is the Moon? Because “that over there” people would not recognize it as the Moon, they would say that it is a ship, but where is the Moon? They would continue looking for the Moon, and once they saw (understood) that this is the Moon, they would create a battery of questions. Why has the true nature of the Moon been hidden from humanity? And if humans have indeed made it to the Moon, why don't they share the technology on the Moon with humanity? In fact, if humanity reaches the Moon, it can manipulate the lunar Matrix to favour the Earth. Because in the same way as that lunar Matrix creates streetlights, which are metallic to the touch, it creates background characters (that seem real) it can create entire continents, because from energy it creates matter, because from the Moon you can create houses, water ... quantities of things I could create, but that's the way things are. What you want you have to manifest now, the problem is the tremendous Mind Control. Yes, the collective unconscious. They are what they say, that when they come to Earth Mind Control is amazing. Comment from one person.- Surely they already have a scientific argument to explain the disappearance of the Moon.
Robert.- What would disappear is the hologram, but the spherical and metallic ship that acts as the "Moon" would be seen. The explanation would be that there is now a real hologram. Humanity will go into cognitive dissonance, yes, and what will all those people say then? (Robert does the voice) "Ah, well they were right" They will not say they were right, nor will they name you, they will say "we were already right". They are fighting if the footprint of Neil Armstrong, if the flag flies, if in the crate of some supposed ships appeared ... Even I believed all that! "It's that when the astronaut gotto the Moon he saw some ships around a crater" First he gets to the Moon! And then tell me whether or not there is a crater, that there are no craters, on the Moon there are no craters.
Chat comment.- It would be good for us if the lunar hologram was turned off.
Robert.- Yes, but if people saw what the ship is like, they would ask themselves many questions. All civilization would fall. People would start to question things, what are you going to tell them? What you see is not reality? What are they going to say? The most certain thing is that if (the hologram) were to fall, the most certain is that the next day the skies of the entire planet would be covered with chemtrails. All the sky. They would say: "No, it is that they want to cover the Sun", andthinking he says, Hey, what if what they want to cover is the Moon? Because they see that the hologram is about to fall. They want to cover the Moon with god knows what gadgets, namely ... It's crazy. People say that they do not submit to anyone's control, of course, of course!
Question.- It is possible that… it has an effect on biology
Robert.- Yes, of course, they are also altering the vegetation, we already said that they not only abduct people, they also abduct plants. Plants, animals, abduct anything on Earth for multiple purposes. By the way, aliens do not go with laser guns, this is already another thing that I have heard out there. Let's see if we wake up. With so much misinformation it is very easy to get lost on Earth.
Question.- If the hologram of the Moon falls, does this affect the individual ascension?
Robert.- No, because that would be determinism, something external to you, it determines whetheryou ascend or not. No that does nothing. The ascension is something that is yours and it does not depend on another person (or anything external to you, note of the T). There is a lot of information, but depending on your condition ... You are the one who has to say, I don't have to tell you this is yes and this is no. Because it would be imposing "a truth" · and it would be as if I had a monopoly on the truth. You have to see everything, and from everything you see you can take and save everything and use what you think is convenient at all times. And that all that information that you are receiving you know how to interpret at the right time. I can't tell youdon't look at that or that, that can't be done. That would be the same as burning books, as they say. You look at everything and from there stay with what suits you. Now, if you see around you that they tell you that you have a monkey brain, that you are a thermostat ... I am not kidding! That comes from the monkey ... and that is also amazing. How are you going to come from the monkey? To begin with, all humans are not from Earth, they came fromoutside in ships, that is, the human being has not evolved on Earth, but I would say that it has gonethe other way around, because being in a high mental state, they have lowered them to a low mental state. It has gone the other way around. Planetary ascension doesn't have much of a secret. I am going to summarize it a bit: Yes it is true that these "rays" from the center of the galaxy have been coming for years, this is not a lie. The Age of Aquarius is real. This is all real. I'm not saying no! And all this, indeed, what it does is raise the Earth to its natural state (which is 5D, above the glass in the illustration). That is the natural state of the Earth. I have rotated the Earth 180º, but little by little the axis is turning, that is not traumatic. Little by little until it reaches its natural state. Then people "wake up" because they go upin the same way that a tree, a bird or an insect climbs. Everyone is going to go up there (to 5D) to the natural state. The other thing is that everything ascends and that according to your ideas, what you think, you will continue to stay in 3D. The same thing that humans of the reptilian family do on Mars. They would be human, but it is known that there is a reptile inside, because their mental state is a low mental state. Well, nothing more, I think I'm going to say goodbye to prepare the nextlive show and see you later. * * *
SOCIETY Urmah society is very balanced, being those who are in important positions very equitable of 50% and 50% in terms of women and men, I see them doing the same tasks. I see females as involved in everything as males, I do not distinguish clear social roles for them.
They also use the Andromedan stepped holographic model like we do. The concept of Matriarchal society as such is considered a feminine concept or idea, due to its way of caring as a mother for the members of the culture. So, it is quite accepted here that matriarchal societies are feminine and is only accentuated that it is patriarchal holographic when, despite being the same political model, it is culturally customary to have males as leaders, in general, because in itself it could not be a holographic society by nature if there was some kind of discrimination towards one gender or another.
In itself, with Urmah I can say that it is patriarchal or matriarchal as a holographic society, more than anything depending on what gender is at the top, being up to the top because despite having a Council, the "High Council" made and formed by members of the people, even so there is a person who by his or her experience is the organizer of the Council, the President of the Council or Chairman-woman. But this person doesn't really have more power than other members, it's just that organizes everything and has more experience solving the problems that come to them in general. Like Alenym, the Urmah have their High Council with their representatives at home, said representative in particular who is the leader of the High Council which represents them there in absentia, and they also attend meetings using remote presence. In Alenym's case, her representative at home is Migishi Muna Makkitotosimew. In Taygeta children also participate in these councils, it would be hard for me to believe that in those of the Urmah not. Children are always welcome because they have angles of solution to problems that adults do not have.
In some cases and civilizations, it happens that it has a royal line. This has been a problem because it has caused a lot of confusion here by sharing it with the residents of Earth, because you immediately relate it to the concept of earthly royalty which is synonymous to abuse and elitism. The concept of many species of being holographic royalty society is to use that person as an example to the people, someone to refer to as the leader for the occasion that is needed, such as interacting with other races or species which are reigns only, without being holographic.
In the case of holographic societies with a royal line, it serves as a point of focus, someone to turn to when you have a problem, someone specific who fulfils a task that otherwise would be difficult to find or specify with whom to talk about a problem, or someone to refer to as a leader. Whoever carries this position has a lot of responsibility on his shoulders, since it is said that it has to be the whole people, the civilization itself, condensed in one person. His or her history, values, and ethics should reflect that of the entire town, all canned into one individual.
In Taygeta's case it is Alenym of Temmer and in Urmah's case it is Ruhr of Avyon. An indication of common royalty, among virtually all the races of the Federation at least, although surely outside as well, is that they are in one way or another white for reference.
It is not something racist, it is like a crown. It is reflected even in gorillas on Earth and in respect for wise elders, white hair, gray hair for example.
In Alenym's case, her hair is completely white. In Ruhr's case, he is an albino lion. This trend can also be seen reflected in the reptilian Kingu society, where the white Kingu are royalty.
So the Urmah, having in this case Ruhr as their representative, would be considered a patriarchal society, but as I have said they are very equitable in that aspect and it is only the case that the king is a male, although he is accompanied by the queen who is his consort. They prepare for a long time to be worthy of the position, as is to be expected and how it should be. Sometimes they must perform with some degree of accomplished work to prove their worth. In this case both Ruhr and Alenym are doing or performing their maximum test at this time, being on Earth guiding in really adverse conditions. They still have to show their caste and mettle as leaders, and they are both very young.
As for how it operates the Urmah society, they help each other to build the houses and everything that is needed, each individual contributes with whatever is of interest to them. In itself, their society is generally very similar to Taygeta's, that's why we get along so well I suppose, and also the contact between Urmah and Taygeta is very old.
Like us, they also have pyramids of 0-point energy scattered around the planet, that is, basically the same technology.
Their educational system is also based on practice, with the student as the guide. Everything is structured around the needs of each student, where empirical practice takes a primary place. They don't tell them things ... they show them those things. The use of school learning immersions is also very extensive, as in Taygeta.
Their medicine is herbal based, either natural or replicated and with the support of Medical Pods.
As for ceremonies, they perform both burials and weddings, contrary to Taygeta where we do not celebrate weddings, but only a party if a couple joins and they wish it to be done. The difference is that it lacks the legal or religious burden, that's what I mean by there are no weddings in Taygeta, because the couple is not forced to stay together, but only for love.
CITIES AND ARCHITECTURE The population in Avyon is substantial, over a billion. But their cities are not overcrowded, the houses are like diluted, the Urmah are not concentrated in large cities or not frequently. In itself, there is a similarity here with Taygeta, since the big cities are few. But the Urmah population is very large.
The capital city has the same name, Avyon. It's big as New York and several times the size of DC Toleka in Temmer. It is a spaceport with a lot of traffic. In itself, Vega boils with traffic and activity, both for Urmah, and for the Lyirans there too. Both the Urmah and Lyrians have several gigantic space stations orbiting their planets.
The buildings in Avyon would not be as close together as in NY but rather spread out in area, they are not very tall in themselves, but their ceilings are, that is, from floor to ceiling, but they are not skyscrapers. Another feature is that while obviously being very advanced, their style is very classic, as understood on Earth. This is because they are very conservative. In other words, they are not so much sci-fi conical buildings or futuristic structures, but rather structures with an old and very solid appearance. Urmah architecture is characterized by the use of stone and the megalithic, with Greek-style pillars, only much larger. Entire cities like that, with gigantic entrances, many torches, shields on the walls. Like a mix between classical Greece and Rome with the ultra-modern sci-fi blended. They maintain circular buildings due to the circulation of energy but rectangles also abound.
For example, this does not look alike. But it is more Solatian architecture style, the image looks exaggerated, but it does look a lot like it. In Taygeta we don't usually build upwards.
Returning to the Urmah, their houses on the outside are of two different kinds: like round half ball type, like an igloo and on the other hand rectangular square boxes, similar to many human houses. What is constant between the two is that they are very large and spacious inside, with many levels. That is to say, it is not a small igloo, but it is a huge half ball house with different levels. As always all exaggerated. It's safe to say that the Urmah houses look like castles.
The square houses have structures similar to classical Greece, with pillars around and inside. Houses with very large double wooden doors with metal, typical of what would be associated with a medieval castle, being only a house. Inside is a hall or centre of the house, with pillars again, full of ornaments on the walls and on the pillars themselves. Surrounding that central room are kitchen rooms, living rooms, libraries, and dining rooms. At the back, at the opposite point from the door, there is a very wide staircase, which goes up a slope and breaks in two, one on the right and one on the left, similar to many old houses on Earth. Leading to a higher level where there are more bedrooms, at the opposite point of this staircase, which would be a level above the door, there is another staircase equal to a third floor, and so it goes even up to the fourth floor as well.
They are very spacious houses inside, with little agglomeration of objects, easy to walk. All marble, white or black. This in the example of a house that I saw, I know that there are variants and many things can be different in other houses, but this is the one I know the most.
The Urmah like to fill their walls with art, paintings, sculptures, all with their own lighting. Even though it's all electric, they like to accentuate the idea of torches just like the old days.
All these images would be similar, with internal pillars, as I said. All on a superhuman scale, clearly larger. As a Lyrian, one feels out of place there. Even the doorknobs felt like on my face, and I'm tall. Impossible to reach for someone smaller than me, like Yázhi.
Regarding decoration, they also make constant use of gold, but it is not paint, they are not interested in appearances, it is pure gold. I think you can imagine the atmosphere of an Urmah place or house. Everything is overwhelming there, ancient and ultramodern technological at the same time.
Their bedrooms are very sealed, in spaces far from the rest of the house, their beds I do remember that tend to be round, full of pillows and huge, even for them. What I feel like it would be akin to having a cat sleeping on any of our beds, with Lyra's bodies. The size may not be so exaggerated, but it would be like a half Lyrian single bed for a cat. So, from that scale of difference and they are circular shaped or half a circle, I have not seen rectangular beds. Their beds look so good, you can roll there and you don't fall out. Urmah are cats, logically they spend a lot of time sleeping.
Regarding the bathrooms, I did not find anything similar, but this image is the one that would come closest. They have taps and running water. They look like handles, this way, but bigger and as always, all super ornate.
We rarely use taps, it depends only on the construction of the house, but we are another culture. It is said that if you enclose the water it loses its energetic properties, that's why we keep it running. The Urmah also have running water, but I was struck by the presence of taps, although it is logical because that tap shape is easy to move with a paw. But as I said they do have a lot of skill with those paws, only what they make and use is designed for that kind of hand-paw. They see the ones we use as very small and fragile for them.
As is logical, they also use a toilet like those on Earth, basically the same thing and that is present in countless civilizations and races. But due to the fact of the tail is somewhat different, it is inclined, that is, the surface where the lid sits is tilted forward a little, but visible. And they don't have the water tank in the back like on Earth. It could be because of the tail, because they leave space where the tank would be. This is not so strange, because as you know many domestic cats use a toilet.
Regarding the sewage system, they do go through treatment plants, they do not pollute. Although it is not the same system as on Earth. What shouldn't be used is vaporized, destroyed, and then that energy is used for more electricity. Maximum efficiency, just like us, we disintegrate everything. Only molecular water remains. I don't know exactly how it is with the Urmah, but it must be a similar system to ours. When it is better to go to a special centre, that is the case, and when a house is further away, the waste is processed in the same place, that is, each house has its own processing plant.
TRANSPORT Regarding transport, they use Mag Lev trains and air transportation as the main means. Almost everything is by air, circular ships are the most common in almost all races. Followed by those that look like a flying human truck, similar to the shuttles from Star Trek. It's just because it's a very useful shape. Again, it is a constant in many races, the use of shuttles all similar to that, there are not many differences.
But all their ships have a strip or part that is brindle, the brindle being Urmah symbol. It's funny because there is an annual meeting of airplanes on Earth called Tiger Meet, where various nations paint their military planes as tigers, and I wonder if it came from there, from the Urmah. Annex photos of aircraft from Tiger Meet. With the Urmah, the most usual thing is that it is not the entire ship that is painted like this, but that they have a striped strip behind that indicates who it is from.
In Avyon, the roads are not like on Earth, but they do exist, they are like what would be compared to country roads. And they are not, or rarely through land from city to city, because air transport is much more efficient for everyone.
As a curious fact, they do not use bicycles since that seems to be a human invention. We still loved that invention; we don't have it or we didn't have it. But curiously, we do have motorscooters and small wheel variants that work with tesla electric motors, which take their energy from the air networks, not from cables or batteries. They have wheels, but their axes of rotation are magnetic, without friction, just like electric motors. And they never run out of energy, because they carry it with them.
Link for the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgt4-fYKLgw
Video URL: https://youtu.be/1NE8hbsNThI
Do you know why there are radiation traces dating back thousands of years in many areas of the planet? Do you want to know what happened on our planet more than 12,500 years ago? Would you like to know the history of the Earth? This is the fifth video in a series of 8 videos where we will explain the hidden history of the Earth and the origin of the human species.
INTRODUCTION Do you know about the ruins of Mohenjo-Daro? This ancient city was discovered in 1902 by the British archaeologist John Marshall in Pakistan. Thousands of buried bodies were discovered, victims of sudden death. Radiation exceeding 50 times the allowed limit and several crystallized stones were detected in the ruins. Indo-British researcher David Davenport confirmed that tests on corpses showed symptoms of radiation poisoning at a dose 50 times higher than that tolerated by the human body.
The corpses were found scattered around the city with strange poses, such as that of three members of the same family who appeared upside down holding hands or two individuals embracing in the middle of the street. The shape and poses in which the skeletons were found would indicate that death fell on them, apparently in full flight from the place.
Experts say that everything pointed to the city being the epicenter of a large explosion where almost all the structures of the city were destroyed. The rocks were melted and the terrain crystallized. Also, a kind of crystallized black stone was found that after being analyzed proved to be nothing more and nothing less than clay vases burned at what would have been more than 1600 degrees centigrade in temperature, that could only have been generated with a high radioactive level. And this is not the only radioactive ruined city in Pakistan. In the north of this country the city of Harappa was discovered, which has exactly the same radioactive characteristics.
In India we also find similar evidence. In the area between the Rajmahal Mountains and the Ganges River, there are several areas with large layers of ash and a presence of radiation above the usual average. To the west of the city of Jodhpur, an area of about 5 square kilometers covered in radioactive ash was also discovered and according to locals it is the cause of a large number of cancers and congenital malformations detected in its vicinity.
But if the first nuclear bomb was created on our planet by Robert Oppenheimer in 1945, how can it be that cities that are more than 5000 years old according to our science can show signs of a full-blown nuclear attack? But we find even more evidence of this type in different parts of the planet. Also, an immense expanse of sand was discovered in the African desert that was crystallized in a surprising green color. The researchers determined that this could be achieved with extremely high and deadly temperature levels.
50 years after the discovery, the first nuclear bomb was detonated in New Mexico, surprisingly (it made) the same green crystallization found 50 years earlier on the African continent. And we not only find radioactive evidence around the world, but also documented in ancient texts. The great epic of India, the Mahabharata, recounts in concrete passages a chaos and destruction that seem to record with great precision and detail the effects and consequences of a nuclear war. Massive explosions as bright as a thousand suns are depicted with bodies scorched to the point of being unrecognizable. In addition, it explains that those who survived the tragedy lost their hair and nails, while food supplies became contaminated.
But also, it relates in all kinds of detail the existence of flying ships and rockets or missiles capable of reaching long distances. Powerful destructive weapons according to ancient texts used by the gods in battles. All this coincides with what we know today as the effects produced by radiation poisoning and radioactive contamination that results in an atomic explosion. Can the Mahabharata really be describing what a nuclear war was like in the past?
CHRISTINA’S PRESENTATION Hello friends. Welcome to Pleiadian Knowledge, I am Cristina. And, today we bring you the fifth video in the series of: "The Orion Wars." We know that it is a video highly anticipated by all of you. And, tell you that, if you have not seen the previous 4 videos, please, watch them before continuing since, if not, you will not be able to understand the content of this one. You will find the other videos in: "Playlist", the list is called: "The Orion Wars - The hidden history of the Earth". But, we are also going to leave you in the description of this video, below, you will see that there are the links to the four previous videos.
So that said, I explain to you that today in this video we bring you a conversation we had with Yázhi Swarúu, in which she explains how the Adamic race was liberated from the Garden of Eden, but what this entails or the consequences of having liberated it in this sense which is what happens next. So, I leave you with the conversation and see you at the end of the video.
"This information is provided by extraterrestrial persons, women and men from the Taygeta star in the Pleiades cluster, through a written contact with us."
Cristina.- How did this first ancient battle start, the one that caused the exit from the Garden of Eden?
Yázhi Swarúu.- It originated, due to the help that the Eves, (Lemuria) decided to give to the new Adamic race that the reptilian inhabitants of Atlantis were preparing or had. Where they entered the areas where they were kept in Turkey. And, they liberated them thus causing a battle or mass departure from there and they fled to Asia and Europe mainly. But over time they were spread out in towns all over the world coexisting with Atlantis which itself was very angry. This too, caused the famous wars of Tiamat, I would not say directly, but it is part of the chaotic social context of the time that helped this outcome with the subsequent deluge for the destruction of the water planet Tiamat. Here, many learned people say that the controlling gods caused the flood to reset humanity, but they say "provoked", as if it were a magical act. Traditional position or idea of gods, that what they think and dictate happens. But reality is complex with reasons, action-reaction, consequences and much of this escapes human understanding, although from another angle it is normal and documented as what happened.
Estel·la.- Then, the Eves were also slaves in Atlantis, in Eden, who were provided with the information knowledge by the Taygeteanas who then also liberated the Adams. Is this so?
Yázhi Swarúu.- Yes, only that they, the Eves that comprise men and women as happens with the Adams, rebelled and escaped from Atlantis, place of containment, Eden, because the controllers could not repress their intellect, their memories and all that. They knew they were free. So, they were receptive to Taygeta's arrival because of the base in Lemuria that continued to empower her to the degree that they made their rescue mission to free the rest of their sleepiest and most repressed kin, the Adams. Although as a race they logically had men and women. It is worth saying something interesting here, they as a Lemurian society were holographic matriarchal as good Lyrian beings where it was very clear in Taygeta's records that it was women who were more receptive to that kind of information and support from another star race of Lyrian base, Taygeta. But, although 90% of this was Taygeta, there were bases of Solatian and Engan cooperation.
Estel·la.- When you say that this first battle was developed by the help of the Eves liberating the Adamic race, how exactly did this develop? What were the steps? How did they manage to infiltrate?
Yázhi Swarúu.- How, what I understand, is that they sneaked into guarded areas or poorly guarded borders considered human farms, in the Cappadocia area (Turkey), among other places. They moved in the form of guerrilla warfare or like Ninjas, opening laboratories or letting people out of there.
In the case of Atlantis, the bases or facilities today, in the Bermuda area. In the Cappadocia area it was a more strategic infiltration where the Evas entered and formed ties and cooperation agreements, as well as escape routes for them. This after explaining the situation in which they lived. As has been explained before, the Eves with knowledge, serpents, DNA, woman, entered the Garden of Eden to corrupt Adam, noting that they are both naked, symbolizing that they did not have anything with which to defend themselves and cover themselves. That is, nakedness represents lack of knowledge.
Estel·la.- So, were you coexisting for a while after your flight?
Yázhi Swarúu.- Yes. In itself, the Eves and the Adams were mixed to create a race or the modern race that, speaking from the point of view of accepted history, would be Homo Sapiens. Displacing the indigenous population that was already on Earth. A Proto Lyrian species, the Neanderthal that was inhabiting Europe, especially Eastern Asia and Africa. Being that, the most inhabited place of Neanderthals was in the area of Bucegi, Romania, near Turkey. And, the Homo Sapiens movement went straight there. The Neanderthals were not primitive, without a brain as they are depicted, but they were mentally advanced beings, with a lot of connection towards the spiritual and towards nature. Pre-industrial society, yes, but emotionally connected with the Earth and at peace with it and among the other Neanderthal tribes since they had a clear empathic capacity far above the human one.
Estel·la.- And, after fleeing, did they also coexist with the other races of Atlantis?
Cristina.- Yes. What happened during that time?
Yázhi Swarúu.- No. I clearly understand that they did not coexist, but hid and isolated themselves from everything that has to do with Atlantis. They dispersed throughout most of the world in the form of nomads passing or walking through large wooded areas and large plains today under the waters of the oceans and seas. At the same time many dispersed and formed their tribes, colonies or small population centers, including small civilizations. A great fight between the more advanced Lemurians against Atlantis continued, in large part triggered by that conflict by the recent and not so recent rescue operations where they freed their slaves.
It must be taken into account that these events took several centuries to develop and to gain energy or to scale to space since there were interstellar races supporting each of the sides. The mostly reptilians and allies backing Atlantis and the mostly Lyrian ones backing Lemuria. Ending a highly technological war in all this area of this solar system which explains the traces of radiation and destroyed areas on Earth that even today are connected with nuclear explosions as the only explanation. There are clear areas in India today that are still radiated by bombs from thousands of years ago. There are still traces of explosions, deject of explosion. Evidence of ancient nuclear explosions is not easy to hide.
600 years before Christ, no. More like 12,500 years before Christ. It also connects with the ancient stories in the Bible in the Old Testament about Sodom and Gomorrah where if you looked back they turned into pillars of salt, clearly more evidence of nuclear explosions. I do not have full corroboration on the veracity of this image.
Cristina.- How did these nuclear battles unfold? What technology was used?
Yázhi Swarúu.- In a very traditional way compared to today. It is known that flying artifacts were used, ships that previously called Vimanas. For me they are only ships like the ones of today, no mystery. Where they faced each other in air and space battles. Resulting in the well-known destruction of Tiamat and the devastation of the surface of Mars.
Cristina.- So, were they nuclear bombs or something else?
Yázhi Swarúu.- Yes, nuclear bombs were used, there is no doubt. The traces indicate it, also the historical records outside the Earth.
Estel·la.- Did Lemuria also use nuclear energy for its defense?Yázhi Swarúu.- More than anything what their foreign allies provided them. This is documented as that, so it was. The problem that I personally see in this is that there were already other kinds of weapons not ionizing, not radioactive. So why use those? Nuclear power weapons are low-tech, pretty dangerous to useless. Just a naval plasma cannon, like the ones the Toleka has in turrets when fired at a base on the surface of the Earth or wherever, the beam of plasma energy penetrates several meters. Sometimes between 50 and 100 m below the crust, and then concentrates there by touching a rocky layer that offers more resistance. Then, the accumulated energy expands in fractions of a second and it is a lot, and it explodes outwards lifting the target, the base, or whatever is on the surface, completely annihilating the structures and buildings and everything that is there making it fly up to thousands of meters in the air between rock, earth and debris, leaving a huge crater and it is not nuclear, it is an energy weapon.
Cristina.- Thank you very much for all the explanation. And what races took part in that first battle?
Yázhi Swarúu.- The exact same races of the Federation present around the Earth right now. Again the Andromedans just looking and giving their opinion, but without getting into trouble, because of their karma, always their karma. And the races that got involved the most were the Taygetans, the Engan and the Arcturians, and the Reptiles and the Maitre, and they threw everything between them.
Cristina.- As you can see now, these nuclear wastes make a little more sense. Our story is truly there, you just need to dig a little bit. And, despite the efforts they make to hide it, there are things like this that it is not easy to sweep under a rug. So, having said all this, I hope you have found it super interesting as much as we did. And, finally, we would like to share with you also, a small conversation with Yázhi that we had with her about the god Shiva. We had heard that the god Shiva was Andromedan and that he had been somehow involved in this first ancient battle, in this historical period, but we did not understand very well since as you know the Andromedans are a non-warrior race, and we did not understand very well what his role was or what was really his role or was he really Andromedan. So, we leave you with this little conversation. I here already say goodbye. Thank you very much for being here and listening and see you in the next video.
Estella.- The god Shiva was Andromedan, right? Does it correspond to those times?
Yázhi Swarúu.- Yes. But it is difficult to know well. What happens is that everything that is before 12500 is difficult to calculate in time. I don't remember when Shiva is mentioned on Earth, but here what I have seen goes from before Tiamat to about 650 BC, around the time of Buddha. I cannot specify when, there is no data. But it is associated with Vimanas and fighting. However, there are things about Shiva that do not suit me personally. For example, his warrior spirit and strong nature are not very Andromedan. And they always depict him with hair and the Andromedans have no hair. More I would say that it would resemble a Celeano-Pleiadian. But it is only my opinion. All this from memory.
Shiva is associated with confronting the occult, destroyer of worlds, but in a positive sense. That is, he dissolves the lie, exposes reality no matter how strong it may be, revealing the unconscious, associated with the planet Pluto. So it is not known whether he participated in that battle before Tiamat's destruction or not, and if he did participate he would not be Andromedan.
Cristina.- So, do you think it is possible that he was not Andromedan?
Yázhi Swarúu.- The records here say that he was Andromedan, but I have a tendency to question everything. He had no Andromedan personality.
Cristina.- I understand, of course. Neither personality nor physical.
Yázhi Swarúu.- Yes. The only thing that fits with an Andromedan is his skin color and the fact that the area of India had a lot of Andromedan influence. It is that he participated in wars according to all the history of Shiva. However, although Tiamat's was the strongest and the one most remembered, there were many other wars with ships and everything. The most recent is that of 1561 in Germany. It is only very recent. From 1880 onwards, the idea of UFOs and aliens began to be erased from the culture and even more accentuated since the 1930s when the Nazis began to experiment with anti-gravity technology. So, they were interested in hiding as best as possible the existence of these ‘Wonder Waffen’ or more top secret ones. * * *
Densities vs Dimensions - How We Increase our Frequency - Yazhi Swaruu (Extraterrestrial Contact)
Yazhi: An idea that there are that many stars in each density is terribly incorrect, that’s not how densities work. Stars are in all densities at once, irremediably so. It is people who perceive one or another density and the stars in them, in this case.
And it is the same for a star, a planet, a plant, a dog, a cat, and a human and a Sassani ET. They all have components in all densities. Better worded, they all are and exist in all densities at once.
Gosia: Makes obvious sense! So anyone who would say there are this and this number of planets or stars or Sassanis in this or that density… is only looking at densities as separate realms. One by one. That´s not how you operate. All is scalar always. Just adding my two cents.
Yazhi: People tend to see the parts separated, and they speculate, I see the whole as much as possible, knowing there is always more to see, of course!
Matias: I know all densities are one, but I’ve heard that each density has infinite number of dimensions or densities within. Any logic in this?
Yazhí: Densities have dimensions. What is a dimension? The amalgamation of data, more things, more complicated, and you can perceive that as you have or develop a higher density awareness. But they are all like that!
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4D dimensional cube
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5D dimensional cube
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10D dimensional cube
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6D dimension cube
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They are always there. Always. It is just you who acquires or remembers how to see that what has always been there!
If this last 6D image is the way you see your world, no one Matrix seeing the world as a simple cube can ever understand you.
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Another way to define a “square mindset!”
Matias: Like the Taygetans do not understand you now, who you are?
Yazhí: Yes. But from complex points of view you can understand simpler ones. That’s why some may say they see me as “too human” because they can only perceive that small part of me, of an ET. But I could quickly collapse their minds. But what for? Then I’d just be mad, crazy for them. As crazy as claiming to walk through walls or teleport. Simple tasks from one point of view, impossible from another. And it is all awareness, data processing knowledge and making it your own. But the external world from one point of view is always there, it is you who can only see parts of it! Or from another point of view nothing is there. Only what you choose to see, or can see, exists at all.
Another chat:
Yazhi: You remember that Swaruu 9 used to say that existential densities 3D, 5D, whatever, were densities by frequency of matter. Frequency. And not Dimensions. Well, Swaruu 9 did not have my level of perception.
What I can explain to you now is that it is both. The frequency of existential density and the increase in awareness-perception that in turn causes a proportional rise in the perceived physical dimension.
This is coupled with the above-mentioned problem. The fact that the people do not understand why something is true from one perspective and not from another. Creating the illusion that there are discrepancies in our material. Contradictions. But there are none.
We have the 1D
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These are Dimensions. Which are caused by a change in Density-Frequency.
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The perception of a density-frequency goes hand in hand with the understanding of what surrounds you. The understanding about things. Knowing more. It opens your mind and eyes. You see things that have always been there but you had no ability to perceive them, or to understand them. Like a math equation doesn’t mean anything to your cat. But it’s there in front of him.
So the more you KNOW, the more you can see and the more you can understand.
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You already know this image. It is a 4D cube. Greater complexity. Humanity only sees a cube.
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A 5D cube.
It is a cube but it is of much greater complexity. As is the mind of your friends from Taygeta. That is why they perceive everything differently. That is why life is complex in 5D as you have seen. It lacks the simple element of 3D linearity.
But the more perception you have, the more you learn to perceive more.
Welcome to 6D.
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This image is especially good for me to illustrate this. You can see how each color is a density. From an angle or moment they can be understood as separate. One within another.
But everything in itself moves and everything is interconnected, affecting each other all the time. That is why high densities interfere with low ones and vice versa. Because even the concept of low densities and high densities is only a limited way of understanding and explaining things.
Because in itself it is a single mass, that geometric figure. No up or down, no more and no “less than”… It is only people’s perception that changes and what determines the density that they will perceive, understand and therefore live.
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Welcome to 10D. It is a constant increase of data. Of mental power to process the data. It is what you learn, it is what you are, the more you know the more you are, the more you understand.
Accumulating wealth, cars, money, houses, objects, is futile. The purpose is the expansion of consciousness. Understand more, know more. Comprehend more. This is how you grow, how you change density.
That is why those who say that they are waiting for 5D to come to them, as if it was about to fall from the sky and suddenly all their problems disappear, they have no idea how everything works. That is why it is something individual.
People must be the change. 5D is their mindset! They must BE 5D, not wait for it to happen to them. It's them, and that is internal. And that is why.
ORIGIN Avyon is the main planet of Urmah. Here on Earth it has been named Avalon, but that is only human interpretation. The Urmah race is one of the most prolific in this galaxy. They have colonized planets literally everywhere, even in the Pleiades. They are dominant race of this quadrant. For example, the Hyadean Race of Merope are Urmah but with another name.
The Hyadeans are more Urmah, they are independent but they never really are completely. They are what Canada or Australia would be to England, more of the same. Supposedly independent but still coordinating with everything with its central in the Vega star.
The Vega star system consists of 4 planets, 2 of them inhabited: Avyon is the first planet, (Inhabited by Urmah and where the domestic cat comes from, which has already spread throughout the galactic zone.) And the second planet is Lyra (Lyrians, from which it is said that all the "humanomorphic” races came from.) The Vega system is located in the Lyra constellation at a distance of 25 light years.
Avyon is mostly forest and steppe or M-class planet, only slightly larger than Earth. Lyra is more like Earth with 50% ocean and 50% land, it is another clone of Earth but with a softer atmosphere. In itself, both Avyon and Lyra are more habitable than Earth, they are from the so-called super habitable planets, where life is easier than on Earth, and I mean of the planet, the climate, the atmosphere and gravity. Other super habitable are Venus, Erra, Temmer, and Alfrata, among others. (And they say Venus is a sulfuric acid hell.)
The fauna in Avyon is similar to the ones of the Earth, they do have other animals that are unknown on Earth but share many species. The climate I understand is more like Erra or Temmer, two marked seasons, but they do not have a strong winter like Erra, as it is the first planet in the system. Since it is very close to the sun Vega.
BIOLOGY The Urmah are like lions or tigers, however as on Earth there are subspecies. In other words, not all are lions, but they are all like Big Cats. All mixed already, and they create offspring between themselves. Not all of them have stripes like a tiger, but let's say that most do have stripes all over their bodies, only that because they dress is not noticeable except on their faces, arms or hands. I see them most commonly brindle. Hence the yellow lion, but even in those I see stripes sometimes. The vintage cartoon Thundercats are clearly allusive to the Urmah.
Their life expectancy, since time is not linear in 5D, is not calculated well, but officially it is about 10 times more than a human on Earth, that is, about 950 years. Or 100 times the average life expectancy of a house cat on Earth. They take a long time to reach their physical maturity comparatively, more or less like Lyrians in general. But they are still capable of flooding a place with kittens of various ages quickly. Also like us, they remember their past lives, influencing mental maturity at an early age, but always depending on each person.
All adults appear to be over 2.5 meters tall. It is usual to find them 3 meters long as Ruhr, and they weigh about 300 kg, being the average weight of an Urmah from 270 to 280 kg except the largest. The weight of a lion on Earth is 250kg, a tiger is 255kg, so they are a bit bigger, or heavier. That's about the height of an Urmah, and they also have short legs.
They are biped and quadruped as it suits them. Only few people know that data. Their spine and hips are slightly different, allowing them to walk and spend a lot of time upright, although they are slower that way. But for speed or strength, they do get off on all four paws. Noting that a house cat can develop hernias if it is forced too long in an upright position, but the Urmah don't have that problem. I've never heard it as a result of walking upright. They have the tail, set and long like a lion or tiger. This image is not far from reality, but taking away the anthropomorphic structure, since their breasts are clearly catlike, as in V shape. As I have told you before, they differ very little from a standing Lion or Tiger as they would see it on Earth.
This one does look alike, only with an armor. On Earth, the Urmah are sometimes painted with human bodies but the head of a lion, and the truth is that it does not make sense. They are cats, only evolved to walk on 2 legs. But they DO keep walking and running on all fours too. Their babies or children are corrected to walk upright because otherwise they would only stay on all fours, since it is the most comfortable. But staying like this does not allow them to carry things, to evolve further, to interact with other upright species. Whether a species is upright is decisive for its cultural evolution. Since the baby or kitten can learn to walk upright then it can explode both worlds.
When they masterfully walk on two legs, once they are older, for sports or whatever, they alternate 2 or 4 legs as needed. To fight they make a combination between what is convenient, between both worlds, a lot of swords or ax fighting in their culture. But logically they also use a lot the claws and teeth.
Their hands tend to be more dexterous than a normal cat, with the prehensile finger or thumb more in the hand position. And using fingernails to grab things. They are very precise in manipulating objects. They are not clumsy because they are not exactly paws, they are feline hands, unique hands. But just like a house cat, they can't make a fist without pulling out their claws, but they use that as a latching method. They also use gloves for other functions as required.
You can notice the differences between males and females, since females are smaller and with softer faces, as more compact and do not have a mane, that is something distinctive of a male Urmah.
This one looks more like a male. Females have breasts like cats. The most common is that females give birth between two or three kittens, although it also happens sometimes that they have only one, but there are litters of up to 8, as I have been told. I know that females pass their kitties to each other, that they help each other with their upbringing. The Urmah species is very prolific in this Galaxy, they are everywhere. It is a very numerous race with many independent colonies but linked to its origin.
They are omnivores, relying mainly on meat, but they manufacture it, they do not kill. They did before, but these have already evolved a lot, the Alpha Draco don't kill anymore either. They grow tissue for food in devices like Medical Pods, so they were never part of an animal. They also consume vegetables, although I have never seen them eat citrus. What happens is that they simply cannot be vegan like us Taygeteans. It is another species. As for drinks, apart from consuming water they also have a long series of softdrinks, but like us, they do not drink alcohol. In our case, the closest we do is certain ferments, such as pineapple ferment. But it is very little alcohol and it is very natural and it is not added, it does not intoxicate but only gives flavor. The Urmah I understand that they use plant ferments and juices, combined infusions. But they have strong smells and flavors, like something extremely odorous and concentrated. I feel like it's like drinking perfume.
As you can see, an Alpha Draco is a Dragon. Alpha Draco, contrary to Draco, are mostly positive, despite their appearance they are progressive and cooperative. Very protective. But difficult to interact with because their culture is very different from that of someone of Lyrian origin. They do have culture, they are not ... animals, for lack of a better word. They are still dominant. Danger 10 out of 10.
Tied with the Urmah as the dominant race of virtually the entire galaxy. Merit for the kittens, because they are put on equal terms with a lizard over 10 meters high and several tons of weight, being that they measure less than 3 meters and about 300 kg.
Quietly knowing what they are, they impose like no other race. Always very exaggerated, everything is hyper for them. All over adorned, that it is clear what they are always and with their own knowledge of what they are. 3 meter standing cats with golden armor and colorful capes. I think it is the most impressive race there is. Alpha Dracos too, but they're scary. The Urmah are ... they are a ball of fur full of love, but yes, with armor. They are very emotional and very dramatic. They allow themselves to be hugged, they are affectionate and they smell like a blanket.
Regarding the Urmah language, or also called Avyon by other races, there is no reference on Earth about what their language is like or how it would sound, but it is impressive to hear them speak. They have a very deep, and strong voice, clearly feline, very like from within, like they roar-speak. They speak words but with an articulated controlled roar-like sound. Similar to how a lion sounds when it roars but adding words. They do not seem to speak from their mouths, but rather as if emanating from their chests, what they speak. They do articulate with their lips, but not entirely, only as for help with pronunciation and they also use their tongue a lot, which is very long.
We communicate with them in Taygetean or Andromedan, the only one who speaks Urmah here is Yázhi. So, the Urmah are understood in whatever language they speak, but it is unmistakable that the speaker is not human, or Lyrian, and that he is a 300-kilo large feline, a huge feline thorax emanating a controlled roar. And they never speak fast. They are leisurely, they take their time for everything. After all, they are cats and they spend a lot of time in the astral.
I know it must seem strange to you to see or imagine a lion or a technological tiger, dressed and walking on two legs. But it is just as difficult for me to see those photos and only relate them to animals or beasts and not to Urmah, my friends. It is something that you end up accepting as a fact of life. Having those cats close to you like this, as an everyday fact.
Link for the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oyk3hMxbbpg&t=446s
This video is made up of two parts: in the first we will get to know one of the multiple functions of holographic computers, in this case applied to entertainment for children. And the next part is some questions about the immersion program, how the bodies are kept active and what consequences there are to incarnate on this or another planet in this way.
"This information is provided by extraterrestrial persons, women and men from the Taygeta star in the Pleiades cluster, through a written contact with us."
CONVERSATION WITH ANEEKA OF TEMMER Anéeka of Temmer.- Taygeta's holographic computers can do virtually anything. They can imagine a pet that talks to accompany them or to play with children. They are programmed to do whatever it takes, generally to interface with the same computer where the imaginary pet is spoken to and given the answers, he plays during the day and everything, but it is a hologram, and children love these things. It's like having cartoons on television, but guiding them positively, and parents have total control over it, or simply to accompany anyone as a pet. Do you like a cartoon? You can have your favorite characters accompany you in your games. The computerprojects them and varies it in size and everything. You talk to them and they answer and, in addition, if you program it, you can touch them. The computer imposes tactile sensations. It's like a less aggressive version of a total immersion game, like the ones we've already discussed here.
Estel·la.- And, doesn't it cause some kind of confusion in the child to differentiate interacting with people than with holograms? I mean getting too emotionally attached to things like that.
Anéeka of Temmer.- Yes, and that's the negative part of the system. And not only for children, for everyone, because you disconnect, you no longer know what is real and what is not and you start with the philosophical problem of what is real. Because, for example, if someone is extracted, they are delighted with the game immersions. Not only the extracted ones, but it is an example, like an addiction to videogames. But over time it begins to lose value if you have a mind and it remains only as a toy. For example, sitting here with you, I have the immersive game or simulation controls within arm's reach, but I haven't used them in months. You lose interest. That is why we say that we return to the simple, to the handmade. Gosia asked me why I don't ride my bike along a beautiful tree-lined path by the lake using the immersion, it would be fun for a little while, like for two hours, but it's not riding a bike anymore, sadly for me.
Estel·la.- And, does it happen very often? or how do you solve it so that it is not addictive or dependent for the child?
Anéeka of Temmer.- It seems that the children already bring something that stops that because it is not heard that they become very obsessed. Yes it happens, of course, but it is like one more toy and testimony of how children are who give it something and end up playing with the box. The same thing happens here, Yázhi herself prefers her real plastic dolls, although she could animate them with the computer.
Cristina.- Sure, I understand. Real experience always beats computer experience.
Estel·la.- What exactly is the immersion program like?
Anéeka of Temmer.- It is adapted to the requirements and what the person wants. It is a machine that is like a med pod that keeps the body in suspended animation, keeping it healthy and in isolation from the senses while the consciousness of the person turns to have its attention on another reality. This is done through frequencies. The theory says or dictates that each person has a frequency, or range of individual and unique frequencies. So a physical body is conditioned or designed only to be able to have or harbor or react to a specific signal from the owner. Then, by making a person's frequency compatible with that of another, the contact between soul mind and physical body can be given. That is, entering that body to be that person. Part of the work that small grays, called Gardeners, carry out on request, is to adapt a body to the entrance of a specific soul, such as adapting an empty Matrix body to the entrance of a walk-in that will use it for their own life experience.
The process is extremely elaborate when describing how exactly with frequencies, but the basis is that the frequency of that person, we all have a personal frequency, is artificially made compatible with that of another body, sometimes very far from there. As they are told in the movie Avatar. So, a Taygetean person will be asleep in Temmer in a pod, while managing a human avatar on Earth with his own and different life. And this person may or may not know that they are immersed. You may or may not remember details of that dive, too. In the case of Earth, the most common thing is that they do not remember that they are immersed because in itself, that is the experience they are looking for. But the memory erasure is not complete, leaving the person with an internal feeling that something is not right, and that it is not that person who is on Earth, that it is another person elsewhere and they spend time looking to the stars looking for contact and the way back home. There are at least hundreds of thousands of people immersed on Earth right now, of countless races, all using their own versions of the same technology. Immersion like this not only serves to enter another race by being of that race for a time. It also serves to, or can be used to be, another person entirely, even in the same place where you are immersed. That is, they may be living and remembering everything in the same place. No longer wanting to be person X for a while and generating another life right there, as another person, and then getting tired and going back to being the same person X as before. It is also used to be able to work in environments or on planets where the place and the environment are too hostile to be able to be there with the natural or original body of the person.
Cristina.- Thank you very much. And, in the med pod, how are the organs and, for example, the muscular system of the 5D person kept in good condition?
Anéeka of Temmer.- The muscular system is maintained by micro discharges that stimulate muscle groups. This is nothing too advanced as even on Earth they use electrical stimulation devices for exercise and fitness. Likewise, the internal organs and nutrients are passed through the same special liquid in which they are immersed, like with the med pod for medical use. There are other immersion pods that are dry inside, but are not used for long dives. Although, that is relative because time is malleable and personal. So a week-long dry dive can result in decades of life elsewhere.
Cristina.- And if the person you extract is immersed, what happens? You mentioned that the conscience decides which body it stays with, but is this a conflict for the extracted person or with no memories? Anéeka of Temmer: By immersion, everything is more complicated from one angle and less from others. It is assumed that the seed when dying on Earth wakes up in the pod. It has completed its life span on Earth. It does not have to be removed. Just wakes up at home, on the planet, remembers who she is and why she entered Earth like this. It is one of the most common ways to enter Earth. It only comes into conflict when the person contacted is immersed and wishes to be extracted traditionally. It is possible and it is done, but they face having two bodies, and the complex dynamics of managing or being two at the same time. It is difficult and strange for many and they prefer to avoid it. It is the decision of the person to extract what to do. The most ethical and recommended thing if you are immersed is that you comply with your natural life cycle on Earth. But the immersions have a very serious flaw. Inside, people create too strong an attachment to something that is not their reality by entering into debates about what is real. I feel like that's like getting lost no matter how safe they are.
Estel·la.- But the experience is real and that's what counts, right?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Yes. But, for example, for a step-down, what happens to him there is what happens to him there, and it is reality, and if he dies there he does not return here, he will only go to between-life, and there will decide what to do . And someone in immersion continues his life here if something happens to him there. And the problem is that from the perspective of someone in immersion that is reality. So it doesn't matter as long as I live. That profile later comes back to bite you because it leaves a trace of who you are supposed to be. So if you come back here and show your face they will see you with your human identity and not that of here.
Estel·la.- And how many people do you have on Earth now, immersed? 2500, right?
Anéeka of Temmer.- No. As I understand it, it's 2370, if I'm not mistaken with the exact figure. Some people have already been extracted, and others died naturally there and returned home naturally.
Estel·la.- Interesting. I suppose that the numbers are being compensated by new people who are entering, too?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Officially since immersion, no one new from Taygeta has entered in years. But this does not rule out Taygetean seeds that come in naturally.
Extraterrestrials and Humans - We Import and Export Ideas - Aneeka of Temmer (Taygeta-Pleiades)
Anéeka: Something that I am very interested in being known is the cultural influence in both ways, as something present here, and as something that has always existed. Yes, it is important to know that just being here means that we observe and emulate customs to understand them better and because we like many of them.
The idea that the Earth is alone in the Universe and that it is not known whether or not there is life outside of it is a merely human concept controlled by the Cabal and therefore by the Federation. The concept of being isolated and that it is impossible to traverse long distances is also one that belongs only to people on Earth but only the people because governments and the members of the Cabal, the ‘Elites’, know it very well.
Robert: Yes. And why so much interest in denying life outside of Earth?
Anéeka: It is because the Federation cares for the interests (as they say) of the population on Earth, but from the perspective that they are all ETs from countless different races, all living a human experience as humans.
Suffering and injustices are part of what they have established as characteristics of human beings by the experience, so the supervising controllers of the Terrestrial Matrix will even remove or revoke fundamental rights of those who are living on Earth, such as the free will as observed from the inhabitants´ view, in order to perpetuate the ‘simulation’ of life on Earth and its characteristics, that according to the same controllers (Federation) was fully agreed upon by each of the souls before entering, so according to them they are only protecting their interests, as they themselves requested.
The difference between ET’s and humans, where one ends and the other begins is not clear, there is no defined barrier as many ufologists believe, they only see clearly non-human races as Extraterrestrials and everything that has human appearance as Terrestrial, with limited and dogmatic thought.
The reality is different, everything is fuzzy and blurry, without clear boundaries, and an extremely complicated dynamic between species, even more so because of the various ways in which beings of other races come to Earth to experience life as human beings.
I speak here of specific races without specifying or considering that in the end all souls are universal and none of them come from a particular place, being that they are all the Source and all are the same soul, and what differentiates one from the others is just the level or range of memory they have during some observable point of their existence called sometimes, not always, an incarnation.
Because additionally, multiple extraterrestrial races of the very well-defined and generally more human appearance, enter Earth through the technological means by total immersion simulation, to experience what it is like to be a human being there. To this, we can add step downs who come down physically, since some races are confused with the human and at first glance, they are indistinguishable.
Robert: And you… how do you know all this? How have you learned it?
Anéeka: Because I’m on the other side of what I am describing and I see it every day, it’s my world, I know how it’s done, I know people who are down there right now playing being human, not being human, I know people in immersions as well.
The concept that Earth is being visited by ET’s is also relatively new. Because in itself it has always been visited by non-terrestrial entities, and the presence of spaceships in the skies of the world has been there through thousands of years and it is nothing new. They are mostly unmanned drone-ships or probes of the Federation and allied races that monitor the proper functioning of the system but have the main directive not to intervene or as little as possible.
While it is common for many races to intervene or even speak directly to people or entire populations on Earth, this is due to research projects or the observation of human reactions and is generally limited to isolated, mostly indigenous populations.
Earth is a planet that is super controlled by the Federation with an artificial isolation with a purpose to sustain an illusion of reality in order to keep the experience there as such, difficult and chaotic, for the races who are interested in experiencing that kind of extreme situations, many times for the sole purpose of testing their courage and ability to solve and face serious problems.
With information recently provided by Yázhi Swaruu, she explains in detail that a large number of non-human beings entering Earth to experience being a ‘human’, do so with the sole purpose of forgetting, this for personal purposes of overcoming their traumatic situations, or a myriad of other reasons, since it is known that what forms and defines a person is what they remember, giving them an identity or a sensation concept of ME. This both with conscious and unconscious memories alike but with a personal tint or degree in each case.
As Yázhi Swaruu continues to explain, although many people on Earth take the veil of forgetfulness as a curse, it is there for a specific reason, which is to forget for some incarnations who they are or who they have been elsewhere. Because then the human identity is regarded, during an intense chaotic and short incarnation.
The degree of forgetting is specific to each person and is not uniform, this by design of the very same person, coupled with factors of the very forgetting system that in itself is not complicated. It is simply an incompatibility of frequencies with the connection of the whole soul to what many call ‘Original Source’, because a soul is connected to other souls and these to all in an etheric way, being that in the end we are literally all one person: The All.
So the natural low energies of the Earth and the experience of being on the Earth, energies created and sustained by the same people who live in it using a collective unconscious that creates a dominant frequency, it becomes incompatible with that of the All, with ‘the Source’, one being very low and the other very high, creating a significant, but never total, disparity between the point of attention of a person living a human experience and the ‘signal’ of the Source, for lack of a better word. Thus, creating a veil of forgetfulness in a natural and easy way, without technological instruments.
It is argued that Earth is a prison planet. I understand how or where that concept comes from and I understand that from the surface that is the perception, and I do not invalidate it, but from above everyone enters and everyone returns to their places, races, species that they are and they only enter or return to have another experience on a voluntary basis.
However, yes, there is an element of addiction to the system on the part of many souls. The Van Allen Bands help maintain the illusion and keep the most daring humans on the planet who try to explore life from the perspective of being human. But in itself they do not represent or are not the real cause of the 3D matrix that, in reality, and that is the objective truth, is created as a result of the average level of ideas and thoughts that humans hold as a collective, ‘collective unconscious’.
So, it is only a natural and inevitable process that the inhabitants of any non-human species, race or culture, when entering the Earth, import or introduce concepts, customs, technology, art, fashions and everything else, being that, as I have explained above, the veil of forgetfulness is never total or complete.
This has been going on since the beginning of time, and something important to note here is that the customs, fashions, concepts, art and everything else that defines a civilization on Earth, will be directly affected, directed and influenced, depending on the type of non-human races ‘playing’ being human at one point or another in Earth history.
So, the customs during some period of time on Earth, for example Middle Ages, or Renaissance, will result directly as a cause of the average interests and customs of the races playing being human beings. Being that today it is more dominated by species with human form.
So basically, any concept that can be taken as exclusive of human invention, from the point of view from within the ‘game’ it is, but from the point of view of non-human races, it is just a soup of ideas, concepts, technology, art and everything else that is shared between various non-human cultures in space.
So, at any point in history there has always been a strong crossover of influence between star races with humans who themselves are not considered a species but a non-uniform mix of countless non-humans.
Crossing or cultural influence from the Earth outwards and from the outside towards the Earth is not only common but has always been there since the beginning of time, and is inevitable. Which explains vast cultural wealth of the peoples of the Earth.
That a specific exploration ship like this one takes on human customs is also inevitable, but it also happens that many of the customs that a human observer may see in us as human customs, are actually customs widely dispersed among the population of human-like races.
And the simple curiosity to know more about the planet that one is visiting and studying will cause the crews of ships in orbit to temporarily take on human ideas that they find interesting too.
This can be also seen on Earth, as something normal, when a person from the western world goes to visit some exotic place like India and, temporarily, while visiting there, he or she will adopt certain customs, fashions and behaviors according to the place where they are. And upon return they will mostly return to their own ones when leaving the place, or, like in our case, the planetary system that was visited.
Robert: Like bicycles.
Anéeka: Like cakes, bicycles, shoes with lights, music, dancing.
Robert: You have clarified many doubts. Thank you.
Anéeka: It’s what I wanted.
Cristina: Is the name of Alien's animal (Lurker) Taygetean?
Аnéeka of Temmer: No, it's a name given by humans from the Alien movies, possibly from James Cameroon. It has many names here, but I don't know how to write them. Essentially it called bug, or nefarious insectoid bug.
Cristina: Is it the same as the one in the movie? I think you said that it did not have a human body but a kind of insect body. Does it also have two mouths?
Аnéeka of Temmer: The body, the tail and the claws are from the same animal. What changes is that it is too humanoid in the movie. But keep in mind that in the movie it is supposed to take the bodily form of the host from which it came. So, it's a justification for the movie to make it look humanoid. Ok, valid in the cinema. But up here it's always the same bug, with an insectoid body.
The head is correct, with everything and the double set of teeth. Claws, tail and general color also good. The blood acid thing, partly correct. And the correct color, although all black would also be correct. (I've never seen one up close, only in computer data.) Another thing is that there are thousands and thousands of species of variants of that creature and of various sizes. All scattered on planets that are usually quite hostile to life as we see it or need it ourselves.
Estel·la: Do you know anyone who has seen one up close or some story like that of facing one?
Аnéeka of Temmer: No. We know that they exist and that they are quite common and a constant danger. But here no one has told me nor is it said that they have been seen here.
Cristina: And the body of an insect… What kind of insect?
Аnéeka of Temmer: It is very thin but not that long. Some with multiple legs not just 2 or 4. They do not usually have an insect abdomen, but some species do. (Or queens if they have it). In themselves, they are classified as that, insectoids.
Cristina: Are there any insects here that have a similar body?
Аnéeka of Temmer: Yes, arachnids of the flat type.
Cristina: Would the body be like this spider?
Аnéeka of Temmer: Yes, only longer, without protruding abdomens, only queens.
Cristina: And how does it get around? Like a quadruped?
Аnéeka of Temmer: Yes, as a quadruped or as a multipedal. They do not walk on two legs.
Cristina: And the tail? How is it?
Аnéeka of Temmer: Like in the movies. Long with segments and a spike as a weapon at the tip and they also use it a lot. And like in the movies, extremely smart for their purposes. Claws on its legs, the one with 4 legs is the one that most resembles the one in the cinema. And segmented body with natural exoskeleton.
Estel·la: How big is the Lurker or the nefarious insectoid bug?
Аnéeka of Temmer: They exist in all sizes, even very small, but the one that most closely resembles the one in the movie can be around 10 feet tall if it stands on its back legs. All highly carnivorous.
Estel·la: So it's like a scorpion, right?
Аnéeka of Temmer: Yes, but the scorpion has a different shape at the front and the shape or relationship between the dimension of its body changes a bit, but yes you're right, it could be related to scorpions, which I understand are also arachnids.
Estel·la: Thank you, I understand.
Cristina: And another question about the Lurker... And how is it about acid blood? I think it has acid saliva in the movie too.
Аnéeka of Temmer: I don't have corroborating information about the saliva. But the blood is acidic, very acidic. But I think it is not as acidic as in the movie. I cannot confirm. I do not have the data now. But they focus their dangerousness more towards their abilities to bite, scratch and solve problems. They are known to have extraordinary strength, like any good insect.
Cristina: And how do they reproduce? Is it like in the movie? Do they also need a host?
Аnéeka of Temmer: Like in the movie, yes. And they devastate entire places of fauna for that reason and for food. They destroy the ecosystem and then go into torpor waiting for more victims to come to them, and they can stay that way almost indefinitely. Horrible, I know! In space, there is everything. From beings of light of very high densities that do not need ships and that only appear as "someone" to interact with other people of levels below. To even the most dire creatures of low evolutionary level you can imagine, and everything in between.
Cristina: And what planet or planets does it originate from?
Аnéeka of Temmer: It is not known. They are a very ancient species and are everywhere that their biology supports. And as in the film, great efforts are made to prevent their spread and contamination to planets that do not have them. Not only because of these, but also because of predators in general, Erra and Temmer can be very vulnerable ecosystems to the introduction of alien species. The animals don't know about predators in many places. For example, in Temmer countless species of birds nest directly on the ground, both in forests and on beaches or among reeds and plants on the shores of lakes.
Cristina: Of course I understand, they are a threat to any ecosystem!
Аnéeka of Temmer: Yes. But for example, we cannot introduce predator species to these vulnerable ecosystems. Even if they are not like this, that is, a dog for example. (The domestic cat is already integrated into most of these ecosystems in Erra and Temmer) Domestic cats tend to leave birds and their chicks of certain species alone. Although in theory they could eat them, it seems that they are even afraid of them.
Cristina: And what planets or what type of climate or biology is suitable for these animals?
Аnéeka of Temmer: Lurker adapts to any climate, any extreme condition. But they are known to be more abundant in very hot and humid places or planets.
Cristina: How tough!!! And is this animal carbon-based or silicon-based?
Аnéeka of Temmer: It seems that I understood that it was silicon, but according to the last thing they told me recently, it is a hybrid of the best of both worlds, that's why it eats meat, if it did not have a carbon element, they could not eat meat. That makes it even more dangerous, because it adapts to any condition and diet. In addition, its exoskeleton protects it as an armor.
Cristina: I didn't know that silicon-based animals couldn't eat meat…
Аnéeka of Temmer: Yes, it's that carbon nourishes carbon and silicon nourishes silicon. It is basically mineral. It is useless to eat meat if it does not nourish a silicon body. That does not mean that it is not dangerous or also kills a silicon-based animal. But this one is between the two worlds.
Cristina: Thanks how interesting, and how is a silicon animal? What characteristics does it have? How are carbon-based different from silicon-based?
Аnéeka of Temmer: Silicon-based ones are very Insectoid in appearance. That's a constant with silicon ones. Also using exoskeleton.
Regarding the silicon and carbon hybridization, I am sure that the silicon part is concentrated in the exoskeleton armor and other parts such as teeth. With a carbon interior and organs.
Cristina: Thank you Anéeka, how interesting!
Estel·la: And how does the cabal have so much information about this animal?
Аnéeka of Temmer: It is one of the animals outside Earth best known for its high danger. This kind of information is held by the Cabal because monopolizes ancient texts that are from Atlantis or earlier. This is known because they took the library of Alexandria among others. Burning only the copies. Even the books that are antagonistic to them, that contradict them, take copies of them, and put them under the Vatican, because information is power. They are not going to destroy something that can then be used for planetary control. Or in case another copy comes out that they have not yet destroyed and want to see what it contains. And it is also known that they have never stopped communicating with races of the Federation throughout the centuries. That is, deep secret societies have always had contact with beings from other worlds. The world does not work as you are told.
Cristina: So, the lurker has never been on Earth, has it?
Аnéeka of Temmer: Not that I know of.
Estel·la: Did you learn about this bug at the Academy?
Аnéeka of Temmer: Yes, it is essential to know about this bug, identify it and not interact with it in any way. Also, a long list of troublesome species that are on various worlds. Not just this nefarious bug. Plants included.
Estel·la: Is this the top 1 in dangerousness? Or are there others above? Аnéeka of Temmer: In its class is 10 out of 10 dangerous. I say in its class because there are others who are like internal parasites that eat the victim from the inside and are difficult to detect, for example. That's 10 out of 10 too, but of a different kind. Some can be mimicked with shapes of the same organs, passing through tissue of the same body, as fat cells or as cysts. So even with equipment you don't detect them, just because you see the effects and symptoms. It is said that it is as if they go to another density so as not to be detected, and they return to yours to eat you inside and then they go to the other density again. How can one get rid of this? What a nefarious energetic larva!
Cristina: And in this case, how do you remove them?
Аnéeka of Temmer: By Medical pod only. It is the safest way. Only your biology remains. And it handles frequencies too, so it handles or cleans your etheric implants, if necessary. The things is that you feed them with your thoughts, being or remaining as compatible with your frequencies, so those bugs adhere to your aura. And from there they drain your energy.
But if you are in suspended animation in the Medical Pod, your thoughts are very high density. While you are in recovery, in dreams. And the energetic larvae come off because you are no longer interesting to them. But those are the energetics ones, that are common in 3D, being 4D beings. In 5D there are still some, but not so many. They are just interdimensional animals and parasites. They consume your vital energy. The point is that some do consume your physical body from the inside like a normal parasite. But very strongly. They end up or may end up killing the host due to internal bleeding and organ failure for multiple reasons. Estel·la: It’s horrible! But very interesting this about med pod!
Аnéeka of Temmer: Yes, that's why the Medical Pod is the most used instrument in health matters here, because of its multifunctional capacity and because they are very safe. In many cases, the healing process can be interrupted at any point. And without complications. But not in all cases it can be interrupted, of course. For example, in the case of a restoration or regeneration of a lost or amputated limb, the process cannot be stopped midway. Or progress would be lost.
Estel·la: Aha I understand, the pods are very needed here.
Аnéeka of Temmer: I know.
Link for the video: https://youtu.be/4mbWGLljvWk
Tulpas, Kingu Reptiles, Galactic Federation - Yazhi (Extraterrestrial Communication - Pleyades)
Yazhi: As you know humanity is not one species, but one more or less homogeneous species that holds many souls of many other species as one in 3D, all playing to be human. Those I always refer to as the extremely intelligent ones playing humanity for fools are no other than Federation races and people in power at the Federation that are there in 3D and here in 5D at once. This I just said is serious!
Because that means that the ‘Tulpas’ humans, “Broken Shoes,” create and manifest, create a parasitation entity that is referred to by people like David Ike as the reptilians who control politicians from behind and are pure evil.
Why reptilian? Because it is a ‘Tulpa’ created by humans and all Lyrian races, based on their most primordial fear: the fear of snakes. That is projected onto the Tulpa as a reptilian with a humanoid appearance. Now humans are creating the Tulpa, but before them the Lyrian races in space were also creating their own Tulpas and they go hand in hand and look alike because humans and others are all Lyrians and share not only a common history, but also a common set of fears.
That reptilian ‘Tulpas’ then parasites the politicians who are the ones that actively exploit humans. The ones that give the orders to make humans suffer.
Because those politicians that look like any human are parasited by the '‘Tulpa’ and a ‘Tulpa’ can be just a series of ideas. And or can also be something very objective as a real thing or creature. But here I’m talking about the reptilian ‘Tulpa’ behind politicians.
But to make things even more complicated we also have a real tangible 3D reptilian race that is reptilian in nature (the Kingu) that are also being parasited by the same evil reptilian ‘Tulpa’ beings that parasite human politicians as well. So the evil is not coming from a species but from a Tulpa. So both human form, or reptilian form, are being manipulated by an evil ‘Tulpa’ that the people created. Because there are loving and positive reptilian races that are variant of Kingu, just as there are evil humans as well as evil Lyrians.
A ‘Tulpa’ is formed when one or more individuals fear something in particular, an idea. As an example, let’s create a hypothetical ‘Tulpa’ creature. An evil super rat entity that lurks in the dark. All you need is one person to fear that idea. Then that person really focuses its real thick fear on the existence of the Hat Rat taken from Hat man, a real Tulpa creature. More and more people start to fear the Hat Rat. All their attention goes there.
And as you know, everything you focus on manifests, that’s very real. Law of Mirrors. They start to form a creature that people take as real. Fear is a concentration of mental energy that focused all of the attention of the person onto that thing it fears because it is a survival response. So it needs to give all its mental power to understand and observe that it fears, or it is convinced it will not survive.
So concentrated fear attention is a very strong creative energy that is used to create negative things only (and is known on Earth as ‘Loosh’). If you go focusing more and more on that Rat, it will eventually get so much energy off the people that it will become a physical entity. And with even more energy it can even become sentient and needing to feed in order to survive. And what does it feed from? What created it, of course. And that is Fear. And that is why dark evil entities need ‘Loosh’ and eat fear. That’s why they need to terrorize people, and little children. That is what keeps them alive. Loosh is thick tangible concentrated fear.
And to finish my point, as I have explained before, people are in several densities at once. Simultaneously. So in effect, the people who are in charge on Earth, those in deep Cabal are also starseeds full of parasites, evil Tulpa ideas and entities. And those are also in Saturn as other 5D people parasited as well, and they are because the Tulpa evil entities use the human form as a portal to access the other parts of the same soul that lives in 5D. So that is how they are taking over the Federation. Using humans and Arcturians and Andromedans and whatever race people may be in the Federation as a portal. Saturn ones in general are not the problem, those are just infiltrated and they don’t even know it. They have been guided without their even knowing onto placing laws that benefit a take over from the spiritual side.
And… You may have a whatever high density mind, say 9D, but your body is making you see one point of attention that is the you, the ego self you hold now as Gosia as an example. Your body is a filter so you can only see a very narrow spectrum of reality. But your mind and consciousness is a lot bigger and more expanded.
And say a parasited Arcturian in the Federation Council in Saturn may be in a 5D body looking at 5D worlds as a physical place where it lives, but the mentality it may have, because it is parasited, may be of a lower density. Evil as well and in an internal struggle perhaps.
The Tulpas are real beings if fully formed. And there is nothing spooky here. Because all creatures, races, and people that exist in what you see as a physical form with a body are also Tulpas that the soul and souls associated with them have created. We are all Tulpas. Materialization of our own ideas. There is where I connect this to what I’m always saying. There is no spoon. There is no body. You are an idea.
The solution to dealing with negative collective Tulpas? In theory, you can make the people as a collective manifest something different. Because you cannot go and confront a Tulpa and make it reason to your level. They would have to be interested in talking to you. Remember communication is a two way street. So they would only talk to you if they had something to gain.
Negotiate with them? You can replace human meat with grown tissue, but how can you create synthetic fear? You can´t! You can´t create fear as their food artificially. Fear is only triggered from a soul. Because fear for them is the energy that nourishes them, feeds them, because it created them, and it created them because it was the conscious manifestation of a being with a soul that focused on them as something to be created in the first place. So fear is how the creator made them. And the creator is a soul because only a soul with consciousness can create and manifest things.
They always want more and more fear. Say many people enjoy having a little fear that’s why they go to the movies. But it is not enough. So that is why they create wars and pandemics.
They must be feasting now.
There is a way from there. Only one way from there. You must stop playing the game collectively. Everything goes on because people keep playing the same sick game, and it reflects back to them all. They are making it all happen. The people, “broken shoes”. You must stop playing the game collectively.
Believing everything they tell you, giving media and politicians your attention. Not taking control of your own lives. Believing in authority and obeying it blindly. I watched CNN with the Taygetans and I saw there absolutely NOTHING that is true, nothing. Not even irrelevant things as before. But that is what people are programmed with.
Video URL: https://youtu.be/cqCZNNYF6lY
In this conversation, Anéeka of Temmer explains the concepts related to medicine and its bases on the planets of Taygeta.
INTRODUCTION Estel·la.- Hello everyone. Welcome to Pleiadian Knowledge. I am Estel·la. And today we bring you a super important video where Anéeka of Temmer explains what medicine is like on the Taygetean planets. For those of you who don't know, Anéeka is a doctor, she's a doctor, and you're going to see all the knowledge she has on this subject, which is simply impressive. And you are going to see how she explains to us what the concept of a doctor is in her society as a person is formed to have this knowledge. If they have hospitals or not, what are their facilities are like, and what methods or treatments do they use to treat people, how they see the concept of disease, of death, many points of view from their science that the truth could help us a lot in our society if we could apply them, because it seems that here we have everything backwards. In fact, this is the first part, there will be a second part where with Anéeka we will compare the differences with terrestrial medicine. Concepts that we use here, therapies that we have here and what is her opinion on these things. So I'm going to leave you with the video and I hope you enjoy it. Thank you very much, as always to everyone, and we will see each other in the next videos. "This information is provided by extraterrestrial persons, women and men from the Taygeta star in the Pleiades cluster, through a written contact with us."
CONVERSATION WITH ANEEKA OF TEMMER Estel·la.- What exactly is the role of a doctor in Taygeta? How are the different roles divided? Are there also nurses, surgeons, neurologists, or is everything more united?
Anéeka of Temmer.- The role of doctor is life support in general, caring for a population or group. It is taken as "Elder", as Wise. There are no specialties, it is just that one or the other can be better at something. Then, a patient will be referred to that other person, but in general, every effort is made to know everything about all medical topics. Like me here. If it's something more difficult, like something mechanical from an accident, for example, I would send that person to Senetre who has training as a surgeon.
Cristina.- Do you mean as a person with more experience, for example, in traumatology or other things, such as specific pathologies, and not as having more knowledge of one part of the body and not another, such as, for example, here, a heart specialist, blood etc ...?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Yes. As you advance in a medium, you gradually acquire a reputation for being good at something in particular. It can be said that this is the specialty, and that is where it is possible for one to specialize in something in general, but unlike on Earth, specialization is not encouraged or advised here, not in medicine nor in anything else. You always aspire to know everything about the subject from all possible angles, and in general about everything you can see and about all existing topics.
Cristina.- What is the process or studies to practice as a doctor in Taygeta?
Anéeka of Temmer.- The study process is the reading of the history and characteristics of medical problems. Then the application of substances on the plants. And why plants? Because we are always vegan. But in the case of other species, the necessary diet for each species must also be observed. Next, most importantly, is learning as you go with a mentor with practice within a medical facility or medical deck. For example, large ships in serious operations are also considered schools for a myriad of activities. More than anything you learn on the go, and with an advanced and highly experienced doctor. In the case of this ship it is Senetre. And, only after a time that is not fixed, but depends on the experience and each individual's abilities and accumulated experience, then that mentor releases the cadet, little by little, until he realizes that you already have enough experience to be self-employed without their presence. So at your own risk it will tell you, or give you, the skill for which you are ready. In itself, this would be like graduation time for someone on Earth. The permission or recognition of his mentor, a mentor to perform alone for having more than adequate experience. It can be a process of many years or shorter depending on the capacity of each person, as mentioned above. And, after some time or whatever, this new expert may take one or more student cadets under her wing, passing on her wisdom to them. And, they will repeat this again to the next generations.
Estel·la.- Thank you very much. Super interesting. Is there a large percentage of people interested in that dedication or does it tend not to be something very necessary or in demand?
Anéeka of Temmer.- It is taken as part of what you need to know to have a full life. In other words, every inhabitant of Taygeta knows that he must have a lot of medical knowledge for his own protection and application throughout his life. But few really specialize. Being more common the dedicated doctors in spaceships where the health and life of an entire crew far from home depends on them. Again, Senetre's responsibility here.
Cristina.- What is the relationship between the doctor and the patient? What process is carried out to treat someone?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Generalizing, it is very between friends. The doctor does enter into a close trusting relationship with a patient, especially if it is a long-term problem, such as a systemic or metabolic problem or imbalance.
Estel·la.- How is the body vehicle considered from your society, its functioning? What would be its optimal qualities?
Anéeka of Temmer.- It is considered an integral part of an individual. Not viewed disparagingly or as something to transcend in favor of something spiritual. It is not seen as something that limits, but something that follows you and is a reflection of yourself. Optimal qualities can be seen or perceived as being in agreement as closely as possible with the plan or what is established or written in the person's DNA. That is why it remains in an optimal state of development of about 23 years old in a women, and about 25 to 27 years old in men compared to Earth. Aging here is different since there is not the same cellular decay that occurs on Earth, but the body can age or look more mature with the passage of time, but only as a result of the mentality and ideas of who dwells in it. And, Taygeta's life expectancy, calculated from a personal time perspective, is at least 10 times longer than on Earth. Estel·la.- What is the meaning of a sick person in your society?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Someone who for one reason or another suffers from an energy imbalance that is reflected as a problem or malfunction in a weak point within his body that is closely related to the root of the problem.
Cristina.- Is it common for this to happen in Taygeta?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Imbalances always occur in bodies. Intervention only happens when it does not return to normal by itself. Many times because what causes it is not solved. In Taygeta it is rare for people to get sick. I have not calculated it, but I dare say that it is something very rare compared to what happens on Earth, as the number of patients per number of inhabitants.
Estel·la.- What natural remedies do you use to treat pathologies?
Anéeka of Temmer.- The most used remedies are: rest, fasting, herbalism. That is, remedies based on infusions of plants and substances removed from medicinal plants. Also, we use energy therapy a lot using specific frequencies known to us that affect certain cells in particular. This is very useful to speed up the healing of a wound, or a broken or fissured bone. As a means of therapy, we also have specific sound therapy by putting the person in a sensory suppression chamber. Then, also, healing with quartz and programmed stones. Colors and smells, too. Combined therapeutically to remove post-traumatic stress, for example. The use of artificial drugs is minimal, preserving the essence of the natural, more than anything to accentuate the effect of any necessary active substance. And, the well-known Medical Pods. Remove the cause of the problem, too. Important. Images from Star Trek, but based on the real ones.
Estel·la.- Is this the device with sensors that you say?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Yes. They're from Star Trek, but we all know what they were based on. many things are almost identical to what we have, like those medical sensors. They should not be missing in any medicine cabinet. The closest I have ever seen. It looks like mine.
Estel·la.- Thank you very much. And what functions does it do?
Anéeka of Temmer.- It shows you the inside of the body. Inside view for your inspection without X-rays, and all in high definition. Functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular and gastric systems. Complete blood test without external samples. Blood pressure, heart rate. Vascular obstructions, tissue oxygenation, analysis of specific tissues still within the body. Toxicology, bioelectrical system or auric field. Hormonal levels. Functioning of endocrine glands. And connection to the ship's larger holographic computer for more data if required. You can see inside as if it were a screen or you can enlarge it as a hologram outside of the device in front of you.
Estel·la.- Is the knowledge you have about medicinal plants similar to what we have on Earth?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Yes. As a basis. Only with 10 times the variety of medicinal plants. Let's say our medicine would be comparable to how it would be on Earth after thousands of years of honoring plants. Not to go for Big Pharma's allopathic medicine. It must be understood that for Taygeta food is medicine, it is the same, you eat to be well you do not eat just because it is rich regardless of the consequences, and if you get sick you take medicine. On Earth the symptom is treated, ignoring the cause, with very very few exceptions. In Taygeta the genesis of the problem is understood and the cause is solved, and then in the process of solving it the symptom is also attacked. This is a big difference.
Cristina.- Are there pharmacies, herbalists or healers where to go to find the products?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Yes, but only in large population centers. In Taygeta people know their plants, and they tend to heal themselves or their loved ones only by seeking help when the problem passes to a certain degree.
Cristina.- And do you have hospitals or medical centers? or where does a person go if they cannot treat themselves?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Yes. Also, in the larger towns or population centers, taking into account that a city in Taygeta is not like those on Earth. The cities are more extensive among nature, only a few being totally technological, such as the Toleka city center, the capital.
Cristina.- And what are those places like?
Anéeka of Temmer.- It can be related to a hospital, but with the great difference that patients are placed in suitable places for each one of them according to their needs and preferably among nature as in nearby cabins, it depends on the problem, but most people follow all treatment from home, as it should be. I'm only talking about really serious things where they need a lot of gadgets to monitor them, or after serious accidents, but those that do not require med pods. They are large, low-rise buildings with rapid communication between their wings, generally in the shape of a circle. Rescue Ships or SARs leave these medical centers.
Cristina.- From the point of view of your medicine, for example, how is pregnancy carried out? Is the pregnancy monitored?
Anéeka of Temmer.- It is reviewed if there are risk factors to treat, and in general, yes, the gestation process is closely monitored, yes. And, the births are almost exclusively underwater unless there is a problem. C-sections are very rare. Still, the problems with the baby that can be the cause of cesarean section can mostly be corrected or fixed before birth, as it would be in the case of tangled umbilical cords, a bad position, a sitting baby, or even abnormalities or deformities that they can also correct before it is born. We have remote handling systems. That is, it is not invasive.
Cristina.- And is this monitoring or even the delivery done in the same medical centers or is there a place intended only for pregnancy and delivery?
Anéeka of Temmer.- In medical centers there are places for risky pregnancies or in case the patient decides to give birth there. But the vast majority of births are at home. It is what is customary, with medical assistance, of course, but at home. We have remote manipulation systems, as I said, where the device energetically maintains an instrument, hand or whatever is necessary, passing it with technology similar to that of the portals inside the uterus, doing the necessary work and then leaving the same way without scalpel or anything. And, there are also devices and protocols for preparing the mother to give birth. They do not arrive without knowing anything. And, their bodies have already been physically exercised or prepared for the process of giving birth as well.
Cristina.- And, during labor, is some kind of medicine used such as anesthesia or something to relieve pain?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Yes, only if the mother asks for it. But more than chemical drugs, it is done with energy interference on specific nerves with a device. It works faster, better and its intensity can be graduated on the spot and as needed unlike chemicals and that technology is used for many things in medicine, not just for childbirth. It should be mentioned that a parthenogenesis delivery is considered high risk in Taygeta, and should be followed with care and full medical attention when possible.
Estel·la.- I understand, by the woman's virginity in that case.
Anéeka of Temmer.- Yes, but not only that, but the entire vaginal tract is not ready or reinforced due to lack of use or stimulation that a woman with a partner would have. This is reflected in the lack of elasticity of the entire area and that promotes more tears and similar problems. Also, the muscles of the entire pelvic area are not equally exercised for the same reason.
Estel·la.- Are there routine check-ups that must be done every X time to evaluate the health of a child?
Anéeka of Temmer.- If a child is healthy, there are no more necessary check-ups that his own family can do since they all have quite advanced knowledge of medicine, more because they are expected and made to study everything related to pediatric health to have a child at home. Own responsibility for their health on the part of every citizen.
Estel·la.- What a difference here!
Anéeka of Temmer.- Yes, quite a lot. Human medicine and Taygetean medicine have nothing to do with each other, they are very different. The concepts of epidemic, pandemic, vaccines, all of this is non-existent in Taygeta. The population is not vaccinated against something, the population is strengthened in its health. If many people get sick from something then it will be investigated, as has already happened with toxic plants that were growing in a village, for example. The concepts of pathological microorganisms, be they single-celled or exosomes (viruses), are completely different, too. They are only seen as opportunistic because of a separate imbalance that must be resolved. They are then attacked with plants if necessary. And, they work a thousand times better than human antibiotics. For Taygeta a virus does not exist, it is an exosome, and it is normal.
Estel·la.- By not having the concept of an epidemic, how do you understand it if many people get sick from something?
Anéeka of Temmer.- We understand it with the most obvious simplicity. The same thing is affecting them and we will have to investigate why and what it is. Still, we do not take infections as an invasion of microorganisms, but as a vulnerability in the body from which the microorganisms took advantage. Then, it will be seen which one and why there is this vulnerability, if it is not resolved, then the problem will continue towards something chronic. And, it is what we try to avoid.
Estel·la.- I understand, thank you. I imagine that it is not common that it happens. Anéeka of Temmer: That's right, it's not common.
Cristina.- What do you mean that the same thing is affecting them?
Anéeka of Temmer.- If, for example, there is a town that is mysteriously falling ill, it may or usually is caused by a common factor, but they do not know it yet. After an investigation about what all the sick have in common, contrasting it with the differences they have with those who have not gotten sick in the same community. Then one could conclude what the cause is. For example, the fact that fungi have grown with their spores in a typical way and was contaminating upstream from where the town takes water and from there investigate why these fungi have grown there to prevent it from happening again. Or the fact that the entire community is getting sick from respiratory illnesses may be the cause of everyone being under stress due to some external event, and that is the one that must be resolved.
Cristina.- I understand, Anéeka. But if these microorganisms are only opportunistic, what is it that made so many people, for example, become ill or have that vulnerability?
Anéeka of Temmer.- Because we also see and consider mental or psychosomatic causes as the main causes of diseases. Although, we know what all diseases cause in the case of such an infection, like bacteria, but in the case of fungal spores it is simply a toxin in the water, and therefore a poison. But there may be a cause, for example, of a significant deficiency in the diet that can cause one place or another in the body of almost the entire population to suffer from a decrease in the effectiveness of the immune system in that area. The places in the body, most commonly in these circumstances, are all components of the respiratory system and then the gastric.
Cristina.- I understand much better now, thank you.
Estel·la.- In one of your videos with Robert and Gosia at the beginning of the disclosure, you commented that when someone died in Taygeta, a strict investigation was carried out, asking relatives and acquaintances about the deceased and their circumstances. Why is this so? Anéeka de Temer: I don't remember why that was said, exactly. What happens is that with an autopsy in place, it is known what he died of in minutes and without moving the body. And, murders and things like that are virtually non-existent in Taygeta, as is crime. Why steal your neighbor's motorcycle if you can make or get one to your liking and without money or anything? But yes, I suppose that if there are more indications that something is not right with a death, an investigation is opened. That's up to the SAR who are multipurpose rescuers, volunteers.
Cristina.- And, in medical terms, what does death look like?
Anéeka of Temmer.- When a body already accumulates many problems and deficiencies and cannot continue to function. Although, in theory you can do it indefinitely with the help of med pods, but the same population is the one that does not want to be eternal, only a few. With med pods, a 900-year-old woman can still look 20, technically possible and easy. The problem is that 900-yearold women are not interested in looking 20, and many are not interested in continuing to live. Death is not seen in the same way as on Earth. Here it is known that it is not the end, that it is only the door to something else. And, 900 years or more, it is a long time to live with the same body, appearance and context. And that is the real limitation for the time of life, the ideas of the same person. But there are a few who stay happy there, well above 1000 years, measured from its context, of course. But when a person or body dies, it does reach a point where it goes beyond what is possible for resuscitation, there it must be left alone since they do not return or do not return well. The soul or soul sign is gone. This can be known by the advancement of cellular necrosis in key points of the brain, nervous and cardiovascular system, and again it is done with medical devices with sensors, the same for autopsies.
Cristina.- Thank you very much. Interesting! And, when you say that they do not return well, in what way?
Anéeka of Temmer.- In that neurologically they don't work well anymore. It is not the person, it no longer connects with the body even though it is healthy. The person is not there. There is no or a weak sign of the soul, and he wants to go. So don't pay attention to the physical body.
* * *
Cristina: Hello friends, welcome to Pleiadian Knowledge, I am Cristina. I wanted to explain a little that this video is a short conversation we had with Anéeka of Temmer, about the ship that came from Lemuria about 12 thousand years ago and arrived to our time about two years ago. But we're also going to talk a bit about the alien from Alien, the Lurker, and this will be the first part. There will be a second video, where we will explain a little better the characteristics of this animal and it will be very interesting, because Aneeka also explains the differences between carbon-based animals and silicon-based animals. So,this video will continue with a second part, I hope you don't miss it because I think it is very interesting to know the different biologies found in the universe. So, with all of this, we start with the video.
Cristina: What Happened to the ship that left Lemuria and arrived a year ago on Earth, on this timeline?
Аnéeka of Temmer: That ship is still in high Earth orbit and is in charge of the Federation. It is huge, about 2 kilometers. It has the shape of two fat tubes glued side by side.
It is more than 12,000 years old since it left Earth. It is abandoned. It is of Human-Lemurian manufacture, so it is said although that of Lemurian-Human does not fit me. It is said that it was an old exploration ship. Its technology is very low or outdated.
There is no one inside. But there are signs of blood in the corridors, and a lot! And a lot of small gun damage inside and it's all destroyed. It seems that something ugly and strong happened inside.
Outside you can see that someone used it a long time ago for target shooting, as from another ship. It is very damaged. The engines of the ship are useless and it only returned on impulse. If the federation had not stopped it, it would have collided with Earth, since it had a trajectory of arrival to the surface. In fact, it was Asket's teams that stopped it and put it into safe orbit.
It is not known to this date what happened inside. And its investigation has only been postponed, since no one is interested in putting himself at risk by entering there.
Cristina: And how does it stay in orbit?
Аnéeka of Temmer: Just on impulse, but sooner or later someone else will have to correct it from orbit because it deteriorates over time.
Estel·la: And why do they keep it in orbit with no one inside, instead of parking it?
Аnéeka of Temmer: You can't only park it, or in other words, putting it into orbit is parking it. It takes a certain speed, depending on the object and its characteristics and the distance from the Earth for the ship to remain balanced.
Estel·la: How interesting! Thanks Anéeka.
Cristina: And why does it not suit you that it is manufactured human-Lemurian?
Аnéeka of Temmer: Because, back then Lemuria was full of other races. It is true that there were humans, and as we have said other terrestrial civilizations were also advanced. I just don't feel it logical that it was manufactured by humans as it is, because it is at the time of the formation of the very definition of "humans". Only for that.
Cristina: I understand thank you, and do you know where it came from and where it was going to land, in theory?
Estel·la: Yes, where could they be going? Аnéeka of Temmer: It is only known that it was returning when it was detected near Mars. It is not known without further investigation where it came from. Only that it would have arrived to the calculated place in the Pacific Ocean, right where Lemuria was. This is calculated by the speed of the ship and its trajectory. That is also why it does not make much sense that an asteroid hits the Earth. It is first stopped by the countless races and ships in orbit present all the time.
Estel·la: And the ship… How many crew members did it have?
Аnéeka of Temmer: It is not known.
Cristina: And why is it putting yourself at risk going in there? Аnéeka of Temmer: It is believed that there could be something undetected inside. Unidentified animal is not ruled out. Like an Alien Lurker for example, or something similar. Entering there is extremely dangerous simply because the known accesses are destroyed and there is debris of pieces of metal in the corridors, holes, cables dangling and everything is dark.
Lots of blood was reported by Taygeta's team who tried to enter. This is more than two years ago, it is not so recent. So, it is something very macabre and annoying, to enter there.
Cristina: Bufff I understand.
Estel·la: Oh how scary! Do you think an animal could be alive for so long in there?
Аnéeka: That ship is really scary. If it is an animal adapted to space, it is possible. As illustrated in the not-so-science fiction 'Alien' saga, an animal adapted to the cold is sometimes just waiting for a host to appear.
Estel·la: Wow amazing, what a survivalmode then.
Cristina: How scary Anéeka and what a resistant bug!
Аnéeka of Temmer: There are a lot of alien animals in space, things that no one understands yet. The Federation and Taygeta also have records of countless unknown hostile animals. The 5D is not as they paint it, all love and peace. That is higher than here. As we always say, there are stages to go before reaching those high densities. Meanwhile, the law of the jungle in general still persists. But it depends on each planet.
Estel·la: I understand, thank you Anéeka. All the diversity is very interesting!
Cristina: Thank you very much for sharing.
Аnéeka of Temmer: Yes. Welcome.
Link for the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1YvbgR8Za8
Chatting with Yazhi about Time and Consciousness - Extraterrestrial Communication (Pleyades)
Yazhi: So you want to know what time is and why it can work in the reverse manner. To begin with, time is only an inseparable perception of consciousness, without time there is no consciousness and without consciousness there is no time, but it is not separate from consciousness.
Robert: Yes. And each consciousness has a different perception. But what I don't understand is how time works the reverse.
Yazhi: You cannot think, have self-awareness, without frames of reference or mental concepts, and it is those concepts, the ones that you order with your mind, which gives you the sensation of time.
So it's just your thoughts, time is just that. It does not exist as such. If time is just your thoughts, then it cannot function independently. Which causes the perception of reverse time to be just an idea in your mind. So the direction of time flow just depends on what you are thinking.
But thinking is the same in the end as creating your seemingly external reality. So external reality is only your reflection including time and apparent direction of flow. So time only has one direction, depending on your consciousness. And the more things you know, the more you reflect them in your outer world, even within the collective unconscious that only complicates everything but I am not going there at this time.
So the more you know and understand, the more you can see and interpret what is apparently happening outside of you. Because by knowing more and having more awareness, you make more of the outside world according to your level.
So the direction of flow of time, be it forward, backward or sideways, because in itself the directions of time have no limit, they are not even 3 as in angles X, Y, Z, only depends on how developed your consciousness is.
But for you the perceptual direction of time will always be forward →
And it will only be backwards or to the sides in reference to something else that you as an observer give it. It is in reference to some point of view.
In that case the effects happen before the causes. Because for your final understanding as consciousness and your mental evolutionary state, it allows you to see that everything is now, everything is the same, everything is interconnected, and you end up animating it according to your perception and understanding.
Because in the end there is no time, no space or matter. There is no material world. Everything is the astral ← ← And the material, time, space, distance, mass, are only your beliefs. Ideas that you have become attached to as real. It's just your consciousness having mental cramps. You, the Universe, is made of ideas. And just that.
Robert: So time is immeasurable? It just depends on each observing consciousness, right? Time is immeasurable, it is understood.
Yazhi: Yes, as “time”, something isolated, you can´t measure it. Just in reference to something else. Like within a group that has perception agreements, of how things are. That is why they are in that group and not in another. So everyone there more or less perceives time in the same way.
Robert: Good. So there are perception agreements according to “groups”. Planet Earth with its perception, planet Temmer with its own. But how are these agreements made when a medium contact a “disembodied” person if he or she perhaps has already been living on the Viera ship for 50 years and is not aware that his family on Earth wants to contact him. I do not know if it is the same subject but perhaps it is easier to understand “time” with this example. Thanks.
Yazhi: It would have to have more or less some factor in time perception that is in common with that of the “medium”. Or else it just doesn’t link, or connect, as it happens most of the time. This depends more on the “spirit” than on the medium, although she must also have sensitivity to these frequencies, or she would not be a “medium”. And it is the "spirit" who remembers the agreements necessary to have the perception that links with someone alive → the “medium”. But the word “spirit” or "soul" I detest because it suggests that I believe in it, and the truth is that I do not see it existing as so many other people say.
What I see is that it is only a set of ideas that supports the concept of person. Whether he has a body or not does not define a person, but rather that set of ideas that is his self.
A person-point of attention is only defined by:
A) The range of your memory. How much you remember consciously and unconsciously.
B) The ideas you have, concepts, and perception agreements at all levels.
So a spirit, soul, ghost, astral entity, all of these are just more bodies for me, just that they are not from the group (Matrix) that includes them in the collective idea → collective unconscious of the world of “the living”.
So removing all the other reasons to explain the phenomenon of apparitions or spirits, because there are many reasons, many of them very “explainable”, we are left with the concept that yes, it is a person whom many call “disembodied”.
The reason why many people remain as souls walking in cemeteries is because they still hold an idea of I that gives them an identity of being, as in existing apart from something else, others. So they still have bodies in their minds. And that perfectly explains the “astral” world that so many report.
And they call that “Astral Body”. But I do not like to use names that others use, because I differ in everything, or almost. It does not define me and only causes problems with understanding. I see this especially with the concept of “soul”.
Robert: So all the formulas that contain time on Earth are wrong or only can be sustained on Earth. With the above you throw all human science to the ground.
Yazhi: I differ in almost everything with human science and with mythology and with the understanding of reality.
Robert: But you agree with Bruce Lipton and Carl Gustav Jung. With those you somewhat agree.
Yazhi: Not with all.
Robert: In what no?
Yazhi: Lipton has not yet discovered that it is not only the mind that manages the body and programs genes. But there is no body and everything is mind.
Jung was very successful in many things, especially in his perception of concepts creating reality to the point of egregores and tulpas (which is not the same, an Egregor is something like an entity, a Tulpa is bigger like a collective).
But he still reached a limit separating matter and spirit. And he couldn’t see their isolated points of view. He also had a very chaotic, unclear mind, which is reflected in his difficult writing, being that even I have already given up reading Jung in any language other than the original German.
Second talk:
Robert: You said “TIME”: ‘It is only an inseparable perception of consciousness. Without time there is no consciousness and without consciousness there is no time, but it is not separate from consciousness’.
Yázhi: Yes. What happens is just that we do not have words to describe what “time” really is. Because the very word “time” already gets us into the concept that time governs us, that it is something apart from us.
You just have to see it as consciousness, don't think about time itself. Just watch your thoughts. You have to think one thing, then another, and I mean to think without words, only with concepts.
Then by being aware that you are, that you have a thought, that you are that thought, you will see that there is a linearity in them. This is your time. Without it you would not have the experience of thinking an idea, even with concepts.
Then you go into meditation. And as many say, it is difficult to silence the mind. As the Buddhists say, the mind is the scandalous monkey that like all good monkeys only wants to attract attention while you are trying to be at peace.
But let's say we remove the monkey. We go into “deep” meditation. Space without time, from the point of view of your exterior, but still there you are in your own space time. That is why it does not correspond in perception with the outside, because in deep meditation you can go 4 hours, or more, or even 30 minutes, in an instant.
Contrary to if you spend that time standing in a city corner. You are in your own space-time. And if you keep moving in that direction then you will have an extra corporeal experience, in the “astral”. But keep going and you will realize that everything is the astral. And there you can see that time is only tied to you. And only you. And it is only apparently the same, by agreements with others.
Robert: Yes. But that deep meditation is still linked to a "time" depending on your consciousness. Is there an evolutionary state of consciousness as such?
Yázhi: Yes, where you are only existing in meditation. Only in the astral. It is when you realize that you are a being of light, although I do not like labels. And as a being of light you can imagine whatever you want, and that is reality for you, and it is because there is no objective reality as such outside of you.
Robert: Does the being of light still have the concept of “time”?
Yázhi: Yes, but his own, just to know that he exists. By being aware of his own existence.
Time is the last expression of duality, the last to disappear on the “way” back to Source, to be the whole. You remove time and only you remain, without self-awareness. Because time is your self-awareness.
People hate time, “it's never enough”, “how quickly my days go by”, “how short life is”… they say. Others say that time is your companion that accompanies you on your journey through life. Time is only you. What happens in it, in your perception of personal time, is only the most faithful and accurate reflection of who you are. Time is you.
Robert: You don't contradict yourself in anything.
Yázhi: No, yes I contradict myself a lot. And sometimes on purpose. Because even contradictions are valid and hold truths. Very few people can think in concepts. Socrates used to say (not Eleonor Roosevelt as others say):
“Weak minds discuss people, average minds discuss events, and strong minds discuss ideas.” - Socrates
And I add that the strongest minds can discuss and think in multiple layers of ideas even in contradiction and put everything together in one mass of logic and from there to discuss and think about concepts from multiple angles, contradictory points of view or not, and with that, a whole universe can be formed in your head, like playing chess with an infinite number of levels, whatever you want.
Robert: Yes. You also said that gravity is consciousness too. And is it also time? Gravity is the product of consciousness - “time”.
Yázhi: It is your attention, where you are directing it. Let’s say that hard matter is liquid water, and gravity is water in vapor being pushed in a flow or direction, “flux”, which with the right conditions, like glass, will condense into water.
So gravity is a flow of potential energy in a very high vibratory state that are the thoughts of a consciousness that will later materialize in some object.
So you are also generating gravity. And you direct it to where you are thinking. So a large object like a planet does not generate gravity by having a mass as human science states. But rather, the reason why so much gravity is concentrated at that point in space is why that planet is manifesting there. Gravity generates the planet, not the other way around.
Gravity being a flow, flux, yes, it is tied to the perception of time of the consciousness that generates it.
Robert: You said: “You cannot think, have self-awareness, without frameworks or mental concepts. And it is these concepts, what you're ordering with your mind, what gives you the sensation of time.”
So those “reels of film” that are given life-movement by a consciousness-observer would be disordered at first, not ordered from a “beginning-end” but would be disordered, and it is YOU who with your thoughts and frames of reference and concepts would order them? And that is what gives you the feeling of time. But you would go ordering them with multiple endings, beginning, outcomes etc., etc. Yes?
Yázhi: Yes. You explain it well. Yes, because you are consciously ordering your thoughts. This one, then another, and yet another doesn't follow but after those other two. So you are generating them as thoughts to which you give order as you say, in a sequence that corresponds a criterion of ideas that you have or have developed. And that’s another way of explaining the inexplicable, time.
Robert: Do you give them order according to timelines?
Yázhi: You can say that yes, but for me they are more the consequence of ideas you have about how things are at all times. How you should look, how you should dress. However, these thoughts are not only yours, many times they are mostly of other people, they come from the field of collective consciousness where you are.
So you will have the feeling of being a slave or victim of time, because it is the average of those around you, and they have a strong influence on you, but this is because you have agreed to be part of that Matrix of perception that generates collective time. But even so, the time in a collective is always individual. It is only apparently the same, but never the same.
Robert: So that´s why you can make yourself older and smaller? Because you master that right?
Yázhi: Yes, because they will see me here, but I’m still in the astral. That is why I say that technically I am not “alive”. I don't follow linearity like the others. I’m only a girl because I decided to be so. I am not a part of collective agreements, I have my own.
Robert: Yes. Interesting.
Yázhi: I am the baby, I am the girl, I am the grandmother and I am the ancient one. And so I am at will, which is why many people report having seen me as an adult at times. But that’s what I do, because I operate from outside agreements. My body only reflects my mind, as it happens with you too and with everyone.
Robert: The collective unconscious doesn’t affect you, exactly. You are not conditioned.
Yázhi: And it doesn’t affect me because I see it, I observe it, I dissect it, I know what it is and why it is. It does not affect me, because I see that they are only ideas.
Robert: Interesting that you can make the collective unconscious not affect you.
So what you think will dictate what “time” is? Example: Negative thoughts delay time? And the positives shrink it? What thoughts affect the perception of time and consciousness the most and why does that happen?
Yázhi: Time does not work independently because it does not exist, it is again an idea that arises from a consciousness that tries to explain why it is self conscious.
It is not about which ones stretch or contract time, whether they are positive or negative thoughts. It´s not that easy. But some can be perceived as such, for example watching a good movie makes time pass very quickly in your perception. But waiting for a bus that never arrives, in the rain in the cold, makes the perception lengthen.
But again it is letting oneself be taken away by a collective perception, by the soup of perceptions of the points of attention-consciousness in the collective. Of the collective. Because you could control it in the same way, being that they are positive or negative thoughts, since they are only positive or negative in context to something else. Which is again just ideas.
Whether or not they suit you, for example, those thoughts. So this way yes, we could say that from your specific point of view, having positive thoughts and being in extreme happiness will always allow you to accelerate the perception of time, which in turn will allow you to once again have the feeling that your time has run out. Unless you live in a context without external frames of reference, such as living in a society that has a collective.
But you can be in happiness and in a state of contemplation simultaneously. With that, slowing down perception at will. And I have done this because I have had extreme practice with it.
And if your mind can handle perception being expanded, you can perceive time in multiple directions of flow, not just forward.
Robert: In this "3D"?
Yázhi: Density is your mind, it doesn’t matter where your body is, because either way you have a body in other densities, because there is no body, it’s just your ideas.
Robert: Ok. You said: So the more things I know, the more I reflect them in my outer world. Ok, but the more things I know, it would be to reach a state of mind that we could call, to understand each other, a “D”. So having a state of mind due to the limitation of knowing more things and reflecting them in my outer world… would living in this 3D “limit” us in some way to live time in only one direction? Because we are living all of this according to our perception and understanding.
Yázhi: You are limited living in the so-called "3D" only because you consciously and unconsciously agree for it to affect you. But it does not have to affect you if you get out of those agreements. I, for example, am within the collective spatial-temporal perception of the Taygetans, however I continue to do whatever I want with time and space. Because I do not “agree” with perceiving reality as they do.
Robert: You said: "And it will only be reverse or to the sides in reference to something else that you as an observer give it." Can the effects happen to me consciously before the causes?
Yázhi: Again, it is a question of the point of view from where you want to answer this question.
Remember that with me you will never have a single response but a whole building of responses, each floor with a different one. Each floor a point of view, a world, a Matrix of agreements, they change, contradict each other, but in the end they are the whole. I have no unique answers. My mind doesn’t work like that.
Robert: Are there degrees of consciousness? Or levels of consciousness? From what you say I think so. But why are some consciousnesses more “evolved” than others or it´s not so?
Yazhi: Seen from the Matrix or group of 3D agreements, for lack of better names, because I do not accept the existence of densities as such, or from other low “density” such as the 5D, yes there are degrees of consciousness or spiritual progression.
From the higher point of view, closer to the absolute, one just is and it is only one grade of total consciousness, the Source. The one that understands and includes everything. And the degrees of consciousness are only the result of self-imposed limitations of that Whole. What would be a point of attention-consciousness called person, since I no longer like the word soul. And a degree of consciousness is a self-contained point of attention with self-imposed limits, by the attachments of perception that, that person has.
That is to say, attachments to ideas are what limit, define and create a point of attention, consciousness, which is a person, which is a “soul”, and in turn it is a timeline, a density and a degree of spiritual progression, for each person-point-of-attention-consciousness-soul. That is what a person is. The Whole having ideas and attachments to these ideas.
Robert: You say “in reference to something else”, and that depends on what I think or what I might think depending on my consciousness... and the more things I know that is what will create my reality that I will reflect in my external world because it is my reflection, and with it I will be able to have the perceptual direction of the time I want, correct?
Yázhi: Basically yes, the more awareness you have in general, the more you understand about what the world is, the one that is perceived as exterior to you. And by understanding more, then the unexplained things or the things that were not even known to be there but always were there, will begin to be seen, understood, and their relationship with everything else. And it is from that point where it begins to be seen, in the same daily life, that one can have several directions of flow in time.
Swaruu said that the densities had nothing to do with the dimensions. I say that the higher the density, the greater consciousness, the more dimensions are understood, and seen.
On Earth it is said that there are 3 dimensions of Space and one of Time. This defines very well the 3D Matrix, its scientists, its values and limitations as a culture.
In other advanced races outside in the Cosmos it is understood that there are 3 dimensions in Space and 3 in Time.
Since there are 3 dimensions in Space that are represented by the axes, X, Y, Z.
And 3 dimensions in Time as well. Represented in the same way, where it can be seen that the temporal arrow is not perceived as flowing in only one direction, according to the differences of each person-point-of-attention-consciousness-soul observer.
3D: 3 dimensions in Space and 1 in Time
5D: 3 dimensions in Space and 3 dimensions in Time.
Huge difference. And it is what I have been explaining here.
But 3D dimensions in Space and 3 dimensions in Time, that is also a limitation of socially acceptable context by advanced interstellar races. Another belief system. More attachments to systems and mathematical models. More expanded than in 3D but still a “box”, limitation.
Because by accumulating more awareness and more insight and wisdom, accepting new mental models, new concepts, which do not replace old ones but that enrich creating more steps, more “floors” in our building of perceptual consciousness, one starts to perceive that time and space have more dimensions, to infinity.
So if we can represent the perception of time in a more basic way in 3D as a simple forward arrow, immovable and inflexible, in 5D time could be represented as a sphere expanding in all directions. Which we can also represent mathematically for this example as a cube X, Y, Z.
But as we have more awareness, the greater the ability to observe connections and to understand cause and effect. Suddenly seeing time as: (image). *Images not supported*
Or more and more complicated the more we grow. To the degree that space and time become an ultra-complex geometric object where you realize that every observable point in time is intertwined and interconnected with the others, nothing is isolated. That everything interferes with everything. That what is thought in Aldebaran reflects in Centauri. And so on everywhere.
As it increases even more, it is perceived as a single mass. Not even as interconnected points in a cosmic space-time cobweb that encompasses everything, but a solid, massive, endless geometric “object” that covers everything. The All, the Source.
The Ether from which emerges what is perceived as isolated things from an observation point of view of duality. That something is different from something else. At this point there is no longer duality. Only the All, the Source, the incomprehensible, immeasurable, eternal Ether, which has no limits, which never began and will never end.
Robert: Thank you. It is clear that soul is not the correct word. It is rather a “point of attention consciousness with self-imposed limits by attachments.” It is well understood.
Yázhi: Yes, exactly. Just that it is not a word, it is a description but “soul” does not serve us here because it confers loaded concepts that do not correspond to what I want to say or explain here. Because a “soul” is not a “thing” that is floating around and is from God as they say, and which is the “astral body”, as others say. That for me is just another body. Ghosts, spirits, astral body, all these are bodies, therefore something and not the other. And I also said, formed by ideas.
And answering the unasked question: I develop this using only mind, and I do not advise the use of drugs. Because I know that for many people what I say sounds like an acid trip, but it only reflects the narrowness of their minds.
Robert: You don't need them. I imagine that here they do it to somehow potentiate “their consciousness.” I don´t know.
Yázhi: It opens them to perceive things that are outside their normal perception range. But since they got there artificially, they don’t understand, nor can they handle it. They are not prepared. And they get hurt.
Robert: Exactly. They got there artificially and they see it all in a chaotic, psychedelic and messy way. Without apparent sense.
Yázhi: Beside that, they are overloading the body, the neural networks and their neurotransmitters. Causing permanent damage, although sometimes not noticed, but it is there. And taking away the possibility of developing those skills naturally.
My abilities do not come from controlling the matter of my body. Rather, I operate from the outside, from higher densities where I perceive myself as energy, and from there by understanding the most basic densities, so I form an apparently physical body to interact with all of you. But I am not physical. I just appear to be.
But: You must understand that this is what you do too. With a sufficiently evolved and powerful mind, you bend space time at your convenience and whenever you want. Space and Time are the same again. Inseparable. Ideas in a mind.
Video URL: https://youtu.be/2DRZpgfUACg
In this live we talk about the Hayu Marca gate or the 'Gate of the Gods', what it really was and who built it. We also talked about elongated skulls.
LIVE WITH CRISTINA & ESTEL·LA Estel·la.- Hello everyone. Welcome to Pleiadian Knowledge.
Cristina.- Today we have prepared information from Yázhi Swarúu about the door of Hayu Marca, also known as the door of the gods in Peru. We will also talk a little about Homo Capensis.
Cristina.- The door of the gods or Hayu Marca door, for those people who do not know what it is, I imagine that it is, because it is a quite important or quite famous monument especially in the world of mystery, the door is called Aramu Muru, and it is located in the Hayu Marca mountains in Peru, near the city of Puno and in the vicinity of Lake Titicaca, you already know that this lake has a lot of mystery too, apart from the fact that it has ruins of a (submerged) city inside from the lake. Before starting with the information from Yázhi, I tell you that this famous stone door has many legends and the natives of the area say that it is the door to the land of the gods. There are many legends that say that one day it will open and that the creator gods of humanity will return. Also, they say that many people, or many heroes crossed this door in the past to this land of the gods, and once they crossed this door they enjoyed a prosperous and glorious immortal life. Also, there is a well-known legend during the time of the Spanish conquest about an Inca priest named Amaru Muru from the Temple of the Seven Rays, who fled from his temple with a sacred disc known as the key to the gods of the Seven Rays. This priest hid in the mountains of Hayu, fearing that the Spanish would take this key from him. He hid to protect himself from the Spanish who came there. Later this priest came to the door of the gods, to this door of Hayu Marca, and showed this key to several priests or shamans in the area, and after they performed a ritual it is said that this door was opened with a kind of blue light or blue halo that came out of it and the priest Amaru Muru gave the golden disk to one of the shamans, and he entered this door and was never seen again. If you have seen the documentaries: "Ancient Aliens," there are some researchers who say that a kind of circular depression has been found on the door that is next to the door, where it is believed that some object in the shape of a small disk. So there are many stories about this door. We were very interested. Let's start with the questions we asked Yázhi about this.
Estel·la.- As Cristina has commented before, this information is from Yázhi. It's a conversation we had with her. We asked her: Do you know what the door of Hayu Marca or the Door of the Gods in Peru was?
She answered: “Yes, it is the one carved out of rock. When portals are being used to enter the Earth from wherever, sometimes, it already remains as a preferential place because of the energy of the place, Planetary Ley lines that make a portal more efficient and stable. So, such a door is restored or made to indicate such a place. But this is more than anything from the point of view of the local people because technologically it is not necessary. But, in short, that door is a portal, exit and entrance. Before it was very much in use. So much traffic of people passing by that they even ended up making a door in the rock to mark the exact place. There is no reason why it should not open again today. So it at least has active potential."
We asked her : And by what races was the portal mainly used at that time?
And Yázhi told us: “The Homo Capensis, or Elohi, were considered gods for that region. They are descendants of the star Asterope in M45 in the Pleiades."
Cristina asked her: Who built that door? Was it the Elohi?
Yázhi told us: “The technology there indicates that it was not sculpted by villagers. I do not have the specific data, but the most probable, overwhelmingly more probable, is that it was the Elohi."
Cristina.- Here we ask: So, this was after Atlantis?
And Yázhi answers us: “Most likely it was contemporary to Atlantis. As a general rule, all these constructions are much older than what terrestrial science calculates."
And here we ask her: Did the Elohi collaborate with the Atlanteans or were they independent?
Yázhi said: “Yes, probably, and they interacted because Atlantis was cosmopolitan with many races and a lot of politics there. Sometimes they did collaborate, sometimes they didn't, it depends on the historical moment."
Here I asked Yázhi: I imagined that Atlantis was like the reptiles, and the Elohi as more positive in this sense. I did not imagine that they were in any way collaborating or interacting with the reptiles of Atlantis.
And Yázhi said: “Yes, or imagine a city with many races with reptiles in the Regional Government. Yes, more like positives."
So, we ask her: When did the Elohi come to Earth?
And Yázhi told us: “Elohi, between the year 10,000 to about 1,000 BC, and almost to the present day in an orbital form without bases. They are not currently in Earth orbit ."
Here she explained a little more about Homo Capensis or Elohi. “They are cataloged as Homo Capensis, and are mostly known on Earth as Elohi / not Elohím, originating mainly from the star Asterope. DNA not compatible with humans."
Here we ask: Are the Elohi Lyrian?
And Yázhi told us: “They are a hybrid mixture with a conglomerate of other races. On Earth as such they are not genetically compatible. Although, contradicting the latter with altered DNA surely by the degradation process when exposed to a lower frequency of 3D there are indications that some families of the so-called human elite have Homo Capensis DNA."
And about the Homo Capensis, as you know, many skulls of them have been found, we have information that we have already shared on the channel in the video of the Taygeta series, I think it is video 2, where we talk about the Taygetean brain, and simply remind you that Anéeka had commented to us.
“Homo Capensis have a unified brain, but a lot of corpus callosum, low density as I said, and this means that the bone plates of the skull differ from the human one. The main bony cranioencephalic cleft is missing. That is a unified brain landmark in contrast to the junction of three points, which are found on the upper wall of the human skull. Also, they contain more cranioencephalic fluid and brain support fibers which are the structures that hold the brain in place which makes them shock resistant as if they were wearing an integrated motorcycle helmet. So what I mean is, Homo Capensis in a competition of intellect have no advantage against someone with a round skull like a lyrian. They are not the invincible great geniuses that they appear to be, it is just a variant more inclined towards protection. In the case of Homo Capensis, today the Elohi, are not directly linked to us. That is, they are distant relatives of Lyrans. As you may have noticed in space outside the Earth there are beings that range from exactly like humans, to others that look alike outside, but not inside, and all sorts of variants, from equal to very different and every point in between. I speak of thousands and thousands of races. So they fall on the scale of less similarity with humans."
If you are interested in knowing more about the subject of the brain, you can watch this video that is very interesting. Besides, Anéeka also talks to us about the Ummites. It even makes some reference to the Urmah, too.
Estel·la.- So, here Yázhi continued to explain to us about these families with the DNA of the Homo Capensis.
And she told us: “This is partly why they believe they are the owners of the world since their genetic lineage goes as far back as Sumeria and there are two main points or populations of Homo Capensis on Earth. Peru concentration and Egypt concentration, but in the same species. Although, they are found elsewhere, such as in the Carpathian mountains. If you want to see evidence of aliens, it is the presence of Homo Capensis on Earth that has proven that the skulls were not elongated by splinting baby skulls. If this happened in the region, it is to make their children look like these beings. Although, blind earth science does not accept anything that does not interest or suit its controllers. And also, unborn fetuses with elongated skulls were found."
Here Cristina was commenting to Yázhi that we already knew these skulls and that apart from not presenting the typical joints of a human skull they were larger, but with more cubic centimeters than a human skull, which is impossible to achieve for the simple fact to lengthen it externally. You can't get it to increase in size that way. So, here we were curious because Yázhi was telling us that these people maintain these genetics, we asked her: Is this related to one of Hitler's intentions to maintain the genetic purity of the Aryan race?
And Yázhi explained to us: “This part corresponds to another race in general. Maintaining the purity of the Aryan race is keeping the genes of Ireland pure, which is the starting point of today's civilization on Earth since Ireland was where the survivors of Atlantis arrived. So, they maintain genetically their etheric compatibility with being Organic Portals for reptilian souls."
So, this is what we had in store for you today. What do you think? Did you know this information?
Cristina.- A follower says: "Does anyone remember the series "Coneheads"? They were Homo Capensis." Yes. I do remember this series. It is not very old, but it does seem as if they were inspired by Homo Capensis.
Estel·la.- I did not know that.
Cristina.- This series is very very old. Very interesting, says a follower.
Estel·la.- A follower says: "The Mayans also deformed their skulls to resemble their leaders." I think that in this area it was something quite common, or at least our science, our history presents it to us like this.
Cristina.- A follower says: "Akhenaten and Nefertiti, were they Homo Capensis?" Akhenaten, if I remember correctly, was Homo Capensi. Nefertiti, I think not.
Estel·la.- A follower says: "It is from this, my country, the door of Hayu Marca in Puno, Peru." Well, then you are in a beautiful country, because I'm going to tell you that I was in Peru traveling a few years ago and I loved it, I fell in love with everything I saw, and I only saw half the country, half to the south. It was amazing, I really liked it. I must say that I was also at the Gate of the Gods, the gate of Hayu Marca. It was very interesting, very interesting. I really liked all the space and in fact when I got there there was no one. Although, it is a very touristy place, quite advertised because it is known around the world, but I got there and there was no one. I knew these stories that we told you at the beginning, so I decided to do a meditation in front of the door, I sat there right in front of it and did a meditation to see what I feel or what energy is in the place. I must say that while I was meditating a being appeared to me, and suddenly I felt as if I was immersed in an energy that was surrounding me, and a being appeared that was like with a lot of light, I would say that it was like a man because it was very big, and as if he had a beard or hair so white that he invited me to go through the portal, and at that moment a part of me really wanted to try it, but the other part was very scared because I thought what if I cross the portal and my body is left there unattended? thinking what could happen. Then fear entered me, I blocked myself and I came out of meditation a little out of place, saying to myself: I am here… I am here. But the truth is that it was a very strong experience because I have rarely felt things like that and it was very interesting. That place definitely had a special energy. In fact, I think I have some images around here. Have if I find them...
Cristina.- A follower says: "In the Sierra de Peru there is a lot of UFO movement."
Estel·la.- Yes. The truth is that in Lake Titicaca. There are also many stories of natives who previously saw many lights in the water and that it was normal for them. It was also like a transit area, where ships were leaving. Very interesting, the truth is that all of Peru is very, very interesting.
Cristina.- A follower says: "A month ago more elongated skulls were found in the mountains in Peru." I do think I saw something about this too.
Estel·la.- I'm going to show you the photos of the place for people who are not from there in Peru and have not been to see what it is like. This is when I was at the door, which is truly huge. And you can see that it is carved with perfection ... And, in fact ... you can't see the image, but in the small carved door there was a carved circle in the middle, like a hole, it was like a space towards the stone. Very big and imposing.
But what caught my attention of the place that surrounded this was the type of mountains because I kind of got there and it was a normal landscape, but then you found these mountains that were like rocks as if they came out of nowhere, like quite parallel to each other, one next to the other and it is as if they are placed there out of nowhere. I was walking there talking like above these mountains and with some stairs right in the middle.
This is how it looked. I do not know if you see these stones, it is like they do not fit at all with the background landscape that they look like more normal mountains then the water was also close. It seemed super curious to me. In addition, they had a reddish color and just as a curious fact I wanted to share this with you. The truth is that it was very beautiful, and it did have a very strong energy.
A follower says: "I am in Peru and I have had the opportunity to see and hold in my hands this type of elongated skull and it is evident that they are not human."
I must also say that while I was there I met a man who was an anthropologist or archaeologist, and he explained to me that they had discovered new elongated skulls, but that they did not want to make it official and that the government of Peru did not want to allow them to be studied. This man was showing me the images and he said to me: Yes, yes ... it has to be an extraterrestrial presence. And it showed me like I only had three fingers, and that they had found other bones nearby. Very interesting to see that the people there were very open to all this.
Cristina.- A follower says: They will be stone architectural structures already worn by air and time. Right. They are already very deteriorated, but even so with the amount of years that these structures have, the perfection of the cut is incredible. I also saw some ancient investigations that had looked to see how both the Hayu Marca gate and the Puerta del Sol had been cut. The blocks of the pyramids of Giza or whatever, and the only thing that resembled the cut a little bit was a laser and not even that. And it was explained by Yázhi and Anéeka that they are actually cut with compressed sound or water saws.
Estel·la.- The thing is, it reminded me, for people who are from Spain, from Catalonia to the mountain of Montserrat. That mountain is like that also, like it stands out because there is nothing like it around it, and this place reminded me of precisely this. In addition, in the last live we were with Robert, we were commenting that there were beings living under Montserrat because in these mountains where the door is and a Hayu Marca also, there were caves, and in one of them I was exploring, and yes there were also legends that you could enter one of these caves and that they were huge puzzles that were connected by immense surfaces. I did not dare to go in because it was super dark, but they did look like cavities, they are covered, but there is a lot of mystery there.
Cristina.- A follower says: "The hats of the pharaohs and that of the popes in the Vatican would hide those skulls." Yes, many things that the elite use are symbols and refer to many things, but as Yázhi explained, the area of Egypt was also an area where there was a lot of Homo Capensis there. So it may be related, it's not that they will be wearing that hat, but that the skull was actually elongated.
A follower says: "Do you know where that portal goes?" Well, if I remember correctly, Yázhi told us that it depends on the technology that is used, because as you already know that it has already been shared how the portals work, and how they are opened, in reality technology is needed to do it, and the same machine is that which graduates frequencies based on where you want to go. Simply what we understood here is that right where the door of Hayu Marca is, it is an important energy point on Earth, and that makes it easier for the portals to function well. So, it was simply a site that was used a lot as a portal, I suppose to go to different places where the races that used it wanted, and it remained there as a place that was a good place. Here, I don't know if it has something to do with it, but I imagine how when you have mobile coverage, you are in a place with little coverage and you are looking for the best point where there is coverage and there you are going to make calls or send the messages because you know that there it is not going to be interrupted, because I imagine that they are Ley lines when it comes to portals because it must be the same. But it's just my opinion here.
Estel·la.- A follower says: "Was Atlantean society reptilian or did I misunderstand?" Greetings. In Atlantis there were many civilizations. It was a conglomeration of different races, but it is true that there was quite a bit of reptilian dominance.
Cristina.- Yes, the reptiles used to be in the governments, but later in the cities there were many races that each with their own interests interacting or collaborating together, or whatever.
Estel·la.- A follower says: "Could Yázhi psychically see where the portal is going without technology?" Surely yes. I think I could have seen it too, but I didn't dare to go in. There are stories of people who are walking through the mountains and suddenly reach the past or the future and they have crossed one of these natural portals that is open in that area, and if you are compatible then you transfer through it. So, it can be done this way or it can be opened technologically and through the frequencies you decide where to go.
Cristina.- A follower says: "I think the Homo Capensis are from somewhere in the Pleiades." Yes, Homo Capensis are Pleiadians, mainly from the star Asterope.
A follower says: "There are good and bad reptiles, watch out for them." Yes, and as you know the Alpha Dracos that are in orbit are positive. And of course there are good reptiles. In addition, you already know that not all are reptiles, but that some are like mammals too, although they have a reptilian appearance. But sometimes when it is spoken in this way, it is simply referring to frequencies of the race. That is to say, that some reptilian races that we have here on Earth that are considered negative, already in itself the beings that incarnate in this species of race already have a specific frequency, that is why it is said that they are usually regressive or negative because generally that race frequency is low. Although there will be some that are not so or are not, but the race already has a tendency to that frequency.
Estel·la.- A follower says: "Girls, were these races also in Antarctica?"
About Antarctica, Anéeka told us that there was a reptile presence, a Maitre presence. I don't remember what other races she named now, but there were quite a few extraterrestrial races there with their DUMBS and their bases and it was a place, apart from living with the terrestrial military of regressive races.
Cristina.- But under Antarctica there are also the Vulcans, who as you know are a positive Intraterrestrial race, and the last thing we knew from Yázhi is that they had problems with reptiles.
Estel·la.- A follower says: "Karen Hudes, a former World Bank advisor, was already talking about Homo Capensis." Yes, in fact, we recommend a video that we have on the channel called: "Illuminati Symbology and its Meaning," where we talk a little more about the Homo Capensis, the eye of Horus, and about the worship of the cube, and there is nformation about Karen Hudes.
Cristina.- A follower says: "And, also, Dracos there in Antarctica. There are many regressive things there."
A follower says: "The Rothschilds were Homo Capensis."
The Rothschilds are not Homo Capensis, but rather have Homo Capensis genes. That is to say, some families of the elite are crosses between what would be the human race, what we know as Homo Sapiens Sapiens, crossing with Homo Capensis. As Yázhi and Anéeka has also said that they are not compatible with human DNA, that is, there can be no descendants between us and them, but it may be that it was the fact that they were down here with 3D frequencies, and you already know that the DNA also changes, it may be that at some point there were crosses between both races, and hence there are some elite families that genetically conserve these Homo Capensis genes, but it is not that they are Homo Capensis, but that they are like descendants. Question from a follower: "Are Homo Capensis regressive?" Not at the beginning. They are positive, but Anéeka had told us that she did not share much what they did and that they had a slightly strange way of acting. A follower says: "Girls, do you know if the keys that they hid to protect them have already been found or are they in a museum? Thanks, excellent direct. A hug." Well, we haven't asked about this. We do not know.
Estel·la.- No, and in fact, you commented that there was talk of a gold disc for accessing the portal.
Cristina.- Yes, a key to access the portal.Estel·la.- As always, the information reaches us as half and distorted. Possibly the key was not a disk, but a technological tool to gain access, but the truth is that we did not ask.
Cristina.- Yes. It seems to be like opening the portal, I think.
Estel·la.- A follower says: "Do Homo Capensis have seeds?" We do not know if they have seeds here, on Earth or not, but what Yázhi told us is that they are not currently in Earth orbit. So, I imagine that if they are not present here it is because they do not have seeds.
Cristina.- A follower says: "Are the elongated crystal skulls found around the world theirs?" We haven't asked about crystal skulls. Also an interesting question.
A follower says: "As far as I understand, this disc is in the depths of Lake Titicaca." I do not know, but if it is there and it is something important, surely they have already confiscated it because they leave nothing behind.
A follower says: "About the Chupacabra?" Well, we know that the Chupacabra is an inter-dimensional animal, and I think it looks like some kind of bear or something like that. Do you remember anything else Estel·la?
Estel·la.- Of the Chupacabra exactly, no. Because I do not like it. I remember more about the Yeti, for example, or about gargoyles, but not much about Chupa Cabras.
Cristina.- I don't remember much, but I think an inter-dimensional animal was good, but I don't know if it looked like a bear and I think it inhabited caves or something like that. Who has more information about the Chupacabra is Robert. He has asked about this.
Estel·la.- A follower says: "Is there life inside the Earth? Other civilizations? Greetings from Ecuador."
Cristina.- We have a small video pending to do. I guess we'll do it in the next few weeks, on information also from Yázhi about the interior of the Earth. Very interesting, too. It is not much, but there is very interesting data.
Estel·la.- A follower says: "They say it is similar to an anteater, the goat sucker, I imagine." Cristina.- It could be.Estel·la.- We will ask Robert. He did ask.
Cristina.- A follower says: "On the mountain of Montserrat there are very sporadic sightings." Yes, it is what we talked about in the previous live where Robert was guest. Montserrat Mountain is something special, too.
Estel·la.- Do you have any more questions on this subject?
Cristina.- A follower says: "Estel·la, you had the key in your hand. They invited you to go through the portal."
Estel·la.- Yes, it's true. It is that I felt that I could cross it. I was very little, but I was scared. But I did feel that I was open, and that I was being invited in.
Cristina.- A follower says: There is talk about the solar disk that Aramu Muru carried, and that he fled through the portal to hide it. It is not the small key disk, but it is another. One of the many solar discs that exist. We have not investigated in depth about these "legends" that, we already know that part of the truth is hidden there. But it is possible that the most logical thing is that he will take it with him, if he really wanted to hide it.
Estel·la.- A follower says: "Is the Homo Capensis race similar or the same as it was in the Mayan civilization, as well as beings from the Maya star, or are they different?" The Mayan civilization are from the Maya star. If the Homo Capensis and the Mayans coexisted or not at that time, I personally do not know. But I think they are not similar in race because they are from two different stars and different cultures.
Cristina.- Yes, the Maya of the Maya star, I think the Mollusca are also there in the Maya star, if I remember correctly. I think Maya and Atlas, too. But the Mayans do not have an elongated skull, they are like reddish skin, very like the Maya we know here, but I think a little bigger, taller.
Estel·la.- A follower says: "Piatiti, an underground city in the Peruvian jungle, sheltered many of the treasures of the Inca culture."
Cristina.- "A follower says: It is understood that the portal is open and depending on the frequency they will be able to cross." Yes. I imagine that at the level of Being there is a strong energy that is prone to you being able to cross the portal, but I imagine that at the physical level, technology is required.
Estel·la.- Well, we're going to finish this live show. Thank you very much to all. Thanks for your participation and questions and we will see each other * * *
Video URL: https://youtu.be/HkiH4Ro_PaM
I will analyze an article in which several things are commented on the subject of the extraterrestrial phenomenon. We extract the information and teaching from Robert's Direct, sticking to what is pure disclosure. In this transcript, the greetings to the attendees and some non-relevant questions on the subject are ignored. - Toni Ruiz.
ROBERT, PRESENTATION Hello, friends? Welcome once again to the Cosmic Revelation Starseeds channel. Today's live is to chat with the fans, with the “friends.” You already know that social networks are not there to make friends, but hey, I have put "friends"... I'm here to talk with you and have a happy Monday afternoon, and that's it. I am very transparent, you see...
We are going to greet people... (Robert greets several people and lists various statistics of this channel, countries, gender, age group, etc.) The other day Gosia did a liveshow, with whom I get along very well. Rumors have come out that we are fighting, or something, or if this is a competition... No, I do not compete, precisely today I made a voice recording for the video that is going to be uploaded about Yázhi's conversation about Time, that Time is not something external to you, but something of your own, so... There is no strange story, I mean... it's amazing! Then you have no choice but to get away from people, because some amazing stories are invented, you cannot imagine them.
I have my way of speaking and expressing myself, and… I don't know, I don't know… People speak and express themselves in many ways. Like other people, my way of speaking may seem very harsh (makes a surprised gesture), but when I was in Barcelona everyone spoke like that, I can seem harsh (smiles), but everyone talks like that, it's just that I do not get it. There are also people who say: But hey, why don't you do a gathering or something? Let's see, Gosia is working up to here, working (he puts his right hand to his head), and I'm up to here too. It would be necessary to look for some moment, but the thing is …
We are up to here on work. We are making videos, videos and videos… By the way I have to empty my computer because I have it full, the videos that I make take up a lot of space on the harddisk, a lot of space, because they are not just images, they are videos with videos included, And it's mind-boggling how much space all of this takes up. (Robert reads the names of some of the chat participants and continues)
The only thing that Gosia knew our friend Matías and it is logical… Oysters! Let's see if you know someone and you like it, it is logical that you are going to live with him, it is logical, right? So she and Matías decided to move in together, so, of course, her house is not here next door and that is a bummer, you have to go far
...Let's see, for example, here in Finland the houses are very good and they are very nice. You find things at very good prices, and I'll tell you about the area I know. In Catalonia (Spain) houses at the price of the ones here I have not seen. Not even in ruins I have seen them at this price here. It's another story... I like this here, it's very beautiful, the air is very fresh, now the sun is starting to rise, but the air is fresh, it's amazing. Another person asked me how much fluoride is in the water (Robert pours a glass of water from a jug) I don't know, I don't know, but I think not much, if it doesn't take anything, because I think In Europe there are countries that do not add fluoride to their water. Ay! They do not add fluoride, there are people here who take the water directly from the spring, what happens is that they have not told me where this spring is, but what they have told me is that if you go to that spring the water will always go to look there, and obviously no one puts fluoride in that spring. There is water everywhere here.
(Robert looks back at the chat and again provides statistical data of the videos uploaded on this channel) A follower asks, are the children born now seeds?
Robert.- As it happens, I've seen a video out there, I'm not going to say who, who talked about how children who were born now were something strange, let's see what the question says? I think so, all of them? I would say yes, yes, yes... I am not against anyone, I think so, do I have evidence? No, but I think so, and it is true that since I don't know what year... that is, as far as I know there have been three waves of seeds, three. The last one was the strongest of all, that's true, yes, yes, yes. And now these that are born now, are they another wave or are they from the last? I don't know, but there are more and more yes. Yes that is true, what does the future hold for them? The future for these children is what the parents do. If parents delegate everything to politicians, what we can do is turn off the lights at the beach bar and let's go. So let's see what the parents do, if the parents are under the fig tree, the future for those starseeds will be blacker than... It will be black. But I say yes. Yes, you have to be very brave to embody now, I mean it. (Responds to a follower) I wouldn't like to make a child at all, not at all. Today I see very strange things, for example I have seen the video of a boy who is in Germany and explained that he had to go to cut his hair, and in Germany to enter the hairdresser he had to enter with a bracelet that lasts 24 hours and it says that he tested negative (to the bug), that he was fine and could enter, but it only lasted 24 hours, obviously for the bracelet to indicate that it has nothing you have to put the swab up your nose. Then imagine, I don't see this well. It turns out that the boy in the end has come in to cut his hair and they have not asked him, but the hairdresser has seen the bracelet and it has not passed the detector, because it has these square codes. Amazing, I don't like to talk about this topic.
(Responds to a follower) Yes of course man, fluoride is used to kill rats. When I say: does humanity have something in mind? I am serious, humanity is losing its memory, and it is based on many things, things that they "put" in the air (chemtrails, note of the t.), And things that are in the water, then this thing that they are doing it is affecting your brain, it is affecting it. People who do not have their own criteria, people who do not know how to discern things, people who believe things without analyzing them, without wondering why that person says those things and how they say them... It's amazing... I see things that you say Damn! It is very strong.
Question from a follower.- In what times did the waves come?
Robert.- If I remember correctly, I think there was one in the… they are very recent, very recent, well, very recent… I think there have been 3, the first with very few people, I don't know if it was… But let's see something , the story is that there have always been starseeds, always, as many as now? No, but they have always been there. I don't know if the first one was in the 70s or 80s, then, I think there is another, I don't know when, I have it written down there, I know that there is another one that came in the year 2,000, yes it is true, in the year 2,000 , and I don't know, 3 or 4. This, I say, would be number 4, because there are already many. But hey, and so on, I don't know if you knew that there are many premature abortions today, didn't you know, right? A lot of them. So I don't know, I would have to look at it. Talk from memory and speculate, no. Ah! See how they remember. (Robert points to his screen) The first could be in 1958, but very few, that is, they entered, but few, and then little by little, yes, yes, it can be.
Comment from a follower.- Robert, people see bad vibes in others and do not realize that this disclosure is another story that has nothing to do with low vibrations.
Robert.- Exactly, we have already said it: You are the creator of your reality, and what you reflect in the external world is your internal world, that is, if you see strange things, it is because you are seeing them within yourself. There is a mirror here huh? When you start to insult, to disqualify, to lower the vibration, it is because all that is within you, that is why you should first do the internal work, and that internal work will be reflected on the outside, in the outside world.
Comment from a follower.- A woman put on the “triki, triki” (SM: sorry but I have no idea what this means, maybe code for the covid jab?), because her company… she was pregnant and the fetus died.
Robert.- Yes, it is not a good time to be born, no. And there are people who… what are we going to do, they have come to the world and we are going to see, but that it is not a good time to bring children, it is not a good time, and more with what one knows. There are many people who have children because they think like, look, what I'm going to say now is not a lie. There are people who have children, because they say, well, I'll go and leave something here on Earth. Man, well that is having a very strong attachment to the Earth, that is, I will go and leave something of mine here on Earth. Come on, you are not going to leave, you are going to dis-incarnate and you are going to reenter with that mentality again here, and calm down that you will see how you stay here. There are people who go with that mentality. If you don't have children, nothing happens, you have your star family outside. You are not your body, and biological life mostly it's out of here.
Comment from a follower.- People want to perpetuate themselves through their children.
Robert.- Yes, yes. In other words, it is amazing. Perpetuate themselves through the children, as they have the same blood or I don't know what... But if you are not this body, you are out! What a mania, what a mania... All this is instilled through the collective unconscious. This is produced by the collective unconscious.
Comment from a follower.- Fluoride, they say, calcifies the pineal gland and kills our spirituality.
Robert.- Man, I don't know if it kills spirituality, I don't know if it kills it, but what it does is that you disconnect little by little and you become a zombie, because as we said yesterday, if you leave this body, it follows us dominating, as if you were a puppet, a memory that is in the Ether, or something like that. That's what I understood yesterday, organic portal type thing. It's strong, huh?
Comment from a follower. If they come now it is because something is going to happen and they want to experience it.
Robert.- I don't know, you really have to be a masochist, what is going to happen? I don't know, I don't know what's going to happen. Is there going to be a planetary reset? I would say yes. Is it necessary for people to die for a reset? It is usually tied together, but someone does not necessarily have to die. Is there going to be a planetary ascension? I would say yes. There will be, no, in fact a planetary ascension is already being seen... I am not saying no, but who is going to notice the planetary ascension? Those who are already awake. Look closely, there are people who say that you have to go to class, you have to study! No, no, wrong! Wrong again, no, because you can go to class and not find out about anything, and you can go for 5 or 6 minutes, pick up things and you have already found out more than one who has been there all day. So it is that they take the educational system to high levels, it does not work like that. Things don't work like that outside, no, no, no. Here no one is going to examine you, the only examiner is going to be yourself. You yourself at your level of consciousness will say, because I do have the high frequency. You will decide that yourself. No one will examine you, what is that? People want to put their pedagogy and what they do not know is that they are educated in the human way, because they are human, of course, if they are human in what way will they be educated? In human form. I know there are teachers here, and well there are all kinds of teachers, but you don't stick to the script so much either. I'm not saying it because of the people who are here, I'm saying it because of what I've heard out there that is amazing.
Question.- Robert, will those who survive the reset see the Planetary Association?
Robert.- Ah! Those who survive the reset, I would say... let's see, one thing is that I see that there are things that are not understood. You are going to see what you create (to create), because you are the creator, if you let yourself be influenced by the general current, because of what there is now at a general level, I from what I see, generalizing, yes there are people who it will save from reset, yes. Are you going to see a Holographic Society? I would say that, generalizing (I am not saying it for you) there are nuances here, it is what we are saying, you have to know how to focus, how to focus, but before you focus, you have to know that this exists. The issue of ascension, obviously if you do not know anything, because you are not going to see anything, then it may be that it will drag you down by the law of the dominant frequency, it will drag you into the ravine. But there are other people who do not, who will know how to focus on other sites. What do you need to know? The basics, first: that you are the creator of all this reality. That there is no material world, everything is ideas. It is what defines a person, his ideas, not his body, his ideas. That is what defines a person. From there, that you are the creator (not Mr. Enki, I do not want problems) you have to know that the world is much more than what you perceive and see. There are many more things that you cannot see, and you do not see them because of your consciousness, because of your mental state; not knowing how to interpret many more things because you cannot reflect them in your outer world. Now that you know more things, you can reflect in the outside world a number of things that could be other points of attention. From the outside you can see all those numbers (points to the moving frames in the illustration), because now you know that they exist, and you know that they exist because you are the creator. So here what is involved is that you focus on what you want, and what do you want? Be happy, live in a better world. I don't ask for many things either: to be happy! Being happy you have everything. So focus on what you want, it can be one of those numbers. The higher your mental state, the degree of manifesting things, such as happiness, is much faster. Focus on what you want! And that's what you will get. Don't get carried away by other stories. Focus on what you want, do not get lost in... yes, but they have told me that I have to study this, this, this and this, the names of this, this and this (Robert shakes his head) ! Focus on what you want, you are the creator, focus. This is like that child who likes botany, and in class they don't stop putting mathematical formulas into him, I don't know what formulas, lets say a lot of things that have nothing to do with botany, so you leave the child behind. So here what is said is focus on what you really want to see. Stop stories, focus on what you want and that's it, it's very simple.
Comment from a follower: Be happy and vibrate high.
Robert.- Yes, yes, yes, it's very simple.
Question.- Do you know about the OPPT 1776 “One peoples public trust” To comment on it. Robert.- I don't know what that is. I'm going to find it. I do not know what it is. Are you talking about some free money? Look, about free money in Spain all the communities that have lowered (say) taxes. They say that taxes have been lowered, it would be necessary to see what communities they are, now they are asking for money from the central government of Spain. In other words, from what I see, giving money is not going to give it to anyone. And I say, why instead of giving money away, because I see that it costs to give money away, electricity, heating, internet, water are not given for free? Why not give all these things for free? Yes, yes, I say free because water, don't tell me about Chinese tales, water is something from nature... "Yes, but it has to be filtered" Yes, then don't get it dirty, I don't dirty it, I don't get dirty, like other weird stories. And how not to make the water dirty? Well, give clean energy and all those stories. So, free water, free electricity... "No, but electricity happens with..." Well, let's see, stop the stories, Chinese tales and dead children. Stop stories.
I was working in an electric company, I don't know if you knew it, for many years, and one of the things they told me is: "Don't worry, the kilowatts are produced by themselves" So who are they kidding? A bit serious right? Or let them put solar panels on the roofs of the houses, because "The money given, usually comes poisoned" (Popular saying, note from T) Remember this. Roses always have thorns (Robert laughs). They never give anything for free, never, so what I was saying is that roses always have thorns, that is, forget about them giving you something (for nothing). Nobody is going to give you anything, and least of all politicians, who are the worst reflection of society, you know. By the way, you already know that Michio Kaku says that, I don't know if he, but that his descendants had a monkey brain, I'm not saying it (I'm not insulting him), he has a monkey brain. (We also have an emotional brain, like monkeys and social animals, but we understand time in a way that the rest… Michio Kaku, T. note) Well that's fine with me.
So, if you want to give money, it is very simple, just say that people do not have to pay taxes. It is done! It is very simple. "It is not that we are asking for money from the European Economic Community to be able to defray state expenses" Good, but as we know that we, the citizens, are not going to see a penny of it (five of the old Spanish pesetas, approximately 3 €. Note from T), then let's see one thing, let's not pay taxes until all the money that the European Economic Community has given them has been spent. It is very simple, very simple.
Here in Finland they say that part of the money they contribute to the European Economic Community they say goes to Spain, this was told to me by a person, and I told him: well, this is the first news I have, it will be the secret of the politicians, I do not I knew that money from Finland was coming to Spain, first news. Awesome right? Well, he said it was going to Italy first and then to Spain (Robert laughs). Oh my God, how much chorizo for so little bread! They are not going to give anything away. Citizens have to do something else, because politicians... Forget about them. Well, about that article of the OPPT 1776 “One peoples public trust”, I read that it talks about a doctor in law and member of a scientific committee of ATTAC Spain, Juan Hernández Vigueras, who talks about a globalized financial casino. Multi-million dollar bank bailouts… I don't know, it's a video.
The biggest problem this society has is money, that's the biggest problem. No, no, citizens do not want money, and those who are economists who do not come to me with the roll, that without money it is impossible to live. That you, but ask that to those 400,000 races of human-like people that live around here, what happens that you are not going to ask because first, you do not even believe in extraterrestrial life. In other words, money is only used here on Earth! Wake up! So what you have to do is get rid of money! GET RID OF IT! Nothing happens, it's like here, at a certain time of the night there are no traffic lights, they don't work, and there are no accidents, NOT ONE! It is very simple, it is money, change of people's mentality. Not having people in a society of lack, lack, lack… I'm running out of water, I'm running out of I don't know what! Society has to give everything to you "And where do things come from?" Don't worry, they'll be out, you calm down, don't worry, what is left over is money.
When I was in Barcelona a year ago, and this is not a joke, I was walking around the city, ambulances kept passing by with their sirens on at midnight, without anyone inside, that is, come on, a state of panic Amazing. Well, I passed behind the Hospital Clínico de Barcelona, and I was surprised that there were many tables, yes, yes, in Barcelona city, many tables full of sandwiches for people to go to pick them up, full, full. Of course when you steal a lot, because the people are left with nothing. Yes, yes, they gave away food, well, I think they gave it away, I think they did give it away. But some super beastly tables for adults, in Barcelona city, we go to a movie. Forget everything they tell you about money, because this is all fraud. They are telling you, yes, yes, the money is going to come out next year, next year it will come, and then it's next year, but you keep paying the bank. To which you have not paid for three months, three months, I think, in Spain, three months, they take away your house and you are still in debt. Which they do not do here in Finland, especially in Russia.
By the way, I'm not in Siberia! They say I'm in Siberia. Here in Finland, by law, interest to the bank, if I'm not mistaken, it's 1% interest, 1% debt, not 1% debt plus interest and those stories that are made up. Here everything is very guarded. I repeat it again, this is not a corrupt country, and it shows. Here you see the snow plows, now they are removing the gravel, working at 3 in the morning everywhere, young people, they are super young, people in their 20s, it is amazing. And what I said, I'm not in Siberia. Am I in Siberia? I am not in Siberia. Well, thank you very much for being here and a big hug, I keep working, Ciao, Ciao. * * *
This information is given by women and men from the star Taygeta, in the cluster of the Pleiades. They are different conversations kept live in writing over the internet and reorganized by theme. We keep their original text without any modification.
Anéeka of Temmer: The moon is a hologram. It looks more like the following image which is CGI, but is so you get the idea.
Estel·la: And what are these images? CGI? From whom?
Аnéeka of Temmer: From what the Russians know. They are CGI, but it looks like this. And it is sad that they give you another idea, they hide the truth, because it is annoying.
Estel·la: But is that the external structure?
Аnéeka of Temmer: Yes, it has several internal levels, like an onion. Towards the centre are the life support and engineering systems with the reactor in the centre. It is a huge ship. They sell that as romantic, but it's a metal ball in disguise.
Estel·la: And why does it have that relay effect? Because of the material used?
Anéeka of Temmer: Because it has on the surface all kinds of buildings for infinite uses, as if it were an entire city that covers its surface. But they are not constructions, it is part of the "hull" of the lunar ship.
Estel·la: And what is the original name of the ship that acts as the moon?
Аnéeka of Temmer: Creiddylad.
Estel·la: Does it have any meaning? I guess it's Andromedan...
Аnéeka of Temmer: It is Andromedan, translated into phonemes. On Earth interpreted as "Welsh Goddess".
That goddess sure is connected to Diana. Wales, Ireland, and Scotland have strong links to predynastic Egypt, and to Atlantis. Hence the names. Diana is one of the names for the Moon. Creiddylad, also known as Creirddylad, Creurdilad, Creudylad or Kreiddylat, daughter of King Lludd. She is a minor character in the medieval Welsh tale; Culhwch ac Olwen. The oldest Arthurian tale.
Diana: Roman Goddess of the Moon.
Cristina: Is it true that the moon is moving away from the Earth every year? Who controls the lunar orbit?
Yázhi Swarúu: Yes it is true or in appearance, it is a ship, it happens as with all ships, you have to correct orbit every so often or it falls to Earth or moves away. The lunar orbit is under the control of the Federation, on the part of the Arcturians Dieslientiplex and for 2 years now, to be exact. Before it was under the control of Taygeta, and before it was under the control of Centauri, but always, Federation.
Estel·la: What role did the Moon ship play in the Battle of Tiamat? Why was it so destroyed?
Yázhi Swarúu: It was one of the sphere ships of the Federation, and of the Andromedans, main bases from which Federation ships operated, as the Viera does today, which is also Andromedan, only that for being smaller it is an arrowhead type and not spherical. During the battle for Tiamat it was logically a primary strategic target. It received multiple hits from different classes of weapons, including ionizing nukes, which made it too difficult to repair and clean. The cost of lives during that was very great, too. As the ship is large, it is habitable by areas but always remembering that it is a 100% artificial structure like layers of onion inside, that is, spherical cover inside and another until reaching the core. Where are the main reactors, there are other small ones closer to the surface but no longer in service for a long time.
I know that the hologram covering the moon making it look natural is forcing people's credibility. I know it is sad and difficult to understand from someone's position deep within that Matrix. But it is the truth.
And already some astronomers have noticed the presence of a hologram. To say that it is not there is to deny the studies of these astronomers, more than anything amateur, because all the officials, and I mean all of them, are controlled by the Vatican. Every large telescope on Earth in one way or another is controlled by the Illuminati Jesuits.
Continuing to believe that the moon is a natural satellite is just ignorance. You can investigate this from Earth. You don't have to take it by faith. The moon is not what it seems. I know it's annoying but it's the truth.
Cristina: Yes, I know that many astronomers said that its orbit was strange to be a natural satellite for example. And people who detected changes in the lunar surface, such as craters that disappear and others appeared, and even like it was hollow or things like that.
Yázhi Swarúu: Sure, its orbit is set there. It is a ship, it does not obey the same dynamics of a natural moon, because it does not have balance, it should fall or go out of orbit, and that is what it does, they correct orbit like any ship, like this one too.
About the hidden side, for me that is only something circumstantial. Because the moon is in rotation, slowly but it is. What happens is that regardless of whether it rotates or not, what you always see is the same hologram. So it seems that there is a "hidden" face.
I have seen Nasa photos of the hidden face full of craters, as if they had hit it hard there on that side and not the "front". But those Nasa photos are simply false, it is a fantasy. The hologram does not cover the entire lunar sphere, only the part that faces the Earth. At the back looks like what it is. A metal ball.
As extra data from here low orbit we see the moon as you do, we see the hologram. But as we zoom out we see that it is a hologram. If we look at it from the side, we can see the details of the surface that you know, but distorted. And if we see the moon completely in profile compared to how it is seen from Earth, a light layer is clearly visible in front of it, and that only covers the part visible from Earth.
Cristina: And what technology is present on the moon? What facilities does it have on the surface and in the center?
Yázhi Swarúu: The technology present there is old and crumbling due to lack of maintenance. They are not installations on the surface, in itself that concept still confers the idea that it has a natural surface on which to build something, a building base. It is that the entire moon, surface and interior is a construction in itself. It will only have outstanding things like something like tall buildings, there are. Sometimes they are seen above the hologram.
The technology is from the time of Tiamat and earlier, very outdated compared to what is had today from the Andromedans. It consisted of 12 Ancient Ionizing Reactors of which 4 are working but not even completely, and I think even less than those 4 today. Powering the Van Allen Bands generators and the hologram. The hologram is physically generated by a series of lenses on the lunar surface, not from a single point, where the image is generated or formed by means of tiles or as "collages" of images. In other words, it is not a single hologram, it is a composite of many smaller holograms.
Estel·la: Is the range of influence like this?
Yázhi Swarúu: Yes, more or less. Why, more or less? Earth like any other planet has a Magnetosphere. Interaction with a magnetic energy source (the moon) with an exact frequency designed on purpose, alters the total output frequency of the magnetosphere. So it is the Earth itself that is providing the energy for the Van Allen bands.
Estel·la: I mean, behind the moon too?
Yázhi Swarúu: The toroid in the image controls the toroid of the Earth's Magnetosphere. However, the projection of energy from the Moon is more direct as illuminating the Magnetosphere with a "beam of light" like a lamp, not just with a toroid as in the image. The Moon at 360,000 km is far enough away to project well and cover the entire magnetosphere.
Van Allen Bands, important note: Earth is the only planet with Van Allen Bands. But people claim that this is not true. What happens is that they confuse Magnetosphere with Van Allen Bands. <--- <--- This is important, because the Van Allen Bands are formed from the Magnetosphere as a base, as I have described above. But they are not the Magnetosphere.
The difference is that the amount of energy measured in radiation is much greater in the Van Allen bands and of energy or force too great for the planet Earth. In other words, the Van Allen Bands emit or are compounds of ionizing radiation energy, highly dangerous to biology, and with that, forming an "etheric" barrier that prevents them from leaving the Earth in low-tech ships.
While the bands formed naturally by the magnetosphere, either from the Earth or from other planets, are made up of Electromagnetic Radiation, that is not "so" dangerous for life. It is also not completely harmless but nothing compared to ionizing radiation.
Ionizing radiation means that it is giving off particles that ionize those of the matter that comes into contact with it, changing its atomic structure, damaging everything. You can see the Ionizing Radiation particles as little bullets from all directions destroying the matter, tissue, cells and DNA in them. It is the type of radiation also known as Nuclear or from classic Radioactive heavy metals, such as Plutonium Uranium Strontium and derivatives. Plutonium is derived from Uranium. Instead Magnetic Radiation is basically the result of a "Flux" in an electric current.
To pass those Van Allen Bands they need high-tech ships that change density. Not the rocket, that does not happen through the bands. From pure Nuclear physics it is known that the Apollo missions are a lie. They say that what happens is that they came out through the poles where the radiation is not so strong because it is a toroid. It is true, it is less strong there but still extremely deadly. It does not solve the problem by going out at the poles. And the orbit and exit trajectory of the Apollo spacecraft is equatorial, not polar. So no, not that either. They are just lies from NASA.
Estel·la: But then well they still move through portals.
Yázhi Swarúu: That's right, with a portal you can skip the Van Allen bands.
Estel·la: So I think the function of the moon is... useless.
Yázhi Swarúu: Even being hollow and artificial metal, it has a lot of mass that it is creating or helping to create the effect of the tides on the Earth.
Estel·la: What influence does the moon have on women? And why?
Yázhi Swarúu: The reason is that the biology of women is closely linked to the influences of subtle magnetic energies. The moon among its frequencies that it transmits, because it is not just one frequency, there are many, it seems, or there is evidence that suggests that it is transmitting on the exact frequency that influences the reproductive biology of women. In environments without the moon, it is mainly the woman's own energy, her aura or body-magnetic toroid that determines and controls her cycles.
But on Earth, these frequencies are functioning as a control metronome, and since it is of stronger energy than the aura or interferes with the aura of the woman, it overpasses or controls the reproductive rhythm.
In places where there are many women in close proximity, they have a tendency to hormonally and also by frequencies, equalize the time of their periods. The hormonal aspect here is more evident with how it works, than the more "subtle" energies, but they are there.
So, in summary, the Moon transmits destructive or controlling frequencies set there specifically to control human Female biology. Taking away the possibility of controlling their reproduction only by their own control or mental force as do or achieve many women of other Lyrian races outside of Earth, including the Taygetean.
Estel·la: wow, thank you very much Yazhi, that's something that had me very intrigued. It always bothered me that they related it to that, and it always felt like something out of our control. And even doing something "nice" the woman-moon relationship.
Yázhi Swarúu: In fact it is a slavery relationship. It is that by right it is supposed that women would control that with the mind. But on Earth they are still controlled there. The Lyrian woman controls her fertility with her mind. It is something that is learned, not all of them achieve it when they are young. But with time, they do.
Estel·la: Sure, it makes a lot more sense like this.
Yázhi Swarúu: The moon will be "romantic", but the truth is that it is something very dark, unfair and invasive. The Moon is not "good" for humans.
Enlightenment is known to come most easily by meditating on a New Moon, or during eclipses, because that is when the destructive lunar influence is at its lowest. It is said that Buddha achieved enlightenment during a Lunar Eclipse.
On the other hand, they say on Earth that the "Sun is bad", that produces Cancer, that leaves one blind, that produces global warming, that is about to eliminate everyone with a flare or electronically with a magnetic pulse.
And they say nothing about the Moon.
There is nothing wrong with the sun, nothing happens to it and it is beneficial, being in the Sun feeds the cells, re-establishes them, gives subtle energies of DNA activation and with it healing, and also for the development of extra sensory perceptions.
Everything in excess is bad, yes, too much Sun burns. Just don't overdo it. But the Sun is the "good one" here, so they try to remove it with Chemtrails and tell you to use cancer-causing sunscreens and that it is bad to be in the sun.
Estel·la: Do you plan to remove the moon at some point? Or shut down the rest of the reactors that remain?
Yázhi Swarúu: I have never heard of removing the Moon, however sooner or later I see it viable or necessary, because it is a lot of work to be keeping it in stable orbit artificially. Shutting down the reactors, if not done in a short time, in a few decades at the most will stop working anyway. That technology is falling apart over the years.
Link for the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kmdz5uTpfqU&t=12s Publication date: 15th of April 2021
Scalar Internet - MultiDensity Properties of Internet - Anéeka of Temmer (Taygeta, Pleiades)
Anéeka: Removing the obvious. The most powerful computers connected to the Internet are of the quantum type. That is, they read probability in a potential energy field that in itself is scalar in nature, that is, it transcends or includes different densities. However, these human quantum computers don't really work in a fully scalar fashion like a Taygetan computer would. But still this would be the most mundane definition or explanation of why it is scalar.
Now following the explanation about densities that we have given for years now: there are no densities, that is a human invention, but each person, each individual will only be able to see or perceive a reality that is according to their perception capacity and is within his or her frame of understanding or reasoning. So there is only one whole and it depends on each person which parts of that whole they can see, from where to where, and it can be measured in terms of frequency ranges. Being that if more than one person can have a similar range of perception, but never the same, it is an agreement between those people, and that is what humans have come to explain with their existential densities, very much accommodated by the New Age.
But New Age is and does not reflect, other than as an explanatory model, what objective external reality is.
The human being himself because of his dual brain, split into two hemispheres, the right being the artistic one, and the left being the logical mathematician, lives in a perception of duality imposed not only by his ideas but by his biology. Remembering that biology will only be a physical representation or "mirror" of their ideas, of who they are and of their thoughts.
The brain of two hemispheres is a representation or physical reason why the humans live in such a duality, everything is one thing or the other for them. White/Black, Good/Bad. So, due to the same brain physiognomy, they tend to separate things in an attempt to explain them, to try to know how they work. Tend to dissect everything, trying to understand things as or by the sum of its components.
This is also due to saving mental resources, that is, they generally lack the mental computing capacity to handle the data in blocks, so they tend to cut things into pieces that are easier to handle. But the sum of the parts does not represent the whole, just as dissecting a frog does not explain why it is a frog, why frogs exist, the experience of being a frog.
Then the existential densities add up on top of that, being that there are none, but rather it is a human concept generated by a human mind trapped in both physical and psychological duality.
The same thing happens with the timelines. There aren't any, not as separate or isolated entities or things, that again is human conceptual separation, exactly the same as what happens with existential densities.
As a frame of reference, many Lyrian races, of human appearance, have a unified brain with little or no differentiation between the cerebral lobes, they do not present any encephalic cleft. This means that they tend to unify everything, to see it in expansion not fragmentation. Art is science, mathematics is painting, and navigation is music.
Returning to the example of the frog, instead of dissecting it or trying to understand frog by the sum of its parts, what these other races do is see the existential part of "frog", as it is connected to other species, as it relates to the environment, its existential experience. To later understand "frog" and what it is.
Even in the aspect of functioning of its internal organs, it will be done in a way that does not hurt it, with sensor systems of many kinds that can give them the data of how a frog works internally, in life. To then release her to let her continue her life.
This applies again to the Internet.
Each person, as Yázhi has explained, is by right a timeline and an existential density. In other words, each person will have their own range of perception, of understanding of the stimuli they receive from their apparently external world.
So the stimulus that a person receives looking for data on the Internet, or as it happens today, living online, will only be in accordance with what that person is interested in, and what they are looking for, their preferences and their history. So the experience of what the Internet is, what applies to that person, the content, will only be appropriate to that particular person, exactly as it is with the "real" or outside world.
From this point of view already, the Internet is scalar. But it goes even deeper:
Because multiple sources, people of all kinds of all levels of education or consciousness as well as artificial intelligence entities, and today even multiple non-human races, feed the content on the Internet, creating a great wealth of content in the most varied ways possible.
So from the explanatory point of view of "timelines" seen as separate lines, what happens online and is reported on the Internet is not necessarily what goes on in the timeline of another person who is observing it. So what is provably false news for one person is provably true for another. And everything will depend on the level of consciousness and perception of each individual.
In other words, the Internet contains information, events, data, and everything related to various timelines that humans consider different. To the degree in which some terrorist attack is not carried out in one timeline, for example, and in another yes it was carried out.
Creating with this extreme confusion among the human population since what is perfectly true for one person or group, is completely false for another. Strictly speaking, both being right. This is a problem that has not been detected by human science due to its null understanding of the nature of time, densities and reality itself.
So the Internet will contain many timelines, with contradictions and all, creating there a sea of confusion, a soup of information and misinformation bordering on the impossible to verify. Leaving to each individual, as we have explained many times, total control and responsibility to discern what is real and what is not. Empowering yourself with responsibility for what you believe and why you believe it.
Seeing the integration of the timelines as a whole, as a mind like Yázhi's with a tendency to integrate everything would observe, all the events that are contained within the multiple seemingly separate timelines, as defined by human science with its theory of "Parallel Universes" with its contradictory data and its events that differ from what happened or did not happen and when... everything that differs that is at first sight completely contradictory, seen from above unifying everything as a single timeline that you make yours by your ability to perceive multiple things, you would understand that things that are still completely contradictory, such as in an attack happened or the attack did not happen, or this or that person died in this timeline but not in another, amalgamate and can be understood as one block of information that has a perfectly logical and coherent explanation.
In other words, the contradictory from a point of view of low understanding of lower densities with separate timelines, seen from above, it is seen and understood as a single chain of events with its own logic and without any contradiction.
Be it objective or digital reality, everything is contained there as data. It is up to each person to be able to see the information, to even find it, and to discern what is false or not for them.
At the same time, it confers a great responsibility to understand that this happens and that reality is of this complex nature, therefore you must understand and incorporate the points of view of other people with empathy to resolve potential conflicts, since there is no objective fixed reality, neither good nor bad. Everything are points of view, angles of perception.
Many, if not all of its conflicts are generated by a lack of understanding of the very nature of reality and by its inherent mechanism of thinking inclined or focused towards the reductionism, rather than the expansiveness, and the inclusiveness.
A comment extra: taking into account what I already explained above about the timelines and/or parallel universes as something that we do not really recognize or of which we have another understanding; as a simple explanation, it is as if from thousands of timelines as humans understand them, they pour all their information about their lives and about what happens in them to the Internet, and from there any other timeline could have access to that information, being that not everything that is found there is possible to interpret, understand or even relate to as something true.
But the information in general of all the timelines is still contained in the Internet. But it will depend on the observer what he will see there and how he will interpret it. This in itself causes many conflicts since on the Internet you can find information that perfectly supports both something as true and as false simultaneously. Creating confusion within the observer.
This, although Artificial Intelligence programming also intervenes, can be seen with the kind of results that a place like YouTube offers us, based on our personal preferences.
Being that it will rarely offer us the contrary information, unless it serves the AI programming to promote an agenda, to control what humans perceive and live and interpret.
But what I want to emphasize is that what happens is not only caused by AI and common algorithms, but also by a scalar effect that only immerses the observer in a sea of information that prevents him from understanding what is real and what is not, being that essentially everything is real, although not everything belongs to what someone is living. As said before, leaving the responsibility to the observer.
This has also contributed greatly to the fragmentation of the timeline as described by Swaruu a few months ago.
Because as each person is a timeline by themselves, and at the same time creates collective timelines by agreements, this is fragmented as more members of the human population enter into disagreement because each one, each group sees something different.
Robert: Has the Internet contributed to the fragmentation of the timeline? Do you mean that if there was no internet it would not have been fragmented?
Anéeka: The internet has contributed enormously to fragmentation, and the internet is an inescapable quality of the modern world, and it is an instrument of control and misinformation, rather than information. Without the Internet we would have a fragmented world but according to how it was more or less like in the 80's and 90's.
But stressing this more... a timeline or even a parallel universe is formed by one or more people by agreements that have more or less the same perception and interpretation of what objective reality is.
Therefore, if you flood the human population with millions of data in a chaotic, contradictory, conflicting state and without being able to know its reliability (from the observer point of view), what you will find is that by logic humans will not have an average idea consensus of the real. Creating infinity of thought groups that differ from one another. With the subsequent creation of a chaotic culture prone to struggle and conflict.
It is true that a large collective so-called "timeline" still persists, which is the average of those that many have called "the sleeping ones", that is, the people who only follow the official narrative and are incapable of their own thought.
But even with the existence of this large timeline, large only because of the number of people that compose it, in reality on Earth there are countless cultures and contra-cultures fighting for control or simply to survive there.
This in itself is by design, since those who attempt to control the human population en bloc or en masse create this conflict by benefiting from the separation and the resulting chaos. Creating division among humans and thereby taking away their power.
Robert: Ok thanks. Another question. So if these computers don't really work in a fully scalar way, they wouldn't be quantum? They wouldn't be scalar? Or they are not quantum but humans make them scalar?
Anéeka: The fact that the Internet is quantum and scalar does not depend on anything intrinsically technological.
The reason is how reality itself works. Being that its scalar nature is given to it by the humans themselves by their great differences of perception which in turn is what creates each timeline, knowing that with full or complete consciousness there is only one whole and there are no timelines or parallel Universes.
What makes the internet scalar is the human mind and the nature of reality.
Robert: It makes perfect sense. Thanks. That is to say that people who do not understand certain subjects will not be able to see or perceive them, such as this disclosure?
Anéeka: Yes, exactly. They enter into dissonance and the perception of denying everything as true, because it does not fit into the concepts of their reality that they have formed for themselves. However, and as it happens for anyone, the reality that differs is still there.
They need to have agreements of perception, come from the same framework of knowledge, to be able to understand a certain topic or another.
And as explained before, what is real for one person is not necessarily so for another. But the greater the awareness, the greater the understanding of all things and on all issues, which allows a person with a higher consciousness to perfectly understand how another person or group below it thinks, but not the other way around.
Robert: So through the internet we can know the frequency range of people? "According to number of visits in the videos" we will see in what frequency they are since not all the videos have the same visits. If humanity´s frequency was rising, would these types of videos be more sought after?
Anéeka: That's true, yes. It is like a consciousness meter, because you only are according to the frequency of thought you have.
Point aside. People seek spirituality, but they are stuck at a certain level that is accepted by the larger group that controls those concepts, what is accepted by the majority, so people en bloc will take that as seemingly more reliable, and few will dare to go beyond to perceive or to consider other ways of seeing the same.
And the same goes for the subject of UFO and ET researchers. It is the same, they stay within what´s comfortable, in the socially accepted range in search of approval and reinforcement from their friends, and they lack the ability to see the obvious that is in front of them. They will criticize those who do not understand them, and will call them asleep, but just like what the sleeping ones do with them, they will criticize those who are above and call them crazy.
Everyone believes they are at the peak of wisdom when in fact no one is and there will always be someone higher than yourself. They lack humility. They are more interested in being socially accepted in their particular group than in the search for the truth that they claim they seek.
Robert: Ok. So the Internet serves the Cabal to know the rate of "awaken ones" taking as a reference channels like ours.
Anéeka: Yes, they use it as a reference, because I do it for the Taygetans.
There are really no timelines, no densities, it is just the range of perception of each observer. So everything is contained there on the Internet, and people will only see what they are entitled to see according to their level of consciousness, and what is outside, they will only interpret as garbage and misinformation.
Yes, the lines intersect and information that differs is shared between the same people and their different lives. But seen from the point of view of a whole, as already explained above, there is NO such thing as other timelines with the same people but doing other things, but everything is amalgamated into a single event or line.
Mixing up the contradictory lines of people who are the same but who have made other decisions, looks incomprehensible from 3D but from above yes, it is understood and forms a single block or super high perception timeline such as 9D or even higher.
In other words, with more perception and more understanding, what could be described as "joining" the apparently different timelines to form a single super timeline made up of many small ones, no matter how different the events in them or the time may be that are totally contradictory. Yet they form a greater of much higher understanding and existential density.
Robert: Good. Last question. How to know which information is correct? Or we cannot know? Or will it be correct because it is in accordance with our level of consciousness, understanding consciousness as "our ability to perceive multiple things"?
Anéeka: Things, data, whatever, are not correct or incorrect, neither true nor false, it is the observer who gives them that value with his own scale of values and according to what he knows and what fits into the framework of reference that he has created or accepted for himself as objective reality.
The observer has two options.
1. Going with the mainstream and comfortably believing whatever the "authorities" tell you to believe.
2. Taking your own responsibility to learn everything you can about all possible topics and to build your own conceptual framework from which to decide for yourself what is real and what is not.
Option 1 leads to disaster and the end of civilization.
Option 2 leads to freedom and a free, holographic society.
You decide.
Video URL: https://youtu.be/no5dfr1Mh9I In this video, Yázhi Swarúu, a young alien tells us about dinosaurs and the theory of the evolution of species. The Jurassic, also known as the age of dinosaurs where large reptiles ruled the Earth more than 100 million years ago. But is that true? We should first know where the idea of dinosaurs came from.
The existence of dinosaurs appears in our society around the year 1842, when Richard Owen, a British anatomist and paleontologist biologist devoted much of his studies to the extinction of species supporting Darwin in the theory of evolution. He was the first to theorize about large extinct reptiles in Mesozoic times and who gave the name "Dinosauria", based mainly on fossil teeth. And from these teeth emerged the first dinosaurs with their own names, the Megalosaurus and the Iguanodon. 12 years later, in 1854 Ferdinand Vandeveer Hyaden, an American geologist found the evidence for Owen's supposed theory during an exploration on the Missouri River. It was a few more teeth that he sent to paleontologist Joseph Leidy who declared that they came from an extinct dinosaur that they named Trachodon.
That same year, the sculptor Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkings, began making models of dinosaurs for the Crystal Palace park in south London where Owens directed his work. From there, the dinosaurs gained tremendous success, new finds appeared and thus they rebuilt new species of saurians until reaching the more than 800 species that our science recognizes to this day.
But how much of the truth do these 800 species of dinosaurs have? The truth is that, before the appearance of Mr. Richard Owen and the Masonic Renaissance of evolutionism, there are no records in our history of such animals. That is, before the nineteenth century, no, absolutely, no human civilization on the entire planet spoke of dinosaurs, not even in legends. We have legends of mermaids, giants, dragons, but none of dinosaurs. And the boom in the diversity of dinosaur species came when the two paleontologists, Edward Drinker Codpe and Othniel Charles Marsh, natural scientists, claim to have discovered 142 types of dinosaurs between the years 1877 and 1892.
A wild competition to see who discovered more dinosaurs than even the showdown was known as: The War of the Bones. Sadly, only 30 of the 142 were later found to be possibly valid and the rest only forged. Today many scientists and researchers argue that dinosaurs as they were sold to us never existed, and that, after doing some research, they do not need reasons for such accusations. To date, only 2,100 bones of supposedly great saurians have been found and none of them shows a complete structure. For example, from the famous Tyrannosaurus Rex, only 15 incomplete bone assemblages have been found. But no dinosaur skull has been found either. All we can see about what these animals were like are only artistic interpretations, and hypotheses of how they imagine they could have been and all from one or a few bones.
In addition, almost all dinosaur bones have curiously emerged from very focused concrete quarries around the planet. Shouldn't they be scattered all over the planet? Weren't they supposed to reign over Earth? or Is it that they all went to die in the same places? And as if this were not enough, independent researchers do not have access to dinosaur bones and perhaps it is alarming because you may have seen dinosaur bones in a museum, but in museums there are only replicas or forgeries.
You can verify for yourself that the original bones are in closed and sealed vaults that belong to private institutions or organizations. For example, in China there is a factory for fake dinosaur bones. The company is called: My Dinosaurs Culture and Art Company, in Sichuan province. This company makes hyper-realistic dinosaur skeletons for museums and exhibitions. Using a technique of grinding real bones of large animals like horses and cows, and from there they create a paste and make the bones to create the skeletons. Its sale is distributed worldwide. So if you need a great Diplodocus skeleton to impress your museum visitors, just ask. And the reality is that dinosaur bones are worth a fortune. A few Tyrannosaurus Rex bones have been sold for € 12 million. Are dinosaurs just a big business worldwide invented to move tons of money while supporting their questionable theories of the evolution of species and thus further hide our true history from us?
"This information is provided by extraterrestrial persons, women and men from the Taygeta star in the Pleiades cluster, through a written contact with us."
Cristina.- Did dinosaurs exist?
Yázhi Swarúu Tasherit.- Some yes, some no. The first great celebrities discovered in the 19th century, sadly for children, did not exist. I speak of Triceratops, Brontosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, Megalosaurus and the like. What I can say is that from here it is not considered as real, it does not seem possible. Yes, there are animals this big on other planets, but not exactly like that. And those other planets have a gravity less than Earth like 0.6 or 0.7 G.
Estel·la.- What made paleontologists believe that there were gigantic reptiles or with what intention was all this put together?
Yázhi Swarúu Tasherit.- I remember that they only found pieces of some such as Tyrannosaurus Rex and from there in the Royal Society of London they began to rebuild them with bones of cows, horses, dogs and cats because they saw an economic interest in them. But what I know is that, objectively, an animal of that size in the gravity of a terrestrial G would have to have much larger bones, and another bone structure, another design because its viscera would be too heavy to stay inside its thoracic cavity . In itself, the total weight would destroy the bones as they are officially displayed.
So, for that alone, the concept of a dinosaur is not right. The design is not compatible with life. Another point, from my perspective, as I have told you many times, animals, species are shared among many planets, among which have a capacity to sustain life of that kind according to the species and its needs. Because they do not evolve on a planet, but are seeded on planets. And there are no dinosaurs like those famous ones on any other planet, when there should be.
Estel·la.- Thank you very much. So, would that whole historical period be a lie?
Cristina.- I mean, didn't the Jurassic exist?
Yázhi Swarúu Tasherit.- The problem is time again. If it is already difficult to calculate something 15,000 years ago it is unrealistic to try to date things more than 65 million years ago. Carbon 14 is used, but it is practically useless because it gives wrong dates all the time and is drastically wrong. So, it's system garbage. It uses the decay rate of the radioactive compound carbon-14 which is said to be stable and takes millions of years as a constant. It measures the decay of carbon 14 in organic compounds specifically, being that living or recent ones have carbon 14 to 100 and from there they are degraded. The problem is that there are other things and other radioactive compounds that alter these readings. So, the age of a living mollusk has been calculated in millions of years which cannot be. And something millions of years old has been calculated as recent, that's why it's garbage.
It is also calculated, by the other method, which is by the stratum of land. That is, how far down something is buried under layers and layers of soil that in theory builds up over time. The problem with this is that the earth is not fixed receiving earth on it for millions of years. It moves, it turns, there is erosion, it rains and there are floods and landslides. Although, objectively, it makes is a little more reliable than carbon 14 for me. And there is also the problem of calculating time that is not a constant, as you know, more before the lunar Matrix. Then, all together makes it impossible to calculate a period with exactness such as the Jurassic where the large dinosaurs lived. So, yes I can say that some did exist, but most likely, and by data from pure skeletal structural logic, it is that they could not have existed. And there is reason to create them, invent them, it is a matter of reputations and monetary interests in 19th century London. Now about modern found dinosaurs, many new species of dinosaurs are being found in China. But it turns out that, coincidentally, they are found on the extensive grounds belonging to a Chinese company dedicated to making replicas of dinosaur bones for museums and collectors, all part of the Chinese Communist Party.
Too many things just don't fit for them to be real animals. But of course, other species did exist, but more the medium-sized ones like the maximum elephant or smaller ones like the Velociraptor, perhaps, since they are related to modern birds of prey like the eagle. But Tyrannosaurus, Brontosaurus, Triceratops, Stegosaurus, Allosaurus, Gigantosaurus, I highly doubt that they were real. In addition, the original bones can never be seen, much less studied by paleontologists other than those of the system and the club, because they are very, very controlled as well. That in itself also raises serious suspicions.
Cristina.- Thank you very much for all the explanation. So, what would be in the Jurassic, Cretaceous, first appearance of mammals, all this would be assembled data without foundation right?
Yázhi Swarúu Tasherit.- At least with the fundamentals within the reach of human science, without forgetting that what they say will always be according to the interests of the powerful and the companies they have. Regarding the appearance of mammals, there is what or should be entered into the evolution of species. Non-human science does not accept Darwinian evolution as scientificfact. In itself, as the name implies: "Darwin's theory of the evolution of species,” is a theory. But in universities, students are forced to accept it as an irrefutable fact under pain of expulsion from the system and therefore the end of their careers. What non-human science indicates, and not just Taygetean, is that there is no evolution of species. On Earth you only see two ways to explain that animals exist.
1-Evolution, as Darwin says. 2-Divine creationism. For advanced interstellar civilizations it is neither of those two things. Species are seeded on planets, some as creations of other advanced races. Other times, simply by fostering the diversity of the stellar garden, moving species from one site to another as appropriate and so they can develop, by interstellar species using spacecraft.
The concept also applies here that at least most of the natural existent species have always existed as a direct manifestation of the creative consciousness of the whole, of the ether, of the original Source. Being in itself, not even creations, but expressions of The Source being that they are The Source. But the human mind cannot handle the concept of eternity, nor that something has always existed. Nor that something never had a beginning nor will it have an end. The species as a manifestation of an idea, of an identity, as a direct reflection or expression of a concept that The Source has, as a material expression of an idea. That idea is a soul. So, it expresses itself in the material as that particular animal. But, without complicating it further, it is not a material expression as there is the spiritual expressing itself materially, but it is the same. The animal is the idea of identity that The Source holds to try to explain itself to have a point of attention apart from itself, to try to observe itself and it tries to observe itself for being, for thinking, for existing as consciousness. It is a long explanation, but in itself short for something so complex. But saying ‘Darwin or creationism’, is an example of pure human reductionism. It is true that many things or angles within the theory of evolution are valid, such as natural selection of the fittest. But you can only select the fittest individuals within a species and thus purify the genes of the group, but you can never create a species from a different one. (SM: microevolution vs macroevolution) So, no, the human does not come from the monkey. The monkey is one thing and the human is another.
A Neanderthal is not an evolving human. It was another species of being of humano-morpho appearance. Same with Homo Habilis, Homo Erectus and all the others. Using spontaneous mutations to explain a modification of a species by trying to adapt to a new environment or ecosystem does not result in anything, it only ends in theory. In observation, it is only seen that the individuals that are outside their ecosystem tend to die, not to grow scales or gills just from living inthe swamp. It is said that the change is very, very gradual, little by little. It does not add up either because it would take too long, more than could be useful, because the ecosystem conditions that could be a stimulus for the mutation would change faster by several factors than the mutation itself. And, also, it is known that spontaneous mutations come from DNA damage and almost never or never with positive purposes or results for individuals. So a species is already perfect in itself. If it does not adapt to an ecosystem it is because it is not its ecosystem. It's just not what it was designed for.
Estel·la.- Thank you very much. Super interesting. And what do you think about the fact that they say they were destroyed by a meteorite, scary agenda?
Yázhi Swarúu Tasherit.- Meteorites hit all the time. But in itself, one of that extinction size is rare, I see it as forcibly possible. If they existed, then I would be more inclined towards a disappearance due to changes in the ecosystem in general over time. The Earth transforms the same anyway. Yes there is evidence of meteorite impacts. For example, in the sea, between Yucatan, Mexico and Cuba, which is where the meteorite that extinguished the dinosaurs is said to have fallen. And yes, there is a scare agenda component there, of course.
Cristina & Estel·la
Yázhi Swarúu Tasheri
This information is given by women and men from the star Taygeta, in the cluster of the Pleyades. They are different conversations kept live in writing over the internet and reorganized by theme. We keep their original text without any modification.
INTRODUCTION Antarctica or also known as the South Pole, is the fourth largest continent on our planet after Asia, America and Africa. Being nearly twice the size of Australia, it is the last continent to be colonized by men, having been discovered in 1603 and not explored until the 20th century.
An icy continent, where there is only ice and tundra, where there is nothing, where only seaweed, bacteria, fungi and others live there. That is what they have told us. But is that true?
Antarctica is surrounded by mysteries, with unsolved questions. Not even the maps are accurate. NASA-shows us an icy continent with not much more than mountains inside. But some old maps show a different Antarctica.
In 1739 the French cartographer Philippe de Buache, considered the First Geographer of France, mapped Antarctica with two large tracts of land separated by a central sea. But even long before that, in 1513 the Turkish cartographer, Ahmed Muhiddin Piri or better known as Piri Reis, mapped a fairly exact map of the American coast, the Iberian Peninsula and Africa, and presents us a supposedly inhabited and ice-free Antarctica.
To make this map, Piris Reis used more than 20 cartographic sources of the time, from various looting of navigators. Then he drew up his own chart of navigation and presented it to Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, who awarded him with a promotion to admiral. Today the map is known as "The inexplicable map."
But not only old maps show us a different Antarctica, some expeditions seem to confirm that Antarctica is not what we think.
In 1946, Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd led his third expedition to the South Pole, accompanied by 13 United States Navy ships, 6 helicopters, 6 seaplanes, and 15 more aircraft of different characteristics. Almost 4,000 people participated in the expedition, which was one of their longest expeditions. Although after this, he returned to Antarctica on two more occasions, and unfortunately in 1957 Admiral Byrd died of a heart disease.
After his death, one of his expedition diaries came to light, a diary that had been censored by the Navy. Where he explains that his trip to Antarctica becomes a trip to the interior of our planet. Where it ensures that there is a large cavity at the South Pole that penetrates into the interior of the Earth. And there he could see lush forests, lakes, rivers, animals and even some prehistoric ones like mammoths. Where the temperature was 20 degrees. He even talks about flying saucers that escorted him and where he was able to meet one of the intraterrestrial civilizations, the kingdom of Agharta.
But if maps or witnesses aren't enough, science puts the icing on the cake. When some scientists say that in Antarctica, they have detected large holes, some of them more than 50,000 square kilometers.
But although many tried to calm the situation by saying that they were polynyas, open spaces surrounded by sea ice, which can normally appear in the coastal area... In 2017 another unusual hole, more than 257 kilometers wide, was detected this time in the heart of Antarctica, where technically the lowest temperatures on the entire continent are. One of the scientists said "It looks as if it had been perforated from a punch directly into the ice."
But how can we check it? The answer is that we cannot. Not even Google Earth lets us take a look at it. The entire continent appears censored. The explanation for this is that "supposedly" the satellites cannot fly over it….
But if something is very curious, is when you discover that it is surrounded by hundreds of military bases from many countries, but what are they doing there? Aren’t there extreme temperatures? Don't they say there are only fungi and bacteria?
Cristina: What is there in Antarctica?
Аnéeka of Temmer: In addition to the large entrance to the interior of the Earth that is heavily guarded by military personnel from many countries, mostly from the USA, Russia and NATO countries, there are also regressive extraterrestrial bases there, mostly tall Grays (known as Maitre), Draco and Kingu. All in cooperation with the USA mostly. There are also ancient Dumb bases there and large ships parked under the ice. There is also a cabal DUMB founded there by the Nazis in the 30s. There are also ruins of pre-flood civilizations, including ruins of the civilization of Atlantis (since it was planetary). It's plenty of aliens there, all regressive or not very friendly.
Estel·la: How do you see it from orbit? Because it is censored in google Earth… Is it like an industrial zone? With many bases? And is there ice everywhere?
Аnéeka of Temmer: It looks white, as is logical, but with a lot of facilities that glow at night, that is, dozens of cities are seen from above. Some quite large and with their DUMBS under. It's like it happens on Mars, what is like surface facilities are only the accesses to the DUMBS and everything happens or where you live is mostly underground.
You can also see the entrance to the inner Earth, like a large dark area the size of Switzerland, more or less. With many lights and facilities around it. In other words, they surround the entrance with military bases.
Cristina: Thank you Anéeka, are there reptilian cities there?
Аnéeka of Temmer: Yes, I don't know if cities, but there are bases and facilities. It would be necessary to define what a city is.
Cristina: And how do they prevent people from seeing this? Sometimes I see documentaries of explorers in Antarctica who do there some expeditions...
Аnéeka of Temmer: They just can't fly anywhere near those facilities. No airline goes ever over Antarctica.
The flat Earthers argue that this proves that the Earth is flat and Antarctica is only a barrier that surrounds the world. It is not like this.
Commercial airplanes do not pass through there because it is a no-fly zone. Controlled by the military, for obvious reasons.
Cristina: Of course I understand, they must have the entire area under surveillance. Thanks!
Link for the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zvTL1azyo0 Publication date: 12th of May 2021
Soul Looping - Reincarnation Mechanism - Extraterrestrial Information from Yazhi Swaruu
Yazhi: So people know about reincarnation, and on Earth it is taken as something not acceptable, not possible, not real for the people due to manipulation of established religions, in spite of ample evidence!
The Catholic Church accepted reincarnation as far as the year 850 AC or so, as some people have documented and only removed it saying it was not so when feudal workers were committing suicide in mass due to the terrible exploitation, they were suffering in the hands of lords associated with the Catholic church in Italy.
Although this may be true, there is another deeper reason why the Catholic church had to remove its accepting reincarnation as a fact. Reincarnation as such defeated many of the key concepts being imposed by the catholic church as part of their doctrine such as a soul having to behave well and according to their rules throughout its life, to be able to be eligible for paradise or face damnation in purgatory and hell.
This also meaning that it would weaken or defeat their concept of Jesus Christ sacrificing himself to save the people from the Original Sin.
But there is evidence in the form of small children, mostly, that do remember their past lives and in such a way that many can even be researched and corroborated. Being that the children do not have anywhere else where to get those concepts from, and also have the data or the knowledge to know details of other people and their lives as to be able to fake remembering.
So the concept of reincarnation is quite understood by many people on Earth, as in one soul using a body and after death going into another for yet another experience. Mostly with a lot of contrast between those lives, as in one having been a black woman activist against white people, and then dying in a fire and reincarnating into a white boy (real example).
Then humans also have some extra knowledge about re-incarnation coming mostly from the Far East where it is accepted in Buddhism and Hinduism among others. All with similar concepts such as Samsara wheel and forceful re-incarnation from astral entities, and all based on Karma concepts.
But here is where the understanding of reincarnation from human perspective ends.
Many non human races of many branches, such as Lyrians, who are basically more humans, also called Stellar Humans, remember several past incarnations clearly and all their lives, not only the immediate past one, and in clear detail. So it became easier for them to study re-incarnation patterns, such as a soul having a predisposition to re-incarnate basically in the same family, and many times also following a pattern of souls reincarnating into a great grand son or daughter.
What other stellar races have come to understand about reincarnation, is that souls tend to repeat old patterns as in having attachments to being certain people they already have been.
Another important concept here is that from the perspective of the afterlife there is no time, so a soul will not reincarnate in a linear way, or not necessarily. So from the perspective of one particular soul reincarnating, it is possible to have a life in the 21st century and then reincarnate into another person in the Middle Ages, as it has been proven by several non human races that everything is happening now. And everything as now also proven by starship navigation and temporal navigation and its practical uses.
So as the understanding goes, it is possible to repeat not only a life in a past epoch, but repeat the same life it already had experienced. And this is quite logical because of the large number of attachments people develop during a certain lifetime and with them the idea of having left many things undone.
And as reincarnation is done by means of compatibility of frequency to a certain body and lifetime experiences associated with that particular body, then the mechanism becomes clear.
So as a description, a soul has a life, then reincarnates into another associated with the first life almost always, then into another third life span, yet another, and then it can reincarnate back into the first life it already had to experience it again. With any given number of life spans in between, with no fixed number at all, or only associated with the tendency of one or another specific soul.
The main driving force causing this is frequency match, a soul becoming a match to a former life it experiences once again, and this is caused by thought forms in the shape of attachments, as in unresolved issues of all kinds.
What exactly defines a soul as such? Being that a soul is Source itself, considered a holographic fragment of Source, of the absolute, of the everything. Holographic as in a smaller version of the whole but that also keeps all the characteristics of the original.
From my point of view, bigger and smaller have no meaning if not compared to something else, a reference point, and there is none here.
So, if something has all the characteristics of another, in equal form as it is the case here, then it can only be more of the same. So Source is a soul and a soul is Source.
But the concept is that there are many souls and only one Source. For me that is not so.
For me a soul is nothing other than a point of view of Source itself, an idea it holds in its mind, defined by a limit of any kind, and that limit is the concept in “Source’s mind!” But what is that concept or idea? The span of memory any given soul has that defines it as one thing and not another, one soul in particular and not another, also giving birth to the concept of Duality. One thing not being another.
As a general term to understand my thought, I don't see multiverses, I don't see many places, I don't see densities, I only understand them as ideas and concepts others hold as reality as the consequence of a set system of agreements, that define a belief system.
All I see is the whole, Source... having a feast of ideas to “entertain” itself.
I see one soul as the absolute, Source itself. And there is only one Soul, only having a temporal experience defined by its own ideas, and as the consequence of those ideas. Temporal experience as in one concept, coming after another, ideas again. And those base concepts are the ones that create another point of attention, that we call a soul. So as from the perception of any given soul there are many, all it is seeing in reality are reflections of itself in other “people”, meaning that they are all aspects of itself, other points in its own timeline, or sequence of events, it has experienced previously from its point of view.
Knowing that there is no time, only as the result of a direct experience of something having or holding an idea or concept. Therefore “time” is the result of consciousness.
So other souls, other people, are nothing other than the same soul having a different point of view-idea. One Soul. Many ideas. Reflected at the same time as “other people”. Looking at its own reincarnations as “other people” all happening at once.
And the aspects of other people a soul rejects, as in the other people we don’t like, are only reflections of ourselves, of what we don’t like about ourselves, reflections of our shadows. Things we have lived before, from our point of view, that reminds us of what we didn’t like, and we wish to forget. Or reject about ourselves, only to be hidden deep inside our subconscious.
But many things we did like about other incarnations, that’s why we also love other people, some more than others. And that also creates attachments to things we remember we left unresolved, be it consciously or not.
If such an attachment is strong enough, then we might develop enough nostalgia to want to jump back into one or another lifetime we have in mind, and all due to our thoughts that also define our frequency, and frequency is everything, being that matching frequencies tend to be more of the same. That soul with matching thought frequency will therefore be compatible to be more of the “same”, meaning returning to that same specific incarnation causing the soul’s attachments and nostalgia. Mostly things left undone.
So, souls do tend to be other people, then others, and then return to a specific past life, and then if the pattern that caused the attachment and nostalgia is not resolved, it does have the clear tendency to repeat a set of lifetimes one after another over and over, being the same people, one after another, coming back to the starting point. This is called a soul loop.
So many people, any amount of them, are the very same soul, only differing from one another as "other people" by the current attention point the same soul is holding as the result of its own ideas, and framed by a given context of memory span each one is holding.
Gosia: Excellent. I understand. Now, is this soul looping something positive for the soul, or is it something we should try to avoid?
Yazhi: It is not positive or negative, it is just part of how the entire system works. If it is positive or negative would only depend on the experience during the looping. Because if it gets obsessive as it often does then it can be negative, but the soul or person in the loop is the only one who can say if the experience is serving it or not. Because many do develop enough consciousness about the looping to realize it is not good, and it feels like in a trap and wants out but doesn't know how, that's when it is not good for the person or soul.
On the other hand, one incarnation or set of incarnations may be so satisfactory to the person-soul, that it would like to repeat it, or them, to enjoy again, perhaps with variants and improvements. In that case it is beneficial for a person-soul.
And as a note, the feeling of being trapped on Earth, many people have, to try to return to Source when they know they are being like recycled over and over in the Samsara wheel as they call it, it is a soul loop.
And as they are so programmed into thinking in a deterministic way, they blame others for their own doings, so they come up with archons and devils with pitch forks forcing them again into the reincarnation cycle.
Gosia: Wow. Cool, thanks. Now this question: It would make sense to loop back right after having a life A, to repeat life A to correct something since its fresh in your mind, but why live life A then B and then C to then loop back to A?
Yazhi: That´s what mostly happens - back into life A. Example of this is what is described to happen to suicides, or Swaruu's, from Swaruu 1 to Swaruu 9 they are basically the same people. From Swaruu 10 onward no longer so, only the same body-genetics, hence, breaking the loop.
But when a soul is fed up of life A and then moves into life B and then into life C, the soul thinks it is advancing and in a way it is. But there are many reasons why a soul enters into this more extended trap, for example what defines a life cycle is the experience in it, if everyone had the same experience then there wouldn’t ever be any “different people”.
So the experiences of a series of lives as in A to B to C may be intertwined in cause and effect within the experience and life plot. As in A is the son or daughter of C. So the soul goes from A, then to B, and then to C, and then back to A. Maria gives birth to Gilbert, then when Gilbert dies he becomes Susan, and when Susan gives birth it is a little girl named Maria.
This would be a very closed circuit over simplified for Earth, more like what would happen in Taygeta, it is too immediate.
Gosia: Wow, they are all themselves?
Yazhi: Yes, at a soul level. But this would be better explained if there were more people involved, people as in bodies. So, from A to B to C to D to E to F and back to A. The cause of one in the former and the cause of that other one may be in the future, another case of “reverse time”.
Although in reality there is no time, so that's the exact mechanism how soul looping occurs, because it is the frequency of the soul, its thoughts, who will determine where the soul will reincarnate next and not a linear sequence in time as perceived on Earth.
Gosia: Incredible. I was just wondering about soul being its own daughter/son as in the Gilbert-Maria example. And Gilbert not being the product of parthenogenesis. But I think that´s not related.
Yazhi: Yes, I threw Gilbert in here because this is not a matter of parthenogenesis, it is a matter of souls jumping from one body experience to another because of their frequency of thought.
Gosia: Yes. Ok. I think I understand.
Yazhi: Example. Julia Ortiz from Nicaragua has no children, she dies at age 23, but for whatever mental reason she wants to be a man next time. So, she is then born into Nicolas Robinson from Detroit Michigan. He lives happily with no children for 55 years until he gets hit by a bus. Then he feels that he did not do things right with Julia, because she died too young, so he goes back into her. To be her, to do things right next time. Because from the after-life level you do remember past lives and what went wrong in them. But it tends to be very complicated, I'm over simplifying things here.
An important note here: In order to understand me, what I say, have lived, and even many of the subjects I share, you must think with no time, as in all happening at once, and having only a temporal progression within a limited span of my examples, like for example those 55 years Nicolas lived, or the perception from that soul's point of view of one lifetime after another, in a sequence that involves time. This for this particular subject and all the others. Don't try to explain things using time as a constant or as reference because that's not going to fit ever.
Talking about soul looping, I don't like the word "soul", because it conveys a loaded concept. But I only use it because I have few words l work with, so yes it causes confusion. It is not even “a thing”. Not something definable as with a boundary.
I really dislike that term "soul". I have no words to describe what I think it is, more like a description I use over and over: "point of attention of consciousness held together by attachments to ideas and defined by a length of memory." And not even. Not enough.
But I cannot say "point of attention of consciousness held together by attachments to ideas and defined by a length of memory" every time I'm referring to that because people simply cannot understand, less with their overly short attention spans.
And a "soul" is not an "Astral Body" either because that to me is just another body. More ideas and attachments to them.
"Soul", removing all loaded concepts, is Source, all of it, everything that exists and ever existed and ever will exist all at once in a space beyond time and beyond distances. It is undefinable, unfathomable. But it does place by effect of its own ideas conceptual limits, and those limits that are only nearly arbitrary definitions is what would define one soul over another.
Gosia: Yes. For me it´s not even a thing either, not something measurable or containable. I would say it´s the Source itself looking through different ranges of perception of itself, what could be called a measurable from "here to there" experience, also identified to the "portion of the Source" by its memories. Something like that?
Yazhi: Yes. Source has no duality, holds no duality. The instant duality happens, one thing and not another, then a soul is formed.
Gosia: Yes, without it, it wouldn´t be able to call itself a "soul". Without those conceptual limits you mentioned above.
Yazhi: Without those concepts it holds about itself, it cannot hold the concept Maria and the concept Nicolas. But Maria and Nicolas are only ideas, imagined avatars. Source is thinking into existence.
Gosia: Right. I understand. So, the Source "jumps" its attention from one point of attention within itself to another, based on those conceptual ideas and limits, and that will be called a SOUL reincarnating. But there isn´t any specific "entity"- like soul that literally hops from here to there. Soul as some kind of a ghostly looking sphere or whatever. It´s just Source´s attention changing right? Based on its own inner movies it creates.
Yazhi: Yes, you are right. It is Source only thinking its way. Not a thing jumping bodies. It is like you writing a novel and liking a character so much, you use it in the next novel you are writing, because you are attached to your own creation, the fictional character you liked a lot, because you want to give it more life, with another role in your next plot.
Gosia: And... because you are so powerful and not limited to one character... and there is no time space... you play thousands of those characters all at once! But they are all you! No one out there but you! It´s so liberating and so "damaging" to one´s sense of identity at once haha! To realize this.
Yazhi: I know yes. And yes, exactly. And time is only valid during the reference frame of one character or another, being part of the concept and not something exterior. You are Source, you are alone, that's why you make up fictional characters that only reflect yourself!
Gosia: Yes, precisely. Source is a tricky, tricky genius though... for knowing how to "impose" that awareness of time though on all those characters. But as you always say, without the concept of time, there would be no characters! They need TIME to be called characters.
Yazhi: Yes, because with no sequence you don't have a character. But the sequence is limited to the perception of the character.
Gosia: Source also inbuilt into characters breaking OUT of the sequence of time. And then what? Killing off its own characters?
Yazhi: In a way yes, because it no longer serves Source because it likes a new one more. Like "me" saying Swaruu 9 is obsolete, what if I bring a kid into the mix?!
Gosia: I was just going to say that! Maybe that´s another level of a character and another level of a game. Like who YOU are.
NEXT DAY: Gosia: I have some questions Yazhi. You said that the soul looping and all that... identities... it´s all because we as Source operate from the level of IDEAS. But.... how did the Source get ideas? Souls exist because of ideas... but what spawned the ideas?
Yazhi: At this super high level we can only work theoretically. Thought has to have some form of temporal realization, or it would not be thought. I mean the simple fact that consciousness exists has to generate time as a side product for lack of a better word. If everything would be stopped, then there couldn't be any thought. But not as consciousness being a product of time, on the contrary. Consciousness is sentient and aware of itself, and that is intertwined with time itself, almost as if it were another inseparable aspect of consciousness itself.
What spawned ideas? The sheer fact that there is awareness. Ideas are another inescapable aspect of consciousness. But it is just about impossible to explain why. It is so great, so grandeur, that it is simply impossible to conceptualize at any level that is not Source itself.
Gosia: Yeah, a shame! I would love so much to untangle it from the very bottom. I know it´s impossible... but the mind tries so hard to!
Yazhi: This is exactly the point where the old Buddhist saying goes: "An eye cannot see itself, a knife cannot cut itself." So we cannot understand Source and why ideas, thoughts spawned, why consciousness is, because that is exactly what we are. We are that eternal unimaginable aspect of Source, so expanded, so unfathomable that it is impossible to define... trying to understand its own existence.
That is for me the reason thoughts were spawned. And a thought is a point of attention. Something conceptualized as not Source, being Source as well, inescapably so. But playing not to be in order to understand itself. Like a knife twisting so hard it hurts, trying to cut itself. A dog chasing its tail. An eye knowing there is nothing it can do to see itself, and accepting its limitation within its un-limitlessness.
These are the questions that we cannot answer. Everything we say is Source, so everything is valid as Source, yet it will never ever describe Source as a whole.
Gosia: "Playing not to be Source in order to understand itself?" How can the understanding come through NOT seeing itself though? Or not being able to catch your own tail?
Yazhi: It realizes that as an eye cannot see itself, then it is looking for something that is not an eye, not Source, in order to see itself. Even in a limited manner. Like going to fetch a mirror.
Gosia: But all IS Source.
Yazhi: It IS Source as well, so it is an illusion.
The eye is not looking at itself, it is only deluding itself that it is. The reflection is only a reflection, not the eye. Similar, but never the same.
But then it created duality, as an attempt to understand itself with the simple concept of me vs not me. But again, an illusion, because everything is you. Everything is Source.
How can Source even exist, even be self aware, without duality?! It could not even be conscious without duality. So, duality is tied directly to consciousness. As time is as well. Being that in the end everything is still Source.
Duality and time regarded as separate things to consciousness, when they are inseparable, only being "something else" as a thought within consciousness itself.
Gosia: All right. We could go on and on here with the topic of Source, it´s fascinating... but going back to soul looping then. Is this where dejavus come in too? Could they be explained by Soul Looping phenomenon?
Yazhi: Yes, absolutely but not only. A remembrance of having lived the same thing before, most probably having lived that before. Notice that dejavus stop commonly as a person ages, and could be explained by many reasons. One of them may be because the person is now living new experiences, as in uncharted territory.
But can also be explained with simple pre-cognition. But it's not so simple because pre-cognition is tampering into "the field" and you are then getting information outside of your timeline, again from past lives. Accessing other lines and parallel universes, for lack of better words without going too deep that way either.
Gosia: Yes, I understand! Ok, last question on soul looping for now. You said: "For me a soul is nothing other than a point of view of Source itself, an idea it holds in its mind, defined by a limit of any kind, and that limit is the concept in 'Source's mind'! But what is that concept or idea? The span of memory any given soul has that defines it as one thing and not another."
Ok, so, would that mean that the more memory we carry, the "bigger we are" and hence more expanded? But you always say that the memory doesn´t matter... to who we are. Like when I insist that I would like to remember my 5D life, etc.
Yazhi: That's so and not. Again, a problem with multiple perspectives and wording.
There I meant memory as in direct memory of your present incarnation doesn't matter because you are supposed to work or exist within a limited range in 3D, that defines "Gosia" as only "Gosia" from Poland. As in the set of Earthly experiences that make up her frame of mental systems that make her function there as “human”.
But as Source is not only a person, it is but also much more... that is one level of your being. But looking at yourself from the next level up. All you know and all you've learned in all your previous incarnations is making you up today, is the very foundation of who you are as a Gosia from Poland playing "human".
You could never develop so much awareness in such a short time on Earth. Humans take that for granted, but it cannot be so. You don't acquire enough information to decode reality in a few years. Simply not possible, so where do you get it from?
You are carrying it with you as you go along incarnation after incarnation. Look at a baby horse, it knows how to stand up and even walk just minutes after it was born! That is not inside the brain as something born with as "hardware".
Gosia: I see. So that is a memory you were talking about yes? That innate inner knowingness?
Yazhi: Yes.
Gosia: Ok, and so it is THAT memory that defines us as souls, to be souls.
Yazhi: We don't really go along our life span, or along our previous lives “learning” things to expand our consciousness. We go remembering who we are and always have been. Because as there is no time and everything is already, we are only playing “forget” to be able to explain ourselves.
Gosia: But even as we REmember... we still BUILD our souls, no? As souls are being built. Or that´s two different things here... different angles?
Yazhi: From a higher perspective it is only Source playing and making trick in order to try to comprehend itself, and as a simple by product of thinking, of being aware. So everything is already built. But again, perspectives. From a personal perspective, ground level, you are learning and you are expanding. It is just wording, from where are you looking at all this from! This brings constant confusion with what I say. Because I change perspectives higher and lower all the time. But I'm not saying one thing is so and not another. I'm only integrating all perspectives.
If you say that the Universe is a hamburger and time is the progression of that hamburger as it falls to the floor after the cosmic cat pulled it off the table, it sounds stupid from one point of view, but possible from another. And to be considered as well as valid cosmology. We may not understand “yet” how that can be so. But our not understanding how is that so now does not invalidate it. Only makes us see our limitations.
Gosia: Yes, I get it! Ok, any final words on Soul Looping topic?
Yazhi: It is an inescapable fact of the reincarnation cycle. Not a one time exception or a rarity. It is part of the formation of consciousness as a “Soul” to go experimenting not only infinite perspectives of itself reflected as incarnations, but also as variants with interesting results within those same incarnations.
We all have wondered what would have happened if we would have made other choices. If you are attached enough to those other choices as just about everyone is, then you do tend to repeat the same life over and over again. Or to combine the experience of having several different but connected lives as well to experience a larger perspective of how they affect each other. Knowing from a higher point of view, from the afterlife, that the reason why you made a specific choice which you resent and would like to change, resides in another lifetime.
So, you go there, live it again to change the reason so it ends up affecting the one you want, and be able to take that other choice that is the one you really want to experience as a variant. And it gets bigger and bigger with the same dynamic. More life spans, bigger loops, from more expanded points of attention.
Gosia: I am just laughing at all this whackiness of Soul... and creativity... and resourcefulness and playfulness! Hahahaha.
Yazhi: There are no limits to what a soul, or Source can do. All it has to do is think it with enough enthusiasm.
In this conversation with Sav'el, the Taygetean Science Officer, he explains to us the researchproject that he is developing from Earth orbit, on the influence of people-consciousnesses in the Earth's magnetic field.
START OFTHE VIDEO Hello everybody. Welcome to Pleiadian Knowledge. I am Estel·la. Today we bring you a very special video that was a conversation we had with Sav'el of Erra, you will recognize him by the nickname of Alahi Eshtar, which is the one he uses and is in his details with all the others who are in the crew in the video that we presented to you. He is the Science officer on this ship and we had a conversation where Cristina and I were present and the other contacted Lina. Where Sav’el was explaining to us that he was doing a researchproject, observing the influence of all the consciousnesses of the Earth, of humans, animals, and plants and the influence they had on the magnetosphere, and how they came from this form to how the consciousnesses were united between them creating a more expanded one, that would be in this case our planet, the planet Earth.
Everything he explains to us is super interesting because you will see that we also asked him about the influence of star-seeds on this field, and you will see a very big difference with, for example, humans. Also, he explains the influence of plants or animals. Also, we tell you that if you want to know more details about what we discussed in the video, which is the human collective unconscious, I recommend that you watch the video of Cosmic Agency: "The importance of the human collective unconscious." We are going to leave the links in the description so that it can can help you understand a little better.
Apart from this too, tell you that both the image that Sav’el and Lina use are just avatars that they use to represent themselves. They are not their actual pictures. And we ask you to stay until the end of the video so that you can understand everything that he explains to us well, and apart from this I hope you enjoy it as much as we do because the truth is that it is very interesting and very important. So I'm going to leave you with the video. Thank you all for always being there and we will see each other in the next videos.
"This information is provided by extraterrestrial people, women and men from the Taygeta star in the Pleiades cluster, through a written contact with us."
Alahi Eshtar of Erra is Science Officer of the Toleka ship. He is the chief scientist and researcher, as well as a historian, philosopher, physicist and mathematician, and contra-mind control.
Estel·la. - What projects are you working on?
Sav’el of Erra.- I study the structures of magnetic influence of the inhabitants of the Earth. Humans and non-humans, animals and plants, on the Earth's magnetosphere. Holding the hypothesis of what causes it directly despite the mediocre influence of the Van Allen Belts. Thus creating a scientifically observable basis of what Yázhi Swarúu maintains, that all consciousness of an organism is added to another nearby one to create a collective that creates a more evolved or more expanded being, in this case, the Earth itself.
Estel·la.- How interesting. And what devices do you use for it?
Sav’el of Erra.- A set of spectrometers and interferometers put together to power a computer. Spectrometers will measure individuals and populations as an electromagnetic frequency. You could say a personal and collective time. And, the interferometers will measure the total planetary part as gravity and mass fluctuations. Particular changes are reflected in the total mass of the planet, its frequency. What some call: Schumman Frequencies. Although, this frequency is too general and not very precise, this must be observed in micro frequencies and not in Hertz, since it is like measuring the length (speed?) of a mouse with a speedometer set in miles per hour.
Cristina.- Thank you. We find your work very interesting. What have you observed in all this?
Sav’el of Erra.- I have observed, using a multitude of state-of-the-art sensors, that the theories of a little girl turn out to be true, therefore, she is still ahead of us in the scientific field, this time in the area of biological cosmology.
Cristina.- Incredible Yázhi.
Estel·la.- Well, yes. How long have you been in this project?
Sav’el of Erra.- Almost a year. It ends on July 10. It depends on year-long readings in order to draw a conclusion. The longer the time, the more accurate the results. So far they are conclusively in favor of the little girl’s theory.
Estel·la.- I understand, how interesting. And, do you think that this year, even with everything, is reliable for the results?
Sav’el of Erra.- I see that what happens on Earth, being that they are dramatic events, facilitates the reading of the sensors, simplifying the detection of the elements that support the experiment.
Estel·la.- I understand. Of course, everything is potentialized, only that the worst of humanity must come out.
Sav’el of Erra.- The average of the so-called collective aura or local collective frequency can be easily detected between two apparently similar places or different places such as Curaçao as a high frequency, or Copenhagen with an average low frequency. The fact that there is so much contrast facilitates the study of the phenomenon.
Estel·la.- I understand, thank you. And what is Yázhi's theory? Here at your job, I mean.
Sav’el of Erra.- That, in the end, the Whole, the Universe, The Source, is the direct result of the sum of the individual consciousnesses, being that by not being linear, each consciousness has been the Universe itself. So, an advanced being is not just a being, but the result of the average of multiple beings of lesser consciousness that compose it as cells do a body.
Estel·la.- By forming between us then, the planets and the stars and so on?
Sav’el of Erra.- Since it would be the material observable part, yes.
Cristina.- And what would be the non-material?
Sav’el of Erra.- The consciousness that generates the material part. Either as a direct intention or as a by-product of your purely energetic activities.
Lina.- And, what subjects or things do you take as individuals? In other words, do you take a seed of each race, a direct pair from The Source as individual subjects, or non-real subjects, or by demographic zones?
Sav’el of Erra.- I take individual people. Animals that make up a population too. Like a city. I take the city itself too, as a total. So, I contrast the result of the sum of the values of the sum of the frequencies of its inhabitants and I contrast it with the reading of the city as such. Although, there are variations for causes yet to be studied, they correspond almost perfectly, and as an experiment it is repeatable and consistent, I conclude that the girl is right. Taking into account seeds it changes in the sense that they are not equivalent in frequency to the population average. Observing, I can see with sensors, spectrometers and interferometers, that the starseeds have the magnetic force and influence on the total frequency of the place of many normal people. Sometimes equivalent to several hundreds of thousands of average people for a single seed. Being that, in a scientifically measurable way, the enormous creative responsibility of each seed can be verified.
Estel·la.- Wow. What a big difference.
Lina.- That's why our range of action is so important.
Sav’el of Erra.- Yes. We do not need to change all humans, just to unite the seeds.
Cristina.- In the consciousness of the Earth, who has more influence: the seeds, or for example the vegetable and animal kingdom?Sav’el of Erra.- Although my answer is annoying and also unfair, what the sensors tell me is that it is the seeds that have the greatest influence.
Lina.- Why is it annoying and unfair to you?
Sav’el of Erra.- Because I have a tendency to protect biology incapable of creating a visible elaborate culture. The animal and plant kingdom maintains high frequency, but also low, due to its mentality, mostly of survival. But still, the part of sustaining high frequency is directly affected by the activities of the human collective which, itself, is directed by the conscious creators, or seeds.
Lina.- It wouldn’t be what is expected, seeing the development of society and its state of manipulation compared to the one that the seeds feel or remember?
Sav’el of Erra.- It is to be expected. That is correct, but I wish that nature itself would seek its own homeostasis despite human activity. Being that it will create its own protection mechanisms against exploitative activities from humans, but the evidence does not support this case.
Estel·la.- What average of seeds do you observe in each city, for example? or globally?
Sav’el of Erra.- Each seed on average is equivalent in its creative frequency to 1500 normal humans, of what you call the Matrix. But I mean, those 1500 are being influenced by an average seed. And said average seed is not particularly awake. Many times we even confuse them for more human Matrix people. A highly awakened seed influences tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, sometimes more, influencing millions. An example of this last super level is David Icke.
Estel·la.- And in comparison or percentage, that is, if there are a million inhabitants, how many of them would be seeds? And do you see them evenly distributed across the planet or do they tend to focus more on some countries or energy zones?
Sav’el of Erra.- I'm still working on solving this question. It turns out that the detectable seeds melt into the normal population, making their detection impossible. So only the very awake can be counted. But as for how many wake up per million, on the earthly average, it would be something close to 5,000 (per million). Which is, sadly, few. However, this number is not final. They have a tendency to concentrate in regions. The region or place with the most population of seeds, over 90% among its inhabitants would be: Sedona, Arizona. Still, on average in the United States, numbers of awakened seeds drop drastically when compared to places like Europe or Latin America, where the seed population is higher. Especially in Central and South America. With another high concentration of seeds in the East, from India, Nepal, Thailand, Laos and Burma. And, with a reading of the least amount of seeds per million in China, being the place with the scarcest non-human population according to interferometer readings.
Estel·la.- Wow. How curious. I wouldn't have expected it, particularly in Sedona, Arizona. Thank you very much for sharing.
Sav’el of Erra.- The United States does not have a particularly high population of seeds as would be expected. Still they are condensed in Arizona and the New Mexico area. Some in California and spread throughout the rest of the nation.
Cristina.- Thank you very much for the information. Some of that was interesting to me, others like China, I already imagined it.
Sav’el of Erra.- You’re welcome. For China the result is expected.
Lina.- Is there a place in Argentina where you say there is a high concentration of awake seeds?
Sav’el of Erra.- Buenos Aires area, strong amount. Peak seed population frequency. Buenos Aires area, only second in number of seeds in all of South America. After the Rio de Janeiro area in Brazil. However, note that I mention cities or places, but many strong seeds prefer to work outside of large urban areas. Also, they are on average the ones that have the greatest influence.
Estel·la.- And, I suppose that the influence they have on other people is due to the personal frequency emitted by being there. Because if they are not part of that collective unconscious, how do they manage to influence their mental field without totally separating?
Sav’el of Erra.- The moment they are there, they are part of the collective. And, although if a strong seed separates itself from society and cuts itself out of all communication in a town within the Amazon, even so, the earth's magnetic field and its average continues to flow. But if said seed connects with others in the way that you are present here, its influence is exponentially greater, as well as the result of raising the average Planetary Frequency. So a seed, just for existing and following its life and its interests, is already helping to raise the frequency of the Earth and is influencing the field of consciousness of the collective without having to dedicate itself to anything related to awakening other people. Its mission is simply to help by the mere fact of existing.
Estel·la.- I understand, thank you. Is a seed related or connected to the human collective unconscious?
Sav’el of Erra.- Yes. As I have already said. I refer more to the collective human unconscious than merely the measurable frequency, but both are intrinsically related.
Cristina.- But can't a seed at the same time be dragged down by the human collective? For example, by the mental pressure that is exerted on it and creating an opposite effect, that is, lowering the planetary vibration.
Sav’el of Erra.- That is also correct and happens all the time. For a seed the increase in strength will be exponentially more demanding in all senses, energetic, mental. Since the majority only strive not to fall in total frequency, since the average of the group has the tendency to drag them down. This can simply be explained with the dominant frequency principle. It is very difficult and demanding to be a seed, especially knowing that if it falls in frequency in a spiral of negativity, its circle of influence will fall in the same way.
Cristina.- I understand, thank you. Complicated.
Estel·la.- And that's why many are lost.
Cristina & Estel·la Alina Sav’el of Erra
ABDUCTIONS - MATERNAL MED POD - Extraterrestrial Contact
Cristina: The chips that are inserted in abductions to people, where do they usually put them?
Аnéeka of Temmer: They put them in many places, but the most common are on the back of the hand, behind the skull at the base of the spine, or over the heart area, under the skin. The chips are usually not symmetrical, to hide them. Sometimes they are less than one mm long. But they can appear larger if the body begins to reject them, because it produces fibrous tissue around them. They are mistaken for fibroids or non-cancerous tumors.
Cristina: Thank you. And when they abduct a fetus or abduct the mother who is carrying a starseed, do they leave a mark?
Аnéeka of Temmer: Usually they leave a mark. The other way that leaves less obvious marks is vaginal. This is the shape of the incisions on the belly. They are common and can also occur in other parts of the body.
Distance between the points more or less of 5mm. I have understood that the device moves the distance.
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Estel·la: Oh! It is very small then. Thanks for the image. So, is it like a caesarean section? But with superior technology I imagine.
Аnéeka of Temmer: Yes, I guess something like that.
Estel·la: You have commented “I have the idea that the device moves the distance.” I don’t totally understand what you mean...
Аnéeka of Temmer: Yes, I mean that the distance between the points it can vary.
Cristina: And what kind of machine is it? Or what type of operation leaves these marks?
Аnéeka of Temmer: It is something that injects nano-chips into the area that alter the frequency of the mother, especially the uterus.
As the frequency of the incoming starseed is too high, it tends to cause rejection in the human mother if the difference is not addressed in time. It sustains a specific frequency, at least during pregnancy.
Estel·la: You have commented “It is something that injects nano chips into the area that alter the frequency of the mother, especially the uterus.” You mean, altering the frequency to be able to perform the operation?
Аnéeka of Temmer: In order for the mother to carry out a successful pregnancy. It produces rejection of the starseed because it is another frequency, because in itself it is not necessarily your son or daughter. That is, the mother is only “lending” her uterus. And it produces rejection in the mother's body, because it is not her genetics. This occurs in many cases, but not in all.
The seeds that are born from seeds do not have this problem or not necessarily. But with the starseeds that try to enter from a human mother. Here it could be seen, or interpreted as a silent invasion of humanity, where they are gradually being replaced by starseeds from elsewhere. This is also why the Cabal rejects and attacks the starseeds.
Cristina: I understand, thank you. And in the event that the fetus is extracted, where do they put it? In an incubator like terrestrial ones? Here so young, only weeks old, they do not survive in an incubator...
Аnéeka of Temmer: It's a baby incubator, but it's essentially a medical pod. It is nothing like a terrestrial incubator.
The baby remains under a special liquid, with life support systems and a high-tech hologram overlay, based on their genetics. That is to say, the baby is formed in a tube under a special yellow liquid, with nutrients, where its stem cells develop following the pattern imposed by the high-energy hologram, because they follow the patterns of the dominant frequency.
That is, the stem cells will agglutinate in the corresponding places with the highest magnetic energy, following the map that is the hologram. Stem cells have the potential to become any type of cell in the body. It is the hologram that activates your internal genetics, so that this group of stem cells becomes liver, heart or nerve cells, bones or skin.
When the creature is formed, they take it out from the Medical Pod and pass it to the awakening zone, translating it freely. A baby born from Med Pod like this, is not born or is not ready at the apparent 9 months of gestation, but comes out with a development of more or less a year and 3 months old. The total gestation time in Medical Pod is 3 months. (Not 9 months).
Then the baby enters in cares like nursery, where specialized personnel will take care of them.
Cristina: Wow how interesting! And how are the life support systems?
Аnéeka of Temmer: It is a liquid filtering system, which also contains stem cells, based on the individual’s genetics. They work with an umbilical cord, which filters the baby’s blood and supplies it with nutrients through it, all controlled by a computer. This last system, is exclusive to Maternal Medical Pod, since Damage Repair Medical Pods do not have this system. There are several types of Medical Pods:
- Total immersion pod.
- Medical pod repair of damaged tissue or repair of physiological problems.
- Maternal Pod.
- Surgical Pod or Artificial surgeon.
- Pod specialized in cloning.
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Cristina: Thanks Anéeka, Wow there are many different types!
Estel·la: So, there is a hologram projected in 3d, dictated by the genetics of the person?
Аnéeka of Temmer: Yes... The computer deciphers the genome of the individual. It forms a three-dimensional image of the highest definition of what that individual would be like, fully formed. It has so much detail that it includes the Mitochondriac and nuclear DNA chain of each cell in the simulation.
The computer then uses a 3-dimensional, high-definition projector or hologram, which it will turn on inside the Medical Pod. That is, the person is inside and the high-energy hologram is placed on the person.
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Stem cells made in the laboratory, following the individual's genetics, are injected into the liquid and there float freely. And they only circulate through a pump of the liquid, which keeps it flowing very slowly. The stem cells will agglutinate where the hologram is and once agglutinated, they will be activated, following the hologram and what it dictates, through the principle of dominant frequency. That’s how it forms the tissues, on the body of the individual. Or you can build an entire individual from one cell (Cloning).
For example, in the event that an individual has lost an arm or any limb in an accident, they enter the Med Pod asleep where the computer will impose a hologram of the missing arm on the damaged body in the right place. So, even if you don't have that arm, it will be formed by stem cells, which follow the energetic pattern of the computer-controlled hologram. Depending on the damage to be repaired, an individual can recover his lost limbs, without leaving any trace or scar. Recovering its full function. Depending on the damage, this process can last from a few hours to a maximum of 3 months, for a total regeneration.
These devices form the spinal column, of Taygeta's pathophysiological medicine. That is, everything that is not fixed with herbal medicine (true medicine) or with sound or light therapies, or with diets and exercises, since in Taygeta the food itself is or can also be seen as medicine.
This ship contains in its medical decks several pods of this class.
Estel·la: Fascinating!
Cristina: Wow Anéeka, how incredible is this technology, I wish we had it here on Earth!
Аnéeka of Temmer: The Cabal have similar technology, but not as advanced. They use it for themselves and hide it from the human population. I know this as totally true.
Estel·la: Yeah, I'm not surprised.
Cristina: And the babies that grow in the Maternal Medical Pod in 3 months, what do they look like? Like a 9-month-old baby?
Аnéeka of Temmer: When they come out, they look like a baby between one year and one year and 3 months. Already with their systems more developed, for the same safety of the baby. It is safer for them. It does not make sense that they are born at 9 months since no one is going to give birth to them or they are going to lack nutrients.
Cristina: And what behavior do they have? Like 1 year already?
Аnéeka of Temmer: No, they are very basic, they are newborns, only that their body is more developed. But they regain or increase their knowledge very quickly. They make up for 'lost time' very quickly. The level of premature deaths drops dramatically if they are born a year or a little more than if they were born younger than one year old.
From there they are cared for by adoptive mothers, at least as children. And they are given breast milk too, but it is made in the laboratory, with everything it contains. Breast milk is basically cells from the same mother, they can be replicated using stem cells, in the same way that a whole body can be produced. It’s real breast milk, it just didn’t come from a woman. And it is far from being a baby formula, as it is known on Earth. The aspect of contact with others, proximity with a “mother” or with their loved ones, is of vital importance at birth.
Cristina: Thank you very much Anéeka, what an interesting topic!
Video URL: https://youtu.be/IbE40m0YbZk
In this live we will talk about toys in Taygeta, how Taygetean children experience play and about their board games, comparing everything with what children on Earth have today
Estel·la.- Hello. Welcome to Pleiadian Knowledge. Thank you all for being here.
Cristina.- Hello everyone. Today we are going to tell you a little about Taygeta's toys. How the Taygetan children play or experience games. It is information from Yázhi Swarúu. Today we will do two parts only. In the second part we will talk about board games, in this case, what a Taygean board game is like. It's information from Raguel of Temmer.
Estel·la.- Yes. Today the information we have will be short. So we start. Toys and board games in Taygeta, Pleiades.
Cristina.- Here we ask Yázhi: “What material are the toys in Taygeta made of?” Since, as you know, here many of the toys that we have today are made of plastic, and we already know that plastic is very polluting. And Yázhi answered us:
“Plastic is not used here. A composite resin is used that lasts much longer. It is non-toxic and it is also moldable. If you compare it with plastic it would look almost the same depending on the piece, but with the difference that it is very difficult to break, again depending on the piece.”
Estel·la.- So, let's ask Yázhi: “What are the toys like for the children in Taygeta? What do they play with?” But we are not referring to computer games, but to the pieces that they played. Yázhi explained to us:
“The same principle applies. Children will copy how others live. The customs of their parents and their environment and society for that is the game among other things, of course. The main difference from Earth is that you don't get toys as easily as you would get spare parts for a washing machine. In other words, children have a strong tendency to build their own toys in Taygeta from the manual way with materials such as cardboard or wood. With composite materials such as resins that are equivalent to plastic for Taygeta, but do not come from hydrocarbons. Mainly by hand, as I do, and that does not mean that they are gross. Many hand-made toys look like machines or replicas of real ones to scale. Also, they are created by children designing them with their home computer. Everyone has one unless by choice not. Then they form them in a replicating machine. Also, I do that sometimes.” The type of toy varies with the place and the tastes of the children, of course. But the classic remains: transports, ships, maritime ships and things like that for boys, and dolls, houses, designer buildings or art things more for girls. There is no exclusion or limitation of gender role as with toys or with anything in particular in Taygeta, but in toys it is highly reflected how clear gender identities are in Taygeta. Which is being lost on Earth.”
We were surprised when she told us that the toys were difficult to find, and when we asked her she said:
“Because people do not produce them for others since that is something that comes from the children themselves. It would only be toys for very young children, perhaps. What happens is that there is no motivation to create toys, for what? That is more of an artistic ability of children and part of their development to be able to understand reality and duplicate it to scale. Although this is not exclusive to children because adults also like to do things on a scale.”
That is the explanation we have for the first part. Now we are going to read a little to you and comment among ourselves. Have you been surprised by these little details that Yázhi shared with us?
Cristina.- A follower says: I imagine that some may also be inherited. Yes probably. Since, as Yázhi has explained, these toys made of resin last longer than what we know here as plastic.
Estel·la.- A follower says: “How cute. I imagined that this would be the case.”
Cristina.- Yes. Here we have a lot of difference with what we are currently seeing, above all, I say currently because the people who are older here in the chat will have already seen the evolution of children in recent generations, and that is that we have children with a terrible consumer impact. That is to say, television only puts out ads for toys, whatever it is and they bombard them to create that consumerism since behind, as Yázhi explained here, there in Taygeta it is not the case because why produce this. Here we have, again, the economic issue in the large companies that manufacture toys for children and that is being sold at brutal levels. Also the subject of creativity since all the toys that are being sold are designed so that the child can hardly interact because everything is already done, everything in place, practically some almost assembled and in the end you find that children, at least here in the countries that we consider in quotes "more developed,” in some way, although we already know that this is questionable, that they do not even know how to play. That is, many have a lot of toys and do not know what to do, simply because they do not have that motivation or creativity when it comes to play. For example, these electric trains that you simply put there on the tracks and they go around, or these cars that have lights that go by themselves and what do children do?
Estel·la.- Yes, totally, that's right. From a very young age they already cancel us with these things that one by one do not attract our attention and are like discrete, but then they add up, and it is true that creativity is something that is totally suppressed in our system. It is something that is practically found in schools from a very young age. In the Spanish school system, you enter school at 3 years old and the first thing they want is for you to write, to learn to read, and all mechanical things, instead of letting the child develop in his own time, and with the things that are of interest to him and doing more crafts and being able to develop the imagination and capture what one feels or has inside. And this in toys is seen a lot because they already impose a type of idea on us through what they sell us, and today the agenda against gender is very noticeable because today it is no longer known which toys are for children and which are for girls. They even try to make it seem that it is bad to give dolls to girls. It is no longer defined what is correct and what is not, because one has been mixed here… The agenda is incredible. This is a shame because later it shows in the development of people in the way they behave, and there is a very large diffusion of gender.
Cristina.- Now when a baby is born, if it is a boy or a girl, you already know how badly to buy something pink if it is a girl or blue if it is a boy because it depends on how it is misinterpreted. How far have we gone that we have gone from one extreme to the other. I have been fortunate to observe children in Africa. There is no such consumerism of toys and in the areas where I have been, there is practically no television. I realized what was really going on here when I saw children playing in Africa. They had nothing there and with stones, sticks, broken car wheels, they played for hours and hours and did everything, cabins whatever. So here the children who have everything, absolutely everything and are unable to play like these children from Africa.
Estel·la.- In addition, it advances very quickly because in a very short time there has been a super big leap from the generation of my grandparents to the generations that are coming now, it has completely changed. Before, here too, people played with nothing. They spent the day in the street playing with balls, more physical games, creating different kinds of things, board games, for example. And in a very few years this has been suppressed until today children are limited to spending time in front of the screens. If they play with their friends it is through online games. It is all focused on transhumanism. Meant to separate people and focus them only on a hive mind type.
Cristina.- A follower says: “Yes, it is a bit surprising, because I thought that there, (he refers to Taygeta, I imagine) everything is done and you just have to ask for it, it's better this way.” Yes. But here you must realize the cultural difference they have with us. Technology never has to step on people. So, that's why Taygeta always insists so much that they greatly appreciate basic things, traditional things, because there does not come a time that so much technology eventually cancels you, and in the end until what moment do we leave everything in the hands of technology and we annul ourselves as people and as human beings?
Estel·la.- I also remember, I think it was Anéeka, who explained to us that they have both sides, as they have a very high technology, they could act like a holographic pet, and parents could program the type of interaction they could have with the boy, and that he could be like his pet friend. Also, with that hologram he could learn things. If they have a favorite cartoon they can do it in hologram and the child feel accompanied with that and learn with this, and the parents had no control over the type of reaction. And you see that they also have these options of course, because we are talking about the civilization that has a few hundred thousand years of technological advancement on us, on the other hand, it is delicate to be able to define the line so that there is no dependency. That is, if the child spends too much time playing with it, he will not spend time playing with friends. So in Taygeta the other case is prioritized, being able to create by yourself since it is very important because you are exceeding personal goals. If you have a toy that interests you and you make it yourself, it helps you a lot to develop as a person.
Cristina.- A follower says: “Before, people went out to the streets and played.” It's true. I remember that when I was little at Christmas, I remember when I was little and had gifts, on Christmas Day there was the street ... all the children in the neighborhood they were playing with the new toys. Everyone shared what they had brought to the other. It was like the best day of the year. And I realized when a few years ago I went out one Christmas day that there were no children on the street. This varies by country and all this, but here in Barcelona, we are not from Barcelona city, but we are from towns near Barcelona, it is incredible, there are no children. On Christmas day, there is no one. Everyone is at home and you can see exactly how all this has changed. Also, many psychologists or alternative specialists on the emotional and cognitive development of children that it has been shown in several studies that toys that do not have a defined shape such as, for example, building blocks or so, are much better for the development of children. That too, has been related to the fact, how Yázhi explains making your own toy. Because having a readymade toy, which already has everything, does not motivate you. On the other hand, for example, the building blocks do, because today you can make a castle and tomorrow it can serve as a bridge for the animals to pass through, after that it can be a wall or a garage. Shapeless toys are the ones that develop the mind the most. And, also, what we are seeing is that, this has seen some studies in babies, toys with many lights, many sounds are very popular in babies, as the baby does not have mobility yet and cannot play, toys are put on it. Let them make music, movements, lights, because they are really very attractive to babies, but in the long run, several professionals explained, they overstimulate the baby and over-excite it and that it was not healthy for babies. But of course, they are sold very easily because they are very attractive, they are like screens for children.
Estel·la.- That must be invasive for the child.
Cristina.- Sometimes they even play music while he sleeps. Also, already bringing up the topic of overexcitement that we talked about in older children, it seems that children cannot get bored. That is to say, mothers take their children out of school and after school, yes English, yes soccer, yes gymnastics that in the end ... I know children who I wonder when they sleep. They are out all the time since they get up, all class hours later in the afternoon more and more. The weekend more, and I think it can't be this, and I just saw some very interesting studies that said that boredom was healthy for children. The fact that a child does not know what to do is the moment in which he develops his creativity most, but if that child is constantly encouraged to do things that, in addition, already have a schedule and are programmed, it is not that he is all the time deciding on this, of course, that also greatly nullified children's creativity. But we also find ourselves in a system that what is happening in countries, I speak of Spain because it is where we are, countries like Spain it seems that the family is not compatible right now, since practically two salaries are needed to live. That is, both mom and dad have to be working, and it seems that children have to fit in all week doing something. That is also why the extracurricular activities are being offered and in the end those children are out all day doing things and are practically not with the family.
Estel·la.- That's how it really is. There is a very strong agenda there to destroy the family. Of not knowing what position each one should exercise if the father or the mother, separate them in order to survive to be able to take the money home and then in the end the child seems to be a hindrance. Because if you have to go to work, what do you do with the child? Where do you leave it? And they end up going to extra activities because there are people who do not have relatives where they can stay, and this does not help the children to develop as they need.
Cristina.- Yes. It is that we have gone from one extreme of ... here we will talk about genders where women have to be at home taking care of children and cannot do anything else, it is like their fit there, to the other extreme that women cannot be a woman because we have lost everything, you can no longer take care of your children because the system does not allow it. And,in the end we do not realize it, but the children end up being the property of the government. The government is the one that decides. Here in Spain, for example, schooling is compulsory from the age of 6, although many people believe that it is from the age of 3, but no, it is from the age of 6. So, from the age of 6 you can no longer choose for your own child, but it is the system that forces you to take him there for a series of hours, where he has to learn a series of topics that they choose. So where is the thread of parental power here. It is true that the law is cheated since there is a Home School there and alternative things, but they make it very difficult for you to do these things.
Estel·la.- Sure, that's what it is, there is that alternative, but who has the time to be able to do it or dedicate and do it well for the education of their child. They make it very complicated. And, even though in Spain they allow it, there are other countries that do not. I discovered this while I was in Norway, and there is a lot more choice, a lot of variety wherever you school your child, but, on the other hand, Home Scooling is not allowed. So it's like a trap. They deceive you, they make you believe that you have more possibilities to choose from, but they take away the one that you believe is most valid.
Cristina.- A follower says: “At the age of 2 my grandson went to kindergarten.” Well look, 2 years still. I have seen that some already sent there from 4 months. Because here the maternity leave in Spain is 4 months. So at 4 months many are already in kindergarten, but here we enter a well that is incredible. And more with what is happening at the moment that you already know that we cannot talk much about, but what children are experiencing today. Yes, we were already on this path that children are no longer interacting as before, they are not playing as before, on top of that comes this and you can no longer share toys, you can no longer share spaces. Many children have not been out on the streets for a year, only to go to school and come back, which I find horrible. And then aside, about 3 months ago I also saw some studies that were Spanish of a group of pedagogues who are throwing their hands to their heads saying that many babies were arriving for consultation that did not interact with their mouths. That is, they did not speak and did not make expressions with their mouths, only with their eyes and, as you know, babies learn by looking at adults, they learn with their faces, let's say, like mirrors, and all day with the mask on their face. These children who are in a period of growth as delicate as a baby, we are talking between seven or eight months old, that already begins to do a little to stimulate speech until 2/3 years that already begins to start with language because a year for that child is a long time. He is deprived of being on the street and does not see anyone's mouth, not even his relatives. Even the parents themselves. So where are we going to end up with all this?
Estel·la.- In the end, you can not even identify people's expressions if they are happy, content, how they are transmitting things, and above all focus on speech. A follower says: “In the end they demand so much from you at the family level that you stop looking after your children and then they accuse you of being bad parents and not staying with your children. Very sad to see the families destroyed.” Yes, totally.
Cristina.- A follower says: “Also, it is an economic issue that both the mother and the father are forced to be working to be able to support themselves and that also feeds all this to the children to school them at an early age in the daycare, or whatever and it's a fish that bites its tail. (T: vicious cycle.)” The identities, the moms who are appear to be moms and who can no longer carry out their work as they did before and many things. In the movies they sell you the family in a way as if it were everything, the baby just there sleeping, and then you find a very different reality, that being a mother does not mean that there are many things there, but in the movies they sell it to you as all good and fantastic and then there are the moms who cannot lead the life they used to, cannot work, they have a little person who is dependent on them and all that creates a tremendous incompatibility and the system itself is already taking care of each the time there is less time with the family less socialization and in the end we will all look like robots.
DO THEY ALSO HAVE BOARD GAMES? Information from Raguel of Temmer
Estel·la.- This information was explained to us by Raguel de Temmer. And here we ask him: In Taygeta, do you also have board games? He told us yes, but that they are very outdated. So, we asked him if the board games they had were from Earth or from Taygeta. And, he explained to us:
"From both. From Taygeta we have one of building design construction. It is a board game. It seems easy, but it gets progressively more difficult. It's a board game, nothing electronic. You don't build anything like Lego. It is conceptual with rules. With rules that are becoming more and more strict. You are positioning your building inside, conditioning the same space for various uses that appear in the game. But you start at the bottom and work your way up. And, the building gets narrower and narrower. And, at the same time, the house, floor or step rises in requirements inside causing things to progressively complicate. Whoever manages to accommodate the interior better, wins. It has a lot of interior decoration elements and I see that it is more focused on being played by women, but anyone plays it. Taygeta has a tendency to greatly appreciate the simple, leaving behind the complexity of the electronic.”
Then he told us that: "Of the Earth (games) the most common that they had were, for example: the tourist, or chess."
So, here Cristina asked him: “How is the presentation of this specific game? How are the pieces?” And Raquel told us:
“It is a 12-level board, made of wood and cardboard. With a series of hexagonal dice that come out at random. They assign you cards. From them, you solve it mentally, and you pass your ideas to others telepathically mostly, and you arrange them, and you arrange the cards on each floor or level. If the concepts are forgotten, then you are out. It has a lot of memory. It's the idea, cut memory, too. If what each person remembers is no longer congruent, the level is lowered. The winner is the one with the most control over the whole situation. The Game is very mental. Telepathy here is very important in this game because the mental image of the place is passed en bloc to every detail. I guess you could play with spoken descriptions, too."
Here, we ask him: “Is it for playing as a team?
"Yes. For two people or more. But it is more interesting with more participants.”
The truth is that we found it super interesting when he explained it to us, because it really is a game based on memory and telepathy. Here we have some, for example, people have to say words and they accumulate, but the truth is that it is super complex, because you have to remember all the details of the construction of the inside and of different levels and it goes by with mental blocks. The truth is that this game must be very complex.
Cristina.- And, here Raguel explained to us that they had an interest in human video games and we were surprised when he told us because we know the technology they have and the kind of entertainment they have at a holographic level and everything, and we thought about video games. The PlayStation, the Wii thinking that it does not reach the level that they have. And here Raguel explained to us:
“They seem very interesting to us. We don't compare them to our videogames. Is different. It is true that it is much simpler, but we like that too, being able to play without getting so involved in a holographic simulation video game of ourselves. The distance is kept with the game and that is relaxing. As a comparison, I suppose it's like giving up playing console videogames in favor of a quiet afternoon with a board game. What we got is an Xbox One console. There is a Wii on board as well and a Playstation 3 as well and an old Atari that works fine. Lately we have taken an interest in these kinds of games here, but we also discovered things of the mind control type within them as you would expect.”
And here Estel·la asked him: “Do men and women also play? Or if men played them more, like on Earth here.” Raguel told us:
“I think it's the same, but we do see a lot of things there. But it is part of our work of understanding towards the human race.”
Here Anéeka had also explained to us that they watch our movies and all this, and they also play videogames to study human beings, our culture, discover agendas, how things are moving here and it is a way of being able see them through all of this.
Estel·la.- This is all we had prepared for today. A follower says: Ask if they play Call of Duty from WWII. In fact, Yázhi was explaining to us all the hidden agendas that were in that video game because they had been analyzing it in depth and they said it was a horror, a horror and everything that was in there. We have a video about this in case you are interested in more about it.
Cristina.- Yes, the live show is called: Hidden Symbology in Toys.
Estel·la.- It is that, really seen from the outside as another extraterrestrial race, it is perfectly understood and they study all these points of our society because games have a very important role, and more today than many adolescents and adults too, In the end, fans of these games spend a lot of time because they really have to see what is being programmed there, or what it is that draws so much attention to human beings to stagnate in these games. And it's a very important part of their job to be able to fully understand how it works or what our race is like.
Cristina.- A follower says: “So, isn't the video game bad for them?” I don't know if you mean a videogame itself, within the Taygetean race, that is, playing video games or if you mean playing games on Earth. But if it is on the subject of Taygeta tell you that the technology is not really bad. Technology itself can greatly aid a civilization and help it. The problem is when that technology is being used against civilization itself, which is what we have here on Earth. For a child to play a videogame is not a bad thing, but if in the videogame they are putting things that are not good for him or Mind Control or if his creativity is simply being nullified since he was a child and only exclusively encouraging him to play that alone that then, that's where we have a problem. Everything is good, but with restraints. One follower says: “Videogames are very addictive.” Yes. Everything is addictive in itself. The problem is how the person is because in the end the addiction, being addictive is also a result of an emotional problem.
Estel·la.- Exactly. If you have any deficiencies, you will try to replace it through these games.
Cristina.- A follower says: “Sure, people turn into zombies playing all day. It is very bad.” Yes. It is a bit what we are explaining that, if you give children everything when they are young, they do not have any creativity and are in a system all the time memorizing anything, in the end it ends up triggering something bad.
Estel·la.- A follower says: “Thank you, Yázhi. And, thank you Mr. Raguel de Temmer. I also take this opportunity to send a greeting to Anéeka de Temmer and everyone in the Toleka ship.” A follower asks: “What is chess like in Taygeta?”
Estel·la.- Well, I don't know. I imagine it must be a lot more complex than the chess we have here. Able to play multi-level chess or I don't know.
Cristina.- Or maybe they don't have chess. We do not know. A follower says: “Home education rules.” Yes. It is something that I have commented on before. That, really the governments are the ones that control the education of children, and in itself all the stress that we have commented on an economic level, being a mother and father that, sometimes is not how they sell it to you in the movies, so many times both the father and the mother are overwhelmed, and what happens is that, well, it creates a whole system that feeds each other, and in the end the parents and mothers are eager for the child to start school so that they can educate him when in In reality it is the parents themselves who have the responsibility of educating their child. But things have turned so much that in the end you let the government educate your child, and it's like you're doing well because you have so much stress and so many problems that the whole situation is causing you, and it is a bit what I have commented that in the end we have ceded the power of children to the authorities without realizing it.
Estel·la.- A follower asks: “Are the games collective? Can they play in teams?” Yes. They will have everything. For example, this game that was not explained by Raguel was a game to be played in a team of at least 2 people and he said that the more people the more entertaining it was. I imagine they will have all the options. Also, I had seen some comments from people who said that, if they play sports as a game, surely they had also commented that they made ship racing games, and if I remember correctly they built their own ships. So here we focus more on board games.
Cristina.- Anéeka explained that in Taygeta the subject of sports was calmer, that there were no sports, as we know them. The one of the Urmah, how was the sport of the Urmah?
Estel·la.- Like American football, like Rugby.
Cristina.- Like more action. So more beast, but they had sports as calmer and athletics was very typical there. A follower says: “The system forces you not to dedicate quality time to them.” Yes. It's like everything is designed so that everything works like that. It is a bit what we were talking about, the destruction of the family.
Estel·la.- A follower asks: “Do you have games from other races?” Here, for example, those who are in orbit do have human games, as we have commented, but in Taygeta we did not ask if they had influence or games on the part of other races, but it is true that, if you are visiting another planet, another culture, because the form of member, to learn is this and to visit other planets. Also, these games might take these ideas back to Taygeta later.
Cristina.- A follower says: “The government educates. They form them like robots.” Yes. It is that to have obedient slaves you have to work at it from a young age because, what can stop it are disobedient slaves, and that is what does not matter. Some of your questions we do not know. We have not asked that much in depth on this subject.
Estel·la.- A follower asks: “It seems crazy, but do you have flying inline skates?” Exactly, we do not know skates, but we do know that they had boots that can reach a lot of height, hundreds of meters. Do you remember exactly how much Cristina?
Cristina.- I don't remember how many meters, but many.
Estel·la.- A lot. I know they had these special boots AND they have inline skates like the ones we have here, but it was like with four wheels and the back wheel a little bit bigger and then a little bit bigger than the others.
Cristina.- A follower says: “Do you practice sports with animals or pets, polo, horse racing, etc ...?” No. Anéeka explained to us that the only civilization that uses animals for sports or slavery or whatever is Earth, they did not know of any other planet where animals are used absolutely for nothing. A follower says: “Girls, when are you going to continue the Orion Wars saga?” We are working on the next videos. We hope to have them to you in the next few weeks. Actually, we are working on a lot of interesting videos now. Estel·la.- Yes. We believe that at the point where we are, it is important to give certain topics, and that is what we are going to try to do. So stay tuned.
Cristiana.- With Anéeka we are working on medicine, and you are going to like it a lot. Taygetean medicine and medicine of the Earth.
Estel·la.- As you know, Anéeka is now also considered a doctor, because ships are learning too and she has been learning hand in hand with Senetre de Erra all these years, and she has learned a lot. He has a lot of knowledge and is sharing it with us. Super interesting things that we hope to present to you soon. Well, if you like Cristina, we are going to say goodbye. Thank you all very much and see you in the next video. * *
In this live we will explain the history of the Moon, we will talk in more detail about its hologram, the current state of the reactors and the impact that this gigantic ship produces on our biology. We will also share some very approximate CGI images of how it really looks.
"This information is provided by extraterrestrial persons, women and men from the Taygeta star in the Pleiades cluster, through a written contact with us."
Estel·la.- Hello everyone. Welcome to Pleiadian Knowledge.
Cristina.- Thank you for being here once more. Today we have some very interesting information. We will talk about the Moon. The ship of the Moon, as you know. And tell you that we have enough information. So we will divide everything into three parts with two little breaks in between. We will be reading to you and answering questions, as long as we know it, of course. You already know that the information is not ours and we do not know everything. What we are going to discuss today is to explain a little about the Lunar hologram. A few more details. Also, show you some images that Anéeka of Temmer has provided us, which are CGI images, about approximately how the lunar surface or the Moon really looks. And also, very interesting information from Yázhi Swarúu that explains how the Moon interferes, in some way, with terrestrial biology. And many more details, we do not want to spoil it. So we are going to continue reading to you a little and now we will begin.
Estel·la.- Yes. I think we already started with the presentation. We start with the first part: The ship that is the Moon.
This first part is information from Anéeka of Temmer. Anéeka explained to us that the Moon is a hologram and how it really looks is like the images that we are going to present to you now that are CGI. She passed them to us so that we could get an idea of what the Moon really looks like and how they see it. This image passed to us:
As you can see here:
In this you can see more detail that there are like structures on the surface of the Moon. But you will see that she is going to explain to us that it is not that there are constructions, but that it is the ship itself. Because it really is a spaceship, it is a metal ball. She sent us this image, too:
And these other two:
As you can see, it differs a lot with the images that are presented to us through NASA and everything that is published. You can see in the background the Moon that they show us and how it really looks later. We asked Anéeka what these images were and if they were CGI and whose they were. She explained to us: It is what the Russians know. They insist that they are CGI-images, but that is what it looks like. And she says: “It's sad that they give you another idea. They hide the truth because it bothers them
.” So, we ask her: Are these images the external structure? And she explained herself: "Yes. It has several internal levels like an onion. Towards the center are the engineering and life support systems with the reactor at the center. It is a huge ship. They sell that as romantic, but it is a metal ball in disguise.”
Cristina.- Here we ask Anéeka: “And why does it have that effect? Because of the material used?”
Anéeka replied: “Because it has all kinds of buildings on the surface for countless uses. As if it were an entire city that covers its surface. But they are not constructions. It is part of the hull of the Lunar ship. ” As Estel·la has already told you, while I was showing you the CGI-images, it is not that there really is nothing there on the surface like cities or something like that, but that it is part of the hull of the ship. And here we wanted to tell you about the name of the Moon, which is information that we had already published on the channel in the video of The Viera Andromedana, in the first part of the series of 3 videos.
Here Estel·la asked Anéeka: “What is the original name of the ship that makes Luna?” And Anéeka answered us: “It's Creiddylad.”
Estel·la asked her: “Does it have any meaning?” She believed it to be Andromedan.
And Anéeka replied: "Yes. It is Andromedan. Translated into phonemes. On Earth playing a Welsh Goddess. That goddess sure is connected to Diana. Wales, Ireland and Scotland have strong links to Predynastic Egypt and to Atlantis, hence the names. Diana is one of the names for the Moon. Creirddylad also known as: Creurdilad, Creudylad or Kreiddylat, daughter of King Lludd. He is a secondary character in the medieval Welsh tale; Culhwch ac Olwen. The oldest Arthurian tale. Diana equals Roman goddess of the Moon.”
We are going to take a little break and we are going to read you in the chat.
Estel·la.- These details that we have given so far were a bit to focus people. To do a little introduction. They had already been shared by our colleagues Robert and Gosia. Now we will see if you have any questions about this and then we will continue with the rest.
Cristina.- Question from a follower: “In other words, the Moon is like the Death Star in Star Wars.” Yes. Robert and Gosia had shared before that it looks a lot like the Death Star. Simply without the slit and part that goes inwards like a very large circle, as this would not have it.
Estel·la.- A follower says: “Are images of structures real?” Not the images that we have shown you, they are CGI, but this is what it looks like.
Cristina.- A follower asks: “So, have the Chinese also lied that they have traveled to the dark side?” I assume you mean the hidden side of the Moon. Or if they know what there was and do not give the real information? As far as we have known for a few years now, you cannot go there. That is, there is no one who goes to the Moon. I think that in the secret space program they did go, but that’s why they didn’t go back. And indeed all the images that we can see from NASA from both the Moon and Mars are false.
Estel·la.- A follower continues: “Does anyone live on the Moon?” No. It is uninhabited. There is no one living there.
Cristina.- If you see that we do not answer some questions, it is because what you are asking will be discussed a little later. We follow Estel·la because I see that most of the questions are from the information that comes now.
Estel·la.- Cristina asked Yázhi: Is it true that the Moon is moving away from the Earth every year? Who controls the lunar orbit? And Yázhi explained to us: “It may be true or appear to be. It is a ship. As with all ships, you have to correct orbit every so often, either towards Earth or away from it. The Lunar orbit is under the control of the Federation on the part of the Arcturians and Dieslientiplex and for 2 years now, to be exact. Before that it was under the control of Taygeta, and before that it was under the control of Centauri, but always Federation ”.
Cristina.- Here we ask Yázhi: “What role did the moon ship play in the battle of Tiamat? Why was it so destroyed?” And Yázhi explains: “It was one of the Federation and Andromedan sphere ships. Main bases from where Federation ships operated, as does the Viera nowadays, which is also Andromedan, only that being smaller it is an arrowhead type and not a spherical one. During the battle for Tiamat it was the main strategic target. It received multiple hits from different classes of weapons, including ionizing nukes which made it too difficult to repair and clean. The cost of lives during that was very great as well. As the Moon is large, it is habitable by areas, but always remembering that it is a 100% artificial structure like layers of onion inside. That is to say, one spherical cover inside another until reaching the nucleus. Where the main reactors are. There are other small ones closer to the surface, but they have not been used for a long time.”
For those of you who are new or do not know a little about what we are talking about, when we talk about the battle of Tiamat we talk about the Orion Wars that we also have a series that by the way, we are going to continue and that we are already working on the following videos, and it was a battle that took place in our solar system like this, very briefly, where there was a planet here that we no longer have that was called Tiamat and it was entirely an aquatic planet made up of small islands. This battle occurred approximately 12,500 years ago. There was a battle there. The planet got destabilized because of the different bombs and all of this, and it exploded, let's say and the Moon that we have here, the ship, was in that battle. It was very destroyed as Yázhi is explaining here and then it was reused to put it here to project the Van Allen bands and the hologram. I'll explain a little bit in case you didn't know what we were talking about.
Estel·la.- So, here Yázhi continued explaining to us that there is a lot of evidence that this is the case and that the Moon is a hologram. And she told us: “I know that it is pushing the credibility of the people about the hologram that covers the Moon, making it look natural. I know it is sad and difficult to understand from someone's position deep within that Matrix, but it is the truth. And already some astronomers have noticed the presence of a hologram. To say that it is not there is to deny the studies of these astronomers more than anything amateur because the officials, all, and I mean all, are controlled by the Vatican. Every large telescope on Earth in one way or another is controlled by the Illuminati Jesuits. Continuing to believe that the Moon is a natural satellite is just ignorance. You can investigate this from Earth, they do not have to take it by faith. The Moon is not what it seems. I know it's annoying, but it's the truth.”
And here Cristina commented that she herself had seen that many astronomers said that the orbit of the Moon was strange for a natural satellite. And that there were people who detected changes in the lunar surface such as craters that disappeared and other and different studies appeared that said it was hollow and things like that. In other words, there is a lot of information on the net. We know that they play with this precisely in that this is a sea of misinformation that people can super easily enter into cognitive dissonance, and do not have the ability to be able to discern for themselves which part may be true and which part may not be. Yes it is true that there is a lot of information about this and if someone is interested they can find details. So, here Yázhi continued to explain:
"Sure, its orbit is set there. It is a ship, it does not obey the same dynamics of a natural Moon because it does not have balance. It should fall or go out of orbit and that it does, but it corrects in orbit like any ship, as that is what it is. On the far side, for me that is just something circumstantial because the Moon is rotating, slowly, but yes. What happens is that regardless of whether it rotates or not, what you always see is the same hologram. So, it seems that there is a hidden side. I've seen NASA photos of the cratered far side as if it had been stuck hard there on that side and not from the front. But those NASA photos are just plain fake. It is a fantasy. The hologram does not cover the entire lunar sphere, only the part facing the Earth. The back looks like what it is, a metal ball. As extra data, from here in low orbit, we see the Moon as you do, we see the hologram. But as we zoom out we see that it is the hologram. If we see it from the side, we see the details of the surface that they know, but distorted and if we see the Moon completely in profile compared to how it is seen from the Earth, a luminous layer is clearly seen in front of it and that only covers the part visible from the earth".
As a detail here, they tell you that the ship they are on, is around 400/500 km (orbit), and that is why they are within what would be the influence of the Moon, and that is why they tell us that they see it that way. But if they move they can clearly see what it really is.
Cristina.- Here we ask Yázhi: And what technology is present on the Moon? What facilities does it have on the surface and in the center? And Yázhi explains:
“The technology present there is old and collapsing due to lack of maintenance. They are not above-ground installations. In itself, that concept still confers the idea that it has a natural surface on which to build something, a base, a building. The entire surface and interior Moon is a construction in itself. It will only have outstanding things like something, like tall buildings. There are. Sometimes they are seen above the hologram. The technology is from the Tiamat era, and earlier. Very outdated compared to what the Andromedans have today. It consisted of 12 old ionizing reactors, of which 4 work and malfunction and I think fewer than those four today. Powering the generators of the Van Allen belts and the hologram. The hologram is physically generated by a series of lenses on the lunar surface, not from a single point where the image is generated or formed by means of tiles or as a collage of images. In other words, it is not a single hologram. It is a composite of many smaller holograms."
We saw in the chat that you asked if there were more ships like the Moon here. Explain that the Andromedans have several types of Biosphere ship. For example, the Viera Andromedana is not spherical, but rather a ship with an arrowhead. This ship is parked just behind the Moon and is very large. I don't know if you remember Estel·la if Anéeka has ever told us if there is a round biosphere ship, I don't know if there is on Saturn …
Estel·la.- She explained to us that there were many on Saturn. But in orbit here on Earth ... if the biosphere is like the Moon ... I can't say.
Cristina.- Yes. I think that, if we remember correctly, she told us that round biospheres are only on Saturn. The others, Andromedana would see it, which is the one that is the Moon, the Varena that is the one that is in Venus, both are shaped like an arrowhead.
Estel·la.- So, here we asked Yázhi: The range of influence of the hologram projected by the Moon was like the one you are seeing in this image. And Yázhi who explained to us:
"Yes. So so. Because, more or less? Earth, like any other planet, has a magnetosphere. Interaction with a source of magnetic energy, the Moon in this case, with an exact frequency designed on purpose alters the total output frequency of the magnetosphere. So, it is the Earth itself that is providing the energy for the Van Allen belts.”
So, here I asked her what: So, the hologram that is projected by the Moon was also from behind. That is, toroidal like the one you see in the image.
And she told us: “The torus in the image controls the torus of the Earth's magnetosphere. However, the projection of energy from the Moon is more direct as illuminating the magnetosphere with a beam of light like a lamp not only with a torus as in the image. The Moon is 360,000 km away, far enough to project well and cover the entire magnetosphere. That is, as Yázhi explains to us that there are several reactors that are projecting just above the Earth.
Cristina.- And here Yázhi tells us a little more about the Van Allen belts:
Important note: Earth is the only planet with Van Allen belts, but people claim this as not true. What happens is that the magnetosphere is confused with the Van Allen belts. This is important because the Van Allen belts are formed from the base magnetosphere as I have described above. But they are not the magnetosphere. The difference is that the amount of energy measured in radiation is much greater in the Van Allen belts and of energy or force too great for planet Earth. That is, the Van Allen belts give off or are compounds of ionizing radiation energy highly dangerous to biology, and with that forming an etheric barrier that prevents them from leaving the Earth in low-tech ships. While the bands formed naturally by the magnetosphere, whether they are from Earth or other planets, are made up of electromagnetic radiation that is not so dangerous to life. It is not completely harmless either, but nothing compared to ionizing radiation." And here she explains a little about the differences between the magnetosphere and the Van Allen belts on this energy.
And Yázhi says: “Ionizing radiation means that it is giving off particles that ionize the matter that comes into contact with it, changing its atomic structure. Damaging everything. They can see the particles of ionizing radiation as little bullets from all directions destroying the matter, tissue, cells, and DNA in them. It is the type of radiation also known as nuclear or from classic radioactive heavy metals such as plutonium, uranium, strontium and derivatives. Plutonium is derived from uranium, but hey. Instead, magnetic radiation is basically the result of a flux in an electric current. To get past these Van Allen belts they need high-tech, density-shifting craft, not rocket ships. That does not happen for the belts. From pure nuclear physics it is known that the Apollo missions are a lie. They say that what happens is that they came out through the poles where the radiation is not so strong because it is a torus. True, they are less strong there, but still extremely deadly. It does not solve the problem by leaving the poles and the orbit and exit trajectory of the Apollo spacecraft is Equatorial, not polar. So no, not that either. They are just lies from NASA. "
And here Estel·la commented: But then they move through portals. Since, as you know, we know that the cabal leaves the Earth through portals.
And Yázhi answers: "That's how it is. With a portal, you can skip the Van Allen belts ”.
And Estel·la comments: So I think the function of the Moon is not very useful.
And Yázhi answers: "Still hollow and artificial metal it does have a lot of mass that is creating or helping to create the effect of tides on Earth." Well, up to here we take a little break. Let's read you in the chat.
Estel·la.- Yes. I have seen someone who asked that it was dangerous to approach the Moon as Robert and Gosia had said. And here's another person who asks: “Will there be bugs like Lurkers on the Moon?” And, as Yázhi was explaining to us, this ship was present during some very big wars. The remains of what could be left in there are many things, apart from the remains of weapons, ionizing energy and the dead, because there were people watching there and there may be many deaths. That is to say, it really was not a pleasant space to go there to visit.
Cristina.- I think that, mainly the reason is that, as Yázhi explained before, that everything is collapsing and it is really dangerous. When something is unstable it is dangerous to access this.
Estel·la.- A follower asks: Is the hologram going to dissolve at some point? We will answer this at the end.
Cristina.- A follower asks: “Is ionizing radiation scalar? Does it affect other dimensions?” Yes. It had been commented before, we have not asked it personally, but I do not know if it was Robert or Gosia who had commented that yes, that ionizing radiation is scalar, nuclear energy, that is to say.
Estel·la.- We were very surprised when Yázhi explained this detail to us. Because they are even projecting waves that are harmful to our biology. I mean, it seems that here at the end we have the 5G waves, the microwaves, all the poison in the food ... and well it seems that what is happening now was only the end of the last straw.
Cristina.- A follower asks: “Have you seen the failures of the hologram? They are horizontal lines that run through it. A user with a telescope recorded it and uploaded it to YouTube. It looks perfect.” Yes, we have seen many good amateur videos where they saw faults and even structures that are seen through the hologram.
Estel·la.- A follower asks: “What is positive about the Moon, then?” I think there is very little positive about it. At the time it was implemented, maybe it was helpful, because as you know the main reason was to try to control the traffic that there was by other races, and that those who did not have a minimumlevel of technology could not be entering and leaving the planet. But today, as we have commented, these other more regressive races make these jumps through portals. So, the function that Luna does now, if it is a lot or not, or positive, I think everyone decides.
Cristina.- Question from a follower: “The function of the Moon is to move the waters of the planet and of human circulation.” I think the main function is to reduce the Earth, which was in the fifth density, and reduce it in its day to a third density so that no one could get out of there. Like a kind of prison, let's say, but at the level of densities. And this was their main objective since when all this happened 12,500 years ago there were very strong wars. The Federation was very weakened and at that time, we imagine, that it was the best option they had on the table to try to control the situation. But today seen what is seen does not seem to have really helped, or is helping.
Estel·la.- A follower asks: “If the Moon is destroyed or removed, will there be a cataclysm on Earth?” The Taygeteans explained to us that as the Moon is projecting these dominant frequencies from planet Earth, if right now it were removed suddenly, it would produce a change in the planet and probably that the poles were reversed. And yes there were many disasters. So, now at the end we are going to answer this question about what is or what will happen to the Moon, but it is best that it be a gradual process.
Cristina.- Yes. Because think that what the Moon is doing is exerting force on the planet's molecular matter. That is, it is as if compressing it, as if we were taking a cork and submerging it under water. The same cork would try to make the force to rise, but we would exert more pressure and we would keep it submerged, because the same is what is happening with these Van Allen belts, they are compressing the matter, so I do not know to what extent, we do not have the details, or if now this has changed or not because the Earth is ascending in some way, it will be suddenly released or it will be suddenly removed it may be that it will cause or in its day could have caused some damage at the level of biology, tidal waves and earthquakes and things like that.
Estel·la.- A follower asks: “Is the hologram of the Moon just an image or is it also physical?” On the one hand, it is only a hologram because as you can see the Taygeteans and the other races are out of reach, they see it as it is, a metal ball. And they go there and it is a ship itself, they are not seeing the projected hologram of the craters or anything all this. But it is true that the hologram that they project here on Earth as Matrix buildings and people are totally palpable for us. For us it is our reality, although deep down this is a program and a hologram.
Cristina.- A follower says: “Thank you very much for the information. It is very interesting. I am listening very carefully and my daughters of 10 and 16 years are very interested in what you transmit. Thanks. Thank you very much for listening.”
Estel·la.- Well, if it sounds like Cristina, let's go with the last part? I have seen that there were several women just asking about this. Well, we also asked Yázhi: What influence does the Moon have in women? And why? And Yázhi explained to us: “The reason is that the biology of women is closely linked to the influences of subtle magnetic energies. The Moon among its frequencies that it transmits because, it is not only one frequency, but there are many, it seems or there is evidence that suggests that it is transmitting in the exact frequency that influences the reproductive biology of women. In environments without the Moon, it is mainly the woman's own energy, her aura or body magnetic torus, which determines and controls her cycles. But on Earth those frequencies are working as a control metronome and how this energy is stronger than the aura or interferes with the aura of the woman overrides or controls the reproductive rhythm. In places where there are many women in proximity, they have a tendency to hormonally, and also by frequencies, equalize the time of their periods. The hormonal aspect here is more evident with how it works than the more subtle energies, but they are there. So, in short, the Moon transmits destructive, or controlled frequencies, put there specifically to control human female biology. By taking away the possibility of control of their own reproduction only by their own control or mental force, which is how many women of other Lyrian races outside the Earth do it, including the Taygeteans.” So, everything that Yázhi explained to us resonated a lot to me and I thanked her a lot because this is something that intrigued me because it always bothered me that they show us this relationship as if it were something mystical or something special about women with the Moon and always as we are connected to the Moon and the tides and we go together and to me it was something like I didn't quite understand why, and I didn't like it. Then, Yázhi told us: "Yes. It is in fact a slavery relationship. The one that women are supposed to control by right with their minds, but on Earth they are still controlled there. The Lyrian woman controls her fertility with her mind. It is something that is learned. Not all of them do it when they are young, but over time they do.” So I told her that it made a lot more sense for it to be this way. And that they do not always show us that we have to be governed by things that are external to us.
Cristina.- A follower asks: “Does it only influence women?” I do not think so. Of course not. The Moon absolutely influences all terrestrial biology. We simply ask specifically about this because menstruation, childbirth, pregnancy is something very common that is very much linked to the Moon, even the growth of nails, hair. And we ask this as women, but of course it influences absolutely everything.
Estel·la.- Yes. And also, it greatly influences the cycles of animals and plants, but we were interested in this aspect more than anything because of the reproductive aspect. And here Yázhi told us something very interesting. She compared the image that they present to us and that is sold to the public of the Moon against that of the Sun. And she tells us: “The Moon will be (shown as) romantic, but the truth is that it is something very dark, unfair and invasive. The Moon is not good for humans. Enlightenment is known to come most easily by meditating on a new moon or during an eclipse because that is when the destructive lunar influence is at its lowest. It is said that Buddha achieved enlightenment during a lunar eclipse. On the other hand, they say on Earth that the Sun is bad, that it produces cancer, that it leaves you blind, that it produces global warming, that it is about to eliminate everyone with a ‘Solar Flare’ or with a magnetic pulse. And they don't say anything about the Moon. There is nothing wrong with the Sun. Nothing happens to it. And it is the beneficial one. Exposure to the Sun feeds the cells, restores them, gives subtle energies of DNA activation and with it healing and also development of extrasensory actions. Everything in excess is bad. Yes. Too much sun burns. It's just not overdoing it. But the sun is good here, that's why they try to cover it with chemtrails. They tell them to use cancer-causing sunscreens and that it is bad to be in the sun." We liked this point a lot because, as you know, they always try to sell us something to hide the rest, and it is true that there is a lot of propaganda about the sun, as you have commented with sun creams and everything, and then they actually sell us the relationship with the Moon as something beautiful and it ends up being detrimental to us. The same would happen with the planets that are always presented to us like Saturn.
Cristina.- And, finally, we ask Yázhi: Do you plan to remove the Moon at some point? Or shut down the rest of the reactors that remain? And Yázhi answered: “I have never heard of the removal of the Moon. However, sooner or later I do see it as viable or necessary because it is a lot of work to keep it in artificially stable orbit. Shut down the reactors if not done in a short time. A few decades at the most. Anyway, they will stop working. That technology is falling apart over the years. " So at the moment it seems that there is no plan to remove the ship. But it is true that Yázhi had already explained that the issue of reactors is they are already very weakened and in itself that field is increasingly weaker. But that the problem was not the field itself. Keeping ourselves in 3D is no longer because of the reactors, practically, but it is because of the human mentality that, as the Taygeteans have already explained, in the end everything is mind and we are the creators, and no matter how much the Moon retired and left. If they turn off the reactors and if we continue to have the same mentality there will be no change for human society whether or not there is a Moon.
Estel·la.- This is all we had prepared for today. With this we finish the presentation. And now let's see if you have any questions left.
Cristina.- Question from a follower: “If the Moon is 360,000 km from Earth, is that related to the number of days in a year? Would the duration of a year be different if there were no lunar Matrix?” I don't remember having covered that specific topic. Yázhi and Anéeka had explained to us that time does not exist as we believe, but that it is the perception of consciousnesses. That is, consciousnesses experience a specific time by agreements between themselves. That is, the duration of a day, as you live the entire day, or the days it takes for the Earth to orbit our star, the Sun, can vary by race since each race experiences time with its own. That is, humans will experience that it takes us 365 days to go around the Sun, while other races will experience it differently. Maybe longer or less time. Time cannot be measured or calculated as we believe here. A follower asks: “So, what relationship do emotions have with the Moon?”
Estel·la.- They are influenced. As Yázhi explained to us, it is easier to reach a higher state of consciousness when there is less influence from the Moon. So, as they are destructive frequencies that they are constantly sending us and we know that it works because of the dominant frequency, it affects us, it does affect us and we can feel a little more destabilized in that sense.
Cristina.- Think that, if it is capable of moving the sea, what is it capable of doing in all living organisms.
Estel·la.- A follower says: “That is to say that in a few decades, we will no longer see the Moon?” We cannot say what is going to happen in the next few years, because we cannot predict it. They have not given us dates either. As Yázhi told us, she has not heard that they are going to withdraw it. It is true that over time, and naturally and as it is very old technology, reactors stop working by themselves. If that moment comes that they are already totally obsolete, then I suppose that then they should see what they do with the metal ball.
Cristina.- A follower says: “How is the team from Taygeta? Does the Moon influence them?” Well, not that we know. They are not influenced by the Van Allen belts because the ships have their own density. That is, the ships create their density within, then it does not affect them. What happens to Taygeta, to the team that is here or to any other extraterrestrial that is here, what affects them is the mind. That is to say that, although the ships are protected in their own density, the fact of being focused on the Earth, on the Earth's problems, on what is happening, that creates the so-called extraterrestrial evil, which is a dissonance of frequencies, because your physical body is at a frequency, instead you are taking the mind to a frequency that is not the natural one for your body, and that makes you sick.
Estel·la.- A follower says: “Thank you very much girls. Also to Taygeta, Yázhi for this detailed knowledge.”
Cristina.- A follower says: “Then, it would be better to meditate on an afternoon with a warm sun and not a full moon. Yes. Although, it was the full Moon and the eclipses that affected the least?” E
Estel·la.- The full moon would be when there is more influence. It would be the new moon when not. A follower asks: “Who exactly maintains the Moon?” Right now it is the Arcturian race, Dieslientiplex, who are also part of the Federation and now they are in charge of maintaining the orbit of the Moon, its operation, and other aspects related to it.
Cristina.- A follower asks: “Previous greeting. Don't you think it would help the awakening of humanity to disconnect the hologram?” As we have said before, at the level to which humanity is mentally submerged, I believe that the effects would be practically nil to disconnect the Moon. Since people are very immersed in their own Matrix and would continue to reproduce this Matrix whether or not there is the Moon.
Estel·la.- Yes, because here there is a very important factor that Taygeteans have been explaining, which is the collective unconscious. And it is from there where everything is governed, and everything that we perceive as reality.
Cristina.- A follower says:” Are there bugs on the Moon?” We do not know.
Estel·la.- A follower asks: “When did you discover that the Moon was artificial?”
Cristina.- I did not know that it was a ship exactly, I really discovered this with Robert and Gosia when we were following the disclosure, but I did see strange things for many years. Researchers who followed because there were people who said that suddenly a crater had appeared and the next day it was gone. So, it cannot be, you already know that craters cannot be erased that way in any case another crater will come, another meteorite will fall and mould the previous one, but it cannot be that there was a crater last week and the surface is flat because that it didn't make any sense. So, yes, I had already seen a lot of research by many amateur astronomers who said that this is a very strange thing. Then also in photographs and videos that circulated around that you know that they are later censored and erased, but hey, sometimes you catch them the moment they have been uploaded, how they looked, as sharp structures, as if in the Moon would really have something built there. So, of course I suspected that there was something built there or there was something strange. But it is true that I also saw a researcher who claimed that with infrared, I do not remember what it was with, that they had done an investigation, and it looked hollow as if it were not a compact mass like what would be a piece of rock, but like that, hollow pieces were seen inside more similar to what would be a metallic surface or something like that. And of these things years and years ago that I found many things. So, already I suspected that it wasn’t all natural, but I didn't know it was a ship either, as Taygeteans explained.
Estel·la.- I personally, also discovered it in detail through the information of the Taygeteans. But it is true that I began to question myself, through what Cristina explained to me. From the research she had done and from there I began to see my own things and as Yázhi said the information is there. Perhaps not as detailed, to the millimeter as the Taygeteans tell us that everything they provide us is incredible, but there is a lot of data. And since I have also seen someone who commented in Chat before, they said that there are records of previous civilizations that said that there was no Moon before and that is also true. There's a lot of information.
Cristina.- Yes, it's true. It is true that there are many ancient records in which the Moon does not appear. A follower says: “How is the Moon kept in stable orbit?” Well I imagine that like any other ship it is parked. That is, it goes at a speed, but you know that the fields attract each other, so it is like the orbit is changing and you have to correct it and reposition it. And this is what Yázhi explained that the Arcturians are doing.
Estel·la.- A follower asks: “Girls, does the Moon redirect to Earth frequencies sent from Saturn?” That we don’t know. The only thing the Moon does is create these frequencies projected to the Earth, but as Yázhi explained to us, it is the Earth itself that gives the energy so that this hologram can be projected on top of it. But it's not like it has to pick up any other frequency from Saturn or anything like that. Remember that planet Earth is the only planet with the Van Allen belts.
Cristina.- A follower says: “Conclusion, our scientists are in diapers, and others are liars for omitting the truth. Thank you Yázhi for teaching us about the truth of the entire Universe.” Yes it is true that our science is in its infancy, but I really believe that we have many researchers, and many very good astronomers, and that they have really discovered many things, but not only this but in all fields, but they are not allowed to advance. So I do not know if it is that science is in diapers or if it really is not but that they keep it that way.
Estel·la.- The problem is censorship. There are always people who are interested in going much further than what is presented to us. But the problem is that they don't let it get to the people. All official studios are controlled by the Vatican and all large observatories by the Jesuits. So, of course, there are people who do other studies, try to represent other points of view, but as always it is annulled or is disqualified so that it cannot reach people. A follower asks: “Could the Moon be used to raise the level of planetary vibration?” Yes. Just as it is now being used to keep it lower, I think the opposite effect could be done. If it projected higher frequencies then it would influence us the same, and it could help a little to raise the Planetary Frequency.
Cristina.- A follower says: “On YouTube there are videos showing waves from the hologram.” Yes. A follower asks: “Girls, do you know how high the Van Allen belts are and if you don't know, could you ask Anéeka? Thanks.” I think you can find this on the Robert and Gosia channels.
Estel·la.- If I am not mistaken, as a reference, it is that since it is confused with the magnetosphere, I would say that it is at the same height. What I don’t know is to say how much that is.
Cristina.- A follower says: “Thank you for such fantastic information. Thanks to our star sisters. Greetings from Ecuador.” Thank you very much for your support. A follower says: “Those of us who are awake will one day be able to see the true metallic face of the Moon?”Let's hope so. I think it's something that all of us who are still here would like very much. One day we get up and the hologram is gone. More than anything to help people question something, even if only for that.
Estel·la.- I think we're going to say goodbye. Tell you once again that we have a channel on Telegram: Pleiadian Knowledge Telegram, which we have opened and there we always notify of all the direct new videos that we upload, whatever. Also, you will find the link in the description of this direct below you will see the link to the Telegram channel. See you soon
This information is given by women and men from the star Taygeta, in the cluster of the Pleyades. They are different conversations kept live in writing over the internet and reorganized by theme. We keep their original text without any modification. They can be found in video format on YouTube, on the Pleiadian Knowledge channel of Cristina Álvarez and Estel·la Fernández. Start date of the contact: 12th June 2020
Estel·la: Hello everyone, welcome to Pleiadian Knowledge, I am Estel·la. In this video we are going to talk about the symbolism used or stolen by the Illuminati, that surrounds us everywhere, and many times, we do not know its meaning or what they are actually referring to. We are going to focus on 3 today: the illuminati eye, the cube, and the elongated skulls. So, let’s start.
The illuminati eye, is very present in our society, infiltrated everywhere, as we have treated more deeply in other videos: as in the dollar bill, in the film industry, music, on celebrities who end up being part of the mind control and manipulation of the masses: whether they are activists, actors, musicians, even politicians, the pope and a great etcetera.
This eye is also referred to as the all-seeing eye, and many researchers cite that it is a way of reminding the population that they are being watched and controlled. Sometimes it is also used for the same purpose the eye of Horus, why?
According to our mythology, Horus was the son of Osiris, a mythical god and king of Ancient Egypt. According to Egyptian mythology, he was the inventor of agriculture and religion. His condition was as funerary god and judge of souls. However, his association with the Nile floods and, therefore, as the god of fertility, gained prominence, thus increasing his popularity among the Nile population. Osiris was killed by his own brother Seth. Horus faced Seth, to avenge his father. In the course of these struggles Horus lost his eye. But, thanks to the intervention of Thoth, the god of wisdom, the eye of Horus was replaced by the Udyat, so that the god could regain his sight. This eye was special and had magical qualities. First time used as a magical amulet when Horus used it to bring Osiris back to life.
It enjoyed great popularity in Ancient Egypt, being considered one of the most powerful amulets: it enhanced sight, protected and remedied eye diseases, counteracted the effects of the "evil eye" and, in addition, protected the deceased. As a talisman it symbolizes health, prosperity, the indestructibility of the body and the ability to be reborn.
We also found that each of the 6 pieces that make up the eye of Horus represent a sense and a fraction:
In addition to being divided into fractions, it was also used to calculate and define the measurements of its pigments and medicine.
Estel·la: But as we already know, most of the information or just all of it that gets to us is manipulated, depending on the interests they have. So now we are going to see and compare it with the information given to us about this topic, by Yázhi Swaruú.
Osiris was not human, he was Taygetean. Osiris, means something like where it resides or where it is or where the eye sits. Concerning Horus. From where comes the symbol of the Eye of Horus, kidnapped by the Illuminati, it’s not theirs. The Illuminati, the Cabal, and therefore the foundations of modern terrestrial civilization, are all born in Egypt. Everything is based in Egypt, but for their reasons of control, the Cabal hides and denies everything, when they themselves know it and use it.
As with anyone, Osiris has taken several names throughout history, most of them lost. Known as the giver of agriculture, it goes back to the presence of those mysterious bags present in the Anunnaki, the Babylonian Sumerians, Giants of Tula in the New World, among other places such as Tihuanaco Peru.
The one who gave agriculture, the one who taught how to use the floodwaters of the Nile, the fertile lands of its banks. When the waters dropped in level, and the inhabitants of the Earth began to settle, the influence of the Federation began with the construction of a star base around where there was already a previous one, destroyed by the cataclysm: Giza and its Dumbs.
This is where Giza with its pyramids as an energy source, began as an interstellar base for the region. And its non-human population, full of technology and advanced knowledge, began to be taken as gods. And from this point are born what are called the Egyptian mythologies: Osiris, Isis / Ishtar, Horus/Seth... among others. Regional names for non-human beings. Present on Earth with the idea of guiding the population out of the lunar 3D, raising consciences, being the forerunners of sowing new advanced cultures, both in ethics and technology. And from this point is born what will later be considered pre-dynastic Egypt.
Horus it’s not that it had a hawk head, but had properties of a hawk, because it knew how to fly.
Even this, the Eye of Horus is a low-orbiting ship. Looks and sees from the sky. The spiral line is its trajectory and indicates that it came through a portal. At front, the tear going down is a sceptre to hold it, with the hand, it indicates who has that ability. The eyebrow is like a wave, it indicates that comes from the "waters above", space.
And with this I comment to you, I myself from below here I see that point, because I realize every time the Taygeteans ship passes above me. And I know they are watching me. They watch me from the sky. Eye in the sky.
The Taygetean ship has a "boom" or a long, thick antenna in front, with many sensors of all kinds. Among them they have cameras, some with lenses of 2 meters in diameter. They can read a newspaper from above and more. That is the eye in the sky. And the concept is predynastic Egyptian, Federation. Since then, the aliens of whatever races are watching from the sky. They observe as a scientist observes an anthill. But the Illuminati, the Cabal kidnapped this, as a symbol of power over the human population. The symbol does not belong to them.
One of the most used symbols in our society is the cube, especially its black version. This symbolism can be found in all aspects of our society, from religion to culture.
In religion its use is well known in Muslim and Jewish traditions. The Kaaba of Mecca is one of the best-known representations of this cube, and it represents no less than the most important holy place in Islam.
In the case of the Jews, we speak of the Phylactery, also known as Tefillin.
We could even see how an unfolded cube is transformed into a cross, like the one used in Christianity.
In Christianity it is possible to find several references to the cube as in the famous passages of the Celestial Jerusalem (New Jerusalem) of the Book of Revelation.
We can see the black cube in places like the prayer room of the United Nations.
In the 9/11 Memorial we also have a representation of a cube, or rather the absence of it, as it is like the missing piece to fill the cubic hole that seems to pay a kind of homage to the 9/11 attack.
We can see the cube in a sculpture of the Satanic temple in the city of Belle Plain in Minnesota, with an inverted pentagram and an upsidedown hat.
Likewise, we can find this type of cubes in many cities around the world, as in New York itself, with sculptures of this form on the street. Satanic cube next to the Rockefeller's Chase Manhattan Bank.
Of course, in the cinema and in music, we can find several references to this object, with different colours and shapes at times. Clear examples can be found in films such as 2001 A Space Odyssey, Cube, Transformers, Hellraiser and many others.
In paintings, or art cataloged as surreal: like in this piece by Bridget Bate Tichenor or the satanic Gloria Vanderbilt and her pieces of “art”.
Even on Saturn . As a cult to the black sun. Saturn has six rings, NASA takes pictures of Saturn forming a 6-sided hexagonal cloud at its north pole. We already know that all public NASA images are nothing more than Photoshop.
There are many of the music performances where this symbolism is found, in Beyoncé Formation world tour, in the video clip of Eminem: Rap God , in the song of Hostage by Billi Eilish .
In sports, for example, it would be interesting to analyze boxing. Boxing originated in Egypt and was systematized to animalize people in the British England Corporation. It is practiced in a cube, with degrees and references to the Masons.
Adoration of the negatives to the number 666 . Since 666 is the base of the cube. That is to say, worship to portals. Something that is neither good nor bad, turned into adoration and worship, for the portals on Saturn, mainly.
Estel·la: As you already know, the regressive races, or in this case reptilians, used the portals on Saturn a lot to get to here and out, for traffic with the Lyrian races and other goods until the Federation controlled the traffic and closed electromagnetically the planet.
Estel·la: Another aspect that we would like to comment on would be that of these curious customs or outfits that remind us of the skulls that have been found in different parts of the world, which are characterized by being more elongated. It could be seen for example in the Catholic Church, or in Egypt.
It is known that there are more than two hundred elongated head skulls discovered in excavations in different parts of the world, although it is also true that little research is carried out in relation to the number of appearances. Archaeologists only say that they are products of artificial cranial deformation, that it was to differentiate people from their social status and it was something cultural, and there are some that may be showing evidence of these practices, but in fact, there are also many examples that are not. In addition, these skulls generally have greater cranial capacity, something that a simple deformation does not produce.
The ones that we can perhaps say are best known are those of Paracas, Peru, and has already been shown that its DNA does not fit with ours. But they have also been found in Mexico, in China, also where as a curiosity they have this divinity Shou Lao of longevity, with the characteristic of the elongated head.
In Egypt many kings of the first dynasties are also represented like this.
It has been called as the Man of Boskop, a series of fossils found in southern Africa, that are thought to correspond to a species related to us but which has some differences, such as a skull that could have been 30% larger than the ours. The first findings of the Man of Boskop were performed in 1913.
Estel·la: In fact, it is something said a lot here, that we are dominated by this race called Homo Capensis, since there is evidence that shows that they were more technologically and intellectually advanced, with humans being their cattle or slaves.
For example, I don't know if you heard about Karen Hudes, she graduated from Yale Law School and worked in the legal department of the World Bank for 20 years as Senior Legal Counsel. During all that time, she gained enough information to form a global vision of how the elite rules the world. She was dismissed from her position, due to the complaints she made about the corruption that exists within the World Bank.
And she says: “The global financial elite is using a hermetic core of financial institutions and mega-corporations that dominate the planet. The goal is to control and enslave humanity through debt, they want all of our governments enslaved to debt, and they want all of our politicians addicted to the gigantic financial contributions that they channel in their electoral campaigns. Since the elite also own all the major media outlets, these media will never reveal the secret that there is something fundamentally wrong with the way the system works. "
But she goes further in her denunciations by adding that: “This financial elite is in turn controlled by another non-human species, called Homo Capensis. This is another species that inhabits the planet, it is not human and has governed us since before the Ice Age. This race is not extra-terrestrial, but another different species, with a high technological development, with a high IQ, lacking in creative and emotional capacity."
“They are very different from Homo Sapiens. Their DNA is so different that if the two species mated, their offspring would be sterile, and we know this because their DNA has been checked. There are skulls on Earth everywhere, because they have been among us, but after the Ice Age, there were not many of them left, so they have been hiding, and one of the places that have been hiding is in The Vatican. That is why the Vatican is wearing those mitres. It turns out that it is also what the high priests used in early Judaism... Not only is Homo Capensis trying to keep human beings under the rule control of divide and conquer, using our money system, but they have also been doing this with our religions, organized religions, trying to get human beings to hate people of different religious beliefs in a way that they annihilate each other, so they could stay on the back of manipulating human beings, what can I say? Using us as cattle. That is what has been happening throughout our history. "
Estel·la: Now I'm going to leave you with a fragment of the documentary “Above Magestic: the implication of a secret space program.” I found it very interesting, and you will see how they explain to us, how and where their genetics have been maintained throughout our society. (Documentary fragment ...)
Now let's see what Yázhi Swaruú told us about this.
They are cataloged as Homo Capensis , and are mostly known on Earth as Elohi (Not Elohim). They come from Asterope mainly. They are a hybrid mix with a conglomerate of other races. On Earth as such, they are not genetically compatible, although contradicting this last with DNA altered surely by the degradation process to the exposure to a lower frequency of the 3D, there are indications that some families of the so-called human elite have DNA of Homo Capensis.
This is partly why they believe they own the world since their genetic "bloodline" goes as far back as Sumeria. And there are two main points or populations of Homo Capensis on Earth, the Peru concentration and the Egypt concentration. But they are the same species. Although they are found in other places, such as in the Carpathian Mountains.
If you want to see evidence of extra-terrestrials, is the presence of Homo Capensis on Earth, since it has been proven that the skulls were not enlarged by splinting skulls of babies. If this happened in the region, it was to make their children look like these beings. And also, unborn fetuses were found already with the elongated skull. Although the blind Earth science does not accept anything that does not interest or suit its controllers.
Estel·la: This is everything we have for now referring to this topic, we hope it has been of your interest, thank you as always for being here and listening, and see you in the next videos.
Rothschild family.
Swaruu and Yazhi - Their Differences - PART 2 - Extraterrestrial Contact (Taygeta - Pleiades)
Gosia: How do you see differences in their worldview, Swaruu 9 and Yázhi?
Anéeka: Well, besides the obvious, Swaruu 9 was an adult woman, and Swaruu 12 is a child with an expanded mind. Star Child. Swaruu of Erra (Swaruu 9) was always in a constant fight against evil, also striving with all her might to be spiritual and etherical. And Yázhi Swaruu Tasherit 12 (Swaruu 12) looks like she transmutes or/and assimilates evil, and is very spiritual and etherical, with no effort at all. Even making more than one person here feel like she was not really “here” among us, more like a fairy or an apparition.
Swaruu 12´s presence is very strong, like what I describe as a Gravity Well, everything converges on her and everything seems to have something to do with her.
Swaruu 9 took rejection in general very personally, always wanting to be loved, being very much a people pleaser person. She took at heart all kinds of online troll attacks and bad criticism. All this added up to her stress causing high blood pressure that physically explains the series of bad strokes she had in her internal organs that ultimately led to her death.
Swaruu 12, Yázhi, on the other hand, does not care about this at all. She just says whatever she needs to say and clearly does not care a bit what others think or say, so she is immune to all things trolls. Whenever she is tired, she sleeps, and sometimes may not go online for days, just to come back for several hours at her whim!
About the differences in their worldview, this is a long topic, but I think the most important difference in worldview is that Swaruu 9 was a fighter, always wanting to confront evil and wrong doers directly with a sword, armor and on a shining horse at full gallop, like the cavalry!
Swaruu 12 says and behaves as if thought and mind power where always the answer and the means to resolve all conflict, no matter how bad it is. Swaruu 9's weapons were a sword and a fighter starship. Swaruu 12´s weapons are her brain, mind and cuteness.
Gosia: Well, Swaruu 9 wasn´t all for the direct combat though, she also stated she was fighting affecting the human consciousness. It was important for her. She did spend 2 years with us giving topics on consciousness, she wasn´t in combat anymore. So, she was changing already, I think.
Anéeka: Yes, I think she was in the process, but I also think she had an internal fight going on there. Very much as in “be nice to your neighbors, but carry a big stick behind your back” attitude. She also said that when the time is right and you have no other choice, then you must fight with weapons.
While Yázhi moves with an aura of invulnerability. Needing no big stick. She also tends to cross solid walls, and to appear older at will. The how exactly she does this is difficult to precise or to understand. But she insists that it all comes from one ability and one only, to be able to control and fragment her perception of time at will, using nothing but the mind.
Swaruu 9 was very like physical, always in effort to be more etherical, even with her extreme diets that neglected the body. This little one is not doing any effort to be spiritual or to be anything, she just is, and at the same time she looks like she has achieved and even surpassed what Swaruu wanted or was seeking. She doesn’t behave or look physical sometimes. Some people here, like Alahi or Eridania has stated that it feels as if Yázhi was a little fairy.
But I must stress that Swaruu 9 and Swaruu 12 are definitely NOT the same person. And all those theories, like the one of the Federation holding Swaruu a prisoner, or a hostage are unfounded. And good luck even trying to catch or contain Yázhi. They can’t! That’s why she likes the Road Runner so much, she sees herself in that bird. Fast, agile and uncatchable! With a complete invulnerability aura around the little girl. I think that if there is one word that defines Yázhi´s personality is: Invulnerability.
Yázhi: Swaruu 9 was nothing other than an 8th loop of Swarupapriyananda (Swaruu 2), with the exact same background and childhood. Just living 8 different repeated life cycles, different only as the result of consciously taking different decisions.
About my age, there is a problem here and it is the constant time slip we are all in, especially when you space travel and time jump. This is also reflected in the fact that people calculate that when I, Yázhi, arrived, I was 9 years old, and in 2020 I had to be 10 years old and in 2021 logically I would be 11 years old. But the fact is that I’m still 9 years old in my body development. This is because I’m following my own linear timeline and not being affected by an external collective one. Not like I’m not growing. I’m not growing as fast as people would expect me to grow, people on Earth and Taygetans here as well. I grow at my own pace and I set it, and I didn’t even notice I was setting a different growth pace. I calculate I’m doing like 5 to 6 years per one year of Earth.
As I’ve explained before, time is relative to who experiences it. And only is perceived somewhat similar if two or more people have a perceptual agreement. And those perceptual temporal agreements, on how long things take, linear time on Earth, are indoctrinated into the minds of children at a very young age, and humans use time keeping machines, clocks and watches, as a metronome is to music, to keep the entire orchestra moving in unison.
Gosia: Before you go into your differences, why did you choose the name Yázhi? Where did it come from?
Yázhi: Yázhi means “little” as written in Navajo language as it is very similar to Taygetan, only linear and possible to write with human letters.
Gosia: I remember it started with Chiqui Swaruu.
Yázhi: Yes, Chiqui Swaruu. The little one. Hence “Yázhi”. But my name Yázhi evolved once I was already here with you.
The most obvious differences: Swaruu 9’s body: 19 years old. 150cm tall. 42kg. Adult fully formed female.
Swaruu 12’s body: 9 years old. 139 cm tall. Child body female.
Swaruu 9: Minimalist eater, full vegan.
Swaruu 12: Omnivorous, carnivore (artificially grown tissue). Eats until her belly shines!
And I go fast for long periods of time as well, but then I eat well.
About the artificially grown tissue, I do not recommend terrestrial artificial meat.
Also, I do recognize that brains work better on Ketones, that is burning fat during a fast, not working as well on glucose, so for many people fasting does facilitate or promote spiritual experiences and channeling.
Sleeping habits: Swaruu 9: Short 4-to-6-hour sleep cycles, then as many as 40+ hours awake. Full sleep with REM.
Swaruu 12: Multiple, short, 2-to-4-hour sleep cycles plus long 8h + sleeping times, not defined by time of the day or night. Lucid-conscious dreaming all the time she is asleep, and full astral travel at will during sleeping time and also fully awake.
Meditation: Swaruu 9: Meditation times, once or twice a day, traditional.
Swaruu 12: Meditation at will, consciousness mostly in meditation, if not always, at deep trance at will and without losing awareness.
Most issues as in past trauma resolved in Swaruu 12.
Gosia: Ok, let´s talk about the differences in your worldviews. As how you see certain concepts, expands on how Swaruu 9 saw them.
Yázhi: I don’t know if I remember everything about what Swaruu 9 said about densities, but as far as I remember she used to say that the Earth is contained in a 3D bubble, and that everything outside the Van Allen belts is 5D. Being that 5D is the primordial or base density, average for the Universe. And she stated that it could be measured in Hz and as vibration of matter. Being that 4D is like an astral to 3D, meaning a copy of the world, streets and all, but in the so called “spirit world”. And that 6D could be as a reference the 5D astral equivalent, as 4D is for 3D. That’s Swaruu 9.
Yázhi; I state that a density is a state of mind, a personal perception, and a density is only a reflection or a personal concept or capacity, or range of understanding of one or another particular person or point of attention.
I state that there are no densities as such. Or that there are as many as there are points of attention. Being that the range of understanding of that particular point of attention is also what defines a soul. And it is directly tied to its thought forms and its range of memory-understanding.
I state that the concept of densities as in numbers and all what defines them are human concepts, and are the reflection of a heavily fragmented brain that is programmed to try to understand an illusory outside world breaking it up in smaller more manageable parts.
And stating that a density is the equivalent to the perception capacity-discernment of a soul, or point of attention of Source, I also explain that when two or more people share the same density, it is only another illusion based on perception agreements, and will never ever be the same density for them all, only coinciding mostly on the major points they themselves have placed there, all having a personal variation of what they call density.
Also understanding that in this case a density equals a reality, a world.
Swaruu 9 stated that densities were one thing and they are not to be confused with dimensions.
Yázhi states that densities are based on perception and understanding of the observer, therefore I say that a density is directly linked to the perception and understanding of dimensions as well. The higher a density the more dimensions can be perceived and understood.
Gosia: However, you would still state that astral entities, etc., stay in something called 4D? Or where if there are no D’s?
Yázhi: I only mention them, or like that, to have a common ground for an example. Basically, everything that exists is there, you can’t see it perhaps but it’s there, and that is due to your mental evolution, not because you are not somewhere as in effect there is no time and there is no space, so everything is now and everything is here. Principle of non locality found in higher dimensional understanding.
Gosia: Ok. Quick question: What did the machines on the moon 12,500 years back were to do then? If it was not to “lower the density” to 3D? What was their purpose?
Yázhi: They produced an etheric field like a force field around Earth, and that limits all interaction with the outside. This alone would limit the perceptual capacity of all the inhabitants of Earth… therefore lowering their perceptions and density of living with them as well. Ergo: 3D. Limiting the perceptual capacity of the inhabitants of Earth due to extreme isolation.
This is also why the Prime Directive is so heavily enforced on Earth. Because they don’t get outside information, leaving the controllers of Earth total control over what reality means and its limits, this also imposing a new paradigm and reality model on to the population of Earth, what we call the Matrix, as in a false limited reality completely controlled artificially, and this automatically leads to the self limiting of DNA in the inhabitants, therefore suppressing higher cerebral functions like telepathy.
This means that the Matrix is not controlled by a frequency or by generators, those only limited outside information accentuating the validity of what the controllers imposed on the human population as “reality”, possible and not possible. Real and false.
So, as I stated before, all the reality there on Earth is based on one thing alone: propaganda for mind control. And that is how you create a density, a new artificially controlled reality. Everything there is based on mind control.
Gosia: Understood. Now… briefly state differences between Swaruu´s not being able to change collective timeline by jumping versus your belief that, YES YOU CAN.
Yázhi: Copy. Swaruu stated that whenever you time jumped in your ship to change an unwanted event, going back to prevent it from happening again, what really happened was an illusion because the Sand Clock pilot that traveled back in time and managed to change the said event only opens a new timeline of her own where such an event to be prevented no longer took place, but in her place of origin she would have changed nothing, because what caused her to travel back in time was the negative event in itself, therefore it will never stop to exist. All you do as a Sand Clock pilot is change your perception of the line of events altering only your timeline and not the one of others.
So, it is never possible to change those past events, only to jump personally to another timeline you created as soon as you went back in time and re-lived that past event with full understanding and memory of what would happen next. As soon as there is an observer, the timeline is switched and changed. So, you never can achieve tactical or strategic time alterations. So it ends up being only an illusion for the time jumper her, or himself. Therefore, rendering the whole concept of tactical and strategic time jumping completely useless.
Now my belief: As stated above about densities, being that there is one density per point of attention consciousness-soul-person, it also means that there is one timeline for each person or soul. And again, timelines that are perceived as same are only similar due to agreements between two or more people or souls.
But a soul is not an isolated object in itself, it is more like the result of multiple points of attention blending into one, creating a soul. This meaning many souls with a so called “lower understanding” (therefore, density), are forming a larger one.
Source is total oneness, the absolute, the all included. And the illusion of a soul is that it is limited as in not Source, separated. But as I understand this, a soul could also be defined by the range from where-to-where Source-oneness remembers what is perceived as separate events.
So, a group of souls with a lower range of understanding sums up in a collective unconscious or set of collective agreements about perception and reality, will combine to form a larger soul with more understanding. As if they were cells in a body, and that is exactly as cells in a body work, being them the primordial elements of consciousness and biology that form a human body and other bodies as well.
So, a group of souls create through agreements a larger more complex one that in turn will form another set of agreements with other perceived souls at the same level to form an even more complex and advanced soul.
This is empirically experienced by beings of what many people would call “of a higher density” for lack of better terms to make myself understood, where the being realizes that it is indeed the sum of the consciousnesses of its friends below it holds dear to it, because love is a drive for integration.
So, from the point of existing of a being in a higher density, it is the result of the sum of the people in contact, and in the same collective unconsciousness as it perceives. The being is all the other beings forming it, like or as if it had assimilated them all.
And from that point of understanding, everything this being experiences, including time jumping and alteration will affect the people-souls-points of attention included in the collective unconscious that formed it in the first place. And all time looping and temporal manipulation does not only affect one being, it affects a collective of beings, and with this you can alter from that point of view a collective timeline and not only the one of the time jumpers.
But we can also understand changing a collective timeline as the perceptual manipulation of the people forming a collective unconscious, so whatever you do that affects a collective perception will alter their collective timeline.
And this is what the Cabal is doing, for example, when it alters as it always has, the collective of people-souls living on Earth, changing collectively the rules and the terms of what is or is not possible, therefore affecting a collective timeline depending on what information they are being fed with.
So then again, you can change a collective timeline using mind control alone. Because everything is spawn from the mind any way. You make many minds think the same, you change a collective timeline.
(Sorry. I never explained this before in writing, fist time ever, so it may be possible to improve, don’t know!!).
Gosia: Why didn´t Swaruu 9 realize this?
Yázhi: She did not! She saw altering collective consciousness as mind control but separated it from time jumping. I see it as one and the same because change the collective perception enough and you also time jump, as time is nothing but perception based on agreements and on information.
This information is given by women and men from the star Taygeta, in the cluster of the Pleyades. They are different conversations kept live in writing over the internet and reorganized by theme. We keep their original text without any modification. They can be found in video format on YouTube, on the Pleiadian Knowledge channel of Cristina Álvarez and Estel·la Fernández. Start date of the contact: 12th June 2020
Cristina: How is the concept of pets in Taygeta? How is it different from the concept of a pet here?
Anéeka of Temmer: On Earth, although it depends on each person, the pet is seen as a subject, something that must obey the master, as an object, something that can be tied up in the yard or kept on the roof and they forget that it exists if it weren’t because they bark. This is just generalizing.
In Taygeta a pet is a member of the family, like the others, it is just not of the same species, but we do not see it differently. It has needs different from yours and you are in control, it is not that you are superior, but it falls as your responsibility to solve their life. Even more if you have it in captivity.
Maybe that's why cats are so popular in Taygeta, because of their mentality. It is your friend, your family, and at the same time they remain wild, not entirely domesticated. It is said a lot everywhere that it even seems we were the ones domesticated by them. It is that many times it seems that we are "to serve them". Like the cat concert of demands when they ask for food every day.
Cristina: I understand Anéeka. Is that here there are like two types of pets, this concept that you say and then the other that is more like taking advantage of the animal, like having a bird in a cage, a fish in a fish tank, just so that the person is distracted and It is funny to have it there but not for the benefit of the animal.
Anéeka of Temmer: Yes, in Taygeta it is more like a symbiosis. There are no dogs in itself, because they are human, a terrestrial invention. But in wooded areas in Erra for example, it is common for a Fox or Wolf to end up interested in approaching a family, especially if he is alone or if he was found injured and the family helped him. And he remains a member of the family.
Estel.la: How do you get a pet in Taygeta?
Anéeka of Temmer: They run in families. They are not obtained anywhere, they are adopted when it is seen that they need a home. It also depends on the pet itself because there are animals that adopt you without you wanting to. Cats do that, also Mogh'yay, and even Foxes. I guess it starts out of interest in food, but then it's because they feel safer around you.
Estel·la: So it would be for example if cats have puppies or so?
Anéeka of Temmer: Yes, like that.
Information by SWARUU OF ERRA
The Mogh’yay
• Bird species, hatches from an egg. • Size of a domestic cat. • 4 clawed legs for climbing trees. • Covered in feathers all over. • On the body the feathers are dense and short, and long behind the elbow and knees, of green color. • Long, multi-colored feathers on the tail and head. It makes it look huge. • It has no beak, but hard lips. Two rows of teeth. • The male is larger than the female and has more colorful feathers.
Mogh’yay behavior. • Likes to live close to people. • Are climbers and live in trees. Does not fly. • Their main food is fruit, nuts and fish. • Snuggle up like a cat, especially around the neck. • We walk them like dogs, but they have short legs and get tired and end up carrying them. • They can be very noisy, especially in nature. • They shout in the trees at sunrise and sunset. • They can be invasive to crops. • They get along well with cats and ferrets, if they don't get close to their babies. • They live mainly in Temmer, since they are tropical birds.
Estel·la: Do you also have birth control on the Mogh'yay?
Anéeka of Temmer: The Mogh'yay are extremely prolific, more than the cats. The problem of the Mogh'yay is that they attack people's food, be it in vegetable crops and even in the kitchen. And since they reproduce very quickly, they can cause great losses and consequently put a family or even a group or town in food trouble. They are also controlled with the use of sounds that they have found scare them away, at least for some time before they become immune. Also with fences around the vegetable areas.
Estel·la: Wow, it looks like they can be a problem.
Anéeka of Temmer: Yes, and more because they move in large herds, they are gregarious.
Cristina: What animals are the ones that one can have or are more frequent to have as pets in Taygeta?
Anéeka of Temmer:
1.- Domestic cats 2.- Ferrets, Otters and Weasels 3.- Mogh’yay 4.- Canines 5.- Big cats More than anything those.
Cristina: Big cats? Like lions?
Anéeka of Temmer: Yes, but more commonly: panther, leopard, wildcat, lynx. Although Wolf or Fox is much more common. And domestic cat as the first place, since they are everywhere.
• 7 cats on board. They adapt well to the life on a ship.
Estel·la: And do you control their reproduction?
• Through hormones. • Drops with flavor that they like. Twice a month calculated, to all cats. • You don't need castration here, and unlike on Earth, they tend to regenerate completely. If you castrate an animal, in a few months they have grown again.
Estel·la: And does it make them sterile or just not to have the desire to procreate?
• Both effects.
Estel·la: How interesting, and doesn't it affect their character?
• Yes, it makes them more docile, if we didn't give them that, they would spend all the time fighting, and it already happens. They are happier like this, calmer. But it is the same species of domestic cat that you have there. It is no different, a cat is a cat.
Estel·la: What do you feed them?
• They have their own special food. • It is protein-based cat food made for them in tissue cultures like those of the Urmah.
Cristina: And do you have the same breeds of cats? Or is it a single race, the ones you have?
• There are other breeds of cat, but the one that is here with us in the ship, that is to say the one that is customary to have in ships, is the same one that you have there. They are not originally from Earth, they are of Lyrian origin, from the planet Avyon, not Lyra, that is, they are mini Urmahs.
Cristina: Persian race too? Or is this human "invention"?
• No, that's a human invention. Like dogs as such, there are canids here but wild, like the wolf, coyote, fox, etc.
Cristina: Thank you Anéeka, it is that the Persians have many problems and diseases and I was very much in line with what you said about the weakness of the species, if you try to manipulate the breed, as with dogs.
• Yes, I understand that they can't even breathe. What we do have is a feline breed that looks a lot like the Siamese, but it is not the same, it is invested in colors. But they will have something to do with each other, because they continue to have that difficult character that characterizes them.
Cristina: I imagine that on your planets there are no abandoned animals or anything like that.
• No, it just doesn't happen. Like an error somewhere possibly, but it is not heard.
Cristina: What other animals do you have on the ship?
• 3 otters, 5 ferrets and 14 Mogh’yays. • They are in the two green areas of the ship.
Cristina: A park on the ship, like a forest?
• It is an area designed for vegetable plantations to eat, to increase the autonomy of the ship, but since there are only 30 of us here, we do not need it, so it is a free area on board. The small forest is in the green area with the otter pond.
SUZY-CLASS SHIP – TAYGETEAN SHIP In this video Yázhi Swarúu, a young alien explains to us what her SUZY-class ship is like. How it looks from the outside, what it has inside and what its engines are like. Also at the end Anéeka of Temmer, an extraterrestrial woman from the star Taygeta in the Pleiades, gives us some more information about this class of ships of her race. "This information is provided by extraterrestrial persons, women and men from the Taygeta star in the Pleiades cluster, through a written contact with us." T
Suzy is a Suzy-class fighter-type spaceship. The first of a series of three ships like this one built. Suzy, this one, has the registration TP T-155. Angelic babe, translation, has TPT-156. And Horus TPE-157. Rashell has TPY-156 and Dhor Káal’el has TPE-157.
TPT-stands for Taygeta Pleiades Temmer, translated, of course. As a place of registration. TPE-stands for Taygeta Pleiades Erra and number.
Suzy's size is that of about a medium flat or apartment. Strangely since it is long and not very wide. The ship is 93 meters long in total, but inside the living space is much smaller. They are two whole floors one on top of the other. The one below is just engineering and maintenance.
Then there is the main one. Above only access to systems that are overhead as one of the poles of artificial gravity generators. But the latter is not a whole floor, you can only enter there on all fours to repair something. Also, there are the air ducts and all that.
The helm is electric blue. On the sides of the ship, the emblem of flight, already well known. That it did not leave Taygeta, but was adopted since the ship arrived here on Earth. The creator of that emblem is human.
The ship is shaped like what we call SCI-FI. It is long, with wide back fins. Cabin in front and engines behind. Very similar to this image, but without those things that they put on the tips of the wings. That is, same basic shape, but with oval-shaped wing tips. In this image the plasma motors are very similar in shape.
On the disc-shaped ships, say that Taygeta does not use large discs for the shape of larger ships. Discoidal ships exist, but they are kind of supportive. They are like automobiles. They are basic, very small, like a class 2 discoidal Taygetean ship also known as a light transporter. It depends on a larger one like an airplane depends on an aircraft carrier. Even today these ships are used as support for minor things, but they almost never enter the Earth's atmosphere because they can be vulnerable to attack. Only well-equipped hunting ships enter, or those of the Hashmallim, also within the Toleka.
What happens is that the disk shape helps to evenly disperse the electromagnetic energy produced by the motors. But in a ship of great power in the engines the form is irrelevant. So it is given the forms that are most convenient in terms of design and functionality. If everything was a disc it would be boring.
Returning to Suzy, as I was saying, the ship is very big outside, but inside it is not so big since the useful space to live is much smaller. Walking into the ship directly in front and from the outside, you will see a wide metal ramp about the size of a car and it has been used for that. You go up the ramp and on each side there are hydraulic pistons that raise and lower it. Some pieces of technology are simple and work well. You don't need to implement more complex things that tend to fail. So you go up the ramp completely and you are in the loading area which is the entrance. Towards the back you have the interior space of a garage for 2 cars one behind the other, but one and a half times wider. With fasteners on the floor for vehicles or equipment. On the sides you have containers as drawers with their lids. They are rectangular for cargo of whatever and have orange elastic nets bordering the entire wall similar to what you would see on a cargo plane. Everything to hold things, equipment and cargo in general.
Either verbally or by pressing a button with an up arrow and a down arrow present there or in the form of a thought instruction you go up the ramp with a metallic sound followed by latch and seal sounds. Once here, if you walk in front of the ship you pass through a narrow corridor about 5 meters long with transparent walls on each side that cover hundreds of indicator lights and is the access point to the computer or central brain of the ship. Then, you come to a door that slides sideways. It works with compressed air with its characteristic sound, where you enter the command bridge or cabin.
Inside it is shaped like a half moon. That is, a half moon back with the access door to the front with metallic gray walls. It has 7 black seats with black headboards with the ship's emblem embossed on them. The seats have copper-colored stitching. There are three seats in the back followed by 2 in front, then a step and two more forward, pilot and co-pilot. From the step the floor is transparent with the rest of the front.
There are two consoles there in front of the last two seats and in front of them there are two joysticks similar to this image.
And on the sides of the seats that, also slide forward and backward at will with everything and consoles, are two joysticks that rise from the ground. Very basic, but similar to this image.
As I was saying, the cockpit is totally transparent up front, up and down. Although outside it is not appreciated the same since the outside hull does not delimit the cabin as it is seen inside. It doesn't have glass or anything like that. It's the same helm metal made from polymorphic titanium that is transparent, too. And it has the same resistance as the rest of the ship's hull. As controls, holograms jump around you that you can change the size and position of at will like screens in front, especially. And they give you navigation data and physical deposition of the ship as an artificial horizon, height, linear speed, rate of climb and data of the engines.
Leaving the bridge behind, we walk through the pneumatic door, down the corridor arriving again at the cargo area with another door that I did not mention since it is usually always open. We walk to the bottom of the cargo area around the ramp if it is low or walking on it if it is up. Where we enter through another pneumatic door to a long corridor with pneumatic doors on each side. The second door to my right, walking backwards, is my bedroom.We open the door that slides to the left and enter my bedroom.
To my right is a long closet with some of my clothes, with aluminum colored doors. They are manual, they slide by hand to the sides. In front of that closet or wardrobe there is another door, it is the entrance to the bathroom. We go in there. On the left is a gate and inside a shower over a bathtub that can be filled with water. To the right is a long mirrored dresser, with drawers below. In the background is what would be the equivalent of a toilet. On the dressing table with the mirror there is a machine that mixes colors and shades of makeup. You can create or reproduce the tones you want there and of course a special dryer that automatically achieves some hairstyles for you. I personally never use it.
Leaving the bathroom to the left is the bedroom itself. Left-hand with your back toward the front door is a special table with 7 computer screens and a black chair with copper-colored stitching with the ship's emblem at the head again. Behind me is a long black armchair, too. In the wall that separates the bathroom from the bedroom there are more doors with access to places to store things and clothes. Opposite this wall, that is to say, to my left, is the bed built into the window with controls to control everything that happens in the ship around the bed. (Which are) on the bed in the very window frame which is long and hexagonal in shape. The window has a black metal shutter that closes and opens automatically. It has no curtains. Behind me and over where the couch is, more container places for things. There is not much space to decorate. Leaving my room there are six other doors that will lead to another 6 bedrooms, a total of seven like the front seats. That is, there are four tiny bedrooms with their bathroom that are on the starboard side, right side. And 2 equally small bedrooms on the port side. That is, left side. With a third, among them, twice the size of the captain's chamber, which is mine. 7 in total. The last two rear chambers contain the equivalent of electrical capacitors and equipment that I installed in the ship to increase its power, part of the engines that boost them. Leaving this hall is the eat-in kitchen. In the center and blocking the way is a round table with screens above that surround it and controls in the center. This entire area is white. Looking back to the left is the stove and 3 ovens and a work table where food is made by hand. It can be done automatically, but I don't like it. To your right are the cabinets and refrigerators. If you walk back past yet another pneumatic door, there is another hallway with transparent smoke-colored walls with electrical controls for everything.
On the ground there is another door that will lead to the engineering area of the helm. Another whole floor below the current one, but full of devices and cables, pipes and all that. Then, walking backwards, you reach another compartment in the same way as the kitchen. On the walls you will find equipment in its drawers or containers. 7 whole spacesuits in vertical containers hung there with transparent lids. In the center is the receiver of the tractor beam where things or people to move arrive or from where they start. The apparatus itself is white with silver. It is like a 2.6m diameter sphere and is located on the floor just below this point marked on the floor with a wheel and a solid grid. Also in the tractor beam room next to the spacesuits are first aid medical supplies complete with a med pod on each side. That is, a total of 2. They are horizontal. White with glass dome-like cylinders half white half transparent.
And if we walk through another door we go through another corridor with containers of spare parts from the ship. And passing another door, we enter the engineering area. All white, down to the floor, only with aluminum colored edges. At the bottom there are two consoles with holograms above with technical data for each of the reactors. There are two, side by side. They are independent zero point reactors. Merkaba quartz base in zero gravity and never need to be recharged. On either side, two corridors surrounding the reactors on each side. In each one, access to reactor maintenance and cooling systems. Also, they go down to the engineering floor that runs the entire length of the ship below the main floor or deck that I describe now. We pass two doors, especially strong and thick extreme pressure bulkheads, then we enter an engine control room. The back of the engines. Again control consoles on both sides with hologram indicators and traditional displays. They are two huge white cylinders. The back of each engine protrudes into the room and disappears into the back wall. Pressure bulkhead. This area is full of ordered cables and container pipes of all kinds. And in this area, only the magnetic axes of the two motors can be maintained. That's the two white cylinders. Huge, about 5 meters long by 1 and a half meters wide more or less.
Down on the engineering deck other points on the engines can be accessed. Regarding the motors, these are magnetic turbines with an individual power of 2.5-tev potentiated to 3.5-tev of power. Combined 5-tev to 7-tev magnetic power output in the form of high pressure plasma. TEV equals trillion electron volts.
They are two counter-rotating electromagnetic plasma turbines fed by two zero point reactors based on floating quartz glass. Also, down on the engineering deck area or floor, there are gravity cancellation generators at strategic points of the hull and artificial gravity systems by magnetic specific frequency flux. These cancellers or gravity generators act as control surfaces like ailerons and rudders for a conventional airplane.
I've already described the ship inside as well as possible. Only details would be missing such as that the lighting comes from lights on the floor, on the edges of the walls and on the edges of the ceiling. The lights are ivy shaped where all the leaves are the ones that illuminate the interior and the tone of the lighting or interior color varies according to what you want.